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An EOQ model for time-dependent deteriorating items with alternating demand rates allowing shortages by considering time value of money

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The present paper deals with an economic order quantity (EOQ) model of an inventory problem with alternating demand rate: (i) For a certain period, the demand rate is a non linear function of the instantaneous inventory level. (ii) For the rest of the cycle, the demand rate is time dependent. The time at which demand rate changes, may be deterministic or uncertain.

Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 23 (2013) Number 2, 263-278 DOI: 10.2298/YJOR130120022K AN EOQ MODEL FOR TIME-DEPENDENT DETERIORATING ITEMS WITH ALTERNATING DEMAND RATES ALLOWING SHORTAGES BY CONSIDERING TIME VALUE OF MONEY Antara KUNDU Department of Applied Mathematics ,University of Calcutta,92 A.P.C Road, Calcutta700009, INDIA antarapalai@gmail.com Priya CHAKRABARTI Institute of Engineering and Management priyachakrabarti001@gmail.com Tripti CHAKRABARTI Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta,92 A.P.C Road, Calcutta700009,INDIA triptichakrabarti@gmail.com Received: February 2013 / Accepted: May 2013 Abstract: The present paper deals with an economic order quantity (EOQ) model of an inventory problem with alternating demand rate: (i) For a certain period, the demand rate is a non linear function of the instantaneous inventory level (ii) For the rest of the cycle, the demand rate is time dependent The time at which demand rate changes, may be deterministic or uncertain The deterioration rate of the item is time dependent The holding cost and shortage cost are taken as a linear function of time The total cost function per unit time is obtained Finally, the model is solved using a gradient based non-linear optimization technique (LINGO) and is illustrated by a numerical example Keywords: EOQ, Deterioration, Shortages, Two-component Demand МSC: 90B05 264 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model INTRODUCTION In recent years, there is a spate of interest in studying the inventory systems with an inventory-level-dependent demand rate It is observed that large quantities of consumer goods displayed in a supermarket generate higher demands The impact of shelf-space allocation on retail-product demand has been subject of investigation by many researchers like Levin et al.[11], Silver[18], and Silver and Peterson[19] An inventory model for stock-dependent consumption rate was discussed by Gupta and Vrat[7] However, their calculation of the average system cost was wrong Mandal and Phaujdar [12] suggested corrections to the average system cost in [7] Another model for deteriorating items with stock-dependent consumption rate was developed by Mandal and Phaujdar[13] The first rigorous attempt at developing an inventory level with a stock-dependent consumption rate was made by Baker and Urban[1] Their functional form for the demand rate is realistic and logical from practical as well as economic viewpoints Deterioration can not be avoided in business scenarios Rau et al[16] presented the economic ordering policies of deteriorating items in a supply chain management system Dye et al[6] developed an EOQ model for deteriorating items allowing shortages and backlogging An EOQ model for deteriorating items with time varying demand and shortages have been suggested by Chung et al[5] Skouri et al[21] discussed about EOQ for deteriorating items under delay in payments Ghare and Schrader[8] categorized the inventory deterioration into three types: direct spoilage, physical depletion and deterioration