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The great diversity trajectories of asian development

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the great diversity Trajectories of Asian Development edited by: Camilla Brautaset Christopher M Dent THE GREAT DIVERSITY THE GREAT DIVERSITY Trajectories of Asian Development edited by: Camilla Brautaset Christopher M Dent Wageningen Academic  P u b l i s h e r s Buy a print copy of this book at www.WageningenAcademic.com/greatdiversity This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned Nothing from this publication may be translated, reproduced, stored in a computerised system or published in any form or in any manner, including electronic, mechanical, reprographic or photographic, without prior written permission from the publisher, ISBN: 978-90-8686-233-7 e-ISBN: 978-90-8686-786-8 DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-786-8 Wageningen Academic Publishers, P.O Box 220, 6700 AE Wageningen, the Netherlands www.WageningenAcademic.com copyright@WageningenAcademic.com Photos cover: Mike Parnwell The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them remain the First published, 2014 responsibility of the authors The publisher is not responsible for possible © Wageningen Academic Publishers The Netherlands, 2014 damages, which could be a result of content derived from this publication Preface Asia is on our minds these days In the West, Asia’s recent development has provoked apprehension, admiration, adaptation – and a frequent arising of catch-22 situations For instance, whilst the media home in on how cheap Asian products pose a threat to workplaces elsewhere, at the same time we are told how important it is to maintain high economic growth figures in Asia in general and China in particular in order to keep the global economy afloat and progressing Furthermore, economists continue to wrangle over the causes and sustainability of Asia’s dynamic economic development Certainly, Asia is expected by most to have more impact on the future global economy than any other region Political scientists from the West question whether the increased geopolitical importance of Asia is a threat to the liberal world order or not Moreover, political economists and anthropologists ask how new global and Asian developments affect human behaviour, the environment and the structures of our societies At the same time, the influx of Asian popular culture in the West is becoming part of the mainstream During the summer of 2013, the Japan Expo in Paris and the Hyper Japan in London were the largest pop-cultural events in Europe Though historians appear to have agreed to disagree on Asia’s global importance in the past, there can be little doubt that this region – so rich in resources, culture and history – holds one of the master keys to global development in the 21st century Still, in order to gain a fuller comprehension of the complexities of Asian development it is imperative to move beyond academic compartmentalisation and institutional vested knowledge This was exactly the ambition behind a workshop held in Bergen in September 2012 Scholars from the universities of Bergen and Leeds representing a wide range of sub-disciplines within the social sciences and the humanities gathered in order to exchange views and approaches and to explore whether there was a common ground in order to pursue closer co-operation in the future This book is a product of this workshop The title – The Great Diversity Asian Trajectories of Development – signals an ambition to capture some of the complexities that characterise the Asian paths of development in the past, present and future This anthology is as diverse as the developments it sets out to describe and offers a taste of on-going research on Asian development at the University of Bergen and the University of Leeds Both these universities are part of the World Universities Network (WUN) We are grateful for the support from both our home universities In particular, we would like to thank Bjørn Helge Andersen and the Department of Research Management at the University of Bergen and Matthias Kaiser and the Centre for the Study of the Humanities and the Sciences at the University of Bergen for their generous co-funding of the conference Most of the funding has, however, THE GREAT