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Finite-difference method for the Gamma equation on non-uniform grids

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We propose a new monotone finite-difference scheme for the second-order local approximation on a nonuniform grid that approximates the Dirichlet initial boundary value problem (IBVP) for the quasi-linear convection-diffusion equation with unbounded nonlinearity, namely, for the Gamma equation obtained by transformation of the nonlinear Black-Scholes equation into a quasilinear parabolic equation. Using the difference maximum principle, a two-sided estimate and an a priori estimate in the c-norm are obtained for the solution of the difference schemes that approximate this equation.

Mathematics and Computer Science | Mathematics Doi: 10.31276/VJSTE.61(4).03-08 Finite-difference method for the Gamma equation on non-uniform grids Le Minh Hieu1*, Truong Thi Hieu Hanh1, Dang Ngoc Hoang Thanh2 University of Economics, The University of Danang Hue College of Industry Received August 2019; accepted 11 November 2019 Abstract: Introduction We propose a new monotone finite-difference scheme for the second-order local approximation on a nonuniform grid that approximates the Dirichlet initial boundary value problem (IBVP) for the quasi-linear convection-diffusion equation with unbounded nonlinearity, namely, for the Gamma equation obtained by transformation of the nonlinear Black-Scholes equation into a quasilinear parabolic equation Using the difference maximum principle, a two-sided estimate and an a priori estimate in the c-norm are obtained for the solution of the difference schemes that approximate this equation In the theory of difference schemes [1-3], the maximum principle is used to study the stability and convergence of a difference solution in the uniform norm Computational methods that satisfy the maximum principle are usually called monotone [1, 2] The monotone schemes play an critical role in computational practice They make it possible to obtain a numerical solution without oscillations even in the case of non-smooth solutions [4] Keywords: Gamma equation, maximum principle, monotone finite-difference scheme, non-uniform grid, quasi-linear parabolic equation, scientific computing, two-side estimates Classification number: 1.1 When constructing monotone difference schemes, it is desirable to preserve the second order approximation with respect to the spatial variable Such schemes are constructed for parabolic and hyperbolic equations in the presence of lower derivatives For example, a nonconservative scheme of second order approximation for linear parabolic equations of general form on uniform grids is given in [1, 2] When solving two-dimensional partial differential equations in the free domain, we need to construct a difference scheme on a non-uniform grid We must first confirm that a nonuniform grid is more general than a uniform grid While one can easily convert a non-uniform grid to uniform grid, the inverse transformation is not so straightforward, and it cannot preserve the conservation properties [5] For the nonlinear Black-Scholes equation, it is helpful to implement the grid to the payoff of the option, because the price of an option may be more sensitive in a precise area [6] In this case, the uniform grid is not appropriate In the case of nonuniform grids for equations in mathematical physics with variable coefficients without lower derivatives, a scheme was obtained in [7] for which the conditions of the maximum principle are fulfilled without relations on the coefficients and parameters of the grid (unconditional monotonicity) In [8], the unconditionally monotone and economical schemes of second order approximation were constructed on a non-uniform grid for non-stationary multidimensional convection-diffusion problems In the present work, the previously obtained results are *Corresponding author: Email: hieulm@due.edu.vn DECEMBER 2019 • Vol.61 Number Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering ( ) is *based on + the appropriate choice of the perturbed 10] The construction of such schemes Jandacka-Sevcovic model model [9]) or [9]) or (the Frey (the mo ( Jandacka-Sevcovic ) ) ) and a priori ( two-sided coefficient, similar to In[1, 2, 8] the difference