Routledge handbook of premodern japanese history

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Routledge handbook of premodern japanese history

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Thông tin tài liệu Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History Scholarship on premodern Japan has grown spectacularly over the past four decades, in terms of both sophistication and volume A new approach has developed, marked by a higher reliance on primary documents, a shift away from the history of elites to broader explorations of social structures, and a re-examination of many key assumptions As a result, the picture of the early Japanese past now taught by specialists differs radically from the one that was current in the mid-twentieth century This handbook offers a comprehensive historiographical review of Japanese history up until the 1500s Featuring chapters by leading historians and covering the early Jōmon, Yayoi, Kofun, Nara, and Heian eras, as well as the later medieval periods, each section provides a foundational grasp of the major themes in premodern Japan The sections will include: t t t t (FPHSBQIZBOEUIFFOWJSPONFOU 1PMJUJDBMFWFOUTBOEJOTUJUVUJPOT 4PDJFUZBOEDVMUVSF &DPOPNZBOEUFDIOPMPHZ The Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History is an essential reference work for students and scholars of Japanese, Asian, and World History Karl F FridayJT1SPGFTTPSJOUIF(SBEVBUF4DIPPMPG)VNBOJUJFTBOE4PDJBM4DJFODFTBU4BJUBNB 6OJWFSTJUZBOE1SPGFTTPS&NFSJUVTBUUIF6OJWFSTJUZPG(FPSHJB 64" Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History Edited by Karl F Friday First published 2017 by Routledge 1BSL4RVBSF .JMUPO1BSL "CJOHEPO 0YPO093/ and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2017 selection and editorial matter, Karl F Friday; individual chapters, the contributors The right of Karl F Friday to be identified as the author of the editorial matter, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 BOEPGUIF$PQZSJHIU %FTJHOTBOE1BUFOUT"DU All rights reserved No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers Trademark notice1SPEVDUPSDPSQPSBUFOBNFTNBZCFUSBEFNBSLTPSSFHJTUFSFE trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Names: Friday, Karl F., editor Title: Routledge handbook of premodern Japanese history/edited by Karl F Friday %FTDSJQUJPO"CJOHEPO 0YPO/FX:PSL /:3PVUMFEHF ]*ODMVEFT bibliographical references and index *EFOUJmFST-$$/]*4#/ IBSECBDL ]*4#/  FCPPL 4VCKFDUT-$4)+BQBOo)JTUPSZo5P]+BQBOo)JTUPSZo5Po)JTUPSJPHSBQIZ $MBTTJmDBUJPO-$$%43]%%$oED -$SFDPSEBWBJMBCMFBUIUUQTMDDOMPDHPW *4#/ ICL *4#/ FCL Typeset in Bembo by Wearset Ltd, Boldon, Tyne and Wear Contents Notes on contributors  *OUSPEVDUJPO Karl F Friday viii  PART I Geography and the environment 11   (FPHSBQIZJOIJTUPSZBOEIJTUPSZJOHFPHSBQIZ Fujita Hirotsugu, translated by David Eason    $MJNBUFBOEFOWJSPONFOUJOIJTUPSZ Bruce L Batten    $MBTTJDBM+BQBOBOEUIFDPOUJOFOU Douglas S Fuqua  PART II Political events and institutions 53   +ƞNPOBOE:BZPJQSFNPEFSOUPIZQFSNPEFSO Simon Kaner    5IF,PGVOFSBBOEFBSMZTUBUFGPSNBUJPO Ken’ichi Sasaki    5IFritsuryō state Sakaue Yasutoshi, with Kristopher L Reeves 82 From classical