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AOP based testability improvement for component based software

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AOP-based Testability Improvement for Component-based Software Chengying Mao School of Software, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, 330013 Nanchang, China E-mail: maochy@yeah.net Abstract High evolvability is the remarkable character of component-based software (CBS), and brings great pressure to the testing activity Recently, aspectoriented programming has been proposed as an effective technique for modulating separate concerns, and facilitating the maintenance and evolution of software system In this paper, we use this technique to improve component’s testability so as to facilitate component’s unit testing and regression testing of CBS as follows: Self-checking aspect is embedded to check the invariants which the component should obey, and tracing aspect is introduced to collect precondition of method execution in component so as to help regression testers to pick out precise subset of test suit In addition, two examples are used to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our presented methods Introduction Component-based development is intended to increase reliability and evolvability of systems while at the same time decrease the cost of system development As a consequence, component-based software (CBS) has been widely used in various application domains and becomes a fairly popular software form in the last decade Effective and efficient testing is the most important solution for ensuring the delivery of highquality software However, due to the lack of information about the externally-developed components, system testers (i.e component users) generally can’t perform effective testing on CBS The essential reason lies in the separation of component development context and use context For component providers, the information about application environment might not be available so that the component is explicitly designed and developed for the needs of the hypothesis application environment, however, it might not be the one in which the component will be actually used [1] On the other hand, the source code of component is seldom available for component users, so they can’t conduct program-based testing on the externally-provided component Additionally, they also might not be able to acquire sufficient document and accurate information about the component to be introduced In order to tackle the problems caused by such a lack, an approach which can be used to improve component’s capability of supporting testing activities, i.e component’s testability improvement It is to incorporate the idea and principle of testing into the phases of software design and coding with the precondition of a little or even no increase of software complexity, so as to improve the controllability and observability of component in testing process In fact, that approach is to enhance the information exchange between component developer and user [1] At present, quite a few methods for improving component’s testability improvement have been proposed, such as intro-/retro-spection approach [2], wrapper-based method [3], component meta-data approach [4], and so on The most representative one of them is the built-in test approach [5], which has been popularly utilized for testing component or component-based system Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) provides explicit mechanisms for capturing the structure of crosscutting concerns in software systems [6] Encapsulating the crosscutting concern as a module unit aspect, which is easier to develop, maintain and reuse is possible It’s not hard to see that, the functional points can also be divided into two classes: normal function concern and maintenance concern In this paper, we use AOP to crosscut the maintenance concern from traditional component code, and introduce the new element, i.e aspect, into componentbased software so as to provide the facilities for testing in latter stage The remainder of this paper is organized as follows In Section 2, we address related work and the concept 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference(COMPSAC 2007) 0-7695-2870-8/07 $25.00 © 2007 of AOP The methods of improving component’s testability based on AOP technology are detailedly described in Section In Section 4, we discuss the advantages and limitations of these methods Section concludes the paper and outlines future work Background 2.1 Related work Here we address previous work that is popularly accepted or closely related to our work Orso et al firstly presented the concept of meta-data for component-based software engineering (CBSE) [7], and then utilized meta-data to direct the activities such as self-checking code generation, and test case selection [4] Metadata, presented by an open format, describe static and dynamic aspects of a component, and can be retrieved by component users Strictly speaking, the aspects introduced into component in our approach also belong to metadata Another approach which can be used to avoid of information lack is the retrospection method [2] It can augment a component with information concerning tests conducted by the component provider and indications for tests to be conducted by the component user It can also collect relevant information during test activities This approach can provide bidirectional information exchange between component provider and user However, our AOP-based method mainly realizes the information transfer from provider to user Component testability depends on the ability of a component to support test execution and test observation to some extent, so the approach of testable bean [8] is introduced to support these tasks Unfortunately, too many restrictions have to be satisfied, for example, the target component model is merely limited to EJB In reference [9], Ma et al use matrix to represent the (detailed) dependence relationship of component, and the final motivation is to improve the testability of CBS This method can only be applied in the earlier design phase, and the dependence information should also be released