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The current state of Hai Phong maritime economy during the period from 2010 to present

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This paper analyzes the situation of maritime economic development in Hai Phong from 2010 to present in terms of ocean freight, seaport services, fisheries and aquaculture, sea tourism. The paper gives general assessments of achievements and constraints, thus finds out some solutions to develop maritime economy in Hai Phong in the coming time.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 THE CURRENT STATE OF HAI PHONG MARITIME ECONOMY DURING THE PERIOD FROM 2010 TO PRESENT QUACH THI HA Faculty of Political Theory, Vietnam Maritime University Abstract This paper analyzes the situation of maritime economic development in Hai Phong from 2010 to present in terms of ocean freight, seaport services, fisheries and aquaculture, sea tourism The paper gives general assessments of achievements and constraints, thus finds out some solutions to develop maritime economy in Hai Phong in the coming time Keywords: Maritime economics, maritime economic situation in Hai Phong, solution Tóm tắt Bài viết phân tích thực trạng phát triển kinh tế biển Hải Phòng từ năm 2010 đến góc độ: vận tải hàng hóa đường biển, dịch vụ cảng biển, đánh bắt nuôi trồng chế biến thủy sản, du lịch biển Bài báo đưa đánh giá chung thành tựu hạn chế, từ nêu số giải pháp nhằm phát triển kinh tế biển Hải Phòng thời gian tới Từ khóa: Kinh tế biển, thực trạng kinh tế biển Hải Phòng, giải pháp Introduction Maritime economy is one of the strengths of Hai Phong city The study of maritime economic situation in Hai Phong has great significance for the economic development of the city as well as the country The maritime economic situation in Hai Phong from 2010 to present 2.1 Current situation of cargo transport by sea Carriage of goods by sea plays an important role in the circulation of goods in Hai Phong, which is the main force in exporting goods to markets in the world (accounting for about 90% of goods) Table Volume of goods transported and circulated in Hai Phong in the period of 2010 - 2016 Volume of freight Volume of goods flow (thousand tons) (thousand tons.km) Year Division Division Total Total Road Sea Road Sea 2010 72,187.3 40,336.4 25,066.6 65,512.4 2,825.3 61,695.0 2012 92,046.6 62,449.7 23,063.9 65,400.3 6,369.9 57,786.9 2013 100,818.6 69,557.5 24,439.8 69,965.3 7,173.7 61,495.5 2014 110,184.5 76,306.4 26,671.1 71,582.1 8,412.3 61,764.5 2015 120,618.3 83,222.6 29,986.3 72,071.8 8,770.4 61,831.2 2016 133,228.0 95,495.0 31,095.7 74,117.9 10,543.5 62,162.2 Annual growth and decrease rate (%) 2010 118.33 117.60 129.66 119.67 101.58 120.90 2012 109.79 115.85 114.65 93.01 85.05 93.90 2013 109.53 111.38 105.90 106.98 112.62 106.40 2014 109.29 109.70 109.13 102.31 117.26 100.40 2015 109.47 109.06 112.43 100.68 104.26 100.10 2016 110.30 114.40 103.70 102.30 122.70 100.50 Source: Haiphong Statistical Yearbook 2015, 2016 [2,3] It can be seen that the volume of cargo transported by sea has increased steadily over the years In 2010, the volume of goods transported reached 25,066.6 thousand tons (up 129.66% over 2009), in 2012 reached 23,063.9 thousand tons (up 114.65% compared to 2011), in 2015 reached Journal of Marine Science and Technology No 53 - January 2018 91 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 29,986.3 tons, up by 112.43% over 2014 Revenue in 2017 reached 31,095.7 thousand tons The volume of goods transported by sea is relatively stable: in 2010, it reached 61,695 tons, with 61,764.5 thousand tons.km in 2014, by 2015 it reached 61,831.2 thousand ton.km Besides, 2017 still reached 62,162.3 thousand tons Although the volume of cargo transported by sea in terms of the proportion of total transport volume in the area is not high, but with the advantages of long-distance cargo, the volume of cargo by sea transport accounted for a very high proportion (over 80%): 82.70% in 2010, 86.4% in 2014, 85.8% in 2015 This affirms the superiority of shipping and shipping by sea compared to other modes of transport, confirming the advantages of the port city 2.2 Current port service status In 2010, cargo through Hai Phong port reached 37.9 million tons; in 2011 was 44.8 million tons By the end of 2015, the number of commodities throughput reached over 68.2 million tons During the period of 2010 - 2015, output of goods through the port grows an average of 12.72% per year Port revenue has increased steadily, from 2,340.7 billion VND in 2010 to 4,705.2 billion VND in 2015 In 2016, cargo throughput increased to more than 78 million tons and revenue reached 4,577.8 billions (VND) Table Revenue and output through the port area in Hai Phong for the period 2010 - 2017 Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Revenue Billion VND 2,340.7 3,031.9 3,644.7 3,588.1 3,991.7 4,705.2 4,577.8 4,621.5 Throughput Thousand tons 37,916.0 44,800.0 51,561.0 52,416 60,594.0 68,256.0 78,128.0 92,600.0 Source: Hai Phong Statistical