DIVERSITY5 Preface come through the Norwegian Research Council and Project Number 205553, which is hosted by Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion at the University of Bergen It is hoped this project will lay down a strong foundation stone on which to build future expansive collaboration on Asia-related research between Bergen and Leeds Bergen, August 2013 Camilla Brautaset and Christopher M Dent 6 THE GREAT DIVERSITY Table of contents Preface 5 Chapter 1: Introduction: diversity and development in Asia Christopher M Dent and Camilla Brautaset • Structure of this book • Core themes Chapter 2: Merchants and missionaries • • • • • • • • • • • 12 17 21 Connecting China, Norway and beyond Camilla Brautaset The big picture: globalisation, history and global history 23 The project: merchants, missionaries and entwined histories 27 Connectivity 34 Concluding remarks 38 Acknowledgements 39 Bibliography 40 Chapter 3: Opening the gates • 11 45 China’s Maritime Customs Service (1854-1949) in the contemporary context Olga Medvedeva Chinese Maritime Customs before 1854: trade development and sea ban ‘under Heaven’ 47 The foreign inspectorate in the late Qing Empire (1854-1912) 50 The Chinese Maritime Customs Service and nationalistic sentiments in republican China (1912-1949) 56 Conclusion 58 Acknowledgements 60 Bibliography 60 THE GREAT DIVERSITY7 Chapter 4: The world wide missionary web • • • • • • • • 63 Transnational mission networks’ influence on the 19th and 20th century Norwegian China missions Karina Hestad Skeie China’s millions’: a powerful transnational imagery 65 Local spiritual and organisational differentiation 68 Individual opportunity and transnational education 71 Boundaries, limits and risks 73 Transnational mission networks in China 77 Conclusion 78 Acknowledgements 79 Bibliography 79 Chapter 5: Regional resonances • • • • 83 Vietnamese whale worship in comparative perspective Michael Parnwell Rites for whales 86 Whales as compassionate, benevolent and spiritual beings 90 Conclusion 96 Bibliography 98 Chapter 6: The march of the monks • • • • 103 On the political repertoire of Buddhist monks in Myanmar and Sri Lanka Michael Hertzberg Colonial and postcolonial activities of political pongyis 105 Sri Lanka: the heritage of the political bhikkhu 109 On the political repertoire of Buddhist monks in Myanmar and Sri Lanka 113 Bibliography 115 Chapter 7: The second cultural revolution? • • • • 8 117 Individualization and the emergence of psychology in late modern China Simen A Øyen and Ole Jacob Madsen The Forthcoming Empire Methodological framework Theoretical framework The birth of the modern Chinese individual 117 119 119 120 THE GREAT DIVERSITY • • • • • • Psychology’s more recent history in China 123 Depression 124 Suicide 126 A therapeutic culture in China? 127 From the iron bowl of rice to the therapeutic iron cage 129 Bibliography 130 Chapter 8: National policy, sub-national trajectories • • • • • • Chapter 9: Horizon of riches • • • • • 155 Development and difference in Xinjiang, China Adam Tyson New frontier 157 Cultural incongruities 160 Paramilitaries and development 164 Conclusion 168 Bibliography 169 Chapter 10: Mapping the ethical terrain of Chinese aquaculture • • • • • • • 133 Development of local models in China’s health reform process Lewis Husain The New Cooperative Medical Scheme and China’s health reforms: a distinctive policy process? 134 New Cooperative Medical Scheme: under county management 137 Taoshan’s local oversight model 141 Policy impact of Taoshan’s Inspection Bureau 146 Conclusion 150 Bibliography 150 173 Exploring sustainable aquaculture trade in a global context Scott Bremer, Janne Johansen, Simen Øyen, Matthias Kaiser and Arne Sveinson Haugen From ‘hard work and plain living’ to ‘realising one’s dream’ 174 Previous research on the ‘ethical terrain’ of the Chinese aquaculture sector 176 Empirical research: the SEAT Project and its methods 177 The ethical terrain of the Chinese aquaculture sector: key findings 180 Discussion and conclusion 184 Acknowledgements 187 Bibliography 187 THE GREAT DIVERSITY9 Christopher M Dent Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 2010a The History of Japan’s Industrial Policies METI, Tokyo, Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 2010b The New Growth Strategy: Blueprint for