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Improving young learners’ retention of english vocabulary through multiple intelligences approach

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES - - HOÀNG THỊ THU HỒNG IMPROVING YOUNG LEARNERS’ RETENTION OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY THROUGH MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES APPROACH (Cải thiện việc ghi nhớ từ vựng trẻ em thông qua thuyết đa trí tuệ) M.A MINOR THESIS (Type I) Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 8140231.01 Hanoi – 2019 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES - - HOÀNG THỊ THU HỒNG IMPROVING YOUNG LEARNERS’ RETENTION OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY THROUGH MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES APPROACH (Cải thiện việc ghi nhớ từ vựng trẻ em thơng qua thuyết đa trí tuệ) M.A MINOR THESIS (Type I) Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 8140231.01 Supervisor: Prof Hoàng Văn Vân Hanoi - 2019 DECLARATION I hereby certify that this thesis entitled “Improving young learners’ retention of English vocabulary through multiple intelligences approach” is entirely my own work I have provided fully documented references to others‟ work The material in this thesis has not been submitted for a degree in any other universities or institutions I also accept all the requirements of ULIS relating to the retention and use of M.A Graduation Thesis deposited in the library Hanoi, July 2019 Signature Hoang Thi Thu Hong i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis would not be fulfilled without the help of some people, and in some ways, I would like to thank everyone who has taught me, inspired me, and supported me throughout the realization of this thesis I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards my supervisor, Prof Dr Hoàng Văn Vân, for his whole-hearted assistance, encouragement as well as his profound guidance he gave me while I was implementing my research He consistently allowed this paper to be my own work, but steered me in the right direction whenever he thought I needed it I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all lecturers in Faculty of Post-graduate Studies, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi for their interesting lectures which have inspired me to conduct this thesis I would also like to express my thanks to the teachers of English in my working place for their willingness to participate in the research Without their passionate participation and input, the validation survey could not have been successfully conducted Last but not least, I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents and to my boyfriend for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study and through the process of researching and writing this thesis This accomplishment would not have been possible without them Thank you Hanoi, July 2019 Signature Hoang Thi Thu Hong ii ABSTRACT This study is conducted with the purpose to find out the effects of using activities based on Multiple Intelligence Theory in helping young learners to improve their retention of English vocabulary It is both a quantitative study and a qualitative study In the study, the class was divided into three main groups of students according to their levels All of the groups were pre-tested at the beginning of the study by using a vocabulary test and doing the survey to classify dominant bits of intelligence Throughout the learning process in class for two months, the teacher observed and prepared the learning and teaching activities accordingly All students in the class were post-tested at the end of the intervention For the detailed outcome, the data was collected and analyzed carefully The results of the study suggest that Multiple Intelligence Theory based activities have a significant effect on the retention of young learners‟ English vocabulary iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CLL Community Language Learning CLT Communicative Language Teaching I.Q Intelligence Quotient T Teacher TPR Total Physical Response Ss Students iv LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Figure 2.3 - Learners‟ characteristics according to aged group .15 Figure 3.2 - Action Research Model (Source: Susman, 1983) 24 Figure 4.1 - Intelligences of students 35 Figure 4.1a - Descriptive statistics of pre-test scores of average students 38 Figure 4.1b - Descriptive statistics of post-test scores of average students 38 Figure 4.1c - Frequency of pre-test scores of average students 38 Figure 4.2a - Descriptive statistics of pre-test scores of pretty good students 40 Figure 4.2b - Descriptive statistics of pre-test scores of pretty good students 40 Figure 4.2c - Frequency of pre-test scores of pretty Good students 41 Figure 4.2d - Frequency of pre-test scores of pretty good students 41 Figure 4.3a - Descriptive statistics of pre-test scores of good students 42 Figure 4.3b - Descriptive statistics of post-test scores of good students 42 Figure 4.3c - Frequency of pre-test scores of good students 42 Figure 4.4a - Descriptive statistics of pre-test and post-test scores 43 Figure 4.4b - Frequency of pre-test scores 44 Figure 4.4c - Frequency of post-test scores .45 v TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iv LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES v CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Statement of the Problem and Rationale for the Study 1.2 Aims of the Study 1.3 Scope of