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Dissertation summary: Enhancing Party’s building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade now

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Research purposes: The study contributes to clarify the theoretical issues, practical, fundamental solution recommended enhancing Party’s building capacity of secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade to meet mission requirements in the current situation.

1 PREAMBLE 1. Overview introduction of the thesis Constructing and retraining staff is the key of the key task ­  building the Party, " original work " of the Party. The secretary team of  the central Party, Air Defense brigade is a department of the Party  cadres,   secretary   of   the   military   committees,   heads   of   party  committees,   party   ­   directly   contribute   to   improving   leadership  capacity, combativeness of party committee, air defense brigade party,  lead unit to successfully implement all the tasks assigned. Today, with  the new developments of the situation of the revolutionary task , new  requirements of Party building, task management, and protection of the  Fatherland’s   sky   of   air   defense   brigade   party,   requiring   further  improving Party building capacity of executive committee secretary  team,   especially   at   grassroots   level   So   the   author   choose   research  topics   are:   “Enhancing   Party’s   building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade now”.  "On this topic , the author was simmering, cherished in the learning  process, working in Air Defense ­ Air Force and teaching commissar  trained   at   the   Political   Academy   for   nearly   30   years,   strives   to  accumulate knowledge, experience and initiative in research, writing  articles published in prestigious journals in and outside the army of  relevant content. Also, based on the solid foundation of Marxism ­  Leninism  and  Ho Chi  Minh’s  thoughts,  the  views  and lines  of  the  Communist   Party   of   Vietnam   in   building,   reorganizing   the   Party,  building   staff;   referencing,   inheriting   research   results   legacy   of  scientific   works   published   related   to   the   subject;   along   with   the  preliminary report, the sum of the unit and the survey data, survey  authors to solve the tasks that the research poses.  2. Reasons for choosing thesis During   the   Vietnam   revolutionary   leadership,   our   Party   has  always regarded Party’s building work is the key task ­ determining  factor to the success or failure of the revolution, linked to the mission  of the Party, the destiny of the country and regime. In particular, the  construction   of   grassroots   party   organizations   ­   organized   the  "foundation" of the Party always attaches special importance to our  party. Thus, the Party's ways, guidelines and policies, state laws are  led,   organized   deploying   unified   implementation   from   central   to  local, grassroots level, an important contribution to the whole Party  and people and army to successfully implement the tasks of building  and defending the Fatherland.  The secretary team of the central Party, Air Defense brigade has  a very important role in party building and party committees clean,  strong   They   are   the   direct   grasping   and   proposing   guidelines   and  measures leadership, resolution and implementing the guidelines and  policies of the Part, resolutions and directives of the party organization  at the grassroots level. Quality and efficiency of Party building work,  the political strength of each air defense brigade depends partly crucial  on the quality, capacity and working methods of behavior, especially  the Party building’s work capacity of staff, politically strong of each  air defense brigade depends importantly on working style, especially  the Party building work capacity of the secretary team of the Party  committee of Air Defense regiment and brigade.  In recent years, leaders, commanders at all levels in the Air  Defense   and   Air   Force,   the   military   regions,   corps   was   often  interested   in   leading,   directing   and   organizing   training   courses,  training capacity Party building work for the secretary team of the  central   Party,   Air   Defense   brigade   The   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense brigade was positive, proactive learning and retraining so the  Party   building   work   capacity   of   this   team   has   made   changes   in  progress,   contributing   significantly   to   enhance   leadership   capacity  and fighting of basic Party organizations. Effectiveness of the Party,  political work in the air defense brigade. However, considering the  mission requirements, the knowledge, experience and qualifications  to   organize   practice   the   secretary   team   of   the   central   Party,   air  defense   brigade   party   secretary   still   have   limitations   and  shortcomings; awareness and responsibility of the organizations lack  adequate   force,   unity,   no   comprehensive   policies   and   measures,  asynchronous   enhancing   capacity   of   the   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense  brigade,  content,  form  modes  and methods  of  conducting  less   abundant,   diverse,   flexible,   yet   focused   and   overcome   the  limitations and shortcomings In the new period, the duty of the Army, Air Defense brigade  and methods of air defense operations in the people's war for national  defense with the development. The Air Defense brigade force is the  main, crucial force, creating critical combat power of the Air Defense  Guards;   the   core   of   the   ball   civil   defense   in   the   national   defense  cause. Ready to fight, manage and protect the country’s sky firmly  and the objectives assigned to the function, important political tasks  of the Air Defense are top function and duty of Air Defense brigade.  To complete functions, tasks the Air Defense brigade must constantly  build the Party, the Party committees of Air Defense regiment and  brigade, capable of leading shares finished all their assigned tasks.  On the other hand, mission critical requirements for Party building  now is to promote the role and responsibilities of the head of the  executive   committee,   the   government   in   relation   to   collective  committees, Party organizations, especially the grassroots level. That  requires   focused   capacity   of   Party   building   work   of   the   secretary  team   of   Party  committee  of   Air   Defense  brigade   to  meet   mission  requirements in the new situation.  