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Hersheys holiday collection

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l dECII p k i jz J ' , ?k t ' t'I/ ' ? t' f' z I bf ?l/ ỵ? , ) fz f /p / ; rj f1 //k ( ? 11 ttq t,?'/t'/'t?;t:if/fz.f fl,2't.b/l?l//'?,2/?p.t,)( i' (),,, ' tlleJ/tpry/lry)/-//?/&//(r Colkction (p e ' j E x ' ; # , ù r N ' ;' (1 M , 4.y,.a k w lW'j y a J , a ' ' :, ' IE8N U.7853 EIPM M 'F II xt ' * J %2?' ( 9f?.$!$1 >4 h - r 1% x e * lINCHY UL:kX ,p:iNM e , d I & &* D' - >' * I' ',I ', llE8IIIiï5 I ?1$cupsuqar egci s tablespoonslnI1k 15/4cupsali.purposeflour *1 Is IIEIITIIEy' S @ g;RgAo g A x E) u tlrrpx s @I* 1ô y iq jjFs ,.r ppg 1:1 I'1 I IP FFI S @ @j' *'' Maktas12to14pntztfins 1.5 5/1egg lketableoI1 @1 j y I' /1 pc cu up p mi veg 1I/4teaspoonsbakin:powder @1 BREA D S A N D M UFFIN S - lppv B B E L3 N4akesl2servinfjs I/scur nbutterormarc larine,softened ' -' ' !/4teaspoonsalt l/p teaNptàonbaklngsodd lcupmashedrlpebanana ' 16 /$cupsaI1.I)urposeflour *j I(?cupstlgar 13 Jtedspoonsbaklngpokvder # j4 I/ztedspoonbalt qupHERSHEY'SSemi.sweetChocoldteChlps 1Heatovento 35()'F.Liqhtlygreaje8u4 :2.inchloafpan @ I> :J? '6r uups(1O.oz.pkj).)HEFISHEY'SCIr 3namonChips 1Q StreuselTopplnq(reckpefollows) untilcreamy.Add eqqs,oneatatime'beatinq wellattereach addition.Addmi1k''beatuntiIbIended 3.StirtogetherfIour baking powder saltand baking soda'add alternatelywith bananatobuttermixture'beatinguntilsm00thafler * ' > paperbakecups @1 j )1n bowl.$tirin m iIkand oiI.Com k )jne fIour sugar,baking I p 2.Beategs powderand salt;add to egg m ixture stirring iustunti1'dry * Q ingredientsaremoistened.GentIystirinchips.FiiImuffincups1$fuII 2.seatbutterandsusarinIarqebowlonmediumspeedofmixer 1.Heatoventozl00p.Linemuftincups(2k;inthesindiameter)with eachaddition.Gentlytoldinchocolatechips.Pourbatterinto withbatter.sprinkIestreuseI'roppin6)overtop Preparedpan @ jD :'sake20minutesoruntilpolden.qoolincups5minutes;remove me Bakseou 60tt 65 ute ru ti lw.o od enepi inspean rted earr ean vewarm co co lea n.mi Con ol 1s 0o mi nn ut es Re mov fc rk om ton wi ec r ct ke 'r ë pQ ser I coolcompletel y.Foreasierslicin:'wrapinfoilandstoreovernipht 1* str deu 2st ealbTle os pppoio nn gss cooft mb ene rn debu ,, tte qu rpor am ll.d pr oqra pr olo seflmouixrztabiespooossuqar @ j* c arl umbly wlthforkuntll *I* *Ip *I *l* *lë *1ê *Iè a o1 I# è jpq ' , ' , * l* j * Iliislliï'! BR EA D S A N D M U FFIrk S l S l l B S o ' *ỵ Il @ s * Is *: Is @ l-A ' , - , o ' ; è ty ,p - ,- f' ' t @ -' , ' v s M akes 12 cinnam on buns ''x , * cup packed 1ightbrow n Sugar/divided ' 10 tabl espoonsbutter,softenedanddivi ded package(16-oz.)hotrollmix tablespoonsgranulated sugar cup hotwater(120'to 130'F) (?