Direct spoilage refers to the unstable state of inventory items caused by breakage during transaction or by sudden accidental events For example quality and effectiveness of some medicines might be reduced in the event of non-functioning of refrigerator caused by sudden load shedding or absence of power supply for hours together Deterioration on the other hand, refers to the slow but gradual loss of qualitative properties of an item with the passage of time In fact no inventory item can avoid this kind of deterioration This is inevitable Wee[23] considered an inventory problem for deteriorating items with shortages Reddy et al.[17] considered stock-dependent demand rate in a periodic review inventory system Subbaiah et al[20] developed an inventory model with stock-dependent demand Teng et al.[22] discussed an EPQ model for deteriorating items where demand depends on stock and price Inventory model with stock-dependent demand is developed by Rao et al.[15] In practice the demand depend not only on stock but also on the types of customers Pal et al.[14] made an investigation on inventory system of two-component demand rate irrespective of shortages and price breaks Basu M and Sinha S[2] developed an ordering policy for deteriorating items with two component demand and price breaks allowing shortages Customers may be classified into two categories: (i) Those who are motivated by displayed stock level (DSL) They are floating (ii) Those who are not motivated by DSL So the two-component demand rate is more applicable in real life Shortages can not be avoided in practical situations Jamal et al.[9] presented an EOQ model that focused on deteriorating items with allowable shortages But they did not consider two-component demand which would make it more applicable in real situation A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model 265 Chakrabarti and Sen[3] developed an order inventory model with variable rate of deteriorating and alternating replenishing rates considering shortage Also Chakrabarti and Sen[4] presented an EOQ model for deteriorating items with quadratic time varying demand and shortages in all cycles An EOQ model for perishable item with stock and price dependent demand rate was developed by Khanra et al[10] The objective of the present paper is to determine the optimal order quantity with a deteriorating item by the rate of deterioration as a time function of the on hand inventory This model will run with time-dependent holding and shortage cost Here we have taken two-component demand At the beginning, the demand rate is directly related to the amount of inventory displayed on the board After a certain time, the demand changes to time-dependent The objective is to minimize the total average cost function of the inventory system over a long period of time A numerical example is discussed to illustrate the procedure of solving the model NOTATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS Throughout the paper the following notations and assumptions are used 2.1 Notations: • q (t ) Inventory level at any time t • S = q (0) Stock level at the beginning of each cycle after fulfilling backorders S0 = q (0) Stock level below which the demand rate is time dependent Q Stock level at the beginning + the amount of shortages • • • • • • T0 Time epoch at which the demand rate changes T1 Time until shortage begins T Length of the cycle time φ (t ) = θ t ;0 < θ < , is the time-proportional decay rate of the stock Since θ > 0, (dφ (t ) / dt ) = θ > Hence, the decay-rate increases with time at a rate θ K Constant ordering cost per order • • HC Holding cost per cycle where (h0 + h1t ) is the holding cost at time t of