From the above problems, the authors selected the thesis is:  "Enhancing   Party’s   building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade now" 3. Purpose of the study The study contributes to clarify the theoretical issues, practical,  fundamental   solution   recommended   enhancing   Party’s   building  capacity of secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade to  meet mission requirements in the current situation 4. Objects and scope of the project study * Subjects of study: Enhancing Party building work capacity of  Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade  today * Scope of the study: Researching Party building work capacity and capacity of Party  building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of Party’s  Air Defense regiment and brigade in divisions in the Air Force and  Air Defense, the military regions, corps today Fact scope survey is Air Force regiment in Air Force and Air,  Air   Defense   brigades   in   the   military   regions,   corps,   but   focuses  primarily on the Air Defense regiment and brigade stationed northern  provinces; data and documents primarily from 2006 to the present 5. New contributions of the thesis ­   Building   notion   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade,  enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade  ­   Reviewing   experiences:   incorporating   between   enhancing  Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary team with  enhancing   political   quality,   ethics,   lifestyle,   comprehensive  capabilities of the staff of the chair level of Air Defense regiment,  brigade in Air Defense units ­ Proposed solutions to innovate the content, form, method of  enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade.  6. Theoretical and practical meaning of the thesis ­   Results   of   the   research   on   this   issue   contribute   to   clarify  fundamental   issues   of   theory   and   practice   of   enhancing   Party  building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense   regiment   and   brigade   today   On   that   basis,   helping  committees,   party   organizations,   the   officials   in   charge,   political  bodies at all levels of research, apply to the process of enhancing  Party building work capacity of Part committee secretary team of Air  Defense regiment and brigade today ­   Themes   can   be   used   as   reference,   for   research,   teaching  Party and Political works subject in military academies and schools  in the Army OVERVIEW OF ISSUES STUDY 1. The foreign work related to thesis Typical:  "The party political works in the Soviet Armed   Forces 1918 ­ 1973" by the Institute of Military History of the USSR  Ministry   of   Defense;  "Curriculum   of   political   works"  of   People's  Liberation Army;  "The Party ­ Political works in the USSR armed   forces"; "The construction of the Party in the current period" Feast of  other   responsibilities;  "Retrain   commissioner   level   in   the   organization of the party the main divisions of the Lao People's Army   today" of Chan Thon Phan Thong Son; "The training and retraining   of   personnel   in   Laos   ­   problems   and   solutions"  Grind   Houses   of  Vong Xa Van Xay Nha Vong;  "Charter of Political Affairs of the   People's   Liberation   Army   of   China"   These   works   have   been  confirmed on a large role in Army 's Party building works and Navy  Soviet, the onus of basis Party organizations in Army and Navy of  the   Soviet   Union;   roles,   functions   and   duties   of   basis   Party  organizations in general. Having discussed these works position, role  and duties of the staff committee, political party; roads, measures to  improve   the   qualifications   of   staff;   pointing   out   the   specific  requirements for quality , competence, merit, talent of staff; the role  of Party committee secretary team. However, most research works  published abroad long time, but the relevant content in the works that  still have reference value.  2. The domestic research related to thesis The   essays,   dissertations   and   textbooks:   "Enhancing   Party   building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of teacher   department Party committee at Army Officer school 2 present" Le  Tat   Lam;   "Enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   student   management   units   in   the   Logistics Academy today" Dang Hoai Thiem; "Fostering the work   style of the regimental commander in the Division of Air Defense, Air   Defense   and   Air   Force   today,"   Le   Minh   Chieu;   "Fostering   leadership competencies of student secretary at Army Officer School     today"   by   Vu   Trong   Dai;   "Fostering   institutional   capacity   implementation of the resolutions of the staff hosted at the Decision   victory corps" by Nguyen Trung Kien; "The goal of training Party   committee   secretary   ­   tactical   level   political   deal"   of   Military,  Political Academy; "Curriculum of Party building" the Institute of  Party   building,   Ho   Chi   Minh   National   Political   Academy   The  articles   "Practical   capacity   of   Party   building   works   of   committee   member   team   at   base   level  "   of   Vinh   Trong;   "On   standards   of   leading cadres" of Nguyen Khanh ; "Competence, responsibility of   head   committees   and   administrations"   of   Hong   Van;   "Manners  democratic power of the people standing committees play" by Bui  Van Tieng; "On the leadership style of party secretary of the ward in   Hanoi"   by   Nguyen   Ngoc   Anh;   "Why   is   efficiency   of   the   Party   building   works   low"   of   Bui   Duc   Lai;  "Solutions   to   improve   the   responsibility   of   the   head   in   relation   to   the   collective   leadership   committees   and   agencies,   units"  by   Nguyen   Quoc   Suu   The  reference   book:"Work   of   the   Party   secretary   and   authorized";  "Professionally guide the work of building the Party organization in   the Vietnam People's Army" of the Organization Department, General  Political Department; "Technical Handbook Working Party"; "Party   working   works   guidelines   for   grassroots   committee   members   and   secretary"   of   the   Organization   Department,   General   Political  Department  These works have confirmed the role of Party building  works tremendous grassroots and the role of the secretary­level team  Committee, secretary for grassroots. Several scientific papers