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DVD : VIP Global Leadership Program VIP Welcome - VIP Welcome Video Text - VIP Welcome Commentary Text - VIP Welcome MS Text - VIP Welcome Bonus MS Text - VIP Welcome POV Text 01 11 19 32 40 Comfort Zone - Comfort Zone video text - Comfort Zone Mini Story Text - Comfort Zone POV Text - Comfort Zone Commentary Text 47 56 63 68 VIP Power Conversations, Power Questions 76 VIP Surprise Bonus Video Text 92 VIP Lesson Video Hi, it’s A.J., welcome to the VIP Program, the VIP Global Leadership Program Now this is the first lesson set that everyone gets when they join the VIP Program Of course in the future I will send you a new set of lessons every month Once a month you will get an email from me and the email will be a link to the new lesson page for that month, so every month you will get something new from me, so welcome And what are we going to learn about? Number one, you’re going to learn English speaking confidence So you’ll see that there’s a mini-story, a point-of-view story and an audio commentary in every set Every month you get that, of course you So, no worries, you’re going to improve your fluency, your speaking, quickly, easily and automatically That’s number one I want you to feel confident when you speak English So right now, in fact, you need to put your shoulders back and I want to see a smile on your face and I want your chest to be up and I want you to breathe deeply Remember, we have to change our body that’s the first step It’s not the only thing, but it’s the first step to getting more confidence When our chin is up, our shoulders are back, chest is up, we’re smiling we have more of a feeling of confidence, of strength and relaxation So be sure to that every time you listen to English, speak English, and watch my videos always, very, very, very important So that’s the first step Now you’re going to learn confidence, you’re going to get, you know, new English of course from these lessons, but also we’re going to learn leadership Every single month I’m going to send you audio commentaries and a little video about the topic of leadership And sometimes I’ll use that movie technique, I’ll pause and explain Sometimes I will just talk myself about a leadership topic Today with our first one here I’m going to show you a Tony Robbins’ video I’ll pause and explain to help you understand, so we can all become better leaders in our life, with our family, with our friends, at our jobs and in general One note real quick All of these Tony Robbins’ videos I use are public I not use Tony Robbins’ products I respect Tony Robbins so much I have bought so many of his products I pay to go to his seminars I would never use or copy his products So these are public speeches You can find them on YouTube or the Internet or his website publically And I want to help you learn and understand Tony’s ideas, because I think he is a great leader, someone we can learn a lot from www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page of 96 So, let me start This is a speech he gave at the TED Conference I think that means technology, education and development, I’m not sure about that It’s a speech from 2006 I will show you just a small part of it, help you understand it and then I’ll talk about the topic Let’s go [Plays video] Okay, so he said I look at life and I believe there are two master lessons, two big things we must all learn in life [Plays video] Number one is the science of achievement What’s that? Well that means how to be successful in your life and it’s a science, right, in your career or job, with money, with relationships, with health, whatever your goals are, what you want in life It’s kind of a science, right? If you want to be a great golf player, well, basically, you have to study other great golf players You learn exactly what they and how to the grip and, you know, how to your swing It’s a science You can study it There are principles for this that you can learn very rationally, very logically So there’s the science of achievement, the science of success [Plays video] So he’s saying almost everyone in this room has mastered it At this conference it’s very, very, very successful, wealthy, great people They all know the science of achievement They’re already successful in their lives [Plays video] So he’s saying the science of achievement That’s how you take the invisible and make it visible What’s he talking about? He means you start with an idea, some great idea then you make it real You have a dream to have a big company and then you create the company, really, you make it or you have a dream to have a great, wonderful family It’s just invisible, it’s in your head, it’s an idea, but then you actually it The invisible, the idea, becomes something real in the world That’s the science of achievement [Plays video] So he’s saying how you take your goal, your idea, the invisible, and make it happen in the world You make it real, whether it be your contribution in the world, your business, your finances and money, your family, whatever www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page of 96 [Plays video} Your body, your family [Plays video] So he’s saying the other lesson of life you must master is the art of fulfillment We have the science of achievement, becoming successful, becoming rich, great family, great body, all these things we always think about That’s the science of achievement, but he says there’s another challenge, another great life lesson we must learn, the art of fulfillment What is fulfillment? Fulfillment really means happiness, right? Happiness is what he’s talking about, the art of being happy, right? We know that a lot of successful people are not happy We see famous people all the time, they have tons of money, they’re rich, everybody loves them, they’re super, super successful, they have great bodies, they’re super handsome or beautiful, they have a perfect life we think, but they’re not happy They have the art of achievement They not have the art of happiness, the art of fulfillment We need both [Plays video] So he’s saying science is easy The science of achievement is easy We know the rules The rules are more clear Like in business, you know, we basically know what we need to to make more money Cut our expenses and market well It’s very clear, much more clear We know the rules We know the code [Plays video] So he’s saying if you follow those rules, you follow the rules and you a good job you get the result you want [Plays video] He’s saying when you know the game you up the anti, don’t you? What’s that? That’s a slang phrase To up the anti means to raise your level It comes from poker, actually, from betting, but the more general meaning to up the anti it means to raise your level You were a beginner then you raise yourself to intermediate