DTVT2.Nhom3.Bai3 Batteries Task 1: Because energy consumption is essential There are two kind of batteries: primary cell (non-rechargeable), secondary cell (rechargeable) List of the things contain batteries: mobile phone, radio, flashlingt, tape recorder, robot, clock… Task 2: Type of cell Positive Negative electrode Example Zinc-carbon cell Primary Manganese dioxide Zinc Torches Nicad cell Secondary Nickel Cadium Portable phone Task 4: Electrolyte EMF Task 5: Zinc-carbon cell A solution of ammonium chloride 1,5V Nicad cell Potassium hydroxide 1,2V Task 6: C G H E B J A F D 10 I It’s a resistor It adds resistance to a circuit It’s a potentiometer It varies the current in circuit It’s a transformer It steps AC voltages up or down It’s a switch It breaks a circuit It’s a diodes It rectifies alternating current It’s a voltmeter It measures voltages It’s a capacitor It varies capacitance in a circuit It’s a fuse It protects a circuit It’s a mini ammeter It measures very small current It’s a aerial It receives RF signals Task 8: Verb Oscillate Transmit Transform Charge Rectify Process Amplify Colect Detect Turn Noun Oscillator Transmitter Transformer Charger Rectifies Processor Amplifies Collector detector Turner Task 9: neon lamp transformer rectifiers resistor double pole switch Task 10: a h d f g c e b electrolytic capacitor zener diode fuse transistor