to medieval? Ōchō kokka, kenmon taisei BOEUIF)FJBODPVSU Mikael S Adolphson  v Contents The court and its provinces: producing and distributing wealth in classical TPDJFUZ o Detlev Taranczewski    $PVSUBOEDPVOUSZTJEFoUIFBSUJDVMBUJPOPGMPDBMBVUPOPNZ Peter D Shapinsky  10 The imperial court in medieval Japan Lee Butler 157 11 The sixteenth century: identifying a new group of “unifiers” and reevaluating the myth of “reunification” Jeff Kurashige 171 PART III Society and culture 185 12 Religion in archaic Japan William E Deal 187  (FOEFSBOEGBNJMZJOUIFBSDIBJDBOEDMBTTJDBMBHFT Ijūin Yōko, with Sachiko Kawai   )FJBOLZƞGSPNSPZBMDFOUFSUPNFUSPQPMF Joan R Piggott   3FMJHJPOJO/BSBBOE)FJBO+BQBO Mikaël Bauer   5IFIJTUPSJDBMEFNPHSBQIZPG+BQBOUP William Wayne Farris   7JMMBHFBOESVSBMMJGFJONFEJFWBM+BQBO Pierre F Souyri  18 Family, women, and gender in medieval society Hitomi Tonomura 275  0VUDBTUTBOENBSHJOBMTJONFEJFWBM+BQBO Janet R Goodwin   FEJFWBMXBSSJPSTBOEXBSGBSF Kawai Yasushi, with Karl F Friday  vi Contents  3FMJHJPOJONFEJFWBM+BQBO Brian Ruppert  PART IV Economy and technology 351  $PJOTBOEDPNNFSDFJODMBTTJDBM+BQBO Mikami Yoshitaka, with Joshua Batts   ,OPXMFEHFPGOBUVSFBOEDSBGUSFTFBSDIJOHUIFIJTUPSZPGTDJFODF  NBUIFNBUJDT BOEUFDIOPMPHZJO+BQBOCFGPSF Kristina Buhrman   "HSJDVMUVSFBOEGPPEQSPEVDUJPO Charlotte von Verschuer   $PNNFSDFBOEUPXOTJONFEJFWBM+BQBO Suzanne Gay  Index 402 vii Contributors Mikael S Adolphson SFDFJWFE IJT 1I% GSPN 4UBOGPSE 6OJWFSTJUZ BOE JT DVSSFOUMZ UIF ,FJEBOSFO1SPGFTTPSPG+BQBOFTF4UVEJFTBUUIF6OJWFSTJUZPG$BNCSJEHF)FJTUIFBVUIPSPG The Gates of Power: Monks, Courtiers and Warriors in Premodern Japan 6OJWFSTJUZ PG )BXBJAJ 1SFTT  BOEThe Teeth and Claws of the Buddha: Monastic Warriors and Sōhei in Japanese History 6OJWFSTJUZPG)BXBJAJ1SFTT  )FJTBMTPUIFDPFEJUPSPGHeian Japan, Centers and Peripheries 6OJWFSTJUZPG)BXBJAJ1SFTT  XJUI&EXBSE,BNFOTBOE4UBDJF.BUTVNPUPBOEPG Lovable Losers: The Heike in Action and Memory 6OJWFSTJUZPG)BXBJAJ1SFTT  XJUI"OOF Commons Bruce L Batten 1I%  4UBOGPSE 6OJWFSTJUZ    JT %FBO PG UIF $PMMFHF PG (MPCBM $PNNVOJDBUJPO BU +' 0CFSMJO 6OJWFSTJUZ JO 5PLZP BOE 3FTJEFOU %JSFDUPS PG UIF *OUFS University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Yokohama He is a specialist on ancient and medieval Japan and is the author of To the Ends of Japan: Premodern Frontiers, Boundaries, and Interactions 6OJWFSTJUZPG)BXBJAJ1SFTT  BOEGateway to Japan: Hakata in War and Peace, 500–1300 6OJWFSTJUZPG)BXBJAJ1SFTT  BTXFMMBTUIFDPFEJUPS XJUI1IJMJQ$#SPXO PG Environment and Society in the Japanese Islands: From Prehistory to the Present 0SFHPO4UBUF6OJWFSTJUZ 1SFTT  )JTDVSSFOUSFTFBSDIJOUFSFTUJTDMJNBUFDIBOHFJO+BQBOFTFIJTUPSZ Joshua BattsJTBEPDUPSBMDBOEJEBUFBOE.FMMPO*OUFSEJTDJQMJOBSZ'FMMPXBU$PMVNCJB6OJWFSTJUZ  XIFSF IF JT DPNQMFUJOH B EJTTFSUBUJPO JO 1SFNPEFSO +BQBOFTF )JTUPSZ )JT EJTTFSUBUJPO project examines the development and decline of relations between the Tokugawa shogunate o BOE)BCTCVSH4QBJO o JOUIFFBSMZTFWFOUFFOUIDFOUVSZ)JTXPSLJOUFHSBUFT+BQBOFTFBOEXPSMEIJTUPSZ BTXFMMBTUIFDPNNFSDJBMBOEEJQMPNBUJDIJTUPSZPG&BTU"TJB BOEUIF1BDJmD8PSME Mikaël Bauer JT DVSSFOUMZ "TTJTUBOU 1SPGFTTPS PG +BQBOFTF 3FMJHJPOT JO UIF %FQBSUNFOU PG 