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ITF research reports long life surfacings for roads field test results

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Cấu trúc

  • The International Transport Forum

  • ITF Research Reports

  • Foreword

  • Table of contents

  • Abbreviations

  • Executive summary

  • Chapter 1. Increasing the longevity of wearing courses

    • Summary of Phase 1: Economic evaluation of long-life pavements

    • Summary of Phase 2: Laboratory testing of epoxy asphalt and high-performancece mentitious materials

    • Objectives of the field trials (Phase 3) and working method

    • Monitoring of the trial sections

    • Content of the report

    • References

  • Chapter 2. Epoxy-asphalt road surfacing field trials

    • Plant trials of epoxy asphalt in France

    • Field trials of epoxy asphalt open graded porous asphalt in New Zealand

    • Field trials of stone mastic asphalt and epoxy asphalt in the United Kingdom

    • Assessment of performance

    • Recommendations

    • Summary and conclusions

    • References

  • Chapter 3. Field trials with high-performance cementitious materials

    • Trials of HPCM in the United Kingdom

    • Trials of HPCM in France

    • Assessment of performance

    • Recommendations

    • Summary and conclusions

    • References

  • Working Group members

Nội dung

This work is published under the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein not necessarily reflect the official views of OECD member countries This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area Please cite this publication as: ITF (2017), Long-life Surfacings for Roads: Field Test Results, ITF Research Reports, OECD Publishing, Paris http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789282108116-en ISBN 978-92-82-10810-9 (print) ISBN 978-92-82-10811-6 (PDF) Series: ITF Research Reports ISSN 2518-6744 (print) ISSN 2518-6752 (online) The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law Photo credits: Cover © Richard Elliot Corrigenda to OECD publications may be found on line at: www.oecd.org/about/publishing/corrigenda.htm © OECD 2017 You can copy, download or print OECD content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from OECD publications, databases and multimedia products in your own documents, presentations, blogs, websites and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgement of OECD as source and copyright owner is given All requests for public or commercial use and translation rights should be submitted to rights@oecd.org Requests for permission to photocopy portions of this material for public or commercial use shall be addressed directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) at info@copyright.com or the Centre franỗais dexploitation du droit de copie (CFC) at contact@cfcopies.com The International Transport Forum The International Transport Forum is an intergovernmental organisation with 57 member countries It acts as a think tank for transport policy and organises the Annual Summit of transport ministers ITF is the only global body that covers all transport modes The ITF is politically autonomous and administratively integrated with the OECD The ITF works for transport policies that improve peoples’ lives Our mission is to foster a deeper understanding of the role of transport in economic growth, environmental sustainability and social inclusion and to raise the public profile of transport policy The ITF organises global dialogue for better transport We act as a platform for discussion and prenegotiation of policy issues across all transport modes We analyse trends, share knowledge and promote exchange among transport decision-makers and civil society The ITF’s Annual Summit is the world’s largest gathering of transport ministers and the leading global platform for dialogue on transport policy The Members of the ITF are: Albania, Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China (People’s Republic of), Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States International Transport Forum 2, rue André Pascal F-75775 Paris Cedex 16 contact@itf-oecd.org www.itf-oecd.org ITF Research Reports ITF Research Reports are in-depth studies of transport policy issues of concern to ITF member countries They present the findings of dedicated ITF working groups, which bring together international experts over a period of usually one to two years, and are vetted by the ITF/OECD Joint Transport Research Committee Any findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily reflect the views of the International Transport Forum or the OECD Neither the OECD, ITF nor the authors guarantee the accuracy of any data or other information contained in this publication and accept no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their use This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area FOREWORD – Foreword This report is the third phase of an important research project that began in 2002 Taken