maximum(principle, more sensitive in a precise appropriate case of ofUsing precisearea area[6] [6].InInthis thiscase, case,thetheuniform uniformgrid gridisisnotnot appropriate Inthethe case ( as) respectively, as respectively, ( ) more sensitivegrids in afor precise area [6] In this case, physics the uniform isare notcoefficients appropriate Ininthelower case of estimates obtained the normal for* solving+ difference schemes that approximate the equations ininmathematical with variable without non-uniform for equations mathematical physics withgrid variable coefficients without lower (t Note (that ) is a parameter that depends( on each (concrete model, for example, )) is the volatili where ) ) , ( ( ) ) ( non-uniform forwas equations in inmathematical physics withequation variable coefficients without ( above derivatives, a grids scheme obtained thetheconditions ofofthethe maximum are ( ) scheme was obtained in[7] [7]forforwhich which conditions maximumprinciple principlelower are Jandacka-Sevcovic* model [9]) or cost measure, (the Frey model [11]), is which be writt transaction thecanrisk pre | Mathematics derivatives, a scheme wasand obtained [7] for which theparameters conditions ofof principle are ((( ))) Mathematics Science * ( )++ relations onon Computer the and thethemaximum grid fulfilled without relations theincoefficients coefficients and parameters ofthe grid(unconditional (unconditional respectively, as ( )) ( )) , is volatili where ( , is the volatility of the where ( measuring the market liquidity Using the change ( ) Problem settingtheand two-sided estimate of the solution * exact+ that fulfilled withoutIn [8], relations on the coefficients and parameters grid (unconditional Note ((that ))) is a parameter concrete model, for example, (t the monotone and economical ofofsecond monotonicity) [8], the unconditionally unconditionally monotone and economicalofschemes schemes secondorder order ( )+ , depends on each * transaction ( is the ) and ( , substituting cost measure, is premium the risk pre (( transaction )) measure, risk me ( cost ) ) ( ( ) monotonicity) In [8], the unconditionally monotone and economical schemes of second order We consider following quasilinear parabolic which is called the Gamma Jandacka-Sevcovic model [9]) or (the (1)–(2) Frey model [11]), which can be writt(to forfornon-stationary multidimensional ( measuring ) approximation were were constructed constructed onon aa non-uniform non-uniformgrid grid non-stationarythe multidimensional we obtain problem Then the function measuring the market liquidity Using the change ( )market Note thatequation, depends on each model, for example, the liquidity Using the change of indepen (that ) ≥ is (t Note that is0 aaisparameter parameter on measure, each concrete concrete model, forthe example, generalized to the construction of monotone difference asset, M the cost C ≥ is ( transaction ) that depends approximation were constructed on a non-uniform grid for non-stationary multidimensional respectively, as ( ) equation [9, 10]: convection-diffusion problems convection-diffusion problems corresponding models will also become [9, 10]: ( ) ( ( ) ( ) , , and substituting , , and substituting Jandacka-Sevcovic model [9]) or (the Frey model [11]), which can be writt ( )) , is the volatility of the underlying asset, is where ( Notepremium that is ameasure, parameter that onaeach concrete model, for example, schemes of second-order local approximation on non- risk anddepends ρ ≥ is parameter measuring Jandacka-Sevcovic model [9]) (the Frey model [11]), which can be writt(t convection-diffusion problems Note is a parameter that or depends on each concrete model, for the example, (tt In the present work, the obtained arearegeneralized totothetheconstruction of of that work, the previously previously obtainedresults results generalized construction we problem (1)–(2) Then we cost obtain problem Then the function (is )a and respectively, ) obtain (model transaction measure, is(1)–(2) the risk premium measure, and whichfunction (as )[9]) uniform spatial grids for the Gamma equation for the second the market liquidity Using the change of independent Jandacka-Sevcovic or (the Frey model [11]), can beparame writt respectively, as In the present work, the previously obtained results are generalized to the