European Journal of Anaesthesiology Volume 29, Supplement 50, June 2012 Abstracts and Programme EUROANAESTHESIA 2012 The European Anaesthesiology Congress Paris, France 9-12 June 2012 European Journal of Anaesthesiology Editor-in-Chief Martin R Tramèr Geneva, Switzerland Deputy Editors-in-Chief Walid Habre Geneva, Switzerland Bernhard Walder Geneva, Switzerland Language Editors Alan Aitkenhead Nottingham, UK Gordon Lyons Leeds, UK Michael H Nathanson Nottingham, UK Associate Editors Bernd W Böttiger Cologne, Germany Malachy Columb Manchester, UK Stefan G De Hert Ghent, Belgium Pierre Diemunsch Strasbourg, France Argyro Fassoulaki Athens, Greece Thomas Fuchs-Buder Nancy, France Peter Kranke Würzburg, Germany Patricia M Lavand’homme Brussels, Belgium Emmanuel Marret Paris, France Doris Østergaard Copenhagen, Denmark Rolf Rossaint Aachen, Germany European Journal of Anaesthesiology is the official publication of the European Society of Anaesthesiology The Journal publishes original scientific work Preference is given to experimental work or clinical observations in man, and to laboratory work of clinical relevance Information for contributors Papers should be submitted online at: European Journal of Anaesthesiology (ISSN: 0265-0215) is published monthly by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins and distributed in the US by Mercury Airfreight International, Inc., 365 Blair Road, Avenel, NJ 07001 Periodicals postage paid at Rahway, NJ POSTMASTER: send address changes to European Journal of Anaesthesiology, PO Box 1550, Hagerstown, MD 21741 All correspondence should be addressed to the Editorial Office: European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 250 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8RD, UK Publisher Ian Burgess Editorial Coordinator Anna Rutkowska Production Editor Duncan Martin-Holloway Copyright © 2012 by European Society of Anaesthesiology All right reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publisher or a licence permitting restricted copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Authority and in the USA by the Copyright Clearance Center Permissions Department, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 351 West Camden Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA Fax: + 410 528 8550 Enquiries should be made to Printed on chlorine-free, recyclable paper from sustainable forests meeting the requirements of ISO 9706, ISO 14001 and ISO 9001 in Singapore by COS Printers Pte Ltd Typeset by Thomson Digital Ltd., Noida Special Economic Zone, Noida, India Per H Rosenberg Helsinki, Finland Charles-Marc Samama Paris, France Francis Veyckemans Brussels, Belgium Review and Refresher Course Editor David Uncles Worthing, UK Methods, Statistics, Epidemiology Nadia Elia Geneva, Switzerland Journal Manager Bridget M Benn Geneva, Switzerland Advertising enquiries Point of Difference, tel: +44 (0) 20 8542 3200; fax: +44 (0) 20 8543 3810; Commercial reprints enquiries; Supplement enquiries Disclaimer The views expressed in this journal represent those of the authors or advertisers only In no way can they be construed necessarily to reflect the view of either the Editors or the Publishers 2012 Subscription rates Individual $437 (USA); $435 (Rest of the World) Institutional $1,415 (USA); $1,512 (Rest of the World) On-line only subscriptions for Institutions are available through Ovid ( Prices include handling and shipping, but not sales tax, e.g VAT, GST, MVG, MWS, AST and regional sales tax Where applicable, please add sales tax to the listed prices at the appropriate rate (The Canadian GST of 7% will be added to the subscription price of all orders shipped to Canada Lippincott Williams & Wilkins’ GST Identification Number is 895524239.) Copies will be replaced without charge if the publisher receives a request within 90 days of the mailing date, both in the USA and worldwide Subscription information European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Subscription Department, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 16522 Hunters Green Parkway, Hagerstown, MD 21740-2116, USA, tel: + 301 223 2300; fax: + 301 223 2320 In the USA, call toll-free on 800 638 3030 In Japan, contact Wolters Kluwer Health Japan Co, Ltd, 1-28-36 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan, tel: + 81 3817 5675; fax: + 81 3815 6776 Euroanaesthesia 2012 The European Anaesthesiology Congress Paris, France, 09-12 June 2012 ABSTRACT PRESENTATION PROGRAMME Please note that all abstracts are presented as poster presentations: only the Best Abstract Prize Competition abstract and the ‘Best Abstracts - Runner-up Session & 2’ presenters will make a formal presentation of their abstract in a separate room, using audiovisual aids Two chairpersons will conduct, a short discussion of each abstract with the presenter and the audience, in front of each poster Poster presenters will answer questions nex t to their poster for 45 minutes before and 30 minutes af ter their session Poster Board location All posters of regular abstract sessions will be displayed in the Poster Area: rows to 14 are located on Level 1, and rows 15 to 26 are located on Level Each abstract presentation session is displayed in a dif ferent poster board row Rows are numbered, so that a given session can be easily located The first board of each row contains an information board that lists the session reference, date, time and chairperson(s) Note that the Best Abstract Prize Competition (BAPC), with session reference ESAPC1, takes place in Amphitheatre Havane The ‘Best Abstracts - Runner-up Session (ESA AP1) and the ‘Best Abstracts - Runner-up Session 2’ (ESA AP2) take place in Salle Passy The posters of these ‘best’ abstracts will also be on display in Level of the Poster Area for the whole duration of the Congress Locating an abstract The accepted abstract number format consists of the session reference, followed by a number denoting the order of the abstract within this session: for example, session 6AP1 stands for: = Subcommit tee AP= Abstract Presentation 1= First session of this Subcommit tee The first abstract to be presented in session 6AP1 will thus be called 6AP1-1, the second one 6AP1-2 and so on There may be omissions in the numbering and/or some boards may be empty if abstracts are withdrawn Date Time Reference Location Page ESA Best Abstract Prize Competition (BAPC) Sunday, 10 June 2012 12:15-13:45 ESAPC1 Amphitheatre Havane Sunday, 10 June 2012 08:30-10:00 ESA AP1 Salle Passy Best Abstracts - Runner-up Sessions Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:30-12:00 ESA AP2 Subcommit tee - Evidence-based Practice and Quality Improvement Salle Passy Saturday, June 2012 15:00-16:30 01AP1 Poster Area - ROW 2A Sunday, 10 June 2012 12:15-13:45 01AP4 Poster Area - ROW 22B 13 Saturday, June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 15:00-16:30 12:15-13:45 16:00-17:30 16:00-17:30 16:00-17:30 16:00-17:30 16:00-17:30 Subcommit tee - Ambulatory Anaesthesia Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:30-12:00 14:00-15:30 01AP2 01AP3 01AP5 01AP6 01AP7 01AP8 01AP9 02AP1 02AP2 Poster Area - ROW 3A Poster Area - ROW 1B Poster Area - ROW 2B Poster Area - ROW 4B Poster Area - ROW 21A Poster Area - ROW 23A Poster Area - ROW 25A Poster Area - ROW 1A Poster Area - ROW 2A 10 15 18 21 24 28 31 33 Date Time Reference Location Page Subcommit tee - Monitoring: Equipment and Computers Monday, 11 June 2012 10:30-12:00 03AP1 Poster Area - ROW 1A 36 Monday, 11 June 2012 14:00-15:30 03AP4 Poster Area - ROW 3B 46 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 10:30-12:00 14:00-15:30 16:00-17:30 03AP2 03AP3 03AP5 Subcommit tee - Clinical and Experimental Circulation Poster Area - ROW 3A Poster Area - ROW 1B Poster Area - ROW 7B 39 43 49 Saturday, June 2012 15:00-16:30 04AP1 Poster Area - ROW 4A 52 Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:30-12:00 04AP4 Poster Area - ROW 5A 61 Saturday, June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Subcommit tee - Respiration 15:00-16:30 10:30-12:00 12:15-13:45 16:00-17:30 16:00-17:30 14:00-15:30 14:00-15:30 04AP2 04AP3 04AP5 04AP6 04AP7 04AP8 04AP9 Poster Area - ROW 5B Poster Area - ROW 3A Poster Area - ROW 3B Poster Area - ROW 8A Poster Area - ROW 10A Poster Area - ROW 6B Poster Area - ROW 8B 55 58 63 66 69 73 76 Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:30-12:00 05AP1 Poster Area - ROW 6B 79 Monday, 11 June 2012 16:00-17:30 05AP4 Poster Area - ROW 9B 88 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 16:00-17:30 14:00-15:30 Subcommit tee - Transfusion and Haemostasis 05AP2 05AP3 Poster Area - ROW 12A Poster Area - ROW 5B 83 85 Saturday, June 2012 15:00-16:30 06AP1 Poster Area - ROW 6B 91 Sunday, 10 June 2012 14:00-15:30 06AP4 Poster Area - ROW 4A 100 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:30-12:00 12:15-13:45 Subcommit tee - Neurosciences 06AP2 06AP3 Poster Area - ROW 8B Poster Area - ROW 5B 94 97 Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:30-12:00 07AP1 Poster Area - ROW 19A 103 Monday, 11 June 2012 10:30-12:00 07AP4 Poster Area - ROW 5A 111 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 12:15-13:45 16:00-17:30 14:00-15:30 Subcommit tee - Regional Anaesthesia 07AP2 07AP3 07AP5 Poster Area - ROW 7A Poster Area - ROW 14A Poster Area - ROW 10B 106 109 114 Sunday, 10 June 2012 12:15-13:45 08AP1 Poster Area - ROW 9A 116 Sunday, 10 June 2012 16:00-17:30 08AP4 Poster Area - ROW 18B 124 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 12:15-13:45 16:00-17:30 14:00-15:30 14:00-15:30 08AP2 08AP3 08AP5 08AP6 Poster Area - ROW 11A Poster Area - ROW 16B Poster Area - ROW 15B Poster Area - ROW 17B 118 121 126 129 Date Time Reference Location Page Subcommit tee - Pharmacology Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:30-12:00 09AP1 Poster Area - ROW 15A 132 Sunday, 10 June 2012 14:00-15:30 09AP4 Poster Area - ROW 7B 140 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:30-12:00 12:15-13:45 14:00-15:30 16:00-17:30 16:00-17:30 16:00-17:30 09AP2 09AP3 09AP5 09AP6 09AP7 09AP8 Subcommit tee 10 - Paediatric Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 10:30-12:00 10:30-12:00 14:00-15:30 Subcommit tee 11 - Obstetric Anaesthesia Poster Area - ROW 17A Poster Area - ROW 13A Poster Area - ROW 9B Poster Area - ROW 21A Poster Area - ROW 22A Poster Area - ROW 23A 134 137 142 145 148 151 10AP1 Poster Area - ROW 7A 153 10AP2 10AP3 Poster Area - ROW 9A Poster Area - ROW 19B 156 159 Saturday, June 2012 15:00-16:30 11AP1 Poster Area - ROW 7B 162 Monday, 11 June 2012 16:00-17:30 11AP4 Poster Area - ROW 2A 169 Saturday, June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 15:00-16:30 14:00-15:30 16:00-17:30 Subcommit tee 12 - Intensive Care Medicine 11AP2 11AP3 11AP5 Poster Area - ROW 8B Poster Area - ROW 20B Poster Area - ROW 4A 164 166 172 Sunday, 10 June 2012 12:15-13:45 12AP1 Poster Area - ROW 15B 175 Monday, 11 June 2012 10:30-12:00 12AP4 Poster Area - ROW 20A 183 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 12:15-13:45 12:15-13:45 16:00-17:30 12AP2 12AP3 12AP5 Subcommit tee 13 - Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 14:00-15:30 10:30-12:00 13AP1 13AP2 Subcommit tee 14 - Acute and Chronic Pain Management Poster Area - ROW 17B Poster Area - ROW 19B Poster Area - ROW 13B 178 180 186 Poster Area - ROW 13B 188 Poster Area - ROW 11A 190 Saturday, June 2012 15:00-16:30 14AP1 Poster Area - ROW 10A 193 Sunday, 10 June 2012 10:30-12:00 14AP4 Poster Area - ROW 12B 200 Saturday, June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 15:00-16:30 10:30-12:30 14:00-15:30 14:00-15:30 14:00-15:30 14AP2 14AP3 14AP5 14AP6 14AP7 Subcommit tee 15 - Education, Research and Presentation Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 10:30-12:00 16:00-17:30 15AP1 15AP2 Poster Area - ROW 12A Poster Area - ROW 10B Poster Area - ROW 16A Poster Area - ROW 18A Poster Area - ROW 12B Poster Area - ROW 13A Poster Area - ROW 11B 195 197 202 205 207 211 213 Date Time Reference Location Page 17AP1 Poster Area - ROW 14A 217 18AP1 Poster Area - ROW 20B 224 Subcommit tee 17 - Patient Safety Saturday, June 2012 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 15:00-16:30 10:30-12:00 10:30-12:00 17AP2 17AP3 Subcommit tee 18 - Perioperative Care of the Elderly Sunday, 10 June 2012 12:15-13:45 Sunday, 10 June 2012 14:00-15:30 Subcommit tee 19 - Airway Management 18AP2 Poster Area - ROW 20A Poster Area - ROW 15A Poster Area - ROW 21B 218 221 225 Sunday, 10 June 2012 14:00-15:30 19AP1 Poster Area - ROW 23B 226 Monday, 11 June 2012 10:30-12:00 19AP4 Poster Area - ROW 19A 235 Sunday, 10 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 Monday, 11 June 2012 16:00-17:30 10:30-12:00 16:00-17:30 16:00-17:30 19AP2 19AP3 19AP5 19AP6 Poster Area - ROW 25A Poster Area - ROW 17A Poster Area - ROW 16A Poster Area - ROW 18A Subject Index 229 232 238 241 245 Author Index 251 The abstracts published in this Supplement have been typeset from electronic submissions and camera-ready copies prepared by the authors Every ef fort has been made to reproduce faithfully the abstracts as submit ted These abstracts have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and have not been subjected to review nor editing by the European Journal of Anaesthesiology However, no responsibility is assumed by the organizers or publisher for any injury and/ or damage to