Before&After ® i U X How to it a photo into a very skinny space Squeeze play Continued Continued Squeezeplay 0601 Before&After ® i U X Squeezeplay Howtoitaphotointoaveryskinnyspace Skinny spaces are everywhere—Web banners, newsletter nameplates, single-column ads— but photos come from our cameras in fat, 6” x 4” proportions, same as always How you get the two together? Here are three techniques Newsletternameplate ? RETIREMENT SERVICES VOLUME | NUMBER | SPRING 2005 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Your inancial calculator Knowing all the risks Focus on the long term New Web Technology Information at your ingertips Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm, but not what thast lan for dramp Good investment news Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara and order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm Texture and lasp Texture and lasp net exating to end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic of Squeezeplay 0601 Before&After ® Squeeze play of i U X 1.Usea‘powerslice’ If your photo is as wide as the space, try extreme cropping You’ll be amazed at how little of an image is needed to convey the essence of the photo Zeroinonafocalpoint,crop,andapplytheimage.Thesurpriseisthatthe tighteryoucrop,thestrongeryourimagebecomes RETIREMENT SERVICES VOLUME | NUMBER | SPRING 2005 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Oureyesprocessvisualdatasofastthata meresliverisallittakestoconvey... •Theirage •Theirsex •Theirhair •Theirclothes, •Theirmood •Theirrelationsip That’severythingweneed! Your inancial calculator Knowing all the risks Focus on the long term New Web Technology Information at your ingertips Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm, but not what thast lan for dramp Good investment news Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara and order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm Texture and lasp of Texture and lasp net exating to end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic Squeezeplay 0601 Before&After Squeeze play ® of i U X 2.Fillabackground Opposite the power slice is when there’s not enough image If its background is solid or a regular pattern, just sample or clone it, and ill the space Webbanner 1.Sample Here’sacasewherean alreadycroppedimagehas nochanceofillingthe spaceandinasmallrectanglehasnopresence 2.Fill Byillingthebackground, theemptyexpansenow drawsalleyestothepumpkinlikethespotlighttoa stageactor 3.Addtype Salem Halloween Film Festival Welcome•Travel&Accommodations•Film&EventGuide•Sponsors•Contact Appropriatelyspookybut low-keytypecoexistsbeautifullywiththeboldglobe— thepumpkinhaspower;the typehasspace of Squeezeplay 0601 Before&After Squeeze play ® of i U X 3.Doubleup When one image isn’t enough, use two Two images can work separately or together Start by cropping the portion that will most clearly convey the message Bookmark Thetitleforourbookmarkdesignwillbe“Readabook:A pathwaytoimagination.”Toconveythatmessage,weneedto placethesetwoimagestogetheronanarrowverticalformat Whenwehaveacomplex imagewithoutanysolidareas toclone,wecandotwothings: Verticalpowerslice It’sremarkablehowmuchcanbe conveyedbyhowlittle.Thisslice isamereone-sixththeoriginal, yetit’sclearlyapathwayinthe woods.It’stoobig,though;there’s noroomforanythingelse,so.. Fillhalfway Fillingonlytheupperhalfofthe bookmarkallowsustoseemoreof thepathwaywhileprovidingplenty ofroomfortextbeneath of Squeezeplay 0601 Before&After Squeeze play ® of i U X Applying the second image (the stack of books) and text can create contrast of style, color and texture; it can hide a seam, and it can send a second message 1 Separate Dark-lightoppositesattract. Thedensewoodsareattractive,andthebookonthespare, whiteieldisattractive.Thisis themessageexpressedwith contrasts Overlapped Toreducethehighcontrast betweenhalves,thewhite backgroundhasbeenchanged topathcolor.Placingthebook ontheseamminimizesthe transitionandpullsthetwo imagestogether.It’sarichlook, somewhatbusyinthiscase Blended Fadingthepathwaytowhite isalovelywaytointegrate thewholebookmark.Thetwo imagesnowworkasone Apathway toimagination Apathway toimagination Readabook (owner) Readabook HeritageSchool Apathway toimagination Readabook