Unit - Vibration Okay, hello, I'm AJ, welcome to Unit Now we have some specific sounds coming soon in the course I know what you're waiting for, I know what you want You want those specific sounds like R and L and TH, they're coming soon But you have to get these big parts of English first You have to practice the rhythm, the music of English first Master that, improve that, and your pronunciation will fairly quickly sound much better Then we'll focus on all those little small sounds So they're coming soon, don't worry, but this, this unit, we're still going to something very big And this unit is focused on vibration So vibration is just the shaking, right, it's something that, that moves back and forth This is a very, very important part of, of singing and of pronunciation You have to get the vibration correct, to sound like a native speaker To sound like you've got really good accent, like you're pronunciation is good What am I talking about? Wha-, what, what is vibration? How we use it when we speak English? Well there are three main areas of your body where sound will vibrate, right? There's your chest, right, kind of in your lungs, your chest, it's down low If you make some sounds of ehhh, the vibration happens most strongly down in your chest You can even put your hands here, you can feel the sounds moving and vibrating here The second area that sounds will vibrate in when we speak, the throat, right, right in the throat here And again, you can put your fingers there and speak, and you'll feel the vibration Your vocal chords, your throat, vibrating, s- And then finally the third area is the nose, it's this whole area here, right? Up in the nose, and if you speak with kind of a nose accent, a nasal accent, then the vibration up here will be stronger So why is this important? Well for two reasons Reason number one, some sounds in English will vibrate in a specific area Now all sounds will vibrate everywhere, okay? So there's always going to be some vibration in your chest, there'll always be some in your throat, and there'll always, or almost always, be some in your nose But what's important is where is the strongest vibration And for some sounds, it's stronger in one area For example, the NG sound, like ING Like the end of the word running, running, running, that NG is, is kind of a nose vibration sound that ING, ING, you just say that, ING Put your fingers here on the nose, ING At the end of that sound, you should feel some vibration in your nose, ING, ING, ING I feel that right now, ING, ING, ING It's not ING, it's not down in the chest, it's up in the nose, ING, ING, ING So to make that sound correctly, you need to get that nose vibration Now another reason the vibration's important, is for pitch Remember we talked about, a couple of units ago, that as we go, go up sometimes in English, and we go down sometimes in English Generally in English, if you speak with a lower voice, and you go down, you sound stronger It sounds like you're more confident, it sounds like you're more commanding And when you go up, you sound less sure, you sound unsure like you are questioning, it sounds a little bit weaker If you're a singer, you probably already know that as you go up and down, the vibration in your body changes Generally as you go up, the vibrations will become more strong up in your head and nose area When you're speaking in kind of a middle tone like I am now, you'll feel the strongest vibration in your throat And when you really get your voice down low, the vibration will drop down more into your chest So by training for vibration, you will become better at the music of English So that's why in this unit, you're going to focus on vibration When you can master the vibration, when you can make the vibration happen where you want it, the chest, throat or nose, you'll be ready to focus on those difficult individual sounds So, in some ways this is going to feel a little like singing, you're gonna feel the vibration go up into your nose and your head And then you can drop it down more into your throat, and then you can drop it down into your chest And I recommend, when you practice with the training audio in this unit, actually use your fingers Put them on your throat, put them on your nose, put your fingers here on your chest, the upper chest, and feel the vibrations, and feel how they change This will be a fun unit, and it will be a very training unit, just relax and enjoy, because those specific sounds are coming soon See you in the audio training Unit – Practice Session Welcome to the training audio, remember to follow the five day method Let's begin First I am practicing head voice My pitch is very high I notice the vibration, the feelings happening in my head, mostly Next, I move the vibration to my nose I feel the vibrations in my nose and, of course, this sounds a little strange For throat vibration, I drop my pitch to the middle level I relax my throat and let it vibrate I put my finger on my throat to feel the vibrations I feel the vibrations most strongly in my neck and throat Finally, I drop my pitch even more I speak with a low voice as I push the vibration down, down, down into my chest I still feel some vibration in my throat but now my chest is also vibrating My voice sounds deep and strong when I use chest vibration As I practice, I easily move sound vibrations up and down my body I am now ready to master the specific sounds of English Now at a medium speed First I am practicing head voice My pitch is very high I notice the vibration, the feelings happening in my head, mostly Next, I move the vibration to my nose I feel the vibrations in my nose and, of course, this sounds a little strange For throat vibration, I drop my pitch to the middle level I relax my throat and let it vibrate I put my finger on my throat to feel the vibrations I feel the vibrations most strongly in my neck and throat Finally, I drop my pitch even more I speak with a low voice as I push the vibration down, down, down into my chest I still feel some vibration in my throat but now my chest is also vibrating My voice sounds deep and strong when I use chest vibration As I practice, I easily move sound vibrations up and down my body I am now ready to master the specific sounds of English Finally, a little faster First I am practicing head voice My pitch is very high I notice the vibration, the feelings happening in my head, mostly Next, I move the vibration to my nose I feel the vibrations in my nose and, of course, this sounds a little strange For throat vibration, I drop my pitch to the middle level I relax my throat and let it vibrate I put my finger on my throat to feel the vibrations I feel the vibrations most strongly in my neck and throat Finally, I drop my pitch even more I speak with a low voice as I push the vibration down, down, down into my chest I still feel some vibration in my throat but now my chest is also vibrating My voice sounds deep and strong when I use chest vibration As I practice, I easily move sound vibrations up and down my body I am now ready to master the specific sounds of English CLICK HERE ... change This will be a fun unit, and it will be a very training unit, just relax and enjoy, because those specific sounds are coming soon See you in the audio training Unit – Practice Session Welcome... little small sounds So they're coming soon, don't worry, but this, this unit, we're still going to something very big And this unit is focused on vibration So vibration is just the shaking, right,... training audio in this unit, actually use your fingers Put them on your throat, put them on your nose, put your fingers here on your chest, the upper chest, and feel the vibrations, and feel how