NHÓM – LỚP Đ8-ĐTVT2 MEMBER: - Phạm Văn Thành Phạm Thị Bích Lụa Vũ Thị Ngát Nguyễn Thị Minh Thu Dương Thị Hồng Hoàng Thị Hường Unit 10 : Test and repair instruments Task : - Voltmeter - Ammeter - Ohmmeter - Indicators - Oscilloscope - Frequency meter Task : Logic probe Functions generator Oscilloscope Multimeter Task : Task : to check a fuse: Multimeter to determine the frequency response of an audio amplifier: Functions generator to test for the presence of a control signal on the output of a computer chip: Logic probe to determine the value of the current through a transformer: Multimeter to measure the frequency of a oscillator: Oscilloscope Task : Three Gun Fucus Beam Deflection Vertically Four Beam Field 10.Hosphor Task : The coil vibrates making a magnetic field is set in the speaker coil The coil pushes and pull the speaker cone making sound waves are produced The quartz crystal expands and contracts making a voltage is applied to a quartz crystal A voltage is applied to the Y-Plates and makes the electron beam is deflected 5 Current flows through the filament creat the heater glows Task : Player CDS Radio Charge battery Aerial amplifier Filter noise Speech synthesizer Cassette heads clearner Amplification Vibration sensor 10 Boby scanner