CLEAR CHARACTER INFO Kedic Strong Arm RESET CHARACTER SHEET Josef character player Human lvl M race & la M size 18 gender 5'8'' 198 height weight Short Black Brown hair Caucasian eyes skin N age alignment languages: deity homeland & background occupation Common Original by Neceros Modified by Version 1.0.2012 CLEAR CHARACTER STATS ability score total mod base STR 16 16 DEX 16 16 CON 14 14 INT 10 10 WIS 10 10 CHA 10 10 ability score & racial notes total AC 18 FLAT-FOOT misc HITPOINTS temp current hp hd class name 10 10 Fighter 13 13 15 = = = 10 + total hp favored class 11 armor shield 5 ATTACKS & DEFENSE dex total class base ability FORT 2 REF 3 WILL 0 skill fc hps fort ref will levels 2 0 1 2 0 SKILLS CLEAR SKILLS size dodge natural CLEAR ATTACK & DEFENSE deflect attacks temp temp armor check penalty maximum dex spell failure enhance misc -4 25% combat notes & modifiers temp total base attack bonus attack modifier RANGED CMB ability CMD 17 STR 10 + bab misc MELEE = bab total saving throws totals Fighter conditions & miscellaneous tracking 10 + 10 + CLASS RECORDER nonlethal hp dam temporary hp CLEAR NOTES attack modifier hp gained Human +2 Dex armor class TOUCH enhance CLEAR CLASS & HP size misc dodge & deflect str & dex FEATS & FEATURES CLEAR FEATS & FEATURES class features, racial traits, feats, and character features HF: Weapon Focus Longbow Indomitable Faith: +1 Will F1: Point-Blank Shot Bitter Nobleman: +1 Stealth and Class Skill FBF: Precise Shot *q *q *q *q *q *q q *q *q *q q *q *q q q q q q q q *q *q q *q *q q q *q *q *q q q q q q q q dex int cha str int cha dex cha dex dex cha wis cha int int int int int int int wis cha wis dex wis dex int dex wis str cha Acrobatics w Appraise Bluff Climb w Craft: Diplomacy Disable Device w Disguise Escape Artist w Fly w Handle Animal Heal Intimidate Kn: Dungeoneering Kn: Engineering Kn: Kn: Kn: Kn: Linguistics Perception Perform: Prof: Ride w Sense Motive Sleight of Hand w Spellcraft Stealth w Survival Swim w Use Magic Device ranks -1 0 0 ranks total ability trained 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 -1 -1 0 0 -1 4 -1 1 misc 3 STR STR STR STR STR STR mark a q to show a class skill class skills with ranks gain a +3 trained bonus * skill can be used untrained w armor check penalty applies experience slow q medium q / fast q base SPEED 30 INIT 30 = fly dex mod swim climb + misc misc mod SR CLEAR STATS HERO DR RESISTANCES ARMOR & WEAPONS armor name & description armor POOL POINTS CLEAR ARMOR ac bonus max dex penalty spell fail Scale Mail (50gp) -4 type weight M 30.0 25 shield CLEAR WEAPONS weapon name & description Longbow (75gp) Longsword (15gp) attack modifiers damage critical range type weight ammo & notes +5 / +6 (at 30ft) 1d8 (+1 at 30ft) 20x3 100 P 3.0 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO +4 1d8+4 19-20x2 S 4.0 original created by bill barnes ( modified by dan brink this product licensed by creative commons license ( pathfinder and its logo are copywritten paizo publishing LLC FEATS & SPECIAL ABILITIES FEATS & SPECIAL ABILITIES CLEAR FEATS & ABILITIES name uses/day EQUIPMENT & MAGIC ITEMS used EQUIPMENT & MAGIC ITEMS CLEAR EQUIPMENT item qty / uses wgt n/a weight Backpack (2gp) 2.0 2.0 Belt Pouch (1gp) 0.5 0.5 Flint and Steel (1gp) Rope Hemp 50ft (1gp) 10.0 10.0 Torches (1cp x 10 = 0.1) 10 1.0 10.0 Waterskin (1gp) 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 z CLEAR FEATS & ABILITIES name item z uses/day used CLEAR EQUIPMENT qty / uses wgt n/a weight Fighter Kit Arrows X20 WORN MAGIC ITEM EQUIPMENT equipment slots for magic items BAGS & CONTAINERS CLEAR container z CLEAR CONTAINERS volume/weight limit/notes weight belt: body: chest: eyes: feet: hands: carried CURRENCY stored gold headband: silver neck: copper weight 28 ring: ring: wrist: CLEAR treasure z platinum head: shoulders: TREASURE CARRIED CLEAR carried wgt n/a CARRIED WEIGHT armor & weapons currency equipment 37.0 0.6 29.5 misc CLEAR TOTAL 67.1 LOADS & LIFT light load medium load heavy load 77 153 230 0 current load N modified load ✔ light q CLEAR lift above head lift off ground drag & push 230 460 1150 0 medium q heavy q original created by bill barnes ( modified by dan brink this product licensed by creative commons license ( pathfinder and its logo are copywritten paizo publishing LLC SPELLS PER DAY class BLOODLINES/? & PATRONS CLEAR level save dc level total class ability bonus misc bloodline/PApatron 8th total SPELL points prep used 8th 100 class ability long: 400ft + 40ft / lvl 9th other focused 400 current points close: 25ft + 5ft / lvl prohibited total SPELL prohibited name & description 25 points SPELLS medium: 100ft + 10ft / lvl 100 class ability long: 400ft + 40ft / lvl other 400 current points CLEAR school duration range save sr reference CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP level 7th speciality medium: 100ft + 10ft / lvl spells known 6th WIZARD SPECIALITY SCHOOL 9th misc 5th subdomain 7th class 4th domain 6th total 3rd subdomain 5th level 2nd domain 4th level ability bonus 1st subdomain 3rd CLEAR domain 2nd 25 save dc DOMAINS 1st close: 25ft + 5ft / lvl class bloodline/Ppatron spells known SPELLS PER DAY CLEAR original created by bill barnes ( modified by dan brink this product licensed by creative commons license ( pathfinder and its logo are copywritten paizo publishing LLC prep used name & description SPELLS CLEAR school duration range save sr reference CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP level original created by bill barnes ( modified by dan brink this product licensed by creative commons license ( pathfinder and its logo are copywritten paizo publishing LLC prep used name & description SPELLS CLEAR school duration range save sr reference CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP level original created by bill barnes ( modified by dan brink this product licensed by creative commons license ( pathfinder and its logo are copywritten paizo publishing LLC prep used name & description SPELLS CLEAR school duration range save sr reference CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP CLEAR GROUP level original created by bill barnes ( modified by dan brink this product licensed by creative commons license ( pathfinder and its logo are copywritten paizo publishing LLC ... CLEAR treasure z platinum head: shoulders: TREASURE CARRIED CLEAR carried wgt n/a CARRIED WEIGHT armor & weapons currency equipment 37.0 0.6 29.5 misc CLEAR TOTAL 67.1 LOADS & LIFT light load medium