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The associative economy insights beyond the welfare state and into post capitalism

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THE ASSOCIATIVE ECONOMY Also by Franco Archibugi [in English] ECONOMY AND ECOLOGY: Towards Sustainable Development (editor with Peter Nijkamp) THE ECOLOGICAL CITY AND THE CITY EFFECT: Essays on the Planning Requirements of the Sustainable City INTRODUCTION TO PLANOLOGY: A Metadisciplinary Convergence of Planning Sciences THE FUTURE OF URBAN QUALITY IN EUROPE: Toward a New European Urban Systems Concept and Strategy ROME: A New Urban Strategy [in Italian] INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IN THE EPOCH OF AUTOMATION THE CITY-REGION IN ITALY: Cultural Premises and Programme Hypothesis (editor) INCOME POLICY AND ECONOMIC PLANNING: Criteria and Models (editor with Francesco Forte) PUBLIC CORPORATION AND ECONOMIC PLANNING (editor with Siro Lombardini) PRINCIPLES OF REGIONAL PLANNING: Vol I, Methods and Objectives; Vol II, Programmes and Budgeting ACCOUNTING FRAMEWORK FOR THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC PLANNING THE ART OF ASSOCIATION: Essay on a Trade-Union Perspective for the Third Sector (with Mathias Koenig-Archibugi) The Associative Economy Insights beyond the Welfare State and into Post-Capitalism Franco Archibugi Professor in the Postgraduate School of Public Administration Prime Minister’s Office Rome, Italy First published in Great Britain 2000 by MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-349-41238-9 ISBN 978-0-230-59903-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1057/9780230599031 First published in the United States of America 2000 by ST MARTIN’S PRESS, INC., Scholarly and Reference Division, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y 10010 ISBN 978-0-312-22380-9 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Archibugi, Franco The associative economy : insights beyond the welfare state and into post-capitalism / Franco Archibugi p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-0-312-22380-9 (cloth : alk paper) Capitalism Welfare state Social change Production (Economic theory) I Title HB501.A658 1999 330.1—dc21 99–32866 CIP © Franco Archibugi 2000 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2000 978-0-333-75132-9 All rights reserved No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 0LP Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages The author has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Contents List of Tables and Figures xii Preface xiii Acknowledgements xvi Chapter Sources xvii INTRODUCTION From Social Protection to Social Integration: A Glance at the Major Social Issues in the Advanced Countries Social Protection and Social Integration 1.1 Social protection versus social integration? 1.2 The Welfare State and social integration 1.3 Social integration from industrial to post-industrial society 1.4 From the present shortcomings to a new type of social integration The Contextual Challenges 2.1 The relationship between the active and non-active population: a mystification 2.2 The impact of the technological revolution 2.3 Poverty and marginalization The Possible Perspective Issues 3.1 The de-institutionalization of social roles 3.2 De-scholarization and `permanent education' 3.3 Cutting down working time 3.4 Towards guaranteed income Employment and Activities Planning or the Crisis of the Welfare System Summarizing the Transition Towards Social Integration and Planning Brief Scheme Indicating How the Subject Will Be Treated, or Schedule of This Book 1 5 10 10 12 13 14 15 16 20 PART I CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIAL CHANGE 23 Structural Change: A Reappraisal of the Various Approaches 25 What is Meant by `Structural Change' in the Contemporary Economy? v 25 vi Contents The Technological Approach 2.1 The historians of technology 2.2 Technology: is it exogenous or endogenous to economic progress? The Economic Approach 3.1 The internal dynamic of economic progress 3.2 The Schumpeterian objection 3.3 The Rostow objections to the theories of economic development 3.4 Sylos Labini's answers 3.5 Beyond the economics of technological change The Historical-Institutional Approach 4.1 The Marxian approach 4.2 The Marxian ambiguities 4.3 The `managerialist' transformation 4.4 Persistent unilaterality of the `Marxist' explanation The Sociological Approach 5.1 Does a sociological approach exist? 