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Executive summary of PhD Dissertation: Accounting of fixed assets in coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin

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  • 2. Overview of research



  • 1.1. Fixed assets and the role of fixed asset information for management

    • 1.1.1. Definition and classification of fixed assets

  • Definition of fixed assets

    • Classification of fixed assets

    • 1.1.2. The role of fixed asset accounting information for management

    •  Accounting of fixed assets from the ‘original price’ point of view

      • Accounting of fixed assets in view of re-evaluation prices

  • 1.4. Factors affecting fixed asset accounting in enterprises

    • 1.4.1. Internal factors

    • 1.4.2. External factors

  • 1.5. Accounting of fixed assets in some countries around the world and experience lessons for Vietnam

  • Research on experience of calculating fixed asset prices, accounting for specific fixed asset transactions in mining enterprises as well as fixed asset management accounting in some typical countries in the world such as the US and China, some lessons are drawn for coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin:



  • 2.1. Overview of Vinacomin and coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin

    • 2.1.1. Overview of Vinacomin

      • History and development process of Vinacomin

    • 2.1.2. Characteristics of organizational structure, management and production and business activities of coal mining enterprises in Vinacomin

      • Characteristics of management organization in coal mining enterprises in Vinacomin

        • Characteristics of production and business activities of coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin affecting the accounting of fixed assets

  • 2.2. Current situation of fixed asset accounting in coal mining enterprises of Viancomin

    • 2.2.1. Current situation of fixed asset accounting at Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises under the view of financial accounting

    • Initial measurement and recognition of fixed assets

      • Measure and record fixed assets after initial recognition

      • Stop recording fixed assets

      • Presentation of fixed asset accounting information on financial statements

    • 2.3.2. External factors

  • 2.4. Assessing the situation of fixed asset accounting at Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises

    • 2.4.1. Achievements

    • 2.4.2. Limitations and causes of limitations

      • Limitations

  • Chapter 3


  • 3.1. Viewpoints and development objectives of coal industry, coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin and requirements of improving fixed asset accounting in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises

  • 3.1.1. Viewpoints and development objectives of coal industry

  • Viewpoints on the development of coal industry

  • To develop the coal industry on the basis of efficiently exploiting, processing and using the country's coal resources; To make a positive contribution to ensuring national energy security; To prioritize to meet domestic demand for coal; to ensure the rational import and export of coal.

  • Development objectives of coal industry

  • Building Vietnam's coal industry to become a developed industry; highly competitive; applying advanced technology compared to the region at all stages of coal exploration, exploitation, selecting, processing and use of coal; providing enough coal to meet domestic demand, especially coal for electricity production; reducing the rate of coal mining losses; completing the construction of Quang Ninh exploiting facilities.

  • 3.1.2. Viewpoints and objectives of developing coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin

  • Viewpoins of developing coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin

  • Development of Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises under the motto of sustainable development: Enahancing both mineral resources and human resources; environmentally friendly, adapting to climate change; Harmonious with the locality and community; Establishing mutual beneficial relationshipwith partners and customers. Continue to build and complete thermal power plants; promote investment in innovation and modernization of production technology.

  • Development objectives of coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin

  • By the end of 2020, to complete the exploration at the level of - 300m for Dong Bac and Nam Thinh coal basin, Tien Hai district, Thai Binh province. To ensure that coal mining can meet the demand for domestic coal use, contributing to ensuring national energy security; Attempt to produce 42 million tons of commercial coal by 2020. Expanding international cooperation and aware of the importance to protect and improve the ecological environment in the coal region.

  • 3.1.3. Requirements to improve the accounting of fixed assets at coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin

    • Solutions to select the appropriate price calculation basis for fixed assets

    • 3.3. Conditions for implementing the solutions

      • 3.3.1. On the side of state agencies

        • Ministry of Finance

      • The Ministry of Finance should continue to build and study and issue a number of new accounting standards on "Depreciation of assets value", "Long-term assets held for sale and terminated activities "; "Exploration and assessment of natural resources and minerals".

        • Professional organizations

      • Vietnam Association of Accountants and Auditors, Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants need to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, Big Four auditing companies to strengthen information exchange, experience and enhancing cooperation with regional groups and international occupation organizations, and strengthen research on new accouting standards in general and standards of fixed assets in particular to provide training of knowledge updates for accountants and auditors in the most effective way.

      • 3.3.2. For the Group and coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin

Nội dung

The PhD thesis studies the theoretical and practical issues of fixed asset accounting in coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin. In particular, the thesis focuses on studying the principles of measuring, recording, presenting and providing information on fixed assets as well as the method to collect, process, analyze and provide information in respond to requirements of fixed asset management. The thesis studies the application of these principles in the practice of fixed asset accounting in Vinacomin''s coal mining enterprises.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THUONG MAI UNIVERSITY DANG THI HUE ACCOUNTING OF FIXED ASSETS IN COAL MINING  ENTERPRISES OF VINACOMIN                                           Major: Accounting Code:                                   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PHD DISSERTATION Hanoi, 2019 The thesis was completed at  Thuong Mai University Academic supervisors: 1. Ass.Professor, PhD. Pham Thi Thu Thuy                                        2. Ass.Professor, PhD. Le Thi Thanh Hai Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The dissertation will be defended university level council of dissertation at Thuong Mai University Time:   date  month year 20 The dissertation can be found at the Vietnamese National Library and the Library of Thuong Mai University INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale  In the process of integration and development, the international accounting  system   on   fixed   assets   has   constantly   been   improved   Regulations   on  identification, valuation and recognition of fixed assets have been mentioned in a  comprehensive, systematic and more synchronous way in the relevant standards. It  includes the regulation on the application of different pricing models to record and  present  information  about  fixed  assets   as  well  as  regulations  on  accounting   of  environmental recovery costs; to identify and record the decline inn value of fixed  assets; accounting of mineral pre­exploration costs    Vietnam   is   in   the   process   of   operating   the   socialist­oriented   market  mechanism, with open economic policies, attracting foreign investment capital and  gradually integrating with the world economy. To meet the requirements of this  process, Vietnamese accounting system has been constantly improved. However,  the updating and appropriately applying the current regulations on accounting of  fixed assets of international accounting standards are still limited and not yet paid  sufficient attention In recent years, the mining industry of Vietnam in general, the coal mining  industry in particular has made an important contribution to the socio­economic  development, contributing positively and effectively to ensuring energy security  and to meet the domestic coal demand. Along with the technology revolution 4.0,  coal   mining   enterprises   continue   to   equip   and   renew   fixed   assets   to   access  processes of modern mining technology, contributing to increasing productivity,  promoting   the   substainable   development   of   coal   industry   In   coal   mining  enterprises, fixed assets account for a relatively large proportion in the total asset  value of enterprises, thus fixed asset accounting is considered an important part of  the accounting system of these enterprises. The application of the pricing model to  identify,   record   and   present   information   about   fixed   assets   in   coal   mining  enterprises   is   also   a   matter   for   discussion   and   consideration   Recovery   and  protection   of   the   ecological   environment   are   also   issues   requiring   sufficient  attention. However, the regulations on accounting of environmental recovery costs  are only first mentioned in Circular No. 200/2014 / TT­BTC of the Ministry of  Finance, leading to the fact that the application of this regulation in coal mining  enterprises still faces many problems. In addition, the industrial revolution 4.0 has  caused   coal   mining   enterprises   to   face   many   challenges   such   as   unupdated  technology, decline in asset value during usage. On which basis and how to to  identify and record the decline is also a problem for coal mining enterprises in the  current context In addition, how to effectively manage and use fixed assets is also a problem  for coal mining enterprises. Important and decisive information that governs the  investment   as   well   as   the   use   of   fixed   assets   is   provided   by   the   management  accounting of fixed assets. However, in the coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin  cureently,   the   management   accounting   of   fixed   assets   has   not   been   properly  concerned by the managers, the information collected when developing investment  plans is not clear and complete, mainly predictive. The provision of fixed asset  accounting   information   under   management   accounting   perspective   affects   the  planning,   control   and   evaluation   of   the   implementation   within   the   enterprise.  Therefore, this issue needs to be researched and improved For  the  mentioned  reasons,   the  author  decided  to  choose  "Accounting  of   fixed assets in coal mining enterprises of Vietnam National Coal and Mineral   Industries Holding Corporation" as the research topic of the thesis 2. Overview of research  From an overview of studies published in Vietnam and in the world on fixed  assets and accounting of fixed assets, the PhD student found out that the previous  studies   have   focused   on   the   content   of   measuring,   recording   fixed   assets   and  presenting   in   financial   statements;   studying   the   compliance   of   fixed   asset  accounting   in   some   countries   with   common   practice,   international   accounting  standards;   the   content   and   extent   of   application   of   fixed   asset   depreciation  methods. The studies on fixed asset accounting is mainly based on the financial  perspective accounting, not yet focusing on the effects of price calculation and  fixed   asset   accounting   according   to   the   price   calculation   basis,   therefore   the  appropriate choice of price calculation basis for fixed assets has not been made. In  addition, no research has fully and comprehensively made regarding fixed asset  accounting   under   management   accounting   perspective   Therefore,   the   author  decided to do research on some issues for further research and development in the  thesis as follows: ­ Firstly, to study and analyze the views on fixed asset measurement based on  different price evaluation to select the appropriate price calculation method for  fixed   assets   of   Vietnamese   enterprises   and   at   the   same   time   to   apply   in  Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises ­ Secondly, to analyze and clarify the theoretical basis of accounting of fixed  asset   transactions   with   specific   characteristics   of   coal   mining   enterprises,  including   mining   rights,   mineral   pre­exploration   costs,   environmental   recovery  costs and apply these theories in coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin ­   Thirdly,  studying  fixed   asset   accounting   under  management  