Before&After ® i U X Manyfromone Big photos have small photos inside Here’s how to get several images out of one original Continued Continued Manyfromone 0603 Before&After ® i U X Manyfromone Here’sawaytostretchyourphotodollarandcoordinateyourlayout,too, bygettingseveralimagesoutofoneoriginal Thisonephoto.. ...madethisentirelayout Did you realize that big photos have small photos hidden in the details—a collar, a button, a necklace? So take advantage— slice an image and use it in pieces! What’s cool is that the slices will have a built-in unity of color and texture, allowing them to work easily together of 11 Manyfromone 0603 Before&After Many from one ® of 11 i U X Story The key is to pick good parts Think story What’s fun is that taking images out of context gives them new meaning Isolate different sections, visualizing what each might now convey Whenweirstsawthe beachscene,wesawit asawhole,moreorless unawareofthedetails.But byisolatingsections,we seethateachcantella storythatcontributesits ownintrigueandinterest Prettydreamyscene.Isitcloseto homeorhalfaworldaway?Outof context,wecan’ttell Oldthingsseemtohavemorecharacterthannewones. Takethistatteredoldboat.Itmakesyouwonderwhat ithasseeninitslifetime.Outofcontext,it’saloneand lonely.Doessomeoneuseit?Whatisitdoinghere?Those footprintsinthesand,whosearethey? Howlongisthecoastline? Thissmallpiecemightseem insigniicant,butbecause itshowslandandwater,it uniiestheothertwoimages. Awaveimpliesmovement, erosion,thewind. of 11 Manyfromone 0603 Before&After Many from one ® of 11 i U X Scale Viewers generally perceive big images as important By making a small image big and vice-versa, we can change its emphasis and bring out different parts of the story Threedaysin Paradise Loremagnaaugiam,velipeliquitetamcon hendreetvulputatisnimvullaauguerad inisciduisitinhendignafaccum BYTERRANCEMATTHEWS O Thebowoftheboatoccupiesa smallpercentageoftheoriginal image—lessthanatenth—butin ourlayout,it’shalf.Itsnewsize haschangeditfromaninteresting objecttothemainstorypoint Textureandlaspnetexatingend mistofitsnooling.Spaffforlisn’t cubularbutquastic,leamrestartthat can’tprebast.It’stope,thisluant chasible.Silk,shast,lapeandbehast thethinchack.“Ithaslarchtosay fan.”Why?Elesaraandorderisfay ofalm.Acardwhintnotoogumor bont.Prettysimple,gleadandtarm. ortis ese facilit nullum exeraessim num velit ut landigna commod et, velisl dolorperat Loreetum dunt lutatum andre dolorer alit laore tat nos estie el eros niam vullut vel et niametum dip eugiam, verostrud magnissequis nim zzrillaore faccum erat wis et, sit nostrud te ming euissi.Lorperaessi Lor amconsecte dolor sum incing essed dolenis iduisi Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan venit wismoluptat lore dolore dit il incil delis nullam alit ver sent lorem adio etue ea facil il utpat Duisciliqui tin ulluptat la feugait am er incipsustie magna faci eu feu feu feuisl dolobore dolortisit at pratem irillan veril iliquisim zril inci bla faci blaorer in hendrer ustio conulla faciliquamet wismodiam, commy num ex ea alit, quat Ut aci eu facillum irit aliquatet, volore dolut praesto dolore tis adigna feuguerci blandre vendign smodolore feu facipit alit praestie commodit praessisLor illa feuguer ate modo vulla commy nos nosting enim incidunt dolesecte dolobortie tem dolorperci tat Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan Textureandlaspnetexating endmistofitsnooling.Spaff forlisn’tcubularbutquastic, leamrestartthatcan’tprebast. It’stope,thisluantchasible. Silk,shast,lapeandbehasta thinchack.“Ithas larchtosay—and fan.”Why?Elesara andorderisfayofalm.Acard whintnotoogumorbont.Pretty simple,gleadandtarm.Texture andlaspnetexatingendmist ofitsnooling.Spaffforlisn’t cubularbutquastic,leambut restartthatcan’tprebast.It’s tope,thisluantchasible.Silk, shast,lapeandbehastthethin chack.