5.2 The political factor in Weberian tradition 5.3 The technological roots of planning rationality 5.4 Re-evaluation of the political factor Structural Change: Towards a Convergence of Various Approaches Convergence 1.1 Convergence as the historical synthesis of change 1.2 A comprehensive vision of social transformation The Crisis of Traditional Disciplinary Approaches The Qualitative Change 3.1 The importance of qualitative change 3.2 Value, quality, evaluation and social choice The Emergence of a Programmatic Approach to Change The Change in the Structure of Consumption and the `Tertiarization' Process Growth and Industrialization as the Development of Mass Production 1.1 The interaction between technologies and final consumption 1.2 The first phase of industrialization: from non-mass consumption to mass consumption 1.3 Industrialization, productivity, development, redistribution 27 27 28 29 29 31 37 41 45 50 51 52 55 59 61 61 63 64 65 69 69 69 71 71 78 78 80 82 84 84 84 85 86 Contents The Most Recent Changes in the Structure of Final Consumer Demand and in the Industrialization Model The Historical Model of Mass Production and the Policies Implied (Fordism and Keynesism) 3.1 Adaptation of mass production to mass consumption 3.2 The discount of future productivity 3.3 The negative conditions for a productivity discount 3.4 The `margins' of productivity increase The `Tetiarization' Process 4.1 The saturation of material goods and the growing demand for immaterial goods 4.2 The need for the differentiation of consumption 4.3 `New' demand and development 4.4 `Over-industrialization' 4.5 Towards a new model of society The Change in the Structure of Production Visions of the Crisis in Industrial Production 1.1 Various ways of recording the crisis 1.2 The crisis as `dependency effect' 1.3 The industrial `diffusion' 1.4 The `theory' of industrial dualism 1.5 The crisis of mass production and the `re-emergence of the craft paradigm' 1.6 Beyond industrial diffusion 1.7 The `decline' of global productivity 1.8 The explosion of the demand for public services 1.9 The development of the non-mercantile exchange The Productive Dichotomy of the Economy 2.1 The increasing dichotomy between high-productivity and low-productivity sectors 2.2 The employment and incomes features of structural change Changes Induced in the Concept of Development, Welfare and Employment 3.1 The idea of a `steady state' economy 3.2 A different way of measuring welfare 3.3 A different way of conceiving and measuring employment 3.4 Policy implications of the new way to conceive employment vii 87 90 90 91 91 92 93 93 94 94 94 95 97 97 97 98 101 101 103 104 105 105 106 107 107 108 109 109 111 113 117 viii Contents The Change in the Labour Market The Basic Divergence Between the Traditional Labour Supply and Demand 1.1 The demand for `quality-labour' 1.2 The personalization of labour and the new entrepreneurship The New Behaviour of Labour Supply The Case of Unemployment: Persistence of Inadequate Models of Interpretation 3.1 An optimal level of disaggregation in modelling 3.2 Past and future in modelling unemployment 3.3 Past and future in designing employment policies Towards a New, Specific Labour-Market Policy The Service Society versus the Industrial Society The Substitution of Labour: A Constant Pattern of the Industrial Society Model Human Labour at Zero Productivity in the Service Society Model Economic Implications of the Change of Model 3.1 Performance indicators 3.2 The role of `investment' 3.3 Basic economic motivations 3.4 The motivation and role of saving Employment Typology `Industrial Relations' Typology The Role of the State The Emergence of a `Third' Sector The Process of Redistribution in the Two Models of Society The Redistribution of Labour and Income 1.1 The continuous dislocation of labour in industrial society 1.2 A misunderstanding about the usefulness of `non-productivistic' sectors 1.3 The weight of the two sectors and differential characteristics of the distributive process in the two models 1.4 The characteristics of the redistributive process in the evolution of the industrial society model 1.5 The role of inflation in the redistributive process in the industrial society model 119 120 120 120 122 124 124 127 128 130 133 133 134 135 135 135 136 136 138 140 141 144 147 147 147 148 149 150 151 Contents 1.6 The role of inflation in the redistributive process in the service society model 1.7 Models of society and theories of capital Differential Characteristics of the Distributive Processes in the Two Models of Society 2.1 Further analysis of the transitional relationship of productivity±prices from the industrial society to the service society model 2.2 Factors and circumstances which may limit the inflationary effect of productivity in the industrial society model 2.3 Inflation and `unemployment-by-productivity' The Expansion and Decline of Public Services An Evolution in the Role and Concept of Public Services The Meaning and Effects of the Expansion of Public Services The Crisis Factors of the Public Sectors and Services 3.1 The financial limits of the state 3.2 Lack of efficiency, effectiveness and performance measure 3.3 Disaffection and dislike Concluding Remarks: Towards a Reform of the Welfare State ix 152 153 154 155 157 159 161 161 163 167 168 170 172 172 PART II CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS OF THE CHANGE 175 10 Beyond the Welfare State 177 `Welfare State' and `Welfare Society' 1.1 A `logical' analysis of the Welfare State 1.2 On equilibrium, disequilibrium, `market' and the organizational society Managing the `Crisis' of the Welfare State The Appropriate Reorganization of the Welfare State: Societal Planning 11 Beyond