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WRITING GREEK LAW The use of writing in the development of Greek law was unique In this comparative study Professor Gagarin shows the reader how Greek law developed and explains why it became so different from the legal systems with which most legal historians are familiar While other early communities wrote codes of law for academic or propaganda purposes, the Greeks used writing extensively to make their laws available to a relatively large segment of the community On the other hand, the Greeks made little use of writing in litigation whereas other cultures used it extensively in this area, often putting written documents at the heart of the judicial process Greek law thereby avoided becoming excessively technical and never saw the development of a specialized legal profession This book will be of interest to specialists in the history of law, as well as ancient historians M I C H A E L G A G A R I N is James R Dougherty, Jr Centennial Professor of Classics at the University of Texas, and has published widely on Greek law Recent publications include Antiphon the Athenian: Oratory, Law and Justice in the Age of the Sophists (2002) and The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law (co-edited with David Cohen; 2005) WRITING GREEK LAW MICHAEL GAGARIN University of Texas CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521886611 © Michael Gagarin, 2008 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2008 ISBN-13 978-0-511-39725-7 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-13 978-0-521-88661-1 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate For Donna, Daniel, and Alexandra Contents List of Illustrations Preface and Acknowledgments List of Abbreviations page viii ix xi Introduction: Writing Greek Law 1 Law before Writing 13 Writing and Written Laws 39 Why the Greeks Wrote Laws 67 Why Draco Wrote his Homicide Law 93 Oral and Written in Archaic Greek Law 110 Writing Laws in Fifth-Century Gortyn 122 Writing the Gortyn Code 145 Writing Law in Classical Athens 176 Writing Athenian Law: a Comparative Perspective 206 10 Writing Law in Hellenistic Greece 225 Conclusion: Writing Greek Law 242 Appendices Bibliography Index Locorum Subject Index 248 262 277 280 vii Illustrations page 46 51 53 56 Dreros Gortyn 14 Gortyn Law from Chios viii Preface and Acknowledgments The ideas in this book have been developing in my mind for more than a decade, but they first began to take shape as a comprehensive view of Greek law when Joseph Me´le`ze-Modrzejewski invited me to give a set of lectures at the Sorbonne in 2001 (See ‘‘Ecriture et oralite´ en droit grec,’’ Revue historique de droit franc¸ais et ´etranger 79 (2001) 447–62.) I had earlier presented ideas about writing and law in lectures to audiences at the Centre Gernet in Paris, and in Copenhagen, Milan, Houston, and Columbia, MO; but during this month-long stay in Paris I first worked out a comprehensive thesis about the role of writing in Greek law and its very different role in other comparable societies I am grateful to Jo for this opportunity, for his hospitality, and for the stimulating sessions of his seminar at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, to