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The contribution of the scalar unparticle on the W production at e+ e- collider in randall sundrum model

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In case of left polarized e− beam, right polarized e+ beam and vice versa, the total cross-section reachs the maximum value.

Ha Noi Metroplolitan University 118 THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE SCALAR UNPARTICLE ON THE W PRODUCTION AT e+e- COLLIDER IN RANDALL – SUNDRUM MODEL Dang Van Soa1, Bui Thi Ha Giang2 Hanoi Metropolitian University, Hanoi National University of Education Abstract: We evaluate the contribution of the scalar unparticle on the W-production at the e + e − collision in the Randall-Sundrum model, which depend strongly on the collision energy s , the scaling dimension dU of the unparticle operator OU and the energy scale ΛU In case of left polarized e − beam, right polarized e + beam and vice versa, the total cross-section reachs the maximum value Keywords: scalar unparticle, Randall-Sundrum model, ILC Email: dvsoa@hnmu.edu.vn Received 12 November 2018 Accepted for publication 15 December 2018 INTRODUCTION The Standard model has been a successful model in describing the particle physics In the Lagrangian of the Standard model, the scale invariance is broken at or above the electroweak scale [1, 2] The scale invariant sector has been considered as an effective theory at TeV scale and that if it exists, it is made of unparticle suggested by Geogri [3, 4] Based on the Banks-Zaks theory [5], unparticle stuff with nontrivial scaling dimension is considered to exist in our world The invariant Banks-Zaks field can be connected to the SM particles [6] Recently, the possibility of the unparticle has been studied with CMS detector at the LHC [7, 8] The effects of unparticle on properties of high energy colliders have been intensively studied in Refs [9-18] In ref [19], we evaluated the contribution of scalar unparticle on the production of Higgs-radion in RS model In this work, the contribution of the scalar unparticle on the W-production at the e+e- collider in the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model The RS model is based on the non-factorizable geometry in the five space-time dimensions and the extra dimension is compactified [20] The RS model setup involves two three- Scientific Journal − No27/2018 119 branes: UV brane, which gravity is localized at, and IR brane, which the SM fields are localized at The separation between the two 3-branes leads directly to the existence of an additional scalar called the radion ( φ ), corresponding to the quantum fluctuations of the distance between the two 3-branes [21-23] The layout of this paper is as follows In Section II, we give Feymans rules in the Randall-Sudrum model The contribution of the scalar unparticle on the W-production at the e+e- collision is calculated in Section III Finally, we summarize our results and make conclusions in Section IV FEYMANS RULES IN THE RANDALL-SUNDRUM MODEL In the RS model, radion and Higgs boson have the same quantum numbers General covariance allows a possibility of mixing between the radion and the Higgs boson Feynman rules for the couplings of Higgs and radion are showed as follows where g hW = γb d + γ b − κW γ bmW2  α b2  +    2kb0 8π sin θW  gφW = γa c + γ a − κW γ bmW2  α b2  +    2kb0 8π sin θW  κW = 3mW2 kb0 2Λφ2 ( k / M Pl ) kb0 ~ 35 Ha Noi Metroplolitan University 120 b2 = 19 / , a = − d = cosθ − cosθ sinθ 6ξγ ,b = , c = sinθ + cosθ , Z Z Z 6ξγ sinθ Z θW is the Weinberg angle, Z = + 6γ 2ξ (1 − 6ξ ) = β − 36ξ 2γ is the coefficient of the radion kinetic term after undoing the kinetic mixing, γ = υ / Λ φ ,υ = 246 GeV The mixing angle θ is (5) where mh0 and mφ0 are the Higgs and radion masses before mixing [21] In RS model, there are four independent parameters Λ φ , mh , mφ , ξ that must be specified to fix the state mixing parameters We consider the case of Λ φ = TeV and k = 0.1 , which makes the radion stabilization model most natural [22, 23] M Pl Feynman rules for the couplings of the scalar unparticle in the RS model are showed as follows [19] (6) (7) THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE SCALAR UNPARTICLE ON THE WPRODUCTION AT E+E- COLLIDERS In this work, we restrict ourselves by considering only scalar unparticle The scalar unparticle propagator is given by [2, 4] (8) Scientific Journal − No27/2018 121 (9) (10) Using the above formulas, we will study the contribution of the scalar unparticle on the collision process in which the initial state contains electron and positron, the final state contains W + and W - (11) The transition amplitude is given by (12) Here, q = p1 + p2 = k1 + k2 , s = ( p1 + p2 ) is the square of the collision energy The model parameters are chosen as: λ ff = λWW = λ0 = , mh = 125 GeV, mφ = 10 GeV [25, 26] The cross section is flat when dU > 1.6 , so the dU is chosen as < dU < 1.5 We give estimates for the cross-sections as follows i) In Fig.1, the total cross-section is plotted as the function of Pe− , Pe+ , which are the polarization coefficients of e− , e+ beams, respectively The parameters are chosen as s = 500 GeV, dU = 1.1 , ΛU = 1000 GeV The figure indicates that the total cross-section achieves the minimum value when