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Key management ratios master the management metrics that drive and control your business (3rd edition) (financial times (prent

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8584 Prelims (i-xiv) 21/11/02 12:38 pm Page i Key Management Ratios 8584 Prelims (i-xiv) 21/11/02 12:38 pm Page ii In an increasingly competitive world, we believe it’s quality of thinking that will give you the edge – an idea that opens new doors, a technique that solves a problem, or an insight that simply makes sense of it all The more you know, the smarter and faster you can go That’s why we work with the best minds in business and finance to bring cutting-edge thinking and best learning practice to a global market Under a range of leading imprints, including Financial Times Prentice Hall, we create world-class print publications and electronic products bringing our readers knowledge, skills and understanding which can be applied whether studying or at work To find out more about our business publications, or tell us about the books you’d like to find, you can visit us at www.business-minds.com For other Pearson Education publications, visit www.pearsoned-ema.com 8584 Prelims (i-xiv) 21/11/02 12:38 pm Page iii Key management ratios Master the management metrics that drive and control your business Ciaran Walsh An imprint of Pearson Education London ■ New Delhi New York ■ Madrid ■ ■ Sydney Paris ■ ■ Singapore Amsterdam ■ ■ Tokyo Munich ■ ■ Singapore Milan ■ ■ Hong Kong Stockholm ■ Cape Town 8584 Prelims (i-xiv) 21/11/02 12:38 pm Page iv PEARSON EDUCATION LIMITED Head Office Edinburgh Gate Harlow CM20 2JE Tel: +44 (0)1279 623623 Fax: +44 (0)1279 431059 London Office: 128 Long Acre London WC2E 9AN Tel: +44 (0)20 7447 2000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7447 2170 Website: www.business-minds.com First published in Great Britain in 1996 Second edition published in Great Britain 2003 © Ciaran Walsh 2003 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library ISBN: 273 66345 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the Publishers or a licence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, without the prior consent of the Publishers 10 Typeset by Pantek Arts Ltd, Maidstone, Kent Printed and bound in Great Britain by Bell and Bain Ltd, Glasgow The Publishers’ policy is to use paper manufactured from sustainable forests 8584 Prelims (i-xiv) 21/11/02 12:38 pm Page v About the Author Ciaran Walsh is Senior Specialist Finance at the Irish Management Institute, Dublin He is trained both as an economist and an accountant (BSc (Econ) London, CIMA) and had 15 years’ industrial experience before joining the academic world His work with senior managers over many years has enabled him to develop his own unique approach to training in corporate finance As a consequence, he has lectured in most European countries, the Middle East and Eastern Europe His main research interest is to identify and computerize the links that tie corporate growth, and capital structure into stockmarket valuation He lives in Dublin and is married with six children He can be contacted at ciaranwalsh@eircom.net or at ciaran-walsh.com About the Author v 8584 Prelims (i-xiv) 21/11/02 12:38 pm Page vi To our grandchildren Rebecca Isobel Benjamin Eleanor Sophie Eve Hanna Holly Grace Aaron 8584 Prelims (i-xiv) 21/11/02 12:38 pm Page vii Contents Acknowledgments xi Foreword xiii Key for symbols xiv PART I FOUNDATIONS 1 Background Why you need this book? The form and logic Method The philosophy Excitement Data that makes sense Financial statements Introduction 11 The balance sheet 14 Balance sheet structure – fixed assets 18 Balance sheet structure – liabilities 20 Summary 24 Balance sheet terms 25 Introduction 26 The terms used 26 Profit and loss account 35 Introduction 36 Working data 42 The US Consolidated Company 44 Sectoral/geographical data 44 Contents vii 8584 Prelims (i-xiv) 21/11/02 12:38 pm Page viii PART II OPERATING PERFORMANCE 47 Measures of performance 49 Relationships between the balance sheet and profit and loss account 50 The ratios ‘return on total assets’ and ‘return on equity’ 51 Balance