You were intermediate, you raise yourself to advance You upped the anti [Plays video] So he’s saying that’s a science Achievement, success, that’s a science There are clear rules, but happiness, fulfillment, that’s an art It’s less clear what we need to www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page of 96 [Plays video] So he said why, why is it an art? Why is it different than success? He’s saying because fulfillment and happiness that’s about two things, appreciation and contribution, interesting Appreciation means gratitude It means being grateful for what you already have Achievement, success, that’s usually about wanting more I want to be more successful with English I want more money I want a better relationship I want to lose more weight You’re thinking about the future But happiness, fulfillment, that’s about being happy and grateful for what you have already now I’m so happy for my wife I’m so happy for my children I’m happy that I have this body and that I can breathe and smile and feel good I’m so happy for my parents, for whatever you have And then number two, the other part of the art of fulfillment is contribution Contribution means helping other people, giving to other people, being generous It’s not with money so much, but really generous with your heart, generous with your feelings Giving and helping and teaching other people, that’s the other part of fulfillment, of happiness [Plays video] Ah, right? He’s saying you can only feel so much It means there’s a limited amount you can feel alone If you’re alone you can feel a little bit happy, sure you can feel happy, but when you share with other people, help other people, oh you’re happiness grows much bigger It’s an important point [Plays video] Woo, he talks fast, ha? He said so I’ve had an interesting laboratory in which to look at You know, what’s the difference in somebody’s life? He’s talking about different people So what is he talking about interesting laboratory? Well, he’s talking about his business In his business he always meets people He meets a lot of people with problems, successful people, people who are not successful, happy people, people who are not happy So this is kind of like a laboratory, right? It means he can go and he can compare and experiment and try different things and find out what is the difference What’s the difference between a very happy person and someone who’s depressed? What’s the difference between a very successful person and someone who’s not? Tony Robbins is always looking to find out what is the difference between these kinds of people www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page of 96 [Plays video] So he’s saying, for example, those people you give everything to, they have the resources Resources means things you need So he’s talking about, for example, somebody who is famous, super rich They had wonderful, loving parents Their husband or wife is wonderful and loving and great and fantastic Everything externally, on the outside, seems to be perfect [Plays video] If they want a computer you give them the best computer If they want love you give them lots of love [Plays video] You gave them joy, happiness You were there to comfort them To comfort means to make someone feel better If they feel sad you are there and you help them feel good [Plays video] He says those people, the people who have everything very often and he says you know some of them I’m sure You probably know people like this who have everything They seem to have everything they need [Plays video] They end up with the rest of their life, they have all of this They have all of this love, money, education A perfect background means great parents, great experiences [Plays video] And they spend their lives going in and out of rehab It means perfect people with perfect lives many times especially we see famous people they go in and out of rehab What’s rehab? Rehabbing means drug rehabilitation, drug rehabilitation So he’s saying they become drug addicts They need to go to a program, a center, a rehabilitation center for drug addicts to try to quit drugs We see this with famous people all the time Everybody loves them, they’re rich, they’re beautiful, they had great parents, everything seems to be perfect, yet they become drug addicts They have to go to these hospitals, these rehabilitation centers to try to quit They quit for a short time then they go back again So he’s thinking why, right? www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page of 96 Most people think oh, if I had more money, if I had more success, if more people love me, if my body was better, then I would be happy That’s not true necessarily [Plays video] So he’s saying and then, on the other hand, you meet other people who have been through, who have experienced, ultimate pain, total, horrible pain [Plays video] Psychological pain, sexual pain [Plays video] Spiritual pain [Plays video] Emotionally abused, so they have sexually been abused, emotionally abused In other words their parents or boyfriend or somebody said terrible things to them all their life Hurt them physically, hit them; beat them up, terrible, terrible, terrible pain in all of their life [Plays video] So he’s saying not always, but often those people that had so much pain, later they become the people who contribute the most to society, who help society the most, who help other people the most They become the best, most wonderful, most loving people, most happy people in the world Now not immediately, right? It takes a long time for them sometimes, but often those become the very best people, the people who had the most pain, why? [Plays video] So he’s saying the question we have to ask ourselves, really [Plays video] What is it? What’s the difference? What causes happiness? What causes great leadership? It’s not tons of money It’s not lots of success It’s not everybody loves you Clearly it’s not www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page of 96 [Plays video] What is it that shapes us that influences us? [Plays video] We live in a therapy culture, right? So he’s saying people think we need to go to some psychologist and talk about our problems all day [Plays video] He says the culture is there He says most of us don’t that, but the culture has this therapy mentality In our general, global culture this idea that we need to just talk and talk about our problems that’s the solution [Plays video] And here’s the big thing, this is the most important idea right here There’s a mindset, a mindset, a belief, a deep belief in most of the world that we are our past The past equals now, the past equals our future So many people believe this, right? My past was terrible; therefore, I am terrible now My life is terrible now; therefore, in the future my life will be terrible always So many