(J(; @ 1.Lightlygreasetwo g-inch round baking pans.Combine14cup brown sugarand tablespoonssoftened butterin smallbowlwith * * Setaside 2.Combinecontentsofhotrollmixpackage,includingyeastpacket, @ * ' 'F ''; s .y ' a x - x - u - '' ''A e **'' 12/3cups(1O-0z.pkg.)HERSHEY'SCinnamonChips pastry blender;sprinkle m ixture evenly on bottom of prepared pans ' ' * Y @ e'a @ ' ! u ''Jo;ỵ r tj'/fR '.s 'Y' 2: h) s/1 cup pa(Ejed Ilgl atbrownsugar cgg : teaspoonvitr alllaextract * * > a pose 1fg uurak-lgajpur khlgy's outch Frocessed CocoaorHERSI-IEY'SCocoa teaspoonbak;ng powder a '- 114 teaspoon baklng soua @ I/,cup HERSHEY'SCocoa 114 to 1/Jteaspoonground cinnamon * Heat oven to 350'F.lkp raycookiesheetwithnonstickcookingspray * Beatbutteruntilcreamy.Add brown sugarand3tablespoons @ granulatedsuqar;beatuntilblended,Addegg,baking soda'corn * syrupandvanilla;beatwell 3.stirtogetherflourand cocoa'beatintobuttermixture.Ifbatter @ becom estoo stiffzuse w ooden spoon to stirin rem aining flour.Cover ' refriuerateabout30minutes, ifnecessary,untilbatteristirm enougb * to shape.shapedoughinto 1.inchballs.Combine$$cupgranulated * sugarand cinnam on;roIIbaIIsin m ixture,P1ace baIIs2 inchesapart onpreparedcookiesheet ë 4.Bake9to 10minutesoruntilcookiegaresetandtopsarecracked G coolslightl y;removefrom cookiesheettowirerack.Coolcompletely ë ë * * * * * ' g6aI L * teaspoon baking soda 1/7 cup Iightcorn Syrup 1teaspoonvanlI1aextract > > a > > a @ 1C tlp (2 stlqks)buttecormilrgarkne,softened cups all flour tab1 espoonsm IIk ?jöcup fknely chopped macadamla nutsoralmonds '/4cup SKOREngllshToffeeBlts PoWderedsugar Beatbutterbrownsugar, es: and vanilla in large bow luntil jkjakingsoda; b' Iended.$tirz togetherfIourz cocoa,bakin9 pow der an( a(juwith milktobuttermixtureuntilwellblended.Stirin nutsand toffee Refrigerate untilfirm enouqh to handle at least hours.ueatoven to'350'F.shape douuh into 1.inch balls'pl' ' ace inchesaparton ungreased cookie sbeet Bake to 10 m inutes oruntilset.Rem ove from cookie sheetto w ire 'k.Coolcom pletely;rollin powdered sugar rac * g è * M akes about4 dozen cookieï - Ispq @ IlE2$IIiï'! * c o o KIES * L l!' Ii E-PE li lE 119 * '' !6; * ' 'C1' * t 41/ ,dtyzen rookies M tkes abotl' ' b., : - ' ' -, ' '# '' '.' * @ I/Jcup (1 stlck)butterormargarirle'Goftened ' cup sugar egg teaspoonvanlllaextract * * cup plus tablespoonsall-purpose flour?divided ' ' ?I2Leaspoon bakingsoda q14cup HERSHEY.S Cocoa 1/2cup REESE'S PeanutButterChlps?mcl ted * @ * 1.Beatbutter,sugar,egg andvanillainIargebowluntilfluffy.Add ' ' * cup flourand baking soda' ilblended.Rem ove cup batterto , beatunt smallbowl, 'Setaside.Add cocoaand remaining 3tablespoonỵfIourto remaining batterin large bowl;bIend weII Place peanutbutterchips in sm allm icrowave.safe bow l.M icrow ave atHIGH (10004)30 secondsoruntilmelted and sm ooth w hen stirred Im m ediately add to batterin smallbow l'stirring untilsm 00th Divide chocol atedough into fourequalparts Rolleach partbetw een plastic wrap orwax paperinto a 1og inchesIong and about1 inch in * Q' t # t *! rolland peanutbutterrollside by side ona cutting board.Top each * pattern Lightlypushro11stogether;repeatwitlnremaining fourrolls W orking with onecheckerboard atatime (keep remaining < ungreased cookiesheet' @ ' ? , ' ' x k' J ''-.k.' v.Ie a.k /'G-: ' 'CV ' * checkerboardcovered and refrigeratedlscutintoXvinch slices.Placeon