Pauline Schmidt for arranging for me to address a session of her Greek History seminar, and to Jean-Marie Bertrand for helping in so many ways make my time in Paris both fruitful and enjoyable Since that visit I have presented different parts of my ideas to audiences in Glasgow, Chicago, Philadelphia, Knoxville, San Diego, Austin, Athens, Graz, Lexington KY, Caen, Marshall CA, Marburg, Manchester, Charlottesville VA, Salerno, Nicosia, Montreal, and Auckland; I am grateful for the criticisms and suggestions I have received on all these occasions Several of these lectures have been published in various conference proceedings (see Bibliography), but in writing this book I have rethought all these earlier presentations, and in some cases I have changed my mind significantly in the process Faraguna (2007), which covers some of the same ground as I but takes issue with some of the positions I have expressed, reached me only when this book was in press A shorter version of his paper together with my response to it will be published in Symposion 2007 Research leave for this project was provided by a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2002–3, and by several semester-long leaves from the University of Texas I am most grateful to both organizations for support ix 268 Bibliography Havelock, Eric A (1963) Preface to Plato Cambridge, MA (1976) Origins of Western Literacy Toronto (1982) The Literate Revolution in Greece and Its Cultural Consequences Princeton Hedrick, Charles W., Jr (2000) ‘‘For Anyone Who Wishes to See,’’ AncW 31: 127–35 Helm, Peyton R (1981) ‘‘Herodotus’ M¯edikos Logos and Median History,’’ Iran 19: 85–90 Herrenschmidt, Clarisse (2000) ‘‘Writing between Visible and Invisible Worlds in Iran, Israel, and Greece,’’ in Ancestor of the West: Writing Reasoning and Religion in Mesopotamia, Elam, and Greece, eds Jean Botte´ro, Clarisse Herrenschmidt, and Jean-Pierre Vernant Chicago: 67146 Hoălkeskamp, Karl-Joachim (1992) Written Law in Archaic Greece, PCPhS 38: 87–117 (1994) ‘‘Tempel, Agora und Alphabet: Die Entstehungsbedinungen von Gesetzgebung in der archaischen Polis,’’ in Rechtskodifizierung und soziale Normen im interkulturellen Vergleich, ed Hans-Joachim Gehrke, Tuăbingen: 13564 (1995) ‘‘Arbitrators, Lawgivers and the ‘Codification of Law’ in Archaic Greece: Problems and Perspectives,’’ Metis 7: 49–81 (1999) Schiedsrichter, Gesetzgeber und Gesetzgebung im archaischen Griechenland Historia Einzelschrift 131 Stuttgart (2000) ‘‘(In-)schrift und Monument Zum Begriff des Gesetzes im archaischen und klassischen Griechenland,’’ ZPE 132: 73–96 (2005) ‘‘What’s in a Code? 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CLASSICAL AUTHORS Aelian VH 2.39 Aeschines 1.38–9 1.127–31 1.160–5 2.165 3.32 3.36 3.182 3.192 3.199–200 Aeschylus Agamemnon 810–28 Andocides 1.83–4 1.85–7 1.115–16 Antiphon 1.29–30 2.1.5 5.53–6 6.16 6.38 Aristophanes Wasps 848 892 894–7 960–1 Aristotle Rhetoric 1.2, 1355b25–6 1.2, 1355b35–1356a1 1.15, 1375a22–1378a11 1.15, 1375a26–34 [Aristotle] Athenaion Politeia 3.4 4.1 9.1 16.5 34 212 187 199 199 194 191 191–2 199–200 195 201–2 155 183–4 185–6 179 200 111 200 208 113–14 179 112 111 113 176 246 189–90 190–1 204 114–16 93 111, 228 107 16.8 16.10 35.2 