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Dissertation summary: Improving teaching techniques for the military college lecturers

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Research objcetive: Clarify the theorical basis of improving teaching techniques for the military college lecturers. Survey, assess the situation of the teaching techniques of the lecturers in the military colleges and the organization of improving the teaching techniques for the lecturers in the military colleges during this time.

1 INTRODUCTION 1. General overview of the thesis Deriving from the teaching practical experience of myself, from the  real situation of teaching in the military college last time, from the discussion  of   the   authors   in   the   world   and   Vietnam   on   teaching   techniques,   the  postgraduate   selected   the   issue   "Improving   teaching   techniques   for   the  military college lecturers" as research subject.  The structure of the thesis includes introduction, overview of research  issues, four chapters (9 periods), conclusions, petitions, list of references and  appendices. The thesis has clarified the theory of the improving teaching  techniques for the military colleges lecturers nowsaday, has built the concepts  of the improving teaching techniques for leaturer, has determined the basic  factors that affecting the process of the improving teaching techniques for the  military colleges lecturers, as well as building contents and technical the  methods for evaluating the qualification of using teaching techniques of the  military colleges lecturers On the theoretical basis and the survey of the reality of teaching  techniques of military colleges lecturers, the author proposes five measures to  improve teaching techniques for military college lecturers. The measures are a  unified whole  and aims at improve teaching techniques for lectures which  contributes to improving the quality of education ­ training in the military  school in general, in the military college in particular 2. Reasons for choosing thesis topic Facing the request and the task of building and defending the country  in the new situation, the need of improving the political, worldview, scientific  methodology, practical operational capacity for learners, the improve the  quality of teaching in the military college to become an urgent requirement.  More than ever, the lectures must constantly self­improve, train their virtuous  character   and   pedagogical   competence,   including   teaching   techniques.  Therefore, the strengthening and developing the teaching staff ensures the  quantity and structure, in which focuses "heightening the level of education,  competence and pedagogical skills" is one of the major tasks of the military  colleges in the spirit of the Resolution on education ­ training in the new  situation of the Central Military Party Committee and Resolutions of the 11 th  Party national Congress "Building up the teacher force in sufficient quantity to  meet quality requirements." Lectures are the main force of the colleges and are the decisive factor  the quality of education ­ training. Therefore, building up the lecturer staff  who have good qualifications and capability to meet the requirements of  education ­ training in the new situation is a fundamental, frequent task and is  a central political task of the military colleges nowadays The lecturers in the military colleges must do many responsipilities  and tasks in the process of implementing their functions to perform: teaching,  educating   learners,     scientific   research   and   implement   other   tasks   in  accordance with the rules of the Ministry of Defense. In which, teaching is  considered central political task of the lecturers in the military colleges. With  the leading role in organizing and controling the teaching process, the lectures  plays a decisive role to the quality of teaching in the military colleges.  Teaching is a regular activity of teachers in general, of the lectures in the  military colleges in particular. The results of teaching activities is one of the  criteria   for   evaluating   the   training­education   quality   of   the   colleges,  qualifications   and   capability   assessment   of   lecturers   Like   any   human  activities, if the   teaching activities is effective, the lecturers must have  teaching techniques. Teaching techniques reflect expertise of pedagogical  techniques of lecturers. The more perfect teaching techniques are, the higher  quality of the teaching process is In recent years, the military schools, especially the military colleges  has actively innovated, improved programs, contents, teaching methods to  meet the educational­ training task in the new situation. These results have  been confirmed by the training products of the military schools: "Students  graduated from the militaries schools have relatively comprehensive quality  both on the political qualification and revolutionary moral, the knowledge and  skills that meet the tasks under the initial positions and has the ability to  develop." The results that have contributed enormous role of the teaching staff  and   has   proven   qualities,   qualifications   and   pedagogical   competence   of  lecturers in military schools However, in the process of teaching, some lecturers have not created  excitement for learners. The lectures are too much abstract theories and one­ way teaching of knowledge   that lead to the low teaching quality. The  phenomena are still taking place such as some lecturers has not mastered the  teaching activities and has been confused by pedagogical situations, has not  been skillful when conducting teaching activities. One of the reasons is the  lecturers are lack of the teaching techniques, or they have not mastered Understanding the role of teaching techniques to improve