C * '' ' diameter Repeatw ith peanut butter dough.W rap the eightrolls individuallyin wax paperorplasticw rap.Refrigerate severalhoursuntil very firm Heatoven to 350'F.Rem eve rollsfrom w axpaper.Place 1chocolate @ < rollw ithanotherrollofthe oppositeflavorto m akecheckerboard ' ' i'.'' % ' '' ., Bake8to9minutesoruntilpeanutbutterportionislightlybrowned W CooI1minute;removefrom cookiesheettowirerack.Coolcompletely @ ỗy * @ ' * 1!;1: 41; @ Q m ; :.rj ,y ' , .' î ù it ' Jklu $;' ' = %;.- '.'x: r@4891x :!! ' G * j i =; ù t!' '> f'' ' J.J ' t # z V %' ' , , X %' wo y ' e : * E S * IIE8SIIEï * s c o o KIEs * * E 'S B LE L E l lES * a * * a e a Makt!sabout2% dozen cookies Ilihlll a a c o o K IuS I E Ip p I -I- Ii t lES Mak'?'about53 ,' 1dozencookies > 5/4 cur)()1/Jstlcks)butterormawarlne,softetled I/ jated sugar cup ()ranu * Y 1/J 2CUP Packed llghtbrow n Stlgar 1$ 1e9S * c:up aIIpurpose fjour a teaspoon bakIngsoda * > 2I12 6ups rol1ed oats * - 1?/rcups(10.oz.pkg.)HERSHEY,SPfemlerW hlte Cj aips e JJ '5cup butterormargarine'softened 1r zup su:ar egg 1teajpoonvanlllaextract 1cupali-purposeflour 1/zcup HERSHEY'SCo( 2oa IIJteaspoon baklng soda '/4teaspo()nSaIt 12/)cups(10-oz.pkg.)HERSHEY'SMpntChocolateChIps 1.Heatovento350'F Beatbutterand sugarin Iarge bow luntilcream y.Add egg and vanilla eatwell.stirtogetherflour,cocoa,bakingsodaandsalt,' , b 9raduallyaud to buttermixture,beatinq well.stirIn mintchocolate claips,Drop byrounded teaspoonsonto ungreased cookie sheet * Q @ *' W t Q t * Bake8 to minutesorjustuntilset;do notoverbake.Coolslightly; remove from cookie sheetto wire rack.Coolcompletely & & ' !j4(goy)(gj aoppekjdrled apricots Q 1.Heatovento %Z5'F Beal butter, granuIated su9 arand brow n :ugarin jarge bow luntil fl ' tlffy Add egg,.kjeatweI1.AddfIourand bakingsoda;beatuntiIweII blended &tir in oatï,w hite chips and apricots.Loosely form rounded teaspoonsofbatterintoballs;placeonungreased cookiesheet Bake 7to minutesorjustuntilIight1y browned;do notoverbake c.oolSlightly; rem ove from cookie sheet to w ire rack.CooIcom pl etel! g & G * G G * I76 ' ỗ' * * 77 I l iEIISIEï' x t''@ D ES SERT S A N D PIE5 ' 'S9 ' : k ' ' ' ; ' + lli E li S 11 lii BE IFS t? ' *1111 e Makes2 to 3.doztn berrie: P' 12/!cups(10.oz.pkg.)HERSHEY'SPremierWhiteChIps tablespoonsshortenIog (do notusebuttermargarjne Spreador P' 11 j' s&j ! ''' ''- '' % M 'u ' o!I) ' cup HERSHEY.SSemlsweet Chocolate Chips ctlps(2pt.)freshstrawberrles,rlnsed,patteddryandchllled - 1.Covertraywith wax paper 2.Place whitechipsand tablespoon shortening in medium mi crowave.safebowl.MicrowaveatHIGH(10004)1minute;stir untilchipsare melted and mixture issm 00th.Ifnecessary, t Ci eI retrigerate untilcoating isfirm,atIeast30 minutes Q' m ixture;shake gently to rem ove excess.Place on prepared tray' ' @ * m icrowave atH 1GH an additionaI30 second:atatim e,justuntil sm oothw hen stirred 3.Holding bytop,dip ỵ(ofeat:h strawberry into white chip E r ' e * ' r ' Whtbeé!ChocolateCovered'fdrt?kvlltzrrécs(thispsgê'? 