accoungting  perspective   to   enhance   the   efficiency   of   using   fixed   assets   in   coal   mining  enterprises of Vinacomin 3. Research objectives and tasks The   consistent   objective   of  the  dissertation   is   to  do  research   and  propose  solutions   to   improve   fixed   asset   accounting   in   coal   mining   enterprises   of  Vinacomin in order to improve the quality of accounting information on fixed  assets, as well as the efficiency of managing and using fixed assets With   the   above   research   objectives,   the   thesis   defines   specific   tasks   as  follows: ­ Systematizing and clarifying the theoretical basis of fixed assets, accounting  of fixed assets in enterprises, paying attention to the accounting of fixed assets  according   to   the   viewpoint  of  original  prices   and   re­evaluation   prices,   thereby  proposing a suitable price calculation basis for fixed assets in enterprises ­   Surveying,   analyzing   and   assessing   the   actual   status   of   fixed   asset  accounting in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises to confirm the achieved results  and limitations of fixed asset accounting in these enterprises ­ Determining the factors and the level of influence of these factors on fixed  asset accounting in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises ­   Proposing   solutions   to   improve   fixed   asset   accounting   in   coal   mining  companies   of   Vinacomin,   contributing   to   improving   the   quality   of   accounting  information on fixed assets, the effectiveness of managing and using fixed assets  in these enterprises 4. Subjects and scope of the study 4.1. Research subjects The   PhD   thesis   studies   the   theoretical   and   practical   issues   of   fixed   asset  accounting   in   coal   mining   enterprises   of   Vinacomin  In   particular,   the   thesis  focuses   on   studying   the   principles   of   measuring,   recording,   presenting   and  providing information on fixed assets as well as the method to collect, process,  analyze   and   provide   information   in   respond   to   requirements   of   fixed   asset  management. The thesis studies the application of these principles in the practice  of fixed asset accounting in Vinacomin's coal mining enterprises 4.2. Research scope   ­   Research   content:   The   thesis   only   focuses   on   studying   fixed   asset  accounting   for   production   and   business   activities   according   to   the   financial  accounting   and   management   accounting   angles;   excluding   accounting   of  outsourced fixed assets and investment in real estate ­ Research space:  The thesis focuses on studying fixed asset accounting in  coal mining enterprises which are subsidiaries of the Group and Joint ventures of  Vinacomin. The dissertation only studies accounting of fixed assets in coal mining  enterprises for the preparation of separate financial statements, not the information  presented on the consolidated financial statements ­ Research period: The real information data are collected and analyzed for  the period of 2014 ­ 2018.  5. Research questions To   achieve   the   research   objectives,   the   research   questions   are  raised  as  follows: (1). What is the rationale for fixed assets and accounting of fixed assets under  financial and management accounting perspectives and what are factors affecting  fixed asset accounting in enterprises?  (2). What is the accounting of fixed assets in view of the original price, the  re­evaluation price and the appropriate price calculation basis for fixed assets? (3). What is the actual situation of fixed asset accounting under the financial  and accouting perspective in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises currently? (4)   How  do  these  factors   affect   fixed   asset   accounting   in   coal   mining  companies of Vinacomin? (5). What measures should be taken to improve the accounting of fixed assets  in  Vinacomin’s  coal   mining   enterprises   under   the  financial   and   management  accoungting perspective?  6. Research methods and processes  6.1. Research Methods The thesis uses the methods of investigation, interview, descriptive statistics,  summarizing, analyzing and comparing to systematize the theoretical basis of fixed  assets,   fixed  asset   accounting  in  enterprises   and     conduct  surveys  of  the  actual  situation   of   fixed   asset   accounting   according   to   financial   accounting   and  management accounting perspective, factors affecting the accounting of fixed assets  in coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin. From the research results, limitations and  causes are drawn as a basis for proposing solutions in Chapter 3 6.2 Research process The research process includes the following steps: ­ Step 1: Identify the problem for the study ­   Step   2:   Overview   of   Vietnamese   and   foreign   studies   related   to   the  dissertation topic and identify research "gaps" ­ Step 3: Identify objectives, subjects, scope and research questions ­ Step 4: Systematize the theoretical basis on the fixed assets and fixed asset  accounting in enterprises ­ Step 5: Conduct surveys of fixed asset accounting situation in coal mining  enterprises of Vinacomin.  ­ Step 6: Conclusions, suggestions and recommendations 7. New contributions of the thesis In terms of academics and reasoning: The thesis has clarified the theoretical  issues of fixed asset accounting from the view of the original price and the re­ evaluation price, thereby selecting the appropriate price calculation basis for fixed  assets   In   addition,   the   thesis   also   clarified   the   accounting   of   mining   rights;  mineral   pre­exploration   costs   and   environmental   reconstitution   costs   in   coal  mining enterprises In   terms   of   practice:  The   thesis   has   conducted   surveys,   analyzed   and  comprehensively   assessed   fixed   asset   accounting   in   Vinacomin’s   coal   mining  enterprises  in both angles of financial accounting and management accounting.  The thesis has selected a appropriate basis for calculating prices for fixed assets in  Vietnamese enterprises in general and coal mining enterprises in VINACOMIN in  particular, which is the original price combined with accounting of the declining  value of fixed assets in case of the degraded fixed assets with the aim of providing  complete, reliable and transparent information about fixed assets for users The thesis has proposed solutions to improve the accounting of featured fixed  assets in coal mining enterprises including mineral exploitation rights; mineral pre­ exploration costs and environmental recovery costs In   addition,   the   thesis   also   proposes   solutions   on   improving   management  accounting of fixed assets to provide information for making decisions regarding  investment, management and using assets 8. The structure of the thesis In addition to the Introduction, the conclusion references and appendices,  the thesis consists of 3 chapters:  Chapter 1:  Literature review of fixed assets and fixed asset accounting in  enterprises Chapter   2:  Current   situation   of   fixed   asset   accounting   in   coal   mining  enterprises of VINACOMIN Chapter 3:  Solutions to improve accounting in coal mining enterprises of  VINACOMIN 14 perspective of financial accounting, the thesis also studies fixed asset accounting  under management accounting perspective. On the basis of fixed asset accounting  according to the accounting system in the US and China, experience lessons are  drawn for fixed asset accounting in coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin.  