Office [3,4] Through the port area of Hai Phong, the increase in output and revenue has confirmed that seaport service contributed significantly to the maritime economy development of Hai Phong city in particular and the maritime economy nationwide in general This sector has contributed to increase the city's total output, investment capital, create jobs and raise incomes for the city's population 2.3 Current status of fishing, aquacultured and aquatic products processing With a 125 - kilometer coastline and approximately 17,000 hectares of water surface, it is favorable for the development of maritime cage fish species, molluscs, sea cucumbers, abalone,etc Hai Phong city has an important position for maritime economic development Table Exploitation and aquaculture output of the fisheries section for the period 2010 - 2016 Number Production total (thousand tons) Exploitation Output (thousand tons) Value (billions VND) Aquaculture Output (thousand tons) Value (billions VND) 2010 90.7 45.0 1,281.8 45.7 1,626.7 2012 97.7 47.9 1,427.5 49.7 2,021.0 2013 100.5 49.9 1,375.9 50.6 1,989.5 2014 106.9 55.2 1,471.7 51.7 2,105.7 2015 115.8 68.8 1,934.3 47.0 1,839.5 2016 123.9 74.5 2,126.4 49.4 1,830.4 Source: Haiphong statistical yearbook 2015, 2016 [2,3] Total output of fisheries and aquaculture of the city is constantly increasing In 2010, the total output is 90.7, but by 2016, the total output is 123.9 thousand tons, increasing by 136.6% The value of mining output has been increasing continuously over the years If the value of exploited output in 2010 is 1,281.8 billion, by 2015 to 1,934.3 billion, in 2016 is 2,126.4 billion Aquaculture in the city has gradually become a commodity-producing industry, contributing to the economic transformation of agriculture Total area of aquaculture in Hai Phong city in 2010 is 13,486 hectares by 2015 reduced to 12,046 hectares Aquaculture production in 2010 is 45.7 thousand tons, by 2015, reaching 51.7 thousand tons but by 2015 it will fall to 47.0 thousand tons, in 2016 increase to 49.4 thousand tons This is explained by the natural conditions for aquaculture in 2015 with many changes, harsh and negative impact on output, in 2016 has gradually recovered but not significantly However, the values 92 Journal of Marine Science and Technology No 53 - January 2018 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 of aquaculture production in 2015, 2016 respectively are 1,839.5 and 1,830.4 billion This raises the question of further raising the value of aquaculture in the city in the near future The output of processed seafood of most types of products decreased, because enterprises did not have enough raw materials for production There are fish sauce products of some companies: Cat Hai Seafood Processing Joint Stock Company, Quang Hai Co., Ltd, Nguyen Hoang Co., Ltd have grown due to abundant supply of raw materials and have consumer market This shows that the seafood processing enterprises in Hai Phong are facing many difficulties in consumption market as well as raw materials for production 2.4 The status of sea tourism Then it comes to the contribution of economic sectors to GDP of Hai Phong, we can not fail to mention the contribution of tourism Visitors to Hai Phong are mainly sea-goers Do Son and Cat Ba are two major tourist destinations attracting a large number of domestic and foreign tourists Table Number of tourists to the city in the period 2010 - 2016 Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Domestic visitor (passengers) 3,543,608 4,004,100 4,425,700 4,425,700 4,604,000 4,839,000 5,973,000 International Visitor (passengers) 590,700 313,400 581,100 581,100 682,000 696,700 734,000 Number of guest days booked by accommodation (days) 4,134,308 4,868,700 5,330,000 5,767,900 6,340,300 6,797,700 6,954,300 Revenue total (billions VND) 4,407.9 6,467.4 8,574.6 9,304.8 10,550.0 12,088.3 14,027.1 Source: Haiphong Statistical Year Book 2015, 2016 [2,3] The number of domestic visitors to Hai Phong increases annually In 2010, the number of visitors reached 3,543,608 by 2014 to 4,604,000 increased 154% (nearly 600,000 visitors per year) However, international visitors are relatively low and tend to be stable In 2010, it will reach 590,700 passengers, 682,000 by 2015 and 696,700 people by 2015 The number of tourists to the city in 2017 is estimated at 6.7 million passengers [4] In particular, the number of cruise tourists has decreased Along with reducing the trip, the number of visitors decreased and of course the revenue from this field also goes down Many large vessels bring thousands of tourists to the city because the port is not technically qualified to receive Passenger ships (mainly small and medium vessels) must be anchored at the container port, not convenient for car and passenger transportation as well as not active in the wharf This is one reason why shipping companies not visit Hai Phong Revenues from tourism grow well, with relatively high rates In 2010, it is estimated at VND 4,407.9 billion, it will reach VND 12,088.3 