quality of  teaching process in particular, the quality of education ­ training in general,  many authors in the world and in Vietnam have done many researches on  teaching techniques with the different approaches. However, these works  mainly refers to the technique of teaching in general, no work researches  deeply on the basical teaching technic and points out the specific teaching  techniques implementation procedures. In particular, the improvement of  teaching techniques of lecturers in general, of the lecturers in the military  colleges in particular has not been studied systematically and specifically as an  independent research Deriving from  these objective and urgent requirements above, we choose issues "Improving teaching techniques for the military college   lecturers" as research subject, to contribute to improving teaching quality, the quality of education - training in military colleges 3. Research purpose and tasks * Research purpose: improving quality and efficiency of On the  basis  of  studies  of  the  theory  and reality of  the  teaching  techniques the author proposes perfect solutions of  the teaching techniques  for   the   lecturers   in   the  military   colleges   today  to   enhance   teaching  effectiveness, thus contributing to implement the officer training objective in  the military colleges * The tasks of the thesis: ­ Clarify the theorical basis of improving teaching techniques for the  military college lecturers ­ Survey, assess the situation of the teaching techniques of the lecturers  in the  military colleges  and the organization of improving  the  teaching  techniques for the lecturers in the military colleges during this time ­ Propose basic solutions and the teaching techniques implementation  procedures for the lecturers in the military colleges today ­ Conducting pedagogical experiments for some measures to prove  their viability in practice teaching in the military colleges   Objects,   subjects,   scope   of   research   and  sciencetific  hyppothesis * Objects of research: The activities of the lecturers of military social  sciences and humanities in the military colleges * Subjects of research: Improvement of the teaching techniques  for  the lecturers in the military colleges * Scope of research: The thesis focuses on researching the teaching  techniques   in the teaching activities (mainly the lectures of teachers) and  proposes the solutions to improving the teaching techniques  for the lecturers  in the military colleges ­ The thesis only focuses on researching the teaching techniques of the  leacturers of military social sciences and humanities in the military colleges ­ The survey data and statistics, is the author used in the thesis limit of  5 years, since 2010 to 2014 * Sciencetific hyppothesis of reasearch Teaching techniques of the military colleges lecturers are formed  during the training procedure at the colleges and are developed and perfected  in their professional activities. If the military colleges focus on improving the  knowledge of teaching techniques for lecturers and organize effectively the  training and self­training activities of lecturers,  the teaching techniques will be  perfect and be developed to meet requirements of teaching activities 5. Theoretical basis and research methods: * Theoretical basis of the thesis: is a viewpoint system of Marxism ­  Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s ideology; guidelines and policies of the Party,  State on education. Based on the principles of the methodology of education  and military education, as well as on the practical viewpoint and perspective  systems ­ structure viewpoint in researching the educational science * Research Methodology:  The thesis has used a combination of  theoretical research methods and practical  research methods to analyze and  exploit the materials in scope of research as following: Observing   the   activities   of   lecturers,   the   pedagogical   training  activities for the lecturers in the military colleges Holding seminars, discussions on the teaching techniques   of the  lecturers nowadays with education managers, lecturers and learners in the  military colleges Making survey, polled by anket votes on lecturers and learners in the  military colleges Researching,   collecting,   analyzing   the   documents   related   to  education ­ training, retraining and professional knowledge and specialist  skills for lecturers; the task of building up and   development staff of the  military lecturers   to clarify the theoretical and practical issues related to the  improvement of teaching techniques, pedagogical competence of lecturers Researching educational products, such as the final report of the  faculty, the colleges about the quality of teaching, quality of educational  managers and lecturers; products and activities of the lecturers in all the forms  of   teaching;   focused   on   the   teaching   preparation,   practice,   ended   class  sessions Consulting pedagogy specialists, pedagogical scientists, education  managers on issues related to the research mission of the thesis Experimenting some the proposed measures, in order to verify their  feasibility. Experiments were conducted at 3 colleges: Academy of Politics,  the   Army   officer   College   No   1,   College   of   Politics   The   thesis   uses  mathematical statistical methods to process and analyze the data through  which to draw conclusions in terms of qualitative and quantitative indicators  of the research results 6. New contributions of the thesis ­ Develop basic concepts and point out the main factors that affecting  to the procedure of improving teaching techniques for the military college  lecturers;   initially   setting   up   the   the   system   and   criteria   for   evaluating  qualifications of the teaching techniques of the military college