Revitalising Japan METI, Tokyo, Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) 2010c The Industrial Structure Vision 2010 (Outline) METI, Tokyo, Japan Moon, T.H 2010 Green Growth Policy in the Republic of Korea: Its Promises and Pitfalls Korea Observer, 41(3): 379-414 National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) 2007a Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy in China NDRC, Beijing, China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) 2007b China’s National Climate Change Programme NDRC, Beijing, China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) 2011 China’s 12th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development NDRC, Beijing, China Noland, M 2007 From Industrial Policy to Innovation Policy: Japan’s Pursuit of Competitive Advantage Asian Economic Policy Review 2(2): 251-268 Olz, S & Beerepoot, M 2010 Deploying Renewables in Southeast Asia IEA, Paris:, France Pirie, I 2008 The Korean Developmental State: From Dirigisme To Neo-Liberalism Routledge, London, UK Radice, H 2008 The Developmental State under Global Neoliberalism Third World Quarterly, 29(6): 1153-1174 REN21 2006 Renewables 2006 Global Status Report REN21 Secretariat, Paris, France REN21 2013 Renewables 2013 Global Status Report REN21 Secretariat, Paris, France Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP) 2012 Policy and Regulation Review Database REEEP, Vienna, Austria Available at: http://www.reeep.org/9353/ policy-database.htm Rodan, G 1989 The Political Economy of Singapore’s Industrialisation: National State and International Capital MacMillan, Basingstoke, UK Stubbs, R 2009 What ever Happened to the East Asian Developmental State? The Unfolding Debate The Pacific Review 22(1): 1-22 Suliman, O (ed.) 1998 China’s Transition to a Socialist Market Economy Praeger, London, UK Wang, T & Watson, J 2009 China’s Energy Transition: Pathways for Low Carbon Development Sussex Energy Group and Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Brighton, UK Weiss, L 1998 The Myth of the Powerless State: Governing the Economy in a Global Era Polity, London, UK Weiss, L 2010 The State in the Economy: Neoliberal or Neoactivist? In Campbell, J., Crouch, C., Hull Kristensen, P., O K Pedersen, and R Whitley (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK Woo-Cumings, M (ed.) 1999 The Developmental State Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, USA 226  THE GREAT DIVERSITY Contributors Camilla Brautaset: Associate Professor in modern economic history at the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen, Norway Most recent publication: Fortellinger og forklaringer i økonomisk historie (with L.F Øksendal) In: Heiret, J., Ryymin, T & Skålevåg, A (eds.) Fortalt fortid Norsk historieskriving etter 1970 Pax Forlag, Oslo, Norway: 292-319, 2013 E-mail: camilla.brautaset@ahkr.uib.no Scott Bremer: Researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway Most recent publication: Exploring the science-policy interface for integrated coastal management in New Zealand Ocean and Coastal Management, 84: 107-118, 2013 E-mail: scott.bremer@svt.uib.no Peter Buckley: Professor of International Business, Centre for International Business, Leeds University Business School, UK Most recent publication: Adam Smith’s theory of knowledge and international business theory and practice Journal of International Business Studies, 2013 Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/jibs.2013.44 E-mail: p.j.buckley@lubs.leeds.ac.uk Christopher M Dent: Professor of East Asia’s International Political Economy, University of Leeds, UK Most recent book publication: The Asia-Pacific, regionalism and the global system Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2012 E-mail: c.m.dent@leeds.ac.uk Peter Enderwick: Head of the Centre for International Business, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Most recent publication: Country linkages and firm internationalisation: Indian MNEs within economic-political alliances of nations In: Cook, G & Johns, J (eds.) The changing geography of international business: strategy, performance and institutional change Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, UK, 2013 E-mail: peter.enderwick@aut.ac.nz Nicolas Forsans: Associate Professor in International Strategic Management, Centre for