persons or property as a mat ter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein Because of the rapid advances in medical sciences, we recommend that independent verification of diagnoses and drug doses should be made Call for abstracts The ESA solicits the submission of abstracts for the Euroanaesthesia 2013 Congress Barcelona, Spain - June 2013 All abstracts must be submit ted online via the ESA Website w w The submission module will be available to submit ters from November to 15 December 2012 Submission Conditions When submit ting your abstract, you will be prompted to accept the submission conditions that will be made available on the ESA website at least one month before the submission starts ESA Best Abstract Prize Competition (BAPC) ESA Best Abstract Prize Competition (BAPC) ESAPC1-1 Impact of thoracic epidural analgesia on morbidity and mortality af ter major surgery - preliminary results of a meta-analysis Pöpping D.M., Elia N., Van Aken H.K., Marret E., Schug S.A., Tramèr M.R Münster Universit y Hospital, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Münster, Germany Background: There is an ongoing debate as to whether adding thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) to general anaesthesia in patients undergoing major surgery provides any advantage that goes beyond simple pain relief Methods: Systematic search (databases, bibliographies, to 06.2011) for randomised trials comparing TEA (insertion level >Th12, with local anaesthetics with or without adjuvants), added to general anaesthesia compared with general anaesthesia alone We included published full reports with at least 10 adult patients per group Original authors were contacted for additional information Meta-analyses were performed using fixed and random ef fects models Results: We included 95 trials (6,565 patients, 3,252 received TEA), published between 1971 and 2011 In 64 trials, mortality during hospital stay and up to two years postoperatively was 0.015% (44 of 2,899 patients) with TEA and was 0.025% (71 of 2,847) without; OR 0.74 (95%CI 0.53, 1.03) With TEA, there was a significant decrease in the incidence of arrhy thmias (OR 0.66 [95%CI 0.52, 0.83]), atelectasis (OR 0.68 [95%CI 0.48, 0.94]), pneumonia (OR 0.51 [95%CI 0.38, 0.68]) and postoperative ileus (OR 0.45 [95%CI 0.20, 0.98]) TEA was also associated with a decrease in the incidence of sedation, dizziness and respiratory depression, whereas the risk of arterial hypotension was increased No significant dif ferences were found in the incidence of myocardial infarction, renal failure, pulmonary embolism or anastomotic leakage Technical failure of TEA occurred in about 6% Severe adverse ef fects, for instance, spinal cord compression, were not reported Conclusion: These preliminary analyses confirm that TEA, when added to general anaesthesia in patients undergoing major surgery, may have favourable ef fects on perioperative morbidity Our analyses not allow drawing with confidence that TEA reduces mortality, although average mortality rates were very low in these trials Further analyses may identif y subgroups of patients that are most likely to profit from TEA ESAPC1-2 Benefit and harm of high inspired ox ygen fraction during general anesthesia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Hovaguimian F., Lysakowski C., Elia N., Tramèr M.R Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology, Geneva, Switzerland Contex t: The benefit of intraoperative high oxygen fraction to reduce the incidence of surgical site infection (SSI) or postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) remains unclear Also, intraoperative hyperoxia has been incriminated as a risk factor for atelectasis formation Objective: To conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials to quantif y benefit and harm of high inspired oxygen fraction during general anesthesia Data Sources: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL and bibliographies to November 2011 without language restriction Study Selection: Randomized controlled trials comparing “high” oxygen fraction (median, 80% [range, 70 to 100]) with “low” oxygen fraction (30% [30 to 40]) and reporting on SSI, PONV, or data on pulmonary outcomes (spirometry, blood gases, atelectasis, pneumonia) Data Ex traction: Information on patients, trial design, oxygen fractions in experimental and control groups, and outcomes were ex tracted using a standardized protocol Data Synthesis: Seventeen of 183 retrieved reports (3,601 patients) were eligible In trials (2,409 patients undergoing abdominal surgery), the risk of SSI was not significantly reduced with high oxygen fraction; risk ratio (RR) 0.80 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.52 to 1.26) In trials (580 patients), the 24 hours risk of nausea was lower with high oxygen fraction; RR 0.78 (95% CI 0.64 to 0.94) In trials (540 patients), the 24 hours risk of vomiting was lower with high oxygen fraction; RR 0.71 (95% CI 0.55 to 0.92) In trials (1,446 patients), the incidence of postoperative atelectasis was similar with high and low oxygen fraction; in (142 patients), postoperative spirometric values were significantly worsened with high oxygen fraction; and in (78 patients), the ef fect of a high oxygen fraction on PaO2/FIO2 ratio was conflicting Conclusions: An intraoperative high inspired oxygen fraction may be considered to further reduce the risk of PONV There is no convincing evidence that a high oxygen fraction reduces the risk of SSI Concerning pulmonary complications, it cannot be concluded that an intraoperative high oxygen fraction is safe or detrimental ESAPC1-3 Assessment of short-term cognitive function in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graf t surgery with or without intraoperative ex ternal head cooling technique: pilot study Mankute A., Usas E., Sirvinskas E., Andrejaitiene J Lithuanian Health Sciences Universit y Hospital, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology, Kaunas, Lithuania Background and Goal of Study: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) for coronary artery bypass graf t (CABG) surgery is associated with a substantial incidence of postoperative cognitive complications related to brain ischaemia Mild hypothermia is the most ef ficacious neuroprotective strategy Our goal of the study was to assess short-term cognitive function in patients undergoing CABG surgery with or without intraoperative ex ternal head cooling technique in order to generate mild hypothermia (33-34oC) Materials and Methods: 50 patients ASA status II-III, age of 55-75 years, scheduled for CABG surgery, were enrolled into the study Patients were divided into the two equal study groups to be cooled with CPB and intraoperative ex ternal head cooling technique (Hypothermic Group - H gr.) or only with CPB (Control Group - C gr.) Before and 10 days af ter the surgery cognitive function was analyzed using Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS), Trail Making (A/B), WAIS - Digit Span (WDS), WAIS Digit Symbol Substitution Test (WDSST) In order to assess cognitive impairment tests results were analyzed under recommendations of International Study of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction During the surgery nasopharyngeal temperature protocol was recorded Statistical analysis was performed using PASW® Statistics 18 sof tware Results: There were no significant dif ferences between the groups with respect to demographic characteristics At the end of CBP, nasopharyngeal temperatures were 35.9±0.5°C and 33.9±0.4°C in control and hypothermic groups, respectively Cognitive function before surgery was similar in both groups (p=0.84) The incidence of cognitive impairment at the 10 days af ter the surgery was 64% (n=16) in the control group and 36% (n=9) in the hypothermic group (p=0.039) Test scores according to the type of cognitive function test were significantly higher in the hypothermic group: MMSE: H gr 29.0±0.71, C gr 28.8±1.3 (p=0.01); ADAS: H gr 5.21±1.25, C gr 5.11±1.07 (p=0.04); Trail Making A: H gr 53.8±16.5, C gr 199.2±53.3 (p=0.02); Trail Making B: H gr 89.5±24.2, C gr 142.2±36.8 (p=0.03); WDS: H gr 5.02±1.03, C gr 6.7±1.1 (p=0.04); WDSST: H gr 21.9±6.3, C gr 24.8±5.9 (p=0.04) Conclusion: Intraoperative ex ternal head cooling technique during coronary artery bypass graf t surgery leads to less short-term cognitive dysfunction impairment because of mild hypothermia which has neuroprotective ef fect ESAPC1-5 O-demethyl tramadol/tramadol ratio, a new tool to detect CYP2D6 poor metabolizers in postoperative patients: the CYTRAM study Varin L., Richard N., Lelong-Boulouard V., Plaud B., Daccache G., de la Gastine B Caen Teaching Hospital, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology, Caen, France Background and Goal of Study: Tramadol (T) is a synthetic opioid metabolized via cy tochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) to produce its major metabolite: O-demethyltramadol (ODT) ODT has a 200 fold higher af finity for the human opioid µ-receptor than tramadol, inducing analgesia to times bet ter than tramadol CYP2D6 is inef ficient in to 10 % of Caucasians so-called‚ poor metabolizers’ (PM) implying hypoanalgesia when they are treated by tramadol1 The objective was to detect CYP2D6 PM in postoperative patients by dosing ODT and T and using the ODT/T ratio ESA Best Abstracts - Runner-up Session Material and Methods: Af ter institutional approval, we included 325 Caucasian adult patients, receiving tramadol for analgesia af ter digestive surgery Patients daily treated with CYP2D6 strong inhibitors were excluded Patients received tramadol from the end of surgery and for at least two days Blood samples were collected at the first (H24) and the second (H48) postoperative days Genotyping CYP2D6 was made on H24 sample, and drug assays were performed on H24 and H48 samples with high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry Af ter genotyping, patients were separated in two groups: PM and others ODT/T mean ratios were compared for the two groups with a Student test A ROC curve analysis determined the cut-of f ratio to identif y PM Results and Discussion: Genotyping identified 26 PM (8%) The mean ODT/T ratio (SD) was 0,055 (±0,034) for the PM and 0,178 (±0,094) for the other group (p< 0,0001) The bet ter line to detect PM was a ratio ≤ 0,1 with 88% sensibility and 82% specificity for H24, and 94% sensibility and 80% specificity for H48 This study confirms the previously reported percentages of PM in Caucasians We propose the ODT/T ratio as a new pharmacologic tool to identif y PM In the presence of unrelieved postoperative pain, an O-DT/T ratio ≤0,1 would advocate for a rapid switch to morphine instead of unnecessary increase tramadol posology Furthermore, once a patient has been identifies as a PM, it will apply to all CYP2D6 metabolized drugs such as codeine, oxycodone helping clinicians to determine the adequate therapeutic strategy at the bedside Conclusion: ODT/T ratio is a new, simple and cost-ef fective tool that identifies CYP2D6 poor metabolizers References: 1.Stamer UM et al.Impact of CYP2D6 genotype on postoperative tramadol analgesia Pain 2003; 105:231-8 ESAPC1-6 A physician staf fed helicopter improves triage and reduces mortality for severely injured trauma patients Hesselfeldt R., Steinmetz J., Rasmussen L.S Depar tment of Anaesthesia 4231, Centre of Head and Or thopedics, Copenhagen Universit y Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology, Copenhagen, Denmark Background: The use of physician staf fed helicopters is widespread throughout Europe Still the use of Helicopter Emergency Medical System (HEMS) is controversial and its impact on triage and mortality of severely injured trauma patients remains uncertain This study aims to compare the pre-hospital trauma system before and af ter implementing a physician staf fed helicopter in eastern Denmark Methods: A prospective, controlled, observational study, involving local emergency departments and one regional Level Trauma Center (TC) We included patients with an Injury Severity Score (ISS)>15 in a 5-month period (1 December 2009-30 April 2010) before, and a 12 month-period (1 May 2010- 30 April 2011) af ter implementing a physician staf fed helicopter The primary endpoint was time from dispatch of the first ground ambulance to arrival in the TC (system delay) Secondary endpoints were the proportion of secondary transfer and 30-day mortality Results: We included 204 patients with an ISS >15 Before implementation of the physician staf fed helicopter, 33/56 (59%) were referred to the TC within 48 hours vs 114/148 (77%) af ter HEMS was instituted The physician staf fed helicopter transported 43 severely injured patients directly to the TC resulting in a reduction of secondary transfers from local hospitals from 50 % before to 34 % af ter implementation (p=0.04) The median system delay was 218 minutes before and 90 minutes af ter implementation (p=0.002) The 30-day mortality was reduced from 28.6 % (16/56) to 14.3 % (21/148) (p=0.02) Conclusion: Implementation of a physician staf fed helicopter was associated with significantly reduced delay for arrival at the level Trauma Center of severely injured trauma patients The proportion of secondary transfer and 30day mortality were also significantly reduced Acknowledgements: Co-investigators: Jans H, Jacobsen MB, Præst M, Buggeskov K, Andersen DL, Kowalski M, Ølgård L and the Trauma Center at Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet Best Abstracts - Runner-up Session ESAAP1-1 Is it dangerous for anaesthesia trainees to drive af ter a shif t of night duty? A simulation study in urban and monotonous conditions Arzalier-Daret S., Bocca M.