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Merry christmas kho tài liệu học tiếng anh

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U ;l{ }N rog ;-q &l **= ' - by JennyDooley& ChrisBoles PrimoryStogeI Teocher's Edition l n t r o d u c t i o n SuggestedLesson Plan tl Merry Ghristmas,Scene I Song : Ghristmas is Goming! 10 M e r r y C h r i stma s,S ce n e tl Song : lt's Christmas Time 18 M e r r y G h r i stma s,S ce n e 20 Song: Get Ready! 26 ilferry Ghristmas,Scene 28 S o n g : W e Wi sh Y o u A Me rry Gh ristm as , p 34 Activities n 36 Suggestions for Staging Howto Stagethe Play p Scriptand GeneralStageDirections Props Scenery SetArrangement Costumes DramaActivities Word List' |t p p P' p p p p p, 49 49 50 56 56 58 59 62 Introduction Christmas-time is a series of graded readers which is aimed at young learners between the ages of and 10 The series helps students to develop their knowledge of the English language through enjoyable stories about the spirit of Christmas from all over the world The series also provides further practice activities in the language presented in each story Therefore, it is suitable for use as a supplement to most primary courses and in all teaching situations The books are especially designed to motivate young learners of English as a foreign language and encourage them to take an active interest in the language Each story can easily be turned into a play for a class production These plays offer parts to learners of different abilities and are therefore suitable for all primary classes The series has three key levels: Primary Stage Primary Stage Primary Stage The stories are written in rhyme for Primary Stages and 2, as learners aged to tend to find it much easier and more enjoyable to read and learn language in rhyme; Primary Stage has been written in prose, as learners at this stage should be exposed to everyday speech patterns Each story is accompanied by a fully-dramatised recording , so that even learners who use the series outside the classroom can benefit from exposure to the correct pronunciation and intonation of the English language In addition, they will gain a better understanding of the language in context Christmas-time Primary Stage is the first stage of the series It is designed for children between the ages of and who have completed between 30 and 40 hours of English language learning Components: • Pupil's Book • Teacher's Edition • Audio CD / Cassette The Pupil's Book is divided into five main sections: • The story itself is presented in double-page spreads and is accompanied by a picture dictionary for each spread, which presents the core vocabulary used • Activities for further practice of the language learned throughout the story These are clearly indicated in the main story through child-friendly signposting • A song after each scene in the story related to the main topiC • A script and a list of props for the production of the story as a play This will activate the students' passive language by encouraging its use in a real situation (the staging of the play) It will also help teachers by illustrating how the play can be staged simply and effectively • An alphabetical word list of all the vocabulary items presented in the picture dictionary throughout the story This may easily be turned into a glossary if the students are encouraged to write their first language equivalent next to each item I The Teacher's Edition includes all of the above, the only difference being that the answers in the Activities section are over-printed for easy reference It also includes an additional section called Suggestions for Staging, which offers stage directions, practical tips on costuming, floor plans, a list of props needed for each scene (as well as ideas on how to make them), and drama activities so that learners are prepared and motivated to take part in the production Suggested Lesson Plan The story can be covered in four lessons Each lesson has a corresponding set of tasks in the Activities section In the first lesson: When first presenting the story, start by brainstorming ideas on the subject of the story by asking questions about the title and the cover of the book If necessary, allow students to use their mother tongue to answer the questions e.g What is the title of this story? What