lecturers, as a  basis for assessing pedagogical competence of lecturers ­ Making survey, analyzing and evaluating the teaching techniques  condition and perfecting teaching techniques for military college lecturers  recently   From   the   results   of   situation   survey,   evaluating   strengths,  weaknesses and pointing out the causes of the improvement of teaching  techniques for the military college lecturers. The thesis not only have provided  factual   materials   for   educational   managers,   researchers   but   also   is   the  reference for teaching, researching and management of pedagogy ­ Based on the study of theory, practice, the author propose measures  for improvement of teaching techniques for military college lecturers 7. Theoretical, practical significances of the thesis The   thesis   generalizes   some   basic   theoretical   issues   on   teaching  techniques, clarifies the practical basis of improvement of teaching techniques  for military college lecturers The thesis proposes the solutions and the procedure of improving  teaching techniques for the military college lecturers today as the basis for  applying in teaching, improving pedagogical skills for lecturers in the military  colleges, especially for lecturers with less seniority Thesis contributes, developes and concretizes educational theory in  solving a specific problem in the teaching practices of the military college  lecturers. The results of the thesis can be used as reference and teaching  materials in colleges or in   military colleges. In particular, the thesis is a  theoretical basis help military college lecturers perfect  the teaching techniques  in particular, develop pedagogical qualification in general that contributes to  improving   the   education   ­   training   quality   in   military   colleges in the innovationofcomprehensivebasiceducationưtrainingtoday 8.Ktcucalunỏn Luận án đợc kết cấu gồm: phần mở đầu, phntngquan, chơng, kết luận, kiến nghị, danh mục tài liệu tham khảo phô lôc 8. Structure of the thesis    Include introduction, overview of research issues, four chapters,  conclusions, petitions, list of references and appendices  OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ISSUES 1.The overseas typical scientific works researching related  the topic Along with the history of pedagogy development, teaching  techniques have been studied, generalized and applied in the teaching  process early in order to improve the education – training quality 1.1. The thought and researches on teaching techniques From ancient times, the educators as Socrates (469­390 BC),  Confucius   (551­479   BC),     was   interested   in   researching,  generalizing   and   applying   the   teaching   techniques   in   the   teaching  process Until   now,   the   teaching   techniques   issues   have   been  researched by many scientists in the world studying under different  angles,   such   as:   Celestin   Freinet,   Patrice   Pelpel,   Luong   Vi   Hung  Khang Hoa, Bobbi Deporter Mike Hernacki Viewpoint   of   the   modern   teaching   appreciates   very   the  learner,   but   does   not   lower   the   role   of   teachers,   more   and   more  demanding   creativity,   talent   of   the   teachers   How   the   teacher   can  arouse all the potential  of  learners  and help learners  self­learning,  self­study for a lifetime? The series of books innovation of teaching  methods of the authors: Robert J.Marzano, James H. Stronge, Giselle  O. Martin­ Kniep, Jana S. Marzano & Debra J. Pickering, Thomas  Armstrong; Debra J. Pickering have pointed out the specific teaching  techniques   to   help   teachers   conducting   the   teaching   activites  effectively 1.2. The research on training and retraining of teachers Deriving from the demands of reality, many scientists in the  world focused on researching the training and retraining of teachers  according   to   modern   teaching   trends   Typically   with   the   author:  Michel Develay, James H.Stronge, Robert J.Marzano 2.The   typical   scientific   works   in   Vietnam   researching  related the topic 2.1. The research on the teaching techniques  Với mục đích nâng cao chất lượng q trình dạy học, nhiều  nhà khoa học ở Việt Nam cũng đã nghiên cứu kỹ thuật dạy học dưới  các góc độ khác nhau. Tiêu biểu như: Đặng Thành Hưng, Phan Trọng  Ngọ,   Nguyễn   Hữu   Châu,  Trần   Bá   Hoành,  Đặng   Văn   Đức   và  Nguyễn Thị Thu Hằng With   the   aim   of   improving   the   quality   of   the   teaching  process,   many   scientists   in   Vietnam   have   also   studied   teaching  techniques with different angles. Such as: Dang Thanh Hung, Phan  Trong Ngo, Nguyen Huu Chau, Tran Ba Heng, Dang Van Duc and  Nguyen Thi Thu Hang 2.2   The   research   on   the   training   and   retraining   of   teachers Training and retraining of teachers is of great importance in  ensuring and improving the education ­ training quality, so there are  many works of scientists and scientists in the army are related to this  problem. Typical: Nguyen Van Le, Vu Xuan Hung, The Hung Kieu  Dang Duc Thang and Mai Van Hoa, 3. General evaluation of the result of published scientific  works and the research issues of the thesis 3.1. General evaluation of the result of published scientific   works First,   the   researches   have   different   concept   of   teaching  techniques but they clarify the teaching techniques of the lecturers Second,   the   researches   of   history  have   been   initially   built   a  system of basic teaching techniques of lecturers, although it has not been  systematic, but this is an important basis for improving the teaching  techniques of lecturers and help lecturers refer to improve their teaching  techniques Third,  the author initially gives the methods and measures for  training and retraining of teachers and help lecturers apply the teaching  techniques 3.2. The problems  the thesis continues solving  Firstly,  building concept of teaching techniques and improving  teaching techniques Second, setting up a system of teaching techniques for lecturer Third,  pointing   out   the     affecting   factors   to   the   teaching  techniques and improving teaching techniques for military lecturers Fourth, building content and process of improving the teaching  techniques for military lecturers Fifth,  making the survey, assessing the reality of the teaching  techniques of military college lecturer Sixth, proposing the solutions to develop and improve effectively  teaching techniques for lecturers Chapter 1 THE THEORY OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF  THE TEACHING TECHNIQUES FOR  THE MILITARY COLLEGE LECTURERS 1.1. The basic concept 1.1.1.  