Unit 13 - Words Ending in P, B, T, D, Z, ING, and IONS Hi This is AJ Welcome to Unit 13 Now our focus in this unit, "word endings" I've already talked about word endings in several other units, but we're going to a whole unit focusing on the ends of words because this is so important Why is it important? Because I've noticed that many, many English learners have weak word endings They cut the endings of words and this sounds very, very strange to Americans and Canadians and British people It can make you very difficult to understand If you're cutting the ends of your words too much it sounds very strange Okay? That example I was cutting the ends of the words and it sounds very strange In English we like to have nice, strong word endings Now native speakers, when we speak very fast, we might cut the ends of some words I don't want you to that because usually the problem with learners is they cut too much, so I want you to the opposite I want you to make the endings of your words pronounced very clearly and very strongly Let's talk about some of the common problems with word endings Some of this will be review because we've already mentioned it before, but we're going to practice more in this unit The letter P; the letter P at the end of words, a lot of people cut this They make it too soft It needs to be clear We need to hear the P sound For example, the word "hope." It's not "ho-." Close it You've got to get that full puh Give me that nice, strong P at the end Let's exaggerate as we practice Hope Hope Strong P at the end Hope, hope, hope Group, group Group of people Group, group, group Stop, stop, stop Finally, sleep Sleep, sleep Nice strong P at the end Let's go to the B now The B sound at the end, another common problem People cut the B; they make it too soft or too short so we want to stretch it out and make it nice and strong Let's practice just two words Job, job, job J-O-B, job Buh, buh Give me an extra strong B at the end Job, job, job Club, club, club, club Now in the training audio I won't exaggerate this much Right? It'll be a little more natural, but as you practice in the video here I want you to make it super, super exaggerated Two other ones, Ts and Ds at the end of words Often non-native speakers, English learners, will make them too soft or too short So again let's practice making them extra strong A T at the end: What, what, what, what You can even use your hands and some little action to remind you with that sound What, what Jumped, jumped, past tense Jumped Walked, walked, walked Ate, ate, ate But, but Now the D, the D at the end Same thing, very strong Should, should, should He tried Tried, tried End Not the beginning, the end End, end Did, did, did Very good Our next important ending: I-N-G or N-G at the end of words again needs to be nice and strong so we here that "ing" sound For example, winning It's not winnin', right? Don't cut the G, don't cut the N, make it nice and strong Winning, winning, winning Succeeding, succeeding, succeeding Trying, trying, trying Now a note about this: There's no K sound at the end of this Some people will say an I-N-G and they add a little kuh at the end We don't want that, with I-N-G it's a guh, not a kuh It's not "winnin-k." No, it's "winnin-g." Guh, guh, guh, guh It's the G, get the vibration Winning, winning Trying Walking, walking G, not K at the end All right Our final word ending, I-O-N-S I-O-N-S Like vacations Right? You go on vacations to relax, go on a vacation to the beach What if you have more than one vacation? Then it's pronounced "vacations-zuh." It's an S at the end, but the sound is actually the Z sound There's a vibration Let's just a few words that end in I-O-N with an S You get the Z sound usually so it's relations Relations, relations Vacations More than one vacation is vacations Vacations, vacations Nations Countries, nations, nations Get the zz at the end Nations All right That's all As you the training audio this time, focus especially on pronouncing the ends of the words You can exaggerate a little bit and pronounce the ends of the words extra clearly, extra strongly Later when you speak fast you won't it so much, but when you train during the next five days exaggerate it Make the ends of the words very, very strong See you in the training audio Unit 13 – Practice Session Okay, follow the five day Effortless English Pronunciation process and exaggerate the word endings in this training Let's start I'm willing to what is necessary to get the job done I'm reaching my pronunciation goals I'm succeeding I'm achieving my goals, and dreams, and I'm enjoying the process I hope to soon use English during vacations and travel I'll talk to groups of people from many nations I have stopped worrying I sleep well because I know I'm working hard to succeed My success is inevitable What a great life I have I'm so happy to be alive I am an excellent English speaker Now, at a medium or normal speed I'm willing to what is necessary to get the job done I'm reaching my pronunciation goals I'm succeeding I'm achieving my goals, and dreams, and I'm enjoying the process I hope to soon use English during vacations and travel I'll talk to groups of people from many nations I have stopped worrying I sleep well because I know I'm working hard to succeed My success is inevitable What a great life I have I'm so happy to be alive I am an excellent English speaker Now, a little faster I'm willing to what is necessary to get the job done I'm reaching my pronunciation goals I'm succeeding I'm achieving my goals, and dreams, and I'm enjoying the process I hope to soon use English during vacations and travel I'll talk to groups of people from many nations I have stopped worrying I sleep well because I know I'm working hard to succeed My success is inevitable What a great life I have I'm so happy to be alive I am an excellent English speaker CLICK HERE