“Ithaslarchtosayfan.” Why?Elesaraandorderisfay ofalm.Acardwhintnotoogum Toesinthesand Threedaysin Paradise Loremagnaaugiam,velipeliquitetamcon hendreetvulputatisnimvullaauguerad inisciduisitinhendignafaccum BYTERRANCEMATTHEWS O ortis ese facilit nullum exeraessim num velit ut landigna commod et, velisl dolorperat Loreetum dunt lutatum andre dolorer alit laore tat nos estie el eros niam vullut vel et niametum dip eugiam, verostrud magnissequis nim zzrillaore faccum erat wis et, sit nostrud te ming euissi.Lorperaessi Lor amconsecte dolor sum incing essed dolenis iduisi Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan venit wismoluptat lore dolore dit il incil delis nullam alit ver sent lorem adio etue ea facil il utpat Duisciliqui tin ulluptat la feugait am er incipsustie magna faci eu feu feu feuisl dolobore dolortisit at pratem irillan veril iliquisim zzril inci bla faci blaorer in hendrer ustio conulla faciliquamet wismodiam, commy num ex ea alit, quat Ut aci eu facillum irit aliquatet, volore dolut praesto dolore tis adigna feuguerci blandre vendign smodolore feu facipit alit praestie commodit praessisLor illa feuguer ate modo vulla commy nos nosting enim incidunt dolesecte dolobortie tem dolorperci tat Ut dunt ipis eriure utatet in utpate modio dunt Big,medium,smallNotethegreatdifferencesinsizeamongthethree images.Thesedifferencesareusefulforcreatingvisualhierarchy;thereader’s eyemovesthroughthelayoutfrombigtosmall(left) of 11 Manyfromone 0603 Before&After ® Many from one of 11 i U X Sametechnique,differentlook All the pictures on the Web page below are from one image Five slices of the photo— plus colored rectangles—have turned a single chair into a handsome, multi-image display! Everyimageonthepage isasliceofthischair CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT STATIONARY SWIVEL CHAISE of 11 Manyfromone 0603 Before&After ® Many from one i U X of 11 Lookatthedetails Up close, an ordinary object is a surprising potpourri of lines, shapes, colors, curves, corners and edges Look for contrasts (light-dark, square-round) and variety Curve Solidcolor Complexshapes Diagonalline Horizontallines Corner Verticalline of 11 Manyfromone 0603 Before&After Many from one ® of 11 i U X Layout Top and bottom halves of this layout draw the eyes in different ways The top half is empty, airy and quiet; the bottom half is full and busy but well organized CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT Quiettophalf Theempty,whitespaceallowsalleyestosettleonthechair. STATIONARY SWIVEL CHAISE It’samazinghowfromoneimagewecangetapagefullof contrastinscale,mass,shape,textureanddirection. Busybottomhalf Interlockingimagessuggestsactivityandabundance.Thereisno focalpointbecausetheimagesareallwithintheboundaryofthe rectangularshape STATIONARY SWIVEL CHAISE of 11 Manyfromone 0603 Before&After ® Many from one of 11 i U X Similarcolorsharmonize Replacing a few sections with lat color lightens the design and creates site headings, too The key to an attractive page is to now coordinate the lat colors to the image Usetheeyedroppertoolto samplearangeofcolorsinthe chair,thenlocatethemonthe colorwheel.Inthiscasethey’re allwarm.Toretainthewarmth, selectacolorjustaspokeor twoawayasshownbelow.Such neighboringcolorsareanalogous, meaningtheysharecolors—in thiscaseredandyellow—andso alwaysworkwelltogether CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT STATIONARY SWIVEL CHAISE of 11 Manyfromone 0603 Before&After ® Many from one of 11 i U X Oppositecolorscontrast Here, we’ll cool our chair’s warm palette by selecting an opposite color Forcontrastandenergy,usean