The concept of the teaching techniques Teaching   technique   is   a   combination   of   specific   system   pedagogical actions, all of which teachers use in a certain,  closel   process  to   organize   and   control   learning  activities   effectively   of   learners in the teaching process There   are   differences   between   teaching   techniques   with  teaching methods and teaching skills (Table 1.1) Table 1.1. The differences between teaching techniques  with teaching methods and teaching skills Contents Teaching  Teaching  Teaching  techniques methods skills Aim   to   implement   the   teaching   activities  Target effectively Similarities Lecturers Subject Object Learners and teaching contents Form Actions of  Methods  The methods  lecturers  and  apply  the  conduct a  measures  knowledge  specific  to carry out  and  teaching  teaching  experience of  activities activities of  lecturers in  the  conducting  lecturers teaching  activities Quality process  flexibility,  process, but  closely,  creativity  still depends  basically, by  depends on  on the  specified  qualified  creation of  Differences teaching  teachers  teaching  activities and  situations teaching  situations Tools,   tips  Orientation  System   of  Scope expressed  Conducting  methods   and  the   teaching  and  tips   form  methods training  teaching  teaching  methods.  techniques  and  teaching  skills Teaching techniques which exist objectively and are defined  by teaching activities, like or not teaching techniques still exists, it  just   becomes   teaching   techniques   of   lecturers   when   lecturers  perceive and manipulate regularly in the teaching process. Thus, the  10 teaching techniques of lecturers are a system of specific activities   which in processes to implement teaching activities on the basis of   knowledge and pedagogical experience of lecturers 1.1.2. The concept of improving teaching techniques Improving   teaching   techniques   are   processes   of   complementing   and developing specific actions and operations to   carry   out   teaching   activities   of   the   lecturers   on   the   basis   of   promoting   the   rational   elements,   while   eliminating   the   elements   inconsistent   with   the   requirements,   the   content   of   teaching   that   making pedagogical activity of lecturers  more effectively 1.2 The main factors affect the improvement of teaching techniques for the military colleges lecturers 1.2.1 Training objectives of the military colleges 1.2.2 The quality and capabilities of the military colleges lecturers 1.2.3 The characteristics of teaching activities in military colleges 1.2.4 Characteristics of teaching the  military   social   sciences and humanities  1.3 Systems of the teaching techniques evaluation standards of the teaching techniques of the military colleges lecturers 1.3.1 Systems of the teaching techniques of the military colleges lecturers Establishments of identifying and classifying the systems of the teaching techniques of the lecturers - Based on the technical forms of lecturers in the teaching process - Based on the teaching activities of the lecturers - Based on the logic of teaching process  The   basic   system   of   the   teaching   techniques   of   lecturers In the scope of thesis, the authors identify to build the  basic system of the teaching techniques of lecturers that using in the form of lectures since this is the basic and main form of teaching in the military colleges today Based on the teaching 15 Third,   material   facilities   and   equipments   of   colleges   are  modernization Fourth,   the   most   of   leaners   in   the   military   colleges   are  devoted   to   their   military   careers,   always   conscious   of   one's   self  improving * The cause of the limitations First, the dark side effects of the market economy Second, the recruitment of lecturers in the military colleges  is not really good Third, the military colleges last time not focused on fostering  and development of the lecturer staff Fourth, the remuneration policies and remiges is inadequate Conclusion of Chapter 2 In recent years, in the context of accelerated industrialization  and modernization of the country and international integration, the  education ­ training in the Army has made progress in all areas to  meet   the   requirements,   the   task   of   Military   construction,   national  defense. To achieve that, the work of building the lecturer staff of the  colleges has always been special attention, the quality of the military  college lecturers is constantly increasing in both quantity and quality.  