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ĐIỆN tử VIỄN THÔNG DTVT2 nhom8 bai7 khotailieu

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Họ tên : Nguyễn văn đại Trần văn tuất Đỗ mạnh cường Vũ anh cường Phạm hồng phái Lê văn hải 15 Drum mschine Task 1: I What you think a drum machine does? I think a drum machine is an electronic musical instrument designed to imitate the sound of drums, cymbals or other percussion instruments Drum machines are most commonly associated with electronic music genres such as house music, but are also used in many other genres They are also used when session drummers are not available or if the production cannot afford the cost of a professional drummer What you think these keys refer to on a drum machine? I think Kick (bass) : It usually begins in the rhythm The drummer playing the bass drum using the pedal Pedals are attached to a hammer, or a stick to beat the drum And it is often called the kick drum (kick) for legs to beat drums Snare : This is a miniature version of the bass drum, but the drummer used drumstick to beat Snare drums mounted on the underside of the metal wire in the drum when hit The wire has the effect of making sonorous sound Closed hat and open hat : Open and closed hi-hat struck while the two cymbals are apart or together (open or closed), while pedal hi-hat refers to parts or notes played solely with the pedal used to strike the two cymbals Task2 a, DRUM b, MICRO c,STRIP SOUND E,SPEAKER a) b) c) d) e) When the drum is hit, it produces sound waves The sound waves reach the microphone and are converted into electrical signal The signal is sliced into many 'sample', each one a snapshot of the strength of the signal at one particular moment This information is converted into binary code and then stored in the machine's memory When the drum pad is pressed , the stored information is decoded and produces an electronic signal The signal is turned into sound waves though an amplifer, and the drum sound is heard TASK Text 1: The memory of a drum machine contains pre-recorded sounds from drum kits Digital sound stays true to the original Text 2: A microphone records sound by converting changes in air pressure to electrical signals The patterns of the sound waves are matched by the characteristics of the electrical signals Text 3: Signals are sampled regularly and often and stored in binary form Text 4: You don't need to play drums to make drum music you need only touch the switches which match the sounds you want Text 5: Pressing one of the buttons indicates to the processor the loudness and speed of the music to be played Text 6: You can't make a mistake with the beat because the drum machine corrects any errors by itself TASK5 With a drum machine, you can play any drum sound by (press) PRESSING the right button You can create drum music without (play) PLAYINGa drum What we hear as sound are (change)CHANGING in air pressure These are converted to electrical signals by (use)USING a microphone The information contained in the drum machine memory consists of (sample)SAMPLEING of these electrical signals A drum machine contains (record)RECORDING of sound taken at measured intervals This process is called (sample)SAMPLING The functions of a drum machine include (pan) PA N I N G and (tune)TUNING Panning means the (position)POSITIONING of the drum sound in stereo TASK6: a burglar alarm a clock timer =AN ALARM by aburglar = the timer which run a clock a mercury switch = =the phone setups a car a car phone a germanium diode a ground wave an assembly line a fuseholder : device for holding an electrical fuse 10 a wavemeter : electronic instrument for measuring the frequency of a transmitted s 11 a cellphone mobile telephone which communicates through base stations situated 12 Headphones device worn on the head which covers each ear with a small loudspea 13 an ammeter electronic instrument for measuring current 14 a handset TASK7 I Is a sine wave an example of an analogue wave or a digital wave? YES ,IT IS How many voltage level dose a digital singal have What is an ADC? IT IS an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) 4 How frequently must an analogue signal be sampled when converting it to a digital signal? The analogue signal is constantly varying, samples of the original signal must be taken at successive intervals of time The magnitudes of the samples are changed into digital values by the ADC What term means a 'binary digit'? Each binary digit used to show a binary value is known as a bit The accuracy of conversion is limited by the number of binary bits used by the ADC What effect rounding errors have on a signal when it is converted back to an analogue form? The resulting digital signal is converted back to an analogue signal using a digital• to-analogue converter (DAC), these rounding errors will cause the analogue signal to suffer some distortion

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2019, 13:40

