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Agent based intrusion detection technique for wireless network

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An intrusion detection system (IDS) generally detects unwanted manipulations of computer systems, mainly through the Internet. (IDS), as a new defensive-security layer to the WSNs'' security infrastructure; which it can detects unsafe activities and unauthorized access.

ISSN:2249-5789 Namita Singh et al , International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 4(3),53-57 Agent Based Intrusion Detection Technique for Wireless Network Namita Singh uday kumar singh Computer Science & Engineering Department A.I.E.T, LUCKNOW namitasingh02@gmail.com Abstract An intrusion detection system (IDS) generally detects unwanted manipulations of computer systems, mainly through the Internet (IDS), as a new defensive-security layer to the WSNs' security infrastructure; which it can detects unsafe activities and unauthorized access; also, when attacks occurred, even new attacks such as anomalies, it can notify by different warnings and perform some actions (mainly predefined actions) Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is discussing and solving the intrusion detection over a wireless network Introduction Intrusion, i.e unauthorized access or login signing in and gaining access to a network server, Web server or other computer system The process (the noun) is a "login" or "logon," while the act of doing it (the verb) is to "log in" or to "log on (To the system, or the network or other resources); Intrusion is a set of actions from internal or external of the network, which violate security aspects (including integrity, confidentiality, availability and authenticity) of a network's resource Intrusion detection is a process which detecting contradictory activities with security policies to unauthorized access or performance reduction of a system or network; the purpose of intrusion detection process is reviewing, controlling, analysing and representing reports from the system and network activities Intrusion Detection System (IDS) [1][2], i.e.: • A hardware or software or combinational system, with aggressivedefensive approach to protect information, systems and networks; • Usable on host, network and application levels; • For analysing traffic, controlling communications and ports, detecting attacks and occurrence vandalism, by internal users or external attackers; • Concluding by using deterministic methods (based on patterns of known attacks) or nondeterministic (to detecting new attacks and anomalies such as determining thresholds); • Informing and warning to the security manager (sometimes disconnect SCSI reconnect suspicious communications and block malicious traffic) • Determining identity of attacker and tracking him/ her/it Classification of Intrusion Detection System IDS can classified according to several criteria (intruder type, detection behaviour, and detection techniques) It is a well-known fact that the research in a field greatly benefits from a good taxonomy and hence a good classification There have been several defined taxonomies, classifications and subsequent surveys for intrusion detection The goals of the efforts in several classifications have also been quite diverse; some only try to survey the field and find it easier with labels on the systems, while others try to use the taxonomies for a deeper understanding or to guide future research efforts 53 ISSN:2249-5789 Namita Singh et al , International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 4(3),53-57 promiscuous mode, it could mean it has been compromised and eavesdropping network traffic; • Capturing the transmitting network packets; • Extracting requirement information and properties from the network's packets; • Analysing properties and detecting statistical deviation from normal behaviours and known patterns using pattern matching pattern matching - A function is defined to take arguments of a particular type, form or value When applying the function to its actual arguments it is necessary to match the type, form or value of the actual arguments against the formal arguments in some definition [3] [4] Comparison Between Existing ISD’s Since the concept of IDS was introduced in 1980 (Anderson, 1980), many IDSs have been designed and implemented for centralized systems In the centralized IDS, data analysis is performed in a fixed number of locations, independent of how many hosts are being monitored Here a tabular comparison between various IDS techniques proposed earlier is shown Figure1: Classification of intrusion detection system Network Based Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) NIDS is a software process which installs on a special hardware system; in many cases, it operates as a sniffer Sniffer - packet sniffer and controls passing packets and active communications, then it analyses network traffic in sophisticated, to find attacks NIDS can identify attacks, on network level; thus, it includes following steps: • Setting up the Network Interface Card (NIC (a) (Network Interface Card) (b) (New Internet Computer) An earlier Linux-based computer from The New Internet Computer Company (NICC), Palo Alto, CA.) [7] [8]On promiscuous mode the condition in which a node in a network recognizes and accepts all packets regardless of protocol type or destination If a computer is in Table 1: Comparative study on existing IDS Name of the Intru sion Detec tion Syste m Data Colle ction Mec hanis m Dete ction Tech niqu es Handled Attacks Netw ork Archi tectur e Hybri d IDS for wirele ss Senso r Netwo rk[6] Netw ork base Ano maly based Selective forwarding, sink hole, hello flood and wormhole attacks Hierar chical Decen tralize d IDS in WSN[ 5] Netw ork based Ano maly based Repetition, Message Delay,Blackhol e,Wormhole,Da ta alteration,Jamm ing,Message Distri buted 54 ISSN:2249-5789 Namita Singh et al , International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 4(3),53-57 negligence and selective forwarding Intrusi on detecti on and routin g attack s in sensor Netwo rk[1] Netw ork based Ano maly based Dos, active sinkhole attacks, and passive sinkhole Distri buted Senso r Netwo rk Auto mated Intrusi on Detect ion Syste m Host based Ano maly based Duplicate nodes, flooding, Black hole, Sink hole attack, selective forwarding, misdirection Distri buted hexagonal region (like GSM cells) Sensor nodes in each of the hexagonal area are monitored by a cluster node Each cluster node is then monitored by a regional node In turn, Regional nodes will be controlled and monitored by the Base station Figure 2: Hierarchical Overlay Design (SNAI DS)[9 ] SelfOrgan ized critica lly & stocha stic learni ng based IDs for WSN[ 2] • Host based Ano maly based There are no guidelines in this IDS model of which attack it can resist and which cannot Distri buted Our Proposed Model In this section we propose a new model for IDS which concentrates on saving the power of sensor nodes by distributing the responsibility of intrusion detection to three layer nodes with the help of policy based network management system The model uses