Chapter 2 CURRENT SITUATION OF FIXED ASSET ACCOUNTING IN COAL MINING ENTERPRISES OF VINACOMIN 2.1. Overview of Vinacomin and coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin 2.1.1. Overview of Vinacomin History and development process of Vinacomin Vietnam   Coal  ­ Mineral   Industry   Group  (formerly   known  as  Vietnam  Coal  Corporation under Decision No. 563 / TTg dated 10/10/1994 of the Prime Minister)  with   an   international   transaction   name   of   Vietnam   National   Coal   and   Mineral  Industries Holding Corporation, or Vinacomin, was established in accordance with  Decision No. 345/2005 / QD­TTg dated December 26, 2005. Vinacomin is currently  implementing important business activities in the fields of coal industry; mineral and  metallurgical industry; power industry and industrial explosive materials   The   organizational   structure   and   management   apparatus   of   Vinacomin The subsidiaries in Vinacomin are closely connected and organized according to  the parent company ­ subsidiary model with the "Multi­level Group" structure. By  5/2018,   excluding   11   affiliated   companies,   Vinacomin   has   66   member   units  including the parent company of the Group, level 1 subsidiaries, level 2 subsidiaries,  affiliated units, and revenue­generating units   Organization   of   accounting   system   and   accounting   policy   of   Vinacomin Organization of accounting apparatus at the parent company Vinacomin parent company is a combination of many subordinate units with  scattered operating areas. Therefore, the accounting system at the parent company is  organized according to the model of both concentration and dispersion Accounting policy applied at Vinacomin In   addition   to   the   application   of   accounting   standards,   enterprises   under  Vinacomin are currently implementing Circular 200 / TT­BTC and Circular No. a53 /  2006 / TT­BTC. At the same time, the enterprises in the Group also follow Decision  2917/QD­HDQT  of Vinacomin.  For  the  management  of fixed assets,  Vinacomin  issued   Decision   2873   /   QD­Vinacomin   and   Decision   1764/QD­TKV   applied  accordingly in units in Vinacomin 15 2.1.2   Characteristics   of   organizational   structure,   management   and   production and business activities of coal mining enterprises in Vinacomin   Characteristics   of   management   organization   in   coal   mining   enterprises in Vinacomin  Coal   mining   companies   of   Vinacomin   include     companies   with   100%  chartered capital of Vinacomin (Group branch) and 10 subsidiaries, which are JSC  with   Vinacomin’s     holding   dominant   shares   These   companies   all   organize   the  management mechanism according to the online functional model, each part of the  enterprise takes responsibility independently Characteristics of production and business activities of coal mining   enterprises of Vinacomin affecting the accounting of fixed assets In coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin, in addition to coal mining and trading  activities, there are business and production activities in some other areas, thus fixed  assets   are   spread   in   the   coal   mining   area   and   in   division   and   departments   in  enterprises  The process of coal mining is carried out mainly outdoors or in the  ground and the installation process, the construction of the mining system often takes  a long time. These characteristics significantly affect the process of managing, using  and accounting fixed assets in coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin Organizing accounting work in coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin Most   coal   mining   enterprises   of  Vinacomin   organize   centralized   accounting  apparatus. Enterprises all apply the journal­documents accounting method 2.2. Current situation of fixed asset accounting in coal mining enterprises of  Viancomin 2.2.1. Current situation of fixed asset accounting at Vinacomin’s coal mining   enterprises under the view of financial accounting Initial measurement and recognition of fixed assets The   initial   and   post­initial   recognition   of   fixed   assets   in   Vinacomin’s   coal  mining enterprises is based on the original price. The accountant records the costs of  exploration of natural resources and minerals into prepaid expenses (Account 242)  and then allocates them gradually into production costs (Account 627) or directly  accounts for general production costs (Account 627) in the accounting period. All  costs of acquiring mining rights are recorded in prepaid expenses (Account 242), then  allocated to production costs (TK 627). Many respondents (66.67%) answered that in  their enterprises, environmental recovery costs such as land reclamation costs and  accountants all recorded these costs into production costs (Account 627) to calculate  the cost price of exploited coal and mineral products 16 Measure and record fixed assets after initial recognition In coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin, fixed assets are initially recognized  according   to   original   price,   output   price   and   remaining   price   The   enterprises  surveyed all said that fixed assets were still recorded later at the initial cost. Then,  value is determined by original price minus (­) declined value Current   situation   of   applying   depreciation   method   and   fixed   asset   depreciation accounting Enterprises   all   use   straight­line   depreciation   method   to   calculate   the  depreciation for fixed assets in enterprises. 16.67% of respondents answered that  enterprises   applied   both   methods   including   straight­line   method   and   declining  depreciation   method   depending   on   the   characteristics   of   each   fixed   asset   Most  respondents (77.78%) believed that enterprises use fixed asset depreciation according  to   the   principle   of   round   month   After   calculating   fixed   asset   depreciation,  accountants record the amount of depreciation deduction in the period into expenses  according to the accounting regulations of accounting standards Current situation of repair cost accounting for fixed asset The surveyed enterprises recorded the maintenance and repair costs of fixed  assets on a regular basis in the period (Debit Account 627, Acc 641 and Acc 642) For  major  repair  costs  of  fixed  assets:  72.22%  of  the  respondents  said   that  enterprises did not make plans for major repairs of fixed assets, therefore they did not  accrue repair expenses for fixed assets. When this cost is incurred, it is recognized as  prepaid expenses (Account 242), then proceeded to allocate gradually to the objects  of related costs Regarding the cost of renovation and upgrading: 38.89% of respondents said  that the entire cost of renovation and upgrading is gathered on Account 2413 and  transferred to Account 242, then gradually allocated to the objects who bear the