Pe− = Pe+ = ±1 and the maximum value when Pe− = 1, Pe+ = −1 or Pe− = −1, Pe+ = ii) In Fig.2, the total cross-section is plotted as the function of dU in case of Pe− = 1, Pe+ = −1 Ha Noi Metroplolitan University 122 The parameters are chosen as s = 500 GeV, ΛU = 1000 GeV From the figure we can see that the cross section decreases rapidly as dU increases iii) In Fig.3, we evaluate the dependence of the total cross-section on the collision energy s in case of Pe− = 1, Pe+ = −1 The collision energy is chosen in the range of 500 GeV ≤ s ≤ 1000 GeV (ILC) The parameters are chosen as dU = 1.1 , ΛU = 1000 GeV The figure shows that the total cross-section increases rapidly when the collision energy s increases iv) In Fig.4, we evaluate the dependence of the total cross-section on the ΛU at the fixed collision energy s = 500 GeV The polarization coefficients are chosen as Pe− = 1, Pe+ = −1 In case of the additional scalar unparticle propagator, the cross-section decreases rapidly in the region of TeV ≤ ΛU ≤ TeV Table 1: Some typical values for the cross-section with the contribution of the scalar unparticle in the e+e- →W-W+ collisions at the ILC in case of Pe- =1, Pe+ =1 The parameters are chosen as dU = 1.1 and the masses mh =125 GeV, mΦ = 10 GeV Figure The cross-section as a function of the Pe− , Pe+ polarization coefficients of the e− , e+ beams at ILC The parameters are taken to be s = 500 GeV, dU = 1.1, ΛU = 1000 GeV Scientific Journal − No27/2018 123 Figure The cross-section as a function of the dU in e + e − → W −W + collision in case of Pe − = 1, Pe+ = −1 The parameters are chosen as s = 500 GeV, ΛU = 1000 GeV Figure The cross-section as a function of the collision energy s in e + e − → W −W + collision in case of Pe − = 1, Pe+ = −1 The parameters are chosen as dU = 1.1, ΛU = 1000 GeV Figure The total cross-section as a function of the energy scale ΛU in e + e − → W −W + collision in case of Pe − = 1, Pe+ = −1 The parameters are taken to be s = 500 GeV, dU = 1.1 Ha Noi Metroplolitan University 124 CONCLUSION In this paper, we have evaluated the contribution of the scalar unparticle on the W production cross-sections in the Randall - Sundrum model at the e + e − collider, which depend strongly on the collision energy s , the scaling dimension dU of the unparticle operator OU and the energy scale ΛU In the e + e − → W −W + collision, with the contribution of the scalar unparticle propagator, the cross-section is about 1010 times larger than that of the W-production under the same conditions without the scalar unparticle propagator The readers can see detaily in Table Acknowledgements: The work is supported in part by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) of Vietnam under Grant No 103.012016.44 REFERENCES H Zhang, C S Li and Z Li, Phys Rev D76 (2007) 116003 K Cheung, W Y Keung and T C Yuan, Phys Rev Lett 99 (2007) 051803 H Georgi, Phys Rev Lett 98 (2007) 221601 H Georgi, Phys Lett B650 (2007) 275 T Banks and A Zaks, Nucl Phys B196 (1982) 189 S-L Chen, X-G He, Phys Rev D76 (2007) 091702 CMS Collaboration, Eur Phys J C75 (2015) 235 CMS Collaboration, Phys Rev D93 (2016) 052011 P Mathews and V Ravindran, Phys Lett B657 (2007) 198 10 A.T Alan and N.K Pak, EPL Vol.84, No.1 (2008) 11001 11 S Majhi, Phys Lett B665 (2008)44 12 M.C Kumar, P Mathews, V.Ravindran and A.Tripathi, Phys Rev D77 (2008) 055013 13 Sahin and B Sahin, Eur Phys J C55 (2008) 325 14 T.Kikuchi and N.Okada, Phys Rev D77 (2008) 094012 15 Friedland, M Giannotti, M Graesser, Phys Lett B678 (2009) 149 16 H Chen, G Cvetic, C S Kim, Phys Lett B694 (2011)393 17 S Khatibi, M M Najafabadi, Phys Rev D87 (2013) No.3, 037701 Scientific Journal − No27/2018 125 18 T.M Aliev, S Bilmis, M Solmaz and I Turan, Phys Rev D95 (2017) No.9, 095005 19 D V Soa and B T H Giang, Nucl Phys B 936 (2018) 20 L Randall and R Sundrum, Phys Rev Lett 83 (1999) 3370 21 D Dominici, B Grzadkowski, J F Gunion and M Toharia, Nucl.Phys B671 (2003) 243 22 C Csaki, M L Graesser and G D Kribs, Phys Rev D63 (2001) 065002 23 W D Goldberger and M B Wise, Phys Rev Lett 83 (1999) 4922 24 Ahmed, B M Dillon, B Grzadkowski, J F Gunion and Y Jiang, Phys Rev D95 (2017) 095019 25 P V Dong, H N Long, D V Soa and N H Thao, JHEP 1110 (2011), 018 26 D V Soa et al., Mod Phys Lett A27 (2012)1250126 ĐĨNG GĨP CỦA U - HẠT VƠ HƯỚNG VÀO SỰ TẠO W-BOSONS TẠO VA CHẠM e+e- TRONG MẪU RANDALL-SUNDRUM Tóm tắt: Chúng tơi tính tốn đóng góp U - hạt vô hướng vào tiết diện tạo hạt W va chạm e+e- mẫu Randall - Sundrum, mà phụ thuộc lượng va chạm, thứ nguyên tỉ lệ thang lượng Trong trường hợp chuẩn phân cực trái, phải ngược tiết diện đạt cực đại Từ khóa: U - hạt vơ hướng, mẫu Randall - Sundrum, ILC ... Using the above formulas, we will study the contribution of the scalar unparticle on the collision process in which the initial state contains electron and positron, the final state contains W. .. Randall- Sudrum model The contribution of the scalar unparticle on the W- production at the e +e- collision is calculated in Section III Finally, we summarize our results and make conclusions in Section IV... unparticle on the W production cross-sections in the Randall - Sundrum model at the e + e − collider, which depend strongly on the collision energy s , the scaling dimension dU of the unparticle operator

Ngày đăng: 13/01/2020, 12:06