oppositecolor,orcomplement. Oppositesareusuallythemost excitingcombinations. CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT STATIONARY SWIVEL Becauseoppositesdemand equalattention(above),they tendtocanceleachother.Solve thisbylighteningoneofthe colors—inthiscaseblue—which makesitrecede,allowingthe warmchairtocomeforward CHAISE of 11 Manyfromone 0603 Before&After Many from one ® 10 of 11 i U X Articleresources 2a 2b Loremagnaaugiam,velipeliquitetamcon hendreetvulputatisnimvullaauguerad inisciduisitinhendignafaccum 10 BYTERRANCEMATTHEWS O Threedaysin Paradise Textureandlaspnetexatingend mistofitsnooling.Spaffforlisn’t cubularbutquastic,leamrestartthat can’tprebast.It’stope,thisluant chasible.Silk,shast,lapeandbehast thethinchack.“Ithaslarchtosay fan.”Why?Elesaraandorderisfay ofalm.Acardwhintnotoogumor bont.Prettysimple,gleadandtarm. ortis ese facilit nullum exeraessim num velit ut landigna commod et, velisl dolorperat Loreetum dunt lutatum andre dolorer alit laore tat nos estie el eros niam vullut vel et niametum dip eugiam, verostrud magnissequis nim zzrillaore faccum erat wis et, sit nostrud te ming euissi.Lorperaessi Lor amconsecte dolor sum incing essed dolenis iduisi Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan venit wismoluptat lore dolore dit il incil delis nullam alit ver sent lorem adio etue ea facil il utpat Duisciliqui tin ulluptat la feugait am er incipsustie magna faci eu feu feu feuisl dolobore dolortisit at pratem irillan veril iliquisim zril inci bla faci blaorer in hendrer ustio conulla faciliquamet wismodiam, commy num ex ea alit, quat Ut aci eu facillum irit aliquatet, volore dolut praesto dolore tis adigna feuguerci blandre vendign smodolore feu facipit alit praestie commodit praessisLor illa feuguer ate modo vulla commy nos nosting enim incidunt dolesecte dolobortie tem dolorperci tat Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan 7a Textureandlaspnetexating endmistofitsnooling.Spaff forlisn’tcubularbutquastic, leamrestartthatcan’tprebast. It’stope,thisluantchasible. Silk,shast,lapeandbehasta thinchack.“Ithas larchtosay—and fan.”Why?Elesara andorderisfayofalm.Acard whintnotoogumorbont.Pretty simple,gleadandtarm.Texture andlaspnetexatingendmist ofitsnooling.Spaffforlisn’t cubularbutquastic,leambut restartthatcan’tprebast.It’s tope,thisluantchasible.Silk, shast,lapeandbehastthethin chack.“Ithaslarchtosayfan.” Why?Elesaraandorderisfay ofalm.Acardwhintnotoogum Toesinthesand 1VectoraLHBold|7pt C0M35Y70K20 2(a–b)VectoraLHLight|a)77pt, b)13/15pt C85M15Y10K25 3UtopiaRegular|8.2/10.5pt 4VectoraLHBlack|6.5/8.5pt Colors Typefaces 10 C30M40Y85K10 5AvenirHeavy|6.5pt 11 C35M90Y80K55 6TrajanRegular|16pt 13 C0M0Y75K45 13 C36M22Y8K0 Images 7(a–b)|a b 7b 5 CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT 11 STATIONARY 12 SWIVEL CHAISE CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT 13 STATIONARY SWIVEL SWIVEL CHAISE CHAISE 10 of 11 Manyfromone 0603 Before&After ® Many from one SubscribetoBefore&After Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, conident designer for pennies per article To learn more, go to i U X 11 of 11 Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. To pass along a free copy of this article to JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner others, click here Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther E-mailthisarticle Joinoure-list To be notiied by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone916-784-3880 Fax916-784-3995 www Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 1049-0035.Allrightsreserved Youmaypassthisarticlearound,butyoumaynotalter it,andyoumaynotchargeforit.Youmayquotebrief sectionsforreview.Ifyoudothis,pleasecreditBefore &Aftermagazine,andletusknow.Tofeaturefree Before&AfterarticlesonyourWebsite,pleasecontact us.Forpermissiontoincludeallorpartofthisarticlein anotherwork,pleasecontactus 11 of 11 | Printing formats Label-styletitle 0600 Before&After ® i U X Before&Afterismadetoityourbinder Before & After articles are intended for permanent reference All are titled and numbered For the current table of contents, click here To save time and paper, a paper-saver format of this article, suitable for one- or two-sided printing, is provided on the following pages Forpresentationformat Print:(Specifypages1–11) Forpaper-saverformat Print:(Specifypages13–18) Print Format:Landscape PageSize:FittoPage Save Presentationformator Paper-saverformat Back | Paper-saver format Manyfromone Big photos have small photos inside Here’s how to get several images out of one original Thisonephoto.. ...madethisentirelayout Did you realize that big photos have small photos hidden in the details—a collar, a button, a necklace? So take advantage — slice an image and use it in pieces! What’s cool is that the slices will have a built-in unity of color and texture, allowing them to work easily together 0603 Manyfromone Before&After| 1 of Manyfromone 0603 Story The key is to pick good parts Think story What’s fun is that taking images out of context gives them new meaning Isolate different sections, visualizing what each might now convey Whenweirstsawthe beachscene,wesawit asawhole,moreorless unawareofthedetails.But byisolatingsections,we seethateachcantella storythatcontributesits ownintrigueandinterest Prettydreamyscene.Isitcloseto homeorhalfaworldaway?Outof context,wecan’ttell Oldthingsseemtohavemorecharacterthannewones. Takethistatteredoldboat.Itmakesyouwonderwhat ithasseeninitslifetime.Outofcontext,it’saloneand lonely.Doessomeoneuseit?Whatisitdoinghere?Those footprintsinthesand,whosearethey? Howlongisthecoastline? Thissmallpiecemightseem insigniicant,butbecause itshowslandandwater,it uniiestheothertwoimages. Awaveimpliesmovement, erosion,thewind. Scale Viewers generally perceive big images as important By making a small image big and vice-versa, we can change its emphasis and bring out different parts of the story Threedaysin Paradise Loremagnaaugiam,velipeliquitetamcon hendreetvulputatisnimvullaauguerad inisciduisitinhendignafaccum BYTERRANCEMATTHEWS O Thebowoftheboatoccupiesa smallpercentageoftheoriginal image—lessthanatenth—butin ourlayout,it’shalf.Itsnewsize haschangeditfromaninteresting objecttothemainstorypoint Textureandlaspnetexatingend mistofitsnooling.Spaffforlisn’t cubularbutquastic,leamrestartthat can’tprebast.It’stope,thisluant chasible.Silk,shast,lapeandbehast thethinchack.“Ithaslarchtosay fan.”Why?Elesaraandorderisfay ofalm.Acardwhintnotoogumor bont.Prettysimple,gleadandtarm. ortis ese facilit nullum exeraessim num velit ut landigna commod et, velisl dolorperat Loreetum dunt lutatum andre dolorer alit laore tat nos estie el eros niam vullut vel et niametum dip eugiam, verostrud magnissequis nim zzrillaore faccum erat wis et, sit nostrud te ming euissi.Lorperaessi Lor amconsecte dolor sum incing essed dolenis iduisi Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan venit wismoluptat lore dolore dit il incil delis nullam alit ver sent lorem adio etue ea facil il utpat Duisciliqui tin ulluptat la feugait am er incipsustie magna faci eu feu feu feuisl dolobore dolortisit at pratem irillan veril iliquisim zril inci bla faci blaorer in hendrer ustio conulla faciliquamet wismodiam, commy num ex ea alit, quat Ut aci eu facillum irit aliquatet, volore dolut praesto dolore tis adigna feuguerci blandre vendign smodolore feu facipit alit praestie commodit praessisLor illa feuguer ate modo vulla commy nos nosting enim incidunt dolesecte dolobortie tem dolorperci tat Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan Textureandlaspnetexating endmistofitsnooling.Spaff forlisn’tcubularbutquastic, leamrestartthatcan’tprebast. It’stope,thisluantchasible. Silk,shast,lapeandbehasta thinchack.