a hierarchical overlay design (HOD) We divided each area of sensor nodes into This HOD based IDS combine’s two approaches of intrusion detection mechanisms (Signature and anomaly) together to fight against existing threats Signatures of well-known attacks are propagated from the base station to the leaf level node for detection Signature repository at each layer is updated as new forms of attacks are found in the system As intermediate agents are activated with predefined rules of system behaviours, anomaly detection can take part from the deviated behaviours of predefined specification Thus proposed IDS can identify known as well as unknown attacks 5.1 Detection Entities Sensor Nodes have two types of functionality: Sensing and Routing Each of the sensor nodes will sense the environment and exchange data in between sensor nodes and cluster node As sensor nodes have much resource constraints, in this model, there is no IDS module installed in the leaf level sensor nodes Cluster Node plays as a monitor node for the sensor nodes One cluster node is assigned for each of the hexagonal area It will receive the data from sensor nodes, analyse and aggregate the information and send it to regional node It is more powerful than sensor nodes and has intrusion detection capability built into it Regional Node 55 ISSN:2249-5789 Namita Singh et al , International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 4(3),53-57 will monitor and receive the data from neighbouring cluster heads and send the combined alarm to the upper layer base station It is also a monitor node like the cluster node with all the IDS functionalities It makes the sensor network more scalable If thousands of sensor nodes are available at the leaf level then the whole area will be split into several regions To achieve a policy-based management for IDS the proposed architecture features several components that evaluate policies: a Base Policy decision Point (BPDP), a number of Policies decision modules (PDMs) and Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) Base Station is the topmost part of architecture empowered with human support It will receive the information from Regional nodes and distribute the information to the users based on their demand 5.2 Policy based IDS Policy implies predefined action pattern that is repeated by an entity whenever certain conditions occur The architectural components of policy framework include a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP), Policy Decision Point (PDP), and a Policy repository The policy rules stored in Policy repository are used by PDP to define rules or to show results PDP translates or interprets the available data to a device-dependent format and configures the relevant PEPs The PEP executes the logical entities that are decided by PDP These capabilities provide powerful functions to configure the network as well as to re-configure the system as necessary to response to network conditions with automation In a large WSN where Hierarchical Network management is followed can be realized by policy mechanism to achieve survivability, scalability and autonomy simultaneously So in case of failure the system enables one component to take over the management role of another component One of the major architectural advantages of hierarchical structure is any node can take over the functionality of another node dynamically to ensure survivability A flexible agent structure ensures dynamic insertion of new management functionality Hierarchical network management integrates the advantage of two (Central and Distributed) management models and uses intermediate nodes (Regional and Cluster) to distribute the detection tasks Each intermediate manager has its own domain called Regional or Cluster agent which collects and processed information from its domain and passes the required information to the upper layer manager for further steps All the intermediate nodes are also used to distribute command/data/message from the upper layer manager to nodes within its domain It should be noted that there is no direct communication between the intermediate members Except the leaf level sensor nodes all the nodes in the higher level are configured with higher energy and storage Figure 3: policy-based management for IDS the proposed architecture features components Conclusion WSN are prone to intrusions and security threats In this thesis, we propose a novel architecture of IDS for ad hoc sensor network based on hierarchical overlay design We propose a response mechanism also according to proposed architecture Our design of IDS improves on other related designs in the way it distributes the total task of detecting intrusion Our model decouples the total work of intrusion detection into a four level hierarchy which results in a highly energy saving structure Each monitor needs to monitor only a few nodes within its range and thus needs not spend much power for it Due to the hierarchical model, the detection system works in a very structured way and can detect any intrusion effectively As a whole, every area is commanded by one cluster head so the detection is really fast and the alarm is rippled to the base station via the region head enabling it to take proper action In this paper we consider cluster nodes or Regional nodes to be more powerful than ordinary sensor nodes Though it will increase the total cost of network set up, but to enhance reliability, efficiency and effectiveness of IDS for a large geographical area where thousands of sensor nodes take place, the cost is tolerable Policy based mechanism is a powerful approach to automating network management The 56 ISSN:2249-5789 Namita Singh et al , International Journal of Computer Science & Communication Networks,Vol 4(3),53-57 management system for intrusion detection and response system described in this thesis shows that a well-structured reduction in management traffic can be achievable by policy management This policy-based architecture upgrades adaptability and re-configurability of network management system which has a good practical research value for large geographically distributed network environment References [1] Chong Eik Loo, Mun Yong Ng, Christopher Leckie, Marimuthu Palaniswami Intrusion Detection for Routing Attacks in Sensor Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2, Issue December 2006, pages 313 332 DOI: 10.1080/15501320600692044 [2] S Doumit and D.P Agrawal,“Self-organized criticality & stochastic learning based intrusion detection system for wireless sensor network”, MILCOM 2003 IEEE Military Communications Conference, vol 22, no 1, pp 609-614, 2003 [3] C.-C Su, K.-M Chang, Y.-H Kuo, and M.- F Horng, “The new intrusion prevention and detection approaches for clustering-based sensor networks”, in 2005 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC 2005: Broadband Wirelss for the Masses Ready for Take-off, Mar 13-17 2005 [4] A Agah, S Das, K Basu, and M Asadi, “Intrusion detection in sensor networks: A noncooperative game approach”, in 3rd 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Ngày đăng: 30/01/2020, 13:06

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