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www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com Course Checksheet Word From Grant: Congratulations on your decision to get Motivated! The word “motivate” is an action verb that is defined as “providing incentive for action.” 100 Ways to Stay Motivated will assist you in developing your motivation and drive that will propel you toward achieving your purpose and mission in all areas of your life In order to receive the most from this course, you must remain committed and dedicated This checksheet lays out the exact steps you need to take in order to discover your inspiration This course is comprised of a series of videos, questions, and practical exercises, which will get you properly applying the concepts in each lesson In order to yield the best results follow these three simple steps Set the time aside to learn consistently every day Commit to each exercise fully Really the drills Apply what you learn to your daily life, over and over until it’s second nature As mentioned in my first book, Sell or Be Sold: “Only by application will you or anyone else become successful or great in any field.” Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility I’ve laid out this path for you to achieve your full potential Best great, nothing else pays, Grant Cardone 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 1: Potential Initials Date Watch “Introduction” Pass the test at the end of the segment Watch “Work to Your Potential Not Your Quota” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Write down what your potential is and compare it to a current “quota” in your life Watch “Shoot for Extraordinary” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Write down five extraordinary people in business or life Determine qualities or actions they implemented in their lives to become EXTRAordinary Use this list of people to keep you excited, motivated, and driven to be extraordinary Watch “Go the Extra Mile Even After You Have Satisfied Basic Requirements” 10 Pass the test at the end of the segment 11 PRACTICAL: What two questions you ask yourself when going the extra mile? 12 Watch “Do What Others Refuse to Do” 13 Pass the test at the end of the segment 14 PRACTICAL: Make a list of what others around you are unwilling to Choose three actions and them today What happened? 15 Watch “Be Willing to Fail Knowing Failure is Impossible” 16 Pass the test at the end of the segment 17 PRACTICAL: What does Grant mean by, “You must be willing to fail because actual failure is not truly possible.” 18 Watch “Be the Most Dependable Person You Know” 19 Pass the test at the end of the segment 20 PRACTICAL: Write a list of three ways you can be dependable and implement them today What Happened? 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 1: Potential Initials Date 21 Watch “Let People Know You Are Unique by Your Actions” 22 Pass the test at the end of the segment 23 PRACTICAL: Write down five actions you can take that are unique to you and would differentiate you from others in your personal and professional space 24 Watch “Do Those Things That Challenge You the Most” 25 Pass the test at the end of the segment 26 PRACTICAL: Make a list of five things that would most challenge you and at least one today How you feel afterwards? 27 Watch “Give More than is Expected of You” 28 Pass the test at the end of the segment 29 PRACTICAL: Make a list of three simple ways you can give more than is expected of you Do those three things you wrote down What happened? 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 2: Personal Development Initials Date Watch “Get in a Mastermind Group of Winners” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Make a list of your five closest friends and write what you have in common with them Are all of these similarities optimal? Now find a mastermind group of winners in your field of interest or business and join it Watch “Read a Book a Week” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Chose eight books that are beneficial to your growth in life or profession and list the book titles and authors Choose one and read it this week Watch “Cut Out Negative People” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Make a list of all the people you are frequently in contact with in your life and determine if they are positive or negative What occurs when you are in contact with the negative people? 10 Watch “Stay Uncomfortable and Meet New People” 11 Pass the test at the end of the segment 12 PRACTICAL: In a group of people, or just out in public, introduce yourself to three people you are uncomfortable or tentative to approach What occurred? 13 Watch “Do Those Things That You Are Fearful Of” 14 Pass the test at the end of the segment 15 PRACTICAL: Make a list of five things you are fearful of doing Knock one of these things off your list today! How did you feel afterwards? 