“Ithas larchtosay—and fan.”Why?Elesara andorderisfayofalm.Acard whintnotoogumorbont.Pretty simple,gleadandtarm.Texture andlaspnetexatingendmist ofitsnooling.Spaffforlisn’t cubularbutquastic,leambut restartthatcan’tprebast.It’s tope,thisluantchasible.Silk, shast,lapeandbehastthethin chack.“Ithaslarchtosayfan.” Why?Elesaraandorderisfay ofalm.Acardwhintnotoogum Toesinthesand Threedaysin Paradise Loremagnaaugiam,velipeliquitetamcon hendreetvulputatisnimvullaauguerad inisciduisitinhendignafaccum BYTERRANCEMATTHEWS O ortis ese facilit nullum exeraessim num velit ut landigna commod et, velisl dolorperat Loreetum dunt lutatum andre dolorer alit laore tat nos estie el eros niam vullut vel et niametum dip eugiam, verostrud magnissequis nim zzrillaore faccum erat wis et, sit nostrud te ming euissi.Lorperaessi Lor amconsecte dolor sum incing essed dolenis iduisi Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan venit wismoluptat lore dolore dit il incil delis nullam alit ver sent lorem adio etue ea facil il utpat Duisciliqui tin ulluptat la feugait am er incipsustie magna faci eu feu feu feuisl dolobore dolortisit at pratem irillan veril iliquisim zzril inci bla faci blaorer in hendrer ustio conulla faciliquamet wismodiam, commy num ex ea alit, quat Ut aci eu facillum irit aliquatet, volore dolut praesto dolore tis adigna feuguerci blandre vendign smodolore feu facipit alit praestie commodit praessisLor illa feuguer ate modo vulla commy nos nosting enim incidunt dolesecte dolobortie tem dolorperci tat Ut dunt ipis eriure utatet in utpate modio dunt 0603 Manyfromone Big,medium,smallNotethegreatdifferencesinsizeamongthethree images.Thesedifferencesareusefulforcreatingvisualhierarchy;thereader’s eyemovesthroughthelayoutfrombigtosmall(left) Before&After| 2 of Manyfromone 0603 Sametechnique,differentlook All the pictures on the Web page below are from one image Five slices of the photo— plus colored rectangles—have turned a single chair into a handsome, multi-image display! Everyimageonthepage isasliceofthischair CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT STATIONARY SWIVEL CHAISE Lookatthedetails Up close, an ordinary object is a surprising potpourri of lines, shapes, colors, curves, corners and edges Look for contrasts (light-dark, square-round) and variety Curve Solidcolor Complexshapes Diagonalline Horizontallines Corner Verticalline 0603 Manyfromone Before&After| 3 of Manyfromone 0603 Layout Top and bottom halves of this layout draw the eyes in different ways The top half is empty, airy and quiet; the bottom half is full and busy but well organized CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT Quiettophalf Theempty,whitespaceallowsalleyestosettleonthechair. STATIONARY Busybottomhalf Interlockingimagessuggestsactivityandabundance.Thereisno focalpointbecausetheimagesareallwithintheboundaryofthe rectangularshape SWIVEL CHAISE STATIONARY It’samazinghowfromoneimagewecangetapagefullof contrastinscale,mass,shape,textureanddirection. SWIVEL CHAISE Similarcolorsharmonize Replacing a few sections with lat color lightens the design and creates site headings, too The key to an attractive page is to now coordinate the lat colors to the image Usetheeyedroppertoolto samplearangeofcolorsin thechair,thenlocatethemon thecolorwheel.Inthiscase they’reallwarm.Toretainthe warmth,selectacolorjusta spokeortwoawayasshown below.Suchneighboringcolors areanalogous,meaningthey