have  shown the position, role, functions and tasks of the Party committee;  position,   role,   authority,   duties   and   requirements   for   quality   and  competence,   working   methods   style   secretary   of   committees  secretary;   offering   concepts,   structure   of   the   staff   towards   Party  building works; fostering notions team of Party committee secretary,  secretary; specify the purpose, subject, object, force, content, forms,  training measures; establish evaluation criteria; survey and assess the  status of capacity, capacity building level team members, committees  secretary,   pointed   out   the   cause   of   the   advantages,   limitations,  initially propose feasible solutions copy, capacity building level team  members,   committees   secretary,   secretary   in   some   type   of   Party  organizations However, the work does not have a basic systematic research  about theory, practices and propose solutions to improve the capacity  of Party committee secretary of Air Defense regiment and brigade  specialized   perspective   and   Party   building   state   authorities   with  nature   is   an   independent   scientific   work   However,   the   scientific  work is the material mentioned above, an important practical basis to  provide   the   scientific   foundation   for   the   authors   may   inherit,   to  continue   research   and   development   of   the   idea   of   the   study  announced not mentioned in the thesis 3. The thesis focuses on problem solving issues Firstly, comprehensive study, interpretation fundamentally, the  system   issues   Party   building   works   reasoning   capacity   and   Party  building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense regiment and brigade.  Secondly, examining the practical, comprehensive evaluation,  complete, concrete reality only the causes, draw the experience of  capacity of Party building work and Party building work capacity of  secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade today Thirdly,   analyze   the   impact   factor,   on   that   basis,   define  requirements,   system   solutions   recommended   continued   capacity  building of staff for Party building work.  Chapter 1 FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES OF ENHANCING PARTY BUILDING  WORK CAPACITY OF PARTY COMMITTEE SECRETARY  TEAM OF AIR DEFENSE REGIMENT AND BRIGADE 1.1. Party secretary and Party building work capacity of  Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and  brigade 1.1.1   Party   committees   and   Air   Defense   brigade   and   regiment secretary *   Overview   of   the   Air   Defense   regiment,   brigade   and   Air   Defense regiment ­ brigade Party committee ­  The   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade  is   the   core   force,  mainly performing combat readiness duties, manage and protect the  airspace,   political   goals,   economic,   military,   national   importance;  core of three air force troops, the ball civil defense in the liberation  war   in   the   past   and   in   the   national   defense   cause,   national  construction   at   present   Air   Defense   regiment   (missile   regiment   ,  regimental radars, anti­aircraft artillery regiment) was basic infantry  tactics team in the division's staff room, Air Force and Air Defense;  the flak brigade 's tactical army personnel in the military.  The payroll of Air Defense regiment and brigade: for the flak  regiment was organized at 2 levels: the regiment and college teams;  radar   regiment   was   organized   at     levels:   regiments   and   radar  stations; air defense missile regiments of air defense divisions and  brigades   of   military  flak  zone,   corps   is   organized  in  3  levels:   the  regimental, brigade, battalion and college teams Central political task of the Air Defense regiment and brigade  is trained, ready to fight, fight, manage, protect the airspace solid,  political goals, economic, military, assigned or engaged prevention  "peaceful   evolution",   turmoil,   with   forces   stationed   in   the   area   to  preserve   political   security,   social   order   and   safety,   building  comprehensive strong units,  completes  all  assigned tasks.  The  Air  Defense   regiment   and   brigade   equipped   with   various   types   of  missiles,   antiaircraft   artillery,   radar,   and   modern   technical   means,  relatively   modern   and   conventional   weapons;   can   combat   the  superior team, independently or in combat arms team composition, in  the game of defense zone, ready to hit the enemy and hit the enemy  in different altitude (height, reach, mid and low range); can hit the  enemy ground or water surface support for the army forces formed  10 under   the   technical   features,   the   tactic   of   individual   weapons,  ammunition and each type of air defense units Subjects of major combat  in the war of Air Defense regiment  and brigade people 's national defense forces and means of air attack  by   high­tech   weapons   (aircraft   with   and   without   riders,   cruise  missiles works and other flying vehicles) of imperialism and hostile  forces   Enemies   qualified   aerial   combat,   combat   conjugate,   work  synergistically   ensure   thoughtful,   tight,   tactical   diversity   scale,  capable   of   processing   electronic   pressure,   interference,   conspiracy  and tricks tactical cunning, flexibility.  The nature of combat readiness duty, combat  of Air Defense  regiment   and   brigade   very  urgently,   require   frequent   high  combat  readiness in all conditions, situations, perform interleaving multiple  tasks;   preparation   time   fighting   and   fighting   very   short,   requiring  precision,   high   synergism,   strict   discipline;   direct   combat   space  narrowing but not related to combat time expanding and changing,  regardless of the rear and front The Air  Defense regiment  and brigade  stationed  all  over  the  country, arranged just focus, have scattered under the circumstances  and   in   accordance   with   mission   requirements   associated   with   air  defense operations ball civil defense posture in the defense sector in  line military art with Vietnam and air defense operations principles.  