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http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ UNIT 13 HOBBIES A. PHONOLOGY Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the rest. 1. a. occupy b. simply c. accompany d. hobby 2. a. practised b. stamped c. indulged d. accomplished 3. a. collect b. common c. modest d. accomplish 4. a. friends b. tunes c. clubs d. stamps 5. a. collected b. discarded c. watched d. wanted Choose the word which has a different stress pattern. 6. A. survey B. vibrate C. keyboard D. repair 7. A. replacement B. conference C. advertising D. workstation 8. a. variety b. Australia c. accompany d. interesting 9. a. occupy b. regular c. relative d. another 10. a. collect b. indulge c. hobby d. admire B. READING COMPREHENSION I. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. Stamp collecting is the collecting of postage stamps and related objects, such as envelopes or packages with stamps on them. It is one of the world's most popular hobbies, with estimates of the number of collectors ranging up to 20 million in the United States alone. Many collectors enjoy accumulating stamps without worrying about the tiny details, but the creation of a large or comprehensive collection generally requires some philatelic knowledge. This is especially important for those who intend to spend large amounts for stamps. Stamp collectors are an important source of revenue for some small countries that create limited runs of elaborate stamps designed mainly to be bought by stamp collectors. The stamps produced by these countries far exceed the postal needs of the countries. Some collectors, observing the generally rising prices of rare stamps, have taken to Philatelic Investment. Rare stamps are among the most portable investments, and are easy to store. They offer an attractive alternative to art, other collectible investments, and precious metals. 1. Stamp collecting ______________. a. does not consist of collecting envelopes b. is not rather popular c. is popular in the USA d. is a rare hobby 2. The word accumulating has a close meaning to ___________________. a. estimating b. purchasing c. counting d. collecting 3. According to the passage, _________________. a. there are some people who spend a lot money on stamp collecting b. all stamp collectors are interested in tiny details of a stamp c. about 20 million people in the USA are not interested in stamp collecting d. stamp collecting needs no knowledge 4. Which sentence is true? a. All stamps are created for the postal needs. b. There are stamps created to be bought by stamp collectors. c. Stamps cannot bring revenue. d. Elaborate stamps are designed for postal needs. 5. Stamps _________________. BTQN 1 http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ a. cannot be invested b. are easy to store c. are not easy to store d. are unportable investments II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. I am often asked (1)_________advice by people who have inherited or been given a stamp collection and now want to sell it. Here are some pointers that I have put together. First of all, don't get your hopes up. Many people see boxes or albums (2)___________ oId stamps and think "bonanza"! The reality is that the vast majority of stamps are common and are (3)_____________very little - even very old stamps. It's also true that most collectors pursue the hobby for (4)___________and not as an investment. So, don't order that new BMW just yet! (5)______________, there are exceptions and some collections can be worth a great deal. How can you get an idea of a collection's value? The (6)____________way is if the original collector left some records that detail the contents of the collection and its value. If the collection was insured, the amount of insurance that was taken out can be a guide. Be (7)_________, however, that collectors value their collections at retail - what it would cost to replace the collection bought (8)__________stamp dealers. There's also a natural (9)______________for a collector to exaggerate a collection's value. When you go to sell the collection, don't be surprised if you are offered only 10-20% of the value of the collection or even (10)_________. 1. A. to B. on C. for D. about 2. A. many of B. plenty of C. most of D. full of 3. A. worth B. worthy C. trust-worthy D. to worth 4. A. enjoyed B. enjoyment C. enjoying D. to enjoy 5. A. And B. But C. Also D. Still 6. A. much more easy B. more easier C. easiest D. most easy 7. A. unware B. awareness C. aware D. awared 8. A. for B. from C. by D. with 9. A. to tend B. tendency C. tending D. tended 10. A. little B. much C. less D. more C. USE OF ENGLISH I. Vocabulary Choose the best answers. 