Lecture Business management information system - Lecture 13: Distributed systems. In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: An aerospace company, chubb & son insurance company, the sabre group, the IT infrastructure.
Trang 1Distributed Systems
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Case example: Client-Server Systems UW CHUBB & SON INSURANCE COMPANY
Case example: Internet-Based Computing UW THE SABRE GROUP
Trang 3
SSS Stee
Case example: Client-Server Systems
* Systems group’s goal = never build monolithic applications again
* Builds client-server systems with:
- Application code on the clients
Trang 4'_ AN AEROSPACE COMPANY Case example: Client-Server Systems Cont ~ Communication middleware software shared ~ Object oriented technology, most from a library
° Data = at the heart of the architecture is a
Trang 6SSS Stee AN AEROSPACE COMPANY Case example: Client-Server Systems cont
* Network = integral part of the architecture Each company site has three components:
~ Desktop machines
- Servers
Trang 7_mNmẶŨD.ẺẺẺ ẻẻ — AN AEROSPACE COMPANY Case example: Client-Server Systems cont
* Architecture = ‘remote data management’ Data resides on servers and applications reside on clients
* Company uses the distribution function and
Trang 8" HN
Types of Distributed Systems: 5 Client-Server Systems cont
= Benefits of Client-Server Computing:
Better access to information:
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Types of Distributed Systems: 5 Client-Server Systems cont
= |mproved customer service
Ability to communicate customer needs, and Anticipate customer needs
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Types of Distributed Systems: 5 Client-Server Systems cont
Empowered employees:
=" Blend autonomy of PCs with system wide rules
Trang 11m _Ừš£
Types of Distributed Systems: 5 Client-Server Systems cont
= Benefits of Client-Server Computing (cont.):
Increases organizational flexibility:
# allows new technology to be added more easily without affecting rest of system
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Types of Distributed Systems: 5 Client-Server Systems cont
#2 Drawbacks:
Not lower in cost than mainframes because they entail so much coordination
Easier for users, far more complex for IS
What looked like simple connections have turned
Trang 13m nG ,_.>._
Types of Distributed Systems:
6 Internet-Based Computing
M inthe late 1990s, the client-server trend was ‘interrupted’ (augmented?) by the ‘Internet’
M Model of a distributed system includes the Internet
Mi The tenets of client-server remain
Trang 15Types of Distributed Systems:
6 Internet-Based Computing cont
M Network computers have (had?) not taken off
(desktops) but the concept of utilizing programs off the Internet has
Trang 16Types of Distributed Systems:
6 Internet-Based Computing cont
Thin clients = logical for hand held but now = increasingly popular for the ‘desktop’
Updating new versions of software
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Case example: Internet-Based Computing
* The company took advantage of the
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Case example: Internet-Based Computing Cont
© |Ithas also done the same with other
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Case example: Internet-Based Computing
* This airline reservation company Is working with
Nokia (the handheld phone manufacturer) to create a
real-time, interactive travel service delivered via
Trang 20
Case example: Internet-Based Computing Cont
* The service draws on SABRE’s online corporate
travel purchasing system and Nokia’s server (which transmits the travel information to a wireless network
and to its Internet-enabled phones)
* Qantas etc also have and doesn't need to be web-
Trang 21"Ð HN =
Types of Distributed Systems: 6 Internet-Based Computing cont
Server-Based Computing
= With more use of laptops which do not have strong
security features
Updating en masse is not easy
Even individual downloads can require helpdesk
Trang 22Types of Distributed Systems: 6 Internet-Based Computing cont
= Solution = server based computing
Applications reside on corporate servers rather
than on laptops
Applications can be securely accessed by any
device, they can be updated directly on the server, and they do not have to be tailored to run on
Trang 23m Ì ¬ 3I
Case example: Server-Based Computing (mobile)
* UK based venture capital firm
* Needed to give its investment professionals anytime-
anywhere access to its systems
* Remote employees dial in (secure modem)
* Using Windows terminal server software and Citrix
Trang 24m_ — _
Types of Distributed Systems:
6 Internet-Based Computing cont
Peer-to-Peer Computing
M This form of Internet computing distributes a task over a wide number of computers (peers) connected to the
M This grassroots movement, like the open source
movement, is now taken seriously by some
Trang 25mm _Ừ
Types of Distributed Systems:
6 Internet-Based Computing cont
Peer-to-Peer Computing
Trang 26" mẻ -
Types of Distributed Systems: 7 Web Services
This second-generation Internet-based distributed
system gives software modules URLs (Internet
addresses) so they can be called upon to perform
their function as a service via the Internet
This development will permit widespread computer- to-computer use of the Internet One computer
program or Web Service makes a request of another
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Types of Distributed Systems:
7 Web Services cont
= Hot topic (the future’):