16 Watch “Surround Yourself with Positive Reminders” 17 Pass the test at the end of the segment 18 PRACTICAL: Control your environment Chose a positive reminder to represent each: your goals, dreams, and current life The reminder can be photos, signs, pictures, objects, etc Name each reminder and explain the meaning behind that particular positive reminder 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 2: Personal Development Initials Date 19 Watch “Reach Up for New Friends” 20 Pass the test at the end of the segment 21 PRACTICAL: Write down things you can do, places you can go, etc where you can reach up for new friends Choose a couple of these actions and them 22 Watch “Ask Those More Successful than You for Guidance” 23 Pass the test at the end of the segment 24 PRACTICAL: Identify two people more successful than you that you can go to for guidance and advice Arrange to meet or speak to them for guidance 25 Watch “Make Continued and Regular Investments in Yourself” 26 Pass the test at the end of the segment 27 PRACTICAL: Make a list of three ways you can continually invest in yourself Commit to making one of these ways a continued and regular investment in yourself 28 Watch “Go to Workshops to Learn and Connect” 29 Pass the test at the end of the segment 30 PRACTICAL: Make a list of three workshops that would be ideal for you to learn and connect at List the names and purpose of the workshops Chose one to enroll in today 31 Watch “Avoid Those That Don’t Assume Responsibility for Every Outcome” 32 Pass the test at the end of the segment 33 PRACTICAL: Write a list of people in your life that don’t assume responsibility for every outcome What is your decision regarding responsibility? 34 Watch “Seek to Be Exceptional in Every Area of Your Life” 35 Pass the test at the end of the segment 36 PRACTICAL: Write down exactly what it would mean for you to be exceptional in every area of your life 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 3: Time Management Initials Date Watch “Look to Control Time Rather than Manage It” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Start thinking with the mind frame of controlling time not managing time What are three ways you can CONTROL time rather than MANAGE it? Watch “Schedule Your Day in 15-Minute Blocks” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Make a schedule for your day cramming as much as you can into 15-minute blocks then adhere to it for one day What happened? Watch “Make Quality Time for Your Family Everyday” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Evaluate your daily schedule and block off quality time to spend with each member of your family each day Note schedule changes below 10 Watch “Keep Statistics on Everything Important” 11 Pass the test at the end of the segment 12 PRACTICAL: Make a list of everything that is important to your success Keep a statistical graph on all of the above for a week What happened? 13 Watch “Keep a Full Calendar” 14 Pass the test at the end of the segment 15 PRACTICAL: Slam your calendar for the next seven days from every hour-to-hour and day-to-day including weekends and non-business hours Note one day’s schedule below 16 Watch “Go to Bed Early” 17 Pass the test at the end of the segment 18 PRACTICAL: Tonight – control the time Go to bed an hour earlier than you usually Write what you noticed about your production and energy compared to the previous day 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 3: Time Management Initials Date 19 Watch “Be The First One Up in Your Neighborhood” 20 Pass the test at the end of the segment 21 PRACTICAL: Tomorrow set your alarm one hour earlier than usual and force yourself out of bed Note how much more you got done What advantage did this give you? 22 Watch “Stay So Busy You Are Running Everywhere You Go” 23 Pass the test at the end of the segment 24 PRACTICAL: Why is it you won’t burn out running from event to event, but you will burn out when you nothing? Give an example 25 Watch “Schedule Short Breaks” 26 Pass the test at the end of the segment 27 PRACTICAL: Schedule four short breaks today Write what the breaks did for you 28 Watch “Get Things Done Long Before Required of You” 29 Pass the test at the end of the segment 30 PRACTICAL: List five ways you can change your personal habits to become better at getting things done before they are required Get something done much earlier than expected today What occurred when you did this? 31 Watch “Break Your Life into Priorities and Win at All of Them” 32 Pass the test at the end of the segment 33 PRACTICAL: Write down ten priorities in your life Then, going down the list, mark them on a scale of 1-10 based on how well you are doing with them The number 10 meaning you are a champion at a life priority, and the number meaning you are not doing too well at a life priority Then make a commitment to the lower rated priorities that you will become a champion at those specific life priorities 34 Watch “Write a Daily Battle Plan” 35 Pass the test at the end of the segment 36 PRACTICAL: Write a battle plan for today then complete all the tasks you have laid out How you feel after completing the battle plan? 