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some experinces which help students at high school to develop vocabularies

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THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING TINH GIA HIGH SCHOOL **************************************** EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE SOME EXPERIENCES WHICH HELP STUDENTS AT HIGH SCHOOL TO DEVELOP ENGLISH VOCABULARIES Teacher : Nguyễn Thị Hồng Group: English – Geography ab School year: 2016- 2017 Summary table of contents ab A Summarize the topic……………………………………… B Preamble………………………………………………… I The reason for writing the topic:…………………………………………… Objective reasons:…………………………………………………………… Subjective reasons…………………………………………………………… II research purposes…………………………………………………………… III Object and scope of the study……………………………………………… IV Method and time of study………………………………………………… Research Methods…………………………………………………………… 2.Study time…………………………………………………………………… V The ability to develop practical applications………………………………… VI effective…………………………………………………………………… C Problem solution………………………………………… I The status of teaching and learning English at Tinh Gia high school…… About students……………………………………………………………… About teacher …………………………………………………………… II Main content and research process……………………… Step Presenting vocabulary………………………………………………… Step Practising vocabulary…………………………………………………… Step Testing ………………………………………………………………… Step Evaluating……………………………………………………………… D.Analyze the results………………………………………… E.conclusion………………………………………………… I conclusion…………………………………………………………………… II suggestion and recommendation:…………………………………………… A Summarize the topic As an English teacher, I am teaching directly at high school I always wonder and ponder on how to develop vocabulary for students.I have researched and developed : “ some experinces that helps students at high school to develop vocabulary”.With this experience I conducted the study for a period of four months.I applied the studies such as student observation,student interviews,exchanges with colleagues, reference textbooks, compare results and draw experience After research I have helped students become more interested in the subject They are able to remember and manipulate higher vocabulary Their performance has improved significantly B Preamble I The reason for writing the topic: “ some experiences that help students to develop English vocabulary” Objective reasons: English plays an important role in our lives It has become a necessity in everyday communication, in work and in the process of scientific research A universal language in the world Through this language we can learn to exchange scientific, technological, educational and cultural achievements of science, technology, education, culture, sports, etc of nations in the world Our country is on the brink of integration and development, so English is the key to opening the door to integration Because English is so important, in recent years, the Ministry of Education and Training has always paid much attention to the quality of teaching and learning at all levels of education, especially high school However, the need to improve the quality of teaching and learning English in schools largely depends on the ability to creatively explore and reach pupils of teachers in schools The innovation of teaching and learning methods is very important In fact, our students have a relatively good grammar knowledge But vocabulary is mostly young So find the solution So finding solutions to develop and improve vocabulary for students is of utmost importance on the path to comprehensive English development Subjective reasons Being a teacher who teaches at high school, I always worry about every hour of class I always ask the question why students always have difficulty remembering vocabulary They have relatively good grammar but always have difficulty in using and practicing the language The main reason is that they have very little vocabulary Another question is why students learn vocabulary very hard to remember, very quickly forget For this reason I have been researching and writing this initiative to help them develop their vocabulary most effectively while learning English II research purposes Foreign language is a subject that has its own nuance and is very different from other subjects Most students find it difficult to find effective learning methods For example, in teaching practice I find that vocabulary is very vocabulary mechanically Mostly memorized This learning style is fast forgotten and not supportive in language developmentSo I have researched and found a solution to this situation to help students develop vocabulary firmly and effectively in the learning process Help them to improve their vocabulary more interesting with the subject Help students release English psychology is a burden, the most difficult subject III Object and scope of the study The research has been developed in two classes 12a2 and 11b3 at Tinh Gia high school These are two levels of equivalence Most of the students are good and good-minded Grade 12 a2: 40% quite good 50% average 10% weak Class 11b3 30% quite good 55% average 15% weak IV Method and time of study Research Methods + Observe students + Student interviews + Check and compare the results of student learning + Discuss with teachers and textbook references - Lessons are taken in the elective classes for