as a whole, the project was designed to address the issues of road maintenance and the potential of long-life wearing courses to increase the longevity of a road The project is genuine research work at the forefront of road construction technology and is the fruit of the collaborative efforts of experts representing 12 countries This report summarises the results of field trials of two innovative materials for road surfacing This project has been possible thanks to the dedication of the experts of the working group and their colleagues at testing laboratories, to the audaciousness of road owners who made it possible the construction of road sections with these two materials, to the engineers who worked on the fine-tuning of the mixes, and to the construction site teams who worked very hard, sometimes night and day, on the laying out of the courses with tight timing constraints The ITF would like to express, in particular, its gratitude to the following organisations and agencies, without which such an innovative research project could not have been undertaken: • Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) • Conseil Général de la Sarthe • Conseil Général de Loire Atlantique • IFSTTAR • Opus International Consultants Ltd • Fulton Hogan Ltd • New Zealand Transport Agency • UK Highways Agency • URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited The ITF would also like to express its gratitude to the main authors of this report: Mr Finn Thøgersen (Danish Road Directorate, Denmark) and Mr Richard Elliott (URS Infrastructure and Environment UK Limited), respectively co-ordinators of the HPCM and epoxy-asphalt trials, and Mr Franỗois de Larrard (IFSTTAR and Lafarge, France), Chairman of the Working Group LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS – Table of contents Abbreviations Executive summary 11 Chapter Increasing the longevity of wearing courses 13 Summary of Phase 1: Economic evaluation of long-life pavements 14 Summary of Phase 2: Laboratory testing of epoxy asphalt and high-performance cementitious materials 15 Objectives of the field trials (Phase 3) and working method 19 Monitoring of the trial sections 19 Content of the report 21 References 22 Chapter Epoxy-asphalt road surfacing field trials 23 Plant trials of epoxy asphalt in France 24 Field trials of epoxy asphalt open graded porous asphalt in New Zealand 25 Field trials of stone mastic asphalt and epoxy asphalt in the United Kingdom 34 Assessment of performance 45 Recommendations 46 Summary and conclusions 47 References 50 Chapter Field trials with high-performance cementitious materials 53 Trials of HPCM in the United Kingdom 54 Trials of HPCM in France 56 Assessment of performance 64 Recommendations 64 Summary and conclusions 65 References 66 Working Group members 67 Figures Figure 1.1 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5 Figure 2.6 Figure 2.7 Figure 2.8 Figure 2.9 Principle of the HPCM pavement 18 Two components of epoxy-asphalt binder 26 General view of the site 27 Start of the 20% EMOGPA section 28 Compaction of 20%EMOGPA 28 Traffic damage to 30% EMOGPA (plucked chip outside wheel tracks) 29 Curing of field trial specimens 30 Start of 30% air voids content EMOGPA section, looking towards 20% air voids content OGPA section 32 Start of 20% air voids content EMOGPA section, looking towards 30% air voids content EMOGPA section 32 Mean noise levels for cars, dual-axle and multi-axle trucks (SPBI =Statistical Pass By Index (according to ISO 11819-1)) 33 LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 – TABLE OF CONTENTS Figure 2.10 Figure 2.11 Figure 2.12 Figure 2.13 Figure 2.14 Figure 2.15 Composition of SMA mixture 36 General view of plant setup (bitumen delivery system on left) 37 Failed patch reinstatement typical of pre-trial condition 38 Paving of epoxy asphalt with conventional plant 39 Epoxy-asphalt trial section after 12 months trafficking (2013) 42 Mean stiffness (ITSM) data at three temperatures, performed on in situ cured cores, 13 months after production 43 Figure 2.16 Mean stiffness (ITSM) data at 20°C, performed on laboratory cured cores, at various ages after production 44 Figure 3.1 Equipment used for the HPCM laying 55 Figure 3.2 Machines developed for laying HPCM 56 Figure 3.3 Construction of the HPCM in Brettes-les-Pins 57 Figure 3.4 Aspects of the surfacing of the HPCM section in Brette-les-Pins 58 Figure 3.5 Construction of the HPCM section in St Philbert (France) 62 Figure 3.6 Skid-resistance of GFRUHPC, as measured with the Wehner & Schulze machine 63 Figure 3.7 Noise generation as measured by the CPX method on the St Philbert test section after two weeks of traffic 63 Tables Table 1.1 Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3 Table 2.4 Table 2.5 Table 2.6 Table 2.7 Table 2.8 Table 3.1 Monitoring requirements before, during and after the construction of the trial sections 20 Mixture design for field trial 26 Air temperatures near to trial site (December 2007–March 2010) 30 Rutting 31 Skid