The   layout   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   often   focused   to  protect the center of economy, politics, culture and the important goals  of the nation, and also arranged and distributed operations across the  country: urban, agricultural villages, plains, forests and islands ­ Central Party committee  According to Regulation No. 49 ­ QD / TW dated 21/11/ 2011  by the Politburo (XI ) of  organizing Party  in the Vietnam People's  Army,   Party   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   is   basis   Party  organizations in the Army Party. Party of Air Defense regiment and  brigade including missile regiment 's Party, the party of the majority  regiment,   regimental   Party   under   flak   Party   Rooms   Division,   Air  Defense and Air Force; Party flak brigade under the Party military­  corps. Party organizations at missile regiment on duty ready to fight,  the brigade was organized flak 3 level party (central Party, brigade,  division Party; detailed set); Party organizations at regiment radar,  anti­aircraft artillery regiment, regimental archive missile was 2 level  party organizations (regiment Party, Party branch) Party committee  (Party Executive Committee) of Air Defense  regiment   and   brigade   is   the   body   party   leadership   between   two  16 1.2.1   The   conception   of   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment   and brigade  Enhancing Party building work capacity of secretary team of   Air Defense regiment and brigade is the entire policy , measures and   how the impact of the subject and the force, along with the proactive,   positive   object   makes   capacity   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity of Party committee secretary team raised a new higher level   to meet the requirements of the responsibilities and tasks assigned The   perception   on   the   manifest   in   the   following   major  contents: The   purpose  of   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of  secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   is   making  capacity   (knowledge,   experience,   skills   and   abilities,   level   of  organizational practices) Party building work capacity of  secretary  team of is raised to a higher level, to meet the requirements of the  responsibilities and tasks assigned Subjects leading and directing enhancing Party building work  capacity   of   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade  authorized party, an officer in charge and the superior political bodies  and Party committees of Air Defense regiment and brigade Forces joining enhancing Party building work capacity of Party  committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade  including   committees,   party   organizations   attached,   an   officer   in  charge, political agencies, cadres and Party members, the executive  committee   of   mass   organizations,   in   the   soldier   council   of   Air  Defense regiment and brigade; organizations and forces in politics  Academy, Air Defense ­ Air Force academies Subjects enhancing Party building work capacity of secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade, while they are the subject  of the self capacity of Party building work Enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee  secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   include   the  following   contents:   Improving   research   capacity,   the   proposed  guidelines and measures for the party leadership committees medium  brigade   To   improve   the   skills   and   capacity   to   preside   over   the  preparation   and   administration   of   the   discussion,   the   conference  concluded commissar, qualifications, ability­oriented, implementation  of   party   resolutions   duly   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade.  Capacity   directing,   managing,   operating   activities,   the   contents   of  17 Party building work. Capacity to direct the party organizations in the  party actuation principle, Party building work regime The   forms   and   methods  to   enhance   Party   building   work  capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment  and brigade:  superior  organization of refresher  training class  main  Committee,   secretary;   preliminary   lessons   learned   Party   building  work, Party Political work; through maintaining orderly living mode  Party congress of basis Party organizations; Party secretary contests;  through   implementing   programs   and   plans   of   the   inspection   and  monitoring of committees, commissions checks; commenting sorting  through   party   organizations,   party   members;   fostering   direct  superiors to subordinates; forms, self­ learning measures, fostering  Party building work capacity of each team and the party secretary;  innovation,   quality   improvement   committees   trained   secondary,  division in the Air Defense ­ Air Force.  1.2.2. These issues of principle of enhancing Party building work   capacity of secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade  Firstly, enhancing Party building work capacity of secretary team  of Air Defense regiment and brigade must thoroughly, properly applied,  innovative ways, viewpoints and principles of the Party, in accordance  with   the   characteristics,   tasks,   requirements   of   Party   building   work  capacity of secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade Secondly, enhancing Party building work capacity of secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade to put under the leadership  of party committees, the leadership, direction and guidance  of  the  Commissioner ­ party secretary, political agency superiors Thirdly, enhancing Party building work capacity of secretary team  of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   must   be   linked   to   improving  quality, comprehensive capacity of staff chaired the political level, air  defense brigade, improve leadership capacity, combativeness of Party  committee of Air Defense regiment and brigade  Fourthly, enhancing Party building work capacity of secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade to promote synergy, and  promote positive, proactive individual party secretary in self learning  and self­training 1.2.3. Criteria for evaluation of enhancing Party building work   capacity of secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade  Firstly, awareness and responsibility of the entities to conduct  enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade 18 Secondly,  the  relevance  of   content,   forms,   methods,   creative  soundness in grasping and implementing the principle of enhancing  Party   building   work   capacity   of   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense  regiment and brigade Thirdly, the degree of change of enhancing Party building work  capacity   of   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade,  