Capitalism? Social Democracy, the Political Left in General, and Planning `Alternatives' to Capitalism? A False Problem 177 177 178 179 181 184 184 185 Author Index James, Estelle 219, 311, 317, 318 Jaures, Jean 314 Jeantet, T 314 Jespersen, J 307 Jessop, B 306 Johansen, Leif 184, 281, 308, 309 Johnson, N 303 Jossa, B 255, 311 Jungk, R 260 Juster, F T 292, 320 Kahn, H 256, 260 Kalachek, E D 271, 343 Kant, Immanuel 283 Katouzian, M A 288 Kendrick, J W 291, 320 Kenny, M 287 Kerr, C 186, 268 Keynes, John M 284, 286, 302 Killingsworth, M R 302 King, A 302 Klein, Rudolf 170, 259, 302, 305 Kleinknecht, A 282, 295, 305 Koenig-Archibugi, Mathias 303, 318 Kok, Lucy 297 Kompier, M 295 Kondratief, N D 30, 46, 264 Kramer, R M 318 Krashinsky, M 317 Kregel, J A 257, 293, 300, 304 Kristol, I 306 Kunze, K 291 Kuznets, Simon 39, 263, 268, 272, 285 Lal, Deepak 267 Land, K 292, 320 Landes, D S 261 Lane, F C 260 Lane, Jan-Erik 301 Langam, M 258 Laplume, Y 314 Lawrence, P R 310 Laylard, R 294 Le Grand, J 170±1 Le Play, Frederic 313±14 LengelleÂ, M 285±6, 288 Leon, P 260 Leontief, Wassily 132, 184, 257, 259, 286, 297, 307, 308, 310, 318, 319, 320 359 Levi, L 295 Levitt, T 299, 313 Lewis, W A 267 Lichfield, Nathaniel 319, 321 Lilienthal, D E 278 Lipnack, J 313 Lipsey, R G 302 List, Friedrich 300 Little, I M D 267 Lobell, J 313 `Lunaria Association' 315 Lutz, Mark A 313 Lyman, W R 313 Machlup, Fritz 46±7, 271 Mackay, D 294 Maier, H E 315 Maital, S 291 Malinvaud, E 303 Malkin, D 288 Malon, Benoit 314 Mandel, Ernest 60, 70, 257, 273, 278±9, 280, 282, 292, 312 Mann, Thomas 40 Mansfield, E 271 Mantoux, P 261 Margolis, I 320 Marien, M 260 Marris, R 278 Marshall, Alfred 290 Marx, Karl 44, 50±4, 56±61, 70±1, 80, 101, 262, 273±80, 287, 288, 310 Matzner, E 293 Mauss, Marcel 314 McCarthy, E 295 McGaughey, W 295 McKean, R N 301 McRobie, G 292 Meade, J E 307 Means, Gardner 55, 276, 278 Meidner, R 319 Meier, Gerald M 267 Meiners, R E 318 Meltz, M N 291 Menger, Karl 272 Mercer, J L 302 Meunier, B 318±19 Michie, Jonathan 271 Miles, I 285, 318 360 Author Index Mill, John Stuart 109±11, 130, 262, 292 Minkes, A L 285 Mishan, E J 293 Mitchell, Wesley 270, 313 Modigliani, Franco 300 Moene, Karl Ove 306 Mommsen, W J 255 Moore, M H 318±19 Moran, M 107, 305 Moran, R 140 Moreau, J 314 Morgan, J N 107 Morse, R S 290 Musgrave, R A 163, 301 Musson, A E 261 Myers, C A 186, 268 Myrdal, Gunnar 182±4, 187, 254, 267, 305, 306 Naisbitt, J 260 Napoleoni, C 289 NBER 263, 270±1, 272, 286, 291, 292 Nelson, R R 255, 263, 264, 271, 317 Neuborg, Chris de 297 Newcomer, E K 302 Niaudet, P 257 Nicholas, B 254 Nielson, K 255 Nijkamp, Peter 112, 292, 320, 321 Nordhaus, W D 106, 270, 292, 293 Norsworthy, J R 291 Oakland, W H 301 O'Connor, J 169 OECD 95, 105, 124±5, 163±168, 170, 256, 257, 258, 259, 289, 291, 292, 293, 295, 299, 302, 303, 305 Offe, Claus 260, 293, 295, 311 O'Hara, M 317 O'Higgins, M 302 Olk, T 314 O'Neill, M 313 Orloff, A S 256, 258 Osborne, S P 319 Ostner, I 258 Paganetto, L 255 Pampel, F C 257 Papandreu, Andreas George 255 Pareto, V 30, 264±5 Parker, S 292 Parsons, Talcott 67 Pascall, G 258 Pasdermadjan, H 261 Pasinetti, L 260 Pateman, C 255, 258 Pavitt, K 264 Peacock, A 301 Peck, M J 271 Pecquenz, Constantin 314 Pedone, A 302 Pell, D 292 Penrose, Edith 276 Perlman, M 271 Pettman, Barrie O 315 Pflieger, S 314, 318 Phelps, Edmund S 255, 257, 289, 299, 300 Pierce, R J 260 Pierson, Christopher 255±6, 305 Pigou, A C 87, 284 Pini, R 290 Pinson, C 292 Piore, M J 101±3, 289±90, 295 Pirenne, Henri 306 Planning Studies Centre 272, 307, 320 Polanyi, Karl 283, 306, 311 Powell, W W 311 Ául 267 Prebisch, Ra Priller, E 315, 317 Purtschert, R 314 Ranci, C 315 Raynaud, H 283 Reichard, Christoph 206, 314 Rein, M 258 Reynolds, Lloyd G 294±5, 311, 312 Riemersma, J C 260 Riesmann, F 285, Rifkin, J 293 Rimlinger, G V 255 Ritter, G A 255 Robbins, Lionel 289 Robinson, E 261 Robinson, J 278 Robson, William A 303 Author Index Rocard, M 314 Roebreck, J 303 Rohrlich, George F 315 Roncaglia, A 293 Rosanvallon, P 299, 305 Rose, R 302 Rose-Ackerman, Susan 219, 311, 317, 318 Rosen, C 313 Rosenberg, N 263, 313 Rosenstein-Rodan, Paul N 39, 267, 268 Rosselli, Carlo 312 Rossi, Pellegrino 300 Rostow, Walter W 37±41, 64, 70, 186, 267±70, 285 Ruffolo, Giorgio 59, 70, 278, 282, 298, 299, 307, 308, 309, 320 Sabel, F C 101±3, 289±90 Sachs, I 292 Saint-Simon, H 62, 64, 281 Salamon, Lester M 210, 219±20, 291, 292, 293, 311, 313, 315±17, 318 Salanti, A 312 Samuelson, P A 161, 270, 300 Santarelli, E 264 Sauvy, A 256 Schaaf, M 313 Scherer, F M 271 Schettkat, R 293 Scheurell, R P 255 Schiray, M 291 Schmid, T 259 Schmookler, Jacob 46±7, 263, 271 Schnyder, S 314 Schottland, C 256 Schumacher, E F 62 Schumpeter, Joseph A 29, 31±7, 43, 44, 46, 46±9, 60, 70, 71, 169, 262±3, 265±7, 268, 270, 272, 273, 275, 288, 291, 297, 298, 303±4 Scitovsky, T 293, 302 Screpanti, E 312 SeÂe, Henri 306 Seers, Dudley 267, 307 Seibel, Wolfgang 220, 291, 311, 318 Sen, A K 257 361 Senicourt, P 314 Shaw, S 245, 320 Shaurer, R 314 Shils, Edward 280 Shonfield, A 245, 320 Silverberg 263, 271, 350 Simiand, FrancËois 260, 261 Sinden, J A 319, 321 Singer, C 261 