resistance (British Pendulum Number) 31 Water permeability 33 Mixing temperature and maximum usable life of epoxy asphalt 39 Summary of skid resistance, texture and rut depth data 41 Mean tensile strength (ITST) data at 20°C at various ages after production 44 HPCM mix-composition 60 LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 56 – FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS A full scale trial was planned for the spring of 2011, but unfortunately this trial was for various reasons not realised, and no further activities have taken place in the United Kingdom Trials of HPCM in France France launched a national project called CLEAN (Chaussée Longévité Environnementale Adhérente et Nettoyante, or Long-Life, Environmentally Friendly, Skid Resistant and Air-Cleaning Pavement) with the aim of developing a semi-industrialised technology for HPCM application and validating the concept through experimental construction sites The eight project partners included research laboratories, road owners, material providers, a construction facility maker and a contractor Full documentation of the project can be found on the project web-site (CLEAN, n.d.) The first activities in 2009 focused on preparations for two test sites Initially, the mix design from Phase was adapted to fit with the planned laying specifications The constituents were re-considered based on further laboratory testing Mixing was planned to take place in an ordinary annular pan mixer The dry materials were to be delivered as premix, and the mixing time was planned for eight minutes, with fibres added during the last two minutes Pumping tests indicated that the material should be pumpable, however it was noted that care was needed to avoid fibre plug formation during cleaning The equipment producer SAE developed three separate machines for HPCM laying It was the intention that they should eventually be assembled into one laying unit Figure 3.2 Machines developed for laying HPCM Mortar spreader Chippings spreader Roller During the autumn of 2009, three testing campaigns were carried out at IFSTTAR (formerly LCPC) in Nantes Some of the conclusions from these tests were: • Mortar slump value should be between 130 mm and 170 mm • Laying speed should be around m/min and kept at a constant rate to achieve good evenness • Base course should be moistened before applying the mortar • Chippings should be spread quickly after mortar laying • Roller should be driven by a motor on the axle (not pulled) LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS – 57 After the trials in Nantes, it was observed that some steel fibres were visible on the surface After passes with a bicycle it was realised that these fibres could puncture a bicycle tyre, but not motorised vehicle tires Other types of fibres (PVA, aramid and glass) were then being considered for the field trials Most of the work performed within the CLEAN project in 2010 dealt with the preparation, execution and monitoring of the first experimental site, in Brette-les-Pins (10 km south of Le Mans, Sarthe) The site preparation began in August 2009, where a high-modulus asphalt layer was placed on the roundabout The HPCM was laid between 26-28 April 2010 Figure 3.3 Construction of the HPCM in Brette-les-Pins Mixer Paving train Chipping spreading Manual compaction With the background of the potential bicycle tyre puncture problem when steel fibre reinforcement is applied, a mix with 1% PVA fibres was chosen for this first trial The mixing equipment was placed 30 m from the roundabout The mortar mix was delivered in premix big-bags, leaving only fibres, retarder and water to be added The asphalt substrate in the roundabout was shot blasted prior to paving in order to clean the bitumen surface layer from the aggregate and thus improve the bond The mix quality was monitored with various tests, including compressive strength, which ranged from 117 to 134 MPa (28-day values), as measured on 4x4x16 cm prisms LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 58 – FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS The HPCM layer was placed with specially developed machinery including a mortar spreader with a vibrating screed followed by a chipping spreader The chipping compaction was planned to take place using a vibrating roller However, this was not successful and manual compaction by workers walking on wooden boards was chosen as the solution for this procedure After completion of the paving, various tests took place including skid resistance and noise measurement Skid resistance values were satisfactory whereas the noise generated was slightly higher than values found on a surface dressing and significantly higher than values for a reference asphalt pavement Visual cracking surveys conducted some months after paving showed both transverse cracking with mean distances between the cracks of 1-2 m, and also a few longitudinal cracks and examples of crazing, probably caused by improper application of curing compound or too early