41.2 50–9 53.2 53.2–3 Athenaeus 619b Cicero De Legibus 2.59 Demosthenes 18.6 18.54–5 18.111 18.120–1 18.222–3 18.275 20.93 20.94 21.47 21.85 21.223–4 23.61 24.23 24.33 25.99 28.5 30.35–6 32.4 33.36 35.10–13 35.25 35.37 36.18–21 37.18 37.22 41.6 43.18 277 104, 107 115–16 181 93 208 195 189 34 35 203 112 202–3 192 200 204 213 186–7 210–11 195 203 204 187 187 178 198 197–8 194 198 198 199 198 198, 200 177 113 236 177–8 278 Demosthenes (cont.) 43.48 43.57 45.17 45.46 47.68–73 54 54.17 54.24 54.26 57.5 59.76 Dinarchus 1.111 Diogenes Laertius 2.40 Dionysius of Halicarnassus Dinarchus Dinarchus Euripides Suppliants 429–34 Herodotus 1.59.6 1.96–100 Hesiod Theogony 80–103 Works and Days 260–2 320 336 342 353 383–4 Homer Iliad 1.247–9 2.211–77 9.508–12 9.632–6 16.542 18.497–508 23.566–13 23.584–5 23.358 Odyssey 3.196–7 12.439–40 23.118–20 23.296 Hyperides (Ath) 13 Index Locorum 193 192 178 194 98, 180, 207–8 212 180 191 193 181 182 194 111–12 226 113 72, 197 Isaeus 4.11–14 9.8 Isocrates 7.39–41 15.237 19.16–33 201 201 204 195 201 Lycurgus 1.3–4 1.9 Lysias 1.35 4.6–7 6.10 10.15–19 10.6–7 13 32.22 203 202 179–80 210 204 213 213 208, 211–12 200 Menander fr 768 K–A 107 22, 173, 197 20–3 155 32 35 35 32 35 26–7 89 31–2 27, 30–1, 101 19 13, 19 23–6 207 23 27 19 27, 31, 101 91 180, 199 Plato Apology 26d–e Laws 793a–c Plutarch Demosthenes 15 Lycurgus Solon 18 31.3 [Plutarch] Moralia 834a–b 841e 181 178–9 34 194 93 72–3 111 107 195 203 Solon 36 West, 18–20 Sophocles Antigone 454–5 Strabo 12.2.9 Thucydides 2.37.3 2.43.2–3 6.54.6 7.8 106 33, 36–7 34 33 199 107 200 [Xenophon] Athenaion Politeia 3.2 111 INSCRIPTIONS Fouilles de Delphes (1) no 294 215–16 ICret 2.12.4 139 4.1–40 50 4.1 49, 53–4, 248 4.3 54, 81, 131, 248–9 4.4 4.10 4.10 x–y 4.13 4.14 55 52, 89, 139 124 52 49, 51–2, 80–1, 87, 131, 248 Index Locorum 4.20 55 4.21 55, 249 4.23 89, 124 4.41–140 123 4.41 126–7, 128–34, 136, 138–9, 254–7 142 4.41.5–6 135 4.41.7 128 127 4.42.B 139 4.42.B 118 4.42.B 139 4.42.B 11 4.43 136–8, 257–9 4.43 Aa 7–9 142 4.43 Ab 7–9 142 4.47 126, 135–6, 258–9 4.47.23–4 142 4.62–4 123–4 4.62 123, 124, 125, 254 4.63 124, 125, 254 4.64 124–6, 254 4.72 127, 145–6, 151, 152–6, 159–2.1 159–62–45 157–9, 213–16 214–9 207–5.54 163–4–5.1 153–9 153–15 128, 133–9.24 164–5–37 118–11.23 165–7–17 118–12.19 170–3–55 118–4 146–19 171–2 4.75 139–41, 259–60 4.75.A.4–5 142 4.78 4.78.7 4.80 4.80.10 4.80.12 4.81 4.81.4–15 4.81.7–8 4.81.22 4.87 4.231–6 IG I 104 IG I 105 IG I I 244 IG I I 487 IG I V 493 IG I V 506 IG I V 1607 IG V IG X I I 9, 1273–4 IJG 1.158–78 IK Lampsacus I Priene 44 IvEr IvO IvO IvO 279 139 49, 126, 127, 136, 138–9, 259 142 126 142–3 143 140–1, 260–1 139 142 139 119 231 93–4, 96–100, 183, 188, 252–3 94 181 228 117 62–3, 84, 251 63–4, 84–5, 251–2 229 58–9, 83, 250 230 229 228 214–15 62 61–2, 83–4, 91, 251 110 ML (Dreros) ML (Chios) ML 13 (Naupactus) ML 32 (Halicarnassus) SEG 17.415 SEG 24.395 SEG 27.631 SEG 30.380 SEG 42.785 SEG 49.2 46–9, 76–9, 87, 248 56–8, 82, 249–50 60–1, 84, 250–1 119, 215 229–30 228 119–21, 253–4 64–5, 85, 252 117, 215 41 PAPYRI P Cair Zen 59003 P Eleph P Gur P Grenf I I 23 P Hal P Hib 30 P Lille I 29 237 235–6 238–9 238 233–4 239–40 234 P Oxy 1628 P Petrie 3.21 g P Sen Pestm 21 P Tebt I P Tor 13 SB I I I 7169 238 239 