people have this belief It’s not true, not true [Plays video] So he’s saying everybody in this room would not be here They would not be at this success convention/seminar if they bought that theory It’s kind of like an idiom To buy an idea means to believe it If you say I don’t buy that idea, it means I don’t believe that idea So sometimes we use the verb the word “buy” to mean belief, if we’re talking about ideas You say don’t buy that idea or I don’t buy that idea It means I don’t believe it So he’s saying most of you don’t buy that idea Most of you don’t believe that idea that the past causes me to be how I am in the future [Plays video] But he’s saying most people in the world believe it They believe that by biography is destiny What’s biography? Biography is your past, your past life What’s destiny? Destiny is your future life The thing most people believe is the biography, the past life, causes the future life www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page of 96 I’m going to stop here with Tony and just talk to you a little bit about this idea, so, so important This idea that the past causes what’s happening now and the past causes the future, it does not! This is one of the beliefs you must change in your life, if you have it To be a great leader, to contribute, to be happy, to help your family, to help your friends, to help the world, to be a better person, everything depends on this changing The past does not equal the future This is a basic Tony Robbins’ idea It’s a basic idea for happiness and success We know it’s not true We know people who had terrible, horrible, things in the past They were abused They had physical problems, emotional problems No money, poor, terrible, terrible lives in the past and yet now they’re so happy They’re rich They’re helping other people They’re wonderful, great, incredible leaders We also know people in the past who had everything, rich, so much money They grew up rich Their parents were rich They got love all the time Their parents gave them love constantly, everybody always giving them love Maybe they’re famous Everybody knows them and loves them Physically they’re strong and healthy They look beautiful or very handsome They seem to have everything in the past and yet now unhappy They have terrible lives They don’t love anybody They’re not helping anyone They are terrible, terrible leaders So this is important We must always think about this It’s so easy to blame now on the past It’s so easy to focus on the past Oh, I’m not good at English, because in the past my teachers were bad In the past my school was bad Maybe that is true It doesn’t matter Forget the past Right now you have a better method Right now you have Effortless English lessons Right now you know the seven rules You know a better way Forget the past Your present and your future can be totally different You can be a confident English speaker You can feel relaxed when you speak English You can speak fluently, easily and automatically You can communicate powerfully The past is not important Now is important and the future It’s also about our emotions If you’re not happy now that’s okay In my life many times I was not happy, but right now I am very happy Why? Because I don’t blame the past, I don’t focus on the past I focus on now What can I now to be happy? What can I now to be healthy? How can I help other people now? How can I teach other people now? How can I give more to other people now? www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page of 96 How can I appreciate what I already have now, my beautiful, wonderful wife Tamoa who I love dearly? Yes, we have disagreements and problems and different views about things, but I still appreciate her so much I appreciate past girlfriends or people I dated We broke up and we’re not together anymore and our lives are totally different, but I still appreciate them I’m thankful I’ve learned something from them They were still good people I appreciate other people in my past Maybe they didn’t like me Maybe we had problems and we argued, but I learned something from them I can choose to still appreciate them Maybe I don’t like them, maybe I don’t want to be their friend, but I can still be thankful, because I learned something from them Because of them I learned and I became a better person I can still appreciate that I can appreciate the problems in my life in the past, because they taught me something They made me stronger, they made me better In the past I was very unhappy about it, but now I can look back and I see ah, that was a chance to learn, that was a change to grow That’s how you need to change If you want to be a global leader and you want to confident and you want to be happier it’s very important to appreciate your problems and appreciate your past, even if it was bad and terrible, especially the bad and terrible parts That’s the difference between people who are unhappy and they are terrible leaders and people who become great, happy, wonderful leaders The great ones look at the terrible things in the past, the pain and they learn something from it They appreciate it They say it was terrible, it was horrible, but I’m thankful because I learned to care more about other people It helped me to be more sensitive to other people It taught me to be a better person Or I decided I would never that to another person I was hurt I decided I would never hurt other people this way You learned something from it It made you a better person You need to learn to appreciate that The experience was bad, yes, but the learning was wonderful for you It can make you help other people so much, because of that pain in the past We all have pain from the past, but we have a choice Do we blame the pain and focus on it and become negative and terrible or we learn from it and appreciate the lesson we learned and then use that lesson to help other people It can be something small or it can be big, but that’s the point that Tony is talking about It’s a very important point for leadership So that’s my point for you today with this first lesson for VIP and I will be talking about leadership ideas in every lesson set every month And, also, I want you to listen to the www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page of 96 in the middle of December I have an Internet business and I can continue working and making money while I travel And, you know, I’m going to’ fly first to Japan to see my wife then I’m going to Thailand I tell you all the details You ask me, you know, when are you going? How are you doing this? And then finally you say why? A.J., why are you going there? And I say oh, because this is part of my business I will some workshops, I will seminars, plus I love Asia I lived in Asia in the past I love the culture and the food and the people And I talk and I talk