can you see in this picture? What are they doing? What you think this story is about? etc In aI/lessons: As an introduction to the lesson, pre-teach the core vocabulary Then focus on the main scenes in each spread and ask questions to help students describe the action in the pictures e.g Who is this? (point to each character in tum) What is he/she doing? What you think is happening here? Play the recording for the whole lesson Students follow in their books Ask students questions about the course of action in the story an9 whether it was as they expected Play the recording again, pausing at the end of each line to allow students to repeat Repeat this step as many times as necessary Instruct students to the same at home with their own recording so as to improve their ability to read aloud as well as to practise their intonation and pronunciation Assign roles and ask students to read the story aloud in class Repeat this step until every student has had an opportunity to read Revise the core vocabulary which was pre-taught in step Point to the signpost referring students to the activity section for that lesson Ask them to turn to these activities in the book Go through the activities in class, without allowing students to write the answers Assign them as written homework Play the song at the end of each scene and ask the class to practise singing it along with the CD/cassette In the next lesson: Start by singing the song taught in the previous lesson Then ask questions to revise the story so far These can be answered in the students' native language Assign students a role in the story and ask everybody to read the story aloud Demonstrating what students have learned at home will enhance their confidence and motivate them to continue with their learning Make sure you always give them some positive feedback on their performance whether it is on their pronunciation or acting Proceed to the next lesson in the story , It'sChristmas * t im atet he Nor t hPole It'ssno wing o uts ideand it ' sv er yc old In Sa nta 's works hop the elvesare busy, Butit'sCh ristmatism e.so thev'rev hap Hurryup!Hurryupl Christmos is coming! Christmos is coming! e cheerl Everyon I ,-4 / snowlng workshop elves Who'sof the door? Whoconit be? Who'sof the door? Openondsee! o door d *5 { r** ft's Peter,the postmon! Please comein! Hello, everybody! Hi, Peterl Comein! I , -6 r / o Postmon Hereyouore! This bog'sfor you It's very big! Andheovy,too! ( heovY -7f l* - It's fuff of lettersfrori oround the world Fromeve?ylittle boy andgirll Christmas listsfor SontoClous! Fromollthe little girlsondboys! # { n.8 r { o list letters the world |" fi ) Scriptand GeneralStageDirections Thenumber of rolesinthisplaycaneasilybeadapted to fitthenumber of students available or willing to takepart.For example,the elves'partscan be dividedinto morepartsor sharedamongfewer students playingtheelvesin scenes1 and2 can becomethe reindeer Or,students in scene3 The (should narrator theteacher choosenotto assume thisrolehim-/herself) shouldbe dressed as anangel Thenarrator canstandon the leftof rightof thestageso thathe/shedoesnotinterfere withtheaction or obstruct theviewof theaudience Actors: SantaClaus MrsClaus John Marv ChiefElf Elf1 Elt2 Elf3 peter,thepostman Rudolph _2 angels reindeer Vixen Narrator: A studentdressedas an angelor theteacher Scene f lThe children's lettersf Curtainsopen.Lightson Stagecentre: Mrs Clausand the elvesare arounda tabte wrappingpresentsand lookingbusy Jlaraton It'sChristmas timeat theNorth Pole.lt'ssnowing outsideandit's verycold.ln Santa's workshop theelvesarebusy.Butit's Christmas time,so they're very happy! ChiefElf waveshisarmsin theair to show the restof the elvestheymusthurry Ghief Elf: Hurryupl Hunyupl Christmas is coming! Theelvescontinueworkingexcitedlyas theyspeak Etf r: Christmas is coming! Christmas is near! Erf 3: Christmas is coming ! Etf 2: Everyone cheerl Thereis a knockon the doorand everybody looksup 50 Who'sat thedoor? Whocanit be? Mrs Clausstops.Shegoes to the doorand opensit Erf 3: Peterthepostmanentersstageleft, carryinga hugebag, full of letters Mrs Clausshowshim intothe centreof the stage Mrs Glaus: lt's Peter,the postmanl Please comein! Who'sat thedoor? Openandsee! ' Peter greets everybodyon stage and the audience Peter: Hello,everybody! He comes closer