Most teachers tend to active pedagogy, well­train pedagogical skills,  the   epitome   of   style   and   behavior   to   meet   education­   training  requirements   in   the   new   situation   However,   besides   the  achievements quality of colleges  lecturers military still have certain  limitations,   especially   pedagogical   skill   of   some   lecturers   Survey  results on 5 groups of basical teaching techniques of lecturers:  the  group   of   lectures   preparing   techniques   ;   the   group   of   language   using  techniques; the group of facilities using techniques; the group of teaching  methods using techniques; the group of techniques of testing and evaluating  the teaching results  show that the practical situation of the teaching  technques   of   the   military   collecges   lecturers   are   lack   and   weak  comparing with the requirements leading the quality of teaching is  low. The organization of fostering pedagogical skills for lecturers,  including   the   improvement   of   teaching   techniques   initially   is  interested in, but it is not often and effective. Therefore, the study to  find the methods, measures to improve the teaching techniques for  16 military   college   lecturers   is   now   an   urgent   problem   With   the  attention   of   the   Central   Military  Commission  and  the   Ministry   of  Defence,   together   with   the   efforts   of   the   military   colleges,   the  building,   enhancing   the   quality   of   teaching   staff   including   the  teaching techniques improvement for military colleges better 17 Chapter REQUIREMENTS, BASIC SOLUTIONS FOR THE  IMPROVEMENT THE TEACHING TECHNIQUES FOR THE  MILITARY COLLEGE LECTURERS NOWADAYS 3.1   Requestments   of   improvement   the   teaching  techniques for the military college lecturers 3.1.1   Improving   the   teaching   techniques   must   combinate   with   the   practical   situations   of   the   teaching   activities in the military college 3.1.2   There  unified  mechanism   and  tight   coordination   between   organizations   and   forces   in   improving   the   teaching   techniques for lecturers 3.1.3   Promoting   the   positiveness   of     teachers   in   developing   comprehensive   qualities   and   the   military   pedagogical competence 3.1.4   Diversification   the   ways   and   the   measures   to   improve teaching techniques for lecturers 3.2. The measures of improving the teaching techniques for  the military colleges lecturers 3.2.1. Heightening  the  awareness  and  responsibility for the   pedagogical   force  to  improve  the   teaching   techniques   for   the   military colleges lecturers In the military colleges, fostering awareness of the teaching  techniques for lecturers must be conducted with multiple methods,  different   measures   In   the   faculties,   especially   in   subjects,   the  fostering awareness of the teaching techniques for lecturers will be  more effective if we are encouraged by the the teaching techniques  research activities of military colleges lecturers 3.2.2. Identification and building the content and process of   improving the teaching techniques for military colleges lecturers Teaching   techniques   of   military   colleges   lecturers   may   be  formed and developed and perfected by many different methods, but  the most important way is to be practiced in a scientific process, in  18 compliance with logical steps to raise awareness to the organization  of training and examination and assessing the results of practice Step   1:   Understanding   the   systems   of   the   specific   teaching  techniques Step 2: Observing the samples of the teaching techniques be  used in teaching activities Step 3: Building the training plan form Step 4: Doing the exercises as planned Step 5: Self­examination, evaluation and adjustment 3.2.3 Promoting the activeness, proactiveness, creativity of the lecturers in the process of improving the teaching techniques Stimulating   the   activeness,   proactiveness,   creativity   of   the  lecturers during the practice of teaching techniques firstly is roles and  responsibilities   of   each   lecturer,   but   is   indispensable   role   of   the  organizations in the colleges. Depending on the functions, duties and  powers,   each   organization   or   individual   in   the   colleges   have   a  different impact to stimulate activeness, proactiveness and creativity  of the lecturers in the process of improving the teaching techniques 3.2.4 Diversification the ways and the measures to improve teaching techniques for lecturers Retraining   of  the  teaching   techniques   for   the   lecturers   are  conducted regularly, diverse  methods  and measures, in many ways:  through annually training, scientific conferences, scientific activities  in the faculty, department and passing the lecture,   The beginning  of the school year, we should build the teaching techniques training  plan for lecturers to avoid overlapping. During training organizations  should   regularly   inspect,   assess,  draw  experience  of  the  teaching  techniques that the lecturers achieve 3.2.5   Improvement   of  the  teaching   techniques   for   military   colleges lecturers through favorable teaching environment Constructing   the   pedagogical   environment   and   the   favorable  material   facilities   for   lecturers   in   the   process   of   improving   the   the  teaching   techniques   is   the   responsibility   of   all   organizations   and  individuals in the colleges. So we need to promote the role of individual  and units in the colleges and to build environmental landscape 19 In summary, although five measures have different roles and the  positions  but  all  have   focused   on   the   improvement   of   teaching  techniques for military  college  lecturers. Each measure  has defferent  requests,   contents  and   different  methods,   but   there  is  relationship  interactions. Implementing the measures well, would have the effect of  promoting better implementation of the other measures. So the process  of improvement of teaching techniques for military  college  lecturers  should   implement   measures   synchronizely  not   despise,   snobbery,   or  absolute any measures Conclusion of chapter 3 Responding  the  