the Study 1.4 Methodology of the study 1.5 Significance of the Study 1.6 Design of the Thesis 1.7 Summary CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Vocabulary retention and techniques to improve students‟ vocabulary retention 2.2 Multiple Intelligence Theory and the role of Multiple Intelligence Theory in supporting students‟ achievement 2.3 The appropriateness of Multiple Intelligence Theory to young learners‟ characteristics 15 2.4 The review of previous studies on the effectiveness of MI theory for enhancement of learners‟ vocabulary retention 19 2.5 Summary 21 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 22 3.1 Setting 22 3.2 Research Design 23 3.3 Participants 28 3.4 Data Collection 29 vi 3.5 Data Collection Instruments 31 3.6 Data Analysis Method 33 3.7 Summary 34 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 35 4.1 Findings .35 4.1.1 Activities based on Multiple Intelligence Approach contribute positively to young learners‟ scores 36 4.1.2 Activities based on Multiple Intelligence Theory help young learners improve their retention of English vocabulary 46 4.2 Discussion 50 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 52 5.1 Summary of the Findings and Discussion 52 5.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Studies 53 5.3 Conclusion 54 REFERENCES 55 APPENDICES I vii pictures Listen and read - T asks Sts to describe what they see in the picture Elicit words like train, festival T asks question to elicit details of Finn‟s holiday (How did Finn travel? Where did he go? What can you see at the festival?) T tells children they are going to read and hear Finn‟s letter about his holiday T ask Ss to listen and follow the recording T plays the recording again, pauses at regular intervals and asks reading comprehension questions (When were they going? Why did they miss their station? What did they see? Was it a good start to their holiday?) Underline these words in the text Guess their meanings and then check them in the Workbook Dictionary Read again and write T or F - Consolidation Checking vocabulary - T and Sts play “guessing word game” + T writes words from the vocabulary set with only the first two letters and the number of missing letters e.g: ho_ _ _ (hotel) , un_ _ _ _ l , jo_ _ _ _ _ , f_ _ l as_ _ _ _ , wh_ _ _ _ _, dis_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , fi_ _ _ _ _ _ _, f_ _ _ _ - Whole class Linguistic intelligence Musical intelligence Linguistic intelligence T asks Sts to read the list and find and underline the new words in the text T encourages Sts to guess their meanings by looking at the surrounding text T writes the new words on the board (unusual, fall asleep, journey, hotel, disappointed, fireworks, fair) Sts can look up the words in the Dictionary in the Workbook to check - Linguistic intelligence whether their guesses were correct and find meanings for any words they (reading, don‟t know writing) T asks Sts to look at the text and explains the meaning of the words in context Ask Ss to read the sentences silently - Mathematic intelligence Look at the example and explain that they have to write True or False (logical T checks answers with the whole class thinking) F - T – 3.F – F V Individuals Whole class Individuals Individuals Whole class Whole class Individuals - - Linguistic intelligence (game word) Home-link Composing - T asks Sts to look at the words that they have played with - T writes a sentence using some words to talk about the story about Finn‟s holiday - T asks Sts to rewrite what happened in Finn‟s holiday (about sentences.) - T calls two volunteer sts to share her/ his writing - T asks Sts to open the book and check theirs They need to rewrite at home Review words learnt at class Rewrite Finn‟s holiday story Prepare for the new lesson VI Linguistic intelligence (writing) Individuals ENGLISH LESSON PLAN - FAMILY AND FRIENDS Unit Something new to watch Lesson Words I II III IV Aims - Students (Ss) can identify words for audio-visual equipment - Students can understand a short story Language focus - Core: cartoon, radio camcorder, the news, documentary, channel, advert, remote control, TV programme, mobile phone Resources - Teacher (T): Text book, lesson plan, board, projector, CD, flashcards 71-80 and 81-90 - Students: Text book, notebook Procedure Types of Steps Learning activities Modes Intelligences 1 Homework-checking Warm up Intelligences Awakening - Visual - T checks the previous lesson through flashcards intelligence + T raises flashcards randomly, and Sts speak out the words Whole class (pictures) + T calls randomly one student to say the definition of the word (choose words) - Linguistic + T lets Sts play the guessing word game (choose randomly words and call intelligence students use body language to express) (word game) Lead in new lesson - T takes out the model of a TV, and asks Sts “What you see? How often - Bodily you watch TV? What you often watch? kinesthetic + Sts answer the question intelligence + T notes down what Sts answer - T takes out a hidden box (with the model of a radio, a camcorder, remote - Bodily control, mobile phone) intelligence - T raises up all the items and puts on the table (touching, - T tells Ss they are going to learn some new words for talking about audioacting) VII visual entertainment Listen, point and repeat Listen and Read Words - T asks Sts to open Ss‟ books p 68 - T asks Sts to look at the pictures in the book and ask “How many pictures can you see in your textbook? What you see?” - Sts