-L., Berthelon C., Perrier J., Denise P., Hanouz J.-L Caen Teaching Hospital, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Caen, France Background and Goal of Study: Drowsiness is an increasing national health problem in France It was responsible for many crashes in towns and the first cause of death on highways in 2009 [1] Medical staf f is at risk to drive in a drowsy state when returning at home af ter a working night shif t duty We conducted an experimental study in a simulated driving laboratory to evaluate the consequences of sleep deprivation on driving performance of anaesthesia trainees af ter a working night shif t duty Materials and Methods: Thirty residents were investigated af ter a shif t of night duty (sleep deprived condition [SDC]) and af ter a night of normal sleep (control condition [CC]) in a comparative cross-over study The order of sessions was randomized for each resident Aptitude was tested in a simulated driving laboratory (INRETS-FAROS) where participants drove 15 minutes in town (urban conditions) followed by 60 minutes on a highway (monotonous conditions) Endpoints were the reaction time, the mean speed and the numbers of crashes in urban conditions and the standard deviation of lateral position (SDLP) and the standard deviation of speed (SDS) in monotonous conditions Results and Discussion: In urban conditions, residents tended to drive faster in CC than in SDC (43 km/h vs 41 km/h, p=0,08) No significant dif ference was found between groups in the reaction time and the number of crashes In monotonous conditions, SDLP and SDS were significantly higher in SDC than in CC (SDLP: F(1,27) = -2,19; p = 0,02) and SDS: F(1,27) = -2,25; p = 0,03) This dif ference appeared af ter 20 and 30 minutes driving, respectively, and continued until the end of the test Conclusion(s): The results showed the residents’ performances decreased af ter a shif t of night duty under monotonous conditions They experienced more lateral deviation and had some dif ficulty to control their speed Under urban conditions, residents in SDC seemed to use a preventive strategy by decreasing their speed Our study confirms that it is dangerous to drive in monotonous conditions af ter a night shif t duty Further studies are mandatory to validate the simulation model for urban driving conditions References: Observatoire national interministériel de sécurité routière La sécurité routière en france, bilan de l’année 2009 La documentation Franỗaise 2010 Synthốse gộnộrale:8-34 ESAAP1-2 Mechanism of DIC induction - Staphylococcal ex tracellular adherence protein (Eap) induces activation of platelets and coagulation by stimulation of thiol isomerases Bertling A., Heilmann C., Hussain M., Roth J., Van Aken H., Kehrel B.E Universit y Hospital Centre, Muenster, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Muenster, Germany Background and Goal of Study: Staphylococcus aureus can induce platelet aggregation The rapidity and degree of this has been shown to correlate with the severity of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and to depend on platelet peptidoglycans Surface located protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) plays an important role in platelet activation, as shown by us and others 1,2 The ex tracellular adherence protein (Eap), secreted by S aureus, functions as an adhesin for host matrix and plasma proteins This prompted us to study the ef fect of EAP on platelet activation and coagulation Materials and Methods: The ef fect of Eap on platelet activation parameters was investigated via aggregometry, flow cy tometry, fluorimetry and confocal laser scanning microscopy Endogenous thrombin potential (ETP) of platelet rich plasma was measured The influence of Eap on the reduction of the PDIsubstrate was measured fluorometrically on the platelet surface as well as using purified recombinant proteins Results and Discussion: We observed a strong stimulation of platelet surface PDI by Eap Furthermore, Eap induced PDI-dependent GPIIb/IIIa activation, granule secretion and platelet aggregation Eap strongly enhanced thrombin formation on the platelet surface (thrombin burst) Treatment of platelets with thiol-blockers, the cell-impermeable PDI inhibitor bacitracin and anti-PDI antibody inhibited Eap-induced platelet activation The ef fect of Eap on platelets and PDI activity was completely blocked by glycosaminoglycans, heparin and heparinoid (Orgaran®) Conclusion(s): In this study, we found an additional and yet unknown mechanism of activation of platelets and coagulation by a bacterial adhesin, involving stimulation of PDI The PDI-stimulatory and pro-thrombotic features of a microbial secreted protein are probably not restricted to S aureus and Eap As many microorganisms are coated with amyloidogenic proteins, it is likely, that the observed mechanism is a more general one References: Lahav J, Jurk K, Hess O, Barnes MJ, Farndale RW, Luboshitz J, Kehrel BE Sustained integrin ligation involves ex tracellular free sulfhydryls and enzymatically catalyzed disulfide exchange Blood 2002;100(7):2472-8 Jurk K, Lahav J, Van Aken H, Brodde MF, Nofer JR, Kehrel BE Ex tracellular protein disulfide isomerase regulates feedback activation of platelet thrombin generation via modulation of coagulation factor binding J Thromb Haemost 2011;9(11):2278-90 ESAAP1-3 Ef fect of blood pressure management during aortic coarctation repair in neonates on tissue ox ygen saturation measured by near-infrared spectroscopy Moerman A., Bovộ T., Franỗois K., Deblaere I., Wouters P., De Hert S Universit y Hospital Ghent, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology, Gent, Belgium Background: The purpose of this study was to compare the ef fects of three commonly used blood pressure regulating strategies (sevoflurane, nitroglycerin (NTG), and sodium nitroprusside (SNP)) on oxygen saturation of both the brain and the peripheral tissues during aortic coarctation repair, using near-infrared spectroscopy Based on the reported adverse ef fect of SNP on tissue oxygen saturation, we wanted to explore the hypothesis that the alteration in tissue oxygen saturation occurring with SNP would not be present with sevoflurane and NTG Methods: Physiological parameters, bilateral regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rScO2), renal oxygen saturation (SrO2) and muscle oxygen saturation (SmO2) (INVOS 5100, Somanetics Corporation, Troy, MI) were recorded continuously During aortic cross-clamping, control of mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) was conducted according to the randomization sequence by the use of either SNP, NTG or sevoflurane, to obtain a mean target right brachial blood pressure of 120 to 150 % of the MAP value before cross-clamping The primary endpoint was the ma ximum relative change in tissue oxygen saturation af ter aortic cross-clamping Physiological variables and tissue oxygen saturations were compared within and between groups Relationships between changes in tissue oxygen saturation, changes in MAP and age were evaluated by correlation and linear regression analysis Results: Per treatment group 10 patients were included We observed no differences between the three blood pressure regulating strategies in their ef fect on rScO2 Neonates treated with SNP experienced a larger decrease in SrO2 and SmO2 (-63.8 ± 2.3 % and -73.3 ± 5.7 %, respectively) compared to the sevoflurane group (-36.9 ± 20.9 %, p=0.042 and -52.3 ± 25.6 %, p=0.063, for SrO2 and SmO2 respectively) and to the NTG group (-37.8 ± 19.7 %, p=0.086 and -40.4 ± 22.8 %, p=0.011, for SrO2 and SmO2 respectively) Correlation and linear regression showed a lower MAP- rScO2 dependence in the NTG group, however this dif ference was not significant Conclusion: This study confirms the hypothesis that SNP promotes impaired peripheral tissue oxygenation Based on the lower MAP- rScO2 dependence and the lower proportional decreases in SrO2 and SmO2 in the NTG group, our data suggest that NTG probably might be preferred for blood pressure regulating treatment during aortic coarctation repair ESAAP1-4 ESA Best Abstracts - Runner-up Session Acute hypoxia during propofol-anesthesia, but not during sevoflurane-anesthesia, stimulates macro- and microcirculatory hemodynamics in dogs Schwarte L., Schober P., Scheeren T.W.L., Schwartges I., Picker O VUmc Amsterdam (NL) & UMC Groningen (NL) & UKD Dusseldor f (Germany), Depar tment of Anaesthesiology, Amsterdam, Netherlands Background & Goal: To study the response to acute hypoxia in micro- and macrocirculatory variables during propofol- (PROPO) vs sevoflurane- (SEVO) anesthesia Materials and methods: In randomized cross over design, chronically instrumented dogs (24-32 kg, n=6 per group) were anesthetized with PROPO or SEVO (equi-anesthetic dosages), mechanically ventilated (FiO2 ~0.3) and underwent a hypoxemic episode (FiO2 ~0.1 for 15 [1] ), followed by normoxic recovery (FiO2 ~0.3; 90 min) Microcirculatory perfusion of oral mucosa (µ-mucosa) and hindlimb skin (µ-skin) were measured by laser Doppler fluxmetry Regional gastric intraluminal PCO2 (PgiCO2) was measured by tonometry Macro-hemodynamics (cardiac output (CO), blood pressures), metabolism (O2-consumption (VO2); indirect calorimetry) and blood-derived variables (art O2-content (CaO2), acid/base variables) were also measured Statistics: Data are mean±sem for n=6 experiments per group, and compared by two-way-ANOVA, corrected for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni) A p< 0.05 was significant Results and Discussion: During normoxia, both CO and CaO2 were similar (both N.S.) under PROPO and SEVO In addition, the hypoxia model achieved comparable drops in CaO2 (N.S.) under both anesthesia types However, hypoxia elicited markedly dif ferent responses between PROPO and SEVO: Hypoxia during PROPO significantly increased µ-mucosa and µ-skin, but decreased both during SEVO Af ter hypoxia under PROPO, PgiCO2 was preserved, whereas under SEVO, PgiCO2 significantly accumulated During PROPO, hypoxia generally stimulated macro-hemodynamics (e.g., CO increased from 86±3 to 123±8 ml/kg/min), whereas in contrast during SEVO-hypoxia hemodynamics were unresponsive (CO, 72±8 vs 71±6 ml/kg/min) or even depressed On the metabolic level, VO2 was maintained during PROPO/hypoxia, but significantly decreased with SEVO/hypoxia Conclusion: In this dog model, only PROPO permit ted hemodynamic stimulation by acute hypoxia, resulting in (compensatory) increased micro- and macrocirculatory perfusion In line, PROPO-hypoxia maintained VO2, without aggravating anaerobiosis markers (lactate), and with preservation of PgiCO2 In contrast, SEVO failed to permit hemodynamic stimulation by hypoxia and failed to preserve PgiCO2 If our data can be transferred to the clinical set ting, PROPO appears beneficial (vs SEVO) to support the systemic and regional circulation during acute hypoxia Reference: Schwarte LA et al, Int Care Med 2011;37:701-10 ESAAP1-5 Painful nerve injury increases plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity in axotomized sensory neurons Gemes G., Oyster K., Wu H.