3FMJHJPVT4UVEJFTBU.D(JMM6OJWFSTJUZ)FTUVEJFE#VEEIJTNBU0TBLB(BJEBJBOEŝUBOJ6OJWFSTJUZCFUXFFOBOEBOEHSBEVBUFEGSPN)BSWBSE6OJWFSTJUZT%FQBSUNFOUPG&BTU "TJBO4UVEJFTJO)FUPPLVQIJTQPTJUJPOBU.D(JMMJOBGUFSIBWJOHCFFO-FDUVSFSJO Japanese Studies at the University of Leeds for five years He focuses on the relation between Buddhism and institutional developments from the Nara to the Heian period He has published on the history of Kōfukuji and its main ritual, the Yuima-e, in the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies and on the conflation of imperial and monastic lineages in Monumenta Nipponica Currently he is working on a monograph on the institutional and doctrinal history of Kōfukuji, in addition to a study on the life and work of the eighth-century courtier Fujiwara no Nakamaro viii Contributors Kristina Buhrman SFDFJWFE IFS 1I% GSPN UIF %FQBSUNFOU PG )JTUPSZ BU UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 4PVUIFSO$BMJGPSOJB4JODF TIFIBTCFFOBO"TTJTUBOU1SPGFTTPSJOUIF%FQBSUNFOUPG3FMJgion at Florida State University, teaching Japanese religions Her research focus is the social history of knowledge in Heian and Kamakura Japan, centering on the intersection of religion and science Lee Butler is an independent scholar of late medieval and early modern Japan His early work centered on the place of Japan’s imperial court during the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries, and resulted in the monograph Emperor and Aristocracy in Japan, 1467–1680: Resilience and Renewal )BSWBSE6OJWFSTJUZ"TJB$FOUFS  BNPOHPUIFSTUVEJFT)FIBTBMTPQVCMJTIFEPOMBUFNFEJFWBMMJOHVJTUJDT i-BOHVBHF$IBOHFBOEA1SPQFS5SBOTMJUFSBUJPOTJO1SFNPEFSO+BQBOFTFw BOE&EP QFSJPENBUFSJBMDVMUVSF i1BUSPOBHFBOEUIF#VJMEJOH"SUTJO5PLVHBXB+BQBOw "UQSFTFOU IJT SFTFBSDIJTGPDVTFEPOUIFMPDBMIJTUPSZPG+BQBOT*[VNJ1SPWJODFEVSJOHUIFPQFOJOHZFBSTPGUIF TJYUFFOUIDFOUVSZ ESBXJOHVQPO,VKƞ.BTBNPUPTEJBSZPGoBTIJTNBJOTPVSDF William E Deal holds a joint appointment in Cognitive Science and Religious Studies at Case 8FTUFSO3FTFSWF6OJWFSTJUZ)FJT4FWFSBODF1SPGFTTPSPGUIF)JTUPSZPG3FMJHJPOJOUIF%FQBSUNFOUPG3FMJHJPVT4UVEJFTBOE1SPGFTTPSPG$PHOJUJWF4DJFODF BOE$IBJS PGUIF%FQBSUNFOUPG Cognitive Science Deal teaches courses that focus on theory and interpretation in the academic study of religion, the cognitive science of religion and ethics, comparative religious ethics, and &BTU"TJBOSFMJHJPVTBOEFUIJDBMUSBEJUJPOT)JTTDIPMBSTIJQJODMVEFTOVNFSPVTBSUJDMFT DIBQUFST  and book reviews on methodology in the academic study of religion, religion and ethics, and Japanese Buddhism He is co-author of Theory for Religious Studies 3PVUMFEHF  BOEA Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism 8JMFZ#MBDLXFMM  BOEBVUIPSPGHandbook to Life in Medieval and Early Modern Japan 0YGPSE6OJWFSTJUZ1SFTT   David EasonJT"TTPDJBUF1SPGFTTPSJOUIF$PMMFHFPG'PSFJHO4UVEJFTBU,BOTBJ(BJEBJ6OJWFSsity His main area of research concerns late medieval and early modern legal and cultural history with a focus on conflict and dispute resolution He received his Doctorate in History from the 6OJWFSTJUZPG$BMJGPSOJB -PT"OHFMFTJO)FIBTCFFOBSFHVMBSQBSUJDJQBOUJOBTFSJFTPG SFDFOU XPSLTIPQT BOE DPOGFSFODFT PSHBOJ[FE BSPVOE UIF UIFNF PG