strategy duty    of building the army  in the new  situation,     demanding  the  high  requirements   of  education  ­  training,  requiring  the  military  colleges  must   constantly   improve   teaching  techniques   for  lecturers   Perfecting   teaching   techniques   for   military  colleges  lecturers  is the development process  to  improve the  former  teaching techniques,  to  add new teaching techniques  to improve the  quality of teaching in the military colleges. Therefore, the process of  improvement   of   teaching   techniques   for   military  colleges  lecturers  should always keep abreast of teaching practices; between institutions  and forces in the colleges should have coordinated, synergistic closely in  the   process   of  improving  the   teaching   techniques   for  lecturers   The  process   of   completing   the   teaching   techniques   for   military  colleges  lecturers  should   be   implemented   in   a   flexible   way,   in   many   ways,  different methods, but the most important need to promote the positive  attributes of the lecturers in the process of improving the techniques of  teaching Recently,   the   work   of   building   the  lecturers  in   the   military  colleges is always concerned so the professional quality of lecturers has  been   raised   up   However,   to   meet   the   requirements   of   education   ­  training in the new situation,  the military  school  in general  and the  military colleges in particular must complete the teaching techniques for  the lecturers Based on theoretical and practical research issues were presented  in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, we have proposed measures to improve the  teaching  techniques   for  lecturers  in   the   military   colleges  The  improvement of  teaching techniques for military colleges lecturers only  20 to   be   effective   when   we   perform   synchronous   measures:   raising  awareness education, a sense of responsibility for  the improvement of  teaching techniques for the pedagogical force; identifying and building  the   content,  the  process  of   the  improving  teaching   techniques   for  lecturers; promoting  positiveness, proactiveness, creativity  of lecturers  in   the   process   of   improvement   of   teaching   techniques;   diversifying  methods  of   teaching   techniques   training   for  lecturers;   building  a  favorable   pedagogical   environment   for  lecturers  in   the   process   of  improvement of the teaching techniques 21 Chapter 4 PEDAGOGIC EXPERIMENT 4.1. The general issues of experiment 4.1.1. The experimental purposes To   test   the   feasibility   of   measures   to   improve   teaching  techniques of lecturers in teaching practice in the military colleges 4.1.2. Experimental tasks Verifying   the   feasibility   of   measures   to   improve   teaching  techniques of lecturers through building a content and the process of  improvement the teaching techniques of lecturers in the classroom.  On   basing   of     implementing   the   pedagogical   impacts   to   draw  conclusions in using of measures to improve teaching techniques for  military college lecturers 4.1.3. Experimental hypothesis In the process of improvement the teaching techniques of the  military   college   lecturers,   if   the   lecturers   take   the   initiative   and  actively practice the teaching techniques based on the contents and  specific  processes,  the teaching techniques  of  the  lecturers   can  be  developed and improved 4.1.4. Locations and experimental objects * Experimental locations Pedagogic experiments was conducted in two army units: Base 1:  The Army officer College No 1 Base 2: The Colleges of Politics These are two great colleges of the Ministry of Defense, The  Army officer College No 1 trains military officers, the Colleges of  Politics trains political officers for the army * Objects experiment Lecturers of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at  the two basis: Base 1:  The Army officer College No 1 includes the number of  experiment is 45 people; the number of control experiment is 45 people Base 2: The Colleges of Politics includes the number of experiment  is 42 people; the number of control experiment is 42 people 4.1.5. Forces and experimental time * Experimental Force 22 Experimental force includes the author and the collaborators  (The   lecturers   of   the   faculty   of   Social   Sciences   and   Humanities;  leaders and commanders of the faculties and departments) * Time of experience Time of experience is from the 26th February 2013 to the 30th,  June 2013, and is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1: Conducting the experiment in Base 1 is from the 26th  February, 2013 to the 28th April, 2013 Phase 2: Conducting the experiment in Base 2 is from the 03rd  April, 2013 to the 30th  June, 2013 4.1.6.The experimental contents and methods Experimental content Based on the system of the basic teaching techniques of the  lecturers   who   are   identified   in   the   thesis,   we   conduct   experiment  processes of completing some basic teaching techniques of lecturers  (Measure 3.2) in military colleges today Experimental Methods Experiments   were   conducted   with   the   control   experimental  method 4.1.7. Experimental procedure Preparation of experiments Step   1:   Select   experimental  group,   control   group   and   study  subjects Step 2: Fostering collaborators Step 3: Analyze the program, compiling documents Step 4: Methods of measuring and evaluating the results of the  experiment Conducting experiments *   Check   the   input   of   experimental  group,   control   group   on  teaching technical skills * Performing the identified pedagogical impact according to  the experimental plan End of experiment The   results   were   analyzed,   evaluated   both   qualitatively   