-E., Hogan Q Medical Universit y of Graz, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Graz, Austria Background and Goal of Study: Neuropathic pain remains an unsolved problem in pain management We therefore studied its pathophysiologic mechanisms in the primary sensory neuron in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in an animal model Ca2+ is the most important second messenger in these neurons, and prior studies have shown that peripheral a xotomy causes lower resting [Ca2+], depleted intracellular Ca2+ stores and decreased membrane Ca2+ currents This investigation examined the main Ca2+ ex trusion mechanism, plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) in rat DRG neurons af ter painful nerve injury Materials and Methods: Male rats were subjected to spinal nerve ligation or skin incision (control group), and neuropathic pain was confirmed by identification of hyperalgesic behavior af ter noxious mechanical stimulation Three weeks af ter surgery, the fif th lumbar (L5) DRGs were harvested and the neurons were dissociated from them Neuronal Ca2+ transients were recorded by Ca2+ microfluorometry using Fura-2 PMCA function was quantified by measuring the recovery constant of small depolarization-induced (50mM K+, 0.3 sec) Ca2+ transients (not more than 400nM) Results and Discussion: Blocking PMCA by increasing bath pH to 8.8 prolonged transient recovery, confirming PMCA function in DRG neurons Selective blockade showed no contribution of mitochondrial uptake (oligomycin/antimycin) or the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (bath Na+ replacement by NMDG) to Ca2+ ESA Best Abstracts - Runner-up Session clearance from the cy toplasm for these small Ca2+ loads Injury decreased the recovery constant (10±6 sec, n=63) compared to control neurons (16±8 sec, n=86, P< 0.001) This indicates accelerated function of PMCA in a xotomized neurons Conclusion(s): PMCA function is upregulated in DRG neurons af ter painful nerve injury, which may provide an explanation for the decrease in cy toplasmic [Ca2+] Since this [Ca2+] decrease leads to greater repetitive firing in these neurons, PMCA hyperactivity may represent an important contribution to the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain ESAAP1-6 Chronic post-surgical pain af ter herniorrhaphy, hysterectomy and thoracotomy: incidence of pain at and 12 months GENDOLCAT study Montes A., Roca G., Sabaté S., Cantillo J., Canet J Parc de Salut Mar, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Barcelona, Spain Background and Goal of Study: To our knowledge few studies have prospectively analyzed chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) for year af ter surgery Our aim was to evaluate the incidence of CPSP af ter types of procedure: herniorrhaphy, hysterectomy and thoracotomy Materials and Methods: A prospective multicenter cohort study (GENDOLCAT study) was performed in 28 hospitals throughout 2009 and 2010 Eligible patients were aged 18 yr or older and undergoing elective herniorrhaphy (men only), hysterectomy or thoracotomy (men only) Patients requiring reoperation because of surgical complications were excluded We collected ex tensive clinical information To diagnose CPSP we telephoned the patients to answer a structured questionnaire at months af ter surgery, and those who reported pain were referred to a hospital for an exhaustive physical examination and detailed pain history, in which we recorded worst pain in the last 24 hours on a numerical rating scale (0-10) (NRS), amount of analgesic medication taken, and answers to a modified brief pain inventory and the neuropathic pain diagnostic (DN4) (Spanish versions) Patients were called again at 12 months to evaluate CPSP Data are expressed as median (10th - 90th percentiles) and percentages Results and Discussion: Table I shows the characteristics of patients enrolled and patients lost to follow-up for the recording of outcome variables and information on their CPSP evaluations at and 12 months af ter surgery Patients enrrolled Patients lost to follow-up Age (median and 10th-90th percent.) CPSP at months NRS > Taking analgesics Neuropathic pain CPSP al 12 months [Table I] HERNIORRAPHY HYSTERECTOMY 2399 1013 THORACOTOMY 535 638 (26.6%) 247 (24.4%) 133 (24.9%) 13.6% 17.9% 37.6% 60 (39-76) 38.6% 24.9% 38.7% 4.5% 54 (42-74) 48.3% 47.4% 37.4% 5.9% 64 (49-76) 52.5% 60.5% 55.1% 17.0% Conclusion(s): Our prospective study in a large sample of patients shows clearly that persistent postsurgical pain, identifiable by medical diagnosis, is a real problem af ter the surgical procedures we studied We found that neuropathic pain is present in 38% to 55% and that pain is moderate to intense in 38% to 52% at months, depending on the surgical procedure At 12 months CPSP was still found in about a third of the patients who had reported pain at months Best Abstracts - Runner-up Session ESAAP2-1 A combined EEG-fMRI analysis shows impaired cortical top-down processing during propofol induced unconsciousness Jordan D., Ilg R., Schneider G., Riedl V., Kochs E.F., Research Group on Brain Mechanisms of Consciousness and Anaesthesia Technische Universität München, Depar tment of Anaesthesiology, Munich, Germany Background and Goal of Study: Functional connectivity (FC) analyses of fMRI under propofol unconsciousness reported alterations in default networks of the resting brain [1] These results are in accordance to recent EEG studies observing impaired top-down information processing during anaesthesia [2] To investigate neural mechanisms of propofol induced unconsciousness, fMRI FC and EEG ef fective connectivity (EC) based on symbolic transfer entropy (STEn) [3] were analyzed in healthy subjects Material and Methods: Approved by the ethics commit tee, 15 volunteers were enrolled into the study Volunteers were instructed to rela x and close eyes while BOLD 3T-fMRI and 64-channel EEG baseline (BL) recordings were performed Subsequently propofol was infused until loss of consciousness (LOC) using a TCI pump and BOLD fMRI/EEG were measured Independent resting state network components of fMRI were identified and dif ferences between BL/LOC tested STEn quantifies the mutual information flow (EC) between two signals and was computed over all EEG channel pair combinations (0.5-30Hz total bandwidth, 50ms time delay) Ef fects of propofol on EC were indicated by the area under the curve (AUC) and bootstrap confidence intervals (CI) Results and Discussion: fMRT analysis revealed a decreased FC from BL to LOC in the frontal default network and increased FC in primary sensory networks (p < 0.05 corrected) This is in accordance to ef fects of propofol on EC in frontal-parietal (AUC = 0.90, CI = 0.71-0.97), frontal-temporal (AUC = 0.85, CI = 0.70-0.96) and frontal-occipital (AUC = 0.80, CI = 0.65-0.96) electrodes Thereby, a decline of feedback information flow and maintained feedforward flow was observed (p < 0.05) Results support the significant role of frontal and sensory cortex interaction for conscious perception Impaired top-down access to sensory information during general anaesthesia strengthens the general relevance of findings in vegetative state patients reporting impaired backward connectivity from frontal to posterior cortices as core feature of impaired consciousness Conclusion: Decrease of top-down feedback connection might be a general feature of unconsciousness and is compatible with theories at tributing consciousness to the capacity of the brain to integrate distributed information References: Boveroux P et al Anesthesiology 2010;113:1038-53 Ku SW et al PloS One 2011;6,e25155 Staniek M et al Phys Rev Let t 2008;100:158101 ESAAP2-2 Reliability of an instrument for self-assessment of teamwork in intensive care Weller J., Shulruf B., Torrie J., Frengley R., Henderson K Universit y of Auckland, Centre for Medical and Health Sciences Education, Auckland, New Zealand Background and Goal: Teamwork is a key factor in patient safety A valid and reliable self-assessment tool for anaesthetists and intensivists to assess their team performance would help to identif y areas for improvement However, the literature on self-assessment suggests doctors are not good at assessing their own performance We previously reported the validity and reliability of a teamwork rating tool used by trained ex ternal1 However, with limited opportunities for ex ternal assessor feedback on teamwork, we investigated the reliability and validity of this tool for when used for self assessment by intensive care teams Methods: The teamwork rating tool consisted of 21 items each describing a specific component of team performance 40 intensive care teams (one doctor, three nurses) participated in four highly realistic simulated emergency scenarios, and each participant independently rated their team’s performance af ter each scenario Scenarios were videotaped, randomised and independently rated by three expert assessors blinded to scenario order Psychometrics were evaluated using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), and Cronbach’s α and results were compared with ex ternal assessors Results and Discussion: EFA confirmed items grouped into three Factors, Leadership and Team Co-ordination; Verbalising Situational Information; and Mutual Performance monitoring Reliability coef ficients were 931, 957 and 888 respectively Factors were identical to those generated by ex ternal as- AUTHOR INDEX Abad-Gonzalez A 1AP5-11, 1AP8-10 Abarca L 6AP3-4, 14AP3-5, 17AP2-10 Abdel Monem M 14AP6-3 Abdullayev R 9AP3-7 Abe N 11AP5-7 Abelha F 1AP1-3, 1AP4-3, 1AP5-6, 1AP5-7, 1AP9-9, 5AP4-5, 5AP4-7, 7AP4-1, 12AP5-1, 17AP3-9 Abo Elwafaa H 14AP6-3 Abouzaid H 2AP2-1 Abrão M A 8AP6-10 Abreo A 6AP3-7 Abreo Ariza A 18AP2-2 Absalom A R 7AP4-9 Absenger C 1AP1-9 Acan I 12AP3-3 Acar H V 10AP3-4 Aceto P 7AP3-7 Adachi Y 9AP2-4 Adaklı B 11AP1-1 Adame Reyes M 14AP6-11 Adembri C 7AP5-4, 12AP1-4, 12AP1-9, 12AP1-11 Adolph O 9AP8-9 Afonso O 4AP2-1 Aghadavoudi Jolfaei O 4AP7-2, 4AP7-9 Agócs S 11AP3-8 Agolli L 1AP3-10 Agreda G 15AP1-5 Aguilar G 3AP1-9 Ahijado J 12AP4-2 Ahijado-Agudo J.- M 4AP7-7 Ahmad Nizam A 1AP7-3, 11AP1-5 Ahmed U 9AP2-10 Ahn S H 14AP5-1 Aho A J 3AP5-7 Aidoni Z 4AP1-3 Ajimi J 9AP3-3 Akbari M 4AP7-2 Akbas H 9AP5-10 Akbulut Z 1AP8-8 Akca O 7AP4-4 Akcaboy Y 2AP2-4, 9AP3-7 Akcaboy Z 2AP2-4, 9AP3-7 Akhmetzhanova E 19AP1-3 Akkad R 8AP1-9 Akkari K 9AP2-9 Akrout S 11AP1-10, 14AP5-11 Aksu C 2AP2-4 Aladzsity I 12AP3-9 Alanoglu Z 8AP6-8 Albrecht M 9AP5-7, 9AP5-8, 13AP2-7 Alcaide-Martin M J 6AP1-8 Alcalde Navarrete J M 17AP2-9 Alcón A 15AP1-5 Alday Moz E 5AP2-6 Alderson P 1AP7-1 Alexiev V 19AP2-1 Alhamdan L 9AP2-10 Aliverti A 5AP1-3 Alkis N 8AP6-8 Allegaert K 10AP3-5, 11AP4-4, 11AP4-5 Allen M 10AP2-1 Allouche S 4AP3-7, 4AP3-9 Al-Maghrabi M 2AP2-1 Almaki A 19AP6-3 Almeida A 19AP4-7, 5AP3-6, 19AP3-8 Almeida M T 1AP6-9, 6AP2-9, 12AP2-8 Almeida V 17AP3-6 Almendral J 4AP8-5, 4AP9-5 Almetwalli R 2AP2-1 Alonso Yanci E 11AP5-3 Alonso-Menarguez B 4AP7-7 Alraqab A 9AP2-10 Al-Rawi O 12AP5-6 Alsina E 15AP1-8 Alvanou A 5AP2-9 Alvarez J C 6AP2-6 Alvarez-Avello J.-M 4AP7-7 Alvarez-Gomez J A 9AP4-2 Amaniti E 4AP1-3 Amaral J L G 17AP3-11, 4AP5-11 Ameli K 4AP7-9 Amorim P 9AP2-5 Amorós Alfonso B 11AP4-10 Amour J 4AP4-9, 4AP8-9 An B R 9AP6-3 Anagnostis G 14AP6-4 Anastassiou E 11AP1-9 Anca D 4AP2-6 Anderson L 6AP3-9 Anderson S 11AP1-4 Ando N 19AP3-7 Andou S 3AP4-6 Andrade Souki M 10AP3-1 Andrejaitiene J ESAPC1-3 Andrijauskas A 3AP3-9, 3AP4-4, 3AP4-5 Andrijauskas P 3AP3-9, 3AP4-4, 3AP4-5 Añez C 15AP1-4 Angst M 9AP3-1 António-Lopes J 4AP5-10, 4AP6-6 Antunes L 9AP7-4, 9AP8-7, 9AP8-10 Antunes L M 7AP2-8 Aoyama Y 5AP1-8 Arıcı G 9AP5-10 Araki H 14AP7-1 Araújo R 17AP2-2 Arbelaez A 6AP3-7, 18AP2-2 Arbones E 1AP2-5 Arenkiel B 19AP1-2 Arezina Mihailovic A 4AP2-2 Arfanis K 17AP1-5 Arii T 1AP1-2 Ariño J J 14AP6-1 Ariño P 1AP2-5 Armand R 11AP1-8 Arnalich Montiel A 4AP4-4 Arnaoutoglou E 4AP5-8, 1AP1-8, 1AP9-6, 4AP1-6, 17AP3-3, 17AP3-4 Arnous H 9AP2-9 Aroni P 1AP7-9 Arpino I 8AP1-7 Arrer A 19AP4-4 Arribas P 12AP5-7 Arzalier-Daret S ESAAP1-1 Aseguinolaza Pagola M 17AP2-9 Aslanargun P 19AP4-8 Aslanyan L 14AP7-10 Asouhidou I 4AP6-4 Assad A R 8AP6-10 Astles T 12AP5-6 Atalla S 8AP3-8 Attaallah A F 4AP8-1 Audibert G 6AP2-10 Augustin B 14AP3-8 Auler Jr J 7AP1-9 Aurilio C 19AP1-9 Auroy Y 3AP4-9 Ausset S 3AP4-9, 4AP2-5 Avdeev S 5AP2-4, 7AP1-8, 9AP5-9 Avecilla A 15AP1-6 Avidan A 3AP2-4 Aya N 14AP4-3 Aybar R S 11AP1-1 Ayedi M 11AP1-10, 11AP5-11, 14AP5-11 Azarfarin R 19AP4-2 Azevedo L 19AP4-7 Azevedo Marques A 1AP6-9, 6AP2-9, 12AP2-8 Aziz T 15AP2-10 Aznárez Zango B 5AP2-6 Baba M 11AP2-5 Bae H B 7AP3-3 Baek W 1AP4-4 Baele P 6AP1-3 Bagheri K 4AP7-2 Baghernia A 19AP1-10 Bahk J.-H 19AP6-4 Bai S.-J 1AP3-1 Bajraktari M 12AP4-11 Bakan N 9AP8-6, 12AP3-8 Bakola A 5AP2-9 Baladron V 11AP2-7 Balaguer J 3AP2-2, 3AP2-8, 3AP4-3, 3AP4-8, 5AP1-2, 17AP3-2 Balaguer-Domenech J 19AP4-10 Balaram S 4AP2-6 Balasubramanian S 8AP5-3 Balbay M D 1AP8-8 Balcan A 12AP5-4, 14AP5-9, 14AP5-10 Baldie C 18AP1-3 Balestra C 6AP3-5 Balezdrov G 4AP1-3 Balikai C 6AP2-2 Balkenhol K 19AP2-9 Ballester M 5AP3-8 Ballester Luján M 5AP3-2, 5AP3-9 Balta M 14AP3-7 Banerjee A 8AP6-7, 10AP2-8 Banevicius G 1AP3-3 Bano F 1AP6-2 Baptista C 6AP4-9 Baraggia P 1AP8-1 Barbara R 9AP7-3 Barbero-Mielgo M 4AP7-7 Barbosa M 17AP3-9 Barkia R 11AP1-10, 11AP5-11 Barreiro Pardal C 1AP5-9, 1AP6-7 Barrett J 9AP2-1 Barroucand L 9AP6-6 Barsaki A 7AP1-2 Bart F 15AP1-10 Barthel F 7AP3-4 Barthélémy C 12AP4-6 Bartikova I 14AP5-6 Bartzavali C 12AP1-10 Başar H 19AP4-8 Basel A 5AP2-7 Basiewicz-Slaczka E 10AP1-9, 10AP2-3 Bastos C A 6AP2-9, 1AP6-9, 12AP2-8 Bathory I 19AP1-8 Bauer I 4AP3-11, 4AP4-10, 4AP4-11, 7AP3-4 Bauhofer T 9AP4-5 Baumüller E 9AP4-5 Baurain M 6AP1-1 Bautin A 6AP2-8 Bautista A 7AP4-4 Beaule P 7AP4-10 Beaulieu P 4AP6-1 Beckers S 1AP9-2, 3AP1-7, 4AP9-8 Beda A 5AP1-5 Beheiry H 7AP2-4 Behmenburg F 4AP3-11 Bein B 3AP1-10, 3AP3-8, 9AP5-7, 9AP5-8, 13AP2-7 Beji T 11AP3-10 Belda J 5AP3-8 252 Author Index Belda Nácher F J 3AP1-9, 5AP3-2, 5AP3-9 Belda Nácher J 3AP3-7 Belin X 5AP1-10 Beltran J 9AP7-3 Belze O 14AP3-8 Ben Aziz M 6AP3-5 Ben Jazia K 9AP2-9, 11AP2-9, 11AP3-10 Ben Letaifa D 11AP2-9 Ben Soltana H 14AP5-11 Benbow H 12AP1-8, 12AP4-7 Benedetti C 4AP9-2 Benigni A 5AP3-5 Bennane N 1AP9-4 Bento C 12AP4-9 Beqiri A 2AP1-7 Berge R 8AP6-4 Berger M M 12AP3-7 Berghmans J 10AP2-2 Berlot G 7AP1-3 Bermede O 8AP6-8 Bernardino A 5AP3-6 Berthelon C ESAAP1-1 Berthold B 19AP2-8 Berti M 14AP3-9 Bertin F 1AP2-1 Bertling A ESAAP1-2, 6AP4-2 Bertone V 5AP2-8 Beswick E 8AP4-5 Bettencourt M 19AP4-3 Betz R 10AP2-4 Beurskens C 13AP2-5 Bevilacqua F 4AP6-2, 14AP5-3 Biais M 4AP8-9 Bielka K 7AP4-3 Bierfischer V 8AP1-5 Biestro A 7AP4-4 Bilbao A 8AP2-10 Bilgen S 8AP5-4 Bilskiene D 1AP3-3 Bisbe E 6AP3-4 Bjertnaes L 3AP1-11, 5AP3-7 Bjornestad E 14AP6-5 Blasi A 4AP6-10 Blaudszun G 4AP9-4 Blobner M 1AP7-4, 1AP7-10, 4AP7-6, 9AP4-5 Bluth T 5AP1-5 Bo J 14AP1-1, 14AP1-2, 14AP4-4 Bocca M.