This chapter presents the following content: Interorganizational system development, discussion case – interorganizational systems development, internet-based systems, application servers, java development platform, web service advantages for e-business, web services terminology, web service model, tradıtıonal web-based systems, web server clusters.
Trang 1Interorganizational System Development
Trang 2Sts Today Lecture = |Interorganizational System Development = EXXONMOBIL Discussion Case — Interorganizational Systems Development
Case Study — Interorganizational Systems Development
= Internet-Based Systems
Application Servers
Trang 3SS
Today Lecture
# Web Service
Web Service Advantages for E-Business Web Services Terminology
Web Service Model
Trang 4SS Today Lecture # BUILDING A WEB SERVICE Case Example # BEKINS
Case Example — Web Services
Trang 5m — ltt
Interorganizational System Development
= One of the main business trends Is the appearance of
business ecosystems — “groupings” of businesses that work closely together
Supply Chain Management systems integrate supply chains
= These are now a major trend as they compete against one another on their ability to reduce costs and time across their entire chains
= Development of such inter-organizational systems
requires teams from the different organizations to work
Trang 6SS 5 Supply Chain Example
Figure 4: The Multiple Enterprises of the Supply Chain Focus Company (~ Ề 2) = Suppliers Customers C >) 2 & (7 Z| Supplier's Customers/ suppliers J \ End users
Acquire ————*»> Convert ——— Distribute
<i Product and information flow =>
Trang 7
mẻ _D_D_—` nh
Interorganizational System Development cont
Another type of Inter-organizational system is a platform, which provides the
infrastructure for the operation of a business ecosystem, a region, or an industry
Trang 8TTS ằ-
Interorganizational System Development cont
= Platform development Is a major trend In an
Increasing number of industries = Following 2 cases
Exxonmobil - Yet to become a platform
HKEx — points out the types of coordination needed to develop an interorganizational system for a
Discussion Case — Interorganizational S Developm
= Mobil create) ster pass, a svstEm II uses a 1.5-
Inch-long wand that motorists can attach to their key
chain and “wave” at an electronic reader on a Mobil gas pump to pay for gas
= Mobil’s goal was to speed motorists in and out of Its
= ExxonMobil now has five million Soeedpass holders They buy more Mobil gas than non-Speedpass customers, they visit Mobil stations one more time per month, and they spend 2-3 percent more
Discussion Case — Interorganizational Systems Development cont
= To leverage this technology, it has teamed up with McDonald’s restaurants in Chicago to test use of Speedpass to pay for food
Trang 12HONG KONG EXCHANGES & CLEARING Case Study — Interorganizational Systems
™ HKEx Is Asia’s second largest stock market
= To extend its reach beyond Hong Kong, It decided to
embed its business processes in an open trading
architecture by building a third-generation automatic
order matching and execution system
= HKEx’s goal is integrated end-to-end computerized
trading processes, from investors through brokers to
Trang 13HONG KONG EXCHANGES & CLEARING Case Study — Interorganizational Systems
Development cont
= The project was daunting, involving both internal and external people
4O staff members from varying departments 150 consultants, and
Trang 14HONG KONG EXCHANGES & CLEARING Case Study — Interorganizational Systems
Development cont
MI Development took two years, and ended with three levels of testing
One level involved testing the systems that some 100
brokerage firms built to interface with the open gateway
M Rollout was phased so that Hong Kong's stock
Trang 15HONG KONG EXCHANGES & CLEARING Case Study — Interorganizational Systems
Development cont
M@ HKEx has built its processes into an open architecture
and coordinated the construction of an inter- organizational system — with components from
Trang 16mề ` na
Internet-Based Systems
M@ HKEx’s system is not Internet based but it allows ©
Internet access for online trading as well as other actions The Internet has opened up the options HKEx can offer
M Internet users have become so sophisticated that Internet-based systems must be:
Reliable, and
Integrated both internally and externally with systems
Trang 17mề ` na
Internet-Based Systems
Mi To do this companies recognize they must negotiate
‘language differences’
E.g asystem may have to port old COBOL
applications to Java, reconcile interface discrepancies and interface with back-end legacy applications, often without documentation or past experience with those
= Tools are available to help
Trang 18m _DÖD nh
Internet-Based Systems: Application
@ Originally conceived as a piece of middleware to link a Web
server to applications on other company systems
The application server has grown into a framework for developing Internet-based applications
Mi Figure 9-6 shows the basic application server architecture The virtual server takes requests from clients and Web servers
(on the left), runs the necessary business logic & provides connectivity to the entire range of back-end systems (on the
Trang 19Internet-Based Systems: Application Servers
Mi The goal of the application server: automate
manage technical tasks in the development and running of Internet based applications
Mi The result:
Trang 20"' mm = FIGURE 9-6 An Application Server Architecture "—> Database lie -———- Web Browser Client Web Server ERP ——$—<— er Legacy a Systems Middleware Thin Clients Application Servers
Trang 21Internet-Based Systems: Java Development Platform
= Java has been in many cases the starting point for the
development of Internet-based systems with an open system architecture
Originally — developed to provide applets that run on Web clients
# Evolved into a full programming language
= Goal = Platform for independent language that could run on any system