complete results of the responsibilities and duties Party committee of  Air Defense regiment and brigade Fourthly, the clean and strong committees, party organizations  in the party, complete results of Air Defense regiment and brigade Conclusion Chapter 1 Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party   secretary   is   a   special  capacity of the head of the Party Committee and Party of Air Force  regiment and brigade is constituted by knowledge, experience and skills  to  conduct   Party   building   activities,   expression   in  qualifications   and  practical organizational Party building capacity to ensure the complete  party secretary responsibilities and tasks assigned. Party building work  capacity of the Party secretary of Air Force regiment and brigade have  an important role in enhancing leadership capacity, combativeness of  Party Committee, Party of Air Force regiment and brigade, especially in  the current situation, the task of protecting the Fatherland sky, mission  requirements in the Air Force regiment and brigade.  Enhancing   Party   building   work  capacity  of   Party  committee  secretary team  of  Air  Defense  regiment  and  brigade  is  purposeful  activity, planning of the subject and Party secretary team , based on  theories of Marxism ­ Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, the Party's  views and experiences were summarized to provide Party building  work   capacity   of   this   team   to   the   next   level,   contributing   to  improving   the   leadership   capacity,   combativeness,   build   the   party  committees, party committees of Air Defense regiment and brigade  clean and strong 19 Chapter 2 REALITY AND SOME EXPERIENCE ENHANCING PARTY  BUILDING WORK CAPACITY OF PARTY COMMITTEE  SECRETARY OF AIR DEFENSE REGIMENT AND BRIGADE  TODAY 2.1. Reality of enhancing Party building work capacity of  Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and  brigade today  2.1.1. Advantages of enhancing Party building work capacity   of   Party  committee  secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade  Firstly,   the   majority   of   committees,   party   organizations,   the  officials   in   charge   and   political   authorities   at   all   levels   are   fully  aware of more, shall always uphold leadership and direction of Party  building   work   capacity   squash   team   commissar   of   Air   Defense  regiment and brigade Secondly, content, form, method and work thoroughly, perform  matters   of   principle   of   Party   building   capacity   of   party   secretary  teams have innovation on many fronts, using more police with the  actual situation in the party of Air Defense regiment and brigade Thirdly,   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade have  development   steps,   to   better   meet   the   requirements   of   the  responsibilities and duties  Fourthly,   the   results   and   outcomes   of   Party   building   work  complete   political   tasks   of   the   increasingly   strong   Air   Defense  regiment and brigade 2.1.2. The limitations and shortcomings Firstly,   a   number   of   committees,   Party   organizations,   the  officials   in   charge,   the   political   authorities   are   not   fully   aware,  responsibility   is   not   high,   lack   of   initiative   and   creativity   in  enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade.  Secondly, content, form, method of enhancing Party building  work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense  regiment and brigade present is slow to reform , using less flexible,  thoroughly and make the problem not of principles very close to the  situation tasks in the new period Thirdly, the Party building work capacity, complete results of  the responsibilities  and duties of  a Party secretary of Air Defense  regiment and brigade is limited 20 Fourthly,   leadership   capacity,   fighting   force   of   some  committees,   spending   is   still   limited;   quality,   effective   leaders  perform some tasks not high 2.2   Causes   and   experiences   of   enhancing   Party   building  work capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense  regiment and brigade today 2.2.1.Cause   of   the   strengths   and   limitations   and   shortcomings * Causes of advantages: Firstly,   the  achievements   of   construction  work,   reorganizing  the Party  for   nearly 30  years  of  national  renewal  conditions   were  favorable   for   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade.  Secondly,   leadership   attention   and   guidance   of   the   Central  Military   Commission,   the   General   Political   Department   for  construction jobs, strengthen the Party organizations in Army’s Party Thirdly,   the   party   committee   and   the   officials   in   charge,  political   bodies   at   all   levels,   especially   direct   superiors   always  appreciated the role and responsibilities for enhancing Party building  work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense  regiment and brigade.  Fourthly,   most   party  secretary  of   Air   Defense   regiment   and  brigade   always   uphold   the   spirit   of   responsibility,   positive   self­  learning and fostering Party building work capacity * Causes of limitations and shortcomings Firstly,   some   party   secretary   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and  brigade incomplete perception, slower innovation content, self­ study  method, self training Party building capacity Secondly,   a   number   of   committees,   officer   in   charge,   the  agency lacks proactive political acumen, not paid adequate attention  to enhance Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade Thirdly, the sabotage of hostile forces, the downside impact of  the market economy and the weaknesses and defects in building and  restructuring Party 2.2.2   Some   experience   in   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment   and brigade  Firstly, often create a unified awareness, enhance responsibility  of the party committee and the officials in charge, the political organ  of   the   immediate   superior   is   the   key   issue   of   enhancing   Party  21 building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense regiment and brigade Secondly, there are guidelines and measures leadership, tight  direction,   comprehensive,   coordinated,   continuous   innovation  content, using flexible forms, measures to improve the Party building  work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense  regiment and