the on-hand inventory • DC Deterioration cost • SC Shortage cost where (c0 + c1t ) is the shortage cost at time t of the onhand inventory 2.2 Assumptions: • • • Item cost does not vary with order size Lead time (the time between placing an order for replenishment stock and its receipt) is assumed to be zero This is a parameter depending on the product as well as the source from which it is available Replenishments are instantaneous 266 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model • • Inventory system consists of only one item The time horizon of the inventory system is infinite Only a typical planning schedule of length T is considered and all remaining cycles are identical A time dependent function θt , (0 < θ < 1) of the on-hand inventory deteriorates per unit time and the deteriorated item is lost Shortages are allowed and fully backlogged Two component demand rate is considered here Demand rate is deterministic and is a known function of the instantaneous inventory level up to a certain interval of time and after that the demand rate is timedependent The demand rate D(t) is given by ⎧⎪α {q(t )}β , ≤ t ≤ T0 D(t ) = ⎨ ⎪⎩(a + bt ), T0 ≤ t ≤ T • • • • Where α and β are scale and shape parameters, respectively and a , b are positive constants • MATHEMATICAL MODEL AND ANALYSIS: The inventory system developed is depicted by the following figure: inventory Q S S0 T1 T0 T Q–S Figure The inventory level will be depleted at a rate of α {q (t )}β during the period [0,T ] where T will be determined by q(T0 ) = S0 , the corresponding value of S0 will also be determined During the period [T ,T ] the inventory level will be depleted at a rate of (a + bt ) The inventory falls to zero level at time t = T1 Shortages are then Time A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model 267 allowed for replenishment up to time t = T Therefore, for a deterioration rate θt , the instantaneous inventory level will satisfy the following differential equations dq1 (t ) + θ tq1 (t ) = −α {q1 (t )}β , ≤ t ≤ T0 dt (1) With the boundary conditions q1 (0) = S , q1 (T0 ) = S0 (1a) On the other hand, in the time interval (T0 , T1 ) , the system is affected by the combined effect of demand and deterioration Hence, the change in inventory level is governed by the following differential equation dq2 (t ) + θ tq2 (t ) = −(a + bt ), T0 ≤ t ≤ T1 dt (2) With the boundary conditions q2 (T0 ) = S0 , q2 (T1 ) = (2a) In the time interval (T1 , T ) , the system is affected by demand only Hence, the change in inventory level is governed by the following differential equation dq3 (t ) = −(a + bt ), T1 ≤ t ≤ T dt (3) with the boundary conditions q3 (T1 ) = 0, q3 (T ) = −(Q − S ) (3a) The solution of the differential equations (1) with the boundary condition (1a) is q1 (t ) = ( S p − α pt ) p [1 + θ 1 ( α pt − S p t )] ( S − α pt ) p (4) (neglecting θ and higher power) The boundary condition q1 (T0 ) = S0 gives p S0 = ( S − α pT0 ) [1 + p θ 1 ( α pT03 − S pT0 )] ( S − α pT0 ) p (4a) The solution of (2) with the help of the condition (2a) gives 1 1 1 q2 (t ) = ( S0 − at + aT0 − bt + bT0 ) + θ ( at + bt − aT0 t + aT03 − bt 2T0 2 1 + bT0 − S0 t + S0T0 ) 2 (5) 268 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model (neglecting θ and higher power) The condition q(T1 ) = gives 1 1 1 ( S0 − aT1 + aT0 − bT12 + bT0 ) = −θ ( aT13 + bT14 − aT0T12 + aT03 − bT12T0 2 1 + bT0 − S0T12 + S0T0 ) 2 (5a) The solution of (3) with the help of the condition (3a) gives b q3 (t ) = − a(t − T1 ) − (t − T12 ) (6) The condition (T ) = −(Q − S ) gives Q − S = a(T − T1 ) + b (T − T12 ) (6a) This is the relation between T1 and T The total variable cost comprises of the sum of the