and I talk and I talk I mean it’s easy I will talk a lot about this topic I’m passionate about this topic So, most people will be Some people may be shyer than me, but if you ask them these questions and keep asking them they will open up They will talk more and more because they’re excited about it It’s exciting to them It’s interesting to them Finally the next step, if you really want to make them excited, you ask about the future, step four So they told you what they’re doing now or what they’re doing soon Next, the final power question topic, you say… Well what you want to next? You say oh wow, you’re doing this cool thing and I know how you’re doing this, I know the details and I know why you’re doing it That’s great, what you want to after that? What you want to next? Why are you asking this question? What’s this question about? This question is about dreams You’re asking about their dream What is your big dream? What is your goal? What you want in the future? Another powerful question Here’s another future question you can have What would you really love to in the future? Really love to in the future, use those words What would you really love to in the future? Again, what are you doing? You’re trying to find their dream What they love? What they really, really want? What are they super excited about? What is their dream or dreams? So, that’s it, four steps Let me read to you again Step one is what are you doing now that’s cool or interesting or exciting? Step two, get the details How are you doing that exactly? When you are doing that? How did you that? Get the details, step two Step three, ask about why, the reason Why are you doing that or why will you that? www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 82 of 96 Why did you that? Get the reasons, very powerful Finally step four, go to the future about their dream What would you really love to in the future? It’s a four-step process Why is this so powerful? Here’s the reason When you use this technique in every conversation you have it’s so powerful Why is it powerful? Number one: you learn a lot about the other person In a normal conversation maybe with a new person, a stranger, often you don’t learn very much, right? You know they talk about the weather, they talk about TV, they talk about their job and maybe they’re complaining a little bit You learn something, but you don’t learn much that’s deep It’s all kind of surface, but when you ask these questions you go deep very quickly You’re talking about people’s passions and their dreams That’s powerful So you learn more about them You connect more quickly with the other person Number two: super important, part three of our code You show the other person that you care about them I mean when you ask these questions, what are you communicating? Without say it you are showing that you care about them You are interested in them That is so powerful When you care about other people they care about you more, but you show the other person that you really care about them You’re interested in them Number three: you lead this When you use this technique, these questions, you become a leader You lead them to focus on something exciting and interesting to them You don’t let them talk about boring stuff You don’t let them talk about negative stuff because immediately, at the beginning of the conversation, you change the focus You are a leader You lead them to positive topics, exciting topics, to talk about their dreams, to talk about their success, to talk about what they love and are excited about That’s leadership, very powerful Number four: You help them feel more confident and more excited Just imagine you talk to someone and you use this technique Maybe in the beginning they’re tired Maybe in the beginning they’re sad Maybe they are having a bad day But when you ask these questions, all of these questions again and again and again they will, usually, feel better and better At the end of the conversation with you they will feel more confident, happier, more excited, and more positive I mean you’re helping them feel better That’s leadership, right? It’s helping other people be happier, more confident and more excited using this method Do this It’s very powerful Next here we go www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 83 of 96 Number five: Why this? Why we use this? They will care more about you I’ve said this a few times already, right, but it’s so important It’s so, so true If you want other people to care about you, to respect you then show them that you care about them, right? I mean this is how I built my business, by trying to help my students, to show them I cared, right? Like when I was teaching school in San Francisco I would go to my class and my classes became bigger and bigger and more popular, super big And sometimes people would come from other classes and they came to my class instead Why? Well because they knew I cared I was not just doing my job, reading from the textbook, getting my money, my paycheck, I cared I wanted them to succeed I showed them that I cared and because I cared they cared more about me They liked me more They respected me more This is true in every country everywhere in the world Show other people you care, they care more about you Number six: They will connect feelings of confidence and excitement to you What’s that mean? It means when they talk to you, because you ask these questions, they feel better They feel more confident, they feel more excited and in their brain there will be a connection These positive feelings and you, they will go together in their mind, in their brain, so when they see you again they naturally feel more confident, more positive, more excited These emotions are connected to you, linked to you and if you this again and again, maybe with a friend or family, eventually every time they see you they will feel a little bit better Also, they will know when they are with you that it’s okay to talk about positive topics It’s okay to feel excited So that’s powerful, that’s also leadership Number seven: This is so incredible, it’s so true, when you ask these questions and just listen, listen, listen, they will think that you are a great speaker, even if you don’t speak very much I mean you’re not really thinking very much You’re asking a few of these power questions and then you’re listening Ah, you’re looking and you’re listening, asking a few power questions, listening more Really you are not talking very much, yet people will leave the conversation and they will think oh, you are a great speaker That was a great conversation And I have seen this many times in my life When I have used this kind of technique people will think that I am so great at communicating and, yet, actually I didn’t talk very much, so it’s quite surprising This will work for you