The pedicle medial sural artery perforator flaps have been widely used in plastic surgery for treatment of body defects. The study was conducted to describe the anatomy of vascular pedicles of the medial sural artery perforator flap in Vietnamese adults.
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH ANATOMY OF VASCULAR PEDICLE OF THE MEDIAL SURAL ARTERY PERFORATOR FLAP Vo Tien Huy1, Ngo Xuan Khoa2 Hong Ha Hospital, 2Hanoi Medical University The pedicle medial sural artery perforator flaps have been widely used in plastic surgery for treatment of body defects The study was conducted to describe the anatomy of vascular pedicles of the medial sural artery perforator flap in Vietnamese adults Twenty lower limbs of 10 Vietnamese adult preserved cadavers were dissected A descriptive cross-sectional study was performed Origin of medial sural artery has many variations in branching from the popliteal artery The common stem of the artery was 14.75 mm ± 3.5 mm in mean length The diameter of the common stem, which was measured from origin, was 3.4 ± 0,92 mm averagely The common stem of artery had several variations: no branches (15%), divided in to branches (15%), branches (30 %), and branches (40%) before entering muscle Medial sural artery had to branches perforating up to the skin The distance from perforating branch (perforator) to the knee joint (popliteal crease) was 10.12 ± 3.7 cm The distance from perforator to middle posterior leg was 1.6 ± 0.96 cm By dissection, we determined the number of perforators, locations where perforator entering the skin, length, and diameters of these branches and anatomical milestones Key word: Perforating Branches, Sural, Medial sural artery perforator flap I INTRODUCTION In recent years, an increasing number of scholars are concerned about perforator flaps, which are myocutaneous flaps known as pedicle flaps, pedicle free flaps, or free flaps nourished by musculocutaneous perforators or artery perforators In case of establishing a perforator flap, the name and position of the perforator which supplies blood to the flap has to be defined In 1989, the term “perforator flap” was first mentioned by Koshima and Soeda [3] Until now, this term has been commonly used in academic documents worldwide Normally, it is favorable to create perforator flaps from lower extremities There are several Corresponding author: Vo Tien Huy, Hong Ha Hospital Email: Received: 27/11/2018 Accepted: 12/03/2019 JMR 118 E4 (2) - 2019 types of perforator flaps, which have been widely researched and applied by plastic surgeons and anatomists, including descending genicular artery perforator flap, saphenous flap, medial sural artery perforator flap (MSAP flap) and lateral sural artery perforator flap (LSAP flap) [4] LSAP flap and MSAP flap are directly established from skin-gastrocnemius flap Perforator flaps are fully nourished by musculocutaneous artery perforating branches among which medial sural artery perforators constantly exist Therefore, this type of flap has been being continuously researched and has been widely applied into practice [5] Each head of gastrocnemius muscle is nourished by an artery which directly arises either from one main vascular pedicle or the popliteal artery The sural artery pierces deeply into the muscle through the muscular centre and ends at the Achilles tendon It gives off 81 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH several sural artery perforating branches to supply blood for the covering skin In 2001, it was the first time that anatomical characteristics of the medial sural artery perforator flap, which was investigated in 10 cadavers was on public display by Cadavas and et al [6] Hallock and et al also dissected 10 cadavers to explore medial skingastrocnemius perforators in the USA [7] In 2004, research which was conducted on 20 legs of 10 Caucasian cadavers investigated musculocutaneous perforators by Thione and et al, which also went on public display [8] Following that, in 2007 there were several studies on perforating branches implemented including a research on 44 Asian cadavers of Okamoto (Japan) [10] and research of Torres and Brazilian colleagues [11] The clinical application of free medial sural artery perforator flap on the treatment of defects of head and neck was evaluated by Kao and his colleagues in Taiwan in 2010 [12] This research expressed a positive result of this intervention In 2011, research on 10 formalin cadavers using red latex and lead tetroxide pumped into the medial sural artery by Altaf in Saudi Arabia [13] In 2012, Wong and his colleagues [14] researched the position of main artery perforator which was reliable and stable enough for flap transposition in 10 fresh cadavers with red latex pumping Additionally, another study on 47 lower extremities of Asian formalin cadavers investigating musculocutaneous perforating branches of medial sural artery was conducted by Otani and his colleagues in Japan [15] These