ordering cost, holding cost, deterioration cost minus backorder cost For the moment, the individual costs are now evaluated before they are grouped together K (1) Annual ordering cost= T (2) Annual holding cost T (HC)= T 1 [ ∫ (h0 + h1t )q1 (t )dt + ∫ (h0 + h1t )q2 (t )dt ] T T0 h = [ ( S 1+ p − Y T d1 1+ p p h αθ p T03 p 3T0 2Y )+ (− Y − α d2 1+ p p h θ S p T0 2Y p 2T0Y − − (− α d2 h αθ p T0 4Y p 4T03Y + − (− α d2 h θ S p T03Y P 3T0 2Y − − (− α d2 1+ p p 1+ p p 1+ p p 1+ p p 6T Y − d3 1+ p 6Y p S 1+ p − + ) d4 d4 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p TY p 2Y p S 1+ p Y p S 1+ p − + − + ) + h1 (− ) d3 d3 d1 d2 d2 12T0 2Y − d3 1+ p p 1+ p p 6T Y − d3 24T0Y − d4 1+ p p 1+ p 24Y p 24Y 1+ p − + ) d5 d5 1+ p 6Y p S 1+ p − + ) d4 d4 269 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model a b b a + h0 {− (T12 − T0 ) − (T13 − T03 ) + ( S0 + aT0 + T0 )(T1 − T0 )} + θ { (T14 − T0 ) 12 b a b a b S0 3 + (T1 − T0 ) − T0 (T1 − T0 ) − T0 (T1 − T0 ) + ( T0 + T0 + T0 )(T1 − T0 ) 40 12 2 S0 S aT bT a b − (T1 − T03 )} + h1{( + + )(T12 − T0 ) − (T13 − T03 ) − (T14 − T0 )} 2 a b a a b 4 +θ { (T1 − T0 ) + (T1 − T0 ) − T0 (T1 − T0 ) + T0 (T1 − T0 ) − T0 (T14 − T0 ) 15 48 12 16 S0 S0 2 b 2 + T0 (T1 − T0 ) − (T1 − T0 ) + T0 (T1 − T0 )}] 16 p where Y= ( S − α pT0 ) , p = − β , d1 = α (1 + p), d = α (1 + p), d3 = α (1 + p)(1 + p ), d = α (1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p), d5 = α (1 + p)(1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p ) (1) Annual shortage cost (SC) is given by T SC = [ (c0 + c1t )q3 (t )dt ] T T∫1 T2 T2 b T3 [c0 {−a ( − T1T + ) − ( − T12T + T13 )} T 2 3 T3 b T T 2T T12 +c1{−a ( − T1T + T13 ) − ( − + )}] 4 = (2) Annual cost of deterioration (DC) is given by DC = T0 T1 ⎤ 1⎡ ⎢ q (0) − { ∫ α (q (t )) β dt + ∫ (a + bt )dt ⎥ ] T ⎣⎢ T0 ⎦⎥ 1+ p 1 Y p S 1+ p α 2θ p T03Y p 3T0 2Y }+ { = [ S − {α {− + − T d1 d1 d2 α − αθ S p {− T0 Y α p 1+ p p 2T Y − d2 1+ p p 6T Y − d3 1+ p 6Y p 6S 1+ p } − + d4 d4 1+ p 2Y p S 1+ p b } − {a(T1 − T0 ) + (T12 − T0 )}}] − + d3 d3 where Y= ( S − α pT0 ) , p = − β , p 1+ p p 270 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model d1 = α (1 + p), d = α (1 + p), d3 = α (1 + p)(1 + p ), d = α (1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p), d5 = α (1 + p)(1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p ) The total cost per unit time is given by TC(T ,T)=(OC+HC+DC-SC) K h = + [ ( S 1+ p − Y T T d1 1+ p p h αθ p T03 p 3T0 2Y )+ (− Y − α d2 1+ p p 1+ p h θ S p T0 2Y p 2T0Y (− − − d2 α h αθ p T0 4Y p 4T03Y (− + − d2 α h θ S p T03Y P 3T02Y (− − − d2 α 1+ p p 6T Y − d3 1+ p 1+ p 6Y p 6S 1+ p − + ) d4 d4 1+ p 2Y p 2S 1+ p TY p Y p S 1+ p ) + h1 (− ) − + − + d3 d3 d1 d2 d2 1+ p p 1+ p p 1+ p p 12T0 2Y − d3 1+ p p 1+ p p 6T Y − d3 24T0Y − d4 1+ p p 1+ p 24Y p 24Y 1+ p ) − + d5 d5 1+ p 6Y p 6S 1+ p ) − + d4 d4 a b b a + h0{− (T12 − T0 ) − (T13 − T03 ) + ( S0 + aT0 + T0 )(T1 − T0 )} + θ { (T14 − T0 ) 12 a b S b a b + (T15 − T05 ) − T0 (T13 − T03 ) − T0 (T13 − T03 ) + ( T03 + T0 + T02 )(T1 − T0 ) 40 12 S0 S0 aT0 bT0 a b 2 − (T1 − T0 )} + h1{( + + )(T1 − T0 ) − (T1 − T0 ) − (T1 − T0 )} 2 a b a a b 4 +θ { (T1 − T0 ) + (T1 − T0 ) − T0 (T1 − T0 ) + T0 (T1 − T0 ) − T02 (T14 − T0 ) 15 48 12 16 b S S + T0 (T12 − T0 ) − (T14 − T0 ) + T0 (T12 − T0 )}] 16 1+ p Y p S 1+ p α 2θ p T03Y p 3T02Y + [ S − {α{− + }+ { − T d1 d1 d2 α − αθ S p {− T0 2Y p α 1+ p p 2T Y − d2 1+ p p 1+ p p 6T Y − d3 1+ p 6Y p 6S 1+ p − + } d4 d4 1+ p b 2Y p 2S 1+ p − + } − {a(T1 − T0 ) + (T12 − T02 )}}] d3 d3 b T3 T2 T12 − [c0{−a( − TT ) − ( − T12T + T13 )} + T 2 3 T 3 b T T12T T12 +c1{−a( − TT + T1 ) − ( − + )}] 4 where Y= ( S p − α pT0 ) , p = − β , (7) 271 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model