brigade Thirdly,   closely   combined   enhancing   Party   building   work  capacity of Party committee secretary team with enhancing political  quality, ethics, lifestyle, comprehensive capabilities of staff chaired  the political level, Air Defense units Fourthly,   promote   synergy,   to   enhance   the   role   and  responsibilities   of   organizations   and   forces   in   enhancing   Party  building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense regiment and brigade Fifthly, the close cooperation between training activities of the  organization to promote the initiative and positive self­ learning and  fostering Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade Conclusion Chapter 2 Assessing the true state of Party building work capacity and  Enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   is   not   an   easy   job   It  involves  the executive  committee,  the officials  in charge,  superior  political bodies, associated with collective committees, the role of the  commissioner, authorities in Air Defense regiment and brigade. By  means of research, based on the criteria to make identification, author  initially analyzed picture of Party building work capacity situation  and   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee  secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade with the pros and  its shortcomings In recent years, the party committee and the officials in charge,  political bodies at all levels have recognized increasingly correctness,  completeness of the role and importance of Party building, the role of  staff and enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee  secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   has   actively  fostered, form and methods necessary. Party building work capacity  of this team has made changes in progress, contributing significantly  improve   leadership   and   fighting   force   of   party   committees,   party  organizations at Air Defense regiment and brigade However,   besides   these   advantages,   operational   training,  enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  22 team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   still   revealed   many  limitations and shortcomings both in awareness and responsibility of  leadership, religion,  both in content innovation,  form,  measures to  improve; level, organizational capacity of enhancing Party building  work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense  regiment and brigade limited, awkward had significant impacts on  the quality of leadership of the Party Committee and the results of  enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   completing   tasks   The  limitations   and   shortcomings   that   due   to   many   reasons,   both  objective and subjective, but mostly due to subjective reasons. The  experience   drawn   from   practice   this   activity   over   time   should   be  studied and applied correctly, is an important basis to identify and  implement solutions to improve the enhancing Party building work  capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment  and brigade to meet mission requirements in the new context 23 Chapter 3 REQUIREMENTS AND BASIC RESOLUTION PARTY  BUILDING WORK CAPACITY OF PARTY COMMITTEE  SECRETARY TEAM OF AIR DEFENSE REGIMENT AND  BRIGADE 3.1. The impact factor on enhancing Party building work  capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense  regiment and brigade  3.1.1   Factors   affecting   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment   and brigade  Firstly, the task is ready to fight, fight, manage and protect the  country's sky of Air Defense affecting enhancing Party building work  capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment  and brigade Secondly, methods of warfare "maneuver, prevention, fighting  back "of the impact enhancing Party building work capacity of Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade Thirdly,   mission   requirements   of   enhancing   Party   building  work   capacity,   enhance   leadership   capacity   and   fighting   spirit   of  basis Party organization according to Central Resolution 4 (XI) direct  impact to improve Party building work capacity of Party committee  secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade Fourthly,   ask   building   management   staff,   managers   at   all  levels,   team   building   executive   committee   ,   first   secretary   of   the  Party   committee   strongly   impact   to   improve   Enhancing   Party  building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense regiment and brigade 3.1.2   Request   to  enhance  Party  building  work  capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade  Firstly,   do  changing  a  fundamental   step  awareness,   political  accountability   of   the   entity   for   enhancing   Party   building   work  capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment  and brigade Secondly,   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade must  keep   abreast   political,   practical   tasks   of   Party   building   work,  ensuring that each person and the whole team are capable to fulfill  the responsibilities and duties 24 Thirdly,   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade must  navigate   to   enhance   leadership   capacity,   combativeness   of   Party  Committee,   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade  comprehensively strong to fulfill all tasks assigned Fourthly,   the   content,   form,   method   of   enhancing   Party  building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense   regiment   and   brigade   have   to   be   synchronized,  comprehensive, best promote the role of organizations and forces 3.2   The   basic   solution   further   to   enhance   the   Party  building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air  Defense regiment and brigade  3.2.1. Create powerful shift in perception of the organization,   force   towards   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade  Firstly, thoroughly grasp the fundamental point of Marxism ­  Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, the views of the Communist  Party of  Vietnam   in  building  and reorganizing  the   Party,   building  basis Party organization, building and fostering staff Secondly,   continue   to   thoroughly   grasp   the   resolutions,  directives and regulations of the Party's Central Military Commission  to   enhance   the   leadership   capacity   and   fighting   of   basis   Party  organization, improve the quality of team