-L ESAAP1-1 Bodén K 5AP4-8 Bodger O 10AP1-2, 13AP1-1 Bodonovits A 11AP3-8 Boer C 4AP9-10, 6AP1-7 Bogicevic A 1AP5-3, 3AP5-4, 4AP5-5, 6AP3-6, 19AP4-5 Böhmer A 1AP5-4 Boing A N 4AP3-6 Bollag L 14AP5-8 Bonechi F 15AP2-8 Bonet H 10AP2-4, 10AP2-4 Bongaerts D 1AP6-3 Bonifácio J A 1AP6-9 Boogaerts J G 4AP3-2, 9AP5-1 Borg P A J 19AP5-6 Borges S 8AP4-3, 19AP4-9 Bornemann H 14AP2-11 Bornemann-Cimenti H 1AP1-9, 7AP2-7 Borràs R 15AP1-5 Bose R 15AP2-7 Botelho M 1AP1-3 Boucek C 12AP2-6 Bougaki M 5AP1-7 Bouguedoura F 6AP1-3 Bouhemad B 4AP2-10 Bouslama M A 9AP2-9, 11AP2-9, 11AP3-10 Boutsikou M 14AP3-2 Bouwman R A 4AP9-10 Bovani R 14AP6-8 Bové T ESAAP1-3, 4AP1-2 Boyko M 7AP2-1, 9AP5-2 Boynton C 19AP3-6 Bozkirli F 17AP3-5 Bozova E 14AP7-10 Braganỗa J P 19AP6-7, 1AP1-6, 19AP6-5 Brahim A 11AP2-9 Bramma Y L 1AP7-8, 14AP2-5 Branco P 9AP2-5, 9AP7-4 Brandenburger T 7AP3-4 Braun P 13AP1-8 Bravo F 14AP6-11 Brekke H K 4AP7-11 Brennan T J 9AP8-4 Bressan F 15AP2-8 Brevoord D 4AP1-5, 13AP2-5 Brimacombe J R 19AP5-8 Brinker A 13AP2-4 Brinth L 4AP8-2 Brisard L 15AP2-1, 15AP2-2 Broch O 3AP1-10, 13AP2-7 Brodde M F 6AP4-2, 9AP2-8 Brogly N 18AP1-6, 3AP1-8, 4AP5-6, 4AP6-11, 15AP1-8 Broqi I 2AP1-7 Brugger H 13AP1-8 Brugiere B ESAAP2-6 Brulotte V 4AP6-1 Brunelli A 1AP8-3 Bryson G 7AP4-10 Brzezinska E 14AP1-4 Budinčević H 12AP1-2 Buettner J 8AP2-1 Buget M 5AP2-7 Buglass S 19AP6-2 Buhre W 3AP1-6 Bujko W 1AP6-11, 7AP4-11, 7AP5-7 Bukoshi Z 1AP3-10 Bullough A S 11AP3-7 Bulte C S E 4AP9-10 Bunchungmongkol N 4AP5-3, 18AP2-3 Burgos N 1AP2-6, 6AP3-8 Burhenne J 9AP3-6 Burkhard F C 8AP1-6 Burkhart C S 18AP1-1 Burtea R 8AP3-6 Burumdayal A 8AP3-2 Buttigieg M 17AP1-3 Büttner J 4AP2-7 Byon H J 7AP4-6 Byon H.-J 10AP2-9, 19AP2-5 Byun S 1AP4-4 Cabello R M 11AP2-4 Cacheux C 6AP2-4 Caetano A F 6AP2-9 Caggianelli G 2AP1-6 Cagnard N 4AP4-9 Cahana A 14AP2-10 Cahill P 10AP2-4 Caillaud J 2AP2-10 Cajust M 6AP2-2 Cakmak A 8AP6-8 Calderón A 5AP2-1 Calderón L E 18AP1-6 Caldini A L 12AP1-4 Calisto C 6AP1-10 Calixto L 1AP7-11, 19AP3-8 Callejas González R 1AP3-6 Camargo D 11AP2-7 Camci E 5AP2-7 Camera D 12AP4-8 Campana P 8AP6-9 Campbell G 17AP1-5 Campos S 9AP7-4 Camps A 3AP3-6 Candela-Toha A 12AP5-7 Canet J ESAAP1-6, 1AP8-3 Cannas M 11AP4-3 Canniff E 6AP3-3 Cano Serrano M E 14AP6-11 Cantillo J ESAAP1-6 Cao L 4AP6-8 Carazo J 14AP3-5 Cardoso G 14AP3-4 Cardoso M 14AP5-8 Carey M 1AP7-3 Carillion A 4AP4-9, 4AP8-9 Carlen P 7AP2-4 Carlier C 6AP1-3 Carlucci M 12AP1-9 Carmona M J C 7AP1-9 Carneiro S 9AP7-10 Carnesecchi S 5AP1-10 Carpentier W 4AP4-9 Carretero M J 13AP2-2 Carro Roibal M Á 1AP5-9, 1AP6-7 Carstens A 3AP1-10, 3AP3-8 Carter J 17AP3-10 Carvalhas J 15AP2-6, 15AP2-9 Carvalho N 5AP1-4 Carvalho Valle L M 10AP3-1 Carvalho-Sousa J 6AP1-10 Çaşkurlu T 12AP4-1 Castrén M 15AP2-5 Castro D 1AP6-8, 6AP1-9, 8AP4-3, 11AP2-3, 19AP4-9 Castro Rincón J M 12AP2-5 Cavalcanti I L 9AP6-6 Cavaleiro C 1AP1-6, 1AP7-11, 19AP6-5, 19AP6-7 Cazzato M T 1AP9-7, 4AP2-4 Cecchi G 7AP5-4 Cecero E 12AP1-9 Cegarra V 3AP4-11 Cenicante T 11AP4-3 Ceyhan A 9AP2-7 Chainaki E 17AP2-7 Chalfe N 9AP6-5 Chalmers C M 19AP6-3 Chaló D 19AP4-3, 19AP4-7 Chan S Y 1AP6-1 Chandan G 6AP4-6 Chang C H 1AP8-5 Chang J H 17AP3-7 Chang J.-H 4AP6-9, 8AP6-3 Chang K 5AP1-7 Chapman G 1AP9-3 Chaput A J 7AP4-10 Charuluxananan S 17AP2-8 Chasapidis V 5AP2-9 Chehata A 11AP2-9 Chelazzi C 12AP3-5, 12AP4-8 Chelly J 14AP6-7, 17AP3-8 Chen G J 11AP1-2 Chen H 5AP1-6 Chen K -B 17AP3-7 Chen K.-B 4AP6-9, 8AP6-3 Chene G 14AP3-1 Cheng K -I 8AP4-6 Cheong S 1AP8-4, 9AP8-5 Chernov V 5AP2-4 Cheseaux N 1AP8-6 Chiairi F ESAAP2-4 Chiaramonte G 15AP2-8 Chiarandini P 9AP4-8 Chie N 4AP9-9 Chiquito Lama Y L 9AP4-5 Chiu K M 9AP1-9 Cho H S 10AP2-5 Cho K 1AP8-4, 9AP8-5 Cho S 14AP4-6 Choi E K 1AP3-1 Choi J C 14AP7-9 Choi J I 7AP3-3 Choi S H 7AP4-6 Chondreli S 1AP1-8, 14AP3-7 Christie F 3AP3-1 Christofidou M 12AP1-10 Chu S H 9AP1-9 Chung E 6AP4-1 Chung Y 4AP4-3 Churlyaev J 5AP4-4 Cikara R 1AP2-3 Cindea I 12AP5-4, 14AP5-9, 14AP5-10 Cinnella G 2AP1-6, 5AP2-3, 5AP3-3 Ciocchetti P 7AP3-7 Cirillo V 3AP5-9 Claramunt A 14AP3-6 Clicteur A 19AP5-5 Closhen D 3AP3-2 Closset J 8AP6-5 Coad D W 18AP1-3 Cobben J M G 8AP6-1 Coelho F 4AP2-1 Cohen B 6AP2-3 Coimbra A M 9AP8-10 Colaỗo J 6AP1-10 Colaỗo J M 6AP4-5 Colafranceschi A 4AP7-8 Colilles C 4AP5-2 Colomina M J 6AP3-7, 18AP2-2 Combes X 15AP2-1, 15AP2-2 Comelon M 14AP2-2 Compagnone C 14AP3-9 Consiglio J 5AP1-11 Conway D 3AP1-1 Conway D H 3AP1-2 Copley E 15AP2-4 Coppens M 11AP5-1 Corbonnois G 6AP2-10 Cordier P Y 1AP7-5 Correa R 8AP5-3, 4AP3-4 Cortada V 1AP2-5 Cortés M 5AP2-1 Cosenza L 12AP1-9 Coskunfirat N 9AP5-10 Costa G 6AP4-9 Costa L H D 4AP5-11 Costa M G 9AP4-8 Costea D 14AP5-10 Costoglou C 1AP8-7 Cotoia A 5AP2-5 Cotton F 8AP6-5 Coulbault L 4AP3-7, 4AP3-9 Courivaud P 8AP4-8, 14AP7-11 Courtois N 13AP2-3 Couzens C 13AP2-3 Coyne J 19AP2-1 Cracknell J 1AP7-1 Crawford J 3AP3-1 Crisconio P 3AP5-9 Croci M 1AP3-8 Cromey C 10AP1-6 Cronje J 11AP4-7 Cros J ESAAP2-3 Cruz A 19AP2-10 Cruz L 6AP4-9 Cruz S 11AP4-3 Cubas M G 6AP1-11 Cubas Quiroga M G 4AP6-10 Cuñat A 3AP1-9 Cunha R 7AP2-8 Cunningham A J 8AP5-6 Curatolo M 8AP1-6 Curtis R 9AP6-9 Cutolo A 1AP9-8, 4AP9-1, 4AP9-2 Cvetanovic V 18AP2-6, 3AP5-4, 6AP3-6, 19AP4-5 Cvetko E 8AP4-10 Daccache G ESAPC1-5, 8AP2-4 Dahan E 13AP2-1 Dahl J B 8AP4-9 Dalampyra F 1AP8-7 Dalbera A 3AP1-5 Dambrosio M 5AP2-3, 5AP3-3, 11AP5-4 Damian D 12AP2-6 D’Arienzo S 19AP1-9 Davari Tanha F 1AP3-2 Davidova N 11AP3-5, 11AP3-6 De Baerdemaeker A 3AP1-7 De Buysscher P 9AP4-7 De Capraris A 5AP3-3, 11AP5-4 De Chaffoy de Courcelles C 10AP2-2 De Deyne C 3AP4-10, 4AP1-8, 4AP1-10, 13AP2-6 De Gaudio A R 7AP5-4, 12AP1-11, 12AP3-5, 12AP4-8 De Gendt L 4AP9-8 De Hert S G 4AP1-5 De Hert S ESAAP1-3, 4AP1-2 De Hoon J 10AP3-5, 11AP4-4 De Jonckheere J ESAAP2-3 De la Gastine B ESAPC1-5 De la Puente Vittini N 3AP3-10 De Lacy A M 6AP1-11 De Lacy Fortuny A 4AP4-5 De Nadal M 3AP3-6 De Pablo A 12AP5-7 De Paz S 15AP1-6 De Robertis E 3AP5-9 De Ryck Y 6AP1-1 De Souza A V G 4AP3-10 De Vargas I 4AP6-10 De Vicente-Sanchez J 6AP1-8 De Waal E 3AP1-6 Debaene B ESAAP2-6, 9AP4-3, 9AP6-2, 12AP4-6 Deblaere I ESAAP1-3 Décaudin B 4AP8-4, 12AP4-6 Decoene C 4AP7-10 Deflaviis A 9AP4-8 Defosse J 1AP5-4 Degryse C 14AP3-1 Dekkers P 14AP2-6 Del Barrio E 9AP4-6 Del Blanco B 4AP8-5 Del Blanco Narciso B 4AP9-5 Del Cañizo J F 4AP7-3 Delgado-Baeza E 4AP3-3, 4AP4-4, 4AP7-3 Delgado-Martos M J 4AP3-3, 4AP4-4 Della Rocca G 9AP4-8 Demneri M 1AP3-5 Demyanchuk V 10AP3-2 Denise P ESAAP1-1 Dens J 3AP4-10, 4AP1-8, 4AP1-10, 13AP2-6 Deprest J 11AP4-4 Derbel A 11AP1-10, 14AP5-11 Dery E 6AP2-3 Desai N 10AP1-8, 10AP1-11 Desanlis E 4AP7-10 Desbordes J 8AP1-9 Deshpande A 2AP1-5 Devlieger R 11AP4-4 DeVries J H 2AP1-4 Dewinter G 1AP3-4 Dhoste K 9AP4-3 Di Monte P 2AP1-6 Di Staiso E 14AP5-3 Author Index 253 Di Stasio E 4AP6-2 Dias E M 19AP5-6 Dichtwald S 13AP2-1 Diehl J 4AP6-8 Dieterich F 4AP2-7 Díez Sebastián J 11AP4-11 Dijana D 9AP4-1 Dikmen B 9AP2-7, 10AP3-4 Dile P 9AP6-2 Diminikos G 4AP6-4 Dimitriou V 1AP1-1, 1AP2-4, 19AP6-8 Dingley J 3AP2-5, 3AP2-6, 10AP1-6 Djaiani G 12AP4-10 Djordjevic D 1AP5-3, 3AP5-8, 4AP5-5 Djordjevic I 1AP6-4 Do S.-H 1AP4-2 Doboszynski T 7AP5-7 Dobric B 1AP2-3 Docking R 1AP7-2 Domi R 2AP1-7 Dominguez A 6AP3-8, 15AP1-8 Donati A 12AP1-9 Dondapati S 6AP4-6 Donvito V 11AP2-8 Dorn C 14AP2-11 Dotan K 3AP2-4 Dotsenko V 9AP1-1 Doumparatzi M 5AP2-9 Dovgan A 10AP3-2 Draegni T 14AP2-2 Dre K 18AP2-5 Droc G 12AP3-2 Drougka E 12AP1-5 Dubinina V 6AP4-7 Dubodelov E 5AP2-4 Dubois-Randé J L 4AP2-10 Dudodelov E 9AP5-9 Duetschke P 19AP2-8 Duniec L 8AP2-3 Dupont H 8AP4-8, 8AP6-9, 14AP7-11, 15AP1-10 Duque P 11AP1-3 Duque Sosa P 1AP3-6 Duthie D J R 19AP2-7 Ebberyd A 9AP5-5 Eberle B 3AP2-9, 5AP1-11 Ecimovic P 1AP6-2 Edenharter G 1AP7-4, 1AP7-10 Eder M ESAAP2-5, 7AP2-5, 7AP2-6 Edgar J D M 17AP3-1 Edler A 7AP2-7 Eeckhoudt S 6AP1-3 Eguchi S 4AP4-1 Eid G 3AP2-7 Ekberg O 5AP4-8 Ekinci O 1AP8-2, 9AP1-3, 12AP4-1 El Saleh M 14AP3-7 El Sharkawy O 3AP1-3 Elar Z 19AP6-6 Elia N ESAPC1-1, ESAPC1-2 Elias-Martin E 12AP5-7 Elkouri S 4AP6-1 Elmer E 9AP7-9 Elton C D 17AP2-6 Emala C W 9AP8-1 Emamdee R 1AP8-1 Emmam M 8AP3-8 Emmerich J 6AP2-1 Enk D 19AP5-6 Epstein M 10AP3-7 Ercan F 12AP1-7 Eriksson L I 5AP2-2, 5AP4-8, 9AP5-5 Ertug Z 9AP5-10 Escolano F 1AP2-5 Eshuis J H 2AP1-4 254 Author Index Espinosa A 6AP1-5 Espitalier F 14AP6-6 Estruch M 17AP3-2 Estruch M J 3AP4-8 Estruch-Perez M J 19AP4-10 Estupiñán Jiménez J C 12AP2-5 Ethgen S 4AP8-4 Eusepi C 1AP9-8 Everaert N 11AP5-1 Fàbregas N 14AP3-6 Facciorusso C 5AP2-3 Falcão L F R 4AP5-11, 17AP3-11 Falk M 19AP2-9 Fanelli G 14AP3-9 Faraoni D 6AP1-1, 6AP2-4 Farre C 17AP2-10 Farzi S 14AP2-11 Fastner C 12AP3-7 Fathi M 8AP5-1 Fayed N 3AP1-3, 14AP6-3 Fechner J 9AP3-4 Fede N R 5AP3-3, 11AP5-4 Federyakin D 9AP7-2 Fedotushkina K 7AP1-8 Félix L 9AP8-10, 9AP8-7 Fellahi J.-L 3AP1-5, 3AP4-2, 3AP3-4, 3AP3-5, 8AP2-4 Fernandes C 1AP6-8, 6AP1-9, 11AP2-3 Fernandes V 1AP1-3 Fernández López L 17AP2-9 Fernández-Criado M C 4AP4-4 Fernández-Riveira C 4AP3-3 Ferrante E 8AP1-7 Ferreira D A 9AP2-5 Ferreira L 9AP7-4, 9AP2-5 Fiddelers A 2AP1-1, 14AP3-3 Figueiredo J N 19AP4-3 Figueiredo P 8AP4-3, 19AP4-9 Fijałkowska A 9AP7-7 Filippovitch G 11AP5-5 Filos K S 8AP3-5, 12AP1-5, 12AP1-10 Fink H 9AP4-5 Fink T 12AP3-6 Finkel J 9AP2-1 Fischer M.-O 3AP1-5, 3AP3-4, 3AP3-5, 3AP4-2 Fitton L 8AP4-5 Fitzgerald J 14AP7-5 Flamée P 4AP9-8 Fleming I 11AP2-2 Fletcher G 14AP2-5 Fligou F 12AP1-5, 12AP1-10 Flores-Garnica L 14AP3-10, 14AP4-8 Florez C 7AP2-4 Föhr K J 9AP8-9 Foinard A 12AP4-6 Fontanals J 13AP2-2 Fonte A 6AP1-9, 11AP2-3 Fortier L.-P 9AP6-9 Fot E 5AP4-6 Fotopoulou G 18AP2-5 Fracassi S 1AP3-8 Francksen H 19AP2-8 Franco N 14AP3-9 Franỗois K ESAAP1-3 Franken S 17AP2-4 Fransis S 11AP1-4 Frasca D 9AP6-2 Frascarolo P 19AP1-8 Frat J.-P ESAAP2-6 Freir N 8AP5-6 Freire L 11AP1-8 French R 3AP5-5 Frengley R ESAAP2-2 Frykholm P 5AP1-3 Fujii S 4AP2-3 Fujii T 4AP3-1 Fujii Y 4AP2-3 Fujimoto T 4AP7-4 Fujino H 9AP8-2 Fujisawa A 1AP8-9 Fujita N 11AP4-1 Fujita Y 9AP3-5, 11AP4-6 Fukuda M 19AP2-3 Fukui K 3AP3-2 Fukusaki M 14AP7-1 Fukushima H 1AP3-9 Fukuuchi A 14AP7-7 Fusciardi J 2AP2-10, 14AP3-8, 14AP6-6 Fusi F 12AP1-9 Fust G 12AP3-9 Fuzier R 1AP2-1 Gaidukov K 5AP3-7, 5AP4-6, 12AP4-4 Gaillat C 1AP9-4 Gajate L 12AP2-7, 12AP4-2 Gál J 12AP3-9 Galán M J 12AP2-7 Galán-Arévalo M.-J 4AP7-7 Galarneau A 9AP6-9 Gale R 12AP5-6 Galiana M 12AP5-3 Galich S 6AP2-11 Galitzine S 8AP3-2, 8AP4-5 Gall I 3AP1-1, 3AP1-2 Gallardo Culebradas P 11AP4-10 Gama de Abreu M 5AP1-4, 5AP1-5 Ganau M 7AP1-3 Gani H 1AP4-1, 2AP1-7, 6AP3-1 Garcia C 12AP5-3 García J 1AP2-5 García S 6AP3-4 Garcia Alves A 6AP4-5 García Fernández J 12AP2-7, 12AP4-2 Garcia Garcia C 11AP4-11 García Suárez J 12AP2-7, 12AP4-2 Garcia-Alvarez M 3AP4-11 García-Fernández J 4AP7-7 Garcia-Guasch R 15AP1-1 Garcia-Orellana M 17AP2-10 Garcia-Roche A 3AP3-6 Gardet E 1AP2-1 Garwood J 10AP1-1 Gasperini C 15AP2-8 Gaucher A 9AP6-2 Gaudillière B 9AP3-1 Gaudreau J D 12AP5-1 Gavrychenko D 6AP2-11, 6AP4-7, 6AP4-8 Gebhardt V 8AP6-6 Gecaj-Gashi A 1AP3-10 Geddes S 1AP9-1 Gega M 1AP2-4 Geldner G 1AP5-4 Gemes G ESAAP1-5 Genay S 4AP8-4 Gennart F 3AP1-7 Georgakopoulos C 8AP3-5 Georgiev S 11AP2-1, 19AP2-6 Gerard J.-L 3AP1-5 Gérard J L 3AP4-2 Gérard J.-L 3AP3-4, 3AP3-5, 4AP3-9, 4AP4-8 Gerber D 3AP2-9 Gergieff M 9AP8-9 Gerstung S 3AP3-8 Ghaddab A 9AP2-9, 11AP3-10 Gharavi M 8AP5-1 Gharehbaghi M 19AP1-10 Gherghina V 11AP5-6, 12AP5-4, 14AP5-9, 14AP5-10 Gianesello L 14AP6-8 Giannopoulou A 14AP3-2 Gibani M M 12AP5-2 Giele H 8AP3-2 Gigante A 9AP4-8 Gilda C 5AP2-5 Gilsanz F 18AP1-6, 1AP2-6, 1AP7-7, 3AP1-8, 4AP5-6, 4AP6-11, 6AP3-8, 15AP1-8 Gilsanz Rodriguez F 3AP2-10, 11AP4-11, 11AP5-3, 15AP1-9 Giraudeau B 14AP6-6 Giugni D 12AP3-5, 12AP4-8 Gjonbalaj A 10AP3-6 Glavin R 15AP2-3 Glen J 1AP7-2 Glinavou A 19AP6-8 Glumcher F 7AP4-3 Gnezdilov A 14AP7-8 Go Y K 9AP6-10 Godier A 6AP2-1 Gogus N 2AP2-4, 9AP3-7 Goh S Y 19AP5-2 Goksu Tomruk S 9AP8-6, 12AP3-8 Goldstein D 12AP4-10 Gollo E 11AP2-8 Golubovic M 18AP2-6, 3AP5-4, 6AP3-6, 19AP4-5 Gomes C 2AP2-3, 17AP2-2 Gomes L 1AP6-8, 6AP1-9, 8AP4-3, 19AP4-9 Gomes M J 6AP4-9 Gomes Santos H 6AP4-5 Gómez E 12AP4-5 Gómez L 3AP2-2, 5AP1-2 Gomez Agraz J L 14AP4-8 Gomez Builes J C 4AP4-5 Gomez Diago L 3AP2-8, 3AP4-3 Gómez Diago L 3AP4-8 Gomez Martin A 8AP2-11 Gomez-Diago L 19AP4-10 Gómez-Herreras J I 1AP1-7, 12AP4-5 Gómez-López N 15AP1-6 Gómez-Sánchez E 1AP1-7 Goncharenko N 10AP3-2 Gong Y H 11AP1-2 Gong Z Y 11AP1-2 Gonzalez C 5AP2-2 Gonzalez J 4AP9-5 González O 5AP2-1, 12AP2-5 González R 12AP5-3 González Castro A M 1AP5-9, 1AP6-7 González Techera L 15AP1-6 Gonzalez-Fernandez J 5AP3-1 Gopal H 14AP7-5 Goranovic T 1AP5-5 Gordan M L 4AP7-6 Goto T 7AP5-2, 19AP2-2 Goto Y 13AP1-2 Gottschau B 8AP4-9 Goudet V ESAAP2-6 Gousia C 3AP5-6 Grabowski T 10AP2-3 Gracia C 11AP1-8, 17AP1-4 Gramke H.-F 2AP1-1, 14AP3-3 Granstrom A 2AP1-8 Gray S 13AP2-4 Greco S 1AP3-8 Greif R 19AP1-6 Grenda H 1AP9-3 Grevstad U 8AP4-9 Griffith D 1AP9-1 Grintescu I 8AP3-6 Grintescu I M 8AP3-7 Grizelj Stojčic E 12AP1-2 Grmoja T 2AP2-5 Grosheva E 10AP1-10 Groves P 11AP2-2 Gruber E 19AP2-9 Grüber Y 4AP3-11 Gruenbaum B F 7AP2-1, 9AP5-2 Gruenbaum S E 7AP2-1 Gruene F 7AP1-10 Gruenewald M 3AP1-10, 13AP2-7 Grundmann U 13AP1-3, 17AP2-4, 19AP1-3, 19AP5-4, 19AP5-10 Gu X 14AP1-1, 14AP1-2, 14AP2-3, 14AP4-4, 14AP7-2, 14AP7-3, 14AP7-4 Guarnerio C 8AP1-7 Guasch E 18AP1-6, 1AP2-6, 1AP7-7, 3AP1-8, 4AP5-6, 4AP6-11, 6AP3-8 Guasch Arevalo E 11AP4-11, 11AP5-3, 15AP1-9 Guedes P 9AP7-4 Guedes de Pinho P 9AP2-5 Gueret P 4AP2-10 Guilbert J M 8AP4-8, 14AP7-11 Guilera N 4AP5-2 Guimarães Heyden E 10AP3-1 Guinamard R 4AP3-7 Güldner A 5AP1-4, 5AP1-5 Gulyaev A 6AP2-11 Gunal Eruyar S 10AP3-4 Günter H 3AP3-2 Guntz E 8AP5-5, 9AP1-8 Gupta A 1AP5-8 Guran C T 14AP6-9 Gustavsson D 9AP5-5 Gutherman H 4AP1-10 Gutiérrez S 12AP4-5 Ha Y 4AP4-3 Habchi S 4AP7-10, 8AP1-9 Habre W 5AP1-10 Hadimioglu N 9AP5-10 Hadl M 1AP1-9 Hadzilia S 2AP1-11 Hagihara S 4AP7-5 Hagiwara S 7AP2-3 Halari E 7AP1-2 Halvorsen P S 3AP1-4 Hamada H 19AP5-7 Hamaekers A 19AP5-6 Hamaguchi T 4AP5-7 Hamilton V 1AP6-2 Hammad Y 8AP3-8 Han H 5AP1-6 Han S W 14AP1-7 Han S 19AP4-1 Hannah S 1AP9-1 Hanouz J L 3AP4-2 Hanouz J.