238 233 240 227 Subject Index adoption, laws concerning 165–9 agora 50, 76 alphabetic script 5, 39–40 amateurs, in law, see professionals in law amendments to laws 170–2 Anagrapheis 182–3, 185 Anglo-Saxon laws 108, 151–2, 174 animals, laws concerning 128–31 Antigone 33, 204 antigraph¯e 194 arbitration 196, see also Calymna Arcades 119 Argos, law from 62–3, 84 Aristophanes, trial in Wasps 112–13 arrangement of laws, see organization asyndeton 48–9, 52, 123, 132, 139, 156 Athens, law in 176–224, 226, 228 Attica 104–5 Aulon 125 axones 74, 99, 181 basanos 190, 197–8 basileis, see kings Basileus 179, 208 boustrophedon writing 47, 57, 123, 126 Bronze Age, law in Calymna, arbitration decision 230 casuistic form of legislation 49 Chios, law from 56–8, 82, 89 Cleonae, law from 63–4, 84–5 Clinton, President 162 codification 74–6, 145, 171, 172, 183 colonies and legislation 73, see also Naupactus commerce, and law 83, 147–8 and writing 5, 40 common law, early 218–21 contracts, citation of by litigants 192, 198–9 Crete, law in 43–4, 116–17, see also Dreros, Gortyn, literacy, Spensithios cross-referencing 61, 84, 142–3 Cylon 94–6, 102 decrees 185, 188, 234 value of 199–200 Deioces 22, 36–7, 173 Delphi, law from 215 manumissions at 231 democracy and law 72, 73, 88, 197, 214, 243–4 dikaio¯mata 233–4 dikazein, dik¯e 16–17, 37–8 dividing marks, see word-division documents, written 146–8, 188–93, 229–30, 238–40 attitudes toward 197–205 Domboc 152 Domesday Book 219–20 Draco 71, 93–109 passim, 181–2, 183 Dreros, main law 45–9, 71, 72, 76–9, 88 other laws 49–50 duplication of texts 140–1 edicts 234 Egyptian law, in the Pharaonic period 154, 233, 237 in the Ptolemaic period 232–41 Eleusis amphora 105–6 Elis, laws from 61–2, 83–4, 91, 110 elite and non-elite, involvement of in legislation 82, 85, 87–9, 175 enactment clause 49, 50, 76, 138 enkl¯ema 113–14, 238 ep’ autopho¯ro¯ 208, 211–12 ephetai 96–7 erasure 58, 127–8 Eretria, law from 58–9, 83 Erythrae, law from 214–15 Exegetae 207–8 280 Subject Index formalism 37, 207, 217–18 gaps between words 123, 131, 139, 156 Gortyn Code 145–75 passim Gortyn, laws from 50–6, 79–82, 89, 122–75 passim, 213–14 graph¯e 111–14, 194 graph¯e paranomo¯n 194–5, 201, 228 graphos, grammata, etc 34, 62, 63, 91, 110 Halicarnassus, law from 119, 215 Hammurabi, laws of 146–51, 153–4, 155–7, 162, 167–9, 216 Hart, H L A 3, 5–6, 185–6 heiress, laws concerning 164–5, 171–2 Hellenistic Greece, law in 225–41 Hesiod, law in 19–23 hieromnamo¯n 65, 117 Homer, law in 13–18, 19, 23–7, 30–3, 101, see also shield of Achilles homicide, laws concerning 27, 61, 93–109 passim hybris, law of 210–11 Iceland, law in 27–30 indentured persons, laws concerning 132, 135–6 inheritance, laws concerning 163–4 judges, foreign in Hellenistic cities 227 judgment, see dikazein, dike¯ justice 154–5 Kadys, law of 215 Kanun 30 katakeimenos 135, see also indentured persons kings 19–23, 38, 96–7, 174, 244 kosmos 46, 76, 77, 160, 162 kyrbeis 99, 181 law 3–4 oral 6, 33–6, 38 tribal 18–19 lawgivers 44 laws, citation of by litigants 191–2, 202–4, 212 language of 210, 211–12, 213 sung 34–6 lawyers 234, 235, 237 Leben 124 legal reform in Athens 183–8 legislation, effects of 88–9, 91–2, 109 enactment of 71, 90–1, 126, 169–70, 186–8 