Singer, Hans 267 Sirageldin, I A 107, 350 Sismondi, S de 300 Skocpol, T 256 Smith, Adam 44, 85, 101, 304 Soete, L 263, 267, 271, 305 Solow, Bob 307 Somogyi, S 256 South, N 318 Spiethof, Arthur 260, 261 Srinivasan, N T 268 Stamps, J 313 Stanback, T M 285, 288 Steiner, G A 302 Stephens, J 306 Stigler, George J 289 Stokes, B 313 Stoleru, L 258 Stone, Richard 184, 259 Stonemann, P 263, 271 Streeck, W 305, 312 Sylos Labini, P 41±5, 60, 64, 70, 124±5, 129, 264, 270, 278, 286, 295±6, 299, 307 Syrguin, Moshe 260 Taddei, D 295 Tarantelli, E 300 Tarozzi, A 315 Tarschys, D 301 Taylor, R 321 TEN (Cooperative Council of Paris) 315 Ten Hove, Mark D 307 Terleckyj, N E 292 Thane, P 255±6 Theobald, R 258 Therborn, G 303 Thurow, L C 260, 298 Tilly, C 295, 297 362 Author Index Tinbergen, Jan 184, 267, 293, 307, 308, 311, 319 Titmus, Richard M 255 Tixier, P E 314 Tobin, J 106, 292±3 Tocqueville, A de 62, 303 Toepler, S 313 Toffler, A 62, 140, 260, 298, 299, 310 Tomasson, R F 255 Tortarolo, Eduardo 280 Touraine, A 70, 256, 260, 310 Toynbee, Arnold 261 Trzeciakowski, W 320 Tsakloglou, P 257 UN 256 UN-ECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) 257, 320 UNSO (United Nations University) 259, 307 Urbinati, N 312 US Advisory Committee on National Growth Policy Processes 18, 257, 259, 307, 308±9, 310, 320 US Department of Commerce 290 US Office of Consumer Affairs 292 Uusitalo, H 256 Vaccara, N 291 Van Buiren, S 313 Vanoli, A 315 Van Parijs, Philippe 259 Van Snippenburg, Leo 307 Van Veen, T 295, 305 Veblen, Thorstein 276, 313 Vercelli, A 265 Viezzoli, M 315 Vivaner, K 291 Volpi, F 255 Vonderach, Gerd 295, 315 Voogd, Henk 319, 321 Wagner, M 291 Wallerstein, Immanuel 282 Walras, Leon 304 Walzer, M 303 Weber, Max 62±4, 68, 77±8, 276, 280 Weiner, A J 256, 260, 310 Weir, M 256 Weisbrod, A B 216±17, 299, 311, 313 White, William F 313 Wholey, S J 302 Wiesenthal, H 295 Wieser, Friedrich von 313 Wilkinson, J B 294 Williams, J 287 Williams, Shirley 318 Williamson, J B 257 Wilson, E 258 Wilson, S 315 Winter, S G 263, 264, 271 Wismer, S 292 Worrel, A C 319, 321 Young, R D 311, 313 Zacchia, C 290 Zandvakili, S 257 Zinn, Karl Georg 307 Zwerdling, D 292, 294 Subject Index absenteism 12 adult 11 Africa 93 agricultural employment percentage 129 alienation 28 `American approach to planning' 308 American Institutionalist School 270, 313 American managerialism 59 American society, compared with European society anacoluthon 266 Ancien ReÂgime 266 Anglo-Saxon countries 38 Antoni, Carlo 280 apprenticeship school 12 Aristote 67 `art of living' (Stuart Mill) 130 `associative economy' 198, 313±19 and associative goals 223 and cooperative movement 224±5 and European Commission 315 in the frame of comprehensive planning 233±4 new semantics 256 new institutional regulation of 225 project typology 314 public financing for the 227±8 and trade unions 230±3 Australia 164 Austrian (economic) School 262 automation 121, 139, 297 baby-boom (American) 40 Baumol, W J 106 `belonging' (religio) 81 Bell, Daniel 65±8, 71, 260, 279±80 Bentham, Jeremy 65, 67 Berle, Adolf 50, 55 BIEN (Basic Income European Network) 258 Brazil 93 brotherhood 81 bureaucratization 170, 240 Calogero, Guido 312 capital `re-transformation' of (Marx) 57 theory of capital and models of society 153±4 capitalism 30, 186, 262, 288±289 alternatives to 185±7, 306 beyond 184±203 `competitive' 44, 201 destiny of 46, 288 as economic system 27, 57, 55, 255 mature (or late) capitalism 7, 70, 201, 205 monopolistic 44 and neo-capitalism 57 oligopolistic 44 paternalist capitalism 255 transformation of 57 capitalist motivations 153 owner-capitalist 58 change in labour market 79, 119±32 in production 79, 97±118 qualitative 78, 80±1 in the role of the state 79, 161±74 see also structural change Charte de l'economie sociale 206 choice (multi-valued, emotional, etc.) 81 Cicero 282 cinema 89 `circular flow' of the economy (Schumpeter) 31±7 Clark, Colin Grant 267, 285, 292, 293, 302 Clark, J B 263 Clark, J M 269, 313 collective bargaining 140 planning-oriented 144, 190, 203, 245±7 363 364 Subject Index college graduates, percentage 129 co-management 199 Commons, John R 313 communism 28, 185, 201 communist countries 56, 187 Comte, August 62, 67, 281 concerts 89 Congressional Institute (USA) 18, 311 consumer associations 250 consumer society 40 consumerism 100 planning and 250±2 consumption differentiation in 94 final consumption and technologies 84±5 `great consumption stage' (Rostow) 40 intangible consumption 89 material and immaterial consumption 84 social consumption (culture, free time, recreation) 16 structure of 79, 84±96 cooperative movement 199, 224±5 in France 206 in USA 205 Croce, Benedetto 260 cybernetic society 14, 87 cycle theory 46 Dahrendorf, Daniel 160, 260 De Masi, Domenico 71, 282 Delors, Jacques 225, 320 decisional trade-off 81 decision, multi-criteria 81 de-etatization 224 deficit-spending 91, 169, 302 de-industrialization 222 de-institutionalization of social roles 10±12 of social security democratic revolution 81 `dependency effect' (Galbraith) 98±100 de-scholarization 12±13 descriptive approach, in change analysis 