BEST RESOURCES FOR WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT WITH HTML5 & CSS3 The free e-‐book for the Udemy course Second Edi7on, June 2015 WELCOME TO THIS E-‐BOOK This e-‐book is a collec.on of the links to all the amazing resources, tools and ar.cles we use in the “Responsive Web Design AND Web Development with HTML5 & CSS3” course All the tools and resources we use in the course can be found in the corresponding chapter of this e-‐book This e-‐book doesn’t contain the content of the course Beside that, I also share a lot of other resources with you in this e-‐book, in order to make your life as a web designer and developer a lot easier! I found all of these tools and resources over a period of years, spending days of my precious .me looking for things that I needed So I decided to pack all of them into this e-‐book, so that you don’t have to go through the same hassle! Have fun and enjoy the course, there is such a lot to learn! So go start your next lecture, right now WEBDESIGN BASICS 2.1 INTRODUCTION TO WEBDESIGN Design course in form of ar.cles: hTps:// Learn more about flat design: hTp://‐flat-‐design-‐vs-‐ skeuomorphism/ 2.2 TYPOGRAPHY Google fonts: tons of free, easy to use webfonts: hTps:// Fonts for free download: hTp:// List of best free fonts for designers: hTp://‐design-‐.ps/best-‐free-‐fonts-‐for-‐ designers-‐1233380 Very good for finding good font combina.ons: hTp://‐art-‐of-‐mixing-‐typefaces.html Find even more good font combina.ons: hTp:// Learn about typography in 10 minutes: hTp://‐in-‐ten-‐minutes.html learn even more about typography: hTp:// 2.3 COLORS Cool Flat UI colors: hTp:// Even more cool colors: hTp:// Find varia.ons of colors (very good): hTp:// Adobe Color CC, play around with colors: hTps://‐wheel/ PaleTon, play around with colors: hTp:// Beau.ful gradients for webdesign: hTp:// Learn about colors: hTp://www.rocket-‐‐template/ Learn even more about colors: hTp://‐introduc.on-‐to-‐color-‐theory-‐for-‐web-‐ designers-‐-‐webdesign-‐1437 2.4 WORKING WITH IMAGES Basically all free images in one place: hTp:// Images from many sources: hTp:// Unsplash, a must see: hTps:// Food images: hTp:// A curated collec.on of free resources: hTp:// Huge paTern library: hTp:// Subtle paTerns: hTp:// Free videos: hTp:// Techniques for working with images in CSS: hTp://css-‐‐considera.ons-‐text-‐images/ 2.5 WORKING WITH ICONS Beau.ful icon font: hTp:// Another beau.ful icon set: hTp:// Font awesome icons: hTp:// Big collec.on of SVG fonts: hTp:// Yet another icon font: hTp://icon-‐ 2.6 USER EXPERIENCE UX crash course in 31 days hTp://‐crash-‐course-‐31-‐fundamentals UI tricks that can lead to higher conversion rates: hTp:// 2.7 GETTING INSPIRED Find beau.ful websites: hTp:// Dribble, show and tell for designers: hTps:// Behance: hTps:// Inspira.on for one-‐page websites: hTps:// Even more webdesign inspira.on: hTp:// Flat design inspira.on: hTp:// Collec.on of specific design elements and paTerns: hTp:// Another collec.on of design elements: hTp:// Google fonts inspira.on: hTp://‐type/ Some amazing designers on Dribble: hTps:// hTps:// hTps:// hTps:// 2.8 EVEN MORE RESOURCES Huge list of front-‐end development resources: hTps://‐dev-‐bookmarks Curated resources for everything hTp:// DIVE INTO HTML The best text editor for front-‐end web development in the world: hTp:// Complete HTML reference: hTp:// HTML special characters hTps://css-‐ FORMATTING WITH CSS Complete CSS reference (this is really good): hTp:// Important CSS selectors: hTp://‐30-‐css-‐selectors-‐you-‐must-‐memorize-‐-‐ net-‐16048 Cool things you can do with Google Chrome Developer Tools: hTp://‐dev-‐tools-‐tutorial/28131/ THE OMNIFOOD WEBSITE PROJECT 5.1 REAL-‐WORLD STEPS TO A FUNCTIONAL WEBSITE Define your project (goal and audience) Plan out everything Sketch your ideas before you start designing Design and develop your website with HTML and CSS It’s not done yet: op.miza.on Launch the masterpiece Site maintenance Periodic table of web design process: hTp://‐design-‐process-‐infographic/ 5.2 LINKS USED IN OUR PROJECT Free, simple and easy-‐to-‐use fluid grid: hTp:// Get random user profiles: hTp:// Subtle hover effects: hTp://‐for-‐subtle-‐hover-‐effects/ Up-‐to-‐date browser support tables for CSS and HTML: hTp:// Using Internet Explorer on a Mac hTps:// Social network colors: hTp://‐media-‐colours-‐hex-‐and-‐rgb/ LET’S ADD SOME COOL EFFECTS 6.1 LINKS USED IN THE COURSE Animate.css: hTp:// 6.2 COOL JQUERY PLUGINS Webappers, huge list of plugins: hTp:// jQuery Rain, another huge list of plugins: hTp:// Magnific popup: hTp://‐popup/ Tool.pster: hTp:// Maplace.js, google maps plugin: hTp:// Typer, a plugin that types: hTp://‐js.html OnePageScroll: hTp:// OPTIMIZING AND LAUNCHING OUR WEBSITE Favicon Generator: hTp:// Compress images: hTp:// Minify CSS code: hTp://‐compressor/ Minify JavaScript code: hTp:// HTML valida.on: hTp:// Preview your website on mul.ple mobile devices at once: hTp:// SEO checklist: hTp://‐web-‐designers-‐seo-‐checklist-‐including-‐ portable-‐formats-‐-‐webdesign-‐10740 Google analy.cs hTp:// KEEPING UP WITH THE WEB INDUSTRY Treehouse show, weekly video about new things in webdesign and development: hTp://‐treehouse-‐show Sidebar: the 5 best design links, every day: hTp:// Codrops, webdesign blog with lots of freebies: hTp:// Webdesignerdepot, webdesign blog: hTp:// Smashing magazine, webdesign blog: hTp:// 1st webdesigner, webdesign blog: hTp:// Hey designer, curated list of webdesign ar.cles: hTp:// Sitepoint, learn HTML, CSS and more: hTp:// ... Web Development with HTML5 & CSS3” course All the tools and resources we use in the course can be found in the corresponding chapter of this e- book This e- book. .. hTps:// hTps:// hTps:// hTps:// 2.8 EVEN MORE RESOURCES Huge list of front-‐end development resources:... develop your website with HTML and CSS It’s not done yet: op.miza.on Launch the masterpiece Site maintenance Periodic table of web design process: hTp://‐design-‐process-‐infographic/