trafficking The transverse cracking was as expected given the low volume and the soft nature of the PVA fibres, and is well in line with the results from Phase of the project Generally, the roundabout looked rather heterogeneous in terms of colour, amount of aggregate particles and surface height Figure 3.4 Aspects of the surfacing of the HPCM section in Brette-les-Pins Overview Transverse and longitudinal cracking Transverse cracking Typical transverse crack (opening > mm) LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS – 59 The Brette-les-Pins roundabout trial led to the following conclusions: • Laying of the three rings, a total of about 750 m2, was carried out within a three-day period As a result of the rapid hardening of the mortar, it was possible to load the material with site machines after about 24 hours • The fine tuning on the mortar and chipping spreaders led to globally satisfactory operation (when the speed could be kept constant) • Regarding mortar production, the obtained results were both satisfactory and consistent • Interruptions in the mortar delivery to the paver led to difficulties in terms of longitudinal evenness and compaction quality (owing to the high thixotropy of the fresh mortar) • Poor chipping compaction was the main problem: given the high mortar thixotropy, the penetration of chippings through the surface became difficult a short while after laying the mortar Both mortar rheology and compaction technique need to be revised • Finally, the site must be closed in order to avoid any untimely circulation on the fresh material (pedestrians, two-wheel vehicles, etc.) Based on these experiences, the following improvements were envisaged: • To modify the mortar mixture design with the aims of decreasing the proneness to cracking and the thixotropy • To change the compaction process (by developing a new machine or another more efficient manual technique) • To perform automatic curing with a sprayer mounted on a trailer • To connect the two spreaders in a single machine • To further investigate the method of joint construction Other activities in the French CLEAN project included numerous tests performed to optimise the mortar mixture-design, according to the experience gained at Brette-les-Pins To reduce the thixotropic behaviour of the fresh mix, and given the fact that the mix appeared to be over-designed regarding the final strength, it was decided not to use silica fume in the mixture, but only Portland cement as a binder After readjustment, the early stiffening, observed on the material while at rest, is much slower than in the original mixture The final strength is also lower, but the level is probably still high enough to provide sufficient durability for the HPCM under traffic Regarding the fibres, a new synthetic fibre (of the aramid type) was examined It appeared that an amount of 2% was sufficient to prevent macro-cracking However, these fibres were damaged during pumping, resulting in very poor workability Additional tests were carried out with a second type of aramid fibre, where the coating of individual fibres was strengthened Here the stability during prolonged mixing was satisfactory, but the bond with the cementitious matrix in the hardened material was too low, impairing the crack-control ability of the fibres Finally the option of synthetic fibres was abandoned For the second construction site, a new machine was designed and built to perform the compaction of chippings Light aluminium panels are trailed over the freshly placed HPCM, with a back-and-forth longitudinal motion Full-scale tests performed in September 2010 gave encouraging results A second trial was carried out in May/June 2011, on a 150 m section of the road RD117, near Saint-Philbertde-Granlieu, in the Loire-Atlantique department This road carries around 16 000 vehicles per day LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 60 – FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS Since this trial section was to be carried out on a highway with no bicycle traffic, it was decided to go back to using steel fibre reinforcement Another change from the Brette-les-Pins trial was that, as mentioned previously, the use of silica fume in the mix was omitted The mix designs for the two French trials are summarised in the following table, together with the original mix used in Phase of the long-life pavement (LLP) project Table 3.1 HPCM mix-composition Constituents in kg/m3 Mix A Mix B Mix C 0.2/1 mm rounded siliceous sand 429 533 - 0.08-0.315 mm rounded siliceous sand 429 533 - 0/1 crushed quartz sand - - 883 CEM I Portland cement 985 814 982 Silica fume 197 163 - Superplasticizer (dry powder) 4.4 2.26 2.21 Retarder (in liquid form) 4.95 2.44 2.65 13x0.2 mm steel fibres (3%-vol.) 235 - 226 - 13 - Water 207 183 294 w/c 0.21 0.22 0.30 Slump (cm) 21 20-24 20-26 Chippings 4.5 kg/m2 (4/6 calcined bauxite) 4.5 kg/m2 (3/6 calcined bauxite) kg/m2 (4/6 porphyric) PVA fibres (1%-vol.) A: Mix used by the partners of the LLP Phase