speak out which words that they‟ve known - T plays the recording and asks Sts to listen and point to picture while they‟re listening to the recording - T plays the recording second time and Sts repeats Words Cartoon, radio, camcorder, the news, documentary, channel, advert remote control, TV programme, mobile phone - T calls randomly some Students to stand up and speak out the words - T uses flashcards about audio-visual entertainment and Sts play a short game with flashcards - T asks some questions about some of the flashcards (When you switch on the TV? What can you see, what you use to listen to music and news? What you use to make films? ) Story - T asks Sts to open the book p.68 again and look at the story - T and Sts talk about each frame of the story (T asks: What are they doing? What is Leo watching? What does Mum give them?) - T plays a video clip, and Sts watch, listen and follow - T plays the audio, Sts follow their story in the book - T asks Sts to read silently the whole story individually in minutes VIII Visual intelligence (pictures) Whole class Musical intelligence Visual intelligence (pictures) Musical intelligence (listening) Intrapersonal intelligence (individual work) Linguistic intelligence Whole class Consolidation Comprehension checking - Sts play the lucky number game (there are questions related to the story: Why are the children arguing? What did Leo want to watch? What did Max want to do? What is the DVD of?) - Sts answered questions and try to remember as much detail as possible The volunteer student with the correct answer will get the small present Role-play - T calls Ss (as Max, Mum, Holly, Amy, Leo) randomly to a role-play using the book - T divides class into small groups of members Each group will a roleplay in minutes - T calls volunteer group to be on stage to perform the story Composing - T releases words that Sts have learnt (cartoon, documentary, remote control, channel, the news) - T writes some sentences on the board “Yesterday, we watched some different TV programmes My mum…… My sister… My dad… and I… ” - T asks Sts to use mentioned words to complete the story in minutes - After minutes, T calls the volunteer student to read out their writing Further practice Workbook: Unit 9, lesson (p 64) Home-link - Review words learnt at class Prepare for the new lesson (reading and telling a story) - Bodily Individuals intelligence (role-play) Linguistic intelligence (writing a story) - Individuals Individuals Individuals IX ENGLISH LESSON PLAN - FAMILY AND FRIENDS Unit Something new to watch Lesson Skills time! I II III IV Aims - Students (Ss) can read and understand a TV guide - Students can identify words and their meanings in a text Language focus - Core: steal, doughnut, villain, get into trouble, kick-off, stadium, play a trick on, giant - Extra: dream, golden, brave, clever, naughty, escape, plan, world cup, skillful Resources - Teacher (T): Text book, lesson plan, board, projector, CD - Students: Text book, notebook Procedure Steps Learning activities Warm up - Sing “how often……” from lesson to warm up Lead-in - T shows a picture of four TV categories in a table on the board: Film, Cartoon, Sport, Documentary T asks Sts what their favorite TV programs are and writes some programs in the table T makes a vote with the whole class to find what are the most popular TV programs - Which TV programme would you like to watch? Why? - - T points to the TV guide in Exercise T encourages Sts to look at the pictures and the titles of the programmes T asks question about the film and different TV programmes And find out who in class likes sports and who likes cartoons T encourages Sts to choose what they would like to watch and then explain why X Type of intelligence Musical intelligence Visual intelligence (pictures) Linguistic Intelligence Bodily intelligence Visual intelligence (pictures) Linguistic intelligence (reading) Modes Whole class Whole class Whole class Listen and read Underline these words in the text Guess their meanings and then check them in the Workbook Dictionary T takes a class vote to see which is the most popular programme T tell Sts that they are going to read and hear a description of these TV programmes - T plays the recording once all the way through as Sts follow the text in their books - T asks Sts what the programmes are about - T gives Sts a list of questions and gives them minutes to answer some simple questions to check comprehensions (Quick quizzes Questions: Channel 1:What does Gru want to be??Why does Gru adopt three little girls? Channel 2:What is Bart like? What is Lisa like? What is Homer like? Channel 3: What are the teams in the sport game? When is kick-off? Channel 4: What are The Galapagos Islands? - T checks answer with class - T asks Ss to read the list and find and underline the new words in the text - T encourages Ss to work in group of and guess their meanings by looking at the surrounding text - T writes down some new words on the board Words: steal, doughnut, villain, get into trouble, kick-off, stadium, play a trick on, giant - T checks the meanings of the words through the “word chain” game + T asks Sts to stand up + T points randomly to a student He/ she says a sentence using the word that teacher raises + the game keeps going with different turns until each student has at least a chance it speak out their sentence - Bodily intelligence - Musical intelligence Individuals - XI Whole class - Mathematic intelligence (puzzle) Individuals - Interpersonal