and  quantitatively to draw pedagogical conclusions 23 4.2     Xử   lý     phân   tích   kết     sau   tác   động   thực   nghiệm 4.2.1. Phân tích kết quả về mặt định lượng Cơ sở thực nghiệm 1(Trường Sĩ quan Lục quân 1) 4.2   Process   and   analysis   of   the   results   after   the  experimental effects 4.2.1. Analysis of results in quantitative terms Experimental base 1 (The Army officers College No 1) 120 100 EG 80 CG 60 40 20 Mark Graph 4.1. This chart shows the cumulative probabilities   for the advancement of teaching techniques in experimental and   control group in the experimental Base 1 Comment: Over the graph 4.1 shows, cumulative frequency  road experiment group located right below the cumulative incidence  of   control   group;   it   shows   the   result   of   teaching   technical  advancement in experiment group is higher than result of teaching  technical advancement in control group 2 Experimental Base 2 (The College of Politics) 24 120 100 EG 80 CG 60 40 20 Mark Graph 4.2 This chart shows the cumulative probabilities for the advancement of teaching techniques in experimental group and control group in the experimental Base Comment: Over the graph 4.2 shows, cumulative frequency  road experiment group located right below the cumulative incidence  of   control   group  it   shows   the   result   of   teaching   technical  advancement in experiment group is higher than result of teaching  technical advancement in control group Thus,   the   results   of   experiment   was   analyzed   based   on  mathematical   statistical   formula   to   calculate   the   characteristic  parameters, perform, compare the results on graphs, charts, testing  hypotheses   may be identified as: the results of experiment group is  higher  the  results  of  control  group;  the  impact  of  experiment  was  significant   in   both   the   experiment   bases   So,   if   the   teaching  techniques   of   lecturers   will   be   organized   regularly,   trained   in   the  scientific process, the teaching techniques will be mature and steady.  This also confirms the measures to improve teaching techniques for  the military colleges lecturers is meaningful and highly feasible Bảng 4.14. So sánh kết quả  đánh giá về  tính tích cực   hồn thiện kỹ  thuật dạy học của giảng viên    các nhóm thực   nghiệm và nhóm đối chứng 4.2.2. Analysis of results in terms of qualitative 25 To   see   more   clearly   the   teaching   technical   advancement   of  lecturers   through   experiments,   we   have   compared   the   positively  improvement of teaching techniques assessment of lecturers in two groups Table 4.14. Comparing results of the positively improvement   of teaching techniques assessment of lecturers in the experimental   group and the control group Experimental  Base Experimenta l Base 1 Experimenta l Base 2 The  Số % giảng viên đạt mức Experime number  ntal  Wea mediu Fairly   Excelen of  Group k m Goof t lecturers 68,8 EG 45 13,33 17,78 51,1 CG 45 44,45 4,44 59,5 EG 42 11,81 28,57 28,5 CG 42 47,62 2,38 Average 2,04 1,60 2,17 1,55 From the results of Table 4:14 shows the evaluation  results  of the positively improvement of teaching techniques assessment of  lecturers   in  the  experimental   group  is  always   higher   than  and  the  results   of   the   control   group   Their   scores   were   evaluated   in  experimental  group  are  more focused,  the control group’s are  more  dispersed   With   the   results   have   been   analyzed   above,  we  can  confirm   the   measures  to  improve   teaching  techniques  for   military  college  lecturers   initially   certain   effective,   meaningful   and  highly  feasible. This confirms the validity of scientific theories The conclusion of chapter 4 Based   on   the   preparation,   conductions  and   results   of  experiment obtained, we can conclude the following issues: Experiments were carried out in the scope of teaching Social  Sciences and Humanities subjects in two  experiments bases, is the  typical military colleges. Collaborators conducting  experiments  are  lecturers of the faculty of pedagogy in the experimental basis so they  have   certain   knowledge   about   teaching   techniques.  Before  26 proceeding with experiments, collaborators were fostered and agreed  on the contents of some basic teaching techniques and the process of  improvement of the teaching techniques of lecturers. Subjects of both  experimental basis are the lecturers of the faculties of Social Sciences  and   Humanities.  Before   experimentation,  we   have   examined  cognitive inputs and the results suggests, the experiments group and  control   groups   have   the   same  level  that  makes  the   objective  evaluation of experimental results, as well as ensuring the necessary  reliability of experimental results The   process  of   the  experiments  is   conducted   through   the  organization of  the classes of  teaching  technique training, guidance  and   teaching  technique  models   for   the   lecturers   After    the  experiments,   we   assess  experiments  results   based   on   the  the  identified criteria. By using the methods of mathematical statistics,  presents the results of experiments with charts, graphs, we analyzed  the results of  in quantitative and qualitative. Results  of experiments  shows the progress of teachers in experiments group versus input test  results and compared with the control group. This also means that the  hypothesis  of   experiments  has   been   demonstrated   on   the  appropriateness of the proposed measures  to improve  the  teaching  techniques of lecturers 27 CONCLUSION AND PETITIONS Understanding  the   importance   of   teaching   techniques   to  the  improvement of the quality of the teaching process in particular, the  quality of education ­ training in general. Many authors in the world  and  in   