d1 = α (1 + p), d = α (1 + p), d3 = α (1 + p)(1 + p ), d = α (1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p), d5 = α (1 + p)(1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p ) We now minimize the total cost per unit time TC (T0 , T ) under the situation (1) T is a known point of time (2) T is a random point of time Case I: T is a known point of time Hence total cost is given by equation (7) For minimum total cost, the necessary condition is δ TC (T0 , T ) = and δ T0 δ TC (T0 , T ) =0 δT (8) Let T* be the positive real root of the equation (8), then T* is the optimal cycle time It can also be seen that the sufficient condition for minimum cost ∂ 2TC (T0 , T ) ∂ 2TC (T0 , T ) ∂T0 ∂T ∂T02 ∂ 2TC (T0 , T ) ∂ 2TC (T0 , T ) ∂T ∂T0 ∂T > is satisfied Case II: T is a random point of time In this case, the cost function TC (T0 , T ) is a random variable with respect to T0 So the expected total cost per unit time is K h ξ (T ) = + [ ( S 1+ p − E (Y ) T T d1 1+ p p E (Y − d4 + h1 (− 1+ p p h αθ p 3E (T0 2Y )+ (− E (T03Y p ) − α d2 1 ) E (T0Y d1 h θS p E (T0 2Y p ) E (T0Y S 1+ p )− (− + − d4 α d2 1+ p p ) − 1+ p p E (Y d2 ) + S 1+ p ) d2 1+ p p ) 1+ p p 1+ p p E (Y − d3 ) ) + E (T0Y − d3 S 1+ p ) d3 1+ p p ) 272 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model h αθ p E (T0 4Y p ) E (T03Y (− + − α d2 1+ p 24( S + d5 ) 1+ p p ) 12 E (T0 2Y − d3 P E (T0 Y ) 3E (T0 Y hθ S )− (− − α d2 p 1+ p p 1+ p p ) ) 24 E (T0Y − d4 E (T0Y − d3 1+ p p ) 1+ p p ) 24 E (Y − d5 1+ p p E (Y − d4 ) + 1+ p p ) S 1+ p ) d4 a b b + h0 [{− (T12 − E (T0 )) − (T13 − E (T03 )) + ( S0 + aE (T0 ) + E (T0 ))(T1 − E (T0 ))} a b a b +θ { (T1 − E (T0 )) + (T1 − E (T0 )) − E (T0 )(T1 − E (T03 )) − E (T0 ) 12 40 12 S0 S0 a b 3 (T1 − E (T0 )) + ( E (T0 ) + E (T0 ) + E (T0 ))(T1 − E (T0 )) − (T1 − E (T03 ))}] S E (aT0 ) E (bT0 ) a b )(T1 − E (T0 )) − (T13 − E (T03 )) − (T14 − E (T0 ))} + h1[{( + + 2 a b a 4 +θ { (T1 − E (T0 )) + (T1 − E (T0 )) − E (T0 )(T1 − E (T0 )) 15 48 a b b + E (T03 )(T12 − E (T0 )) − E (T0 )(T14 − E (T0 )) + E (T0 )(T12 − E (T0 )) 12 16 16 S S − (T14 − E (T0 )) + E (T0 )(T12 − E (T0 ))}]] + 1+ p p E (Y [ S − {α {− T d1 1+ p p E (Y − d4 ) + α θ p E (T03Y p ) 3E (T0 2Y ) S }+ { + − α d1 d2 1+ p − {− 1+ p p ) E (T0Y − d3 1+ p p ) S 1+ p } d4 αθ S p E (T0 2Y p ) α E (T0Y − d2 1+ p p ) 1+ p p E (Y − d3 ) + S 1+ p } d3 b (T1 − E (T0 ))}}] T2 T2 b T3 − [c0 {−a ( − T1T + ) − ( − T12T + T13 )} T 2 3 2 T T T2 1 T b T +c1{−a ( − T1T + T13 ) − ( − + )}] 4 −{a (T1 − E (T0 )) + (9) Now assume that the distribution function of T0 to be rectangular distribution Then its probability density function f ( x) is given by 273 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model f ( x) = , l1 ≤ x ≤ l2 l2 − l1 =0, elsewhere Then equation (9) reduces to 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p ( x p − x2 p ) h0αθ p K h T ( x p − x2 ξ (T ) = + [ {S 1+ p + }+ {− ( T T d1 α l (1 + p ) αl α (1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p p ) 1+ p 3T ( x p − x2 p ) 6( x1 p − x2 p ) 6( x1 p − x2 p ) + 02 + + ) α (1 + p )(1 + p ) α (1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p ) α (1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p )(1 + p) − 1+ p p 1+ p p − x2 T0 ( x ( α (1 + p) dl2 1+ p 1+ p p T0 ( x1 p − x2 ( − α (1 + p) d3l ) + 1+ p p 1+ p p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p p 1+ p 1+ p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 2T ( x p − x2 p ) 2( x1 p − x2 p ) ) + 02 + α (1 + p )(1 + p) α (1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p) 1+ p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p ( x p − x2 p ) ( x1 p − x2 p ) S 1+ p )− + 21 + } d3 α (1 + p )(1 + p ) d3 α l (1 + p ) 1+ p p T0 ( x1 p − x2 ( + h1{− d1l α (1 + p ) 1+ p ) 1+ p h αθ p T ( x p − x2 {− ( + αl α (1 + p) 1+ p 1+ p p ( x p − x2 p ) ( x1 p − x2 p ) S 1+ p }− { )+ } + 21 d4 α (1 + p ) α (1 + p )(1 + p ) d l ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p p 2T0 ( x ) − x2 2( x ) − x2 ) + α (1 + p )(1 + p ) α (1 + p )(1 + p )(1 + p ) h θS p T ( x p − x2 {− ( − αl α (1 + p ) T0 ( x1 p − x2 ( − α (1 + p ) d2l 1+ p p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p ( x p − x2 p ) ( x p − x2 p ) S 1+ p )− ( )+ } + 21 d2 α l (1 + p ) α (1 + p )(1 + p ) d 1+ p p 1+ p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 4T ( x p − x2 p ) 12T ( x p − x2 p ) + + α (1 + p)(1 + p ) α (1 + p )(1 + p )(1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 24T0 ( x1 p − x2 p ) 24( x1 p − x2 p ) ) + + α (1 + p )(1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p ) α (1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p p T03 ( x1 p − x2 ( − d2l α (1 + p ) 1+ p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 3T ( x p − x2 p ) 6T ( x p − x2 p ) + + 02 α (1 + p)(1 + p) α (1 + p )(1 + p )(1 + p) 274 + + A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model 1+ p p 6( x − x2 1+ p p ) α (1 + p )(1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p) 1+ p p 1+ p p )− 1+ p p 1+ p p 1+ p p − x2 12 T0 ( x ( d 3l α (1 + p ) ) 1+ p p 2T0 ( x − x2 ) 2( x − x2 ) + ) α (1 + p )(1 + p ) α (1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p p 24 T0 ( x1 p − x2 − ( d4l α (1 + p) 1+ p 1+ p ) 1+ p ( x p − x2 p ) ) + 21 α (1 + p )(1 + p) 1+ p 24 ( x1 p − x2 p ) 24( S 1+ p ) ( )+ } − d5l α (1 + p) d5 1+ p hθ S p T ( x p − x2 {− ( − αl α (1 + p) 1+ p 1+ p p 1+ p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p p 6( x1 p − x2 p ) T01 ( x1 p − x2 )− ( + α (1 + p ) α (1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p) d l 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p p 2( x1 p − x2 p ) T0 ( x1 p − x2 + )− ( α (1 + p ) α (1 + p )(1 + p )(1 + p) d3l 1+ p 1+ p 3T ( x p − x2 p ) 6( x1 p − x2 p ) + 02 + α (1 + p)(1 + p ) α (1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p ) 1+ p ( x1 p − x2 p ) S 1+ p )+ } ( − d4 α (1 + p) d4l 1+ p ) 1+ p ) 1+ p 2T ( x p − x2 p ) + 20 α (1 + p)(1 + p) 1+ p ( x p − x2 p ) + 21 ) α (1 + p)(1 + p ) 275 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model a b 1 b + h0{− (T12 − (l23 − l13 )) − (T13 − (l2 − l14 )) + S0T1 + aT1 (l2 − l12 ) + T1 (l23 − l13 ) 3l 4l 2l l 1 a − S0 (l2 − l12 ) − a (l23 − l13 ) − b (l2 − l14 ) + θ ( (T14 − (l25 − l15 )) 2l 3l 8l 12 5l 1 b a (l26 − l16 ) + (T1 − (l2 − l16 )) − T13 (l2 − l12 ) − bT13 (l23 − l13 ) + b 12l 40 6l 12 l 6l 1 1 + aT1 (l2 − l14 ) + bT1 (l25 − l15 ) + S0T1 (l2 − l12 ) − b (l26 − l16 ) − S0 (l2 − l14 ) 24l 40l 6l 48l 8l S0 S0 3 4 2 2 3 + S0 (l2 − l1 ))} + h1{ T1 + aT1 (l2 − l1 ) + bT1 (l2 − l1 ) − (l2 − l1 ) 24l 4l 12l 6l a b 5 4 − a (l2 − l1 ) − b (l2 − l1 ) − T1 + a (l2 − l1 ) − T1 + b (l25 − l15 ) 8l 20l 12l 40l a b a a +θ ( (T15 − (l26 − l16 )) + (T1 − (l2 − l17 )) − (T14 − (l25 − l15 )) + T12 (l2 − l14 ) 15 6l 48 7l 5l 12 4l a b b S S − (l2 − l16 ) − T14 (l23 − l13 ) + T12 (l25 − l15 ) − T14 + (l25 − l15 ) 12 6l 16 3l 16 5l 8 5l S0 3 S0 5 + T1 (l2 − l1 ) − (l2 − l1 ))} 3l 5l 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p α x p − x2 p α S 1+ p αθ p T03 ( x1 p − x2 +{S + ( + )− ( d1 α l (1 + p ) d1 3l α (1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p p 1+ p ) 1+ p 3T ( x p − x2 p ) + 02 α (1 + p )(1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p p 6( x1 p − x2 p ) 6( x1 p − x2 p ) α 2θ p T0 ( x1 p − x2 + + )+ ( α (1 + p )(1 + p )(1 + p) α (1 + p )(1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p) d 