costs  (Account 627, Account 641, Account 642) Current status of accounting for decline in value of fixed assets According to the survey results, 83.33% of respondents said there were signs of  declining value of fixed assets in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises. However, these  companies have not yet recorded the decline in the value of fixed assets Stop recording fixed assets The enterprises stopped recording fixed assets in case of liquidation and sale of  assets and 16.67% said that enterprises stopped recording fixed assets in case of  transferring fixed assets 17   Presentation   of   fixed   asset   accounting   information   on   financial   statements Information on fixed assets presented by coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin  in financial statements according to the criteria: Original price, depreciated value and  remaining value. Content related to fixed assets is required to explain in detail on the  notes   on   financial   statements   All   companies   presented   in   financial   statements  information about fixed assets as required by VAS 03 and VAS 04 2.2.2. Current situation of fixed asset accounting at Vinacomin’s coal mining   enterprises under the perspective of management accounting   Current   situation   of   management   accounting   in   collecting,   processing, analyszing and providing information for making decisions on fixed   asset investment in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises Current situation of collecting fixed asset information:  According to the in­ depth   interview   results,   coal   mining   enterprises   of   Vinacomin   collected  information on fixed assets including implementation information which is related  to purchase, equipment, depreciation, repair, transfer, liquidation, and sale of fixed  assets   and future information is the information on estimates of revenue flows  and expenditure flows; budget estimates of fixed assets; market prices of fixed  assets; information on properties, usage and technical parameters of investment  assets   that   are   about   to   be   invested   The   regulation   on   coordination   of   work  between   the   fixed   asset   management   accounting   division   and   the   relevant  departments has not yet fully implemented, which could not improve the role of  management accounting of fixed assets  Current   situation   of   processing   information   of   fixed   assets:  Subjects  participating   in   the   process   of   processing   information   related   to   fixed   asset  investment include: fixed asset accountants, chief accountant (or deputy accounting  manager), heads (or deputy heads) of other professional departments in businesses.  61.11% of enterprises applied accounting software to assist in dealing with fixed  asset   accounting   information;   38.89%   of   enterprises   have   not   yet   applied  accounting software, thus the handling of fixed asset accounting information is not  provided to managers in time Current   situation   of   analysis   and   provision   of   fixed   asset   information:   According to the above results, in100% of surveyed enterprises, heads or deputy  heads of finance and accounting departments who perform analysis of fixed asset  information and are responsible for the results of classification. In addition, 22.22%  is   carried   out   by   the   fixed   asset   accounting   department   and   27.78%   by   the  estimation department performing the analysis of information related to fixed asset  18 investment. The analysis of fixed asset information in the surveyed units mainly  showed that most of these units used the net present value method ­ NPV (33.33%)  and the internal rate of return ­ IRR (27.78%) method to provide information about  the   effectiveness   of   the   project   Other   methods   such   as   payback   period   ­   PP  (11.11%)   and   profitability   index   ­   PI   (5.56%)   are   hardly   used   to   analyze  information  Current  situation of  management  accounting  with the  collection,   processing, analysis and provision of information for the management and use of   fixed assets in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises Current situation of fixed asset management:  In departments using the fixed  assets, enterprises use a lot of fixed assets which have been fully depreciated and  have not been numbered for fixed assets. The majority of Vinacomin’s coal mining  enterprises do not have a clear division of responsibility for fixed asset management  at the departments using the fixed assets and there is no plan for periodic inspection  and maintenance of fixed assets. In the accounting department, in fact, only 22.22%  of respondents answered that they set up fixed asset tags for each asset, the rest only  reflected in the fixed asset book Current situation of selecting fixed asset depreciation policy in Vinacomin’s   coal mining enterprises: The number of respondents said that enterprises only used  straight­line depreciation  method to calculate  depreciation  for all  types of fixed  assets   is   75/90   (83.33%),   15/90   (16.67%)   reported   that   both   straight­line  depreciation method and accelerated depreciation method are applied Current situation of assessing investment efficiency, efficiency of using fixed   assets in coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin:  Most of Vinacomin’s coal mining  enterprises have not yet used the assessment of investment efficiency and use of fixed  assets   In   analyzing   and   evaluating   the   effectiveness   of   fixed   assets,   16.67%   of  respondents answered that the units used criteria of production capacity for fixed  assets, 11.11% of respondents said that enterprises used criteria of profitability for  fixed assets, 11.11% of respondents said that enterprises used profit ratio on assets  2.3.  Results of analyzing factors affecting fixed asset accounting at coal  mining enterprises in Vinacomin 2.3.1. Internal factors ­ Firstly, most of the opinions suggested that business scale and characteristics  affect the workload of fixed asset accounting; investment process, procurement and  management   and   use   of   fixed   assets   in   enterprises;   the   selection   of   fixed   asset  depreciation policies and the application of fixed asset management accounting 19 ­ Secondly,  most of the respondents stated that the views and perceptions of  enterprise managers affect the issuance of regulations on investment, management  and   use   of   fixed   assets   within   enterprises;   contructing   management   accounting  reports of fixed assets; decision on increase and decrease of fixed assets  ­ Thirdly,  the knowledge and skills of the accountants involved also influence  the results of the fixed asset accounting 2.3.2. External factors ­ Firstly, most respondents (72.22%) believed that the market and competition  have an impact on the investment process, procurement of fixed assets of enterprises  and  application   of  management  accounting  technical   tools,  especially   fixed  asset  management accounting ­ Secondly, the majority of opinions (94.44%) believed that the accounting legal  system affects accounting of fixed assets in coal mining enterprises in Vinacomin ­ Thirdly, most of the opinions suggested that information