6) v ' 1/ w and Moc/ltlTrt affle'(rt vf peorppaqe56) ' ï * g' :' J qj a'y - - - v x A ' G '?' .' >* a''' N'' ' if A J ;ji a r f z; t ;; jy > :;i ợỗộù'' 111/ * t' *4 $' * G & l ' @ l 89 ' I C ỗ' * ' jỗ 4.Repeat m icrowave procedure w ith chocolate chips in cl ean m icrow ave.safe bow l.Dip Iow er h of each berry into chocolate mixture.Refrigerate untilfirm Cover;retrigerate Ieftover ' P * v 41 @ diisdiï' s 'l D EssERT S A N D ( 71ES y) @ yjjrjj D E!;SERTS AN D PlES *J L E gjé, $jip1g M izkv&8 see'vitt!)s ,js j y y)j e1 l cupsraham crackerururz,bs 1i ; cups Sugar,divl :ea ,, 15 lï l19 IàlIi * :4akes to servinsq Q 1 4cup(1y , 'stIck)L)utterormargc )rirRe mei ted N ichocolate brokerl ' 1Pi iCi29C (5OZ)Crftâm Cineese Softened , bar s (1 oz e ach) HERSI I E Y' S Uns we et ened Ba kl ac @ ' lnto rlleces (ea $f7Ot 3r3pe?frr ol ' lJulce t' Y 1,l$qups(1O.oz.pkg packages( 1oz.ear zh)(Ecearrlcheese,softened )REESE'!PeanutButterChlpS,divlded Ddsh >aIt Fk @ 219cup sweetenedcondensed m11k(notevaporated mllk) teaspoon var nflld extract, dl vlded 1cup (2 2p!.)cold bvb/flrp/rlg cream?dlwpcletj ' Y k eqgS pac aged (6 oz.)chocolate orgraham crackercrumb crust @1 contalrler(Boz.)dazrysourcream -' 1tablespoonpowderedsugar I' 'rcap sagar 'i 1teaspoon vanillaextract > 1.stirtogethercrumbs,1 4cupsugûrand butterin smallbowl.Press * > 1.BeatEream cheeseandlemonjuiceinmedium bowlon medium '' m ixturefirm ly onto bottom and up side of9.inch pie plate Refrigerate8 ïo 10minutes 2.Heatoven lo 575'F.Placechocolatein smallmicrowave.safebowl ' tk &peed ofm ixeruntilfluffy about2 m inutes;:etaside ' ?.Place 1cup peanutbutterchipsand skveeterled condensed rrlilkia '@ Q1 a medium microwavewsafebowl.MicrowaveatHIGH (1000/0)45 M icrowave atHIGH (100*/0)30 seconds;stir.M icrowavean addltional second&;stir.Ifnecessary,microwavean addi tional15 secondsata 10 to20secondintervals sti ti rringaftereachheating untilmelỵed ' Cime stirring aftereachheating untilchipsaremelted andmixturei! eatcsrugar eam ,cshal etes ein14me di um bowl ulnt ilAdd fIuffy 6)tred adu all y beat at n 1/$B Eups and tea spoon vani la m;el thocol e;i beatuntiIweIIblended.Addegg:,oneatatime,beatingweIIafter ỗ' > V) Bake 20 m inutes oruntilcenterisalm ostset.Rem ove from oven; T, W ç', ç, - suqar.spreadevenI y over t' op ofpie.sake at 5zs Irfor 1(,m inutes coo Ito room temperature.Refriserateuntilfirm.cover;refriqerate * ỗ' a Ieftoverpie ỗ' ' each addition.Pourinto prepared crust cool1 hour rtogetlaersourcream remaininq /;teaspoon vanillaand J rcup s,sti :m 00th w hen stirred %.Add w arm peanutbutterm ixture to cream cheese m ixture.Beator medium speeduntiIbIended,about1minute.Beatkicupwhipping tream in sm allbow luntilstiff;fold into peanutbutterm ixture.Pour intofrust.Cover;refriqerateabout6Izoursoruntilfirm lustbefore serving,com binerem aining ù(cup whippin: cream , powdered susaranu vanilla in smallbow l.Beatuntilsuff ,spreaclove! lilling,carrris: kwt,remaining veartutbutte,cl,lp,,csver'.refrigerat 'eftoverpie ỗN '1 ỗ '1 ' , ỗ' ỗ.