= Promise applications portability: “write once, run anywhere”
Trang 22ava Software Development
* Java Code Export v1.0.0 - [G:\Projects\Code Convertor\Java\Jim- v 2 (src)\JIM\source\jim\Jim java]
kage jim; net DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional/} rt Beat ‹ “http://www xhtml /DTD/chbmil transitional, dtd” > d java.util.*; 3 5 javax swing.event.*; 4 '<html xmlns="http:/j/”> 6 java.awt.*; 5 | <head> } rt javax swing.*; Ẻ <title > </title > M : rt javax swing.tree,*; 7
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Ll | * Ae Me & part of JM - The Java Instant Messenger { 95
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Trang 23Internet-Based Systems:
Java Development Platform cont
= Major components in Java server-side platform Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
=" Preconfigured pieces of code that IS staff no longer have to build from scratch
Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
=" Defines a standard for developing Internet-based
Trang 24m _DÖD nh
Internet-Based Systems:
Java Development Platform cont
Provide an alternative to building online business
systems from scratch or buying packaged online
business systems because of their multi-vendor
platform capability and pre-built, reusable components
= Microsoft competes with its own versions: Component Object Model (COM)
Trang 25" m=a.VvgỢ
Web Service
Web Service:
“Web-based applications that dynamically interact
with other Web applications using open standards that include XML, UDDI and SOAP”
Universal Description Discovery Integration
Simple Object Access Protocol
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA):
“Development of applications from distributed
collections of smaller loosely coupled service
Trang 26SS AML
# Extensible Markup Language (XML) Is a markup language that defines a set of
rules for encoding documents in a format which is both human-readable and
Trang 27SS UDDI
= UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) is an XML-based registry for businesses worldwide to list
themselves on the Internet
# its ultimate goal is to streamline online
transactions by enabling companies to find one another on the Web and make their
Trang 28TSS tts
Web Service Advantages for E-Business
= Allow companies to reduce the cost of doing e-business,
to deploy solutions faster
Need a common program-to-program communications model
= Allow heterogeneous applications to be integrated more rapidly, easily and less expensively
Trang 29""MX =.ƯGƯGC =
Web Services Terminology
= SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
exchanging XML messages on a network
Like RPC, it provides a way to communicate between
Trang 30Web Services Terminology
Because HTTP Is supported by all Internet browsers
and servers, SOAP can run on different operating
systems, with different technologies and programming
= WSDL (Web Service Description Language )
describing interfaces of Web services
Trang 32SS =
Web Service Model (2/3)
# holes ¡n a Web Service Architecture
Service provider
= Owner of the service
= Platform that hosts access to the service Service requestor =" Business that requires certain functions to be satisfied # Application looking for and invoking an interaction with a service Service registry
Trang 33mà D,ÀÀÌ
Web Service Model (3/3)
# Operations in a Web Service Architecture
# Service descriptions need to be published in order for service requestor to find them
= Service requestor queries the service registry for the service required
Trang 34mề ` na
Internet-Based Systems: Web Services
#The vision of Web Services is that modules of code can be assembled into services, which, in turn, can be linked to create a business process at the moment It is needed and run across enterprises, computing platforms, and data
= There are two development modes:
Trang 35Internet-Based Systems: Web Services = Exposes it =» Then = give it a Internet address and let others use it — for a fee!
Second way to build a Web Service = use one someone else has already exposed
Trang 36Z“_ ` `
Trang 37Z“_ ` `
Trang 38“—_—_ `
>» How to refer to a document?
Trang 39TT ts
Uniform Resource Locator
» Areference called Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Is used to refer a document
>» The DNS name of its associated server along with a file name is specified
» The URL also specifies the protocol for transferring the document across the network
> Example:
Trang 40—_
> Aclient interacts with Web servers through a special application known as browser
» What's the key function of a browser?
Trang 41Z“ _ `
Web Web Web Web
server server server server
y vo LAN
Front end handles
Front all incoming requests
Trang 42m"—_ `
» The front end can be designed in two ways:
Transport-layer switch — simply passes data sent along the TCP connection to one of the servers, depending on some measurement of the server’s load
Content-aware request distribution — it first inspects the HTTP request and decides which server it should
Trang 43m"—_ `
4 For example, if the front end always forwards
requests for the same document to the same server, the server may cache the document resulting in better response times
Approach that combines the efficiency of transport- layer switch and the functionality of content-aware
Trang 44Z"— `
» Another alternative to set up a Web server cluster Is to use round-robin DNS
> With round-robin DNS a single domain name is associated with multiple IP addresses
» When resolving a host name, a browser would receive a
list of multiple addresses, each address corresponding to
a server
» Normally, browsers choose the first address on the list,
but most DNS servers circulate the entries
» As aresult, simple distribution of requests over the
Trang 45JS cœ
= Currency converter
= The steps Involve:
Exposing the code
Writing a service description Publishing the service