sheet layouts 54 Operating performance 59 Return on investment (ROI) 61 Return on equity (ROE) 62 Return on total assets (ROTA) 64 Standards of operating performance 66 Performance drivers 81 Operating performance 82 Operating profit model 88 PART III CORPORATE LIQUIDITY 95 Cash flow cycle 97 Corporate liquidity 99 The cash cycle 100 Measures of liquidity – long and short analysis 110 Liquidity 113 Short-term liquidity measures 114 Current ratio 116 Quick ratio 118 Working capital to sales ratio 120 Working capital days 122 10 Financial strength 125 Interest cover 126 ‘Debt to equity’ ratio (D/E) 128 viii Contents 8584 Prelims (i-xiv) 21/11/02 12:38 pm Page ix Leverage 134 Summary 136 11 Cash flow 137 The cash flow statement 139 Sources and uses of funds – method 140 Opening and closing cash reconciliation 144 Long and short analysis 146 Financial reporting standards 150 PART IV DETERMINANTS OF CORPORATE VALUE 153 12 Corporate valuation 155 Introduction 156 Share values 158 13 Financial leverage and corporate valuation 175 Introduction 176 Financial leverage 176 V chart 178 Market to book ratio 182 14 Growth 189 Growth 190 Analysis 194 Growth equilibrium 196 Application to acquisitions 202 PART V MANAGEMENT DECISION-MAKING 205 15 Cost, volume and price relationships 207 Introduction 209 Costing illustration 210 Contribution 214 Break-even (B/E) 220 Contribution to sales percentage (CPS) 226 Summary 240 Contents ix 8584 Glossary p364-373 21/11/02 12:51 pm Page 372 Return on total assets (ROTA) Profit before interest and tax expressed as a percentage of total assets Sales and leaseback agreement A method of raising finance whereby a firm sells property to the funding agency and simultaneously signs a long-term lease agreement The company receives an immediate lump sum in exchange for a series of lease payments in the future Sales to fixed assets (times) An activity and performance ratio, calculated by dividing the net fixed assets value in the balance sheet into the sales turnover figure Senior debt Debt that ranks ahead of junior, or, subordinated debt in the event of a liquidation See subordinated debt Sensitivity analysis Analysis of the change in the output values of an equation from small changes in input values It is used to assess the risk in an investment project Share premium The difference between a share’s nominal value and its sale price Shareholders’ funds Issued ordinary shares plus reserves plus preference shares Spontaneous financing Short-term financing that automatically results from the normal operations of the business Creditors/accounts payable and certain accruals are the main sources Short-term loans (STL) The bank overdraft, current portion of long-term debt and other interest-bearing liabilities due within one year Subordinated debt Debt that ranks for repayment after senior debt Subsidiaries A company is a subsidiary of another if the other owns more than 50 per cent of the equity or effectively controls the company by means of voting shares or composition of the board of directors Sundry accruals An entry in the current liabilities section of the balance sheet that includes sundry accounts payable plus accrued dividends, interest, tax plus other accruals SWAP The exchange of debt and/or currency obligations between parties to their mutual benefit The benefit can arise from their differing needs for currency and/or fixed/floating interest charges Tangible assets The total of all assets in the balance sheet less intangibles, such as goodwill Tax rate The apparent rate of tax on profit found by expressing tax charged in the accounts as a percentage of profit before tax Term loan Usually a medium-term loan (three to seven years) repaid in fixed, periodic instalments that cover both interest and principal over the life of the loan Terminal value A notional cash in-flow attributed to a capital project to allow for value remaining in the project at the final year of the assessment Total assets The sum of fixed assets plus intangibles plus investments plus current assets Treasury stock Ordinary or common shares that have been repurchased by the company Ultra vires ‘Beyond authorized powers.’ An act is deemed to be ultra vires if carried out by an agent or director of a company in excess of their authority The person who so acts may incur personal liability Underwriting Banks or other financial institutions guarantee to take up an issue of shares at a specific price in order to ensure the success of the issue This process in called underwriting 372 Key management ratios 8584 Glossary p364-373 21/11/02 12:51 pm Page 373 Variable costs A type of cost where the total expenditure varies in proportion to activity or output Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) See cost of capital Warrant Sometimes attached to loan stock as a sweetener at the time of issue, warrants give an option to the holder to purchase a stated amount of equities at a fixed price for a defined period Window dressing The alteration of financial statements at the time of publication to give an artificially improved appearance to the company situation For instance the temporary sale of inventories to a bank with agreement to repurchase could give an enhanced view of company liquidity Working capital The excess of current assets over current liabilities Working capital days The length of the working capital cycle is often calculated as inventories plus accounts receivable less accounts payable days Working capital to sales A liquidity ratio that is calculated by expressing working capital as a percentage of sales Z-growth factor A value that gives an indication of the self-funding growth rate of a company It is calculated by expressing retained earnings before extraordinary items as a percentage of opening owners funds It is assumed for this calculation that all assets are linearly related to sales, likewise all items in the profit and loss account It also assumes that existing debt to equity ratios will be maintained Zero coupon bond A bond that pays no interest but is issued at a discount on its face value The redemption of the bond at par ensures the desired yield to the purchaser Glossary 373 Index p374-382 25/11/02 1:57 pm Page 374 Index accounts receivable, 16, 90, 313 assets, 14, 15 current, 16 fixed, 18–20, 289–290 non-operating, 274 operating, 274 return on total, 52, 53, 64–65, 70–79, 308–309 calculating, 72–73 examples, 74–75 margin, 76–77 sales to total assets, 76 sector parameters, 78 total, 26 balance sheet, 12, 13, 14–33 layouts, 54 structure of, 16, 17 vertical sheet, 55–56 bankruptcy, 99 break-even, 220–224 brewing industry, return on total assets, 78–79 capital, employed, 28–29, 56–57 return on, 52 expenditure, 106 share, asset pricing model, 280–281 equity, cost of, 278–279 weighted average cost of, 276–277 cash, 16 cash cycle, 100–101 cash flow, 102–103 closing reconciliation, 144, 145 contribution and, 214 depreciation and, 104 financial reporting standards, 150–151 hidden movements, 142 374 Index long and short analysis, 146–147 long and short strategy, 148–149 opening reconciliation, 144, 145 statement, 12, 13, 139 construction of, 142 sources and uses of funds, 140–141, 143 cash flow cycle, 98–112 capital expenditure, 106 company profiles, 110 current ratio, 116 dividends, 106 interest, 106 liquidity, measures of, 110 long and short analysis, 110, 111 loan repayments, 106 new equity capital, 108 new long-term loans, 114 non-operating cash in-flows, 108, 109 non-operating cash out-flows, 106, 107 company profiles, 110 compounding tables, 325–332 contribution, 214 calculation of, 219 cash flow and, 214 product mix, 234–235 profit and, 216–217 sales percentage and, 226–227, 230–231, 236–237 weighted, 232–233 total, 218, 228–229 unit of capacity, per, 238–239 corporate value, determinants of, 153–203 generally, 156–157 model of, 186–187 share values, 158–174 asset backing, 158 asset value, 158 book value, 158 Index p374-382 25/11/02 1:57 pm Page 375 corporate value (continued) dividends by country and by sector, 167 dividends cover and the pay-out ratio, 164–166 dividends per share, 162–163 earnings and dividend yield ratios, 168–170, 185 earnings per share, 160–162 market capitalization, 159 market to book ratio, 172–174, 182 market value, 160 nominal, 158 price to earnings ratio, 170–172, 322 costs, alternative costing approaches, 215 