78±79 determinism 79 developing countries 89, 187 development auto-sustainability of 29, 42 economic development theories, rise and fall 267 `fundamental phenomena' of (Schumpeter) 31±7 internal dynamic of 29±31 new model of 89 dialectical antinomies 261 Dilthey, Wilhelm 260 `do-it-yourself' sector 115±16 dualistic countries 4, 14 Drucker, Peter 310 `P Drucker Foundation for Non-Profit Management' 311 EAEPE 312 Eastern Europe 39, 89, 188, 296 eclecticism in Max Weber 63, of sociology 62 economic approach 29±50 economic cycles 26, 36 economic determinism 51 economic gestalt theory 260 economic growth continuity and speed 42 laws of 61 models 268 stages of 37, 39, 44±5, 260 take-off of 37±8 economic institutions 29 economic micro-histories 264 economic planning 15, 188, 259 see also planning economic systems 2, 186, 202, 255, 311 economic theory, inadequateness 268±9 economic variables 26 economics (as guardian of the rationality of decisions) 50 education `on-the-job' 13 educational process elderly 1, 9, 11, 14, 258 `electronic cottage' 140 electronics 70, 93, 134, 237, 261 see also information technology (IT) Subject Index Ely, Richard T 313 employment crisis of 108, 123 and income features 108 measurement of 113±14 public employment 166 redistribution of 8, 190 typology of 138±40 voluntary 138±140 `Engel law' 285 Engels, Friedrich 261 Englightenment 63, 64 entrepreneur 35, 114, 120, 137 the class position of 35 and innovations 48 Marshallian definition 265 the `true' entrepreneur (Schumpeter) 35, 265±6 entrepreneuerial responsibility 224 `entrepreneurial situation' (Greffe) 267 entrepreneurship 14, 154 crisis of 21, 195±8 diffusion of 121 in ex-communist countries 93 motivations of 137, 195 new 120 supply of 114, 117 typology of 197 equality 81 equilibrium 32, 36, 178±9 etatism 177, 197±198, 200 German etatism 207 etatization 200 ETUI (European Trade Unions Institute) 289, 319 Etzioni, Amitai 310 evaluation 80±1 European Charter of the Social and Solidarity Economy 226 European Commission and the third sector 315, 318 European countries 164, 166, 187, 188, 207 European Federation of Workers' Cooperatives, Social Cooperatives and Participative Enterprises (CECOP) 226 365 European Mediterranean countries 104±5 European social-democratic circles 181 European `social space' 226 European Union 207, 225 EUROSTAT 211 Eyraud, P 318 family budgets 89 fanaticism 255 fate 81 feudalism 186 Ford, Henri 85 Fordism 90±3, 285 Ford's assembly line 85 FourastieÂ, Jean 88±9, 111, 134, 285 Fourier, Charles 64±5, 281 Fox, Karl 184 France 188, 205±6, 211, 247 Freeman, Christian 70, 271±2 French Revolution 202 Friedman, George 139 Frisch, Ragnar 193, 281, 282, 286, 309, 320 full employment, as outdated indicator 98 futurology 78 Galbraith, John K 48, 50, 98±100, 105, 260 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 135, 163, 168±9 `Georgian±Ricardian' England 129 `German Enlightenment' 46 Germany 206±7, 211, 212±14 Gershuny J 260 globalization 89, 93, 30 GNP (Gross National Product) 98, 111±12, 117, 211, 235 and MEW (Measurement of Economic Welfare) 107 goods, material and immaterial 84, 93, 94 Gorz, Andre 260 Gottman, Jean 260 government (general) efficiency and effectiveness 170±2 366 Subject Index government (general) (contd.) employee compensation 165 outlays 164 receipts 165 total employment 166 GPRA (General Performance and Result Act) (USA 1993) 18, 306, 310 see also strategic planning Great Britain 188, 207, 211, 247 growth theories 267±8 see also economic growth guaranteed income 14±15, 17, 258 Guggenheim Foundation 46 Hansmann, H B 217 health care 11 Hirsch, Fred 172, 240 `historic leap' historical determinism 52, 260 historical explanation 30 historical-institutional approach 50±61 historical synthesis 69 historicism 63±4, 186, 260, 280±1 `home-saving' 137 household 14, 258 human rights declaration 81 `humanist socialism' 201 Hungary 211 Illich, Ivan 260 `immaterial goods' growing demand 93±4 `implementation problem' (in planning process) 193 income distribution 113, 134, 147 maintenance 236 `negative' tax 259 planning 189 policy 132, 189 `sharing' 132 independent sector, its institutionalization 199±203 Independent Sector (IS), (Washington) 292, 311 independent work 106, 118 `industrial democracy' 200 industrial production, vision of the crisis 97±107 `industrial diffusion' 101 beyond the 104 `industrial divide' 101±3, 154 `industrial dualism' theory 101±3 industrial employment percentage 129 industrialization 20, 80, 84±7, 90, 186 model 87 myth 258 and over-industrialization 94 process 268 rate 87±88 industrial society 20, 78, 80, 132, 297±9 industrial saturation 88 Industrial Revolution 27±8, 142, 261 Second and Third Industrial Revolution 261 inflation 8, 148, 150±4, 157±9 in industrial society 151±2 inflationary effect 157±60, 237 in service society 152±3 `informal economy' 124 and associative economy 228±30 information society 26 information technology (IT) 93, 134 see also electronics innovations `autonomous and induced' 42 as continuous and discontinuous process 60 as decisions and programmes 48 economic explanation of 