International Business, University of Leeds, UK Most recent publication: Country linkages and firm internationalisation: Indian MNEs within economicpolitical alliances of nations In: Cook, G & Johns, J (eds.) The changing geography of international business: strategy, performance and institutional change Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, UK, 2013 E-mail: n.forsans@lubs.leeds.ac.uk THE GREAT DIVERSITY227 Contributors Michael Hertzberg: PhD Candidate at the Chr Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway & the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen, Norway Most recent publication: Med slagord som våpen: Politiske munker og borgerkrigen på Sri Lanka DIN: Religionsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 3-4: 48-59, 2011 E-mail: michael.hertzberg@cmi.no Lewis Husain: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Most recent publication: Implementing and innovating: local governments in the development of China’s New Cooperative Medical Scheme Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Leeds, UK, 2013 E-mail: l.husain@wreac.rog Janne Cecilie Johansen: PhD candidate at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway Most recent publication: Grenseoverskridende sosiologi: et intervju med vinneren av Holbergprisen 2012, Manuel Castell Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, 20(4): 361-371, 2012 E-mail: janne.c.johansen@svt.uib.no Matthias Kaiser: Professor in Philosophy of Science at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway Most recent publication: Precaution or prudent vigilance as guiding the path to global food security? In: Röcklinsberg, H & Sandin, P (eds.) The ethics of consumption - The citizen, the market and the law Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 2013 E-mail: matthias.kaiser@svt.uib.no Ole Jacob Madsen: Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway Most recent publication: Me at my best: therapeutic ideals in Norwegian women’s magazines Communication, Culture & Critique, 5: 20-37, 2012 E-mail: o.j.madsen@psykologi.uio.no Olga Medvedeva: PhD candidate at the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen, Norway Most recent publication: Lu Xun in the rhetoric of the Sino-Soviet split: a view from contemporary Russia Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 7(3): 483-493, 2013 E-mail: olga.medvedeva@ahkr.uib.no 228  THE GREAT DIVERSITY Contributors Surender Munjal: Lecturer in International Business & Director Research, James E Lynch India and South Asia Business Centre, Centre for International Business, University of Leeds, UK Most recent publication: Country linkages and firm internationalisation: Indian MNEs within economic-political alliances of nations In: Cook, G & Johns, J (eds.) The changing geography of international business: strategy, performance and institutional change Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, UK, 2013 E-mail: s.munjal@lubs.leeds.ac.uk Simen A Øyen: PhD Candidate at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway Most recent publication: Humanioras fremtid Cappelen Akademiske Forlag, Oslo, Norway, 2011 E-mail: simen.oyen@svt.uib.no Michael Parnwell: Distinguised Guest Professor at the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Macau University of Science and Technology, China & Emeritus Professor of South East Asian Development at the University of Leeds, UK Most recent publication: Whale worship and tourism development in the Hoi An-Da Nang corridor, Viet Nam South East Asia Research, 21(3): 475-496, 2013 E-mail: m.j.g.parnwell@leeds.ac.uk Karina Hestad Skeie: Associate Professor in Intercultural Studies at NLA University College, Bergen, Norway Most recent publication: Building God’s Kingdom Norwegian missionaries in highland Madagascar 1866-1903 Studies in Christian Mission 42 Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2012 E-mail: karinahestad.skeie@nla.no Arne Sveinson Haugen: Researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway Most recent publication: Mapping core values and ethical principles for livelihoods in Asia In: Potthast, T & Meisch, S (eds.) Climate change and sustainable development Ethical perspectives on land use and food production Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands: 419-424, 2011 E-mail: arne.sveinson@svt.uib.no Adam Tyson: Lecturer in Southeast Asian Politics at the School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, UK Most recent publication: Vigilantism and violence in decentralized Indonesia: the case of Lombok Critical Asian Studies, 45(2): 201-230, 2013 E-mail: a.d.tyson@leeds.ac.uk THE GREAT DIVERSITY229 Index A ABMA 103 acquisitions 199 adolescent generation 126 agricultural labour 176 Ainu 96 alien rule 46 All Burma Monks Association – See: ABMA American-Norwegian Society 73, 75 American Simpson’s Alliance mission 76 ancestor –– cults 94 –– worship 91 Anglo-Burmese War 105 aquaculture 15, 176 –– farmer values 182 –– industry values 180 Arrow War 28 asset augmentation 191, 195, 196 Aung San 105 Aung San Suu Kyi 104, 109 authoritarianism 117 B Bandaranaike-Chelvanayakam Pact 111 bhikkhu (monk) 110 boat people 92 BOH 138 Bosch 200 Boxer –– rebellion 75 –– uprising 34 boycott 104, 109 Buddha Sasana 112 Buddhist monks 14, 103 Bureau of Health – See: BOH C calculative rationality 35 California school 26 Cambodia 95 CAOD 156 Catholic Franciscan missionaries 78 CCP 122, 155 cetaceans 84 Cham people 93 chartering of ships in war-time 37 Chen Xiangyuan 57 China –– academic perspectives 15 –– China-Asia On Demand – See: CAOD –– China National Knowledge Infrastucture – See: CNKI –– China’s Millions magazine 65 –– Chinese Communist Party – See: CCP –– Chinese Foreign Mission in Oslo 3 –– Chinese stakeholders 181 –– Civil War 120 –– Evangelization Society 68 –– Inland Mission – See: CIM –– Maritime Customs Service – See: CMCS –– Rural Health Project 136 –– Sino-Japanese War 30 –– social scientists 157 –– Spiritual Needs and Claims 66 CIM 65, 67 civil society 120 Cliff College 72 climate change 207 CMCS 13, 31, 45, 56 THE GREAT DIVERSITY231 Index CNKI 156 coal-fired power stations 222 collectivistic values 184 communicative rationality 35 Communist Party 45 competition between mission societies 70 competitiveness 197 conflicts of interest 145 Confucianism 47, 177, 185 conglomerate business groups 193 connectivity 35 consignment market 37 consumer demand 186 Contraction 30 cosmology 48 cost of production 202 cultural –– capital 32 –– change 97, 119 –– heritage 97 –– revivalism 162 –– transformations 27 customs 49 –– etymology 47 –– tariffs policy 53 cycles 201 D Dahle, Lars 69 dāna 108 deities 85 –– of Good Fortune in Japan 88 –– of the seas 93 Deng Xiaoping 120 depression 124 development 11, 159 –– states 207 –– trajectories 11 developmentalism 207 232  Dissenter Law distinctive policy process division of religion and politics dolphins Drammen shipping company DSM-IV dugong (sea mammal) 70 150 108 95 31 123 89 E earthquake 124 East Turkestan 160 EBP 111 economic –– development 23 –– liberalisation 130, 193 education 17 Eksath Bhikkhu Peramuna – See: EBP energy –– green technologies 208 –– indigenous sources 209 –– non-fossil target 213 –– renewable – See: renewable energy –– security 207 –– strategy plans 214 environmental movements 118 ethics –– collectivist vs individualist 127 –– management principles 179 –– principles 183 –– standings 179 –– trade 16 ethnic groups 157, 162 Eurocentric view 26 extraterritoriality 28 F FDI 23, 191, 192 female missionary workers 32, 71 festival of the fish 96 financial mismanagement 140 THE GREAT DIVERSITY Index Five Year Plan – See: FYP foreign –– direct investments – See: FDI –– inspectorate 47, 50 –– knowledge 18 –– trade statistics 30 fossil fuel 208 Four Modernisations 117 Franson, Fredrik 67 free trade policy 54 fuel cells 214 Fukushima disaster 223 funeral rites 91 FYP 158, 217 G Gaige kaifang – See: Reform and Opening Up GDP 218, 223 geographic expansion 23 GGS 218 global 26 –– competitors 193 –– history 12, 25 –– trade development 46 globalisation 24, 25, 208 going native 78 green –– development 165 –– energy technologies 208 –– innovation 216 Green Growth Strategy (South Korea) – See: GGS greenhouse gas emissions 217 Gross Domestic Product – See: GDP Guangzhou government 58 Guan Sheng 58 guarding posts 47 Guomindang 56 H Han settlers 158 Han-Uyghur relations 164 Harley College 72 Hauge synod 72, 78 healthcare 134 –– mental 128 –– system 133, 135 health insurance 135, 138 Hero Honda joint venture 201 high-tech sectors 209 homogenisation 24 horizon of untold riches 157 household registration system 121 Hudson Taylor, James 