with your English Even if you think you’re English is not good, if you use these questions, use this method, people will think you speak better I promise you, just try it Don’t trust me Try this and you will see www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 84 of 96 Okay, now here’s a problem, because sometimes you will ask a question, you’ll say what are you doing that’s interesting? Sometimes the other person will not answer Oh, I don’t know nothing, right Some people are very negative or maybe they are having a very bad day, they’re having a bad mood or they’re tired and they don’t want to think about that So when you ask this question first maybe it’s oh, I don’t know So what should you do? Well ask them again, first of all Don’t ask just one time You know that’s why I gave you three versions, right? So first you might say what are you doing that’s exciting? And they say I don’t know Well, nothing Well ask the next question Oh, okay Well what are you doing that’s interesting? It’s basically the same question, right? You changed one word, but it makes them think again You’re changing their focus, so this time they might answer you Or maybe they say oh, interesting? I don’t know Nothing really So then ask the third question Oh, okay, well what are you doing that’s cool? So you ask it three times three different ways You’re giving them three chances to answer You’re trying to change their focus to something more positive But maybe after three times still they say nothing- nothing- nothing My job sucks My life sucks Nothing- nothing- nothing- blah- blah- blah What you next? Immediately then, after you try that, if right now their life is bad, they don’t want to talk about it right now, nothing good now, then just jump to the future Jump to step four and say okay, well, nothing now, sounds like right now not so good You can say well, what would you really love to in the future? So if someone’s life is terrible now or if they’re attitude, their mind, their mood is terrible now, get them to focus on the future The future is open, right, so we can always find something in the future positive, we can imagine it So ask them, what would you really love to in the future? And then I say I don’t know So, you know, what would you really like to in the future? Just change the question a little bit and then ask them again What would you really like to in the future? Well I don’t know I don’t know, maybe get a better job Oh really? What kind of job? So then next you jump to detail, right? So you go back to step two again Do you see the method? If they just say no, no, no to step one then you’d go to the future instead Ask them about the future Ask them in different ways until they give you a positive answer and when they finally give you a positive answer, even a small positive answer, immediately ask about the details next www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 85 of 96 So maybe they say I don’t know, maybe I would like a better job Great, that’s a little positive, so you can then ask about details Oh, really? Well what kind of job would you like that would be better? Okay, they’re going to get more positive now Well, I don’t know something with more money Oh, great How much money would you really love to make See, again, details, details What kind of job would it be, right? And then you get to more details, details, details and then you can ask again why Why you want that kind of job? Why you want more money? See what I mean? Very powerful You can still use this with a negative person Sometimes it takes more work, but you can it Okay, now finally, there’s one last step So you have the four steps, right? You ask them, what are you doing that’s cool or interesting? Next you ask about the details How are you doing that exactly, when are you doing it, etc., details Step three you ask why Why are you doing that? Why you want to that? Why you enjoy that? Why- why- why In step four you ask about the future Well that’s interesting, what would you really love to next or in the future? So that’s the four step power question process Then you can finish this process, you can finish this conversation with one final step, if you want to And the final step is sincere compliments That word sincere is very important, it means real and honest If you just say something nice to someone but you don’t feel it, it’s not true for you, that’s not sincere and it’s not powerful and people will think you’re some jerk or something because they’ll feel it, so it must be true and sincere You must feel it, you must see it So here are some examples of sincere compliments They told you everything, right? All the four questions, so here’s one example At the end you can say, well that’s really interesting because…tell them the reason Tell them why you think it’s interesting What they’re doing or why they’re doing it or what they want to do, anything they told you, tell them that it’s interesting to you and tell them why it’s interesting That’s very interesting because… Here’s another one, compliment them directly as a person For example, maybe someone says I want to get a better job so I can help my family more Okay, wow, you are obviously a caring person because you want to help your family Say you are obviously a (blank) person, some kind of person, a generous person, an interesting person, a creative person, an intelligent person, a fun person Whatever it is, you know, be honest It should be real and then tell them why you think they are…because you www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 86 of 96 are trying to help your family, because you want to this exciting, amazing thing So you compliment them personally and then tell them the reason Another example of an easy compliment, I think that’s great because…then tell them the reason I think that’s great you are going to Italy because you will learn so much and it shows that you really love adventure and you love learning It doesn’t matter the reason, just make it true The reason doesn’t need to be perfect You don’t need to say it perfectly, just be honest Give them a real compliment So, again, compliment This is so important Compliments must always be sincere That means they must always be true Don’t say something if you don’t really mean it Don’t say something if you don’t feel it yourself If you don’t think it’s interesting don’t say that’s interesting, okay? It’s got to be sincere And if you can’t think of anything, if they told you all this stuff and you just thing that’s terrible, just don’t say anything, okay? Just say oh, thank you And the other thing about compliments, they must be specific That’s why I add because, because You can say wow, you are an interesting person Wow, you are a caring person That’s okay That’s sincere, that’s great, but you should also be specific