studies generally describe the variety of branching patterns of the sural artery The quantity of branches varies from to branches among which the medial sural artery, giving off at least branches on average The length of the artery from popliteal crease to 82 where it branches is between and 19 cm and its length from gastrocnemius midline to where it branches is from 0.3 to cm Additionally, most of the length of the pedicle of medial sural artery perforator flap is at least 7.7cm Both free medial sural artery perforator flaps and pedicle medial sural artery perforator flaps have been being effectively used in treatment of body defects especially in head and neck region by plastic surgeons worldwide However, there is a lack of comprehensive studies on the anatomy of artery perforating branches in Vietnam Therefore, we conducted the study to describe the anatomy of vascular pedicles of the medial sural artery perforator flap in Vietnamese adults The result of study could be used by Vietnamese plastic surgeons in determining and designing the media sural artery perforator flap for reconstructive surgery on Vietnamese patients II RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The study is a cross-sectional study using formalinized cadaveric dissection.The study was performed in the Department of Anatomy, Hanoi Medical University and Ho Chi Minh Medicine and Pharmacy University Twenty lower limbs of 10 Vietnamese adult cadavers were selected All limbs were persevered by formallin and intact (not dissected before) The medial sural artery and its perforating branches in 20 lower limbs of 10 Vietnamese adult cadavers were dissected, identified, and recorded The origin and the course of medial sural artery were identified Length and external diameter of main pedicle of medial sural artery were measured The number of branches and perforators from medial sural artery were recorded Also, the distance from the perforators to posterior calf midline were measured The following anatomical milestones were referrence for measument: the knee joint JMR 118 E4 (2) - 2019 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH (popliteal crease), the posterior calf midline , the apex of medial and lateral malleolus, the apex of head of fibula, medial condyle of tibia Tools were used for cadever dissection including dissection tool set, electricity meter, syringes, needled, catheter and latex Middle posterior leg incision (vertical line) was made from the peak of popliteal region, through the middle line of popliteal region, along the middle posterior calf line to the middle spot on the line linking between the medial and lateral malleolus Horizontal incisions were made from popliteal crease to the line linking between medial and lateral malleolus The popliteal fossa was dissected to expose popliteal vessels in order for the medial sural artery to be accessed Several parameters of the medial sural artery then were measured, including lengths and diameters of common trunk and branches After that, a catheter was set into the artery and latex was pumped At the next step, the myocutaneous was dissected from the midline of the gastrocnemius muscle to its two sides, limited by the line linking the medial end of popliteal crease with medial malleolus All of the sural artery perforators were preserved and were dissected to the main trunk to define the number, location and distribution of the perforating branches related to several anatomical milestones namely posterior midline and popliteal fossa Perforating veins, small saphenous vein, superficial nerves, and superficial medial sural nerve were also preserved All the results were documented, taken photography and expressed through illustrative diagrams The data was analyzed with medical statistic using Stata 130 software Regarding ethical complicance, this cadaveric study was approved by the Hanoi Medical University Institutional Review Board It is not required to be approved by Hanoi Medical University’s ethical committee Anatomical studies always contribute to medical advance III RESULTS The following observations are derived from investigation of 20 lower extremities in 10 Vietnamese adult cadavers 12 males and females ages range from 45 to 78 years olds - Origin and course: 100% of medial sural arteries arose from popliteal artery The artery runs downward descends beneath the medial gastrocnemius sheath Figure 1: medial sural artery - Main pedicle of medial sural artery: JMR 118 E4 (2) - 2019 83 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH Table The length and the diameter of main pedicle of the medial sural artery Range Mean ± SD The length of main pedicle (from the origin pedicle to the last muscle navel) 12.57 – 17.74 mm 14.75 ± 3.5 mm The diameter of main pedicle at the origin (where popliteal artery gives off the sural artery) 1.74 – 4.88 mm 3.4 ± 0.92 mm - Branches of medial sural artery before piercing into the muscle: Table The