construction of ( ) ( ) Jandacka-Sevcovic model [9]) or x will Frey [11]), which[9,can be writt schemes ofofsecond-order corresponding models will 10]: monotone difference difference schemes second-order local approximationonmathematics onnon-uniform non-uniformspatial spatialgrids grids corresponding models become 10]: (x as=market )ln(S/E), derivative of the option price local in approximation financial , also t (the = (of T-τ, t model ∈)also (0,[9,become T) and variables where measuring the liquidity Using ∈ the variables respectively, ( ) (1) (( ) ), wh )independent ( change ) ( ( ) monotone difference schemes of second-order local approximation on non-uniform spatial grids respectively, as ( )) for the Gamma equation for the second derivative of the option price in financial mathematics [9, ) ( is(3)the the underlying asset, is (( , t) (= SV ) ,andinsubstituting for the secondofderivative of the option is price in financial mathematicswhere [9, , [9, 10] Theequation construction such schemes forvolatility the(two)ofabove inmodels, (3) for the two ( pricebased ) financial (on the) substituting ( ) u(x, ( ) ) SS (2) above mode for equation the schemes second derivative option [9,obtain ) ( ( ) construction ofofforsuch isis based thethe appropriate thethe transaction cost measure, is the risk premium measure, and is a parame appropriate choice of the perturbed coefficient, similar toperturbed we problem (1)-(2) Then the function β(u) and the 10].theTheGamma construction such schemes basedofononthe appropriateinchoice choiceofofmathematics perturbed we obtain problem and) the initial (((1)–(2) ) Then (( (underlying )( () condition ) ( )( ) for )) ,, is )the volatility is where )( asset, (the (function ) ( )( ))of ))( )for volatility of( the the underlying where 10] The8] construction schemes isdifference based on the appropriate of and theandaperturbed (the [1, 2, Using maximum principle, two(x) theis the corresponding models will asset, ( ), iswh condition measuring the(models market(uwill liquidity Using change of independent variables similar toto [1, 2,2,such 8] Using the maximum principle, two-sided priori corresponding also become [9, 10]: coefficient, [1,ofthe 8].difference Using thedifference maximum principle,choice two-sided a initial priori transaction is the risk measure, and is aa parame (where )) are According the studies in [9,, 10],cost Eqs by premium transforming nonlinear , obtained the volatility the underlying asset, is where ( [9,measure, transaction cost measure, isis premium measure, parame is risk the delta coefficient, to [1,inin2,the Using thefor difference maximum two-sided priori sided aobtained priori estimates are obtained inprinciple, the to normal cand a also 10]: ( )of inthe (3)and for the twoisabove mode , (1)–(2) ( ()) ) ,and(substituting is)the the volatility offunction the underlying asset, iswh where ( market estimatesand aresimilar obtained solving difference schemes that the the8].normal normal for solving difference schemes thatapproximate approximate the become ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (( a parame ), measuring the liquidity Using the change of independent variables ( ) Black-Scholes equation for such that transaction cost measure, is the risk premium measure, and is ), measuring the market liquidity Using the change of independent variables wh In order to find the approximate solution of p for solving difference schemes that approximate the above ( ) ( ) estimates are obtained in the normal for solving difference schemes that approximate the ( ) for we obtain problem (1)–(2) Then the function ( ) and the initial condition transaction cost measure, is the risk premium measure, and isabove a parame above equation ( ) ( ) in (3) for the two mode , , and substituting ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ), ( ) measuring the market liquidity Using the change of independent variables wh ( ) ( ) in (3) for the two above mode , , and substituting ( ), equation spatial interval where is a su where ( ) is the delta function where ( ) is the delta function corresponding models will also become [9, 10]: above equation ( ( )),for measuring the market(1)–(2) liquidity Using the change of( independent variables wh we problem Then the function and the condition ( toIn)find (3) the two above , , (1)–(2) and interval substituting ( of ) mode for we (obtain obtain problem Then the to function ( ())) approximate and solution the)ininitial initial condition limit the by for the interval ) ( ) order find ((the solution pr (3) In order the approximate of problem (1) ( ) Problem setting and two-sided estimate of the exact solution in (3) for the two above mode , , and substituting and two-sided of the exact solution of the exact Problem setting and estimate two-sided estimate corresponding models will also become [9, 10]: ( ) ( ) ( ) for we obtain problem (1)–(2) Then the function ( ) and the initial condition corresponding models will also become [9, 10]: ( ), chooseThen to where include important ( function ), interval where is(of spatial a values sufficiently Problem setting and two-sided estimate of the exact solution ( interval )spatial )a forsu we obtain problem (1)–(2) the ( ) and the initialiscondition solution (limit ) )also ((1) ) (with (10]: ) Dirichlet (the We consider the which is iscalled thetheGamma the following following quasilinear quasilinear parabolic parabolicequation, equation, which called Gamma corresponding models will become [9, equation boundary conditions at ( ) ) ( the interval by the interval limit interval by the interval The present paper on some related to nonlinear where ( ) ismodels the delta function corresponding will also become [9, 10]: Black-Scholes equations for We consider parabolic equation, whichparabolic is calledwill the focus Gamma where δ(x) ismodels the choose delta function [9, consider 10]: the following We the quasilinear following quasilinear equation include important values include important values ofoption Thus, ((the)) approximate ))solution ( ))to (( find )) to ((factors In choose orderrelies to of the problem wethemust restrict itof to inst a fin the European option whose volatility upon various stock(1)–(2), price, (( ) ()) ( like equation [9, 10]: equation, which is called the Gamma equation [9, 10]: ( ) ( ) ( ) equation (1) with Dirichlet boundary conditions at [9 In equation order the approximate of problem (1)(1) with Dirichlet conditions atSince ((to find , spatial interval is)boundary a sufficiently largeThe number price, the time, as well as their derivatives, due the presence transaction cost option’s (() )to ( ) of ( solution )), where ( )) (( )) ( (() ) spatial ( ) be interval ( ) function (is the ) Let ) a solution of problem (1)– (2), we must restrict it to a finite x ∈ (-L, L), ( ) where ( ) delta ) as In practical calculations, we c limit interval the( interval (( )) (1) )byprice, ) which is (mentioned behaviour would be disclosed by(1)athe higher the Greeks (1) ( derivative )) ( of()its ( ) ( ) x where L > (0to(isfind a include sufficiently number S=Ee , we ( it)the (( )( large )solution (ofof ) Since (ofwe )we consider (a fin (where )must ) approximate (its )(1)–(2), containing avalues set ofproblem values, In order the restrict to Gamm ( ) (1) choose to important Thus, instead (2), ( ) numerical methods are not only useful for providing where (( )) (is the delta function ( ) ( )) (( )) (( )) in the financial literature Reliable (2) -L L a good ( ) ( ) (2) ) where is the delta function ̅ limit the interval S ∈ (0, +∞) by the interval S ∈ (Ee , Ee ) ) isbe a smooth, solution of Eq problem (1)–( then (1) canand be, w ()( Let ),) where Let beis(sufficiently a solution of problem (1)–(2), spatial interval aatsufficiently large number Since equation (1) with Dirichlet boundary conditions [9], i.e., ( they ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) approximation for the (2) (2)In order find the solution of (1)–(2), we must fin pricingIn option, but are approximate also essential for its derivatives because of restrict the itit to where (interval ) to the function Inthe order toiscalculations, finddelta the approximate solution of problem problem (1)–(2), we must restrict to(aawe practical we can choose L ≈ 1.5 to include ( ) containing a set of its values, where ( ) ( ) .fincI containing a set of its values, where limit by the interval In practical calculations, ( ) ( ) where ( ) is the delta function / ( ), ,, spatial interval where isof aa (2), sufficiently large number Since of the Greeksthe tononlinear quantitative analysis According to the studies (1)–(2) areare