break-even, 220–224 cash flow and contribution, 214 classification of, 212–213 contribution, 214 calculation of, 219 cash flow and, 214 product mix, 234–235 profit and, 216–217 sales percentage and, 226–227, 230–231, 236–237 weighted, 232–233 total, 218, 228–229 unit of capacity, per, 238–239 costing illustration, 210–211 operating leverage, 225 creditors, meaning, 56 current ratio, 116, 117, 314 debt, debtor days, 94 debtors, 16 definition of, 129 equity to, analysis by country, 133 calculation of, 130 importance of, 132 ratio, 128, 131 interest bearing, 128 total assets, ratio of, to, 318 deferred tax, 297, 302 depreciation and cash flow, 104, 268, 270 discounting tables, 325–332 dividends, 106 cover, 319 yield, 168–170, 185, 321 equilibrium growth, 196–201, 323 model of, 200–201 equity, capital, new, 108 return on, 52, 53, 62–63, 67–69, 182–183, 307 importance of, 184–185 finance leases, 297 financial decision, 207–290 financial engineering, 176 financial leverage, 176–178 financial reporting standards, 150–151 financial statements, 1–48 accounts receivable, 16 assets, 14, 15 current, 16 fixed, 18–20 total, 26 balance sheet, 12, 13, 14–33 layouts, 54 structure of, 16, 17 vertical sheet, 55–56 capital employed, 28–29, 56–57 cash, 16 cash flow statement, 12, 13 debtors, 16 funds, owners’, 22–24 source of, 14 intangibles, 18 inventories, 16 investments, 18 liabilities, 13, 20–24 current, 20 long-term loans, 20 net fixed assets, 18 net worth, 30–31 owners’ funds, 22–24 capital reserves, 24 issued common stock, 22 revenue reserves, 24 profit and loss account, 12, 13, 35–45 appropriation, 41 balance sheet, relationship with, 50–52 distribution, 41 Index 375 Index p374-382 25/11/02 1:57 pm Page 376 generally, 38–39 important terms from, 51 terms, 40 working data, 42–45 US consolidated company, 44 geographical data, 44 sectoral data, 44 reserves, capital, 24 revenue, 24 source of funds, 14 working capital, 32–33 financial strength, 125–136 debt, definitions of, 129 debt to equity, analysis by country, 133 calculation of, 130 importance of, 132 ratio, 128, 131 interest bearing debt, 128 interest cover, 126–127 leverage, 134–135 foreign currency, 296 funds, non-equity, 274 owners’, 22–24 self-funding, international standards, 202–203 sources, 14, 140–141, 143 use of, 140–141, 143 goodwill, 292–295 grants, 302 growth, 189–203 acquisitions, application to, 202 alternative growth/value scenarios, 284–285 analysis, 194–195 equilibrium, 196–201, 323 model of, 200–201 example, 191–193 generally, 190 self-funding, international standards, 202–203 hidden movements, 142 intangibles, 18 interest, 106 cover, 126–127, 317, 320 inventories, 16 376 Index inventory days, 93, 312 investment, 18 profiles, 245 project appraisal, cash flow, effects of time on, 249 discounted cash flow, 257 discount factor, 248 internal rate of return, 234–235 present value, 250–251, 253 net present value, meaning of, 252 problem, the, 244, 247 solution, steps to a, 246, 248 summary, 256–257 ratios, 241–247 return on, 61–62 involuntary takeover, 99 leverage, 134–135 effects of, 70 financial, 176–178 operating, 225 liabilities, 13, 20–24 current, 20 long-term loans, 20 liquidity, corporate, 99 current ratio, 117 long and short analysis, 110, 111 measures of, 110, 111 quick ratio, 118–119 short-term measures, 115 working capital days, 122–123 working capital to sales ratio, 120–121 loans, long-term, 20 new, 114 repayments, 106 management decisions, 207–290 generally, 209 market to book ratio, 172–174, 182, 324 minority interests, 302 pensions, 296 performance, operating, 49–94 debtor days, 94 inventory days, 93 leverage, effects of, 70 margin on sales, 82–85 Index p374-382 25/11/02 1:57 pm Page 377 performance, operating (continued) cost ratios, 84 drivers, 84–85 measures of, 49–57 operating profit model, 88–89, 91 performance drivers, 82–97 return on capital employed, 52 return on equity, 52, 53, 62–63, 67–69, 182–183 importance of, 184–185 return on investment, 61–62 return on total assets, 52, 53, 64–65, 70–79 calculating, 72–73 examples, 74–75 margin, 76–77 sales to total assets, 76 sector parameters, 78 sales to accounts receivable, 90 sales to assets ratio, 82, drivers, 