technology helps  to monitor and manage fixed  assets more  effectively and  better  in managing   fixed assets 2.4. Assessing the situation of fixed asset accounting at Vinacomin’s  coal  mining enterprises 2.4.1. Achievements Regarding   financial accounting:  Coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin have  fully used the system of vouchers, accounting accounts and accounting books ­ Information on fixed assets is presented relatively, appropriately and ensure the  legality in financial statements required by VAS 03 and VAS 04 Regarding   management   accounting:  The   process   of   collecting,   processing,  analyzing and providing information for decisions related to fixed assets is made  quite clearly at the investment stages of fixed asset procurement, management and  use of fixed assets.The accountants of the enterprises have designed a number of  samples of fixed asset management accounting reports. The management of fixed  assets in enterprises is quite scientifically and strictly implemented 2.4.2. Limitations and causes of limitations Limitations * Regarding financial accounting First, limitations in the initial measurement and recognition of fixed assets ­   The   recognition   of   mineral   pre­exploration   and   mining   right   costs   in  Vinacomin’s coal mining companies has not provided transparent information and  met the appropriate principles 20 ­   When   incurring   environmental   recocovery   costs,   enterprises   recorded   in  production costs (Acc 627) which is considered as not reasonable Secondly,   limitations   in   measuring   and   recording   fixed   assets   after   initial   recognition ­ Currently, Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises still record fixed assets at their  original prices, not including the decline in the value of fixed assets when the fixed  assets show signs of decline in value ­   The   majority   of   coal   mining   enterprises   in   Vinacomin   are   implementing  depreciation of fixed assets according to the principle of round month, which is not in  accordance with current regulations ­ Repair costs of fixed assets are always focused by Vinacomin's coal mining  enterprises, however many enterprises do not make repair plans and do not make  advance deductions for fixed asset repair costs ­  In fact, in these enterprises, there are signs that fixed assets are deteriorating in  value   However,   after   the   initial   recognition,   fixed   assets   are   still   measured   and  recorded at original cost, enterprises do not reflect the real value of fixed assets at the  time of preparing financial statements Thirdly, limitations in presenting information in financial statements ­ Although there are signs of declining value of some fixed assets, enterprises  have not reflected the decline in value of fixed assets on financial statements, leading  to lower real value of assets at the time of financial statements compared to the value  being reflected ­   Businesses     not   separate   long­term   assets   held   for   sale   and   terminated  activities with the fixed assets targets when preparing financial statements.  * Regarding management accounting In collecting, processing, analyzing and providing information for investment   decision making of fixed assets:  In the coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin, the  content   of   information   that   needs   to   be  collected   is   not  clearly   defined   and   the  relationship   in   providing   information   between   departments   Therefore,   the  information fixed  asset  management accounting   has  not been provided in time,  failing to meet the requirements of the managers in making investment decisions on  fixed asset In   collecting,   processing,   analyzing   and   providing   information   for   the   management and use of fixed assets:  Many enterprises have not numbered fixed  assets   and   used   large   amount  of  fully   depreciated   fixed   assets   The  straight­line  depreciation method application for all types of fixed assets in most of Vinacomin's  coal   mining   companies   is   unreasonable   The  reports   on  fixed   asset   management  21 accounting   are   incomplete   and   most   of   these   enterprises     not   organize   the  construction and analysis of the criteria system for evaluating the effectiveness of  fixed asset use, only provide detailed information about the equipment situation and  changes in fixed assets Reasons for limitations Objective reasons The accounting standard system has many inconsistencies and incompliance  between   related   standards   Some   transactions   occurred   but   there   have   not   been  clearly­instructed accounting standards  or instructions Subjective reasons Firstly,  due to the inadequate perception of the management about the role of  management accounting for fixed assets in assisting decision making and running the  business Secondly, the majority of Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises are large­scale,  thus the number and types of fixed assets are very large, and distributed in many  places, which causes difficulties in the management, monitoring and recording of  fixed assets.  Thirdly,  the record and management of fixed assets has the support of IT like  computer software but not yet efficiently Fourthly, the qualification and professional competence of the accounting team  in   the   enterprises   is   still   limited   and   uneven,   and   there   has   been   not   enough  knowledge about fixed asset accounting CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 2 In chapter 2, the author has presented the study of the situation of managing and  using fixed assets; surveying the actual situation of accounting of fixed assets in  Vinacomin’s   coal   mining   enterprises   in   two   angles:   Financial   accounting   and  management accounting. On the basis of analyzing the current status of fixed asset  accounting,   the   author   has   clarified   the   results   and   limitations   of   fixed   asset  accounting   in   coal   mining   enterprises   of   Vinacomin   Group,   reasons   for   these  limitations, which is the basis for proposing solutions in Chapter 3. Research results  in chapter 2 can be used by the author in proposing reasonable recommendations for  coal mining enterprises in Vinacomin in the current context in Vietnam Chapter 3 SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVR OF FIXED ASSET ACCOUNTING 22 IN COAL MINING ENTERPRISES OF VINACOMIN 3.1. Viewpoints and development objectives of coal industry, coal mining  enterprises of Vinacomin and requirements of improving fixed asset accounting  in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises 3.1.1. Viewpoints and development objectives of coal industry  Viewpoints on the development of coal industry  To develop the coal industry on the basis of efficiently exploiting, processing  and using the country's coal resources; To make a positive contribution to ensuring  national energy security; To prioritize to meet domestic demand for coal; to ensure  the rational import and export of coal Development objectives of coal industry Building   Vietnam's   coal   industry   to   become   a   developed   industry;   highly  competitive;  applying  advanced technology compared to the