% 'W LY I 82I :' ,W a (7' * Iazq fI) liiliil's 0' D ESSERTS A N D PIk C1 Ch I-'li! 111' L lii F ' ' ' ' '' ' t' ''ïb SSli 1:IE M akes fy to ilservinfjs 9.inch pIe crust'baked and ûooIed 12/3cups(1O.oz pkg )REESE'S PeanutButterCillprj (llvlded paqkage (3oz.)creilm cheese softened 'acup powdered Sugar '5 ',1' : * '),1 : ''.' Q kb e '''' F : ' tj ty '3 qup plus tablespoonsm IIk , teaspoor)unfIavofed geIatir ' l t.3blespoonco1d watef tablespoonsbolilrlg watef tj ti k P ' ' cup (1/Jpt.)co1dwh1ppIn(Jûream 1teaspoonvarRIIIaextract * t% * 1/ pcup sugar '?,cupI-IERSHFX'Scocoa #i' , ' l h '.' ej1) 1.Melt111tupspeanutbutterchips.Beatcream cheese'powdered suqarand $ cup m ilk in m edium bow luntiism ooth.Add m elted chips;beatweII.Beatin rem aining 2tabIespoonsm iI1(.6kpread into cooled crust 2.Sprinkle gelatin overcold w ater in sm allbow l'Ietstand m inute * $1 ' e to &often.Add boiling water'stiruntilgelatin iscom pletely dissolved g; Coolslightly.Com bine sugarand cocoa in m edium bow l;add whipping cream and vaniIIa.Beaton m edium speed ofm ixeruntiI stift;pourinseldtinmixture,beatinguntilwellblended.spooninto * ( ce r ru ma stio nv in eg rp ch ei apnsut bu e;rrI r.R ig rov ateerse ve ralhoursGarnishwith * I Co vt et r ea fy re iqe rae tf er lee ft pi e * * * * ë 84j ' @ * * w , .' IIEIISIIEïS ''' D ES SERT é; A N D PIES 63 ' e ê s jjj E S F E EP E E S x ' fiIIing m Ix* cupshaIf-and.halforwhoIem iIk cup HERSHEY?SSem I sweetChocolateChlps I-1EF ?Sl-1EY?SCocoa '''' ''',, t r%1 t1' f$ ' :1 Nd f 'lS # 'V ỵj1yr y /Y ' t ' J J *.' Cookovermedium heat,stirrin: constantly,untilm ixture comesto a # sm ooth * * : : ï s 'k' j u f ' f : e, fu11boil.Rem ove from heat Add chocolate chips.,stiruntilchips are m elted and m ixture is I e , * , ' C1; stirtogether puddin: m ix and half-and-halfin m edium saucepan .' r.p M akes8 servingl package (4.serving size)chocolate cook& servepuddlng and p1e - r '' e- ' E : $j f y' # rc't#ïfj i ; z # ;t j $ : (,.;k.: ; f gj , ' '' , ' , ' i ;:, f7 J' aö ; , .' ' zz' : t E ' r7 c 3.spoon into dem itasse cups orsm alldessert dishes Pressplastic ,4 1: C CE ' ỗ ' C ' ' #' 4j; < *, alj @, *, i , ỗ * * !1y '' 'g iQ'V '' 1, x ' E t ' 'e' * D E.SsERTS AlxID P1ES L F g F SS F @ 12,1 d ll !! l' * p r : 1k : x.àI' *' ao * 'i j x ' ' ' ''' '*> ' J .' $ ' 1can(14oz)sweetenedcondcnsedmilk(notevdporatedml ik),dl vided * tablespoonsoranqeIulceplus2teaspoonsfresblygratedorangepeei @ x OR tablespoons orange.flavored Iiqucur,dlvl ded @ ,,i' '' ,.?ty : : ,Iv' , k j-, a qups(1 pt.)cold wlllppfngGredr' rl a f, ! Meltbutter in heavy saucepan overIow heat,'add cocoa, then 1$(Eup @ d d m ilk stirrin: untilsm 00th and slightly thi ckened s weetenedcon ense @ Pourmixture into medium bowl'coolto room tem perature.Beatin 1tablespoonoranqejuiceand1teaspoonorangepeeI Beatw hipping cream in Iarge bowluntilsỵiff.Fold half ofw hipped * c mini nt boc ol re eton mgb st oge haenrge rr eea ma i ngoscwe et ea nt eedmi coxntdue n sI endsmi lk,dreme madi inu in 1owl tab,le si proto notr @ juice and 1teaspoonorange peel.Fold in remainingwbipped cream * yjl ' ' t t ' q''jp ' ' j 'j m , y ' y., r d j