working group B: Mix used for the Brette-les-Pins site C: Mix used on the St Philbert site From the first trial, two major issues were identified regarding the HPCM technology: a difficulty to control the embedment of chippings in the fresh mortar and a rough texture, generating a high level of rolling noise under traffic These findings led to the re-design of this hydraulic solution, to avoid the incorporation of chippings and rather create a mortar macro texture The first idea was to try to reproduce the texture of the best current asphalt-wearing courses, e.g the BBTM 0/6 (very thin asphalt concrete with mm maximum size of aggregate) Tests were carried out with polymeric matrix, but this process was found difficult to mechanise on site It was finally preferred to use a known technique, which is well mastered in the United States (Wiegand, 2006), consisting of sawing narrow longitudinal groves in the hardened mortar LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS – 61 The test section at St Philbert was therefore constructed with this solution, called grooved fibre-reinforced ultra-high performance concrete (GFRUHPC), over half of the length, and the initially developed HPCM surface with embedded bauxite chippings on the other half With the GFRUHPC technique, three types of risks had to be assessed prior to proceeding with a full-scale application: • The “shimmying” phenomenon for two-wheeled vehicles This problem is well-known in the motorcyclist community and, in the past, made some concrete pavements very unpopular However, according to recent American experience, it seems that shimmying only appears above a certain critical dimension of the grooves With the ones specified for GFRUHPC, this risk seems to be minimised • Tyre puncture Since steel fibres are used in the mortar, one could expect that some fibres would come out of the top surface and could damage the vehicle tyres Tests were carried out on a 25 metre long test section at IFSTTAR, Nantes (Nguyen et al., 2011) The risk was confirmed for bicycles, but not for motorcycles, cars or trucks Since the GFRUHPC technology is dedicated to highways, the choice of steel fibre was retained • Hydroplaning Any wearing course must pass requirements dealing with water drainage under tyres Based on a study published at TRB (Ong et al., 2006) and confirmed by theoretical calculations (Nguyen, 2011), this risk could be eliminated, provided that the grooving specifications are met Photos from the construction of the St Philbert site are shown in the following Figure 3.5 As for the HPCM, the Wehner & Schulze machine was used to assess the potential skid resistance of the GFRUHPC layer (Figure 3.6) The smooth material, in the absence of surface texturing, showed a rapid decrease in its friction coefficient However, the use of crushed, angular quartz sand, together with the application of grooves in the fresh mortar, led to a large improvement of the skid resistance After the rapid wear of the superficial cement paste, there seems to be a surface regeneration which creates an increase of friction coefficient The remaining level of friction after 500 000 cycles is even higher than the best level achieved by the control asphalt material after only some thousands of cycles LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 62 – FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS Figure 3.5 Construction of the HPCM section in St Philbert (France) Fibre addition in the mixer Paving train HPCM paving Manual correction of the HPCM surface Concrete surface before grooving Grooving Grooving with a diamond saw Final appearance, grooving distance 10 mm, width 4.5 mm, depth mm Source: Clean Project LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS – 63 Figure 3.6 Skid-resistance of GFRUHPC, as measured with the Wehner & Schulze machine Source: CLEAN project The potential noise generation is a parameter that cannot be readily measured in the laboratory within the current pavement material technology The noise generation was assessed through the CPX technique (Weigand, 2006), which consists of measuring the noise level with microphones fixed near the tyres of a reference car The results are displayed in Figure 3.7 HPCM confirms its noisy character, with an increase of 3-4 dBA as compared to the BBTM 0/10 control asphalt material However, the GFRUHPC displays the same type of noise generation as that of asphalt, both in terms of total energy and frequency range Figure 3.7 Noise generation as measured by the CPX method on the St Philbert test section after two weeks of traffic Source: CLEAN project LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 64 – FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS Apart from the testing of the two surface structures, a test involving the photo catalytic air purifying effect of cement with Ti02 was also carried out in connection with the St Philbert site Laboratory testing showed that the photo catalytic air purifying effect was better for the GFRUHPC