members Thirdly, to promote the dissemination and education work for  everyone, all organizations, forces fully aware revolutionary mission  requirements and tasks of the army, Air Defense ­Air Force and the  Air Defense forces Fourthly, education for all organizations and forces clearly see  the   status   of   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade,  especially   the   limitations,   weaknesses   and   its   causes   in   order   to  create a shift in perception in enhancing Party building work capacity  of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and  brigade Fifthly, to promote self­criticism and criticism, critical struggle  distorted  perceptions  and  overcome  thoughts,   wrong expression to  create   a   shift   in   awareness   and   responsibility   of   officials   and  members of with enhancing Party building work capacity of Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade 25 3.2.2. Strengthening the leadership and direction of the party   committee and the officials in charge, superior political authorities   to   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade  Firstly, to strengthen the leadership and direction of the Central  Military Commission , the General Political Department to enhancing  Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of  Air Defense regiment and brigade.  Second, strengthening the leadership of the Party Committee of  Air Defense ­ Air Force, commissar of the military regions, corps,  divisional   commissar   of   room   for   enhancing   Party   building   work  capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment  and brigade.  Thirdly, strengthening the leadership of the Air Force officer in  charge   of   Air   Defense   ­   Air   Force,   the   military   regions,   corps,  divisions   in   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade.  Fourthly,   to   strengthen   the   leadership   of   the   Department   of  Politics   of   Air   Defense   ­   Air   Force,   the   military   regions,   corps,  divisions   in   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade.  3.2.3   Innovation   content,   form   and   method   in   enhancing   Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of   Air Defense regiment and brigade  On one hand, innovative content, form and method of training  in   the   central   committees,   air   defense   division   at   the   Institute   of  Politics Firstly, continue to improve the model, objectives, procedures,  training plans authorized the central, non­divisional Secondly, continue to innovate, improve the content of training  Air Defense regiment Commissar, division Thirdly,   closely   combine   innovative   content   with   innovative  teaching methods that emphasize positive, initiative and creativity of  students,   constantly   improve   the   quality   of   training   the   central  committees, divisions.  On   the   other   hand,   content   innovation,   flexible   application  forms and measures fostering Party building work capacity of Party  committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade  during work in the unit 26 Firstly,   innovation   enhanced   content   knowledge,   experience,  skills,   abilities   and   qualifications   to   organize   practice   enhancing  Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of  Air Defense regiment and brigade Secondly,   flexible   application   forms   and   measures   of  enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade Thirdly, often preliminary and final review, draw experiences  and   activities   of   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity  of   Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade.  3.2.4. Promote positive, proactive, creative enhancing Party   building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air   Defense regiment and brigade in self learning in enhancing Party   building work capacity Firstly, each party secretary acutely aware of roles, the need for  self­   learning   and   fostering   Party   building   work   capacity;   engine  building, self­ learning attitude, proper training Secondly,   actively   planning   self­   learning   and   fostering  scientific and rational; determined to make the schedule already set Thirdly,  build   self­   learning   method,   the   proper   training,  appropriate Fourthly, regular self examination, evaluation and adjustment  of   learning   plans,   and   training   appropriate   to   the   development   of  mission requirements Fifthly, the party committee and the committee, the commander,  the   political   authorities   often   concerned   superiors   self   learning,  capacity building and fostering Party building work capacity of Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade.  3.2.5. Promoting synergy in enhancing Party building work   capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment   and brigade  Firstly, often supplementing and perfecting regulations ensure  that the party leadership to comply Air Defense regiment and brigade  authorized   functions,   duties,   powers   and   proper   settlement   of   the  relationship Secondly,   continue   to   implement   programs   and   plans   to  overcome   limitations,   weaknesses   in   the   spirit   of   the   Central  Resolution 4 (XI) , associated with accelerating the implementation  study and follow the moral example of Ho Chi Minh 27 Thirdly, to promote the role of the organizations and forces of  Air Defense regiment and brigade.  Conclusion Chapter 3 Enhancing   Party   building   work  capacity  of   Party  committee  secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   now   always  influenced by objective factors and subjective, since the situation of  the world,   regional,  national  to the intrinsic  change  in themselves  Party secretary team; Every factor that impacts both the favorable  trend, positive, impact present negative trend Enhancing   Party   building   work  capacity  of   Party  committee  secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade requires fully  grasping   the   request,   perform   synchronization   solutions:   creating  powerful change in perception of the organization, force; strengthen  the leadership and direction of the party committee and the officials  in   charge,   superior   political   authority;   innovative   content,   form,  method   of   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee   secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade;  promote   positive,   proactive,   creative   team   party   secretary   in   self  learning   and   retraining;   promoting   synergy   in   enhancing   Party  building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense regiment and brigade.  