In recent years, with the rapid development of foreign education, studying abroad has played a significantly important part in our daily life and work It seems that studying abroad enriches our daily life But like everything else, is really a mixed-blessing Generally, the merits of studying overseas can be listed as follows Firstly, studying abroad will make students become more independent when they live alone in a foreign country They won’t receive help from their parents Although their parents can help them to pay tuition fees, accommodation fees, airplane tickets and other fees, their parents cannot help them to solve some problem such as paying bills, cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning their own room and take care of them when they are sick Besides, by studying overseas is an opportunity to learn foreign language effectively Overseas students must communicate and use the new language everyday in their daily life, so they can speak and use this foreign language like an indigene/a native Although overseas students have a chance to learn new languages, the language barrier can be a problem when they just get there Students can unfamiliar with a pronunciation of foreigners, so they meet a difficult problem in communication and studying in class This thing is able to have a negative effect on their academic performance Further, studying alone in an unfamiliar culture can lead to homesickness or even depression Having a different culture, custom, and language makes overseas students communication and share feeling with everybody difficultly Moreover, their academic performance falls down As a result/ consequence, it may influent their mental condition Now the conclusion is seft-evident with both bright and dark sides of studing abroad We need to make full positive use of the merits of studying abroad and minimize their demerits