-L ESAAP1-1, 3AP1-5, 3AP3-4, 3AP3-5, 4AP3-7, 4AP3-9, 4AP4-8, 8AP2-4 Hanumantha Rao M 3AP5-2 Harasawa K 4AP1-4 Hårdemark Cedborg A I 5AP4-8 Harland R 2AP1-5 Haruyama N 14AP7-7 Hasani A 1AP3-10, 9AP2-2, 10AP3-6 Hascilowicz T 19AP3-5 Hasegawa M 4AP8-8 Hasender R 7AP2-5 Haseneder R ESAAP2-5, 7AP2-6 Haustrate N 8AP4-8, 14AP7-11 Hedenstierna G 4AP4-2, 5AP1-9 Heeremans E H 8AP6-1 Heilmann C ESAAP1-2, 6AP4-2 Heinen A 4AP3-11 Helsloot D 7AP1-11 Henderson K ESAAP2-2 Hendrickx P 8AP5-5 Hendriks H G D 4AP6-3 Henningsen M H 8AP4-9 Henriques A R 19AP4-3, 19AP4-7 Henzler D 5AP1-1 Heredia Rodríguez M 1AP1-7, 12AP4-5 Hermanides J 2AP1-4 Hermanns H 7AP3-4 Hermans C 6AP1-3 Herminghaus A G 9AP2-8 Hernandez J 5AP3-8 Hernández M J 3AP2-8, 3AP4-3 Hernández Cádiz M J 3AP2-2, 5AP1-2 Hernández Laforet J 5AP3-2, 5AP3-9 Hernandez-Cadiz M J 19AP4-10 Hernesniemi J 4AP6-5 Herold A 8AP6-6 Herrmann M 1AP7-4, 1AP7-10 Hess L 9AP3-8, 9AP3-9 Hess P 15AP2-7 Hesselfeldt R ESAPC1-6 Heylen R 14AP1-4, 14AP1-5 Hidalgo M 5AP4-9 Higuchi H 1AP3-9, 11AP4-1, 11AP4-2 Hilmi I 12AP2-6 Himpe D 10AP2-2 Hinkelbein J 13AP1-4 Hirade R 5AP4-1 Hiradfar M 8AP5-1 Hirata N 19AP1-1 Hiroki T 11AP3-3 Hiroshi I 19AP1-7 Hiroyuki K 12AP4-3 Hirschfeld M 4AP2-6 Hisako O 9AP6-1 Hobo S 19AP3-5 Hodoba N 9AP6-5 Hodzovic E 12AP5-5 Hodzovic I 19AP1-4, 19AP5-9, 19AP6-1 Hoeferl M 12AP2-2 Hoffmann C 3AP4-9, 4AP2-5 Hogan Q ESAAP1-5 Hogue C 3AP4-1, 4AP1-1 Hojo H 11AP4-1 Hoka S 7AP3-2 Holguera J C 6AP1-11 Hollmann M W 4AP1-5, 2AP1-4, 4AP3-11, 12AP3-7 Homs M 8AP4-7 Hong D M 19AP6-4 Hoofwijk D 2AP1-1, 14AP3-3 Horn J 13AP2-5 Horn M 6AP4-2 Horncastle E 12AP1-8, 12AP4-7, 19AP6-2 Hoshikawa Y 9AP7-5, 9AP7-6 Hosokawa K 14AP1-6 Hovaguimian F ESAPC1-2 Hoxha A 1AP3-5 Huang Y 9AP5-8 Huang Y G 11AP1-2 Hudecova S 1AP3-8 Hudson M 17AP3-8 Huhn R 4AP3-11 Huitink J M 19AP4-6 Hulse E J 17AP1-1 Hummel R 13AP1-3 Hunter J M 8AP6-7, 10AP2-8 Husby P 4AP7-11 Hussain A 3AP1-11, 12AP4-4 Hussain M ESAAP1-2 Hussain O 3AP1-1, 3AP1-2 Huybrechts I 6AP2-4 Hwang G S 1AP6-5 Hwang J 19AP4-1, 19AP4-1 Hwang W 4AP8-10 Hye-Min S 9AP5-3 Hyler S 3AP1-4 Author Index 255 Iacono C 3AP5-9 Iannuzzi M 5AP3-4 Ibraheem A E 3AP1-3 Ibusuki S 9AP1-7 Ichikawa J 6AP1-6, 9AP7-5, 9AP7-6, 19AP1-5 Ickx B 6AP2-4, 8AP6-5 Ifantidis F 14AP6-4 Igarashi H 19AP5-1 Ihmsen H 9AP3-4 Ikoma K 4AP8-8 Ilg R ESAAP2-1 Il-Soon S 9AP5-3 Im K S 14AP1-7 Imabayashi T 4AP8-8 Imaizumi H 6AP4-3 Imakiire N 4AP7-4 Ina H 19AP3-7 Inagaki Y 9AP2-6 Inan G 17AP3-5 Ioan M E 1AP9-4 Ioannou P 4AP6-4 Iohom G 6AP3-3 Iordache I 14AP5-9 Irl H ESAAP2-5 Isaksson M 9AP7-9 Iseki S 4AP9-6, 7AP1-4 Ishida S 3AP2-3 Ishitani K 1AP1-4 Ismaiel N 5AP1-1 Ismail K 6AP2-5 Itichaikuthol W 17AP2-8 Ito H 18AP1-5 Itoda S 9AP8-2 Ivanov N 2AP1-2 Ivanova V 6AP4-8 Ivaskevicius J 3AP3-9, 3AP4-4, 3AP4-5 Iwasaki H 15AP1-3, 19AP3-3 Izumi K 10AP3-3 Jackson E 10AP2-8 Jackson R C 19AP5-9 Jæger P 8AP4-9 Jaeger W 12AP2-2 Jakobsson J 2AP1-8 Jakupi M 9AP2-2 Jamart V 8AP4-4 James E 1AP7-8 Janakiraman C 19AP6-1 Janeiro C 5AP3-6 Jang I 4AP4-3 Jang Y.-E 19AP2-5 Jankovic R 18AP2-6, 1AP5-3, 3AP5-4, 3AP5-8, 4AP5-5, 6AP3-6, 19AP4-5 Jans F 3AP4-10, 4AP1-8, 4AP1-10, 13AP2-6 Jans O 4AP8-2 Jäntti V 3AP5-7, 7AP3-8 Jardé O 8AP6-9 Jarosz J 7AP4-11, 7AP5-7, 19AP3-9 Jarosz J H 1AP6-11 Jayakumar A 19AP1-4 Jebali F 11AP2-9 Jeleazcov C 9AP3-4 Jelisavac M 1AP5-5 Jeon Y 1AP4-4, 19AP6-4 Jeong C 14AP4-6 Jeong H J 7AP3-3 Jeong H 14AP4-6 Jeong J S 3AP5-1 Jeong S M 1AP6-5 Jiménez-Capel Y 15AP1-1 Jiménez-Carrión A 15AP1-1 Jiménez-Sousa M A 1AP1-7 Jimi N 10AP3-3 Jo S J 4AP8-10 256 Author Index Johnston N 10AP1-8, 10AP1-11 Jonsson Fagerlund M 5AP2-2, 9AP5-5 Jordan D ESAAP2-1, 3AP5-3, 7AP3-1, 7AP3-6 Joseph J 17AP3-1 Joudi M 8AP5-1 Jouini R 8AP2-4 Joulin O 8AP1-9 Juffermans N 13AP2-5 Juillet de Saint Lager A 1AP8-6 Jun I G 1AP6-5 Jung H J 14AP1-7 Jung J D 9AP3-2 Jung K 7AP5-5 Jung-Hee R 9AP5-3 Jungwirth B 4AP7-6 Juste M 6AP3-7, 18AP2-2 Kabiri Sacramento M 11AP4-10 Kadri C 11AP1-3 Kadri C L 5AP4-9 Kåhlin J 5AP2-2 Kakihana Y 4AP7-5 Kalantonis D 4AP5-8 Kalantzi N 14AP5-4 Kalb R 4AP9-3 Kalezic N 1AP4-7 Kalimeris K 8AP5-8 Kalinoglou N 14AP5-4 Kaliviti I 14AP3-2 Kalmar A F 4AP6-3, 4AP9-7, 4AP8-6 Kalogeridis K 1AP8-7, 3AP5-6 Kamada T 7AP4-7 Kamata K 3AP5-7 Kamata M 10AP2-7 Kamei M 10AP2-6 Kamiski A 10AP1-9 Kamiya Y 7AP5-2 Kanako M 9AP6-1 Kanamori R 1AP5-10 Kanbak O 1AP8-8 Kanda H 5AP4-1 Kandasamy R 12AP1-8, 12AP4-7, 19AP6-2 Kaneko G 19AP1-5 Kang H.-J 17AP2-1 Kang W.-S 12AP3-4 Kanmura Y 4AP7-4, 4AP8-8 Kar A A 19AP6-6 Karaaslan B 12AP1-7 Karabiyik L 17AP3-5 Karacay & 8AP5-4 Karadjova D 11AP5-8 Karafotia A 14AP3-2 Karakoulas K 5AP4-3 Karaman Ilić M 9AP6-5 Karan R 4AP5-9, 4AP8-11 Karaoren G 9AP8-6, 12AP3-8 Karapetian A 8AP3-3 Karashima Y 7AP3-2 Karas-Trzeciak M 10AP2-3 Karimi L 19AP4-2 Karslı D N 9AP1-3 Kaspar Ç 8AP5-4 Kasuya Y 9AP6-7 Kato T 3AP3-3 Katoh T 19AP5-1 Kau Y.-C 9AP1-10 Kawahito S 4AP4-1 Kawamoto M 19AP5-7 Kawano T 1AP8-9 Kazakov Y 9AP7-2 Kazama T 9AP1-4 Kaziman S 5AP4-2 Kazmaier S 7AP1-10 Kazuhiro H 12AP4-3 Kazuki N 9AP6-1 Kazuo H 8AP2-2 Kehlet H 4AP8-2 Kehrel B E ESAAP1-2, 6AP4-2, 9AP2-8 Keiichi N 8AP2-2 Kellermann K 4AP7-6 Kenderessy P 10AP2-11 Kenji S 8AP2-2 Kennedy N 3AP5-5 Kennedy R 3AP5-5 Kerci M 12AP4-11 Kern C 4AP9-3, 18AP1-1 Kerovec Sorić I 2AP2-5 Khalife M 6AP3-5 Khalil M 14AP6-3 Khalilov R 8AP3-3 Khouadja H 9AP2-9, 11AP3-10 Kida K 7AP2-3 Kido K 9AP8-4 Kiel T 1AP7-4, 1AP7-10 Kienbaum P 4AP9-3, 8AP1-5 Kifer T 2AP2-5 Kiim E S 4AP8-10 Kikuchi T 4AP7-5, 7AP5-2 Kil H.-K 19AP3-4 Kim C S 10AP2-9, 14AP1-7 Kim C 8AP5-7 Kim E 12AP2-4 Kim H 10AP3-9, 9AP8-5, 7AP4-6 Kim H.-S 10AP2-9 Kim H S 7AP1-1 Kim H J 19AP6-4 Kim H.-C 19AP6-4 Kim J M 14AP1-7, 19AP3-4 Kim J Y 2AP1-9 Kim J 2AP1-9, 12AP2-3, 19AP4-1, 6AP4-1, 10AP3-9, 1AP4-4, 8AP5-7 Kim J.-T 10AP2-9, 19AP2-5 Kim J B 14AP1-7 Kim J.-D 12AP3-4 Kim J S 2AP1-9 Kim J W 1AP6-5 Kim K S 3AP5-1 Kim M S 10AP1-5 Kim M 1AP8-4, 9AP8-5 Kim S H 9AP3-2, 9AP6-3 Kim S.-H 8AP4-1, 12AP3-4 Kim T.-Y 12AP3-4, 17AP2-1 Kim W M 7AP3-3 Kim W 14AP4-6 Kim Y H 9AP6-10, 7AP5-5, 9AP6-10, 4AP8-10, 6AP1-4 Kim Y.-C 14AP2-9 Kim Y K 1AP6-5 Kimijima T 6AP4-3 Kimura A 10AP2-6 Kimura M 4AP9-6, 7AP1-4 Kimura S 4AP3-1 Kinishi Y 1AP4-5, 18AP1-4 Kinoshita M 1AP5-10 Kinzhalova S 11AP3-5, 11AP3-6 Kirov M 3AP1-11, 4AP7-1, 5AP3-7, 5AP4-6, 12AP4-4 Kiskira O 11AP1-9 Kiss G 8AP1-9 Kiss K 11AP3-8 Kiss T 5AP1-4, 5AP1-5 Kitagawa Y 9AP2-6 Kitahata H 4AP4-1 Kitai-Takaenoki Y 9AP1-4 Kiyama S 1AP1-2, 19AP3-5 Kiyonaga N 4AP8-8 Klaus D 12AP1-1 Kleber A 12AP3-6 Kleine-Brueggeney M 19AP1-6 Kligunenko E 9AP1-1 Knebel J 4AP2-7 Ko H 14AP4-3 Ko Y 7AP5-5 Kobayashi M 19AP3-7 Kobayashi Y 5AP1-8 Koc F 1AP8-2 Koca U 19AP6-6 Koch L 6AP2-5 Koch T 5AP1-4, 5AP1-5 Kochs E F ESAAP2-1, ESAAP2-5, 3AP5-3, 4AP7-6, 7AP2-5, 7AP2-6, 7AP3-1, 7AP3-6 Kodaka K 14AP7-7 Kodaka M 6AP1-6, 9AP7-5, 9AP7-6, 19AP1-5 Kodra N 1AP8-11, 1AP4-1, 6AP3-1 Koga K 7AP3-2 Koga T 19AP5-7 Kogler J 9AP6-5 Koh J C 1AP8-5 Koike K 1AP1-4 Koitabashi T 3AP3-3 Kok W F 7AP4-9 Kokoev E 11AP5-5 Kolotoura A 11AP1-9 Kolsi K 11AP1-10, 11AP5-11, 14AP5-11 Komai M 5AP1-8 Komayama N 9AP6-7 Komi L 7AP1-2 Komori M 9AP7-5, 9AP7-6, 19AP1-5, 6AP1-6 Komura H 11AP4-6 Kondo I 4AP5-7, 7AP3-5 Kondov K 1AP2-2, 8AP1-8, 11AP1-4 Koner Ö 8AP5-4 Konomi I 14AP5-4 Kontouli Z 7AP1-2 Koo M 8AP2-10 Koorevaar R C T 8AP6-1 Kornacka M K 10AP1-9 Korre M 11AP4-8, 17AP3-3, 17AP3-4 Köseoğlu S 9AP2-7 Kosson D 8AP2-3 Kostoglou C 3AP5-6 Kostopanagiotou G 8AP5-8 Kotake Y 19AP2-3 Koussa F 2AP1-5 Koutra M 8AP5-3 Kouvelos G 4AP5-8 Kovacevic M 1AP5-5 Kovacevic-Kostic N 4AP5-9, 4AP8-11 Krage R 13AP1-5, 13AP1-6, 13AP1-7 Kraisvetnaya E 6AP2-8 Kralik S 2AP2-5 Krasnenkova M 7AP4-2 Krasnenkova M B 7AP4-8 Kratzer S ESAAP2-5, 7AP2-5, 7AP2-6 Krauspe R 6AP3-2 Krenn C G 12AP1-1, 12AP2-2 Kreutz M 14AP2-6 Kreuzer M 7AP3-1 Krikava I 14AP5-6 Krishnan S 19AP6-1 Kristek J 9AP4-4, 9AP4-9 Krobot R 8AP3-1 Kropman L 2AP1-1 Krugel V 19AP1-8 Kubo Y 1AP1-2 Kuc A 11AP5-8 Kucharova E 14AP5-6 Kuchyn I 7AP4-3 Kulo A 10AP3-5, 11AP4-4, 11AP4-5 Kumar A B 12AP2-4 Kumar Muniandy R 9AP2-3 Kunihiro N 14AP4-3 Kunisawa T 15AP1-3 Kurihara S 4AP3-1 Kurosaki D 19AP2-4 Kurosawa A 15AP1-3 Kurzova A 9AP3-8, 9AP3-9 Kusama N 9AP3-5 Kushner A 7AP1-8 Kusumaphanyo C 17AP2-8 Kuttambakam H 1AP8-1 Kuwauchi A 3AP3-3 Kuylenstierna R 5AP4-8 Kuzkov V 3AP1-11, 5AP3-7, 5AP4-6 Kvalheim V 4AP7-11 Kvederas G 3AP3-9, 3AP4-4, 3AP4-5 Kvolik S 9AP4-4, 9AP4-9 Kwak H J 7AP1-1 Kwon M.-Y 17AP2-1 Lacroix C 9AP4-3 Laffey J 19AP2-1 Laffon M 2AP2-10, 14AP3-8, 14AP6-6 Lagarto F 4AP8-7 Lagerburg V 13AP1-5, 13AP1-6, 13AP1-7 Laigle C 8AP4-8, 8AP6-9, 14AP7-11, 15AP1-10 Lampadariou A 1AP7-9, 14AP2-8, 14AP5-7, 18AP2-5 Landau R 14AP5-8 Lando A 1AP7-5 Langeron O 15AP2-1, 15AP2-2 Lapisatepun W 17AP2-8 Larsson A 4AP4-2, 5AP1-3, 5AP1-9 Lasocki S 6AP3-2 Latrech B 9AP1-8 Latreche B 8AP5-5 Laulan J 14AP3-8 Lauweryns J 7AP1-11 Laver K 15AP2-4 Lazanaki E 17AP2-7 Lazarevic M 6AP3-6 Łazowski T 8AP2-3 Le Bonniec B 6AP2-1 Leão P 1AP6-8, 8AP4-3, 11AP2-3, 19AP4-9 Lebherz-Eichinger D 12AP1-1 Leblond F A 4AP6-1 Lebuffe G 4AP8-4 Leclerc G 3AP3-4 Lecompte T 6AP2-1, 6AP2-10 Lecrivain V 3AP3-5 Ledowski T 1AP9-3 Lee A R 10AP2-5 Lee B W 9AP3-2 Lee B.-J 8AP4-1 Lee D.-C 7AP1-1 Lee H 1AP4-4, 4AP4-3 Lee H J 3AP5-1 Lee H K 14AP2-9 Lee H G 7AP3-3, 14AP4-6 Lee J H 14AP5-1, 10AP2-5 Lee J R 10AP1-5 Lee J 9AP8-5, 1AP8-4, 12AP2-3 Lee J S 1AP8-5, 2AP1-9 Lee J.-R 19AP2-5 Lee K.-Y 1AP3-1 Lee K 1AP8-4, 9AP8-5 Lee K C 7AP1-1 Lee M Y 9AP1-9 Lee M.-A 17AP2-1 Lee S 1AP4-6, 14AP4-6 Lee T W 19AP5-2 Lee W Y 7AP5-5 Lee W 7AP5-5 Legallois D 4AP3-9 Lehmann C 5AP1-1 Lehmann L 19AP1-6 Lehner C 4AP2-7, 8AP2-1 Leibowitz A 7AP2-1 Leighton R 8AP1-8 Leiter R 5AP1-3 Lejus C 15AP2-1, 15AP2-2 Lekkas D 11AP1-9 Lele E 5AP1-10 Lelong-Boulouard V ESAPC1-5 Lemoine S 4AP3-7, 4AP3-9, 4AP4-8 Lemos Neto S 4AP6-7 Lenartowicz J 19AP3-9 Lenhardt R 7AP4-4 Lenkin A 4AP7-1 Lenkin P 4AP7-1 Lenz H 14AP2-2 Lepera E 1AP3-8 Lessa M 4AP7-8 Leutzow B 10AP2-10 Levi L 11AP5-8 Levin P D 3AP2-4 Levy B 6AP2-10 Lewis S 1AP7-1 Li H 12AP3-1 Li Q 15AP1-2 Li S Z 8AP2-6 Liang Y 14AP7-3, 14AP7-4 Liao R 2AP2-6 Lichtwarck-Aschoff M 4AP4-2, 5AP1-9 Lidar Z 6AP2-3 Liening K 19AP5-10 Lim C.-L B 2AP2-2 Lim C H 6AP1-4 Lim H Y 10AP2-5 Lim K J 9AP6-3 Lim P 4AP2-10 Lim Y 1AP4-6, 2AP2-2 Lin H H 8AP2-6 Lin J 15AP1-2 Lin T Y 9AP1-9, 9AP5-6 Lindqvist M 2AP1-8 Lindroos A.-C 4AP6-5 Lindstrom E 4AP8-1 Linnane A 8AP5-6 Lipiec M 4AP2-9 Lipping T 7AP3-8 Litonius E 9AP1-5 Littwin S 4AP2-6 Liu C 14AP7-4 Liu H 4AP6-8 Liu J 15AP1-2 Liu S -K 17AP3-7 Liu S.-J 9AP1-10 Liu S.-K 4AP6-9, 8AP6-3 Liu W 11AP1-2 Livio T 5AP2-5 Llorens J 5AP3-8 Lloréns Herrerias J 5AP3-2, 5AP3-9 Llukacaj A 1AP8-11 Llukaỗaj A 1AP4-1, 6AP3-1 Llywelyn-jones K 17AP2-6 Lo Mauro A 5AP1-3 Lobo M 4AP2-1, 14AP3-4 Loer S A 4AP9-10, 13AP1-5, 13AP1-6, 13AP1-7 Logan N 1AP7-8 Logotheti E 14AP6-4 Lollo L 8AP4-2 Lopes Ribeiro I 14AP3-4 Lopez M 14AP4-8 López E 12AP2-5, 6AP3-7, 18AP2-2 Lòpez E 5AP2-1 López Forte C 3AP3-7 López Olaondo L 1AP3-6 López Piđeiro S 1AP6-7 López Timoneda F 14AP6-1 Lopez-Molina M I 5AP3-1 Lopez-Olaondo L 5AP4-9 Lora D 12AP2-5 Lorenz S 7AP3-4 Author Index Loriga B 7AP5-4, 12AP1-11 Loskutov O 10AP3-2 Lotfy M 14AP6-3 Loupec T 9AP4-3 Lourenỗo A 6AP4-4 Louvard A 9AP1-8 Lowe J 13AP2-3 Lu C W 9AP1-9, 9AP5-6 Lu I.-C 8AP4-6 Lubisch N 10AP3-7 Lubnin A 7AP1-5 Lucidi V 8AP6-5 Luis C 1AP1-3, 7AP4-1 Luís C 19AP2-10 Luke C 17AP3-8 Luque P 9AP7-3 Lysakowski C ESAPC1-2 257 Ma Z 14AP1-1, 14AP1-2, 14AP2-3, 14AP4-4, 14AP7-2, 14AP7-3, 14AP7-4 Machado de Souza C 9AP4-2 Machado Olano F 11AP1-8 Macheridou A 14AP3-2 Macias Mellado A 14AP6-11 MacKenzie C 8AP1-5 Maclean J 19AP5-3 Madách K 12AP3-9 Mae T 14AP7-7 Maeda T 13AP1-2 Maffioletti M 5AP3-5 Magaldi M 13AP2-2, 14AP3-6 Magasich-Airola N ESAAP2-4 Maggi G 18AP1-6, 11AP5-3, 15AP1-9 Magne C 15AP2-1, 15AP2-2 Mahajan R 17AP2-5 Mahdy W 3AP1-3 Mahlke N 9AP3-6 Maingueux P 8AP6-9 Maio M 11AP2-8 Maiques J 6AP2-6 Mairbäurl H 12AP3-7 Majumder A 1AP5-8 Makarov R 11AP3-5, 11AP3-6 Mäkinen M 15AP2-5 Makino H 19AP5-1 Makita K 4AP8-3, 1AP8-9 Maldonado-Contreras J 5AP3-1 Malek J 9AP3-8, 9AP3-9 Maleki A 19AP3-1 Mallett S 8AP1-1 Manataki A 1AP1-1, 1AP2-4, 4AP1-6 Mandi A 1AP8-11, 1AP4-1, 6AP3-1 Manga G 12AP3-2 Mangoyan H 7AP2-2 Mankute A ESAPC1-3 Manolaraki M 17AP2-7 Manrique A 4AP3-7, 4AP4-8 Manso F 11AP3-2 Maran N 15AP2-3 Marana E 4AP6-2, 14AP5-3 Marangos M 12AP1-5, 12AP1-10 Marcelino M 14AP7-6 March X 5AP2-8 Marchignoli A 14AP3-9 Marciniak R 7AP3-8 Marcos J M 12AP5-3 Marcus M 2AP1-1, 14AP3-3, 19AP5-8 Margaritis A 4AP1-6, 11AP4-8 Marginet Mangas C 17AP2-9 Mariatou V 7AP1-2 Maric M 12AP2-7, 12AP4-2 Marjanović J 2AP2-5 Markic A 1AP5-5 Marks J 13AP1-4 Marmol E 5AP2-8 258 Author Index Marques A 17AP3-6 Marques J 19AP4-3, 19AP4-7 Marques M 4AP5-10, 4AP6-6 Marques S 12AP4-9 Marra A 5AP3-4 Marret E ESAPC1-1 Marsaud J P 1AP2-1 Martella N 1AP9-7, 4AP2-4 Martin A.