Sjj ) r #'f j.; J.g vj jjt, ' ' l j ,2 ' j C ' ' q ' f k !1 ,1 ' d * ' * *' ' g''' ? L' C ''' ? t' * ,1;)t' lï < y ' * * * ' ë $' i : !' p * g-: ' i4 C 411: !88 :x - @ makingadepressionincenterofeach.Spooncreamyorangemixture intocenterofeach.Refrigerate untilwellchilled.Garnish asdesired Cover;refriqerateIeftoverdessert jh '.k ' : ''' ' J i' * u , S ) k;@ ! '' 11 up (Iï?stl ck)bt1ttert 'Jrmargdrlne Fa cup HERSHEY'SCoco: Spoon equalportionsofchocolate mixtureinto8 dessertdishes J n w' * * '.' ' $: (f û ! I.1'' , '' r4 r., 1F a' '' '' h'' %' r ' a yi ' ' -w +.'.' - 2; I J.r' , 1i! a ' jjI IIEIICIIE- t.' D ESSE RT A N D PIES t! FI ESI IïS E E P l M aItt!! k12 to 14 seevin(js t' O' 1'12 cup5p1aindrybread crum bs 1.!' cup sugar dlvlded tablespoonsall.purpose flour I12 teaspoon baking pow der 1Iu teaspoon salt k CIt J, t) '.i r eI Can (21oz.)cherryp;efiplpng?divlded 2tablespoonsbutterormargarine,melted 1y' zteaspoon alm oad extract teaspoon red food color sMlxlcnpr)sserr ai.sweetchocolate cup HERSPIEY' ch errywhippedcream (recipefol lows) Thoroughlygrease8-cuptubemoldorheat.proofbowl 2.stirtogetherbread crum bs' /kcup sugar,flour,bakinq powderand saltin Iarge bow l.Stirtogetheregg yolks,13 cupscherry piefillingz butter,a1m ondextractandfoodcolorinm edium bowI'addtocrumb t ' ' * a f-à f.s ' ; (x rem aining 8$cup sugarzbeating untilstiffpeaksform Fold about K beaten whitesintocberry m ixture blending thoroughly.Fold in rem aining eg: w hites;gently fold in sm allchocolate chips.Pourbatter * (' intoprepared tubemoId (Ifmo1disopenattop coveropeningwith $) '' outclean.(Additionalwatermaybe needed during steaming.)Remove from heat;coolin pan m inutes Rem ove cover;unm old onto serving Jh ' xll' L s ';' Js r'' ,4 ?'''' '''' ' # ' ' f foil;grease top offoil.)Covermold with wax paperand foil;tie securely witb string 1' V' 4.Place arackin aIarge kettl e;pourveaterinto kettle to top ofrack $* H atwa erwa totber oil ing'pl mol onunt rac Coverkpi etctklei'ns st eatm ver s sie mm erit ng about 1a )c $e bour sdor ik lwooden er edo come : # Q -3 9) C ' >' ỗ% mixture stirring gentl y untilwellblended 3.Beategg w hitesin anotberIargebow luntilfoam y' zgradually add e t * ' j $: ;< f-''' ' ' '' plate.Nerve warm withCherry W hipped Cream ỗx '': % D'' CherryW hipped Cream:Beat1 cup ('/Jpt.)col d whlpprng cream wlth 1/4 cup pow dered sugarln m edlum bow luntllStl ff'fopd rn pIe fillinq rem ainlng from pudding (about1/2cup)and 1/2teaspoon almond extract (% g! ;'d lp x ỗw ỗzx w - œ % r ' % ' *- (y x , ' % - qk 41 11 j 9, #) * w * > > + ' ' ' ... )butterOrl rlarqlaỗlne ' 2cupsst1gdr gt easpoonsvaatttaeNtrdct eqgs 11/, ?cupsi all.purposctlour $/ 1) , ' s? i t Ultra-decadent ireatlons forevery holiday gathmring *' ë EF ES l EESE E * # k @ M akt:$ 12 s fprvinIJs cup graham ûrackercrum bs... 9Iaze.Cover;refrigerate.PreparesnowyWhiteCut-outs'ifdeslred' ' G * VanillaGIaze 9arnishtopoftortewithcut.outs.Pressholidaybitsontosides'ifdesired G ' * Wl nlppingcream insmallmlcrowave.safebowl.Ml crowaveatHI

Ngày đăng: 09/11/2019, 10:29