obtained bybytransforming In order to̅ find the approximate solution of problem (1)–(2), must restrict itthe to Gamm a fin (of important S.),̅ Thus, instead weinstead consider the spatial interval where sufficiently large number Since According theinin [9, studies [9,relevance 10], Eqs (1)-(2) are the to studies [9,10], 10],Eqs Eqs.in (1)–(2) obtained transforming the nonlinear smooth, then Eq (1) can w choose important values then Thus, ofwe (2), webeconsider sufficiently smooth, Eq (1) can written as ( is)of )values (toisinclude )with (byisthe )sufficiently In(the order to find the approximate solution of problem (1)–(2), we must restrict it tobe awefin coefficients ( ) ( ) limit interval interval In practical calculations, cc According to the studies in [9, 10], Eqs (1)–(2) are obtained by transforming the nonlinear ( ) For theBlack-Scholes case of EuropeanGamma call options [10], is a solution of Eq (3) with and ( ), , spatial interval where is a sufficiently large number Since equation (1) with Dirichlet boundary conditions at obtained transforming the nonlinear ( ) ( ) limit the interval by the interval In practical calculations, we equation for Black-Scholesby equation for (( )) such suchthat that equation (1) Dirichlet boundary i.e., ̅ )number (a solution ), , we consider - be the , spatial where a)atsufficiently Since a segme Let interval ( with ) to be of /conditions problem and let (( (is))of(1)–(2), ( [9], )large ( ) / ( ) ( ) ( choose include important values Thus, instead of (2), Gamm ( ) that Black-Scholes for such such that equation forequation V(S,τ) = ±the Lcondition [9], i.e., ( boundary ) by theconditions ( the instead ) In limit interval intervalof of calculations, we c , Thexchoose initial and problem in we Eq.consider (3) to include important values Thus, of practical (2), the Gamm ( values, ) by () parabolicity ( ̅we )c (at the ( ) In practical calculations, limit the interval theconditions interval [9], If ).the function containing awith set of its where We assume that condition of eq with coefficients equation (1) Dirichlet boundary i.e., with coefficients choose include important values instead of (2),(4) we consider the Gamm equation Dirichlet boundary conditions at Thus, [9], i.e., will be (can )of ) with (to ) smooth, ( )Eq (( )) ( )) (3) (3) (3) ̅( is(1)sufficiently choose to include important values of Thus, instead of (2), we consider the Gamm then (1) be written as ( ) ) conditions ( Dirichlet ) that(boundary ( )( ) at( () ) [9],(i.e.,) equation ( ) ( ) (3)Let (1) - be a segme ( with ) be a solution of conditions problem and[9], let ̅ ̅ , equation (1) with boundary at(1)-(2), ( ) )(1)–(2), ((that (( u(x, )).We ((Dirichlet ((assume )) problem ( )be (We )that the parabolicity condition of(5) equ The present paper will focus on some models related to Let t) of andi.e., let u of = equation /a)) solution assume the parabolicity condition ) ( ) ( ) (̅ ) If the function containing a set of its values, where The presentBlack-Scholes paper models Black-Scholes equations forfor,Let paper will willfocus focusononsome some modelsrelated related tononlinear nonlinear Black-Scholes equations ̅ are constants chosen based on each mo where nonlinear equations fortothe European option m ] be a segment containing a set of its values, where [m that be solution problem and Let ( with (can ) (1)–(2), ( that ) )) (be ( of be aa segme segme (sufficiently be aa)) smooth, solutionthen of ))Eq problem (1)–(2), and let let ̅ ,, ̅coefficients present paper will focus on some models related to nonlinear Black-Scholes equations for is (1) be written ̅ as ( ) ( ) ( ( the The European option whose volatility relies upon various factors like the stock price, the option ̅ ̅ whose volatility relies upon various factors like the stock ̅ option whose volatility relies upon various factors like the stock price, the option ⩽(u(x, m a(Ifsolution the(function ) forlet mcontaining ( ))∈ ( β(u) (u ∈ ) u,is ( a ()segme (( C )) ( and ((- ))be of Let u If ) ( aat) set )values, ( ))where (⩽ ) )be of* problem (1)–(2), ( ̅ )) Ifletthe the̅̅ function function containing set of2 its its values, where the option volatility reliesdue upon various factors like the stock price, option , model, - beeach a+ segme Let (sufficiently a smooth, solution of*( problem (1)–(2), and () )be /where (are ) then price, the time, as well as their derivatives, ̅ sufficiently smooth, then Eq (1) can be written as thethe time,option as well asprice, derivatives, totothe ofoftransaction cost TheThethe option’s ̅ ) are constants chosen based on price,European wellwhose as their their derivatives, due thepresence presence transaction cost option’s constants chosen based on each and where is Eq (1) can be written as We parabolicity condition (5) onthe the function solution [12] ̅ assume ( ̅̅mo )su ( equation ) ( )is satisfied containing a setthat of the itssmooth, values,then where is sufficiently Eq (1) canofbe written as If price, the time, well as their derivatives, due to the presence of transaction cost The option’s ( ) ( ) ( a) u If the function containing a set of its values, where due to theasbe presence of transaction cost The option’s ̅ ̅ ̅ behaviour would disclosed by a higher derivative of its price, which is mentioned as the Greeks * ( ) ( ) ( ) We assume in what follows that there exists * ( ) ( ) ( ) + (5) be disclosed by a higher derivative of its price, which is mentioned as the Greeks with that ̅coefficients ( ) ( ) ( ) // smooth, sufficiently (1) can be written as ( ) then Eq ̅ is behaviour would be disclosed by a of higher derivative of its behaviour would be disclosed by a higher derivative itsareprice, which is mentioned as thea good Greeks Eq (1))can be written as ̅( ( ) ) *( + + literature Reliable numerical methods are notnotonly useful forforproviding ( )is sufficiently (smooth, ) ̅)( then ) ̅ *( in the financial literature Reliable numerical methods only useful providing a good with coefficients ( ) / ( ) with coefficients price, whichliterature is mentioned as the Greeks in the financial in the financial Reliable numerical methods are not only useful for providing a good with coefficients ( ) ( ) / We assume in what follows that there exists a su u We assume in what follows that there exists a unique solu We assume that the parabolicity condition of equation (5) on the solution [12] is satisfied are where approximation for the the pricing pricingoption, option,but butthey theyarearealso alsoessential essentialforforitsitsderivatives derivativesbecause becauseof ofthe the ( ) (( )) chosen (( )) based on each model, and (( ))constants literature Reliable numerical methods are not only useful (6) with coefficients ( ) approximation for the pricing option, but they are also essential for its derivatives because of the that ̅ + ̅coefficients of the Greeks totoquantitative analysis * ( ) the parabolicity ( ) condition ( ) equation withWe relevance Greeks quantitative analysis for providing a good approximation for the pricing option, ( )assume ( parabolicity ) ( ) ̅ condition of ) ) the We assume( (that that of equation (5) (5) on on the the solution solution [12] [12] is is satisfied satisfied su su relevance of the Greeks to quantitative analysis ̅ ( ) ( ) ( ) *( ) + ( ) ( ) the case of European call options [10], is a solution of Eq (3) with and ( ) For European call options [10], is a solution of Eq (3) with and We assume that the parabolicity condition of equation that but they are also essential for its derivatives because of the We assume that the parabolicity condition of equation (5) on the solution [12] is satisfied su that arethat chosen each model, where ( ) is conditions For the, case European call options [10], a conditions solution of Eq.theproblem (3)problem with in inEq.Eq and We the assume the [12] parabolicity condition of aequation (5) on theforsolution [12] is satisfied inconstants what follows thereonexists uniqueand solution problem (1)–(2) and allsut (5) on solution is that satisfied such that ̅̅based Greeks condition and ofofthe (3) ( ) relevance ofofthe to quantitative analysis The The initial initial condition andboundary boundary (3) that ̅ * ( ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ̅ + , The initial condition and boundary conditions of the problem in Eq.that (3) be the are constants chosen based on each model, and where willFor ̅ (7) ( ) are constants chosen based on each and where case of European call options [10], V(S,τ) is a ̅ + model, ̅ will be ̅̅ + ̅̅ **( ( )( ) ) ( ) ( ) are constants chosen based on each model, and where solution of Eq (3) with q=0 and 0⩽S

Ngày đăng: 13/01/2020, 10:03