Tell them exactly why you think that Tell them the exact reason Be specific it’s much more powerful They will feel it more when you are sincere and specific Okay, so this is the end of the bonus surprise VIP training for “Power Questions, Power Conversations”, but at the end here I’m going to give you some homework You are a VIP, you’re special and you know that just listening to this information is not enough You must take action You must something When you learn something you should immediately take action and use what you learned That’s how it becomes powerful and real That’s how you improve in your life That’s how you become more confident, more successful You must it You must use it It’s not enough just to know it you’ve got to it, so here’s your homework I want you to this Here’s your homework Are you ready? Write this down I’ll go slowly Part one: Ask these power questions on the general member forums, general member forums I’m not talking about the VIP You can ask them on the VIP social site too, sure, that’s great Let’s use these questions with each other You can ask me these questions on the forums I love to talk about these topics Everybody loves to talk about these questions I mean of course you If I ask these questions to you I’m sure you would love to tell me what you are doing that’s fun and exciting and interesting How you’re doing it and why you’re doing it and what you want to next I mean these are fun things to talk about, so let’s use them www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 87 of 96 with each other on the VIP site, but remember we are the leaders of the Effortless English Club So your homework, part one, ask these questions on the general member forums You could ask new members We have the topic New Members, right? So, unfortunately, new members they don’t write very much, you know? They say hi, I am John from…I’m Juan from Mexico I’m happy to be here on the forum That’s all They just tell you their name, right? So we don’t know anything about them, so let’s ask them power questions What if you see that and you reply You say Juan, nice to meet you What are you doing that’s interesting? What are you doing that’s exciting or what are you doing that’s cool? Maybe don’t say cool Some of our members are new and they might not understand the word cool, so use the word exciting or interesting Ask the question See what happens Maybe they will reply, maybe they won’t That’s okay Ask somebody else the same question on the forums Next, part two of your homework Oh, this is the general member forums, by the way, EffortlessEnglishForums.com Okay, part two of your homework Check back on the forums and when they reply ask a follow-up question That means ask another question after they reply So first you ask them step one What are you doing that’s interesting? What are you dong that’s exciting or fun? Whatever you want to ask They answer, maybe some of them just one sentence Some of them maybe they say I’m not doing anything So what are you going to do? You’ll ask them again Well, what are you doing that’s a little interesting? Okay? What are you excited about? Just keep asking until they give you a positive answer Even a little positive is okay The next is step two They reply Well don’t stop there Ask them the next question, right? Ask the details Step two: After they reply say how are you doing that exactly? When are you doing it? How are you doing it? Was it difficult? Was it easy? You know whatever Ask about the details in your next reply Ask them how exactly You could also ask them why questions Why are you doing that? Why are you excited about that? Or your follow-up question, your next question could be that’s great, what you want to in the future? What you really want to in the future? What would you really love to in the future? It doesn’t matter Your homework, step number one: Ask a power question What are you doing that’s great or interesting? Wait and let them reply After they reply ask one more question about the details, about why or about the future Finally, step three: Wait for them to reply and then give them a sincere compliment Specific, remember, and sincere www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 88 of 96 So first you ask them what are they doing that’s great or interesting, you wait, they reply Next you ask another question about the details or about why or about the future You wait, they give you another answer and finally you give them a sincere compliment You say wow, you are such an interesting person because…or you are really intelligent because…or you are a really nice person because…and you give them a sincere compliment Remember, sincere and specific with all your compliments Okay, finally step four of your homework is to repeat all of this in your personal or business life The fourth in your family or with your friends maybe you use your own language and in your job you might use your own language, but you can still ask these same questions in your own language So, first, I want you to this on the member forums in English Ask these questions, wait for the reply Ask a question, wait for the reply Give a compliment After you that, next, this at home in your personal life In your own language is fine Thank you very much, that’s the end of this surprise bonus VIP training, I hope you enjoyed it This is very powerful It’s so simple, right? These are not difficult questions You can learn these questions very, very easily You can use them very easily If you you will find your conversations become so much more powerful You will become a better leader, people will respect you more, people will care about you more, people will listen to you more, people will understand you better and you will be a more powerful leader in general You’ll have more success in your life, all of these things Use this with strangers, with people you don’t know, when you meet them the first time Use this at your job, use this with your friends, use this with your family and, please, I hope, use this with each other VIP members Try it Let’s use this with each other, so get on the VIP site Ask these questions to your VIP friends Get on the general member forum and be a leader in our club by asking these questions to our new members or to our general members I will try to also ask these questions more to you on the VIP site and on the general forums too and in my life So I promise I will this homework too Okay? We’re all doing this together So thank you so much You rock You are fantastic Of course you know that phrase “you rock” is slang It means you are great You are fantastic So you rock! You! You’re fantastic You are special because you joined this program Thank you so much I look forward to teaching you more I look forward to learning with you, because I’m www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 