65, 73 hunger strike 114 hydroelectric 209 hyperlink network analysis 160 I identity 127, 129 IMCS 50, 54 imperialism 21 Imperial Maritime Customs Service – See: IMCS import-export duties 52 Independent Oversight Bureau – See: IOB Indian automobile industry 200 indigenous –– energy sources 209 –– identities 161 individualisation 118, 129 –– processes 119, 122 individualism 184 Indo-Lanka Accord 111 Indonesia 88 industrial ethos 184 industrialisation 18 inefficiency 192 THE GREAT DIVERSITY233 Index infractions 143 innovation 18 –– green 216 inspection 142 Inspection Bureau 145 institutional changes 117 intermittent power problem 211 international diagnosis system – See: DSM-IV internationalisation 24, 193, 196 inter-racial marriages 74 intra-generational sustainability 177 IOB 134, 144 Irrawaddy dolphins 95 Islam 89 isolationism 49 J Janata Vimukti Peramuna – See: JVP Japan –– Deities of Good Fortune 88 –– New Growth Strategy – See: NGS –– Russo-Japanese War 30 –– Sino-Japanese War 30 –– whale ceremonies 88 Jathika Hela Urumaya – See: JHU JHU 109 Jia Shiyi 57 JVP 111 K Kandyan Convention Kazakhs Kineseren know-how kyaungtaiks 110 164 77 197 107 L laukika lay-groups 105 79 234  leapfrog development 166 learning 196 leverage 195 liberalisation 54 –– policies 16 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam – See: LTTE Likert scale 180, 183 linkage 195 linkage-leverage-learning – See: LLL living by faith 67 LLL 191, 195 LMS 63 local –– communities 97 –– development 133 –– health administrations 138 –– health system 148 –– initiative 137 –– policy solutions 136 lokuttara 105 London Missionary Society – See: LMS low-carbon –– policy solutions 17 –– society 216 low wages 195 LTTE 112 M Makah managed experimentation management principles manatee Māori Maritime Trade Bureau Mazu goddess Mekong Basin merchant marine migration –– societal impact 90 135 179 96 90 49 94 95 21, 27 22 22 THE GREAT DIVERSITY Index –– wave 34 military regime 104 Ming Dynasty 49 minorities 156 minority discontent 158 minzu 161 mission 22 –– investment in candidates 74 –– societies 63 –– Swedish Mission Society 75, 78 missionaries 13, 32 –– education 71 –– marriage of female ~ 75 –– network 77 MNEs 16, 191 mobility 65 modernisation 18, 52 modernity 119 monastic law (Myanmar) 105 monks –– defrocking 105 –– offering to ~ – See: dāna –– political – See: pongyi mopeds 201 motorcycles 201 multinational enterprises – See: MNEs mundane vulnerability 113 Muslim minorities 161, 167 Myanmar, monastic law 105 N Nanjing decade National Health Survey nationalism nationalities – See: minzu NCM NCMS –– funding –– funding levels –– Oversight Committees 58 134 176, 185 67 15, 133 137 141 139 –– structure 137 negative stereotyping 159 neo-liberal policies 208 networks 17, 35 –– social capital of ~ 36 neurasthenia 123 New Cooperative Medical Scheme – See: NCMS New Growth Strategy (Japan) – See: NGS New Zealand 90 NGS 216 Nguyễn Dynasty (Vietnam) 92 NLCM 65, 70, 75 –– missionary education 77 NMS 68, 76 no footwear-issue 106 non-dispatchable nature of RE 211 non-fossil energy target 213 North China Herald 36 Norwegian –– China Mission – See: NCM –– Lutheran China Mission Association – See: NLCM –– Lutheran state church 68 –– Mission Society – See: NMS Nur Bekri 161, 165 O old developmentalism one-child policy opium Opium War oppositional activities Orca oriental despotism oversight –– agency –– independence of ~ –– Oversight Bureau 222 125 50 45 107 96 26 139, 143 144 146 142 THE GREAT DIVERSITY235 Index P pan-Turkism 163 paramilitary 166 passenger vehicles 199 pattam nikkujjana kamma – See: turning of the bowl peasant burden 139 peripheral policy development 133 personal networks 34 personal responsibility 186 Philippines 89 policy change 147 political monk – See: pongyi polluter-pays principle 183 pollution 223 Pō Nagar 93 pongyi 106, 113 post traumatic disorders 124 pre-liberalisation period 192 pressure groups 108 professional expertise 118 protectionism 53 protective policy 192 protest 103 protestant mission 13, 63 –– American 33 psychiatry 125 psychological problems 124 P-TOMS 113 Q Qing Dynasty Qi Shufen 23, 45 58 R racial divide 73 reallocation of resources 147 recycling local practices 149 reform 52, 118, 148 –– Reform and Opening Up 117 236  regime legitimacy 163 regionalism 98 regional trade systems 19 reimbursement 