-C 6AP2-1 Martin C 1AP7-5 Martin M 11AP2-7, 6AP2-10 Martin N 4AP6-10 Martin V 9AP5-1 Martín Mestre C 11AP2-4 Martínez A 3AP4-11 Martinez Telleria A 14AP6-11 Martínez Torrente F 12AP2-5 Martinez-Adsuar F 1AP5-11, 1AP8-10 Martínez-Cáceres E 1AP8-3 Martins A 4AP2-1, 15AP2-6, 15AP2-9 Martins M 15AP2-6, 15AP2-9 Martos-Rodríguez A 4AP3-3, 4AP4-4 Martynenkov V 5AP4-4 Marusco I 1AP9-7 Maruyama D 19AP1-1 Masakazu Y 9AP6-1 Masaki E 9AP8-1 Masashi K 4AP9-9 Masataka Y 8AP1-3, 11AP3-3, 12AP4-3 Masato S 9AP6-1 Mase H 14AP1-8 Mases A 4AP5-2 Mashimo T 14AP1-6 Mason K 10AP3-7 Mas-Serrano P 1AP5-11, 1AP8-10 Massetti M 3AP1-5 Masuda Y 6AP4-3 Masui K 9AP1-4 Mata Mena E 5AP2-6 Matasić H 2AP1-2 Mathes A 12AP3-6 Mathiesen O 8AP4-9 Matos F 15AP2-6, 15AP2-9 Matot I 6AP2-3 Matsagkas M 4AP5-8 Matsota P 8AP5-8 Matsunaga A 4AP8-8 Matsunami K 19AP5-7 Matsuo K 9AP8-2 Matthes T 4AP2-7 Mattucci R 1AP9-8, 4AP9-1 Mattusch C 7AP2-5, 7AP2-6 Matulic M 12AP1-2 Matyal R 15AP2-7 Mausser G 19AP4-4 Mavridou P 1AP1-1, 1AP2-4 May A 15AP2-3 Mayol J 14AP6-1 Mayoral Rojals V 8AP2-11 Mayr B 5AP1-11 Mayr U 1AP7-4, 1AP7-10 Mayuko H 8AP1-3, 11AP3-3, 12AP4-3 McCarthy K F 6AP3-3 Mccluskey S 12AP4-10 McEwen A 10AP1-1 McIsaac D 7AP4-10 McKeen D 9AP6-9 McNally M 8AP3-2 McPherson D 17AP2-5 McPherson K 10AP2-1 Meco B C 8AP6-8 Medeiros D N 8AP6-10 Medvedeva L 14AP7-8 Meesters M I 6AP1-7 Meex I 3AP4-10, 4AP1-8, 4AP1-10, 13AP2-6 Megaw K E S 17AP3-1 Mehlsen J 4AP8-2 Meissner K 10AP2-10 Melissopoulou T 14AP2-8 Menaldo E 11AP2-8 Menda F 8AP5-4 Mendonỗa J 5AP4-5, 1AP5-7, 1AP9-9, 5AP4-7 Meneses J C 5AP2-1 Menezes S 1AP5-1 Mertes P.-M 6AP2-10 Mertke T 12AP3-6 Metaxioti E 1AP8-7, 3AP5-6 Metzger T 8AP1-6 Mexedo C 1AP1-6, 19AP6-5, 19AP6-7 Meybohm P 13AP2-7 Mezzacasa A 6AP3-2 Micha G 1AP1-8, 14AP3-7 Michaeli K 7AP2-7 Michaloliakou C 14AP5-4, 14AP3-2 Michel F 1AP7-5 Michel S 13AP2-4 Michele D 5AP2-5 Middleton B 7AP2-4 Mihailovic S 4AP2-2 Mihalache E.-C 8AP6-5 Mihaljevic I 9AP4-4, 9AP4-9 Mihara T 7AP5-2 Mihori O 8AP2-2 Mi-Hyeon K 9AP5-3 Mikus G 9AP3-6 Milicic B 4AP8-11 Miljkovic B 1AP6-4 Millerchip S 8AP5-3 Mimitou I 3AP5-6 Mimoz O 9AP6-2 Min J Y 4AP8-10 Min J J 19AP6-4 Min K T 7AP4-6, 14AP5-1 Mincu N 14AP6-9 Mine B 6AP1-1 Minkovich L 12AP4-10 Minou A 6AP1-2 Minura O 10AP2-6 Mio Y 4AP3-1 Mirabella L 2AP1-6, 5AP2-3, 11AP5-4 Miranda A 8AP4-7 Mirea L 8AP3-6, 8AP3-7 Misiołek H 9AP7-1 Mitchell J 15AP2-7 Mitkovic M 18AP2-6 Mitos G 5AP4-3 Mitrolios M 14AP6-4 Mitrou E 1AP1-1 Miu M 1AP9-4 Miura K 14AP7-1 Miura M 9AP3-3 Miyashita T 19AP2-2 Miyawaki Y 1AP8-9 Mizikov V 7AP1-6 Mizogami M 9AP8-3 Mizuguchi A 11AP5-7 Mizukami N 1AP1-4 Mizuno K 10AP3-3 Mizuta F 9AP8-1 Mizuta K 9AP8-1 Mkrtchian S 5AP2-2 Mladenov B 11AP2-1, 19AP2-6 Mochida S 9AP2-6 Modesti C 7AP3-7 Moerman A ESAAP1-3, 4AP1-2 Moguilevitch M 6AP2-2 Moinho N 17AP3-6 Moise A 14AP6-9 Moll N 6AP2-5 Møller A M 1AP7-1 Mollica G 2AP1-6 Molnár Z 11AP3-8 Moltó L 6AP3-4 Momeni M 6AP1-3 Mon T 8AP2-11 Monedero P 11AP1-3 Monerris M M 15AP1-1 Monjas P 12AP4-5 Monsalve C 9AP7-3 Monsch A U 18AP1-1 Montenij L 3AP1-6 Montes A ESAAP1-6, 14AP3-5 Monti F 7AP1-3 Morais A 4AP2-1 Moral M V 3AP4-11 Moral P 14AP6-1 Morales Valero R 5AP2-6 Morales-Ruiz L 5AP3-1 Mordasini L 8AP1-6 Moreira Z 19AP6-5, 19AP6-7, 1AP1-6 Morel D R 4AP9-4 Moreno C 1AP4-3 Moreno J 5AP3-8 Moreno Pachón J 5AP3-9, 3AP3-7, 5AP3-2 Moret E 1AP8-3, 15AP1-1, 15AP1-4, 15AP1-5, 15AP1-6 Mori Y 7AP4-7 Morillas-Sendín P 4AP7-3 Morimatsu H 12AP2-1 Morimoto Y 3AP4-6, 4AP1-4 Morioka N 1AP5-10 Morita K 12AP2-1 Moses T 12AP5-5 Mostafa Gharehbaghi M 19AP4-2 Mota G 4AP5-10, 4AP6-6 Motal M 12AP1-1 Motamedi O 4AP7-2 Motooka A 5AP4-1 Mourão J 1AP5-6, 17AP2-3, 19AP2-10 Mousa H 1AP2-2, 17AP2-6 Mowafi H 2AP2-1 Mraovic B 9AP4-4, 9AP4-9 Mršić V 12AP1-2 Mubarak M 1AP7-3, 14AP7-5 Mugawar M 8AP5-6 Muir V 10AP1-11 Mulier J P 9AP4-7, 19AP5-5 Muñoz Corsini L 11AP4-10 Muratova N B 7AP4-8 Muriel C 9AP4-6 Muroya M 5AP1-7 Murphy C 8AP5-6 Musabaev A 8AP3-3 Mushambi M 11AP1-4 Muthuswamy M B 3AP2-6 Mutlu M 2AP2-4 Myszewski T 15AP2-10 Nabhan W 6AP1-1 Naco M 1AP8-11 Naỗo M 1AP4-1, 6AP3-1 Nacur Lorentz M 10AP3-1 Nagai M 9AP6-7 Naganuma K 7AP3-5 Nagaraja Reddy D 3AP5-2 Nagase N 19AP3-2 Nahum J 4AP2-10 Nakada K 18AP1-4 Nakae A 14AP1-6 Nakagawa R 19AP3-7 Nakahara M 4AP7-5 Nakai K 14AP1-6 Nakamura D 4AP4-1 Nakamura K 4AP7-5 Nakayama H 9AP6-7 Nakazawa K 4AP8-3 Nam M H 6AP1-4 Napiorkowski T N 1AP6-11, 4AP2-9, 7AP4-11, 7AP5-7, 19AP3-9 Nathan N ESAAP2-3, 1AP2-1 Navarro Garcia N 9AP4-2 Navarro-Martinez J 1AP5-11, 1AP8-10 Navarro-Suay R 6AP1-8 Nella A 14AP6-8 Nesek Adam V 12AP1-2 Nestorowicz A 9AP7-7 Neukirchen M 4AP9-3 Neuvonen P J 9AP1-5 Neverova M 5AP4-6 Nguyen N C 3AP2-7 Nguyen-Lu N 1AP5-8 Nicholson A 1AP7-1 Nicolae G 11AP5-6, 12AP5-4, 14AP5-10 Nicolaidou-Karpathiou P 8AP5-8 Nicolson D 19AP6-1 Niemi T 4AP6-5 Niemi-Murola L 15AP2-5 Niesman I R 9AP5-4 Nieuwland R 4AP3-6 Niiya T 4AP6-5 Nikolova Z 1AP3-10 Nishiyama K 6AP1-6, 9AP7-5, 9AP7-6 Nishiyama T 14AP4-5 Noboru S 4AP9-9 Nobutaka K 10AP2-6 Nofer J.-R 9AP2-8 Noguchi N 19AP2-4 Noguchi T 7AP2-3 Nogueira A M 14AP7-6 Nokerman P 6AP1-1 Nolan G 9AP3-1 Noordermeer K 19AP4-6 Norton M 1AP9-9, 7AP4-1, 12AP5-1, 17AP3-9 Nouris C 5AP4-3 Nowakowski P 8AP2-3 Nozomi O 8AP1-3, 11AP3-3, 12AP4-3 Ntouba A 15AP1-10 Nunes J 15AP2-6, 15AP2-9 Nurmi J 15AP2-5 Nuyens V 4AP3-2, 9AP5-1 Nyangoni K 19AP5-9 Oakes N 8AP6-7 Oberhammer R 19AP2-9 Obrenovic-Kircanski B 4AP5-9, 4AP8-11 O’Brien L M 11AP3-7 Ocal H 1AP8-8 Ochiai R 19AP2-3 Oda Y 1AP4-5, 18AP1-4 Odou P 4AP8-4, 12AP4-6 Odyshev E 7AP1-8 Odyshev V 9AP5-9 Oei G T M L 4AP1-9 Oglio J P 8AP4-7 Oh A.-Y 4AP3-8 Oh Y J 8AP1-2 Ohara S 1AP3-9 Ohashi Y 19AP3-5 Ohri I 2AP1-7 Oikonomou V 8AP3-5 Okada M 14AP7-1 Okada T 9AP7-5, 19AP1-5 Okasho Y 1AP4-5 Okasyo Y 18AP1-4 Oksar M 1AP8-8 Okutani H 1AP4-5, 18AP1-4 Okutani R 1AP4-5, 18AP1-4 Okuyama K 11AP4-2 O’Leary R 19AP2-7 Olejarzyk E 7AP3-8 Olejnik K 9AP7-1 Olguner Ç G 19AP6-6 Oliveira C 2AP2-3 Oliveira E 1AP6-9, 6AP2-9, 12AP2-8, 17AP3-6 Oliveira R 17AP2-3 Olivieri C 1AP9-7, 4AP2-4, 7AP3-7 Oller-Sales B 1AP8-3 Olmos Molpeceres N 3AP3-10 Olsen K S 19AP1-2 Omae T 4AP7-4 Omerovic A 3AP5-3 Omi A 19AP2-4 Omote M 19AP1-1 Ono M 3AP4-1, 4AP1-1 Orbovic B 4AP8-11 Oreshka S 12AP4-11 Oreshnikov E 7AP4-5 Oreshnikova S 7AP4-5 Orkin D 8AP2-5 Ortells P 11AP1-8 Ortiz-Sebastian S 1AP5-11, 1AP8-10 Ortner C 14AP2-10, 14AP5-8 Orvos H 11AP3-8 Oses J P 7AP1-9 Osovskikh V 6AP2-8 Otero I 8AP2-10 Ottolenghi L 14AP3-1 Ou Yang H.-H 8AP6-3 Ouchi T 3AP3-3 Ovezov A 9AP7-2 Oyster K ESAAP1-5 Ozaki M 1AP5-10, 6AP1-6, 9AP6-7, 11AP4-1, 11AP4-2 Ozbeyli D 12AP1-7 Ozdemir A F 12AP1-7 Özdemir B 9AP5-10 Ozdemir Kumral Z N 12AP1-7 Özgencil G E 11AP1-1 Özhan Y 9AP8-6 Özünlü N G 11AP1-1 Paal P 13AP1-8, 19AP2-9 Pace M C 19AP1-9 Pacelli E 4AP9-2 Pacheco M 1AP6-8, 8AP4-3, 19AP4-9 Pacheco da Fonte M 6AP1-9 Paeme K 14AP1-5 Paesmans M 6AP3-5 Pagès L 11AP2-4 Paiva T 5AP3-6 Palacio F 8AP4-4 Palhoto A 5AP3-6 Palibrk I 1AP6-4 Palomero-Rodriguez M A 9AP4-6 Palud M 2AP2-10 Pampín Conde M J 1AP5-9, 1AP6-7 Panadero Sánchez A 1AP3-6 Panagiotidou O 14AP3-7 Panagopoulou A 11AP5-10 Panic D 4AP5-9 Panta A 11AP1-3 Panyakhamlerd Y 11AP5-2 Panzeri M F 1AP3-8 Paolo Luigi P 5AP2-5 Paoloni G 4AP9-2 Papadimitriou-Olivgeris M 12AP1-5, 12AP1-10 Papadopoulos G 1AP1-8, 1AP9-6, 4AP1-6, 4AP1-7, 11AP4-8, 17AP3-3, 17AP3-4, 4AP5-8 Papagiannopoulou P 1AP8-7 Papagianopoulou P 3AP5-6 Papaioannou A 11AP1-9 Papandreou A 1AP1-8 Papathanakos G 1AP9-6, 4AP1-6, 11AP4-8, 17AP3-3, 17AP3-4 Papathanakos G P 4AP1-7 Author Index 259 Pape N 8AP6-1 Papegay B 4AP3-2 Paplauskaite K 1AP3-3 Pappas N 4AP5-8 Paquin S 4AP2-5 Paraskevopoulos T 8AP5-8 Parasyri M 17AP2-7 Parente D 1AP1-3, 7AP4-1, 17AP3-9, 19AP2-10 Parise-Roux D 12AP5-7 Park J H 4AP8-10 Park J M 8AP4-1 Park J 1AP4-6 Park K 1AP4-4 Park S 10AP3-9, 19AP4-1 Park S.-J 1AP4-2 Parkinson F 2AP2-7 Parra J V 3AP2-8 Parramon F 5AP2-8 Parreño Caparros M 9AP4-2 Paspatis G 17AP2-7 Passavanti M B 19AP1-9 Patel H H 9AP5-4 Patel S 10AP2-1 Patroni R 8AP3-5 Patsiouras D 4AP1-6 Paul J.-F 3AP4-9, 4AP2-5 Pavelescu D 8AP3-6 Pavičić Šarić J 2AP1-2 Pavlovic M 1AP5-3, 3AP5-8, 4AP5-5 Pavoni V 14AP6-8 Pean D 15AP2-1, 15AP2-2 Pearce-Smith B 14AP6-7 Peirovifar A 19AP1-10, 19AP4-2 Peixoto F 9AP8-7 Pellegrini L 1AP7-5 Pelosi P 5AP1-1, 5AP1-4 Penide L 14AP4-8, 14AP3-10 Pentilas N 19AP6-8 Peramo F 5AP3-1 Pereira C 4AP2-1 Pereira H 1AP4-3, 1AP5-6, 1AP5-7, 5AP4-5, 5AP4-7 Pereiro S 8AP4-4 Perelló L 14AP3-6 Perez-Ferrer A 3AP2-10, 6AP1-8 Perez-Schwartz L 10AP2-4 Perilli V 4AP2-4 Perras J 8AP2-1 Perrier J ESAAP1-1 Pestel G 3AP3-2 Petak F 5AP1-10 Peters S 9AP5-7 Petitpas F ESAAP2-6 Petrosyan L 7AP1-6 Petrovic A 18AP2-6, 3AP5-4, 6AP3-6 Petrovic S 1AP2-3 Pettigrew T 3AP3-1 Phua D 1AP6-1 Pi A 8AP2-10 Piazza M 15AP2-8 Pichette V 4AP6-1 Picker O ESAAP1-4, 4AP4-10, 4AP4-11 Pilika K 1AP3-5 Pina P 1AP7-11, 4AP8-7 Pinto C 9AP7-10 Pinto K O 7AP1-9 Pinto Jorge G 11AP3-2 Pipanmekaporn T 4AP5-3 Pischke S E 3AP1-4 Planas Roca A 5AP2-6 Planinsic R M 12AP2-6 Plaud B ESAPC1-5 Pleym H 6AP1-5 Plotton C 3AP4-9, 4AP2-5 Plzak G 1AP2-3 Poch P 11AP2-4 260 Author Index Poelaert J 1AP9-2, 3AP1-7, 4AP9-8 Pokrovska S 3AP3-1 Polanco-García M 6AP1-11 Polderman J A W 2AP1-4 Pompei L 9AP4-8 Ponsonnard S 1AP2-1 Poon K.-S 8AP6-3 Popa L 12AP3-2 Popescu R 14AP5-9 Pöpping D M ESAPC1-1, 1AP9-3, 8AP3-4 Porrinis L 8AP1-7 Porshnev A 5AP4-4 Porteiro L 8AP2-10 Porvaneckas N 3AP3-9, 3AP4-4, 3AP4-5 Potito Paolo S 5AP2-5 Pouagare M 1AP9-6 Poulida S 2AP1-11 Power B 7AP4-10 Prada B 12AP5-7, 12AP5-3 Prasad V 10AP1-7 Prasanti M 3AP5-2 Preckel B 4AP1-5, 4AP3-6, 2AP1-4, 4AP1-9, 9AP5-4, 13AP2-5 Premuzic J 8AP3-1 Price J 10AP1-7 Prieto P 15AP1-5 Prifti P 6AP3-1 Priori R 5AP1-3 Prisco L 7AP1-3 Prohászka Z 12AP3-9 Prout J 8AP1-1 Prussiani V 5AP3-5 Pueyo J 5AP4-9 Pueyo Villoslada F J 1AP3-6, 17AP2-9 Pugliese P L 11AP5-4 Puig L 6AP2-6 Puig Bernabeu J 3AP3-7 Punt C 14AP2-6 Pupi A 7AP5-4 Pupo O M 1AP7-7 Purushothaman B 1AP1-5 Putzer G 13AP1-8 Puyo M 15AP1-6 Qirinxhi M 1AP3-5 Qudaisat I 9AP2-10 Quintana-Villamandos B 4AP4-4, 4AP7-3 Qureshi S 11AP2-2 4AP3-3, Radovanovic Z 19AP4-5 Raduá V 11AP2-4 Rae A 1AP7-2 Raeder J 14AP2-2 Raikhinshtein Y 8AP2-5 Rajbuzhis E 12AP4-4 Rakipi B 1AP8-11, 1AP4-1 Ralha T 12AP4-9 Ramadas J 12AP5-2 Ramasco Rueda F 3AP3-10, 5AP2-6 Rammes G ESAAP2-5, 7AP2-5, 7AP2-6 Ramos I 15AP1-4 Ramos J 6AP4-9 Randell T 4AP6-5 Rashid A 8AP4-5 Rasmussen L S ESAPC1-6 Rassam S S 2AP2-7 Rätsep I 7AP3-8 Rauseo M 5AP3-3 Ravishankar M 19AP5-3 Rawicz M 10AP1-9 Rayyan M 10AP3-5 Rebet O 3AP3-4, 3AP3-5, 3AP4-2 Redondo Calvo F J 11AP2-7 Refaat E 3AP1-3 Reinaldo J A 1AP7-7 Reinaldo Lapuerta J A 15AP1-9 Reis Lazarini L A 10AP3-1 Reisig F 4AP2-7, 8AP2-1 Rejaibi A 19AP1-6 Remartínez F 3AP4-11 Remérand F 2AP2-10, 14AP3-8 Ren B 14AP1-1, 14AP2-3, 14AP7-2, 14AP7-3, 14AP7-4 Renardel de Lavalette V W 4AP9-7 Renner J 3AP1-10, 3AP3-8, 19AP2-8 Resino S 1AP1-7 Reus E 13AP1-3, 17AP2-4, 19AP1-3, 19AP5-4, 19AP5-10 Reynolds J 1AP7-3 Ribeiro P 7AP2-8 Ricciardulli S 14AP6-8 Richard N ESAPC1-5 Richardson P B 8AP1-4, 19AP6-1 Richebe P 14AP2-10, 14AP5-8 Riedl V ESAAP2-1 Riera J 3AP3-6 Rios N 5AP2-8 Riou B 4AP4-9, 4AP8-9 Rivas E 4AP6-10, 6AP1-11 Rivas G M 14AP3-5, 17AP2-10 Rivat C 14AP2-10 Robert R ESAAP2-6 Roberts A 8AP6-7 Roberts M 17AP1-1 Robin E 4AP7-10, 8AP1-9 Robinson F 10AP3-7 Roca G ESAAP1-6 Rocha T 11AP4-3 Rochera M I 15AP1-4 Rodrigues G 1AP1-6, 19AP6-5, 19AP6-7 Rodrigues R 1AP5-1 Rodrigues R C 4AP5-11, 17AP3-11 Rodriguez de la Rua A 6AP1-8 Rodriguez Fraile J R 11AP4-10 Rodriguez Gimillo P 17AP3-2 Rodríguez Losada M 1AP5-9, 1AP6-7 Rodríguez-Bernal G 4AP3-3, 4AP7-3 Rodriguez-Lopez J M 9AP4-6 Rodriguez-Pont A 4AP5-2 Roh G U 1AP8-5, 12AP2-3 Rojas Giraldo R 3AP3-10 Rojo A 4AP5-2 Romijn J W A 6AP1-7 Rosalba T 5AP3-4 Rose P 12AP5-6 Rosenberg P H 9AP1-5 Roskos R 10AP3-7 Roso N 4AP3-4 Rossi A 18AP1-1 Rossi M F F 17AP3-11 Rotava P 9AP6-6 Roth D M 9AP5-4 Roth G 12AP1-1, 12AP2-2 Roth J ESAAP1-2 Roth R 19AP6-10 Roubos E 14AP1-4, 14AP1-5 Rouet R 4AP4-8 Roumen F 14AP2-6 Rovira L 5AP3-8 Rovira Soriano L 3AP1-9, 5AP3-2, 5AP3-9 Royer C 1AP9-4 Rubino G 8AP1-7 Rueda M 8AP4-7 Ruggiano P 14AP6-8 Ruiz A 13AP2-2 Ruiz J J 11AP2-7 Ruiz Rodríguez P 11AP4-10 Ruiz-Ortiz E 1AP8-3 Ruiz-Rodriguez J C 3AP3-6 Ruiz-San Martin A 3AP3-6 Rumpold-Seitlinger G 14AP2-11 Russo A 4AP6-2, 14AP5-3 Rybin M 8AP5-2 Rylova A 7AP1-5 Ryu H G 6AP4-1 Ryu J.-H 1AP4-2 Saari T 9AP3-4 Sabaté A 8AP2-10 Sabaté S ESAAP1-6 Sabate Pes A 8AP2-11 Sabba A 1AP9-8, 4AP9-1, 4AP9-2 Sabirov A 8AP3-3 Sabirov D 7AP4-2 Sabirov D M 7AP4-8 Sabljak V 1AP4-7 Sadeghi S 1AP3-2 Sadurni M 14AP3-5 Saeki N 19AP5-7 Saeteng S 4AP5-3 Sahin O T 12AP3-8 Saito Y 5AP4-1, 8AP2-8 Sakai A 14AP1-8 Sakai T 12AP2-6 Sakamoto A 14AP1-8 Sakamoto E 9AP8-2 Sakamoto H 4AP1-4 Šakić K 12AP1-2 Sako S 9AP8-2, 19AP3-3 Sakuma S 11AP4-2 Sakura S 5AP4-1, 8AP2-8 Sala-Blanch X 8AP6-4 Salamousas B V 14AP3-9 Salas-Rezola E 1AP5-11, 1AP8-10 Salazar F 8AP6-4 Salgado M 4AP7-8 Salim A 19AP2-1 Samama C.