i+BQBOT -POH 4JYUFFOUI Century” and is currently at work on a larger study that examines the interplay between legal codes, violence, and emotional rhetoric in late sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century Japan William Wayne FarrisJT1SPGFTTPS&NFSJUVTGSPNUIF6OJWFSTJUZPG)BXBJJBU.BOPB XIFSFIF IFMEUIF4FO4ÖTIJUTV97%JTUJOHVJTIFE$IBJSJOUIF)JTUPSZBOE$VMUVSFPG5SBEJUJPOBM+BQBO for twelve years His research has focused primarily on the social and economic history of Japan CFGPSF  BOE JODMVEFT TJY CPPLT  OPUBCMZ Japan’s Medieval Population: Famine, Fertility, and Warfare in a Transformative Age 6OJWFSTJUZPG)BXBJAJ1SFTT  B$IPJDF0VUTUBOEJOH"DBdemic Title His current research traces the history of Japanese tea from its origins in the late 700s until the present, examining how the cultivar was farmed, exchanged, and received into Japanese society He currently resides in Cape Town, South Africa Karl F Friday 1I% 4UBOGPSE6OJWFSTJUZ  JT1SPGFTTPSJOUIF(SBEVBUF4DIPPMPG)VNBOJUJFT BOE 4PDJBM 4DJFODFT BU 4BJUBNB 6OJWFSTJUZ BOE 1SPGFTTPS &NFSJUVT BU UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG (FPSHJB"TQFDJBMJTUJOUIF)FJBOBOE,BNBLVSBQFSJPET IJTQVCMJDBUJPOTJODMVEFHired Swords: The Rise of Private Warrior Power in Early Japan 4UBOGPSE6OJWFSTJUZ1SFTT  Legacies of the Sword: The Kashima Shinryu & Samurai Martial Culture 6OJWFSTJUZ PG )BXBJAJ 1SFTT    ix .. .Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History Scholarship on premodern Japan has grown spectacularly over the past four decades, in terms of both sophistication and... &DPOPNZBOEUFDIOPMPHZ The Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History is an essential reference work for students and scholars of Japanese, Asian, and World History Karl F FridayJT1SPGFTTPSJOUIF(SBEVBUF4DIPPMPG)VNBOJUJFTBOE4PDJBM4DJFODFTBU4BJUBNB... Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History Edited by Karl F Friday First published 2017 by Routledge 1BSL4RVBSF .JMUPO1BSL "CJOHEPO 0YPO093/ and by Routledge 711

Ngày đăng: 17/01/2020, 15:05

Mục lục

  • Cover

  • Half Title

  • Title Page

  • Copyright Page

  • Table of Contents

  • Notes on contributors

  • Introduction

  • Part I Geography and the environment

    • 1 Geography in history and history in geography

    • 2 Climate and environment in history

    • 3 Classical Japan and the continent

    • Part II Political events and institutions

      • 4 Jōmon and Yayoi: premodern to hypermodern

      • 5 The Kofun era and early state formation

      • 6 The ritsuryō state

      • 7 From classical to medieval? Ōchō kokka, kenmon taisei, and the Heian court

      • 8 The court and its provinces: producing and distributing wealth in classical society, 700-1200

      • 9 Court and countryside 1200-1600: the articulation of local autonomy

      • 10 The imperial court in medieval Japan

      • 11 The sixteenth century: identifying a new group of "uniflers" and reevaluating the myth of "reuniflcation"

      • Part III Society and culture

        • 12 Religion in archaic Japan

        • 13 Gender and family in the archaic and classical ages

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