than for a conventional concrete pavement with Ti02 cement, whereas the HPCM surface exhibited lower performance due to the screening effect of the incorporated chippings After the construction site completion, cores were periodically taken, in order to monitor the evolution of the depolluting capability of the material As for conventional concrete, it appears that a periodical cleaning process is necessary to maintain a certain level of this function Assessment of performance With the original HPCM solution as developed in Phase 2, the main problem for both of the trial sites was the difficulty in achieving a good and uniform embedment of the chippings This has led to high noise levels and a relatively poor aesthetic appearance Some cracking has appeared at the first site at Brette-les-Pins, partly as a result of the special geometry of the roundabout but mostly as a result of the use of a low amount of PVA fibres, which was not sufficient to control the cracking Between the constructions of the two sites, a 25-metre long pad was built at IFSTTAR and was found to be nearly free of any cracking, which shows that with a proper fabrication and laying, the goal of avoiding shrinkage-induced cracking is attainable At the second site at St Philbert (with 3% steel fibres) some cracking developed The main cause probably lies in the difficulty in obtaining a homogenous dispersion of the steel fibres throughout the mixture (fibre balls were visible from place to place at the pavement surface) Also, the evenness of the base course was not satisfactory, leading to poor control of thickness of the wearing course When compared against the first test section, cracks were less numerous but much more open, leading in some parts to delamination and loss of the material After some months of service, the new wearing course of St Philbert test section had to be removed, given the risk for the safety of road users– mainly motorcyclists – induced by punch-outs Skid resistance values are good for both the original HPCM design and the GFRUHPC The noise generation is still not satisfactory for the HPCM owing to the difficulty in achieving a good chipping embedment, whereas the GFRUHPC shows a good potential to be comparable to an asphalt pavement regarding noise properties Recommendations A comprehensive review of the HPCM and GFRUHPC solutions, encompassing technical, economic and environmental aspects, can be found on the CLEAN internet site: http://clean.ifsttar.fr/ Based on the two French trials, the following main points can be summarised: • The material requires a long mixing time, unless special mixers, similar to the ones used for more conventional ultra-high performance concrete, are used • Attention must be paid to the risk of fibre cluster formation • When conveying the fresh material with a pump, piston pumps are preferred • A consistent application of the material cannot be carried out to a thickness less than 19 mm, given the precision of application techniques and the evenness of the base courses LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS – 65 • A thorough curing process should be applied just after casting in order to avoid the appearance of cracks • Placement of GFRUHPC sections should commence and terminate with slightly greater thicknesses, and measures must be taken to ensure good bond with the base course • The material should be applied in full-lane width (3.50 m according to the French standard), avoiding inlay application • The typical material specifications could be as follows: use of angular, hard sand with a maximum size of mm, amount of steel fibre 2.5-3% by volume, slump of (20-24 cm), compressive strength of 40 MPa at traffic opening, to reach 120 MPa at 28 days, total shrinkage less than 0.5% A further research and development effort is needed to allow the application of this technique with a sufficient level of safety However, most difficulties were identified during the CLEAN project and solutions are visible to reach a full degree of maturity Summary and conclusions Several countries planned to participate in the field testing of the high-performance cementitious material pavement that was developed through laboratory testing in Phase of the project However, for various reasons, field tests were eventually only carried out in France, and the French CLEAN project therefore constitutes the main input to Phase of the current project The UK did some testing of large scale mixing and pumping equipment, performed manual laying trials, and reached promising results in this respect, but no test section was realised France used the HPCM solution developed during Phase as the starting point for further small-scale testing and two trial sections In order to decrease the level of thixotropy of the fresh mortar, and given a certain overdesign of the original recipe, it was decided to use Portland cement as the only binder Various alternative fibres were rigorously tested, namely PVA, glass or aramid fibres, but steel fibres