intelligence (group work) Whole class - Linguistic intelligence (word gme) Read again and match Consolidation Home-link T asks Ss to read the sentences silently Sts look at the example and T explains that they match the sentences with the pictures - Sts the exercise individually - T checks the answers with the class - T writes on the board “Yesterday, we watches a … ” - T asks Sts to use the words in the lesson to write about what they watched (they need to use all the words in Ex 3) Words: steal, doughnut, villain, get into trouble, kick-off, stadium, play a trick on, giant - T calls two Sts to write their writing on the board - T checks Sts‟ writing - Review words learnt at class - Workbook (p.67) - Prepare for the new lesson - XII Intrapersonal intelligence Individuals Whole class Linguistic intelligence (writing) Intrapersonal intelligence Individuals ENGLISH LESSON PLAN - FAMILY AND FRIENDS Unit 10 I’ve printed my homework Lesson Words I II III IV Aims - Students (Ss) can identify words for talking about computers - Students can understand a short story Language focus - Core: printer, screen, mouse, log on, speakers, click on, save a document, memory stick, search the Internet Resources - Teacher (T): Text book, lesson plan, board, projector, CD, flashcards 81-90 and 91-99 - Students: Text book, notebook Procedure Types of Steps Learning activities Intelligences Homework-checking Intelligences Awakening - Sts join in the “words guessing game - Bodily + T divides class into groups of Sts (1 group can be Sts) intelligence + T writes letters on the board (word SAGIRDTLMVQHYNBCEOPUW guessing) + T asks Sts to use letters to write the meaningful words about audio visual - Interpersonal entertainment in minutes (group work) Warm + T asks Sts to exchange their work and check together up (Answer: radio, news, documentary, advert, TV, mobile phone) + The winner of the game is the team that has the most correct answers Lead in new lesson - T shows the picture of a computer and ask “what is this?” - Visual intelligence - Sts answer: It‟s a computer - T asks “What activities can you with a computer?” - Linguistic (Answer: search the Internet, listen to music,…) intelligence - T tells Sts that they are going to learn some new words talking about XIII Modes Whole class computers Words - T asks Sts to open Ss‟ books p 80 - T asks Sts to look at the pictures in the book and ask “What you see?” - Sts can speak out what they‟ve known - T plays the recording and asks Sts to listen and point to picture while they‟re listening to the recording - T plays the recording second time and Sts repeats Words: Printer, Screen, Mouse, Log on, Speakers, Click on, Save a document, Memory stick, Search the Internet - T calls individuals to stand up and speak out the words Listen, point - T holds up the flashcards in a different order - T asks some questions about some of the flashcards (Where can you here the and repeat sounds? What part of a computer you look at? The action that you often before turn off the document ) - T uses flashcards about computers to play game “Whispering” + All the Sts stand up + T divides class into teams + T calls students from each team to see the flashcard She/ He need to whisper the word that she/he saw to friend and take turn until the end + If the last student can speak out the same answer with the flashcard, Sts will get the points Listen and Read - - Musical intelligence - Visual intelligence - Bodily intelligence - Linguistic intelligence - Interpersonal intelligence Whole class Individuals Story - T asks Sts to open the book p.80 again and look at the story - T and Sts talk about each frame of the story (T asks: What are Holly and Mai showing Mum? Is the room tidy? Why are Holly and Max tired?) - T plays a video clip, and Sts watch, listen and follow XIV Visual intelligence (pictures) Musical Whole class T plays the audio, Sts follow their story in the book T asks Sts to read silently the whole story individually in minutes Comprehension checking - Sts play the game “open the hidden box game” + T prepares small boxes There are questions related to the story in four boxes Each box contains the question of each frame: What have Holly and Max finished doing? What does Mum ask them to do? Who has tidied the cupboards? Do Max and Holly want to play now?) - Sts open the number of the box randomly answered questions and try to remember as much detail as possible The volunteer students with the correct answers will get the small present Role-play - T calls 53 Ss (as Max, Mum, Holly) randomly to a role-play using the book - T divides class into small groups of members Each group will a roleplay in minutes - T calls volunteer group to be on stage to perform the story T/ F game - T asks Sts to close all the books - T delivers each student a paper with sides: one side is True, the other side is False - T reads out sentences about the story If Sts think the sentence, they will raise the side True/ False (Sentences: They‟ve made a mess in the room Max has put the books into alphabetical order The children are too tired to play now Mum asks them to turn off the TV Composing - T sticks a picture to the board - T asks Sts how they use the computer intelligence (listening) - Consolidation XV Intrapersonal intelligence (individual work) - Logical intelligence (quizzes) - Linguistic intelligence (reading and telling a story) - Bodily intelligence (role-playing) - - Mathematic intelligence (quizzes) Individuals Further practice Home-link T writes down “I often use the computer to… First, … Second,… Last……” on the board T gives Sts minutes to complete the story T calls randomly students to check their writing Workbook: Unit 10, lesson (p 74) - Review words learnt at class Prepare for the new lesson Linguistic intelligence (writing) Individuals Individuals XVI ENGLISH LESSON PLAN - FAMILY AND FRIENDS Unit 10 I’ve printed my homework! Lesson Skills time! I II III IV Aims - Students (Ss) can read and understand online instructions on how to send an email - Students can identify words and their meanings in a text - Students can match sentences and pictures Language focus - Core: type the address, subject, keyboard, spell checker, attach a photo, a website, send a message - Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously - Extra: message, bowling, look forward to, afterwards Resources - Teacher (T): Text book, lesson plan, board, projector, CD - Students: Text book, notebook Procedure Steps Type of Learning activities intelligence - Sing I‟ve really tried - Musical Warm up intelligence Lead-in - Look at the - T asks Sts who know what an email is T writes words on the board: email, Internet T asks Sts to guess what is the word that email and Internet relate to Answer: Computers T asks Sts “who likes sending emails?” T writes some of their email addresses on the board and compare them T shows the pictures of an email on the board and declare the lesson today is about “sending emails” T asks Sts to open the book p 84 T asks Sts to point to the email screen in exercise XVII Modes Whole class Linguistic Intelligence Visual intelligence Visual intelligence Whole class Whole class email What’s it about? - Listen and read T asks who these letters are from (Lucy, Kate) (T explains the first email is from Kate, and this is the lower one When Lucy‟s relied, her email appeared above Lucy‟s.) T asks Sts to read silently to see what the emails are about T calls randomly two Sts to read out the email to the class Everyone follows Tell Ss that they are going to read and hear a description of an email and an email exchange between two friends (Lucy and Kate) - T plays the recording once all the way through as children follow the text in their books - T asks Sts to listen carefully - T plays the recording again, pausing at regular intervals Ask children what the texts are about - T and Sts join in the game “Ringing the golden bell? + The game contains some comprehension questions about the reading + T gives each student a piece of paper + Sts listen to the question and write the answer down the paper in 10 seconds + After ten seconds, Sts raise their papers and T will go around to check the answer + Each student has the correct answer will get point + After the game, T will collect all the paper and mark individually What you use a mouse for? What you use a keyboard for? How you check your spelling? What can you attach to an email? What is Kate‟s email about? What‟s Lucy‟s reply to her? (picture) Linguistic intelligence (reading) Intrapersonal intelligence (silently reading) Individuals - XVIII Musical intelligence (listening) Linguistic intelligence (reading) Bodily intelligence (Competitive game) Whole class Individuals Underline these words in the text Guess their meanings and then check them in the Workbook Dictionary Read again and match Consolidation Home-link - T asks Ss to read the list and find and underline the new words in the text T encourages Ss to work in group of and guess their meanings by looking at the surrounding text T writes down some new words on the board Words: type the address, subject, keyboard, spell checker, attach a photo, a website, send a message - T asks Sts what are the meanings of the word in context - T asks Ss to read the sentences silently - Sts look at the example and T explains that they match the sentences with the pictures - Sts the exercise individually - T checks the answers with the class Review words - T takes out phrases pieces of paper (new words from exercise 2) Words: type the address, subject, keyboard, spell checker, attach a photo a website, send a message - T explains that these are stages of wring an email but they are in wrong order - T asks Sts to reorder the words in the correct order of writing an email - T calls one student to go to the board and order the phrases - T checks the answer with whole class - T calls one person to be on stage to present how to write an email through stages - Review words learnt at class - Workbook (p.71) - Prepare for the new lesson XIX - Linguistic intelligence Individuals Group work Interpersonal intelligence (Group work) Intrapersonal intelligence Whole class Individuals Whole class - Linguistic intelligence (writing, reading) - Linguistic intelligence (presenting) - Interpersonal intelligence Individuals ... effectiveness of MI theory for enhancement of learners’ vocabulary retention In terms of retention of foreign vocabulary, a myriad of research has been conducted based on Multiple Intelligences Approach. .. UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST – GRADUATE STUDIES - - HOÀNG THỊ THU HỒNG IMPROVING YOUNG LEARNERS’ RETENTION OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY THROUGH MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES. .. DECLARATION I hereby certify that this thesis entitled ? ?Improving young learners’ retention of English vocabulary through multiple intelligences approach? ?? is entirely my own work I have provided fully

Ngày đăng: 16/02/2020, 14:46