28 CONCLUSION 1. Enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee  secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   has   a   very  important role in building the Party Committee and central Party clean  and   strong   regiment   and   brigade,   comprehensive   strong   units   The  position, role, responsibilities and assigned tasks requiring enhancing  Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air  Defense   regiment   and   brigade   must   have   a   quality,   comprehensive  capabilities   Enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party  committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade is a  specialized   form   of   capacity   of   local   party   heads   of   Air   Defense  regiment   and  brigade,   is   constituted  by   knowledge,   experience   and  skills   to  conduct   construction  of   Party,   expressed  in  the   possibility  power, organize practical level of Party building work under purview,  tasks and results formulation of clean and strong Party, afford weak  leadership,   brigade   completed   the   task   in   any   situation   The  enhancement   of   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee  secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade built on the basis  of objective rules are perceived, principle building and reorganizing  the Party, build staff, military operational characteristics, the object of  leadership   in   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   Capacity   is   not  formed  spontaneously but  must   be equipped  with basic   in  schools,  foster self­learning and fostering sophisticated, often in practice 2. Enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee  secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   was   to  summarize   guidelines   and   measures   and   how   the   impact   of   the  subject and the forces associated with the process of self­learning and  fostering   of   this   team   Content   of   enhancing   Party   building   work  capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment  and brigade has just had, just had its depth. The process of enhancing  Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary team of  Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   was   done   through   flexible   use  multiple forms of diversity, abundance. Need to master the basics of  purpose, actors, forces, objects, content, form, the problem with the  original calculation, evaluation criteria were explained the scientific  basis for real effectively implement enhancing Party building work  capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment  and brigade.  29 3. In recent years, activities of enhancing Party building work  capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment  and brigade has been implemented at all levels of interest, achieved  outstanding results; but also reveal many limitations, especially those  caused by limited awareness and responsibility of committees, party  organizations, the officials in charge, political bodies and the secretary  himself   team   Party   committee   From   the   practical   activities   of  enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee secretary  team of Air Defense regiment and brigade last time, summed up the  practical   experience,   especially   experience   in   close   cooperation  between Enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee  secretary   team   of   Air   Defense   regiment   and   brigade   ranks   with  enhanced political qualities, moral lifestyle, comprehensive capabilities  of staff preside over political level, the brigade in air defense units. The  experience has been summed up as an important basis for determining  requirements and propose solutions to improve Party building work  capacity of Party committee secretary team of Air Defense regiment  and brigade today 4. To improve Party building work capacity of Party committee  secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade meet mission  requirements revolution, military duty and political duty of each unit  and should clearly identify the requirements and focus synchronously  implement basic measures: creating powerful change in perception of  the organization, force; strengthen the leadership and direction of the  executive   committee,   the   officials   in   charge,   superior   political  authority;   innovative   content,   form,   method   of   enhancing   Party  building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee   secretary   team   of   Air  Defense regiment and brigade; promote positive, proactive, creative  team party secretary in order to study, improve and promote synergy  in   enhancing   Party   building   work   capacity   of   Party   committee  secretary team of Air Defense regiment and brigade.  5. Enhancing Party building work capacity of Party committee  secretary   team   of   Air   Defense  regiment   and  brigade   must   resolve  sync content related to the authorities , duties and powers of many  organizations, many levels, many branches and force. The research  results of the thesis is just the first step. Practices of the country, the  army;   Party   building   work   requirements,   build   military   staff   in  30 general, Air Defense officials ­ in particular continued development,  will bring up new issues of theory and practice should be addressed.  Therefore, the basic problem of the thesis is to be further studied,  expand, grow deeper in the future ... 1.2.2. These issues? ?of? ?principle? ?of? ?enhancing? ?Party? ?building? ?work   capacity? ?of? ?secretary? ?team? ?of? ?Air? ?Defense? ?regiment? ?and? ?brigade? ? Firstly,? ?enhancing? ?Party? ?building? ?work? ?capacity? ?of? ?secretary? ?team? ? of? ?Air? ?Defense? ?regiment? ?and? ?brigade? ?must thoroughly, properly applied, ... methods? ?of? ?work? ?style? ?of? ?Party? ?secretary? ?of? ?Air? ?Defense? ?regiment? ?and   brigade? ? ­ The duties? ?and? ?tasks? ?of? ?the? ?Party? ?secretary? ?of? ?Air? ?Defense   regiment? ?and? ?brigade? ? Duties:? ?Party? ?Secretary? ?of? ?Air? ?Defense? ?regiment? ?and? ?brigade? ?, ... Party   building   work? ? capacity? ?of? ?secretary? ?team? ?of? ?Air? ?Defense? ?regiment? ?and? ?brigade Secondly,? ?enhancing? ?Party? ?building? ?work? ?capacity? ?of? ?secretary? ? team? ?of? ?Air? ?Defense? ?regiment? ?and? ?brigade? ?to put under the leadership 

Ngày đăng: 16/01/2020, 23:48