billion in 2015 and VND 14 trillion in 2016 (more than three times) The increase in the number and turnover of the whole tourism industry has shown the important position of tourism in the Hai Phong economy, especially in the coastal area, which shows us the sustainable development Hai Phong sea tourism is completely right and proper, should be conducted in a scientific way Overall assessment of maritime economy in Hai Phong during the period from 2010 to present Promoting the advantages and potential of the sea and islands, in the recent years, Haiphong has achieved the following milestones: Hai Phong continues to maintain the role and position of a "port city - gateway" of the North and the country Marine-coastal economy contributes about 30% of the city's total GDP Haiphong port is one of the most important ports in 536 seaports in Southeast Asia Port services continue to have new developments and become key economic sectors, accounting for a significant proportion of the city's economy Revenue from tourism, the number of visitors to the Hai Phong seasides also increased over 20% per year The fisheries sector continues to assert its position as the center of fisheries in the north However, with above achivements, Hai Phong maritime economy still has certain limitations: The environment of Hai Phong coastal area is having an alarm about pollution Without awareness of environmental protection, Hai Phong will lose the advantage of the sea Journal of Marine Science and Technology No 53 - January 2018 93 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 The planning has many inadequacies: port planning has not kept pace with the development of the seaport system in the world The planning of the city's fisheries sector has been implemented since 1999, after the postponement until now, has not yet been linked with the planning of other areas: land use planning, industrial development planning marketing Marine science and technology is weak, patchy and backward At present, there is no research institute on marine works and maritime economic development Seaport infrastructure and seaport development are not synchronous Old and outdated loading technology, the average productivity of 1m of jetty is low, about 4,000 tons/year (Ho Chi Minh City port with about 5,500 tons to 6,000 tons/m/year) [5] Streams are sedimented, ships are difficult to enter The traffic system in the port is not synchronous and often jams Infrastructure for aquaculture, tourism service has not met the demand of economic development of the city Regarding the synchronism between maritime policy and the Maritime Law, laws and policies of some branches and domains related to maritime shipping laws are inadequate; In the fishery sector, the quality of human resources is still limited, mainly in the general workforce, over 70% of whom are not trained [1] The level of human resources for tourism is weak, lack of experience, foreign languages Some basic solutions for maritime economic development in Hai Phong in the coming time - Raising awareness about the location and role of the sea, developing the maritime economy and actively protecting the marine environment; - Well performance about the development of the maritime economic sector; - Marine scientific and technological development; - Completing the system of maritime economic infrastructure; - Completing the system of legal documents and mechanisms and policies for maritime economic development; - Developing and enhancing quality of maritime economic human resources REFERENCES [1] Hai Phong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development/Hai Phong Fisheries Economic Development Plan for 2016-2025, orientation to 2030, Hai Phong, 2015 [2] The People's Committee of Hai Phong City, The performance report of socio-economic, defensesecurity tasks in 2017, Hai Phong, 2017 [3] Statistical Office of Haiphong City, Statistical Yearbook 2015, Statistics Publishing House, Hanoi, 2015 [4] Statistical Office of Haiphong City, Statistical Yearbook 2016, Statistics Publishing House, Hanoi, 2017 [5] http://thoibaotaichinhvietnam.vn/pages/kinh-doanh/2015-10-15/nang-hieu-qua-khai-thac-hethong-cang-bien-khu-vuc-hai-phong-25261.Asp Received: Revised: Accepted: 94 10 January 2018 24 January 2018 29 January 2018 Journal of Marine Science and Technology No 53 - January 2018 ... contribution of economic sectors to GDP of Hai Phong, we can not fail to mention the contribution of tourism Visitors to Hai Phong are mainly sea-goers Do Son and Cat Ba are two major tourist destinations... development Hai Phong sea tourism is completely right and proper, should be conducted in a scientific way Overall assessment of maritime economy in Hai Phong during the period from 2010 to present. .. orientation to 2030, Hai Phong, 2015 [2] The People's Committee of Hai Phong City, The performance report of socio-economic, defensesecurity tasks in 2017, Hai Phong, 2017 [3] Statistical Office of Haiphong

Ngày đăng: 04/02/2020, 13:11

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