1 Next generation of distributed systems (big!)
2 Makes the Internet the hub of computing
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Types of Distributed Systems:
7 Web Services cont
4 Releases companies from ‘building’ and
maintaining systems ‘in house’ 5 Will draw on existing systems
Wrapping — encapsulate functionality from an
existing application in an XML envelope
= Exposing — for use by others
Trang 29SS —
Types of Distributed Systems:
7 Web Services cont
= Web Services Standards:
Three software standards:
XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
WSDL (Web Services Definition Standard)
UDDI (Universal Discovery, Description, and
Trang 30SS —
Types of Distributed Systems:
7 Web Services cont
= Web Services Standards:
Three communication standards
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
Trang 31" ttt—w
Types of Distributed Systems:
7 Web Services cont
2 Significance of Web Services
Viewing IS as proprietary has led to rigid
business processes, which are slow to change
and respond to market changes
Web Services offers an IT architecture based on the openness of the Internet Rather than build
proprietary systems, companies can obtain the functionality they need from the Internet
Trang 32" ÝNNNGGgGỐcc =
Types of Distributed Systems:
7 Web Services cont
This modularity permits handling a huge variety of possibilities by mixing and
matching, and allows easier cross-company system linking
Companies thus only pay for the functionality
they use when they use it, which reduces the
Trang 33Sts
Case Example: Web Services
Z One GM executive believes that the Web Services architecture could be used to move GM from its
Supply-driven, build-to-stock business model to a
demand-driven, build-to-order business model — an
otherwise impossible feat
= To begin, GM first enhanced its supply-driven model
by offering new functions via a Web Services architecture
= One Web Service Is a locate-to-order service that
dealers can use to easily find a specific car a
customer might want in the inventory of other GM
Trang 34TSS tts
Case Example: Web Services cont
= Another Web Service is order-to-delivery which
shortens the time to deliver a custom-ordered vehicle
Paving the way to eventually convert to a make to order business model
= The ‘Rewards’?:
Cut its $25B inventory in half
Trang 35SS lets
Defining the Overall IT Architecture
= The intent of an IT architecture is to bring order to the otherwise chaotic world of information systems by
defining a set of guidelines and standards, and then
adhering to them
= Because the architecture needs to support how the
company operates, it reflects the business strategy = Furthermore = as business changes, the architecture
needs to keep pace
Trang 36An Enterprise Architecture Framework
= To describe the IS architecture, look at the roles
people and components play (5th edition Fig.5-12):
Rows: Views must be taken Into account when
building complex products: # planner (Scope statement)
Trang 37An Enterprise Architecture Framework
# Designer (model of the information system)
# Builder (technology model)
Trang 38Data Function Network
(What) (How) (Where) Scope Planner Enterprise Model Owner Information System Model Designer Technology Model Builder Components Subcontractor Functioning System Consumer or User
FIGURE 5-12 An Architectural Framework
Source: Adapted from John Zachman, Zachman International, 2222 Foothill Blvd., Suite 337, LaCanada,
CA 91011
Trang 39mẻ _D_—- nh An Enterprise Architecture Framework cont Columns: IS components:
- Data models (what It is made of) - Functional models (how it works)
- Network models (where the components are located)
Trang 41mẻ _D_—- nh
An Enterprise Architecture Framework cont
Use of the framework: When IS users bring in a package that follows a data model inconsistent with the rules of the