numbers of branches of the medial sural artery No branches branches branches branches Case number cases cases cases cases Percentage 15% 15% 30% 40% - Perforators originated from medial sural artery: 100% of cases in the study had at least skin perforator and the maximum number of skin perforators was The average number of perforators per limb was 3.25 (SD was 0.91) A One perforator B Three perforators C Four perforators Figure 2: Skin perforators of medial sural artery The distance from the perforators to posterior calf midline is fluctuated from 0.39 cm to 6.7cm and mean ± SD is 1.6 ± 0.96 cm 84 JMR 118 E4 (2) - 2019 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH IV DISCUSSION This study has shown that medial sural artery perforator constantly exists in all of the dissecting specimens In our study, 100% of medial sural artery is a branch of popliteal artery and the mean external diameter of medial sural artery at the point of popliteal branches is 3.4 ± 0.92 mm In comparison with the research of Altaf [13], only 70% of medial sural artery is a branch of the popliteal artery and 30% has a main pedicle with lateral sural artery; besides, the external diameter of medial sural artery in Altaf’s research is smaller than in our study It was only 3.01 ± 0.02 mm The main pedicle of medial sural artery, which is from its origin to the gastrocnemius muscle, is on average 14.75 mm ± 3.5 mm long In 15% of cases, this pedicle gives off Perforators Number of Specimen n Cavadas [6] 10 1–4 2.2 Hallock [7] 10 2–7 4.6 ± 1.8 Thione [8] 20 38/20 1.9 Shim [9] 40 Author Mean no branches, whereas, 15% of other pedicles gave off branches, 30% of the pedicles gave off branches and 40% of the rest gave off branches According to the study which was investigated on 20 lower limbs of 10 Caucasian cadavers by Thione and his colleagues [8], the main pedicle of medial sural artery gives off branches namely lateral and medial branches which both run into the muscle and branches several perforators The mean external diameter of medial sural artery is 2.2 mm (fluctuates between 2.3 mm and 3.0 mm), smaller than our study result (12 mm) The following table summarizes results of several previous researches which are conducted to investigate the anatomy of medial sural artery and its perforating branches: Distance from perOrigin from joint forator branch to line (cm) posterior leg midline (cm) 8.5 -19 – 18 The 1st perforators beneath popliteal crease: 9.68 ± 1.08 Okamoto [10] 44 1–5 Torres [11] 12 2–4 2.9 10.7 – 14 Kao [12] 26 1–5 2.7 – 18 Altaf [13] 20 1–5 10.2 – 15.9 Wong [14] 10 3–8 4.4 – 22.5 ± 0.5 cm Otani [15] 47 1–5 2.4 – 17.5 0.5 – 4.5 cm Ours 20 1–5 3.25 5.1 - 18.73 0.39 – 6.7 cm JMR 118 E4 (2) - 2019 – 17.5 Perforators lies along the line linking mid-spot of popliteal crease to medial malleolus 1.5 – 4.5 cm 0.5 – cm 85 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH In all results of previous researches (Table 3), the medial sural artery gives from to perforating branches and median value is branches per specimen This is as the same as the results in Wong’s research [14] and Hallock’s research [7] which are 4,4 branches and branches respectively The distance from perforator to popliteal crease also varied The longest distance is 22.5cm in Wong’s research [14] and the nearest is cm in Otani’s research [15] In our study, the perforators sit at the inner side of the gastrocnemius midline and reach 0,5 – cm proximal to this midline, similar to other studies To conclude, the importance of artery perforators in general and medial sural artery perforators in particular has been proven and admitted through a large body of research worldwide It is acknowledged that these perforators play a crucial role in supplying blood to muscle and musculocutaneous tissue Therefore, depending on these perforators, pedicle or island musculocutaneous flap and myocutaneous flap to be used in the treatment of body defects especially in the region of head and neck, V CONCLUSION The medial sural artery originates from popliteal artery and supplies blood for the medial gastrocnemius muscle The skin area covering this muscle is nourished by one of five perforators of the medial sural artery The perforating flaps can be created using medial sural artery perforating branches Acknowledgements We would like to express our sincerest thanks to the doctors and staffs in the Department of Anatomy, Hanoi Medical University and Ho Chi Minh Medicine and Pharmacy University for supports to the study 86 REFERENCES Mathes S.J, Nahai F (1981) Classification of the vascular anatomy of muscles: experimental and clinical correlation Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 67(2), 177 – 187 Cormack G C., Lamberty B G H (1984) A classification of fascio-cutaneous flaps according to their patterns of vascularisation British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 37(1), 80 - 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