2l α (1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 2T ( x p − x2 p ) 2( x1 p − x2 p ) + 20 + ) α (1 + p)(1 + p ) α (1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p p 2α 2θ p T0 ( x1 p − x2 + ( d3l α (1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p ) 1+ p ( x p − x2 p ) + 21 ) α (1 + p)(1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p 2α 2θ p ( x1 p − x2 p ) 2α 2θ pS 1+ p θ S p T0 ( x1 p − x2 ( ( + − − d 4l d4 2l α (1 + p ) α (1 + p) 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p 1+ p p ) 1+ p 2T ( x p − x2 p ) 2( x1 p − x2 p ) + 02 + ) α (1 + p )(1 + p ) α (1 + p)(1 + p )(1 + p) 1+ p 1+ p p αθ S p T0 ( x1 p − x2 − ( d 2l α (1 + p ) 1+ p 1+ p ) 1+ p ( x p − x2 p ) + 21 ) α (1 + p)(1 + p ) 1+ p a(l − l12 ) b b 3 αθ S p ( x1 p − x2 p ) αθ S 1+ p − T1 + (l2 − l1 )} − ( )+ − aT1 + 2l 6l d3 d3 α l (1 + p ) ) 276 A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model c b T3 T2 T2 T3 − T1T + ) + ( − T12T + T13 ) + c1a( − T1T + T13 ) 2 3 2 cb T T T T + ( − + )] 4 where x1 = ( S p − α pl1 ) , x2 = ( S p − α pl2 ) +c0 a ( The necessary condition for ξ (T ) to be minimum is that (10) ∂ξ (T ) = , and the ∂T ∂ 2ξ (T ) > is satisfied ∂T Hence, using a suitable computer program, we can solve numerically the problem of Case I and Case II sufficient condition for ξ (T ) to be minimum is that NUMERICAL EXAMPLE A numerical example is considered to illustrate the effect of the developed model Case I: For this model let, α = 11, β = 0.3, a = 2, b = , h0 = 1, h1 = 2, c0 = 1, c1 = 2, k = 100, Q = 530, S = 479, S0 = 80, θ = 0.003 The model is now solved for the above parameter values using a gradient based non-linear optimization technique (LINGO), which yields the following optimal solution: TC = 718.6391, T0 = 3.89849, T = 11.06686 It is numerically verified that this solution satisfies the convexity condition Case II: An equation(10) is now solved for the above parameter values(in Case I) using a gradient based non-linear optimization technique (LINGO), which yields the Global optimal solution: Optimal cost(TC)= ξ (T ) =621.541, Optimal Time(T*)= 9.348 It is numerically verified that this solution satisfies the convexity condition for ξ (T ) CONCLUDING REMARKS In this paper, a perishable inventory model with two components demand (stock dependent and time dependent), and time dependent holding and shortage cost is developed for an infinite planning horizon This is justified for the products such as electronic components, radioactive substances, volatile liquids etc which are not only costly but also require more sophisticated arrangements for their security and safety The effect of deterioration is also considered here A.Kundu, P.Chakrabarti and T.Chakrabarti / An EOQ Model 277 REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] Baker, R.C., and Urban, T.L., “A deterministic inventory system with an inventory-leveldependent demand rate”, J.Opl.Res.Soc.,39 (9) (1988) 823-831 Basu, M., and Sinha, S., “An ordering policy for deteriorating ites with two component demand and price breaks allowing shortages”, Opsearch, 44, (2007) Chakrabarti, T., and Sen, S., “An order inventory model with variable rate of deteriorating and alternating replenishing rates considering shortage”, Journal of Operations Research Society of India, 44, (2007) 17-26 Chakrabarti, T., and Sen, S., “An EOQ model for deteriorating items with quadratic time varying demand and shortages in all cycles”, Journal of Mathematics and System Sciences, 44 (1) ( 2008) 141-148 Chung, K.J., and Hwang, Y.F., “The optimal cycle time for EOQ inventory model under permissible 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