to the table when the Chief Elf inviteshim in Ghief Elf: Hi,Peter!Comeinl Peterholds ouf the bag to the elvesand Mrs Claus Peten Hereyouare! Thisbag'sfor you Mrs Clauslooksimpressedby the size of thebag trs Glaus: It'sverybig! ChiefElf takesthe bag, noticeshowheavy it is,and opensit He placesit on the floor in frontof the table Ghief Elf: And heavy,too! Petertakessomeenvelopesfrominsidethe bag and showsthemto everybody Peter: It'sfullof lettersfromaround theworld Fromeverylittleboyand girl! Theelvestakesomeof the lettersand openthem Ghief Elf: Christmas listsfor SantaClaus! As eachone speakstheyare lookingat a letter Elt 2= Fromallthelittlegirlsandboys! Petergoes back to the door He turnsto speakbeforehe leaves Peter: Well,MerryChristmas, everyonel I hopeyouhavelotsof funl Theelveswave.Theystillhavelettersin theirhands Curtainsremainopenand lightsdin The choir startssingingthe song whilethe elves and Mrs Clauskeep busy readingthe lettersand wrappingpresents Ghief Elf: A MerryChristmas to you,too! Elt 2= Goodbye, Peter.Seeyousoon! Song Ghristmas ls Gomingl Christmas is coming! goose The is gettingfat Pleaseputa pennyin theold man'shat lf youhaven'tgot a penny, a half-penny willdo lf youhaven'tgot that, thenGodblessyou , - oooooooooooo"tlgi _\qi 51 Scene lSanta's presentsl Lightsbrightenagain.Thelettershavebeen emptiedontothe tableand the elvesand Mrs Clausare readingthem Narator: Mrs Clausputsher letterdownand looks happy Mrs Glaus: Letters,letterseverywhere TheChiefElf reads hisletterwhilehe speaks Ghlef Elf: The presentsare ready- it's ChristmasEve!Now it'stimefor Santato leave! from littlegirlsand boys The childrenask Santa to send them lots and lots of roys ChiefElf gets up and so doesElf He taps on hisclockfaceto showSantahe should hurry Santa looks at the presents - almost all are wrapped up Chief EIf looks proud while the elves are still wrapptng Chief Elf brings Santa'ssack and hands it to him Elf picks up a doll from the table, and shows it to Santa Santa takes it and puts it in his bag ThenElf shows him a teddy Santa does the same Santa looks at the presentsagain and looks very happy with his hands on his hips 52 Santa: MerryChristmas! Ho,ho,ho! It'snearlytimefor meto gol Chief Elf: It'snearlytime,SantaClaus Elt 2z To visitall the girlsand boys Santa: Lots and lots of lovelypresents! Chief Elf: They'reready,Santa Santa: Oh, thankheavens! Er 3: A doll for Mary, a teddyfor John Santa: There'sa presentherefor everyonel Happychildren,everywhere Elt 2z Time to go, Santa Pleasetake care! Santa: Timeto fly! Elf I gives the sack to Santa All the elvesand Mrs Clauswavegoodbye Santa.Curtainscloseas Santaexitsstage left Thechoir startssinging Etf t: Everything's ready,so goodbye! Ghlef Elf: Awayyougo! Etf 3: On yoursleighoverthesnow! o Song - lt's Ghristmas Time! oooo ^ "oov ^U ^oo It'sChristmas time! It'sChristmas time! Giving-away{he-presents time Onefor youand onefor me Wrapthemup and underthetree! It'sChristmas timel It'sChristmas time! Laughing-and-singing-and-happy time Here'sa bikeandthere'sa ball Wrapthemup and givethemall! oooooo^ " oov ^ooo Scene lWith the reindeerf Curtainsopen The sceneis outsideSanta's house.lf possiblethrowa lengthof white cloth on the floorto makeit look like thereis snowon the ground.Thereindeerare waiting holdingthe stringsattachedto thesteigh Santaentersstageleft and is carryinghissack llarraton Santa'sreindeerarewaiting outside They'regeftingreadyto fly Rudolph: Hello,Santa.Here'syoursleigh! Santaputsthe bag into the sleighas he talksto the reindeer He pointsto each reindeeras he names them Santa: Welldone,reindeerl Let'sfly away! Here'sComet,here'sCupid Here'sDasherand Vixen Vixen,whois right behindRudotph,pointsto the restof the reindeer.Thereindeerare gettingresflessas they wantto go Uiren: Here'sDancerand Prancer Here'sDonnerand Blitzen! 