appeared to be the only ones allowing, at the same time, a safe pumping placement and efficient crack prevention in the hardened state It turned out that under site conditions the original HPCM was delicate to apply and the noise generation under traffic was quite high (as with any surface-dressing) Therefore, an alternative to this option was studied, where no coarse aggregates were embedded in the fresh mortar Instead a texture was provided to this material, with the idea of controlling both the skid resistance and the noise generation This GFRUHPC appeared to be the most promising way of producing a cement-based long-life surfacing with good surface properties and low noise generation The laying technique was validated but fine tuning remains to be done for a better thickness and evenness control and to avoid cracking, which is a mandatory condition for the objective of durability Once those advances have taken place, the technology should be affordable and very sustainable in terms of energy and resource consumption LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 66 – FIELD TRIALS WITH HIGH-PERFORMANCE CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS References CLEAN (n.d.), http://clean.ifsttar.fr (accessed December 2013) Méthode d'essai des lpc n°63, Version 2.0 : "Mesure en continu du bruit de contact pneumatiquechaussée", édition LCPC Nguyen, T.B (2011), “Formulation de l’EHFG pour la planche N°2”, Rapport projet ANR CLEAN, Livrable R5, June Nguyen, T.B., T Sedran, O Garcin, P Maisonneuve, Y Pichaud, J Cesbro and F De Larrard (2011), “Planche d’essai IFSTTAR”, Rapport projet ANR CLEAN, R8bis deliverable, http://clean.ifsttar.fr/ Ong, G.P and T.F Fwa (2006), “Analysis of effectiveness of longitudinal grooving against hydroplaning” TRB Annual Meeting, January Wiegand, P (2006), “Concrete Solutions for Quieter Pavements on Existing Roadways”, National Concrete Pavement Technology Center, October LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 WORKING GROUP MEMBERS – 67 Working Group members Chair: Mr Francois DE LARRARD (France) Belgium Ms Anne BEELDENS, Belgian Road Research Centre Denmark Mr Finn THØGERSEN, Danish Road Directorate France Mr Francois de LARRARD, IFSTTAR and Lafarge Mr Ferhat HAMMOUM, IFSTTAR Mr Thanh-Binh NGUYEN, IFSTTAR Germany Mr Oliver RIPKE, BASt Mr Lars NEUTAG, BASt Hungary Ms Katalin KARSAI, KTI Israel Mr Leonid SUSSKIN, National Roads Company New Zealand Mr Dave ALABASTER, New Zealand Transport Agency Mr Phil HERRINGTON, Opus International Consultants Ltd Norway Mr Rabbira SABA, Norwegian Public Roads Administration Spain Mr Angel MATEOS, CEDEX United Kingdom Mr John CHANDLER, TRL Mr Richard ELLIOTT, URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited Mr Wyn LLOYD, UK Highway Agency Mr Simon RICKETTS, TECROC United States Mr Jack YOUTCHEFF, Federal Highway Administration ITF/OECD Secretariat Ms Véronique FEYPELL LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 68 – WORKING GROUP MEMBERS Members of the Editorial Committee The report was primarily written by Mr Finn Thøgersen (Danish Road Directorate, Denmark) and Mr Richard Elliott (URS Infrastructure & Environment UK Limited), respectively co-ordinators of the HPCM and epoxy-asphalt trials, and by Mr Franỗois de Larrard (IFSTTAR and Lafarge, France), Chairman of the Working Group Other contributors Thierry Sedran (IFSTTAR, France) LONG-LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD/ITF 2017 ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT The OECD is a unique forum where governments work together to address the economic, social and environmental challenges of globalisation The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population The Organisation provides a setting where governments can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and work to co-ordinate domestic and international policies The OECD member countries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States The European Union takes part in the work of the OECD OECD Publishing disseminates widely the results of the Organisation’s statistics gathering and research on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as the conventions, guidelines and standards agreed by its members OECD PUBLISHING, 2, rue André-Pascal, 75775 PARIS CEDEX 16 (74 2017 02 P) ISBN 978-92-82-10810-9 – 2017 ... scale field tests of two candidate materials (epoxy asphalt and high performance cementitious material) LONG- LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD /ITF 2017 14 – INCREASING THE LONGEVITY... reaction for the local conditions (for example, time for curing, distance of transport and laying) LONG- LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD /ITF 2017 INCREASING THE LONGEVITY... Zealand) LONG- LIFE SURFACINGS FOR ROADS: FIELD TEST RESULTS — © OECD /ITF 2017 EPOXY-ASPHALT ROAD SURFACING FIELD TRIALS – 33 Water permeability The results from field water-drainage tests (using

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