35 `endogenizing' 36 theory of 48 innovator 35 Inose, H and Pierce, J R 260 integration policies, maximum flexibility 16 `intermediate' society 185 International Classification of NonProfit Organizations 316 inventions 27 economics of 49 supply curves of 46 theory of 48 `invisible hand' 8, 83, 142, 148, 243, 304 Subject Index IPSE Forum 289, 309 IT see information technology Italy 93, 188, 211, 247 367 Kahn, H and Wiener, R 260 Kant, Immanuel 81 Kerr, Clark 186 Keynes, John Maynard 284 Keynesian economics 80, 169 post-Keynesian economics 286 `Keynesism' 90±3, 302 Klein, R 170 knowledge meaning of 27, 28 as production factor 112 society 28 Kondratief, N.D 30, 46, 264, 285 Korea 93 Kuznets, Simon 263, 285 labour saving 140 labour sharing 8, 11, 132 labour substitution 133±4 labour supply 20 new behaviours 122±4 preferences 123 typology 119 laissez-faire historic proof of fallacy 235 old querelle 236 large enterprise 121 anatomy of 58 Le Grand, J 170 left (political) 184 traditional 184 Leontief, Wassily 132, 184, 286, 297, 320 Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul 302 liberalism 142, 185 liberal-socialism 185, 201, 312 liberty 81 `life-style' 121 List, Friedrich 300 London School of Economics 303 `long waves' 26, 30, 60, 70, 264±5 periodicity 30 labour demand 20, 113, 123 demand for `quality labour' 120±1 demand for `quantity labour' 122 its divergence with supply 120 `dope-enhanced' demand 130 typology 119 labour market 121, 294±7 behaviour in the 20, 294 changes in 119±32 information techniques 173 Keynesian, neoclassical and Ricardian version 129 modelling 131 segmentation of 119 `structuralist theories' 173 labour policies `active' 121, 130, 131 `adaptations' in the 130±1 new, specific 130±2 labour professionalization 120, 195±6 labour relations 121, 140±1 `Maldague Report' (European Commission, 1974) 257, 289 management revolution 28, 55±9, 139, 276 management strategy 21 managers and innovations 48±51 of non-profit sector 56 of public sector 56 as ruling class 55±6, 278±9 Mandel, Ernest 60, 70, 273, 278±9, 282 Mann, Thomas 40 marginalization (of social groups) 3, 6, 9±10, 255, 258 market 186, 246, 252 administered 246 failure of 115, 217±18 mechanisms of 178±9 `market socialism' 186 Marxian approach to change 51±2, 260 Japan 38, 164, 187, 211 job creation 113 Johansen, Leif 184 Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project 209±10, 292, 311 368 Subject Index Marxist analysis of capital 52, 153 `Janus' or ambiguity of 52±54 Marxist±Ricardian±Sraffian theory of capital 153 Marxist explanation 59±61 Marxist orthodoxy 69 Marx, Karl 28, 50, 51±54, 66, 71, 80, 262±3, 276±78 Capital 52±4 Critique of Political Economy 273±4, 287 Grundisse 274, 279 theory of history 274±283 mass consumption 38 and non-mass consumption 85±6 mass production 20, 84±7 crisis of 103 adaptation to mass consumption 90±1 future of 40 and policy implications 90±93 `material productive forces' (Marx) 51 maternity 11 Means, Gardner 55 Mediterranean Sea 296 `meso-economy' 246 meta-economic vision 41 MEW (Measurement of the Economic Welfare) (Nordhaus and Tobin) 106 military authorities 48 Mill, J S 109±11, 130 Mitchell, Wesley C 270 `mixed economy' 186, 198 model of society 20, 203, 204±34 modelling decisional 127 of labour market 131 models of resource allocation 246 motivations 136 new basis for 196 profit-oriented 136 of social operators 193±5 multicriteria evaluation 82 multinational companies 139 Musgrave, R.A 163 Myrdal, Gunnar 182±3, 184, 187 NASA 48 national accounting see social accounting nationalism 63, 183 nationalizations 200±1 Naisbitt, J 260 NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research, New York) 46, 270, 272, 286, 292 needs (basic or minimum) neo-capitalism 59 neoclassical economics 80 theory of capital 153 new consumption model 89 nominalism, in economic analysis 126 non-active persons 3, 5±7 non-economic factors 41 non-mercantile exchange 106±7 non-proft sector 117, 136, 144±6, 197 comparative study (Johns Hopkins University) 209±10 and ideology 218±19 as self-consumption 146 northern European countries 9, 201 North Sea 296 nuclear energy 261 O'Connor, J 169 OECD 168, 170 public sector statistics 163±6 OECD countries 105, 124, 125, 132 Offe, C 260 `onlooker' position 78 organizational society 178±9 paradigms, of conventional economic theory 41, 268 Pareto, Vilfredo 30, 264±5 parliament 191, 192 Parsons, Talcott 67 part-time 11, 14, 17, 123 passion 81 performance evaluating 19 indicators 135 measuring 19 in services 136 Subject Index `periods' (after Fourier) 64 permanent education 12±13, 17 personalization 195, 221 Pigou, A.C 87 Piore, M J, and Sabel, C.F 101±3, 290 planning as condition for welfare society 187±92 central planning 186, 242 democratic meaning of 252±3 and economic policy 50 employment planning 15 failures of 187±9 and General Planning Treatise (Archibugi) 191, 254 integrated planning 15±17 and National Planning Accounting Framework (Archibugi) 254 and the new unionism 248±50, 302 philosophy of 18 planning society versus planned society 19, 187, 191 policy 189 as process 191±2 