53 JI I Santa gets into the sleigh, takesthe reins and turns to Rudolph Santa: AndwhataboutRudolph? Areyoureadyto go? Rudolphrubs his nose to make it glow, Rudolph: Oneminute, Santa Letme makemy noseglow! We'rereadyto go,so holdon tight ThenSanta slaps the reinsand the reindeer startrunningon the spot Santa: you noseis so bright Rudolph, tonight! Don'tworry,children We'reon ourway Fairy dust should be spilnkled around the feet of the reindeerand along the runners of the sleigh Santacan this Vixen: We'llbe therefor Christmas Dayl The lights go dim to indicate a change of location.Curtainsclose and the choir starts stngtng Santa: Christmas magic,Christmas funl MerryChristmas, everyone! oooooooooooo" Song Get Ready! Getready!Getreadyllt'stimeto gol Getready!GetreadylWemustn'tbe slowl Theskyis dark.Thesackis full Getready!Getready, thesleighto pultl Getready!GetreadylWe'releaving tonight GetreadylGetready!lt'sChristmas Nightl Themoonis up.Thestarsarebright, Getready!Getready,thisChristmas Evenighil Scene lln John and Mary's bedroomf 54 ooooooooooooo Curtainsopen.Lightsdim.Centrestage: the two childrenare asleepin bed whenSanta entersstageright.An angelis standingover the children'sheads.A stoolis on theirilght and a Christmas treeon theirleft Narrator: Santa's in thecitynow At JohnandMary'shouse Thechildren aresleeping in their beds,withtwosmallangels overhead! Santaknocksovera stoolas he is movino towardsthe children Angel l: Quiet,Santa!Watchyourstep! JohnandMaryarebothin bed! Thechildrenwakeup because of the noise John sitsup and tapsMaryon her shoulder rfohn: MarylMary!What'sthatnoise? Marygetsup too Stagetightsup The childrenturnand see Santa,so thevstand up withexcitement tary: Maybeit'sSantawithourtoys! SantagivesMarythe dolt,smiting Santa: MerryChristmas, Marydearl Thechildrenare reallyexcited Mary: Santa!Wow!You're reallyhere! SantagivesJohn histeddyand John hotdsit up excitedly Santa: MerryChristmas, John,my boyl Youweregood,so here'syourtoyl JohnlooksbetweenSantaand the teddy whileMarygoesto the tableand picksup a glassof milkand a plateof cookiesand bringsit to Santa.Santatakesa cookieand putsit in hispocket John: Thankyou,Santa.Wow! A teddyl I willcallhimLittteEddyt llary: Somemilkandcookiesirrstfnr you SantahugsMaryand peter Santa: Nowit'smyturnto saythankyoul Santastandsbetweenchildrenwith arms roundboth& theyall face theaudience.The choir startssingingthefinalsong Ail: MerryChristmas, everyonel Wehopeyouhavea lot of funl v - ' ^oooo^ o o o e o oo^ooo+*1 V Song We Wish You A Merry Christmas _ - / {ri Chorus: Wewishyoua MerryChristmas, Wewishyoua MerryChristmas, Wewishyoua MerryChristmas, Anda HappyNewyear! Goodtidingswe bring, Toyouandyourkin, Wewishyoua MerryChristmas, Anda HappyNewYear! RepeatChorus 55 = Props Toye and tools for the elves.Studentscan contributeby bringingtheirowntoys.Fortools,it would be bestto avoidanythingthatcan causeinjuries.Usea plastichammerand paperscissors.Paperand ribbonsfor wrappingthe presents A broom for MrsClaus.Youcan usea regularbroomfromthe school A mallbag flllcd witlr lctters for Peterthe postman.Any kind of schoolbagor rucksackthat can easilybe openedwilldo Urapped prosents for Santa.Theycan be easilymadeby wrappingemptyboxes Doll and tcddy for Elf3 Thesecan alsobe broughtby a student Hugesack of presents for Elf2 lt caneasilybe madeby sewingtogetherroundthe threesidestwo largepiecesof redcloth Glass of milk and plate of coolclcs for Maryto giveto Santa.lt wouldbe bestto use an empty plasticcup and plateto avoidanyaccidents on stage Props SCENE1 SCENE2 SCENE3 SCENE4 toys,paper& ribbons tools (screwdriver/hammer) t oroom / mailbagand letters t/ wrappedpresents t/ / doll and teddy sackof presents t/ t/ / fairydust glassof milkand plateof cookies t/ s Scenery treeas a decoration Scenes l-2: Theinsideof a housewitha Christmas on theleft.A olaintablewith A teddyand a doll leftunwrapped a tablecloth on centrestagewithvariouswrappedpresents on the table Scene 3: A plainblackor deeppurplebackdropwithpaperstarsattachedto givethe illusionof a starrysky.TheChristmas treefromtheprevious scenescanremainin thesameplace.Oncentrestage, Santa's sleigh 56 Scene 4: Insidethechildren's bedroom Thesamebackdrop as in scenes1 & A cardboard fireplace witha blazingfirepaintedon it.Twosmallcarpetsor rugscanbe usedas bedswithblankets andoilows for eachbed,A smalltable(to holdthe glassof milkandthe plateof cookies)on the right.Thesmall stoolSantaknocksover.ThesameChristmas treeas in the previous sceneson theleft SetArrangement Scene | &2 backdrop Scene backdrop Christmas tree sleigh Narrator Scene Narrator backdrop fireplace table bed bed christmas tree tlr"l:i stool Narrator 57 Costumes I Elves: Greentightsor leggingswitha longtop and a blackbelt.The elvesdo not needto wearshoesbut if