students - After each lesson there is a test and evaluation that draws lessons learned from each lesson, analyzes the strengths and then maintains strengths and complements the shortcomings for next lesson - Through many lessons that I have chosen and found the best form to draw experience 2.Study time - Over a period of two months from From early October to late December ( including weeks) of 2016 - Time is divided into two stages Each four-week session with a vocabulary theme is selected according to the content of the textbook lesson to be performed - The research project is conducted in four steps, equivalent to four periods step 1: (The first period) - introduce vocabulary and expand the vocabulary by topic, including pronunciation + use techniques to teach words such as pictures, explanations, synonyms, antonyms, etc + use open-ended questions (The teacher asked and the students replied) + Use new words in a specific context + Find different grammartical types of new words Step2: ( the second period) vocabulary training This section will use the vocabulary students learned in step to practise vocabulary through the following techniques: + play games For example, a challenging game (using open-ended questions and asking students to answer), or a grouping game to think of a situation or context or a short story using a suggestive vocabulary ( Give at least words learned) + Suggest phrases to complete the sentence + For suggestive words to complete sentences using the structures learned + multiple choice… Step 3: ( the third period) Test the students’knowledge Testing is mainly in two forms: + multiple choice + Using words Step 4: ( the fourth period) + Correct students’mistakes + evaluate students’abilities V The ability to develop practical applications With this topic we can apply to practice teaching for high school students VI effective They remember the vocabulary more easily and use them to learn other language skills Since then they are more interested in learning English and enjoy the subject more C.Problem solution I The status of teaching and learning English at Tinh Gia high school About students With the exception of students with relatively low entry qualification, they not have much chance to communicate in English Therefore, the movement to learn English at school is still limitted Poor facilities are scarce So teaching and learning English is very difficult Although they have been approaching English very early, the general feeling is that they are afraid to learn English, always thinking English is difficult to learn Especially learn vocabulary They all find it difficult to memorize vocabulary or if they remember it is very easy to forget They not know how to use the word in certain situation or text By the method of assessing 70 students in two classes I obtained the following results: class 12 a2 11b3 Quite- good(%) Medium(%) Weak(%) total % total % total % 10 20 25 24 24 60 60 20 15 Table 1: Results before conducting the study Analyze the results With the result of the study shows that the results of the learning of students are many inadequacies The results are quite good at low Therefore, teachers need to find solutions to help them improve their learning outcomes About teacher After many years of teaching, teachers always try their best to study materials and discuss with colleagues to find ways to improve students’ quality In addition, the teacher regularly exchanges with students to teach them how to learn, how to identify the reasons for their low learning outcomes, help them find their own learning method, raise high academic results Specifically, teachers have applied the following method to help students develop vocabulary Do research on the form of training to suit each type of differrent lessons Example: + Learn the word by topic + Learn from the text + Combined practice with the basic methods of practice mainly using the practice such as: Practice speaking Practice sentence construction using the introduced word Practice vocabulary through the sections in each lesson in the textbook program, especially practicing grammatical structures in the strong language focus In addition to practice through the game forms, learning groups Whatever the method the teacher use , make sure the teacher is the role model The instructor must create a training environment for the student and guide them to practise, consolidate, and add vocabulary regularily II.Main content and research process We know that vocabulary always exists in two states that are written and sound When teaching vocabulary to students, teachers must ensure that students learn how to pronounce words and write words through lexical steps Teaching vocabulary is conducted through four following steps: Step Presenting vocabulary: mainly choose how to introduce by topic Vocabulary topics are often followed by textbook curricula such as endangered species, books, hobbies There are four basic periods in the introduction: Step Practising vocabulary Step Testing Step Evaluating Below I will introduce specific steps to teach vocabulary to students based on the selection of a specific topic and the basic and basic techniques that I have conducted research, use effectively Theme chosen: endangered species Step 1: Presenting vocabulary + purpose: Introduce the vocabulary theme for students, direct students thinking to the vocabulary related to