rationality 64±5 re-evaluation of 65±8 as science of political decision 50 societal planning 181±3 of socio-economic system 18 systemic or articulate planning 244±5 in Weberian tradition 63±4 use of the words of 254 Planning Studies Centre 272, 307 Worldwide Conference on Planning Sciences (Palermo, 1992) 307 planology 50, 281, 307 Introduction to Planology: Towards a Multidisciplinary Convergence of the Planning Science (Archibugi) 254, 307 planological approach 272, 296, 309 and planologist 49, 67 planometrics 296 pluralism, critical pluralism in the choices 81 polytechnicienne roots 64 369 population decrease of active population 180 UN and OECD studies 256 urban, in proportion to overall 38 `positivist' approach 48, 77, 127 post-capitalist society 21, 26, 28, 59, 203 post-communist society 59 `Post-graduate School of Public Administration' (Italy, Rome± Caserta) 302 post-industrial society 4, 14, 26, 66, 68, 78, 95, 105±6 and the third sector 220±21 post-Keynesian economics 80, 92 PPBS (Planning Programming Budgeting System) 196 poverty measurement 257 `private±collective' sector 197±9, 202, 237±8 privatization 187, 197, 200 `problem-solving approach' 47, 49 production structure 20, 97±118 types and modes 51, 122, 131 `productive forces (material)' (Marx) 51 productive `dichotomy' 106, 107±9 `productivistic' and `nonproductivistic' sectors 143, 148±9 productivity 8, 15, 86±7 `banquet' 257 decline 105 discount 91±2 excess and deficit 108 gains of 87 high and low productivity sectors 107±8 increasing margins 92±3 its future discount 91 `margins' 92±3 physical 87, 93, 134 productivity±prices relationship 155±7 productivity revolution 28 `qualitative' 117 rate 88, 142 profit, as category of economic logic 58 profitability 148, 154 370 Subject Index `Progetto 80' (Italy) 319 `programming approach' emergence of 82±3 in the innovations policy 48 in labour market analysis 127±8 passage to 78 sociological re-evaluation of 61 public administration 134, 197 transformation of 235 public debt 138 public expenditure 162, 197, 237 in proportion of the GDP 162 total outlay 301 public interventions direct intervention 242 general alternatives 237 indirect instruments 238 new criteria and directions 238±40 public sector disaffection and dislike 172 financial limits 168±70, 202, 236±47 lack of efficiency 170±1, 202 receipts 302 self-management 230 structural limits 168 see also public services public services 137, 161±74 crisis factors 167±72 expansion and decline 161±74 explosion of demand of 105 role and concept changing 161±163 see also public sector quality 81±2 the search for (Rostow) social quality 81 270 rational approach 28 rational choice 81 rationality, different levels of 82 rationalization process of 63, 121 of social policy 77 redistribution process 86 differential characteristics 154 in the industrial and in the service society 147±160 policies 171, 177 proportion of transfers or rates 149 see also distribution refusal of work 180, 196 Reichard, C 206 Renaissance 186 research, targeted programmes of 49 retirement 11, 180 flexibility of 16, 259 `re-transformation of capital' (Marx) 57 Ricardo, Davis 260, 262 right (political, conservative) 184 right to rest 13 right to study 13 right to work 13 Robinson Crusoe 133 robotics 87, 121 Robson, William 303 Rosselli, Carlo 312 Rossi, Pellegrino 300 Rostow, Walter W 37±41, 64, 70, 186, 268±70 Ruffolo, Giorgio 282, 308, 320 Russian Revolution 202 Salamon, Lester 210 saturation of material goods 93, 95, 237 saving `forced saving' 138 propensity to 138 voluntary 138 `scenarios' 15 Schmoller, Gustav 272 Schumpeter, Joseph, A 31±37, 42, 43, 46, 49, 60, 70, 169, 262, 263, 265±7, 297±8, 304 science and technology 264 selection problem (in planning process) 193 self-management 224 Seneca 282 service society 20, 26, 90, 95, 132 service versus industrial society 133±46, 297±9 services substitution 89 employment percentage 129 Subject Index Shonfield, Andrew 245 short-time working see working time, reducing Simmel, Georg 260 Sismondi, Sismondo de 300 small firms, disappearance prediction 101, 136 Smith, Adam 44, 85, 112, 133, 262, 304 SNA (System of National Accounting) 107, 163, 301, 320 social accounting new system of 106±7 planning-oriented 247±8 National Planning Accounting Framework (Archibugi) 254 SDSS (System of Demographic and Social Statistics (UNSO± Stone) 259 social bargaining 21, 192±201 social capitalism 201 social choice 80±82 social democracy 181, 184±5, 201 social dividend social economy 205±6, 207 French law 225 social formation 51, 70 social income policy see also income policy social integration 1±21 social protection 1±21 social segregation 2, 3, 180 socialism 186, 201±2 `real socialism' countries 185, 255 socialist policy 17 socialist society 186, 203 socialization 200 societal change 18, 19, 128±30 societal governance 18 societal model 203, 204±34 societal policy 17, 181±183 `sociological approach' 61±68, 69 Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago 264 Soviet enterprise 59 Soviet planning 254 Soviet society 38 371 SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit) (Sussex, UK) 