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 4: Self-Esteem Initials Date Watch “Be Honest with Everyone Especially Yourself” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Be honest with yourself and write the answers to the following questions: a b c d e f What is your potential? How much can you in one week? In one day? In one hour? In 15 minutes? What you need to to provide for yourself and your family? Watch “Stay Involved with Your Community—Be Social” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Write down three ways you could become more involved with your community Choose one and it this week Watch “Be the Most Professionally Dressed Person in Your Space” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Go to your closet and put together at least three professional outfits Why is it that being dressed professionally is important not only to others, but also to you? 10 Watch “Take Enough Time Off to Fulfill Your Desire For Time Off” 11 Pass the test at the end of the segment 12 PRACTICAL: Write down what would be enough time to fulfill your desire for time off and why that would be enough time 13 Watch “Get Out of the House and Try New Things” 14 Pass the test at the end of the segment 15 PRACTICAL: This week get out of the house and try something new Write down what happened 16 Watch “Avoid Ads That Promote Depression as a Disease” 17 Pass the test at the end of the segment 18 PRACTICAL: Practice this today: Avoid ads that promote depression and disease What did you notice? 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 10 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 4: Self-Esteem Initials Date 37 Watch “Overcommit to Your Family, Clients and Community” 38 Pass the test at the end of the segment 39 PRACTICAL: Write at least six ways you can overcommit AND overdeliver to your family and clients 40 Watch “Be the Most Positive Person You Know” 41 Pass the test at the end of the segment 42 PRACTICAL: Today, be the most positive person in your environment What Happened? How did people react to you? 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 12 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 5: Stay Energized Initials Date Watch “Exercise a Little Everyday” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Get in charge of your body! Exercise for 30 minutes today Formulate and commit to an exercise schedule Note schedule below and track completed exercises Watch “Eat the Healthiest Foods You Can Afford” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Write a list of unhealthy food that you eat Eliminate one of them from your diet today What was your energy level like after you eliminated that food? Watch “Avoid Foods with Sugars” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Sugars in your body effects what aspects? For one day, avoid all foods with sugar Write down the result 10 Watch “Increase Your Water Intake” 11 Pass the test at the end of the segment 12 PRACTICAL: How much water you consume every day? Today, drink two oz glasses more than you usually What happened? 13 Watch “Be Energetic Even When You Don’t Feel It” 14 Pass the test at the end of the segment 15 PRACTICAL: Grant compares being energetic, excited, and enthusiastic to being like a _ Take an opportunity at some point today to take action or get involved, even if you “aren’t feeling it” or “are lagging.” What happened? 16 Watch “Take Power Naps if They Help You” 17 Pass the test at the end of the segment 18 PRACTICAL: Take a power nap today How did it help you? 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 13 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 5: Stay Energized Initials Date 19 Watch “Write Down the Successes You Are Having” 20 Pass the test at the end of the segment 21 PRACTICAL: Write down the successes you are having in your life right now 22 Watch “Listen to Music That Pumps You Up” 23 Pass the test at the end of the segment 24 PRACTICAL: Ten minutes before work, listen to some of your favorite music What effect did this create on you? 25 Watch “Say YES to Life” 26 Pass the test at the end of the segment 27 PRACTICAL: Say yes to anything that expands life Write down at least three things (ethical and pro survival) that you have been saying “No” to and just say “Yes.” What happened once you started doing this? 28 Watch “Move with Speed and Urgency” 29 Pass the test at the end of the segment 30 PRACTICAL: Write down three ways you can start operating with speed and urgency in your life through emails, communicating with people, completing activities, etc 31 Watch “Stay Hungry and Act Hungry with Everyone You Meet” 32 Pass the test at the end of the segment 33 PRACTICAL: Act hungry with one person you meet today What occurred? 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 14 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 6: Purpose Initials Date Watch “Approach Success as Your Duty” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Make a list of at least five things you have to be successful in (Business, personal, etc.) Why is it not an option, but a duty you are successful in these areas? Watch “Approach Success as an Ethical Issue Not a Financial One” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Write a short essay on how being successful ties in with your personal moral code After seeing how being successful ties in with your ethics, how you feel about going after your target goals? Watch “Be the Most Ethical Person You Know” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: List four ways, besides being honest, you can become the most ethical person you know Write how you can implement this in your life 10 Watch “Have a Higher Purpose than Just Money” 11 Pass the test at the end of