Trang 42FIGURE 5-13 Enterprise Architecture—A Framework Objectives/ Scope (Contextual) Planner Enterprise Model (Conceptual) Owner System Model (Logical) Designer Technology Model (Physical) Builder Detailed Represen- tations (out- of-context) Sub- Contractor Functioning System Data What ist of things enpoctant Ent = Business entity Rew e.g., Data model c t e Er ‡ toàn 1 nt = Data entry Rein = Data retationsig g., Data design t = Segment/Row/etc PommerKey/e e.q., Data definition | L—— Ent = Field Rein = Address e.g., Data Business relabonsnip Function How Proc = Business process vO Business resources Proc = Application function VO = User views e.g Sys1em design ca L_]L] San œ Proc Computer funct VO =Screerv/Device formats eg Progran Proc = Language sim VO = Control block e.g., Function Network Where “ ` 7a Vode = Major business
Node = Business location
Link = Business linkage Link = Proto e.g., Network People Who $1 of Organizations/agents mportant to the business trí dc "xo L1 1 SN L1 C} 1 Agent = Organization Viork = Viork product @.9 Human interdace Agent < Role Work = Deliverable 6.9 Humarvtectw logy interface Work = “Transaction e.g., Organization Time When List Of overits segnifica ) the Dusiness Time = Major t nos ( ¿ 9 Master sx 1uk Cycle « Business cycle 6.9., Processing structuze “ —» + “ le ~~ 4 — + —— 5 Time = System event Cycle = Processaig cycle é.9., Control structure Time = Execute Cycie = Componem cycle @.9., Timing definition Time = interrupt Cycle = Mactine cycle e.g., Schedule Motivation Why List of business goals strategies cto 2 = Y [ 1 (i ¬ 5d6d6e ) CJ
Trang 43mẻ _ an FMC CORPORATION Case Example: IT Architecture Development = When FMC split in two, it designed two new IT architectures
= The architecture and technology director led five teams — for data, applications, integration, desktop, and platform
™ Each created a today architecture, a tomorrow
Trang 44mẻ _ an
Case Example: IT Architecture Development
= The companies have now split and the tomorrow
architecture has given FMC a standard that everyone
agrees with, making standard-setting far easier
= Now itt is working on a new tomorrow architecture, for
Trang 45mẻ _Š — nh
Case Example: IT Architecture
= When they looked at the underlying databases
Customer profiles, AAdvantage, NetSAAver = found heaps of data redundancy (common!)
leading to a huge redesign
American consolidated and linked these
Trang 46m _DÖD nh
Case Example: IT Architecture Cont
= The architecture underlying American Airline’s Website is now modular
The -existing SABRE computer reservation
system serves as “the reservation service” module
Other modules perform the functions related to the Web
Trang 47mẻ _ an
The Coming Architecture:
Service-Oriented Architecture
= Importance of an architecture Is that It spells out the relationships between the components of an airplane,
building, system etc
= In the past with IS these interactions have been
‘hard-coded’ point-to-point
Efficient but costly to maintain
Trang 48m E'
The Coming Architecture:
Service-Oriented Architecture Cont
# helatively new system architecture moves away from this = Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Emergence parallels Web Services — uses the
same architectural concept
Thinks about how to expose the dataand
functions in a way that other systems can easily
Trang 49The IT Infrastructure - What ts an IT Infrastructure? IT infrastructure is the foundation of an enterprise’s IT portfolio: = Provides the capability for reliable services and sharing
=# Includes both the technical and managerial expertise
required to provide these services
= Is linked to external industry infrastructure
Trang 50" nKHxă£<ggỤỤ ltttt—s™
The IT Infrastructure
- What Is an IT Infrastructure? cont
# Shared characteristics differentiate an infrastructure
from IT investments used by just one function ™ Elements can include:
Company-wide networks
Data warehouses
Large scale computing facilities
EDI capabilities
= Applications ‘sit on top’ and directly support the
Trang 51The Importance of IT Infrastructure
= Infrastructure investments are a vital part of corporate information systems portfolios
= Yet they are the most difficult to cost-justify initially
and to quantify benefits afterwards