the topic Teach the pronunciation of words and forms of letters Extend the vocabulary by topic and teach students how to use vocabulary using different techniques + Technique: teacher can use the pictures to suggest the answers and help students to get new words or use open questions…ect + progress: Introduce the topic: endangered species - The teacher asks the students to list the names of the animals and plants they know - Teachers present pictures of animals and plants and ask students to name their names (if the student does not know the teacher will support them) to provide vocabulary - Teachers give an example : tigers and rhinos are endangered species 10 Teach new words, including pronunciation and writing, ways using the vocabulary in certain situations, grammartical forms…( using different techniques such as: pictures, stuations, Synonyms and antonyms…etc.) Progress: Direct students to the vocabularies related to the topic, teach pronunciation, wordform, the usage of the vocabulary (The two basic techniques used are openended questions and pictures, give examples…ect) Example: - endangered species: lồi có nguy tuyệt chủng + Wordform: danger: (N) nguy hiểm Endangered: ( Adj) có nguy gặp nguy hiểm + structure: to be in danger of v-ing: gặp nguy hiểm + situation: Rhinoceros are in danger of extinction Rhinoceros are in danger of becoming extinct - extinction ( N) + extinct ( Adj) + become extinct ( phrase) - Teachers use open-ended questions: What are the causes of endangered species? ( students answer) Can bring some pictures to suggest + pollution (n) : ô nhiễm pollute (v): làm ô nhiễm + exploit ( V) : khai thác Commercial exploitation( n) khai thác thương mại + habitat destruction: tàn phá môi trường sống Destroy: (v) tàn phá + situation: How people destroy animals’ habitat?( teacher can show some pictures to help students) 11 .- cutting forests - urbanizing ( urbanization) - industrializing ( industrialization) - widening roads - dam construction - overhunting for food, medicine and other products - adding pollutants to environment The major causes of extinction species are habitat destruction, commercial exploitation and pollution - Teachers use open-ended questions (students answer) What are the consequences ( results) of extinction of species? A loss of biodiversity: hệ sinh thái Situation: plant and animal extiction leads to a loss of biodiversity - Teachers use open-ended questions (students answer) What are the measures to protect endangered species? + buiding wildlife habitat reserves + conserve(v) bảo tồn Conservation ( n) bảo tồn + protect ( V) bảo vệ To protect st/sb from v-ing + stop destroying habitat + stop cutting forests… + building/ setting up/ establishing the national parks Situation: To protect rare species from becoming extinct, the government should build wildlife habitat reserves + save (V) 12 During the introduction process students will learn how to pronounce words and transcribe the word internationally Step 2: Practising vocabulary Consists of three parts: - controlled practice - guided practice - practise freely controlled practice: Techniques: often use the structures learned, the teacher give an example and ask the students to practise on the basis of replacing the vocabulary and using the provided sentence patterns Ex: To protect rare animals/ hrinos/ tiger…ect from becoming extinct, we should stop adding pollutants to the environment After giving examples, the teacher asks the students to use the vocabulary they have learned and replaces the underlined parts accordingly Ex: To protect rare animals from becoming extict we should set up many national parks guided practice: This section is made mainly using two techniques 2.1 play game : obstacle games Purpose: Students learn while playing Implementation: grouping (at least four groups) The teacher provides an obstacle-like frame similar to the obstacle game of the road show game to the top of the Olympic Games Prepared questions will be related to the content of the vocabulary they have learned The group that answer quickly to the questions and found a description of the obstacle will be the winner and get the best mark or a present 13 Ex: Introduce the game: c b i o d i v e b o c r h t h e d i n o s a u r e o t n i b r e s l a s t i b d t o m e y t a l r g i r u i n v c s a a t t t t i o n e i o n a t n i a i s t z a t i Step1: Divide the class into three groups Each group will introduce a leader Step 2: The teacher provides a barrier for the students (this can be done using powerpoint or sub-table support) Step 3: find the group that has the lucky number to choose the obstacle to answer first they can continue if their answer ic correct If the answer is not correct, the others can answer Step 3: The teacher give questions, controls and guide the game Step 4: the group answers the most answer and find the key obstacle will be winner Questions: obstacle 1: d e s t r u c t i This is a noun that relates to the verb: destroy 14 o n obstacle b i o l o i g s t This is a person who studies the living things obstacle c o n t a m i n a t e This word is the same meaning with the word: pollute obstacle c o n s e r v a t i o n t y This is a noun that relates to the verb: conserve obstacle b i o d i v e r s i The natural environment in which a plant or animal lives obstacle h a b i t a t Fill in the missing word: _destruction is one of the primary