-M 6AP2-1 Samantaray A 3AP5-2 Samaras A 4AP6-4 Samdani A 10AP2-4 Samimi Sadeh S 1AP3-2 Samoila B 14AP5-9, 14AP5-10 Samoylova N 14AP7-8 Sánchez A 3AP2-2, 3AP4-3, 5AP1-2 Sánchez Morillo J 3AP4-8 Sanchez-Conde P 9AP4-6 Sanchez-Etayo G 8AP6-4 Sánchez-Hernández J J 4AP7-3 Sanchez-Morillo J 19AP4-10 Sandner-Kiesling A 1AP1-9, 7AP2-7 Sanduende Otero Y 1AP5-9 Sanfilippo M 1AP9-8, 4AP9-1, 4AP9-2 Sang-Hwan D 9AP5-3 Sansone P 19AP1-9 Santamaria R 10AP2-10 Santidrián Bernal S 3AP3-10 Santiveri F X 6AP2-6, 6AP3-4, 17AP2-10 Santos A 1AP5-7, 5AP4-5, 5AP4-7 Santos J 4AP5-10, 4AP6-6, 6AP1-10 Santos R 9AP7-10 Santos V 4AP5-10, 4AP6-6, 6AP1-10 Sanz M 5AP4-9 Saraci M 1AP3-5 Sarakatsanos I 8AP3-5 Saridaki A 14AP5-7 Sarin S 8AP3-9 Sarmento C 14AP3-4 Sarmento P 11AP2-3 Sarmiento L P 4AP4-5 Sarwahi V 6AP2-2 Sato M 7AP3-5 Sato N 5AP1-8, 7AP4-7, 3AP3-3, 19AP2-3 Sato S 19AP5-1 Satoe M 9AP6-1 Satoh M 11AP2-5 Savic N 1AP5-3, 3AP5-4, 3AP5-8, 4AP5-5, 19AP4-5 Savran Karadeniz M 5AP2-7 Sayas J 5AP2-1 Scarano A M 4AP6-2, 14AP5-3 Scarlatescu E 12AP3-2 Schäfer M 4AP9-3 Schaller S 9AP4-5 Schebesta K 12AP2-2 Scheeren T W L 4AP6-3, 4AP9-7, 7AP4-9, ESAAP1-4, 4AP8-6 Schening A 2AP1-8 Scherübl M 19AP4-4 Schiraldi R 18AP1-6, 1AP2-6, 3AP1-8, 4AP5-6, 4AP6-11, 6AP3-8, 11AP4-11 Schlösser L 7AP3-4 Schmidt A P 7AP1-9 Schmidt A 5AP1-1 Schmidt E M 12AP1-1 Schmidt M 1AP7-6 Schmittner M D 8AP6-6 Schmitz A 8AP1-5 Schneider G ESAAP2-1, 3AP5-3, 7AP3-1, 7AP3-6 Schober P ESAAP1-4, 13AP1-5, 13AP1-6, 13AP1-7 Schoettker P 19AP1-8 Schofield N 8AP1-1 Scholz J 9AP5-7, 9AP5-8 Schubert R 9AP3-1 Schug S A ESAPC1-1 Schulte G 9AP5-5 Schumacher J 13AP2-4 Schüttler J 9AP3-4 Schwarte L ESAAP1-4 Schwarte L A 13AP1-5, 13AP1-6, 13AP1-7 Schwartges I ESAAP1-4 Schwarz G 19AP4-4 Sciberras S 17AP1-3 Scott G 3AP3-1 Scott-Coombes D 2AP2-7 Scott-Warren J 17AP2-5 Seabra H 1AP7-11 Secq E 4AP7-10 Seidlova D 14AP5-6 Seiz A 1AP7-7 Sellmann T 8AP1-5 Selmi V 12AP1-4, 12AP1-11 Senges P ESAAP2-3 Senturk M 5AP2-7 Seong-Joo P 9AP5-3 Seretny M 15AP2-10 Serger N 2AP2-4 Serita R 3AP3-3 Servillo G 5AP3-4 Setoguchi H 4AP9-6, 7AP1-4, 11AP3-1 Sevilla R 4AP8-5, 4AP9-5 Sfalagos T 1AP1-1, 1AP2-4 Sforza D 11AP5-4 Sgambati E 12AP1-4 Shacoori V 3AP2-7 Shah J 8AP3-9 Shannon J 11AP1-5 Shapira Y 7AP2-1, 9AP5-2 Sharafuddin S 11AP2-2 Sharafudeen S 1AP6-10 Sharpe P 1AP2-2, 8AP1-8, 17AP2-6 Shatovkin K 12AP1-6 Shcherbakov S 6AP2-11, 6AP4-7, 6AP4-8 Shenoy S 8AP3-9 Sher S 8AP1-7 Shido A 8AP2-8 Shields M O 17AP3-1 Shifman E 7AP5-6, 10AP1-10, 11AP4-9, 11AP5-5 Shigemi K 9AP8-3 Shim J C 3AP5-1 Shim Y H 12AP2-3 Shimamura M 1AP5-10 Shin C 1AP8-4 Shin I 4AP4-3 Shin S 6AP1-4, 8AP1-2 Shin W J 1AP6-5 Shiokawa H 7AP3-2 Shirahata M 5AP2-2 Shiraishi T 19AP2-4 Shizuka S 8AP2-2 Shlyk I 12AP1-6 Shonfeld A 19AP3-6 Shono A 5AP4-1 Shukla B 17AP3-10 Shulruf B ESAAP2-2 Sierra E 6AP3-7, 18AP2-2 Sierra P 4AP5-2 Silaev V 14AP7-10 Silinskyte L 1AP3-3 Silva A 1AP5-6, 9AP2-5, 9AP7-4 Silva E 6AP1-9, 11AP2-3 Silva F C P 7AP1-9 Silva H 7AP2-8, 7AP4-1 Silvasti-Lundell M 4AP6-5 Silviano Brandão Vianna B 10AP3-1 Sinclair A 6AP3-9 Sinczak M 8AP3-2 Sinilkin I 5AP2-4 Sinnathamby V 9AP2-3 Sipos W 12AP2-2 Sirvinskas E ESAPC1-3 Sitkin S 14AP7-10 Sitos E 1AP1-1, 1AP2-4 Sivevski A 11AP5-8 Sivorotkin M 8AP3-3 Sjovall F 9AP7-9 Skeleton V 11AP2-2 Skopp G 9AP3-6 Skoropowski G 14AP6-7 Skulstad H 3AP1-4 Slavenska E 11AP5-8 Slonimskay E 7AP1-8, 9AP5-9 Smaoui M 11AP1-10, 11AP5-11, 14AP5-11 Smetkin A 4AP7-1, 3AP1-11, 5AP3-7 Smit K F 4AP1-5, 4AP3-6, 4AP1-9 Smith A 1AP7-1, 17AP2-5 Smith A F 17AP1-5 Smits A 10AP3-5, 11AP4-5 Smitt M 19AP1-2 Smolinski J 6AP2-2 So K Y 9AP3-2 So S Y 7AP5-5 Soares J C 1AP6-8 Sobue K 9AP3-5, 11AP4-6 Sofilkanich M 3AP2-11 Sohn H.-M 1AP4-2 Sohn J.-T 4AP4-3 Sokol N 8AP3-1 Sokologorskiy S 11AP5-5 Solaz C 3AP2-2, 3AP2-8, 3AP4-3, 3AP4-8, 5AP1-2, 17AP3-2 Solaz-Roldan C 19AP4-10 Soliveres J 3AP2-2, 3AP2-8, 3AP4-3, 3AP4-8, 5AP1-2, 17AP3-2 Soljakova M 9AP2-2 Sollazzi L 1AP9-7, 7AP3-7 Somoza-Sotillos C 3AP2-10 Somville F 1AP6-3 Somville J 1AP6-3 Song I.-A 4AP3-8 Sonntag H 7AP1-10 Sonzogni V 5AP3-5 Author Index 261 Soria C 12AP5-3 Sorkine P 13AP2-1 Soskic L 4AP8-11 Sosnowski M 6AP3-5, 8AP5-5, 9AP1-8 Sousa N 9AP7-10 Souza V 4AP3-4, 4AP6-7 Sözübir S 8AP5-4 Spadaro S 2AP1-6, 5AP2-3, 5AP3-3 Spahn D R 6AP3-2 Spasovski S 11AP5-8 Spelten O 13AP1-4 Spiliopoulou I 12AP1-5 Splieth C 10AP2-10 Srinivasa L 12AP5-5 Sriraj W 17AP2-8 Stacheeva M 9AP5-9 Stamatakis E 2AP1-11, 19AP6-8, 11AP5-10 Stamenic S 18AP2-6 Stanczewska D 4AP2-9 Starosciak S 19AP3-9 Stechman M J 2AP2-7 Stecken L 14AP3-1 Stefanic M 9AP4-4, 9AP4-9 Stefaniotou A 14AP2-8, 14AP5-7 Steiner L A 18AP1-1 Steinfath M 9AP5-7, 9AP5-8 Steinmetz J ESAPC1-6 Stelea G 14AP6-9 Stenseth R 6AP1-5 Stepensky D 9AP5-2 Stephens M 1AP9-1 Stephenson M 1AP6-10 Steyn-Ross A 7AP3-1 Stopar Pintaric T 8AP4-10 Stosic B 1AP5-3, 3AP5-8, 4AP5-5 Stott M 10AP2-8, 12AP5-6 Stourac P 14AP5-6 Strapazzon G 13AP1-8, 19AP2-9 Stratigopoulou P 1AP7-9, 14AP2-8, 14AP5-7, 18AP2-5 Strebel S P 18AP1-1 Strehler J 19AP1-6 Strezh V 7AP1-8 Stroumpoulis K 11AP5-10 Struys M M R F 4AP6-3, 4AP9-7, 4AP8-6 Strys L T 3AP3-2 Stukanov S 5AP2-4 Stumbo R 19AP1-9 Su F ESAAP2-4 Su M -P 8AP4-6 Subası D 1AP8-2, 9AP1-3 Subbotin M 8AP3-3 Subramaniyam N P 3AP5-7 Suga K 7AP4-7 Sugavanam A 8AP1-1 Sugiura T 7AP4-7, 9AP3-5 Suissi I 11AP5-11 Sula H 2AP1-7 Sullivan D 17AP3-8 Sumie M 4AP9-6, 7AP1-4, 11AP3-1 Sumikawa K 14AP7-1 Sumikura H 11AP2-5, 11AP5-7 Sumiyoshi R 10AP3-3 Summavielle T 9AP8-7 Sun J 4AP6-8 Sun W 4AP6-8 Sun X 14AP1-2, 14AP4-4 Sundman E 5AP4-8 Suneja M 12AP2-4 Sung T.-Y 12AP3-4 Sungur Ulke Z 5AP2-7 Suslov V 6AP4-7, 6AP4-8 Sustic A 9AP4-1 Suzanne S 8AP6-9 Suzuki A 15AP1-3, 19AP1-7, 19AP3-3 262 Author Index Suzuki H 14AP1-8 Suzuki K 4AP8-3 Suzuki M 9AP7-9 Suzuki T 9AP3-3 Suzuki Y 11AP2-5, 19AP5-1 Svensen C 3AP3-9, 3AP4-4, 3AP4-5 Swanson K 6AP2-5 Swertz M 4AP4-10 Syed S 8AP3-9 Symonides M 1AP6-11, 4AP2-9, 7AP4-11, 7AP5-7, 19AP3-9 Szilagy S I 1AP1-9 Szilágyi Á 12AP3-9 Sztark F 14AP3-1 Takagi S 1AP3-9, 11AP4-1, 11AP4-2 Takahashi S 9AP3-3 Takahata O 15AP1-3 Takahiko T 8AP1-3, 11AP3-3 Takaishi K 4AP4-1 Takaki S 5AP4-2 Takamiya T 4AP5-7, 7AP3-5 Takashi M 14AP4-3 Takeda M 19AP3-7 Takeshi Y 8AP1-3 Takeuchi N 11AP4-6 Taki Y 19AP3-2 Taljaard M 7AP4-10 Tamayo E 1AP1-7, 12AP4-5 Tampo A 19AP1-7, 19AP3-3 Tan A 1AP1-5, 1AP6-10 Tan Z 1AP6-1 Tanaka H 15AP1-3 Tanaka M 10AP3-3 Tanaka S 4AP8-3 Tanaka Y 1AP3-9 Tani A 12AP1-4 Tani M 12AP2-1 Tanno M 1AP3-9 Tanomsuwan J 18AP2-3 Tarabrin O 6AP2-11, 6AP4-7, 6AP4-8 Tarasenko S 6AP4-7 Tardelli M A 9AP4-2, 4AP5-11, 17AP3-11 Tarkkila P 9AP1-5 Tarmiz K 11AP3-10 Tatara T 10AP2-6 Tatsuishi T 4AP4-1 Tatsuya T 14AP4-3 Taura P 4AP6-10, 6AP1-11 Taurà P 4AP4-5 Tavernier E 14AP6-6 Tejerina J G 14AP6-1 Tekeli S Ö 12AP4-1 Tena B 9AP7-3 Tennichi T 19AP3-2 Terada T 14AP7-7, 19AP2-3 Terao Y 14AP7-1 Terzioğlu B 9AP1-3, 12AP4-1 Teterin A 12AP4-4 Teunkens A 1AP3-4 Tezer E 19AP4-8 Theiler L 19AP1-6 Thérasse É 4AP6-1 Theron A 10AP1-2, 13AP1-1 Thiagarajan J 12AP5-2 Thompson K 8AP1-1 Thomson I 19AP6-3 Thong S Y 2AP2-2 Thong Sze Ying S Y 19AP5-2 Thumilaire P 9AP1-8 Tikhova G 7AP5-6, 10AP1-10, 11AP4-9 Tio M 8AP6-4, 13AP2-2 Tkachenko R 6AP2-11, 8AP5-2 To K 4AP9-6, 7AP1-4 Todros T 11AP2-8 Todurov B 10AP3-2 Tomé A 7AP2-8 Tomescu D 12AP3-2 Tominaga H 19AP2-3 Tomita M 9AP3-5, 11AP4-6 Tomoaki Y 8AP2-2, 8AP1-3, 12AP4-3 Tomulic K 12AP3-3 Tonkovic D 1AP5-5 Tứnnessen T I 3AP1-4 Topaỗ Z 9AP8-6 Torrie J ESAAP2-2 Toshiaki H 4AP9-9 Toyama K 19AP3-2 Tramèr M R ESAPC1-2, ESAPC1-1 Trapani Galea Feriol P 17AP1-3 Triantopoulos A 8AP3-5 Tribonias G 17AP2-7 Trillo L 1AP2-5 Tripathy D K 19AP5-3 Tronstad C 3AP1-4 Tsakiliotis S 5AP2-9 Tsaousi G 4AP1-3, 5AP4-3 Tsiberidis C 8AP5-5, 9AP1-8 Tsinari K 1AP7-9, 14AP2-8, 14AP5-7, 18AP2-5 Tsuboi S 19AP2-2 Tsubokawa T 4AP2-3 Tsuchiya H 9AP8-3 Tsujikawa S 1AP4-5 Tsukahara M 4AP9-6, 7AP1-4 Tsuneyoshi I 9AP1-7 Tufano R 3AP5-9 Tulbure D 12AP3-2 Turan G 1AP8-2, 9AP1-3 Türkoğlu M 19AP4-8 Turner K 9AP6-9 Turner M W 8AP1-4 Tweed N 3AP2-5 Tzimas P 1AP9-6, 4AP1-7 Uchida K 5AP1-7 Uchida T 4AP8-3, 1AP8-9 Uchino H 9AP7-9 Uchino T 7AP2-3 Uezono S 4AP3-1, 19AP3-5 Uka S 1AP3-10 Umbrain V 4AP9-8 Ungureanu R 8AP3-6, 8AP3-7 Untergehrer G 7AP3-6 Ursulet L ESAAP2-3 Usas E ESAPC1-3, 1AP3-3 Usichenko T 10AP2-10 Ustalar-Ozgen S 10AP3-6 Usui D 9AP7-9 Utens E 10AP2-2 Utsumi I 1AP9-10 Uysalel A 11AP1-1 Vaivai A 14AP5-4 Valbuena I 1AP2-6 Valdés R 8AP4-7 Valente L 11AP4-3 Valente R 14AP3-4 Valero R 14AP3-6 Valiente J 14AP3-10 Vallet B 4AP7-10 Valsamidis D 2AP1-11, 11AP5-10, 19AP6-8 Van Aelbrouck C 6AP2-4 Van Aken H ESAAP1-2, 6AP4-2, 9AP2-8 Van Aken H K ESAPC1-1 Van Barneveld L J M 6AP1-7 Van Calsteren K 11AP4-5 Van de Velde M 1AP3-4, 10AP2-2, 11AP4-4, 11AP4-5 Van de Vondervoort D 4AP3-6, 9AP5-4 Van den Anker J 9AP2-1 Van den Bergh W 13AP2-5 Van Den Brande P 1AP9-2 Van der Linden P ESAAP2-4 Van der Sluijs K 12AP3-7 Van Groeningen D 13AP1-5, 13AP1-6, 13AP1-7 Van Harten A E 7AP4-9 Van Heymbeeck I 1AP9-2 Van Lancker P 9AP4-7, 19AP5-5 Van Langenhove N 1AP3-4 Van Obbergh L 6AP2-4, 8AP6-5 Van Rongen A 9AP2-1 Van Zundert J 14AP1-4, 14AP1-5 Van Zundert T 19AP5-8 Vanacker B 1AP3-4 Vanakas T 4AP6-4 Vandenberghe S 3AP2-9 Vandenplas G 4AP1-2 Vane L A 9AP6-6 Vanelderen P 14AP1-4, 14AP1-5 Varadarajan B 3AP2-9, 5AP1-11 Varela N 11AP1-3 Vargas M 5AP3-4 Vargas-Fajardo C 9AP4-6 Varin L ESAPC1-5 Vasario E 11AP2-8 Vasconcelos P 6AP4-9 Vashkeba V 10AP3-2 Vasilakos D 4AP1-3, 5AP4-3 Vasileiou I 1AP7-9, 14AP2-8, 14AP5-7, 18AP2-5 Vasiliev S 7AP1-6 Vassi A 1AP1-8, 14AP3-7 Vassilas N 11AP1-9 Vaughan D 19AP3-6 Vaughns J 9AP2-1 Veerhoek D 6AP1-7 Veiga D 1AP1-3, 1AP4-3, 1AP5-6, 1AP9-9, 6AP4-4, 7AP4-1, 12AP5-1, 17AP2-2, 17AP2-3 Veiga R 11AP3-2 Veiga Gil L 1AP3-6, 17AP2-9 Veiga Ruiz G 9AP4-2 Vekrakou A 14AP6-4 Vela E 6AP2-6 Velasco J M 14AP6-1 Velasco-Ortega J 15AP1-1 Velickovic D 1AP6-4 Velickovic J 1AP4-7, 1AP6-4 Velinovic M 4AP5-9 Venâncio C 9AP8-7 Vendrell M 4AP4-5, 13AP2-2, 14AP3-6 Verbesselt R 10AP3-5, 11AP4-5 Verborgh C 1AP9-2, 3AP1-7, 4AP9-8 Vercauteren M 1AP6-3 Verỗosa N F 9AP6-6, 8AP6-10 Vermeulen K 1AP3-4 Veselinovic I 3AP5-8 Vest P 3AP4-9, 4AP2-5 Vetuschi P 5AP2-3 Vianna P T 4AP3-4, 4AP6-7 Vianna P T G 4AP3-10 Vianna Filho P 4AP3-4, 4AP6-7 Vianna Filho P T G 4AP3-10 Videm V 6AP1-5 Vieira A 2AP2-3 Vieira V 2AP2-3 Viejo-Llorente A 6AP1-8 Vignale I 12AP4-8 Vilela H 4AP5-10, 4AP6-6, 6AP1-10 Villa G 12AP1-11, 12AP3-5, 12AP4-8 Villafranca A 12AP2-7 Villalonga A 5AP2-8 Villalonga-Vadell R 15AP1-4, 15AP1-5 Villamor M 15AP1-4 Villar T 6AP3-4, 14AP3-5, 17AP2-10 Vimláti L 4AP4-2, 5AP1-9 Vinagre R C O 4AP3-10 Vincelot A ESAAP2-3 Vincent J.-L ESAAP2-4 Vincent L 1AP7-6 Violari M 14AP5-4 Viskovic Filipcic N 12AP3-3 Vissers K 14AP1-4, 14AP1-5 Vitale F 4AP2-4 Vitale Di Maio F 1AP9-7, 4AP2-4, 7AP3-7 Vitali L 7AP5-4, 12AP1-4 Vivona L 5AP3-4 Vlachos D 14AP6-4 Vo Van J M 3AP2-7 Vogt A 3AP2-9, 5AP1-11 Volas L 4AP2-2 Volk T 12AP3-6 Vollmer C 4AP4-10, 4AP4-11 Vollmer I 6AP2-6 Volpe M L 3AP5-9 Von Heymann C 6AP3-2 Vonk A B A 6AP1-7 Vorotyntsev S 3AP2-11, 6AP3-10 Vos J J 4AP6-3, 4AP8-6, 4AP9-7 Vranes M 4AP5-9 Vural C 8AP6-8 Vyatkin A 7AP1-6 Wadhwani R 1AP1-5, 1AP6-10 Walder B 1AP8-6 Walker C 12AP2-4 Walsh G 6AP2-5 Wang C.-W 4AP6-9 Wang G 5AP1-6 Wang R 3AP2-1 Wang S J 9AP5-6 Wang X 9AP1-2, 12AP3-1, 14AP2-1 Wappler F 1AP5-4 Warriner B 9AP6-9 Wasson C 2AP1-5 Watanabe A 1AP1-4 Weber F 10AP2-2 Weber N C 4AP1-5, 4AP3-6, 4AP1-9, 9AP5-4, 12AP3-7 Wee L 11AP4-7 Weening M 4AP8-6 Wei L 14AP6-7 Weinbroum A 13AP2-1 Weiss C 8AP6-6, 8AP3-4 Weiss J 9AP3-6 Weiss M 8AP1-5 Weiß S 4AP4-11 Wejbora M 1AP1-9, 7AP2-7 Weller J ESAAP2-2 Wenk M 1AP9-3, 8AP3-4 Werdehausen R 4AP9-3 Werth M 19AP5-4 Wetsch W A 13AP1-4 Weyland A 7AP1-10 Whynot S 5AP1-1 Wiams K 6AP3-5 Wietasch J K G 4AP6-3 Wiklund A 9AP5-5 Wilfart F 1AP7-6 Wilhelm W 9AP2-8 Wilke W 3AP3-2 Wilkes A R 19AP5-9, 8AP1-4, 19AP1-4, 19AP6-1 Williams D 3AP2-6, 10AP1-2, 10AP1-6, 13AP1-1 Williams E 9AP2-1 Williams S 3AP2-5 Williamson R 1AP7-8 Winkens B 14AP2-6 Winstanley S 2AP2-7 Wisloeff-Aase K 14AP2-2 Wojarska-Tręda E 9AP7-1 Wolf A 12AP3-6 Woloszczuk-Gebicka B 10AP1-9, 10AP2-3 Wolters P 10AP2-10 Wong D 19AP5-8 Worawut L 18AP2-3 Wouters P ESAAP1-3, 4AP1-2 Wrobel M 13AP1-3, 17AP2-4, 19AP1-3, 19AP5-4, 19AP5-10 Wu H.-E ESAAP1-5 Wu L -C 8AP4-6 Wuethrich P Y 8AP1-6 Wurster D 1AP7-6 Xara D 5AP4-5 Xará D 1AP5-7, 5AP4-7, 17AP3-9 Xie K 5AP1-6 Xu D 9AP8-1 Xu M 14AP2-10 Xu X 9AP1-2, 14AP2-1 Yılmaz E 12AP4-1 Yamada T 19AP5-7 Yamada Y 5AP1-7 Yamaguchi Y 19AP2-2 Yamakage M 1AP1-4, 6AP4-3, 11AP5-7, 19AP1-1 Yamamoto H 8AP2-8 Yamamoto K 4AP2-3 Yamamoto Y 19AP2-2 Yamanaka M 19AP2-4 Yamasaki T 14AP7-7 Yamashita A M 4AP5-11, 17AP3-11 Yamauchi M 1AP1-4, 11AP5-7, 19AP1-1 Yamauchi-Satomoto M 1AP8-9 Yamaura K 7AP3-2 Yang S 6AP1-4 Yang Z 14AP4-1 Yano K 14AP1-6 Yano T 9AP1-7 Yao L 4AP6-8 Yapi N’Guessan F 2AP2-10 Yarkan Uysal H 9AP2-7, 10AP3-4, 19AP4-8 Yaseen S 10AP1-9 Author Index Yassen K 3AP1-3, 14AP6-3 Yasuda T 4AP7-5 Yasuhira A 9AP7-6, 19AP1-5 Yasumura R 5AP1-8 Yasuyuki S 11AP5-7 Yatabe T 11AP3-3 Yegen B C 12AP1-7 Yen J T C 11AP4-7 Yi J 8AP2-6 Yim J.-Y 14AP2-9 Yin Y 7AP2-4 Yli-Hankala A 3AP5-7 Ylinen T 3AP5-7 Yokokawa N 8AP2-8 Yokoyama T 9AP8-2 Yon J 1AP4-6 Yoo B 1AP4-6 Yoo Y C 1AP3-1 Yoon M H 7AP3-3 Yoon T.-G 12AP3-4 Yoong C S 1AP6-1 Yoshida S 6AP4-3 Yoshie T 1AP9-10 Yoshikawa M 9AP3-3 Yoshimura M 7AP3-2 Yoshino J 10AP3-3, 11AP3-1 Yoshioka S 19AP3-5 Yoshizawa S 9AP3-5, 11AP4-6 Young P 17AP3-10 Yu B S 9AP6-3 Yu Y 5AP1-6 Yücel F 9AP2-7 Yukihiko T 10AP2-6 Zaballos M 4AP8-5, 4AP9-5 Zagorulko O 14AP7-8 Zaharov V 4AP7-1 Zahedi H 19AP3-1 Zamudio J 4AP4-5 Zavyalov A 5AP2-4 Zelinkova H 14AP5-6 Zenko J 2AP1-2 Zhang C 3AP2-1 Zhang K 11AP4-1, 11AP4-2 Zhang W 14AP2-3 Zhang Y 9AP8-1 Zheng Y 14AP7-2, 3AP4-1, 4AP1-1 Zhu H B 2AP2-2 Zhu W 14AP7-2 Zhurda T 12AP4-11 Ziesenitz V C 9AP3-6 Zimányi M 11AP3-8 Zimmermann A 13AP1-8 Zitta K S 9AP5-7, 9AP5-8 Zlotnik A 7AP2-1, 9AP5-2 Zogogiannis I 19AP6-8 Zoppi F 12AP1-11 Zotou V 1AP8-7 Zouch I 11AP5-11 Zouka M 5AP2-9 Zuric I 1AP5-5 Zwißler B 1AP5-4 263 ... (MCE) and mortality at months follow-up MCE were defined as myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, ventricular fibrillation, cardiac arrest and complete heart block Simple and multiple logistic... 0%); supraclavicular (39% vs 15%), popliteal (17% vs 4%) and TAP blocks (43% vs 17%) Femoral (41%) and interscalene (22%) are still popular without U/S; non U/S a xillary blocks have fallen out... general one References: Lahav J, Jurk K, Hess O, Barnes MJ, Farndale RW, Luboshitz J, Kehrel BE Sustained integrin ligation involves ex tracellular free sulfhydryls and enzymatically catalyzed