Lecture Autodesk inventor: Part creation. The main contents of the chapter consist of the following: Sketched features, sketched feature operations, sketched feature terminations, base feature, adding sketched features, another sketched feature.
Part Creation Sketched Features Sketched features include: Extrude Revolve Sweep Loft (Blend) Others (e.g., Rib, Coil) Sketched Feature Operations Boolean operations are included as part of the feature construction. Operations include: Join (Union) Cut (Subtract) Intersect Sketched Feature Terminations Through (All) – extrude all the way through a part Blind (Distance) – extrude to a fixed depth To Next – extrude to next surface From To – extrude from one existing surface to another To – extrude to selected surface Angle – revolve through a certain angle Full – revolve 360 degree Base Feature The base feature is the first model feature to be created Other features are created using constraints that locate them relative to the base feature Base Feature Adding Sketched Features Establish a sketch plane (share sketch) Sketch Constrain Some constraints used to relate new feature to base feature Create Feature Extrude, Join Another Sketched Feature New sketch plane Sketch Constrain Dimension Create Feature Extrude Cut Sketched Feature Requiring a Work Plane If there are no convenient faces that can be used to orient a sketch plane, a work plane must be created Sketch, constrain Create feature Extrude, Join Placed (Referenced) Features Placed features are features that do not require a sketch Examples include holes, chamfers, fillets and shells NOTE: In Inventor, holes require that center points be placed on sketch plane prior to feature creation ParentChild Relationships Parentchild relationship refers to way in which one feature is derived from, and consequently dependent upon another feature Child must appear below parent in feature tree Base feature is parent to all other features Parent deleted child deleted Feature Modifications Part Creation Cul De Sac ... Boolean operations are included as part of the feature construction. Operations include: Join (Union) Cut (Subtract) Intersect Sketched Feature Terminations Through (All) – extrude all the way through a part Blind (Distance) – extrude to a fixed depth... Base feature is parent to all other features Parent deleted child deleted Feature Modifications Part Creation Cul De Sac ... NOTE: In Inventor, holes require that center points be placed on sketch plane prior to feature creation ParentChild Relationships Parentchild relationship refers to way in which one feature is derived from, and consequently