causes of species extinction obstacle u r b a n i z t i o n One of the main causes that makes the habitat of endangered species be destroyed seriouly t h e r e d l i s t This is a list that names the endangered species 15 the key obstacle d i n o s a u r This animal became extinct millions of years ago 2.2 Multiple choice practice This practice aims to consolidate students’ vocabulary comprehensively Ex: people are destroying the environment by adding to it A pollutes B pollutions C pollutives D pollutants Many efforts have been made to protect rare animals from _ extinct A becoming B.destroying C conserving D damaging Here I give just a few examples In fact the teacher's lecture can provide students with many similar exercises practise freely The main method is to divide students into groups and practise asking and answer questions related to the topic and report the topic in front of tha class Ex: Teacher asks students to work in groups and take turns to ask and answer the follonging questions then a leader of each group will report the information of the group in front of the class What are the causes of endangered species? Which consequences does the plant and animal extinction result in ? What should we to protect endangered species? A leader of each group will report the information of the group in front of the class starting with: the primary causes of species extinction are…………… 16 Note: The role of teachers in the student's free practice is to listen, contribute, and correct their mistakes Step Testing: - Based on the vocabulary of the student, the teacher will develop an integrated test to assess the student's knowledge From students’ result of the test, teacher interviews students, discusses with colleagues about the limitations to overcome - The tests I usually take are in two forms, including cognitive testing and comprehensive testing Cognitive tests are in the form of multiple choice tests and to Test students’ comprehension in sentence form Below I will introduce a quick test that I have take to check students’ knowledge The test is conducted strictly, objectively Test in 15 minutes Question 1: circle the best answer for each sentence Dinosaurs become _millions of years ago A extinction B extinct C endangered D vulnerable By cutting down trees, we the natural habitat of birds and animals A hurt B destroy C destruction D injure The chemical from the cars and factories make the air, water and soil dangerously dirty A pollution B polluted C pollutants D pollute Then blue whale is an _species A dangered The B endangered C dangerous primary causes of species D danger extinction are habitat destruction, commercial and pollution A exploit B exploitation C exploiting D exploitations Question 2: use the given words or phrases to make the meaningful sentences 1.pollution 17 endangered spesies habitat destruction to be in danger of Dinosaurs Key: Question 1: B B C B B Question 2: suggested answer: ( students can give many different answers.) pollution is one of the primary causes of species extinction Rhinos are one of endangered species The habitat destruction results in the disappearance of rare animals Many endangered species are in danger of becoming extinct Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago Step Evaluating After the test, I conduct the assessment and interview the student based on the test results From that I draw experience and overcome the shortcomings and promote the advantages to improve more and more D Analyze the results After applying the innovation to teaching practice, I have obtained the following results: class 18 Quite- good(%) Medium(%) Weak(%) 12 a2 11b3 total % total % 20 22 57 67 15 13 43 33 total % Table 1: Results after conducting the study From the results given above , I notice that the number of quite good students have increased, the weak students have disappeared Therefore, the application of innovations to the teaching process has achieved certain results Students are more interested in learning vocabulary They remember longer and more effectively By applying this, students can apply vocabulary they have learned in specific situations., help them not only remember words but also know how to use words As a result, their learning quality has improved dramatically E.conclusion I conclusion After a process of applying the initiative to teaching I notice the high efficiency of the application The reality has been proven through the results of students’ assessment tests II suggestion and recommendation: Because of the effectiveness of this initiative, I strongly recommend applying the long-term teaching process in the vocabulary instruction for upper secondary students in the elective periods If there is any consensus I would like to thank sincerely 19 20 21 ... topic As an English teacher, I am teaching directly at high school I always wonder and ponder on how to develop vocabulary for students. I have researched and developed : “ some experinces that... status of teaching and learning English at Tinh Gia high school About students With the exception of students with relatively low entry qualification, they not have much chance to communicate... for students, direct students thinking to the vocabulary related to the topic Teach the pronunciation of words and forms of letters Extend the vocabulary by topic and teach students how to use

Ngày đăng: 07/01/2020, 14:08



