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UNIT 11-E7(J)

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Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 Date of preparation: ……………………………… unit :11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Date of teaching: …………………………………… Period:71. SECTION A1. I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : -practice and understand the dialogue to number the sentences with information in the dialogue. -talk about medical check-up:temperarture, weight, height ……… II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS: + Grammar:present / past simple tense. +Vocabulary: medical check-up, medical record, to take one’s temperature, normal, height, to measure, to weigh, weight, scale, to get on scale. III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, explanation. IV.TEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape, handouts. V.PROCEDURES: STAGES CONTENTS NOTES 1.Warm up : ( 5 minutes ) 2.Presentation: ( 12 minutes ) 3.Practice : *Controlled- practice: *Networks: brush teeth after meals don’t eat too much candy A1.Listen.Then practice with a partner: 1.Lead-in: In the last lessons,you learned about personal hygiene, teeth protection.In the following lessons, we will continue discussing topic on health:medical check-up and common diseases. 2.Listen to the tape: 3.Vocabulary: -to have a medical check-up: -to fill in: -medical record(n) : -to take one’s temperature: -to open one’s mouth: -normal(a): -height(n): -to measure: -to weigh → weight(n): -scale(n): -to get on the scale: 1.Practice the dialogue: Ss:work in 2 groups:go to the board and write some ways of keeping teeth healthy. -which group write many and correct ways will win the game. T:feedback and correct the mistakes. T:introduce the lesson. T:use a picture and ask Ss some questions. Ss:look at the picture and answer the questions one by one. Ss:look at the conversation and listen to the tape. T:introduce new words on board. -translation. -translation. -realias. -picture. -mime. -translation. -translation. -translation. -picture. -realias -mime. Ss:work in pairs:roleplay the dialogue with their partners. Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 what do you have to do to keep your teeth healthy? -Who are they in the picture? -where are these students from? -What are they doing? ⇒Yes, they are having a medical checkup.Can you guess what they will do in a check-up? (temperature / height / weight … ) Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 ( 15 minutes ) *Free-practice: ( 6 minutes ) 4.Consolidation: ( 4 minutes ) 5.Homework : ( 3 minutes ) 2.Number the sentences: a,6 b,8 c,3 d,2 e,5 f,1 g,4 h,7 3.Answer these questions: 1. What are the children of QT school doing? →They are having a medical check up. 2. Who is having the medical check up? → Hoa is having a medical check up. 3. What did the nurse do? → She measured Hoa and weighed her. 4. What was Hoa’s temperature? Was it normal? → It was 37o C.Yes. it was. 5. What was her weight? → Her weight was 40 kilos 6. What was her height? →Her height was 1m 45. *Ordering the pictures : 1 2 3 4 5 @.Make a conversation: A:How tall was you last year? B:I was one meter and 30 last year. A:How tall are you now? B:I’m one meter 40 centimeters tall. A:What was your weight last year ? B:I was 38 kilos last year . A:What is your weight now? B:I am 42 kilos now. A:Do you often have a medical check-up? @.Choose the best answers: 1.We should have a ………… check-up every six months a.medical b.medicine c.medium 2.The nurse needs to ………… Hoa’s temperature. a.take b.make c.do 3.What is your ……………… ? -40 kilos. a.height b.kilos c.weight 4.How …………… are you ? – 1.5 meters. a.high b.tall c.height 5.you have to ………… in this medical record. a.fill b.take c.check -Learn vocabulary by heart. -Practice the dialogue with your partners. -Prepare:A2,3. +read and complete the conversation with suitable words. +according to the medical records , make a conversation. Ss:work in groups: number the sentences with information in the dialogue. T:introduce the questions and guide Ss to do the task. Ss:work in pairs:ask and answer the questions with information in the dialogue. T:feedback and correct the mistakes. Ss:work in groups :put the pictures in correct orders with the content of the dialogue : *Keys : 4 – 5 - 1 – 3- 2 Ss:work in pairs:make a conversation with their partners. T:feedback and correct the mistakes. T:share Ss sheets of paper and guide them to do the task. Ss:choose the best answer to complete the sentences. *Keys : 1.a 2.a 3.c 4.b 5.a T:guide Ss to learn at home. Ss:do as directed. Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 Date of preparation: ……………………………… unit: 11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Date of teaching: …………………………………… Period:72. SECTION A2,3. I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : -listen for details to complete the dialogue with information they hear. -practising asking and answering about medical records. II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS: + Grammar:present simple tense. +Vocabulary: revision of vocabulary. III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, explanation. IV.TEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape, handouts, posters. V.PROCEDURES: STAGES CONTENTS NOTES 1.Warm up : ( 5 minutes ) 2.Presentation: *Pre-listening: ( 7 minutes ) *While- listening: *Play a game: “KIM’S GAME” *.Questions: -What is your name? -What is your weight ? -How old are you? -How tall are you? A2.Listen.Then write the missing words: 1.Lead-in: 2.Scan the open dialogue: Doctor : I want to …(1)………………you a few questions before I start, Hoa…(2)…………… old are you? Hoa : Fourteen. Doctor : And …(3)………… height is one meter (4) ……… centimeters ?. Hoa : No. I think I’m .(5).… .… The nurse measured .(6)…………. Doctor : Oh. How …(7) …… … are you ? Hoa : One …(8).…… … 45 …(9)……………… …. Doctor : I (10) .… ask the (11) .… to check your (12)…… again. How heavy are you? Hoa : I (13) .… I’m 42 kilograms. Doctor : (14) … . It says on your (15) that your’re 40 kilos. *.Notes: -How tall are you ? = what is your height? -How heavy are you ? = what is your weight? *.Answer keys: 1.ask 2.How 3.your 4. 50 5.shorter 6. me 7.tall 8.meter 9.centimeters 10. will 11. nurse 12. height 13. think 14. No 15. form Ss:work in 2 groups:make the sentences by using the words in the table. -which group write many and correct sentences will win the game. T:feedback and correct the mistakes. Ss:answer the questions one by one. T:introduce the lesson. T:share Ss sheets pf paper(the open dialogue) and guide them to do the task. Ss:scan the open dilogue and guess the missing words. Ss:take notes and memorize. Ss:listen to the tape and write to complete the dialogue with the words they hear. Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 temperature medical height measure weight fill in waiting room medicalcheck-up scale see the doctor weigh name -Who are they?-Where are they? -What are they doing? ⇒This is the conversation between Hoa and the doctor.However,some words are missing.You listen to it and complete the conversation with the words you hear. Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 ( 20 minutes ) *Post-listening: ( 10 minutes ) 3.Homework : ( 3 minutes ) *.Questions: a.How old is Hoa? b.How tall is she when the nurse measure her? c.Does Hoa think she is taller or shorter? d.How tall is she? A3.Ask and answer questions with a partner: @.Lead-in:Now you work in pairs,one of you is A and the other is B .Look at your copy of the medical record and cover the other copy.In turn,A asks B about the missing information and complete the records. -Finish all exercises into your exercisebook. -Practice the dialogue with your partners. -Prepare:B1,2. +find out new words. +read the dialogue and answer the questions ( a → e / page 110 ) Ss:listen to the tape again and check answer keys. Ss:answer the questions about the dialogue. T:introduce the lesson and guide Ss to do the task. Ss:work in pairs:look at information in the records.Ask and answer .Then fill in the record. -Introduce the situation of the exercise to Ss and explain some questions : + Which school does he go to ? + What is his surname ? + How tall is he ? = What’s his height ? + What’s his weight ? = How heavy is he ? -Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class . T:guide Ss to learn at home. Ss:do as directed. *Transcript tape : Doctor : I want to ask you a few questions before I start, Hoa .How old are you? Hoa : Fourteen. Doctor : And your height is one meter 50 centimeters ?. Hoa : No. I think I’m shorter .The nurse measured me . Doctor : Oh. How tall are you ? Hoa : One meter 45 centimeters . Doctor : I will ask the nurse to check your height again. How heavy are you? Hoa : I think I’m 42 kilograms. Doctor : No. It says on your form that your’re 40 kilos. Date of preparation: ……………………………… unit :11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Date of teaching: …………………………………… Period:73. SECTION B1,2 I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : -practice and understand the dialogue.Then answer the questions. Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 -ask and answer about health conditions. II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS: + Grammar:simple past tense . +Vocabulary: names of sickness. III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, explanation. IV.TEACHING AIDS: pictures, tape, handouts. V.PROCEDURES: STAGES CONTENTS NOTES 1.Warm up : ( 5 minutes ) 2.Presentation: ( 15 minutes ) 3.Practice: ( 10 minutes ) *Chatting: -What is your name? -How old are you? -What is your height? -How heavy are you? -Which school do you go to? -Where do you live? B1.Listen.Then practice with a partner: 1.Lead-in: 2.Listen to the tape: 3.Vocabulary: -to have a cold / headache / a stomachache -to be sick: -sick note(n): -virus(n): *What’s the matter / wrong with ………? -S +have / has + name of sickness. -What is wrong with him? +He has a headache. *Should +V-inf: 1.Practice the dialogue: 2.Answer the questions: ( a → e / page 110 ) a. Because she had a cold and a headache. b. She had a headache. c. Mr. Tan tell Lan to stay inside at recess. d. The doctor said that Lan had a virus. e. The doctor wrote Lan’s sick note. B2.Take a survey: Name Cold Flu Headache Stomachache Toothache …… …… …… This is the survey about the student’s health.Now you work in T:ask Ss some questions. Ss:answer the questions one by one. T:feedback and correct the mistakes. T:use a picture and ask Ss some questions to introduce the lesson. Ss:look at the picture and answer the questions one by one. Ss:look at the conversation and listen to the tape. T:introduce new words on board. -pictures. -translation. -realias. -translation. -explanation. Ss:take notes and read them in chorus. Ss:work in pairs:roleplay the dialogue with their partners. T: feedback and correct the mistakes. Ss:work in pairs:ask and answer the questions in textbooks with their partners. T: feedback and correct the mistakes. T:guide Ss to do the task. Ss:work in groups of 4 as instructed.fill in the names of students in the groups and stick the illness which Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 This is Mr Tuan,the teacher and this is Lan.Look at balloom 1: Lan wasn’t there.She was absent.What do you think Mr Tan is asking Lan?What was wrong with her?(look at balloom 2).→Now,listen to the conversation between Mr Tan and Lan.Then answer the questions in the dialogue. Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 ( 7 minutes ) 4.Consolidation: ( 5 minutes ) 5.Homework : ( 3 minutes ) groups of 4 in turn ask and answer the given questions to complete the table. *Be absent from class / school: a.Were you ever absent from school last semester? b.were you sick? c.Did you have a cold / the flu / a stomachache / a toothache / a headache ? @.Choose the best answers: 1.Lan was abent ………………… school yesterday. a.in b.at c.from 2.She didn’t come to school yesterday because she had a …… a.bad cold b.headache c.toothache 3.She should ………… inside at recess. a.stay b.stays c.staying 4.Lan’s mother didn’t write a …………… for her. a.letter b.sick note c.diary 5.The doctor said that Lan had a ………………… a.virus b.cold c.headache. -Learn new words by heart. -Practice the dialogue with your partners. -Prepare:B3. +find out new words. +identify names of sickness. each of the students had.After practising, all the groups combine the result to find out which illness was the most common / the least common. T: feedback and correct the mistakes. T:share Ss sheets of paper and guide them to do the task. Ss:choose the best answer to complete the sentences. *Keys : 1.c 2.a 3.a 4.b 5.a T:guide Ss to learn at home. Ss:do as directed. Date of preparation: ……………………………… unit :11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Date of teaching: …………………………………… Period:74. SECTIONB 3 I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to : -listen to a report telling about the day’s absence due to sickness of class 7A. -listen and complete the table writing the days of each column. II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS: + Grammar:simple past tense . +Vocabulary: revision of vocabulary. III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, explanation. IV.TEACHING AIDS: tape, handouts. V.PROCEDURES: STAGES CONTENTS NOTES 1.Warm up : ( 5 minutes ) 2.Presentation: *Pre-listening: *Chatting: -Why was Lan absent from class yesterday? -Does she have a headache, too? -What does Mr Tan, the teacher tell her to do? -What did the doctor say about her problem? -Were you ever absent from school last semester? -What was the matter with you? B3.Listen.Then complete the table: 1.Look at and write name of illness for each picture: T:ask Ss some questions. Ss:answer the questions one by one. T:feedback and correct the mistakes. Ss:work in groups:go to the board and Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 ( 7 minutes ) *While- listening: ( 22 minutes ) *Post-listening: ( 8 minutes ) 3.Homework : ( 3 minutes ) a b. c. d 2.Lead-in:You’ll listen to a report telling about the day’s absence due to sickness of class 7A.You listen to it and complete the table by writing the days in each column. @.Answer keys: cold flu stomachace headache toothache 10 43 37 5 17 ⇒ Total days lost: 112 *.Listen again and complete the passage: Last semester in class 7A, there was a total of 112 days absence due to sickness.The total break down as follows:most absences- 43 due to flu.Then came stomachache with 37.Toothache came next with 17.Cold accounted for 10 absences.Finally,headache caused 5 day’s absence. *.True or false? 1.There was a total of 112 day’s absence due to sickness in class7A last semester.(T). 2.The most absences was due to stomachache.(F). (The most absences was due to cold). 3.The least absence was due to cold.(F). (The least absence was due to headache). 4.The toothache came next with 37(F). (The toothache came next with 17). *Making a survey : Name Cold Flu Headache Stomachache Toothache …… …… …… -Prepare:B4. +find out new words. +read the text and answer the questions. ( a → e / page 112 ). write names of sick. *Keys : a.toothache b.headache c.flu d.stomachache T:feedback and correct the mistakes. T:introduce the lesson Ss:listen to the tape and write the days of absence due to sickness in each column. -exchange the answers with their partners. T:call Ss to give correct answers. Ss:listen to th etape again and check answer keys. Ss:share Ss sheets of paper and guide them to do the task. Ss:listen and complete the passage with information they hear. T:feedback and correct themistakes. T:share Ss sheets of paper and guide Ss to do the task. Ss:read the statements and decide they are true or false and correct the false sentences. Ss:work in groups of 4 as instructed.fill in the names of students in the groups and stick the illness which each of the students had.After practising, all the groups combine the result to find out which illness was the most common / the least common. T:guide Ss to learn at home. Ss:do as directed. Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 Date of preparation: ………………………… unit :11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Date of teaching: …………………………… Period:75. SECTION B4. I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details about sickness, their symptoms and cures.Then answer the questions with information in the text . II.LANGUAGE CONTENTS: + Grammar:simple present tense . +Vocabulary: disease, to catch, to know, symptom, runny nose, slight fever, to cough, to sneeze, unpleasant, to cure, medicine, to relieve, to disappear, to prevent. III.TECHNIQUES : elicitation, pairwork , groupwork, explanation. IV.TEACHING AIDS:picture, handouts, textbooks. V.PROCEDURES: STAGES CONTENTS NOTES 1.Warm up : ( 5 minutes ) 2.Presentation: *Pre-reading: ( 10 minutes ) *Play a game: “FIND SOMEONE WHO” Find someone who had ………………………. name ……………… a cold ……………… the flu ……………… a headache ……………… a stomachache ……………… a toothache ………………… ……………… ………………… ……………… ………………… B4.Read.Then answer the questions: 1.Lead-in: Among the diseases you have learned.Do you know which disease is the most common? ( the common cold). 