267 St Simon, Henri 62, 281 stagnation Stakhanovism 136 state enterprises of 201 failure, of 114±15, 216±17 financial limits 236 and free trade 142 Leviathan 178 Stone, Richard 184 strategic planning 18, 171, 184, 241±245, 302, 310 vision 18 regulatory role 241±242 Strategic Planning and Economic Programming see also planning (Archibugi) 254 structural change complexity 26 as object of political operation 83 status of the theory 260 various approaches to analysis 25±68, 282±3 sub-contracting management 228 Sweden 93 Sylos-Labini, Paolo 41±5, 60, 68, 70, 124±27, 129 system engineering field 254 technocrats 48 technological approach 27±9 technological innovations 26 technological inventions 26 history and `casuistics' 264 technological revolution 7±9 technology, historians of 27±8, 261 television 89 tertiarization 14, 17, 20, 80, 90, 283±8 last phases 108 process of 93±6 and welfare state 143 tertiary sector 14 theatre 89 third age 13 372 Subject Index `third party government' (Salamon) 219±20 `third sector' 117, 144±6, 197±8, 201±3, 310, 312 comparative view 209±10 in Europe 205±9 in France 205, 206 in the general economic system 201±3 in Germany 206±7 in USA 204±5 employment 211±12 and European Union 207±9 expansion 210±15 financing 226±32 as `functional dilettantism' (Seibel) 220 interpretations 216±20 operational definition 222±4 policy guidelines 222±26 statistics 211±15 structural approach to 220±2 substitution effect 212±15 third way to socialism 201 `third world' 39, 89, 142, 255, 296 Thurow, Lester C 260 Tinbergen, Jan 184, 311 Tocqueville, Alexis de 62, 303 Toffler, Alvin 140 Touraine, Alain 260 town planning 254 see also planning trade unions 140±1, 203 and CECOP 226 and the third sector 232±33 `trade union contractual saving' (Archibugi) 231 trade unions fund for investment 230±2, 239 transition from capitalism 56 dynamics 130 Troelsch, Ernst 260 UK see Great Britain under-employment 124 UN±ECE 320 unemployment 142, 148, 180, 296±7 as compared in historical periods 126 as mystification 113 problems in modelling 127±8 from productivity 159±0 `qualified' 113 USA 93, 132, 164, 187, 204±5, 211±13 US Code 18 US Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 313 US Congress 18±19 and strategic planning 18, 259 (see also GPRA) US strategies for national growth (Committee on National Growth, 1977) 18±19, 259, 309±10 Utilitarianism 67 Utopian thinking 185 value 80±2 Veblen, Thorstein 313 VIF (Vanier Institute of Family) (Ottawa, Canada) 292 `visible hand' 83, 235, 243 voluntary work 106, 116±17 wages, of management 56 Walras, Louis 262, 304 Weber, Max 62, 63±4, 68, 77, 78, 260 Weberian tradition 63±4 Weisbrod, B 216 welfare capitalism 312 welfare distribution 113 see also redistribution welfare economic policy 255 welfare measurement 111±13 welfare society 177, 181, 189, 190, 195, 202±3 welfare state beyond the 177±83, 254 comparative assessment 256 crisis of 15±16, 170, 179±81, 189, 192, 196, 255, 302 dissatisfaction 167 future of 1, 255 in Great Britain and industrial society 142 its logical analysis 177±8 Subject Index reform of 172±174 `re-socialization' 302 rise 38 of social democratic type 181, 255 threshold toward crisis 143 and welfare society 177±9 (see also welfare society) and the third sector 202±3 (see also third sector) WertrationalitaÈ (Weber) 68 Western countries 38, 247 Western Europe 38, 247 Western model, refusal 256 Western society 38, 142, 202 Weiser, Friedrich von 313 373 `wired home' 140 women 9, 11 and welfare state 257±8 `women frustration rate' 257 working time, reducing 13±14, 16, 17, 108, 132 flexibility 124, 132 World Future Society 260 World War I 169 World War II 28, 164, 169 young, the, and social integration 11, 14, 180, 196, 258 ZweckrationalitaÈet (Weber) 68 1, ... the rich and progressive Western societies, and of the advancing crisis of the Welfare State It is my opinion that the current debate on the crisis and future of the Welfare State and the possibilities... CHANGE 175 10 Beyond the Welfare State 177 `Welfare State' and `Welfare Society' 1.1 A `logical' analysis of the Welfare State 1.2 On equilibrium, disequilibrium, `market' and the organizational... Sector (with Mathias Koenig-Archibugi) The Associative Economy Insights beyond the Welfare State and into Post-Capitalism Franco Archibugi Professor in the Postgraduate School of Public Administration

Ngày đăng: 03/01/2020, 14:48

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Mục lục

    List of Tables and Figures

    1. From Social Protection to Social Integration: A Glance at the Major Social Issues in the Advanced Countries

    Part I. Critical Analysis of the Social Change

    2. Structural Change: A Reappraisal of the Various Approaches

    3. Structural Change: Towards a Convergence of Various Approaches

    4. The Change in the Structure of Consumption and the ‘Tertiarization’ Process

    5. The Change in the Structure of Production

    6. The Change in the Labour Market

    7. The Service Society versus the Industrial Society

    8. The Process of Redistribution in the Two Models of Society