along with component Reflection method [3] is also proposed, but is restricted to the components which are written in the languages with capability of reflection mechanism Furthermore, Barbier et al realized component behavior prediction and monitoring through built-in test design [10] But it needs the support from model checking and Java reflection package 2.2 Concept of AOP AOP allows programmers to develop application logic and non-functional properties separately, and enables programmers to weave separately developed logic and properties together using automated support Up to now, quite a few AOP programming systems have been developed Among them, the most wellknown one is AspectJ [11], which is an aspect-oriented extension to Java Besides regular class, it introduces some new constructs to better handle crosscutting concerns, such as introduction, joint point, pointcut, advice, and aspect [12,13] Introduction (also called intertype declaration) in AspectJ is used by an aspect to introduce methods, attributes, and interface implementation declarations into regular classes A joint point is a well-defined point in the code at which our concerns crosscut the application, such as a call to a method, an access to an attribute, etc A pointcut is a set of joint points that optionally expose some of the values in the execution of these joint points Several primitive pointcut designators are defined in AspectJ to identify all types of joint points Advice is used to define some code that is executed when a pointcut is reached AspectJ provides three different types of advice, that is, before, after, and around They execute before the joint point, after the joint point, and instead of the joint point, respectively In general, advice can change the control flow or behavior of classes which are crosscut by it Aspects are modular units of crosscutting implementations AOP doesn’t replace existing programming paradigms and languages Instead, it works with them to improve their expressiveness and utility Therefore, an AspectJ program can be divided into two parts: non-aspect code (i.e regular class code) and aspect code Generally, aspect-oriented technology has many potential benefits, we can use it to specify and encapsulate the concerns such as exception handling, synchronization, logging, and resource sharing perfectly In this paper, we use this technique to handle a special but important concern in the lifecycle of software development, i.e testing facility Testability improvement based on AOP As stated in the section of related work, there are a few ways to improve the testability of a component Among them, the typical one is the method of built-in test design Here, our AOP-based testability improvement is motivated by the idea of that method The difference is that we will build some aspects into 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference(COMPSAC 2007) 0-7695-2870-8/07 $25.00 © 2007 the traditional components to facilitate testing activities At present research stage, we mainly work on two improvement schemes One is to improve component’s capability of self-checking (or self-testing), and the other is to provide the information on execution trace to facilitate test case selection 3.1 AOP-based self-checking Due to the similarity of our method and built-in test design, we address the concept of built-in test design firstly The basic idea of built-in test design is that component provider pre-places test scripts in component and sets the corresponding testinginterfaces In general, the built-in test scripts contain test cases or can possess facilities capable of generating the test cases which the component can be used to test itself and its own methods [5] A component can operate in two modes, namely normal mode and maintenance mode [14] The underlying principle can be schematically demonstrated in the following figure Functional Methods Normal Interface Testing Interface Normal Scripts Test Suit Testing Scripts Testing Methods Figure The framework of built-in test component However, in our method we doesn’t embed test cases or scripts which can generate test cases into component, but to seed the scripts which can check the invariants during the testing process We integrate such scripts into a separate module, i.e aspect After such reconstruction, we can realize the separation of different concerns so as to improve maintainability of the component In order to address our AOP-based testability improvement method, we adopt a simple integer stack example program to discuss the implementation steps Figure shows the implementation of the class Although component developers will perform strict testing on their component, it’s not enough to ensure the correct execution when it runs in real application environment Therefore, component users will retest the component in their context In order to facilitate the testing activities on the side of component user, class INT_Stack{ int[ ] stack; private int stack_index; //the index of current element private int size; //size of the stack INT_Stack() //the constructor { stack = new int[MAX]; stack_index = -1; size = 0; } //operations of integer stack void setEmpty(){…} //set the stack to be empty int getSize() //get the size of stack { return size; } int getIndex(){…} //get the pointer of current element void pop(){…} //pop out the top element void push(int element){…} //push the new element into the top of //integer stack } //A component of integer stack Figure Program code of an integer stack class component developer should pre-place some code related to testing into the component Here, we mainly consider for checking some invariants about the functions of component in the additional code Take the component of integer stack for example, there may be two possible invariants when pushing an integer into it: (1) If component’s previous size (denoted as oldsize ) is lower than MAX − , it should satisfy the following relations after the new element is added into it (i) newsize = oldsize + (ii) newindex = oldindex + Where newsize is the component’s size after element addition, and oldindex and newindex are the position pointers of current element in stack before and after