2.Vocabulary: T:share Ss sheets of paper and guide them to play the game. Ss:work in groups:ask thei partners: did you have a cold last semester? -write the names of students who says”yes”on the column. -which group finishes first will win the game and report:Tuan had a cold last semester.Nga had the flu. ………………………………… T:use a picture and ask some questions to introduce the lesson. T:stick poster on board and present vocabulary . -Have Ss read new words in chorus and individually . -Have Ss play a game : rub out and remember in order to check new words Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 - What’s wrong with him? - Do you know it’s symptons? - How…? - Do you often have a cold? - Are you pleasant? -Do you know how to cure? ⇒You will read the passage and know about this. a slight fever a runny nose coughing sneezing symptoms Disease ( the common cold ) unpleasant cure relieve prevent Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 *While- reading: ( 15 minutes ) *Post-reading: ( 8 minutes ) 3.Consolidation: ( 4 minutes ) 4.Homework : *Stick on thesuitable information : Symptoms of common cold How to prevent -a runny nose √ -eat well √ -a toothache -do physical exercises √ -a slight fever √ -keep fit √ -coughing √ -drink wine -stomachache -smoke cigarrettes -sneezing √ -stay healthy √ *.Questions: ( a → e / page 112 ). a.Why do we call the cold “common”? b.What are the symptoms of the common cold? c.Is there a cure for the common cold? d.Do cold cures work? What do they do? e.How can you help prevent a cold? *Make a conversation: A:Do you sometimes have a cold? B:Yes, I do. A:How do you feel when you catch it? B:I feel very unpleasant. A:Do you go to see a doctor? B:Yes,I do. A:How can you help prevent a cold? B:Eat well,exercise …… @.Matching: Problem Advice Solution 1.a sorethroat. 2.a cough. 3.a toothache. 4.a headache. 5.the flu a.don’t smoke. b.take some aspirine. c.drink a lot of liquids. d.get some medicines from the drugstore. e.see the dentist. 1-c 2-a 3-e 4-b 5-d @.Choose the best answers: 1.Every year, million of people ………… the common cold. a.catch b.relieve c.prevent 2.A runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing are the …………… of common cold. a.temperature b.symptoms c.medicinces 3.People feel ……………… when they catch the cold. a.pleasant b.unpleasant c.tired 4.The medicines can …………… the symptoms of the cold. a.relieve b.cure c.disappear -Learn vocabulary by heart. T:stick poster on board and ask Ss to read and stick on the suitable information Ss:work in groups . Ss:work in pairs:ask and answer the questions in textbook . *Keys : a.Because every year millions of people catch it. b.They are a running nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing. c.No, These medicine don’t cure a cold, but they relieve the symptons. d.No,these medicinces don’t cure a cold ,but they relieve the symptoms . e.Eat well, do exercise, keep fit and stay healthy. Ss:work in pairs:make a conversation with their partners. T: feedback and correct the mistakes. T:share Ss sheets of paper and guide them to do the task. Ss:work in groups:match the disease with it’s suitable solution. T: feedback and correct the mistakes. T:share Ss sheets of paper and guide them to do the task. Ss:choose the best answer to complete the sentences. *Keys : 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a T:guide Ss to learn at home. Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 Hoang Hoa Tham Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 ( 3 minutes ) -Finish all the answers into your notebooks. -Prepare:A1(unit 12 ). +find out new words. Ss:do as directed. Nguyen Huu Nhut School Year : 2009-2010 P71 . Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 Date of preparation: ……………………………… unit :11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Date of teaching: …………………………………… Period:71 Junior High School Lesson Plan English 7 Date of preparation: ……………………………… unit: 11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY Date of teaching: …………………………………… Period:72.

Ngày đăng: 15/09/2013, 22:10

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