theydo, blackshoesare best and a silverbucklecan be added The hats shouldbe pointed,made of soft greencloth made from silverfoil/paper or crepe paper,which has an elasticband attachedto the bottomthat goes around the headto hold it there Mrs Glaus: A long pink dresswithan apronor a long red skirtand a whiteshirtwithan apron Her haircan be createdsimplyby dustingthe actress'shairwithtalcumpowdertill it lookswhite.Blackboots 58 Peter: Blue trousersand a hoodedjacket,with fur if possible.A blue cap Glovesand bootsof anycolour.A postalserviceemblemshouldbe madefromcardand pinned can be drawn to the uppersleevesof the jacketand on the cap Peter'smoustache on the student'sface usingan eyelinerpencil Santa: top A black belt and boots (black if Red baggy trousersand a long-sleeved possible)with cottonwool aroundthe top of them.A red jacketedgedwith cotton wool.A hat madein the samewayas the elves'hats(onlythistimein redand edged withcottonwool)or a boughtSantahat Gloves.Santa'sbeardcan be madefrom cottonwool or a Santabeardcan be bought Reindeer: Lightbrownto mid-brownleggingsand matchingtops.Antlersmadefromcard and Redcollarsmadefromcard or ribbonwith bellsattached staoledontoheadbands All reindeerexceptRudolphhaveblackshinynoses.Rudolphhas a red nose.The reindeerare harnessedtogetherand to the sleighwith rope- white,gold or black Thisharnessends in the reinsthat Santapicksup in scene3 afterpassingthrough loopson the sleigh Angels: Dressedin longwhiteor gold dresseswith long sleeves.Wingsmadeout of paper or card.Thewingsare attachedto the dressusingsafetypinsand shouldbe white The angelsshouldnot be wearingany shoes,but can wearwhitesocks Mary: Pinkpyjamasand fluffyslippers John: Bluepyjamasand fluffyslippers DramaActivities I First-time listening and reading Aims: Tofamiriarise Ss withthe storytheyaregoingto perform Preparation: Readthestoryand decideat whichpointsit wouldbe suitableto stopandask Ss to speculateon the story Materials: Theaudiocassetteor CD andthe pupil'sBook Description: Introduce thestoryto theSsby showing themthepupil'sBookcoverandfront page.Pointto thecharacters and askfor ss' speculations on bothstorvand characters Playthe cassetteor CD whileSs followin theirbooks.Whenyou reachthe firststoppingpoint,ask ss to closetheirbooksand tell youwhattheythink is goingto happennext.Acceptall answers andthencontinue Afterlistening to the development of the storystopagainand askSs whichof theirsuggestions werecorrect.Thenplaythestoryuntilthenextstoppingpoint time the story Aims: To helpSs focuson physicalco-ordination, facialexpression and enteringand exiting Preparation: Readthe storyand memorisethe positionand movements of the charactersin eachscene Materials: Audiocassette/CD and the Pupil'sBook Description: Allocatethe rolesof the story.Any ss whoare notwillingto act can workas assistants with propsand scenery Readthe storywiththe class.Eachactorshouldreadout his/herlines.As they so, ask them to focus on what their charactersare doing in that scene Markthe entranceand exit pointson your 'stage'(if this is done in the classroom,it couldbe the frontpart of the room)so that ss knowwhereto enterand exit Playthe cassetteof the story again.Ask the actorsto mimeeach scene withoutspeaking.Tellthemto concentrate on the movements theyshouldbe performing Givefeedbackto the actorson theirperformance Repeatthe pantomime as manytimesas necessary for theactorsto learnthe stageroutine Listen tor the cue! To helpSs learntheirlinesand identifywhento saythem 59 Preparation: Cut out the scriptpagesin the Pupil'sBooks Materials: A copy of the scriptfor everyS Description: Pointout that knowingwhento speakis importantin a play and that in order to that,they shouldidentifythe linesof the characterswho speakbefore them(le,the cues) Allocatethe rolesand ask Ss to underline theirlinesin one colourand circle the linesbeforethem.Ss that are not willingto act can workas prompters Ask Ss to read out the play.Prompterscan make sure that confusedactors get theirlinesright pronunciation, Youcan repeatthe reading,focusingon intonation, clarityetc Ghorus line Aims: To helpSs learntheirlinesby drillingthem in chorus, To give Ss practicein accurateintonation To lessen,throughchoralrepetition,Ss' anxietyof acting out in a foreign language Preparation: Cut out the scriptpagesin