addition, respectively (2) If oldsize is equal to the value of MAX − , the following relation should be satisfied after pushing new integer newsize = newindex = MAX Through above analysis, we can pre-place the selfchecking code in the component of integer stack Since we adopt the AOP technology to write that code here, the pre-placed code in component is called selfchecking aspect For the method push(int) in component INT_Stack, the corresponding selfchecking code is illustrated in Figure Similarly, we can also get other invariants while considering other methods such as pop(), then use these invariants to construct self-testing code in selfchecking aspect 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference(COMPSAC 2007) 0-7695-2870-8/07 $25.00 © 2007 aspect Built_in_Check{ private int oldsize=0; private int newsize=0; private int oldindex=-1; private int newindex=-1; ……; pointcut pushInt(INT_Stack s, int x): target(s) && agrs(x) && call(void INT_Stack.push(int)); ……; before(INT_Stack s, int x): pushInt(s, x) { oldsize = s.getSize(); oldindex=s.getIndex(); } after(INT_Stack s, int x) returning: pushInt(s, x) { newsize = s.getSize(); newindex=s.getIndex(); if(oldsize< MAX-1) if((newsize != oldsize +1) || (newindex != oldindex +1)) System.out.println("Errors in method push(int)!"); esle if((newsize != MAX) || (newindex != MAX)) System.out.println("Errors in method push(int)!"); } ……; } //a self-checking aspect Figure Self-checking aspect for unit testing Self-checking aspect (or AOP-based built-in test design) exhibits the merits as follows: (1) The component providers can design rational test framework on the condition of their sufficient comprehension of component’s internal structure, so component users can save plentiful testing efforts (2) This method separates the testing-purposed code from normal function code, so it reduces the coupling between function code and maintenance code (3) The method is mainly adopted to test the component’s compatibility for real execution context, but also can be used for the integration testing of component-based software system (4) Due to the separation of maintenance concern, the corresponding functions can be easily tailored for the needs in latter running phase 3.2 AOP-based information tracing Aspects can be used to add new functionality to an existing system which can’t be added without invasive changes to the whole system using conventional techniques In order to assist component user (i.e component tester) in observing component’s behavior or execution profile well, an aspect should be applied to add an observer for some relevant data to the CBS In this paper, we demonstrate two kinds of applications of AOP-based information tracing One is used for fault location, and the other is used for test case selection 3.2.1 AOP-based fault location While considering fault location, the information about program profile is very useful and important for debugger to understand program’s execution behaviors under specific input To achieve the execution profile of a component, a specialized tracing aspect should be introduced into the component It is worth noting that the tracing aspect should not change behaviors of a given component, otherwise, it will result in distorting the analysis results Here we use AspectJ to create such aspect to improve observability of component written in Java like in [15], whose code is shown in Figure The pointcut in this aspect means the execution of any method without return value in component INT_Stack When the component is driven by a test case to perform testing, the tracing aspect can record the corresponding method execution sequence according to the format in advices Then debuggers can use the tracing information to construct component’s execution profile so as to locate potential faults For example, suppose there is a test case tc = push(3), pop() , push(7), setEmpty , then we can get the tracing information as below via a tracing aspect Enter into: void INT_Stack.push(int) Stack’s size before execution: Leave out: void INT_Stack.push(int) Stack’s size after execution: Enter into: void INT_Stack.pop() Stack’s size before execution: Leave out: void INT_Stack.pop() Stack’s size after execution: Enter into: void INT_Stack.push(int) aspect traceProfile{ ……; Pointcut methCall(INT_Stack s): target(s) && execution(void INT_Stack.*( )); ……; before(INT_Stack s): methCall(s) { Sytem.out.println(“Enter into: ”+thisJionPoint.getSignature()); Sytem.out.println(“Stack’s size before execution: ”+ s.getSize()); } after(INT_Stack s) returning: methCall(s) { Sytem.out.println(“Leave out: ”+thisJionPoint.getSignature()); Sytem.out.println(“Stack’s size after execution: ”+ s.getSize()); } ……; } //a tracing aspect Figure An aspect for execution profile tracing 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference(COMPSAC 2007) 0-7695-2870-8/07 $25.00 © 2007 Stack’s size before execution: Leave out: void INT_Stack.push(int) Stack’s size after execution: Enter into: void INT_Stack.setEmpty() Stack’s size before execution: Leave out: void INT_Stack.setEmpty() Stack’s size after execution: With the support of the above tracing information, debugger can easily judge that a fault perhaps exists in the method setEmpty() Of course, the aspect traceProfile is just a simple example, and the more practical code for improving the observability of component can also be designed by using AOP technology 3.2.2 Test case selection based on AOP High evolvability is the remarkable character of componentbased software system, and brings great pressure to the activity of regression testing In order to reduce the need of testing resource, a rational way is to select test cases from the old test suit In our previous work, we have proposed two ways to select such test case subset One is based on the enhanced representation of change information of component version [16], and the other is implemented via the component built-in test design [17] These two approaches both require component users to place some probes in proper branches of CBS to record the precondition of each published method’s invocation in the previous testing activities Obviously, this solution will aggravate the