1. His failure __________________great disappointment to his parents. A. forced B. made C. caused D. provided 2. After a lot of difficulties, he ____________________to open the door. A. managed B. succeeded C. obtained D. realized 3. I will have to ___________________to you, otherwise he will hear. A. shout B. whistle C. decrease D. whisper 4. Could you lend me some money? I'm very __________________________of cash at the moment. A. down B. scarce C. low D. short 5. He played an active _______________________in politics until he was over 80. A. part B. scene C. job D. position 6. _____ is an activity which someone does for pleasure when they are not working. a. Collection b. Hobby c. Keeping d. Entertainment 7. She is a very accomplished pianist. a. skilled b. beautiful c. interesting d. admired 8. A ________ is a series of musical notes that is pleasant and easy to remember. a. musical instrument b. guitar c. practice d. tune 9. To become a good guitarist, you have to practice regularly. a. never b. rarely c. seldom d. often 10. If you _________________ a singer or a musician, you play one part of a piece of music while they BTQN 2 http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ sing or play the main tune. a. accomplish b. accompany c. collect d. admire 11. They live in a fairly modest house, considering their wealth. a. expensive b. fairly small c. very cheap d. very big 12. All the pleasures and _________________of the weekend are over, and I must get down to some serious hard work. a. indulge b. indulgent c. indulgently d. indulgences 13. My __________________ for my mother is infinite. a. admire b. admirer c. admiration d. admirable 14. I am quite keen on my father's valuable stamp__________________. a. collect b. collecting c. collection d. collector 15. Can you play any musical instrument? – I can play _____________________guitar. a. a b. an c. the d. 0 16. There is a large ________________of fish in his living room. a. jug b. bottle c. tank d. pot 17. ________ stamps from discarded envelopes is my hobby. a. Gathering b. Accompanying c. Collecting d. Accomplish 18. I would not call myself an avid stamp collector. a. interesting b. exciting c. amateur d. enthusiastic 19. He got the stamps and threw away the envelopes. a. kept b. discarded c. gathered d. collected 20. I love champagne but I don't often ________________myself. a. collect b. accompany c. accomplish d. indulge 21. I had forgotten all about it because I had been so ______ with other things. a. occupied b. interested c. accomplished d. successful 22. Today children have more ___________________to decide their own future. a. free b. freedom c. freely d. freeing 23. Most city dwellers like to spend their weekend in the country to enjoy the fresh air and the ________ of nature. a. beauty b. beautiful c. beautifully d. beautify 24. The _________________of the town itself comes as something of a surprise. a. modest b. modesty c. modestly d. modesting II. Prepositions and Phrasal verbs Choose the best answers. 1. It is necessary _____________you to leave at once. A. in B. out C. for D. of 2. I need some paper to write_______________________ A. as B. off C. out of D. on 3. What is Ha Noi famous__________________________? A. to B. off C. for D. out 4. The teacher was listening to his students' opinions_________________________interests. A. in B. to C. of D. with 5. We both thanked you _______ the bottom of our heart. A. of B. with C. by D. from BTQN 3 http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ 6. What do you prefer doing _______ your free time? a. in b. at c. for d. on 7. He seems to be successful _______ his business. a. on b. from c. in d. for 8. Mary can play the piano well and is very good _____ singing. a. for b. at c. on d. in 9. More and more young men are interested _______ collecting stamps. a. in b. at c. over d. upon 10. My friends and I meet for lunch once ______ a while. a. for b. with c. at d. in 11. We would be glad _______ the chance to meet her. a. for b. over c. of d. in 12. You should not screw and throw ____ waste paper. Keep it for the mini project. a. out b. away c. up d. over 13. The boy gave all his toys _____________________to his cousins. a. up b. out c. in d. away 14. You should not indulge yourself________________anything that can form a bad habit. a. in b. on c. for d. at III. Structures Choose the best answers. 1. These foreign students _____________________are studying some traditional Vietnamese customs came to Viet Nam last year. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose 2. A number of students ______________________invited to the party tonight. A. is B. are C. was D. were 3. Not only _________________as a journalist but he also works as a lawyer. A. John works B. works John C. did John work D. does John work 4. I get used __________________up at 6 o'clock. A. to get B. to getting C. to have got D. get 5. ___________________it or not, I have won the lottery. A. Believe B. To believe C. Believing D. Believed 6. We were shown around the theatre by a ____________________woman who didn't speak much English. A. little old friendly B. friendly little old C. little friendly old D. old friendly little 7. If I ________________breakfast tomorrow morning, I will get hungry during class. A. did not eat B. don't eat C. eat D. ate 8. The police had ___________________recorded the conversation. A. smoothly B. secretly C. safely D. closely 9. The meeting hall ____________________by the crowd. A. slowly was being filled B. was being slowly filled C. was slowly being filled D. was being filled slowly 10. Despite ___________________for several jobs, he is still out of work. A. of applying B. applying C. apply D. applied BTQN 4 http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ 15. All you need to be good at English ______ every day. a. are practising b. is to practise c. practise d. it is to practise 16.