2 Read the passage and decide which statements are true or
Trang 51 1.Good manners are of the
Trang 61 1.Good manners are of the
F of great value
Trang 72 A boy’s main duty was seen
as to support his family
Trang 82 A boy’s main duty was seen
as to support his family T
Trang 93 When the boys madea
mistake, they would admit their mistake
Trang 103 When the boys madea
mistake, they would admit their mistake
Trang 114 .‘ cowardly and mean’ is used to describe acceptable behaviour
Trang 124 .‘ cowardly and mean’ is used to describe acceptable behaviour
F unacceptable behaviour
Trang 135 The underlined word ‘they*
refers to generations
Trang 145 The underlined word ‘they’
refers to generations F children
Trang 156 This passage is about good manners and their value
Trang 166 This passage is about good manners and their value
Trang 177 People at that time
appreciated a loyal and honest person
Trang 187 People at that time
appreciated a loyal and honest
person T
Trang 198 Everyone in families had strong muscles
Trang 208 Everyone in families had strong muscles
F (no information)
Trang 219 People at that time
appreciated a loyal and honest person
Trang 229 People at that time
appreciated a loyal and honest
person T
Trang 2310 The unique Vietnamese
culture, and the strength of our society formed good manners
Trang 2410 The unique Vietnamese
culture, and the strength of our society formed good manners
F (Good manners formed The
unique Vietnamese culture, and
the strength of our society }