burden of system maintainers Here, we continue to settle this problem via aspect-oriented programming Here, we also take the example of VendingMachine in reference [4] to explain our improvement strategy (component code is omitted for space reason) In order to precisely select test cases related with changes in method “public int dispense (int credit, int sel)”, we should design an aspect to collect the value of its parameters, that is credit and sel Obviously, the type of advice should be before, and its code is similar to that shown in Figure Here, we only give the pointcut and advice as below before (Dispenser d, int credit, int sel): call(int Dispenser.dispense( int, int)) && target(d) && args(credit, sel) { System.out.println("The Precondition of method dispense is:" + credit +","+sel); } Therefore, we can get the precondition of each test case through running the component woven with above aspect code On the other hand, the parameter’s conditions which will exercise modifications in method dispense can be gained from change information provided by component developers Finally, system tester can select out proper subset of test cases for regression testing Discussion In this section, we evaluate our proposed method in terms of advantages and limitations The basic idea of AOP is to encapsulate so-called crosscutting concerns which influence many modules of a given software system in a new module called aspect This might, in turn, allow us to a better job in maintaining system as it evolves The method of improving testability based on AOP can separate testing functions from normal functions, and reduce coupling degree between testing code and functional code Therefore, the testing-purposed aspects can be inserted or tailored according to the different needs in the different stage of system lifecycle The AOP-based testability improvement also encourages the reuse of testing code, that is, the same testing-purposed code and central interface can be used to validate many different kinds of applications Furthermore, the proposed method is feasible and practical In general, invariants will be addressed in component’s requirements and detailed documents, so it is not hard to construct self-checking aspect by extracting them from documents Because AOP provides three kinds of advices to monitor the execution or call of method, regression tester can easily construct such aspect to collect precondition of each method’s execution or call As a consequence, they can precisely pick out subset from original teat suit to perform regression testing However, we only employ pilot study on the problems about testability improvement based on aspect-oriented programming, there are still some limitations which should be extended For example, because the degree of advice is still at method level at present, our testability improvement can only be performed at method level too As a result, selfchecking and precondition monitoring are not so flexible But we believe this trouble can be tackled after the AOP technology is developed in these years On the other hand, the component developer should recompile component’s source code with AspectJ compliers such as ajc [18] due to the introduction of AOP technology Fortunately, the compiled Java bytecode can still run on the traditional Java virtual machine (JVM) Concluding remarks 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference(COMPSAC 2007) 0-7695-2870-8/07 $25.00 © 2007 The rapid evolution of CBS brings great challenges to its maintenance in the later phase, so it is quite necessary to improve testability of component or CBS at the design stage Recently, aspect-oriented programming has been proposed as an effective technique for modulating separate concerns, which facilitates the maintenance and evolution of software system In this paper, we adopt AOP technology to enhance component’s testability from two sides: One is to embed self-checking aspect to check the invariants which the component should obey The other is to collect precondition of the execution of component’s method via a tracing aspect and then use this information to direct test case selection Furthermore, two examples are used to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our presented methods While our research is at an early stage——that is, there are still some open issues that need to be further explored, such as, we should experimentally validate the benefits of these new methods on some large-scale component-based software Applying AOP technology to enhance the capability of facilitating other testing activities such as integration testing is also a research topic in next step Acknowledgments We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions This work was partially supported by the Science Foundation of Education Bureau of Jiangxi Province of China under Grant No.GJJZ-2007-267, and the Young Teacher Foundation on Research of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics References [1] S Beydeda, and V Gruhn, “State of the Art in Testing Components”, Proc of the 3rd International Conference On Quality Software (QSIC’03), 2003, pp.146-153 [2] C Liu, and D Richardson, “Software Components with Retrospectors”, Proc of International Workshop on the Role of Software Architecture in Testing and Analysis, 1998, 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Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp.327-355 31st Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference(COMPSAC 2007) 0-7695-2870-8/07 $25.00 © 2007 ... applications of AOP- based information tracing One is used for fault location, and the other is used for test case selection 3.2.1 AOP- based fault location While considering fault location, the information... lifecycle of software development, i.e testing facility Testability improvement based on AOP As stated in the section of related work, there are a few ways to improve the testability of a component. .. code for improving the observability of component can also be designed by using AOP technology 3.2.2 Test case selection based on AOP High evolvability is the remarkable character of componentbased

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