(BQ) Part 2 book Pediatric critical care medicine presents the following contents: Endocrine disorders, disorders of host defense, hematologic and oncologic disorders, cardiac diseases, respiratory disorders, neurologic disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, renal disorders.
II Clinical Disorders A Endocrine Disorders Murray M Pollack Paul Kaplowitz Endocrine Disorders of Water Regulation 11 Susan B Nunez CLINICAL SYNDROMES OF ABNORMAL WATER REGULATION syndrome, there is clinical evidence of a contracted ECF volume Manifestations of derangements in osmotic homeostasis are due to alterations in cell volume in the central nervous system (CNS), changes in effective circulating volume and local disturbances produced, that is, by an intracranial neoplasm In the steady state, the net water balance should be zero Hypertonicity occurs when the renal plus extrarenal water losses exceed water intake, causing the ratio of solutes to water in the body fluids to increase In hypotonic syndromes, water intake exceeds the sum of renal plus extrarenal water losses; but in chronic hyponatremia, water intake and water output may be equal SYNDROME OF INAPPROPRIATE SECRETION OF ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE HYPONATREMIA Hyponatremia, defined as a serum sodium level