region at all stages of  coal   exploration,   exploitation,  selecting,   processing   and   use  of   coal;  providing  enough coal to meet domestic demand, especially coal for electricity production;  reducing the rate of coal mining losses; completing the construction of Quang Ninh  exploiting facilities 3.1.2   Viewpoints   and   objectives   of   developing   coal   mining   enterprises   of   Vinacomin Viewpoins of developing coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin Development   of  Vinacomin’s   coal   mining   enterprises   under   the   motto   of  sustainable development: Enahancing both  mineral resources and human resources;  environmentally friendly, adapting to climate change; Harmonious with the locality  and   community;  Establishing  mutual   beneficial   relationshipwith   partners   and  customers   Continue   to   build   and   complete   thermal   power   plants;   promote  investment in innovation and modernization of production technology Development objectives of coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin By the end of 2020, to complete the exploration at the level of ­ 300m for Dong  Bac and Nam Thinh coal basin, Tien Hai district, Thai Binh province. To ensure that  coal mining  can    meet the demand for domestic coal use, contributing to ensuring  national energy security; Attempt to produce 42 million tons of commercial coal by  2020. Expanding international cooperation and  aware of the  importance to protect  and improve the ecological environment in the coal region 3.1.3. Requirements to improve the accounting of fixed assets at coal mining   enterprises of Vinacomin     In order to complete the accounting of fixed assets in Vinacomin’s coal mining  enterprises, it is necessary to ensure the following requirements: Compliance with the  accounting   law   and   legal   provisions   related   to   fixed   assets;   ensuring   harmony  23 between   Vietnamese   accounting   standards   with   international   practices   and  international accounting standards; suitable to business operation characteristics and  management organization of enterprises; present and provide complete, effective and  highly feasible information 3.2   Solutions   to   complete   fixed   asset   accounting   at   Vinacomin’s   coal  mining enterprises 3.2.1   Solutions   to   improve   fixed   asset   accounting   in   the   perspective   of   financial accounting Solutions to select the appropriate price calculation basis for fixed assets (1) The period before Vietnam issued accounting standards on "Decreasing  value of assets ": Coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin still measureed, recorded  initially and post­ initial fixed assets at the original price (2) The period after Vietnam promulgates accounting standards on "Decreasing   asset value": Accounting departments in Vinacomin’s coal mining companies still measure  and record fixed assets at the original price. After initial recognition, fixed assets are  recorded under the remaning price determined by original cost minus (­) depreciation  value and accumulated losses due to the reduction of fixed asset value (if any)   Solutions   to   complete   the   identification   and   measurement   of   specifically­featured fixed assets of coal mining enterprises ­  Completing the identification, measurement and recognition of coal mining  rights: recognizing coal mining rights as intangible fixed assets ­   Completing   the   identification,   measurement   and   recognition   of   mineral  exploration  costs:on   recognition   of  mineral   pre­exploration   costs:   (1)  The  period  before Vietnam issued accouting standards on "Exploration and evaluation of mineral  resources": Enterprises should record mineral exploration costs into production costs  of   products   (2)   The   period   after   Vietnam   issues   accounting   standards   on  "Exploration   and   assessment   of   natural   resources   and   minerals":   If   mineral   pre­ exploration costs discover mineral reserves, enterprises should record the intangible  fixed assets if they satisfy the requirements of recognition ­ Completing the identification, measurement and recognition of environmental  recovery costs: environmental recovery costs must be recognized as related direct  costs and recorded as an increase in the cost of tangible fixed assets Solutions to perfect accounting for repair costs of fixed assets ­ Planning the costs of fixed asset repair ­ Estimating the costs of fixed asset repair ­ Completing accounting of major fixed asset repair costs   Solutions   to   improving   the   presentation   of   fixed   asset   targets   in   financial statements 24 ­ Presenting information about long­term assets held for sale and the terminated  operation the short­term assets in the financial statements ­ Presenting information about the value reduction of fixed assets  3.2.2   Solutions   to   improve   fixed   asset   accounting   in   the   perspective   of   management accounting   Solutions  to   improve   management   accounting   with   the   collection,   processing, analysis and provision of information for investment decision making   of fixed assets ­ Perfecting the collection of information for making decisions on investment in  fixed assets ­ Completing the processing and analyzing information to make decisions on  investment in fixed assets ­ Completing the management accounting reporting system to make investment  decisions on fixed assets Solutions to improve management accounting with the collection,   processing, analysis and provision of information for the management and use of   fixed assets   Complete management of fixed assets: (1)   For   businesses   that     not   have   the   conditions   to   apply   fixed   asset   management software ­   Perfecting   fixed   asset   management   in   the  departments   using   fixed   assets:  Enterprises need to label each fixed asset, complete the fixed asset ­ monitoring book  form at the place of use and at the same time assign the clear management and use of  fixed assets ­ Completing management of fixed assets at the accounting department:  The  monitoring and management of fixed assets in terms of value are expressed through  the   establishment   of   general   tracking   accounting   books,   fixed   asset   cards   and  preparing management accounting reports of fixed assets (2) For enterprises with conditions to apply asset management software ­   At   the   departments   using   fixed   assets:  Each   fixed   asset   is   attached   with  barcode   to   facilitate   the   monitoring   and   management   The   user   department   will  update the status of fixed assets into the software so that the relevant departments and  business executives can obtain the information in a timely manner ­ At the accounting department:  The accountants base on the documents to  increase,   decrease,   repair   and   upgrade   fixed   asset   to   updated   into   the   asset  management software  Perfecting fixed asset depreciation accounting: Completing selection of fixed  asset depreciation policy; reasonable determination of fixed asset depreciation time;  completing the time of extracting and stopping the depreciation of fixed assets 25   Developing a system of criteria to evaluate investment efficiency and use of  