the segment 12 PRACTICAL: Take a couple of minutes to reflect on what your purpose is What you want money for? Write down your answer 13 Watch “Never Settle for Good When You Can Be Great” 14 Pass the test at the end of the segment 15 PRACTICAL: Write an example of something you strive to be great at How did you do? Write down a time when you know you settled for less than your potential What decisions have you made with regard to this? 16 Watch “Get Great Partners” 17 Pass the test at the end of the segment 18 PRACTICAL: Make a list of five qualities that would be necessary in great partners in any aspect of life 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 15 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 6: Purpose Initials Date 19 Watch “Be Deaf When Someone Says You Can’t” 20 Pass the test at the end of the segment 21 PRACTICAL: For one day, be deaf to all negativity around you What happened? How did you feel? Grant states the great salespeople form what attribute to deal with the negativity? 22 Watch “Create Daily Rituals That Put You in Charge” 23 Pass the test at the end of the segment 24 PRACTICAL: Create two daily rituals that put you in charge and implement them tomorrow How did you throughout the day? 25 Watch “Never, Never, Never Compare Yourself to Money” 26 Pass the test at the end of the segment 27 PRACTICAL: Write down six ways in which you are more valuable than money 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 16 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 7: Magnetism Initials Date Watch “Never Lower Your Target Mentality” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Develop a list of three unreasonable targets and go for accomplishing them this week Do not lower them What happened after going for these targets this week? Watch “Make Sure the Whole World Knows You” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Describe two ways you can aim for a bigger audience or client base to make sure the whole world knows you Watch “Dominate Your Space, Don’t Compete in It” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: How can you dominate your space? 10 Watch “Get So Much Attention You Are Criticized for It” 11 Pass the test at the end of the segment 12 PRACTICAL: Write three ways you can get more attention What can you expect when more attention is coming to you? 13 Watch “Make the News Don’t Watch It” 14 Pass the test at the end of the segment 15 PRACTICAL: List three ways in which you can make the news in your community or profession How can making the news benefit you? 16 Watch “Become a Celebrity in Your Space” 17 Pass the test at the end of the segment 18 PRACTICAL: Write Grant’s definition of a celebrity 19 Watch “Get Some Big New Juicy Problems Rather than the Old Boring Ones” 20 Pass the test at the end of the segment 21 PRACTICAL: Write down five examples of big new juicy problems that will freak you out, excite you, and motivate you 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 17 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 7: Magnetism Initials Date 22 Watch “Be So Big in Your Space Everyone is Talking About You” 23 Pass the test at the end of the segment 24 PRACTICAL: Write three actions you will and how you will these actions to become a giant in your space 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 18 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 8: Goals Initials Date Watch “Write Down Your Goals First Thing Each Day” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Get a note pad or start a document in your computer and for three days write down your goals first thing each day Write down what happened in those three days Watch “Write Your Goals Down Again Before You Go to Sleep” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Now, for three more days, as well as writing your goals down when you first wake up, write them before you go to sleep Write down what happened in those three days Watch “Have a 30-minute Finance Meeting with Your Family” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: This week have a 30 minute financial meeting with your family What happened? What did you find out? 10 Watch “Have a Monthly Goals Meeting with Your Family” 11 Pass the test at the end of the segment 12 PRACTICAL: Have a monthly goals meeting with your family What occurred when you did this? How you feel about your goals and those of your family? Have everyone in the family align and support each other in pursuit of the goals 13 Watch “Identify What You Are Passionate About” 14 Pass the test at the end of the segment 15 PRACTICAL: Write a list identifying what you are truly passionate about 16 Watch “Picture What You Want at the End of the Deal” 17 Pass the test at the end of the segment 18 PRACTICAL: Visualize what you want to accomplish at the END of your next deal Write it down Then go about the rest of the steps to accomplishing it What Happened? See what you want first before the mechanics! 