140 religion 25 –– activities 159 –– extremists 167 renewable energy 16 –– development targets 217 –– direct financial support 212 –– market-based instruments 212 –– non-dispatchable nature 211 –– policy instruments 212 –– power capacity 209 –– predicaments of ~ 211 –– regulatory mandates 212 –– strategic approach 218 rescue narratives 84, 92 resources 147 Resurrection 31 revivals 66 revolution of 1911 – See: Xinhai revolution risk sharing 134 rural –– communes 120 –– health insurance 136 –– health reform 135 Russian Far East 89 Russo-Japanese War 30 S Saffron Revolution 104 sangha 105 Sangha Sametggi Association 105 sea checkpoints 48 seafood consumers 178 SEAT 174, 177 sea turtles 85 secular resilience 113 THE GREAT DIVERSITY Index security risks 19 SEI 217, 218 self-control 127 self-help literature 128 self-immolation 114 self-realisation 122, 128 Self-Strengthening Movement 51, 55 sensitivity gap 162 separatist movements 159 service industries 31 SEZs 15, 155 Shenzhen 155 shipping statistics 36 Sinhala Jatika Sangamaya – See: SJS Sino-Japanese War 21, 30 sirenian 89 SJS 111 SLFP 111 Small Sword Society 50 social –– capital of networks 35 –– mobility 121 –– network 64, 128 –– pathologies 123 –– policy 15 solar photovoltaic 209 songbang – See: institutional changes South Korea 218 sovereignty 24 Special Economic Zones – See: SEZs spiritual disagreement 75 Sri Lanka 109 –– Freedom Party – See: SLFP –– United National Party – See: UNP state protection 201 Strategic Emerging Industries – See: SEI style individualization 14 subsidisation of fossil fuel 223 Suez Canal 28 suicide –– as a moral act Sun Yatsen supra-local impact sustainability sustainable development sustainable trade Sustaining Ethical Aquaculture Trade – See: SEAT Suzlon synarchy 126 127 57 149 173 16 173 198 46 T Taiping Rebellion 45 Tamils 111 Tamil Tigers 14 Taoshan 141 tariff autonomy 53, 56 Tata Motors 199 Tata Nano 199 Taxation School 55 tax collection 59 teacher encouragement 161 Thailand 107 THCs 138, 141, 145 therapeutic –– culture 129 –– ethos 120, 130 Thiên Y A Na 94 Thunderbird 96 Tianxia 48 timber 27 time charter 29 Torres Straits 89 tourism 96 –– development 14 township health centres – See: THCs trade of services 29 traditional safety nets 120 tramp trade 29 THE GREAT DIVERSITY237 Index transition transnationalism –– collective actions –– education –– history –– links –– missionary network transparency –– frameworks treaty century turning of the bowl 123 12, 17, 64 13 73 34 19 77 146 146 21 109, 114 U U –– Gambira 103 –– Nu 108 –– Ottama 106 –– Wisara 107 unemployment 119 unified national identity 163 United Church mission 76 United National Party (Sri Lanka) – See: UNP unity in diversity 162, 163 UNP 110 unsaturated markets 202 Urumqi riots 2009 164 Uyghur 156 V values –– individualistic ~ –– ranking Vidyalankara Pirivena Việt Kiều Vietnam, Nguyễn Dynasty vinaya Von Bülow 238  185 178 110 92 92 105 64 W Wallem, Haakon Johan 35 Walpola Rahula 110 WDP 155, 158 welfare 11 Western Development Project – See: WDP Westernisation Movement 51 whale –– ceremonies (Japan) 88 –– designations 93 –– funeral 86 –– hunt 85, 88 –– hunting debate 86 –– hunting rituals 88 –– temple 87 –– veneration 84 –– whale-genie 91 –– worship 13, 86 William Stanley Jevons 55 wind –– energy 209 –– turbine 198 World Missionary Conference 64 X Xinhai revolution 56 Xinjiang 15, 156, 157 –– Production and Construction Corps – See: XPCC –– spirit 163 –– Uygur Autonomous Region – See: XUAR –– Xinjiang 13 scholars 168 XPCC 157, 166 –– mothers 167 XUAR 155, 164 THE GREAT DIVERSITY Index Y Yellow River valley Yung Wing Z Zongli Yamen 32 54 28, 51, 55 THE GREAT DIVERSITY239 ... Kaiser and the Centre for the Study of the Humanities and the Sciences at the University of Bergen for their generous co-funding of the conference Most of the funding has, however, THE GREAT DIVERSITY 5... explore whether there was a common ground in order to pursue closer co-operation in the future This book is a product of this workshop The title – The Great Diversity Asian Trajectories of Development. .. global and Asian developments affect human behaviour, the environment and the structures of our societies At the same time, the influx of Asian popular culture in the West is becoming part of the mainstream

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