the Pupil'sBooks Materials: One copy of the scriptfor everyS Description: Selectone characterfor all Ss to play.Startreadingout the play,Assumeall otherrolesbut the one chosenfor the studentsto practise.Ss repeatthe lines wherenecessarvbV of the one characterin chorus.Correcttheirintonation providinga model Readthe play again,thistime assigningthe Ss witha differentrole Repeatstages1 - untilall the roleshavebeen practised Variation: you can play the recordingand Insteadof readingthe remainingrolesyourself, allowSs to reoeattheirlinesalonowith it Who's missing? (Particularly if you are producinga playwith Ss fromvariousclasses.) appropriate 60 Aims: To help all Ss to get to knoweach otheror the rolestheyare playing Preparation: musicto play for Ss to movearoundto Selecta cassettewith instrumental Materials: A cassettewithmusicof yourchoice Description: Playsomemusicand tellSs to movearoundthe room.Aftera while,stop the musicand tell Ss to rollup intoa ball and closetheireyes Chooseone of the Ss, tap him/heron the shoulderand he/shetiptoesout of the room Tell everyoneto open their eyes Now,ask them to guess who's missing When they have guessed,they call out the missingS's name and he/she comes back into the room Repeatsteps - untilall Ss havehad a turn Pip, Squeak and Wiltred Aims: To encourageSs to be alertand readyto move Preparation: Makea listof activitiesyouwouldlikeSs to whentheyare 'out'of the game, eg singa song,saythe alphabetetc Materials: None Description: Ss sit in a circle.Go aroundthe circle and namethe Ss, Pip, Squeakor Wilfred.Pointout thattheymustremember whotheyare Explainthat whenyou call out one of the names,all the Pips,Squeaksor Wilfredswill haveto run clockwisearoundthe circleonceand backto their originalposition Callout one name,eg Ppl'Ss runas told.ThelastS to sit is 'out'.Toallow him/herto get back intothe game,he/shemustpay a forfeit,ie performan activityfromthe list you haveprepared Iirrors Aims: ToencourageSs'observation and concentration abilities Preparation: None Materials: None Description: Ask Ss to sit or standin pairsfacingeachother.Explainthat one of them,S A, has to act as if he/sheis lookingin the mirror,and the other,S B, hasto 'mirro/theirexactmovements Ss startpractisingin pairs.Aftera fevvminutes,ask Ss to changerolesand S B takeswer the lead whileS A 'mirrors'the movements Pointout that concentration is importantand monitorthe class,watchingeachpair Thisactivitycan be turrredintoa game,wherethe bestpairwins,by eliminating pairsif theydon't minorthe exactmovements of theirpartners I Er* rtoeeirg Ain$ To encourageSs to memorisethings Haterials: t{one Preparalion: l'lone Description: Ask Ss to sit in a circle.Selecta S to startry saying"ln my shoppingbasketI have(eg an apple).'In turns,eachS in the circlecontinuesby addingan item to the list 6r Word List Thewordsin colourare presented in the picturedictionary of the mainstory an g e ls around away bag bed b ig both boy bright busy cheer ch ild r e n Eve Christmas Christmas time crty cold comeIn cookies dear d o ll door elves every everybody everyone everything everywhere fl v full fun 62 get ready girl grow gooo happy heavy holdtight hope Hurryup! it'smy turn leave letters list little lot lovely magrc maybe MerryChristmas mrlk minute near nearly norse NorthPole nose now on our way open outside overhead please postman presents quiet ready really reindeer Santa SantaClaus See you soon! send sleep sl ei gh small snow snowrng take care teddy Thankheavensl time tonight toys visit wait watchyour step welldone! worKSnop world worry Prim ry Stage Pri ry Stage ISBN L- 84325-686-X Express Publishing II [[IIIII[I[ "[ 1[[ [[ [ II 781843 256861 ... Fromeve?ylittle boy andgirll Christmas listsfor SontoClous! Fromollthe little girlsondboys! # { n.8 r { o list letters the world Well,MerryChristmos, everyonel I hopeyouhovelotsof 'A MerryChristmos to you,tool... d u c t i o n SuggestedLesson Plan tl Merry Ghristmas,Scene I Song : Ghristmas is Goming! 10 M e r r y C h r i stma s,S ce n e tl Song : lt's Christmas Time 18 M e r r y G h r i stma s,S... ready- it'sChristmas Nowit'stimefor Santato leave! Letters,letters everywhere from little girlsond f -1 t r presents Thechildrenosk Sontoto sendthem lots ondlots of toys children MerryChristmos

Ngày đăng: 14/11/2019, 12:52