nature of 43–5, 74–6, 148–54 readership for 69–70 reasons for displaying 67–8, 70, 78, 86–7 reasons for enacting 72–9 passim, 94–105, 107–9 passim, 144 281 Lex Salica 152 lex talionis 149, 156 literacy 42, 67–8, 174, 176–80 in Crete 68–9, 70–1 of jurors 177–9 of litigants 179–80 logographers, logography 193–4, 207, 226 Lycurgus 93 magistrates, role of in law 208–9, see also Basileus manumissions 230–1 marriage agreements 235–7 masons 71 mnamo¯n 36, 117–21, see also hieromnamo¯n Mycenae, law from 117 Naupactus, law from 60–1, 84, 143 Near-Eastern law 174, see also Hammurabi Njal’s Saga 28–30 nomima 33, 115 nomoi politikoi 233–4, 235, 240 nomoi t¯es cho¯ras 233 nomos 33–6, 64, 91 nomos koinos 204 Nomothetai 183–5, 186 notaries 235, 237–8, 241 oaths 24, 47, 58, 78 ‘‘On the Crown’’ 191–2, 199–200, 201–3 open texture 210 oral preservation and transmission 80, 102, 108–9, 200, see also law, oral organization of laws 49, 56, 74–6, 99–100, 105–6, 123, 130–2, 133–4, 136, 139, 140, 141–2, 144, 155–69 paragraph¯e 186, 209 Peisistratus 104, 107 petitions 238–9, 240 pinax 177 pisteis, see proofs poinikastas 119, 121 polis 46, 52, 77–9 precedent 210 procedural rules 98, 108, 153–4, 158–9, 210–12, 228, 229–30 procedure, compulsory or voluntary 15–16, 103–4 oral nature of 13, 116–17, 154 professionals in law 207 proofs, artistic and nonartistic 189–93 retroactivity 97, 150, 152–3 rh¯etra 34, 58, 59, 91, 93, 110 Rhodian Sea Law 227 Roman law 216–18 282 Subject Index sanides 112–13, 177, 183 scribes 39, 41, 71, 147, 235, 237–8, 241 sexual offenses, laws concerning 157–9 shield of Achilles 13, 19 slaves, laws concerning 124, 129, 158, 159–61, 162 Socrates 111 Solon 43, 44–5, 71, 90, 106–7, 110, 111, 115, 181–2 Sparta, law in 93 Spensithios 36, 71, 119–21 status, laws concerning 159–61 style of legislation 100 Teisamenus, decree of 183–5, 187–8 temple, laws inscribed on 46–7, 50–1, 52, 56, 76, 79–80, 81, 122, 127 Thasos, laws from 215, 229–30 themistes 30–2 Thersites 89 thesmos 34, 61, 84, 91, 93, 114–16 Thesmothetae 114–16 Tiryns, law from 64–5, 85, 89, 117 Tiv 18–19 Twelve Tables 35, 217 tyrants 244 unity of Greek law 7–8, 243 unwritten laws 33–4, 204 vase painting 105–6 verdict 195, 196, 229 volunteer prosecutor 227, 228, see also graphe¯ wastian dikan 125 wills, in litigation 198, 200–1, 205 witnesses, testimony of 189, 192–3, 238 word-division 48, 52, 56, 59, 123 writing, and law 3, 5–6, 36–7, 38, 43–5, 109, 173–5 effect of 223–4 in Greece 2, 4–5, 39–44 references to 146–7, see also literacy; documents, written writs, in common law 220–1 ... Introduction: Writing Greek Law 1 Law before Writing 13 Writing and Written Laws 39 Why the Greeks Wrote Laws 67 Why Draco Wrote his Homicide Law 93 Oral and Written in Archaic Greek Law 110 Writing Laws... 122 Writing the Gortyn Code 145 Writing Law in Classical Athens 176 Writing Athenian Law: a Comparative Perspective 206 10 Writing Law in Hellenistic Greece 225 Conclusion: Writing Greek Law. .. Oratory, Law and Justice in the Age of the Sophists (2002) and The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law (co-edited with David Cohen; 2005) WRITING GREEK LAW MICHAEL GAGARIN University of Texas CAMBRIDGE

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