___________________ ________ we all look for. a. It is happiness that b. That happiness c. Happiness it is that d. Happiness it is 17._________________my neighbors who rescued me from the fire. a. It is b. It was c. That is d. this is 18. She sometimes keeps me ________. a. wait b. waited c. waiting d. to wait 19._________________ _____________me how to play the drum. a. It was my uncle who taught b. My uncle who taught c. It was my uncle taught d. It is my uncle teaching 20._________________ _______________I bought the golden fish. a. It was from this shop that b. It was from this shop where c. It was this shop which d. It was this shop that 21._________________ __________ gave me that picture book. a. Mary. b. It was Mary c. It was Mary whom d. It was Mary whose 22. My new book, ____________________, is very interesting. a. it is on wild animals b. is on wild animals c. which is on wild animals d. to be on wild animals 23. Two players of our delegation, ________________, are in competition for the gold medal. a. it was Jim and John b. they were Tim and John c. it is Tim and John d. Tim and John 24. It was Tom _______________to help us. a. comes b. that comes c. to come d. who came 25._________________ ____________________ the police had rescued from the fire. a. The baby b. The baby that c. It was the baby whom d. The baby whom 26._________________ my parents gave me the fish tank. a. It was on my birthday when b. It was my birthday on that c. It was my birthday that d. It was on my birthday that 27. Our boss sometimes keeps us ___________________ overtime. a. work b. worked c. to work d. working 28. _____________________I first met my girlfriend. a. It was in London that b. It was in London where c. It was London that d. It was London which 29. It was________________the wet and windy day that I drove over the hill to Milland. a. in b. on c. at d. for 30. It was my friend, Shona, _____________________. a. I was at school with whom b. I was at school with c. with who I was at school d. with that I was at school 31. _________________ on the phone. a. It is his mother whom is b. It was his mother whom is BTQN 5 http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ c. It was his mother who is d. It is his mother who is 32. ______________ those books on the desk? a. Were it you who put b. It was you who put c. Was it you that put d. It is you that put 33. _________ we have to wait. a. It is a long time that b. It is a long time for that c. It is for a long time that d. It is for a long time when 34. It is _________________they are going to, not Russia. a. Spain b. Spain that c. Spain where d. in Spain that 35. ________________________________ he heard the news. a. It was three-week later that b. It was three weeks later when c. It was three-week later when d. It was three weeks later that 36. ________________________________ a high level of blood cholesterol. a. It is eggs that contain b. Those are eggs it contains c. It is eggs that contains d. It is eggs contain 37. _______________________________ I first met him in that resort. a. It was last winter b. It was last winter that c. It was in last winter when d. It was the last winter which 38. _______________________________ disappeared when I arrived at the airport. a. My passport b. It was my passport c. It is my passport that d. It is my passport 39. ________ variety of little fish is kept in that little tank. a. A b. An c. The d. 0 40. The boy does not want to keep those common stamps. a. ordinary b. special c. rare d. strange D. WORD FORM Choose the best answers. 1. I'll ask my assistant to take ________. (dictate) 2. Over the years it has developed into a highly ________ business.(profit) 3. Hotel prices in the major cities are high but not ______. (prohibit) 4. A special ___________ is supposed to exist between twins. (close) 5. Sound and pictures can be stored ___________, as on a CD. (digit) E. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION I. Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one. 1. People believe that the prisoner escaped through the hole. A. The prisoner is believed to escape through the hole. B. It was believed that the prisoner escaped through the hole. C. The prisoner is believed to have escaped through the hole. D. It is believed that the prisoner escape through the hole. 2. "If I were you, I would ask her for advice," he said. A. He advised me to ask her for advice. B. He said if he had been me, he would have asked her for advice. BTQN 6 http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ C. He insisted on my asking for her advice. D. He blamed me for not asking her for advice. 