Vietnam   have  researched  on   teaching   techniques  with  different approaches. These studies, initially as a foundation to help  the lecturers  develop, enhance  their  pedagogical skills. However, to  implement   the   directions  of  innovation  of   the  fundamental,  comprehensive education ­ training and building the military schools  towards standardization and modernization,  this  thesis  of improving  the  teaching   techniques   for  the   military  colleges   lecturers  is   a  author’s  contribution  to develop  didactics and  deepening and enrich  the  issues   of  fostering   pedagogical   skills,   thereby   improving   the  quality and effectiveness of the teaching activities of lecturers Based on the methodology of Marxism ­ Leninism, using the  methodology of education science, we have to deepen the conception  of teaching techniques, teaching techniques of lecturers; clarify some  basic   teaching   techniques   of   military  college  lecturers  and   their  evaluation   criteria   The   study   results   also   show  the  practice  of  teaching techniques and the improvement of teaching techniques for  military  colleges  lecturers  has many  limitations that  impacts  on the  quality of teaching in the military colleges. To solving that situation,  we study  deeply five  basic measures for improvement of teaching  techniques for military college lecturers. It was educational measures  to   raise   awareness,   sense   of   responsibility  of   the   improvement   of  teaching techniques for military colleges lecturers for the pedagogical  forces; to determine the content and process and training of teaching  techniques;   to   encourage   the   development   of   positiveness,  proactiveness,   creativity   of   the   lecturers;   to   build   a   favorable  pedagogical   environment   for    lecturers  in   the  improvement   of  teaching techniques The   content   and   process   of   teaching   technique  training   of  lecturers that are proposed in the thesis have been verified by control  experimental methods in two experimental basis  which  are two  big  military colleges. The analysis and evaluation of experimental results  in   both   quantitative   and   qualitative   shows,   experimental   work  is  useful  in   developing   and   perfecting   the   teaching   techniques   of  lecturers   Based   on   the   research   results  that  have   been   verified  28 experimentally,  we  may   conclude  and  the  proposed   measures  are  feasible, useful and scientific theories of the thesis was proved right However, the process of studying the issue of  improving  the  teaching techniques for  lecturers  in the military colleges,  the  author  found   many   problems   due   to   the   author   perception   is   limited,  objective  and  subjective  conditions  and  scope  of  the  thesis  so  the  author should not be studied in depth, clarify as: ­ Need to study more clearly the relationship between teaching  technology, teaching techniques, experimence of teaching especially  in teaching the social sciences and humanities ­ Need to  study  the teaching  techniques for specific  subjects  because   each  subjects  have   different  target,   content,   teaching  characteristics so it requires different teaching techniques ­ In addition to  the  teaching techniques  that  outlined in this  thesis,  we should be further studied different teaching techniques to  help the lecturers reach, train and improve their pedagogy From the research results of the thesis, to improve the teaching  techniques for  lecturers  effectively  and contribute to improving the  quality   of   teaching   in   the   military   colleges,   we   have   some  recommendations: First,  the  teaching  techniques  is still a new theoretical issues  for military colleges, so the military colleges should promote further  research   deepening,   richer  the   theory   of   teaching  techniques   and  improvement   of    teaching  techniques   of   lecturers;   encouraging  researches  that  engaging  practices,   requirements   and   tasks   of  education ­ training of each colleges Second, all pedagogical force in the military colleges should be  regular trained and retrained of the role and significance of teaching  techniques   for   the   development   of   pedagogical   competence   of  lecturers,   as   well   such   as   improving   the   quality   of   education   ­  training Third,   the   military   colleges  should   combine  the   renew   of  content, programs and teaching methods with the training, improving  the teaching techniques of the lecturers and defines it as the duty, and  regular method activities of the colleges Fourth, on the basis of the proposed measures in this thesis, the  military  colleges  can research  and  apply  in the teaching procedure;  should   regularly   organize  the  teaching   technique  training   and  teaching methods for lecturers; conducting exchange of experience of  29 the teaching techniques and improvement of the teaching techniques  between  departments and units in  military colleges  and with  other  universities ... * The tasks of the thesis: ­ Clarify the theorical basis of improving teaching techniques for the military college lecturers ­ Survey, assess the situation of the teaching techniques of the lecturers in the ... proposes the solutions to improving the teaching techniques for the lecturers in the military colleges 4 ­ The thesis only focuses on researching the teaching techniques of the leacturers of military social sciences and humanities in the military colleges... teaching techniques for the military college lecturers today as the basis for applying in teaching, improving pedagogical skills for lecturers in the military colleges, especially for lecturers with less seniority

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