89 of 96 learning from you also When I go to the VIP site I also learn from you You are also leading me and helping me We’re all helping each other Thank you so much Have a wonderful, great day I will see you again, bye-bye www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 90 of 96 www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 91 of 96 VIP Surprise Bonus Video Text Hello VIP members, I have a special surprise for you I told you I told you I would give you some special surprises This is your first one, you know, just a little extra video for you Today I will a book review about a leadership book; a video book review It’s one of my favorite leadership books and I highly recommend it Let me show it to you So it’s called Leadership Leadership is the title and the writer is Tom Peters You can see Tom here, Tom Peters That’s Tom right there Tom is a very famous sort of leadership guru, leadership expert, usually for big companies He speaks to very large companies like IBM and Apple and Toyota, you know, very large corporations He talks to them about leadership and quality and how to improve their business and he usually talks to managers and leaders in these companies So he’s very famous He makes a lot of money for one speech You know they pay him, I don’t know, hundreds of thousands of dollars for one speech and he’s really great And I really like him, because he’s not a boring, old, normal, you know, corporate leader guy He’s not; very opposite of that And this is a great book It has a lot of great just leadership ideas So he studies great leaders in all these different companies and he has a lot of ideas about what great leaders and what they not So I’ll probably a few videos about this book, because there are so many ideas in this book that I like Today I want to talk about a very simple one, just one easy, simple one that you can immediately You can use this immediate So let me just read one little sentence from him and then we’ll talk about it So in this book he says that “leaders make meaning.” They make meaning And how they that? They make meaning in their organization, with their group And what they to make meaning is mostly they tell stories, because stories are more powerful then just a bunch of rules and procedures and regulations All of those basically mean rules, lots of rules So he’s saying what leaders is they tell stories about “wow people” doing “wow projects.” That’s interesting He says “they tell stories about wow people doing wow projects.” www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 92 of 96 Oops, some noise coming, one second There’s the problem with San Francisco, there’s always noise and sirens and police and fire coming and it interrupts my video sometimes Sorry about that, let’s continue So he says leaders create kind of a meaning, a focus in their group and the great leaders it mostly with stories, not by telling people this, this, this, right? That’s the old idea of a big boss or something That’s terrible leadership, nobody likes that But great leaders what they is they are constantly telling stories about wow people doing wow projects What does that mean wow people? Wow people just means incredible people, great people, wonderful people and he says “then doing wow projects.” Meaning doing great projects, doing wonderful projects, doing wonderful things, so what is he talking about and how can we use this? For example, in the Effortless English Club you might notice that I like to tell stories about our all-star members, our great members I like to tell their success stories or I like to mention their success stories I talk about Fred I talk about Inka I talk about Charlie and Agnes and Blue-Ice and all these great members who are doing great things, like Bearbel who’s always helping people so much or, you know, Fred who has this great success story he wrote about using Effortless English and after six months still he was not speaking very well and he was a little frustrated, but he decided I will continue I feel I’m improving And he continued and two months after that – so a total of eight months – boom, something happened Words started coming out He began to speak more fluently So it’s a wow story, it’s a success story about a great person in our group So what you can as a leader now, you’re a VIP, so you are a leader of the Effortless English Club here’s what you can When you see some member doing something great, maybe they’re helping someone, well number one you can thank them We talked about that in the lesson, about gratitude, appreciation So you can directly talk to them and say “Hey, thank you You’re great Thank you for helping Congratulations on your success.” So that’s number one That’s catching somebody doing a great thing or doing something well or doing something right That’s important You must it We all must it But the next thing you can is what Tom Peters is talking about; you can tell their story to other people This is leadership, because what you’re doing is you’re showing everybody in the group, hey, this is what we want to This is how we act in our group This is what we in this group So you don’t need to tell it to them directly “do this” like some bad boss, you just tell a great story about another person who’s doing it www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 93 of 96 So first you might say…maybe you go to Inca and directly you tell Inca “Thank you so much.” You know appreciation “Thank you so much, you’re always helping You’re always giving great answers I really appreciate you Thank you.” That’s appreciation, it’s important But the next step might be on the forum, for example, or on your own blog, you might just write her story You might say “Wow There’s this great member of Effortless English, Inca She’s so great She’s always helping other people.” And be specific, right? If you’re specific it’s more powerful You might say “Yesterday she answered this long question about one of the lessons and she gave this great answer And she also encouraged the member and really helped them feel more positive and helped them feel more confident I really think it’s great what Inca is doing She’s a really great member of our group.” That’s leadership Maybe it feels like a small thing, but it’s not a small thing, because all the other members read that story you told about Inca and they see They go “Ah, that’s what we at Effortless English We help other people We give answers if we have answers, if we can, if we have time and we give other people encouragement and we help other people feel more confident, ah.” You can say it directly that’s okay, but when you tell story it’s more powerful It’s a more powerful kind of leadership, because it’s specific and because it’s not you telling them it’s you sharing this story about