3. Mary insisted on my helping her. A. "Please, please, help me!" Mary said. B. "Why don't you help me?" Mary asked. C. "How about helping me?" Mary said. D. "What do you think about helping me?" said Mary. 4. Unless you water these trees every day, they will die. A. If you water these trees every day, they will die. B. Water these trees every day and they will die. C. If you didn't water these trees every day, they would die. D. Water these trees every day or they will die. 5. I didn't listen to him in the past and I don't succeed now. A. If I had listened to him in the past, I would have succeeded now. B. If I listened to him in the past, I would succeed now. C. If I had listened to him in the past, I would succeed now. D. Did I listen to him in the past, I will succeed now. II. Rewrite the sentences beginning with the words given. 1/ The boy was rushed to hospital. His arm was broken. - The boy whose ____________________________________________________________ 2/ I saw him yesterday. - I did ____________________________________________________________________ 3/ They said he had left Paris secretly in his private car. - He _____________________________________________________________________ 4/ They had such a good crop that they decided to have a party. - The crop was _____________________________________________________________ 5/ You may be intelligent, but you should be careful about this. - No matter ________________________________________________________________ 6/ I have more books than she has. - She doesn’t ______________________________________________________________ 7/ Mary visited us three days ago. - Mary paid ________________________________________________________________ 8/ The leak was repaired by the plumber this morning. - The plumber ______________________________________________________________ 9/ This flower is very beautiful! - How ____________________________________________________________________ 10/ She decided to help him with some money. - She made _______________________________________________________________ F. Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 1.By the time you get back, I finish all my correspondence and then I will help you with yours. 2. In a few minutes’ time, when the clock strikes six, I am waiting here for an hour. 3. He had known her for a long time before he finally got married with her. BTQN 7 http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ 4. I hope it won’t be rain when the bride leaves the church. 5. I would say a lie if I said that I like you. 6. They intended to go there next week; but now they are finding they do not have enough money. 7. When he grew old he often thinks of all the things he had done when he was young. 8. When we went to see them tomorrow, they were playing cards; they said they had been playing since six o’clock. 9. This is the second time you broke a cup and you broke one yesterday. 10. I always tell you to comb your hair, but you never do what I said. TEST Câu 1: The pictures . by Picasso are expensive. A. paiting B. to be painted C. painted D. to paint Câu 2: The man . the bank is a millionaire. A. is entering B. entering C. to be entered D. enters Câu 3: The car toward us looks modern. A. came B. comes C. coming D. to come Câu 4: I’m the last one . of the news. A. to inform B. to be informed C. inform D. informing Câu 5: The trees our village are bamboo ones. A. surrounded B. surrounding C. surround D. to surround Câu 6: The people . in the accidents have been taken to hospiral. A. to injure B. injured C. injuring D. injure Câu 7: Most houses in the surburds have gardens. A. situated B. situating C. were situated D. to situate Câu 8: The house 40 years ago is still in good condition. A. building B. build C. which build D. to build Câu 9: I like the food by my mother. A. cooking B. which cooked C. was cooked D. cooked Câu 10: I like living in a house . the sea. A. overlooked B. overlooks C. looks to D. overlooking Câu 11: The man at the blackboard is our teacher. A. standing B. stood C. to stand D. stands Câu 12: There are a lot of problems . immediatelly. A. to sold B. solve C. that solve D. to be solved Câu 13: Armstrong was the first astronaut onto the moon. A. stepped B. steps C. to step D. stepping Câu 14: My brother was the first . from the distance. A. seen B. seeing. C. to see D. to be seen Câu 15: Tom was the last . the classroom yesterday. A. left B. to leave C. leaving D. leaves Câu 16: Linda was the last student . at the oral exam. A. asks B. to ask C. asking D. to be asked Câu 17: The children football on the schoolyard are my students A. play B. playing C. played D. to play Câu 18: The bank manager was the second person by the robbers. A. to be killed B. who killed C. kills D. killing Câu 19: Do you know the girl a long white dress? A. wearing B. to wear C. wears D. wear Câu 20: The song “ Happy New Year” . by ABBA has become popular all over the world. A. sang B. sung C. singing D. sings BTQN 8 http://thuyquynh.violet.vn/ BTQN 9 . remember. a. musical instrument b. guitar c. practice d. tune 9. To become a good guitarist, you have to practice regularly. a. never b. rarely c. seldom. with estimates of the number of collectors ranging up to 20 million in the United States alone. Many collectors enjoy accumulating stamps without worrying

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2013, 12:10