fixed assets: Based on characteristics of operation and  organization management as  well as management requirements of internal enterprises, accountants in Vinacomin’s  coal mining enterprises should set up a system of indicators to assess the situation of  equipment use and efficiency of using fixed assets 3.3. Conditions for implementing the solutions 3.3.1. On the side of state agencies Ministry of Finance The Ministry of Finance should continue to build and study and issue a number  of new accounting standards on "Depreciation of assets value", "Long­term assets  held  for  sale  and  terminated   activities   ";  "Exploration  and  assessment  of  natural  resources and minerals" Professional organizations Vietnam   Association   of   Accountants   and   Auditors,   Vietnam   Association   of  Certified Public Accountants need to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, Big  Four   auditing   companies   to   strengthen   information   exchange,   experience   and  enhancing   cooperation   with   regional   groups   and   international   occupation  organizations, and strengthen research on new accouting standards in general and  standards of fixed assets in particular to provide training of knowledge updates for  accountants and auditors in the most effective way.  3.3.2. For the Group and coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin ­ Firstly, Vinacomin and coal mining companies  need to review, complete and  add regulations guiding and implementing uniformly for fixed asset accounting in the  Group   In   addition,   the   Group   needs   to   promulgate   regulations   and   develop  international   accouting   standard   processes   in   Vinacomin   including   international  accounting standards for fixed assets ­   Secondly,  management   needs   to   raise   their   awareness   about   roles,  importance and opportunities of management accounting in making decisions  related to fixed assets ­   Thirdly,  organize   training,   professional   and   fostering   knowledge,  information   technology,   update   policies,   new   accounting   standards   for  accountants on a regular basis ­ Fourthly,  improving information technology application  in  accounting  with   the   aim   to   improve   accounting   productivity   and   provide   fixed   asset  accounting information in a full and timely manner to meet the requirements  of information users.  ­ Fifth, build a roadmap to implement the proposed solutions 26 CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 3 On the basis of theoretical research on fixed assets, fixed asset accounting and  real situation of fixed asset accounting in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises in  both   angles   of   financial   accounting   and   management   accounting,   the   thesis   has  studied and analyzed the requirements of improving fixed asset accounting. Thus, the  author   has   proposed   solutions   to   improve   the   accounting   of   fixed   assets   in  Vinacomin’s   coal   mining   enterprises   according   to   financial   accounting   and  management accounting aspects. At the same time, in order to implement the above  solutions, the thesis also provides the conditions and implementation measures for the  Ministry of Finance, professional organizations and for Vinacomin as well as coal  mining enterprises of Vinacomin CONCLUSION With the identified goals, the thesis has focused on dealing with some problems: ­ Researching fixed asset accounting according to two viewpoints of original  price and re­evaluated price in order to select appropriate price calculation basis for  fixed   assets   in  Vietnamese  enterprises   in  general   and   coal  mining  enterprises  of  Vinacomin in particular ­ ­ Researching fixed asset accounting according to the two points of view of  original   price   and   re­evaluation   price,   and   from   the   analysis   of   measurement,  recording and presenting information about fixed assets of some typical accounting  systems in the world such as the US and China countries, the thesis has drawn some  lessons for enterprises in Vietnam as well as coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin in  particular. The accounting of fixed assets at the original price should be combined  with the accounting of the depreciation of fixed assets (if any). At the same time, the  mining rights and mineral exploration costs are considered as intangible fixed assets;  acknowledging   environmental   recovery   costs   are   direct   costs   that   constitute   the  original cost of fixed assets ­   Through   researching   and   surveying   the   actual   situation   of   fixed   asset  accounting in Vinacomin’s coal mining enterprises according to both financial and  management   accounting   perspective,   the   thesis   has   objectively   evaluated   the  achieved results, limitations and causes of limitations in fixed asset accounting in  these enterprises 27 ­   Solutions   to   improve   fixed   asset   accounting   in   Vinacomin’s   coal   mining  companies   including   mainly   two   maor   solution   groups   under   the   financial   and  management accounting perspective Despite many attempts, the dissertation cannot avoid shortcomings. Therefore,  the   author   hopes   to   receive   contributing   ideas   and   instructions   from   professors,  scientists, researchers to make the thesis more complete LIST OF THE PUBLISHED WORK RELATED TO THE THESIS Dang Thi Hue (2012), 'Solutions to improve production cost accounting  and product price at electricity equipment manufacturing JSCs', Journal   of Accounting & Auditing, No. 9/2012 (108), p.21­22, 28 Dang Thi Hue (2013), 'Experience of organizing accounting activities  of cost, revenue and business results in manufacturing enterprises of  some countries in the world', Journal of Accounting & Auditing, No. 1  + 2/2013 (112 + 113), p.26­28 Dang Thi Hue (2015), ‘Regarding current models of original price and  actual   cost   accounting   in   Vietnam   ',  Journal   of   Accounting   &   Auditing, No. 4 (139), p.19­21 Dang Thi Hue (2016), 'About the fair value model and the situation of  reasonable  value  accounting   in  Vietnam',  Journal   of  Accounting   &   Auditing, No. 6 (153), p.37­39  Dang Thi Hue (2017), ‘Discussions on long­term asset accounting in  Vietnamese enterprises’, Finance ournal, April (655), p.67­68 Dang Thi Hue (2018), ‘Depreciation of fixed assets and impacts on  coal   mining   enterprises'   activities,  Finance   Journal,  June     (682),  p.108­111 ... CURRENT SITUATION OF FIXED ASSET ACCOUNTING IN COAL MINING ENTERPRISES OF VINACOMIN 2.1. Overview of Vinacomin and coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin 2.1.1. Overview of Vinacomin History and development process of Vinacomin. .. objectives   of   developing   coal   mining   enterprises   of   Vinacomin Viewpoins of developing coal mining enterprises of Vinacomin Development   of Vinacomin s   coal   mining   enterprises   under... 3.1.3. Requirements to improve the accounting of fixed assets at coal mining   enterprises of Vinacomin     In order to complete the accounting of fixed assets in Vinacomin s coal mining enterprises,  it is necessary to ensure the following requirements: Compliance with the 

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