sharecolors—inthiscasered andyellow—andsoalwayswork CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT STATIONARY SWIVEL CHAISE 0603 Manyfromone Before&After| 4 of Manyfromone 0603 Oppositecolorscontrast Here, we’ll cool our chair’s warm palette by selecting an opposite color Forcontrastandenergy,usean oppositecolor,orcomplement. Oppositesareusuallythemost excitingcombinations. CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT STATIONARY SWIVEL Becauseoppositesdemand equalattention(above),they tendtocanceleachother.Solve thisbylighteningoneofthe colors—inthiscaseblue—which makesitrecede,allowingthe warmchairtocomeforward CHAISE Articleresources Typefaces 2a 2b Paradise Loremagnaaugiam,velipeliquitetamcon hendreetvulputatisnimvullaauguerad inisciduisitinhendignafaccum 10 BYTERRANCEMATTHEWS O Threedaysin Textureandlaspnetexatingend mistofitsnooling.Spaffforlisn’t cubularbutquastic,leamrestartthat can’tprebast.It’stope,thisluant chasible.Silk,shast,lapeandbehast thethinchack.“Ithaslarchtosay fan.”Why?Elesaraandorderisfay ofalm.Acardwhintnotoogumor bont.Prettysimple,gleadandtarm. ortis ese facilit nullum exeraessim num velit ut landigna commod et, velisl dolorperat Loreetum dunt lutatum andre dolorer alit laore tat nos estie el eros niam vullut vel et niametum dip eugiam, verostrud magnissequis nim zzrillaore faccum erat wis et, sit nostrud te ming euissi.Lorperaessi Lor amconsecte dolor sum incing essed dolenis iduisi Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan venit wismoluptat lore dolore dit il incil delis nullam alit ver sent lorem adio etue ea facil il utpat Duisciliqui tin ulluptat la feugait am er incipsustie magna faci eu feu feu feuisl dolobore dolortisit at pratem irillan veril iliquisim zril inci bla faci blaorer in hendrer ustio conulla faciliquamet wismodiam, commy num ex ea alit, quat Ut aci eu facillum irit aliquatet, volore dolut praesto dolore tis adigna feuguerci blandre vendign smodolore feu facipit alit praestie commodit praessisLor illa feuguer ate modo vulla commy nos nosting enim incidunt dolesecte dolobortie tem dolorperci tat Duis dunt verostrud magnisl ulputet nonse diam ent aut acin hent ad dolobortis nullamcoreet wis nisim dolorperit ilisl ex estin volobortie delit autatue ostis augiam in hendre dunt ilisse henibh ercilit loreet ad tem ea enisl doluptat lobor illum quipit, conse dolenis nos num ing et auguera stinit, sum iriure ver sequam qui tisi bla conumsan vel utpat Ut augiamet alissed eu feuismo uptatue consecte commodiat Ut wissit at, sendit numsan 7a Textureandlaspnetexating endmistofitsnooling.Spaff forlisn’tcubularbutquastic, leamrestartthatcan’tprebast. It’stope,thisluantchasible. Silk,shast,lapeandbehasta thinchack.“Ithas larchtosay—and fan.”Why?Elesara andorderisfayofalm.Acard whintnotoogumorbont.Pretty simple,gleadandtarm.Texture andlaspnetexatingendmist ofitsnooling.Spaffforlisn’t cubularbutquastic,leambut restartthatcan’tprebast.It’s tope,thisluantchasible.Silk, shast,lapeandbehastthethin chack.“Ithaslarchtosayfan.” Why?Elesaraandorderisfay ofalm.Acardwhintnotoogum Toesinthesand C0M35Y70K20 2(a–b)VectoraLHLight|a)77pt, b)13/15pt C85M15Y10K25 3UniversRegular|8.2/10.5pt 4VectoraLHBlack|6.5/8.5pt Colors 1VectoraLHBold|7pt 10 C30M40Y85K10 5AvenirHeavy|6.5pt 11 C35M90Y80K55 6TrajanRegular|16pt 13 C0M0Y75K45 13 C36M22Y8K0 Images 7(a–b)|a b 7b 5 CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT 11 STATIONARY 12 SWIVEL CHAISE CLASSICS HOME | SHOP ONLINE | CATALOG | CONTACT 13 STATIONARY SWIVEL SWIVEL CHAISE CHAISE 0603 Manyfromone Before&After| 5 of Manyfromone 0603 SubscribetoBefore&After Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. 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