86–87 sales to fixed assets, international standards, 92 sales to inventories, 90 standards of, 67 terms, multiplicity of, 50 price to earnings ratio, 170–172, 322 profit and loss account, 12, 13, 35–45 appropriation, 41 balance sheet, relationship with, 50–52 distribution, 41 generally, 38–39 important terms from, 51 terms, 40 working data, 42–45 US consolidated company, 44 geographical data, 44 sectoral data, 44 profits, loss of, 99 operating, model of, 88–91 project appraisal, cash flow, effects of time on, 249 discounted cash flow, 257 discount factor, 248 internal rate of return, 234–235 present value, 250–251, 253 net present value, meaning of, 252 problem, the, 244, 247 solution, steps to a, 246, 248 summary, 256–257 quick ratio, 118–119, 315 reconciliation, closing, 144, 145 opening, 144, 145 reconstruction, 99 reserves, capital, 24 revenue, 24 return on capital employed, 52 ROE see equity, return on ROTA see assets, return on total sales, accounts receivable, to, 90 assets ratio, to, 82, drivers, 86–87 fixed assets, to, 92, 311 inventories, to, 90 margin on, 82–85 total assets, to, 76, 310 scrip issues, 300–301 SFA see sales to fixed assets share values, 158–174 asset backing, 158 asset value, 158 book value, 158 dividends by country and by sector, 167 dividends cover and the pay-out ratio, 164–166 dividends per share, 162–163 earnings and dividend yield ratios, 168–170, 185 earnings per share, 160–162 market capitalization, 159 market to book ratio, 172–174, 182 market value, 160 nominal, 158 preference shares, 302 price to earnings ratio, 170–172, 322 scrip issues, 300–301 shareholder, added value for, 259–289 creation of, 282–283 alternative growth/value scenarios, 284–285 capital, asset pricing model, 280–281 equity, cost of, 278–279 weighted average cost of, 276–277 Index 377 Index p374-382 25/11/02 1:57 pm Page 378 depreciation and cash flow, 268, 270 description, 262–263 discount factor, 276 equity, value for, 274 et seq value of, 275–276 generally, 261 minority interests, 302 net cash flow, forecasting, 268, 269 non-equity funds, 274 non-operating assets, 274 operating assets, 264–265 present value, calculating, 271 interpretation of, 272–273 terminal value, 270, 286–287 total present value, 270 valuation, approach to, 266–267, 268–273 value appraisal, 288–289 special items, deferred tax, 297, 302 finance leases, 297 foreign currency, 296 generally, 291 goodwill, 292–295 grants, 302 378 Index minority interests, 302 miscellaneous, long-term funds, 302–303 provisions, 302 pensions, 296 preference shares, 302 revaluation of fixed assets, 298–299 scrip issues, 300–301 STA see sales to total assets takeover, involuntary, 99 V chart see valuation chart valuation, approach to, 266–267, 268–273 valuation chart, 178–181 dynamics of, 180–181 value, appraisal, 288–289 present, 270–273 terminal, 270, 286–287 working capital, 32–33 calculating, 56–57 days, 122–123 sales ratio, to, 120–121, 312 Index p374-382 25/11/02 1:57 pm Page 379 Key Management questions Killer questions for every business situation Tom Lambert ISBN 0273661531 Behind every great decision lies a smart question To test the projections, reveal the intent or tackle the cause To make the right decision, the answer is simple ask the right question Key Management Questions is the definitive guide to intelligent inquiry It provides the key questions that will help you to succeed in every business situation and tells you where to find many of the answers A wise companion that puts effective decision-making, problem solving and the key tools to analyse and exploit opportunities at your fingertips Make who, what, where, how and why your most effective business tools 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Business ratios are the guiding stars for the management of enterprises; they provide their targets and standards They are helpful to managers in directing them towards the most beneficial... concentrate on the few that are vital These few, perhaps 20 in all, will be examined in depth The reason for their importance, their method of calculation, the standards we should expect from them and,

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