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 19 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 8: Goals Initials Date 19 Watch “Focus on the Future Not the Past” 20 Pass the test at the end of the segment 21 PRACTICAL: Think of one moment you always focus on from your past Write down three ways of how you can get yourself out of the past or present and into the future Put these ways into practice today 22 Watch “Keep Images of What It Is You Want in Your Environment” 23 Pass the test at the end of the segment 24 PRACTICAL: Collect images to represent each: your goals, dreams, and life that you want Put these images in your space 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 20 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 9: 10X Initials Date Watch “Be a Maniac at Your Career and Life” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Write a list of three ways in which you can become a maniac in your personal life and in the work place Watch “Do a Little More than the Day Before” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Review what you did yesterday and two more things today than yesterday What happened when you did that? Watch “Do So Much That You Are Criticized for It” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Choose an activity today and keep doing it to the point you are criticized for it What occurred while doing this? 10 Watch “Take Everything You Do to Another Level” 11 Pass the test at the end of the segment 12 PRACTICAL: Write an example of how you can take something you are doing now to another level 13 Watch “Stay Around Hitters and Winners” 14 Pass the test at the end of the segment 15 PRACTICAL: Identify at least three hitters and winners in your life and work out how you can get yourself around them more often 16 Watch “Never Compromise Your Potential for Being Satisfied.” 17 Pass the test at the end of the segment 18 PRACTICAL: Write down your own commitment to never compromise your potential for being satisfied and how you will avoid compromise 19 Watch “Look at How Things Are Possible Rather than Impossible.” 20 Pass the test at the end of the segment 21 PRACTICAL: Write about a task that you consider impossible Now write down at least three ways it can be possible 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 21 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 9: 10X Initials Date 22 Watch “Look to Accomplish Those Things Others Say Can’t Be Done” 23 Pass the test at the end of the segment 24 PRACTICAL: Make a list of two tasks that others around you say cannot be done Today put them on your to-do list What happened? 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 22 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 10: Follow-Through Initials Date Watch “Stay Focused on the Daily Target” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Write down your daily target for today What happened during the day with a target to focus on? Watch “Do the Most Difficult Things First” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Write your battle plan for today Look over your list and identify your most difficult tasks and them first How did this affect your day? Watch “Push Yourself to Do More than You Think Possible” Pass the test at the end of the segment PRACTICAL: Write at least three examples of ways you can push yourself to more than you think is possible Do you need someone else to help you? If so, identify that person 10 Watch “Visit Your Customers in Person” 11 Pass the test at the end of the segment 12 PRACTICAL: Meet at least two customers, clients, potential employers, etc in person today Write down what happened 13 Watch “Call Every Problem Customer Personally and Quickly” 14 Pass the test at the end of the segment 15 PRACTICAL: Make a list of problem contacts in your life right now Contact them and resolve the issue as quickly as possible What happened? 16 Watch “Bring More to a Presentation than You Could Ever Use” 17 Pass the test at the end of the segment 18 PRACTICAL: Write four examples of how you could bring more to your next presentation than you could ever use and how this would be advantageous 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 23 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com Course 10: Follow-Through Initials Date 19 Watch “Complete Every Task Once Started” 20 Pass the test at the end of the segment 21 PRACTICAL: Every task you start today, finish it Write down what happened 22 Watch “Respond to All Social Media Likes and Comments” 23 Pass the test at the end of the segment 24 PRACTICAL: Today respond to all communication you receive (Facebook, phone calls, e-mails, etc.) What occurred when you did this? 25 Watch “Show Up Early for Everything” 26 Pass the test at the end of the segment 27 PRACTICAL: Write down a time when you did not show up early enough to prepare for a work meeting Did everything go as planned for that meeting? How can you change your actions to become more prepared and show up early? 28 Watch “Make a List of Contacts That Would Change Your Life” 29 Pass the test at the end of the segment 30 PRACTICAL: Before you go to sleep tonight, make a list of at least five people that, if you contacted them it would change your life What would be the first step in making contact with one of them? 100WaysToStayMotivated.com 24 800.368.5771 www.getwsodownload.com www.getwsodownload.com Cardone Training Technologies, Inc 1-800-368-5771 GRANTCARDONE.COM

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2019, 09:56


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