(BQ) Part 2 book English in medicine presents the following contents: Making a diagnosis (discussing a diagnosis, reading skills-reading articles, case history,...), treatment (medical treatment, physiotherapy, surgical treatment, reading skills: Using an online database).
6 Making a diagnosIs Section I.- I@ Discussing a diagnosis You will hear an extract In which a doctor interviews a 59-year-old office worker As you listen, note the patient 's present complaint SURNAME AGE FIRST NAMES Hor~ NiUJi 5' OCCUPATION SEX (VI MARITAL STATUS (Y\ Offiu vJaN.u PRESENT COMPLAINT Complete Tasks 2, and before you c heck you r answers in the Key Listen to the extract again and write down several possible diagnoses for this patient You will be given further information on him later Complete Tasks and before you check your answers in the Key 65 Here are the doctor's findings on examination DIE General Condition f c-J, 3ck"ound The P'OPO"'on 01 female gene,,1 P"CI;'lone" Introduction MethOd AI, To comp"e male and female gen"al P"Crlllone" Wllh "'Peci 10 Ih." job sarlSfacrlon and P,ofesslonal com mitmef)ts Within and Outside their practices M.,hod A quesrlonna;" Was Sent 10 all 896 gen"" P"crl rlon" p"n"pals Wllh PMlenls In Staffo,dshI,e m '994 The main elemenls w"e.- job sa""ac"on ron fI"'POlnl sc"') f'om elghl POSSible sou,ces.- Wheth" pe"onal ,e'ponslbO, ty Commitments Was taken fo, Outside 12 dlft"ent P"c"Ce tash.- and P,ofe"'on at the praCtice Results DiSCUSsion References J Resul" A lOlal of 620 r69%) gen"" P"CI'tlone" ',spond ed Femara docto" d"'"ed mo" SMlsfaCrlon 'han male dOeto" f'om "'Mlonshlps W"h PMlenls fP • 0.002) Female doCto" mO'e likely to be WO,klng In ""nmg p"c '''.-es and were likely to ba On· // ress 'n, wo,k few., "SSlcns Male gan"al PCBeMlone" we" mo" likely to take leao resPonS'b""y fo, P"Crlce compUte", mlno, sU'g"y, m.erlng eX'emal hSlto" and finance, Wh." fem"a peae,u'one" Were mOre likely to be reSPonsible fo, lOOking after women Patients' flealth w" '0 ConclUSion, ConSiderable dlfto"nees We" fOund between male and female gan"al wactl',one" Thes ddfe"nees ere likely have an Ineceaslng Impae' as the percentage of '0 female {jeneral praCririO'1ers Continues to rise bJ djfference!>~· Work KeYWo'ds.' genecal PcaCrlrlone".- job sarl"""on.- gander than men from 0> W , w '-', , :[, , -• ""l , ( -=- 71 c) _'" '- - "' '''-C to wOO.: bul tlut women are le.s h~~ly 10 beciality who is fo llowing a progr amme of h igher sped