another great person So we can all be telling stories about each other When Agnes is always so positive and she’s writing something very positive, well, number one, thank Agnes directly Give her appreciation But then secondly retell her story to everybody else You can say “Agnes is so wonderful I really admire Agnes, because she’s always so positive When she has a problem she finds a way to think about this problem in a positive way She finds something to learn and then she grows and she always grows and learns something from her problem and she shares this positive attitude with everybody in the group For example, yesterday somebody was feeling depressed and she really helped them feel more confident and feel more positive.” See how that works? That’s powerful That is leadership You can this with your family Sure you can tell your children what to do, but how powerful is it if you just tell a story about one of your children who did something great and you tell it to everybody in the family Let’s say you’re a mom and at dinner your husband is there and you’ve got a couple children At dinner you tell your husband “Oh wow, I really need to tell you what Johnny did Johnny, you know he was so nice today I noticed he was helping his sister www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 94 of 96 today He was sharing his toys with her and wow it was really amazing He was just such a good kid.” You don’t tell Johnny directly You just share it with your husband, but of course Johnny is listening So Johnny feels good “Oh, that’s great If I share my toys and I’m nice that’s really good.” Who else hears it? Your other children hear it They’re hearing you say all these nice things about Johnny and what he did And then your husband, of course, hopefully plays along and says “Oh, that’s great Wow! Oh, amazing! Oh, that’s really great to hear.” And sometimes it’s more powerful to hear this kind of story instead of you telling it directly to someone It’s great when you tell someone directly “Thank you You are great.” But you know what’s more powerful? When you tell other people “He’s a great person” and they hear you They hear you telling other people That’s even more powerful That is leadership It’s what Tom Peters is talking about Now he tells people to this I mean he’s telling top CEOs of huge companies to use this, to tell stories about their best people, to share stories with all the people in their company This is what great leaders like Richard Branson or Steve Jobs, they this Steve Jobs of Apple, Richard Branson of Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic Airlines I don’t know, he owns a lot of stuff, but he’s a really cool leader and he does this He’s always telling stories about the great people in his group So that everybody in the company they hear these stories and they realize “Ah, that’s what we should That’s what we in this group, in this company.” I’d like you to try this Now you can try this in your family You could try this at your job, right? You don’t need to ask your boss to this When you see somebody in your company something great first you can tell them privately “Hey, that was great I really loved that That was nice Thanks for doing that.” But, more powerfully, tell other people This is positive gossip, right? Usually in a company people are saying negative stuff all the time, ney, ney, ney, complaining about other people What if you did positive gossip? Instead you told other people “Hey, wow, you know John in our group, in our team, he did something amazing yesterday It was incredible He helped this customer and he worked so hard It was amazing.” And you tell all these other people in your group Maybe you tell your boss about it You’re telling a lot of other people You’re telling his great story to many, many, many people That’s great leadership John is going to be happy, but also you’re showing the whole group what they should be doing or what they can and in that way you can change the whole group, the whole team or the whole company or family www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 95 of 96 I hope you will try this also on our general member’s forum with all of our members at the Effortless English Club We can practice these things everywhere, very simple So this is what your homework is or your idea for today from Mr Tom Peters, tell stories about other people doing great things You know great or small, just doing something nice or great or wonderful, something you like Thank them directly, as we discussed already in our lessons, then tell their story to other people Write on the forums about their story, write on your blog about their story and your family, tell other people in your family You know the idea Try this and then on the VIP site, on the VIP forums maybe or on your VIP blog, share the results I want to hear your story about this Try this and then tell me what happens Share with everybody what happens It’s an experiment, let’s try it We can all try this in our life somewhere and then let’s see what happens and let’s come back and with each other let’s tell each other what happened when we did this Okay? Alright, so that’s our bonus little book review I will share more ideas from Tom Peters He’s a great leader and I really like his ideas, so I’ll share more from Tom Peters Go buy his book This is a great book Leadership by Tom Peters He has many books His first very famous book was called In Search of Excellence It’s a little technical for businesspeople, but his more recent books are more easy to ready for everybody He’s got books about leadership, lots of different books He’s a famous guy, he’s got a lot of books, so anything from Tom Peters I recommend, but start with Leadership it’s a great book So thanks So I will see you again Thank you my VIP leaders Together we are going to all of these great leadership methods We’re going to grow as leaders We’re going to help other people in all parts of our life and we’re going to help each other become better leaders, too So it’s important, share your results Let’s help each other become better leaders Okay, I’ll see you again I hope you enjoyed this surprise bonus, bye-bye www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 96 of 96 .. .VIP Lesson Video Hi, it’s A.J., welcome to the VIP Program, the VIP Global Leadership Program Now this is the first lesson set that everyone gets when they join the VIP Program Of... www.EffortlessEnglishClub.com Page 10 of 96 VIP Welcome Commentary Hi, how are you? This is A.J and this is the audio commentary for our first lesson set for the VIP Program Welcome to the VIP Program, by the way... are always doing great things all the time We can it with each other as VIP members on our VIP social site When another VIP member compliments someone or helps someone, you know, congratulate