HeritageSchool (owner) (owner) of Squeezeplay 0601 Before&After Squeeze play ® of i U X Articleresources 10a 10b 11 12 Typefaces RETIREMENT SERVICES 1CopperplateGothicBold|32/27pt 13 VOLUME | NUMBER | SPRING 2005 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Knowing all the risks Your inancial calculator Focus on the long term 14 3Univers75Black|9pt 10c 4UtopiaBlack|27pt New Web Technology 5UtopiaBold|5/6.7pt Information at your ingertips Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm, but not what thast lan for dramp Good investment news Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara and order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm Texture and lasp 2Univers55Roman|9pt Apathway toimagination Readabook Texture and lasp net exating to end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic (owner) 10d 6UtopiaRegular|5/6.7pt 7a 7b 7(a–c)HelveticaRounded BoldCondensed|a)10/12pt, b)13.5/16pt,c)7/8pt 7c Colors 11 C5M5Y50K0 12 C50M55Y65K30 13 C17M30Y55K20 14 C10M85Y95K15 15 C0M35Y85K0 16 C0M50Y80K45 8TexasHeroRegular|23/28pt 9TradeGothicBold|8/9.5pt 10e 15 16 Salem Halloween Film Festival Welcome•Travel&Accommodations•Film&EventGuide•Sponsors•Contact Images 10(a–e)|a b c d e of Squeezeplay 0601 Before&After ® Squeeze play of SubscribetoBefore&After Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, conident designer for pennies per article To learn more, go to i U X Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. To pass along a free copy of this article to JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner others, click here Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther E-mailthisarticle Joinoure-list To be notiied by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone916-784-3880 Fax916-784-3995 www Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 1049-0035.Allrightsreserved Youmaypassthisarticlearound,butyoumaynotalter it,andyoumaynotchargeforit.Youmayquotebrief sectionsforreview.Ifyoudothis,pleasecreditBefore &Aftermagazine,andletusknow.Tofeaturefree Before&AfterarticlesonyourWebsite,pleasecontact us.Forpermissiontoincludeallorpartofthisarticlein anotherwork,pleasecontactus of | Printing formats Squeezeplay 0601 Before&After ® i U X Before&Afterismadetoityourbinder Before & After articles are intended for permanent reference All are titled and numbered For the current table of contents, click here To save time and paper, a paper-saver format of this article, suitable for one- or two-sided printing, is provided on the following pages Forpresentationformat Print:(Specifypages1–8) Forpaper-saverformat Print:(Specifypages10–13) Print Format:Landscape PageSize:FittoPage Save Presentationformator Paper-saverformat Back | Paper-saver format How to it a photo into a very skinny space Squeeze play Skinny spaces are everywhere—Web banners, newsletter nameplates, single-column ads— but photos come from our cameras in fat, 6” x 4” proportions, same as always How you get the two together? Here are three techniques Newsletternameplate ? RETIREMENT SERVICES VOLUME | NUMBER | SPRING 2005 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Your inancial calculator Knowing all the risks Focus on the long term New Web Technology Information at your ingertips Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm, but not what thast lan for dramp Good investment news Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara and order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm Texture and 0601 Squeezeplay Before&After| 1 of Texture and lasp net exating to end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic Squeezeplay 0601 1.Usea‘powerslice’ If your photo is as wide as the space, try extreme cropping You’ll be amazed at how little of an image is needed to convey the essence of the photo Zeroinonafocalpoint,crop,andapplytheimage.Thesurpriseisthatthe tighteryoucrop,thestrongeryourimagebecomes RETIREMENT SERVICES VOLUME | NUMBER | SPRING 2005 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Oureyesprocessvisualdatasofastthata meresliverisallittakestoconvey... •Theirage •Theirsex •Theirhair •Theirclothes, •Theirmood •Theirrelationsip That’severythingweneed! Your inancial calculator Knowing all the risks Focus on the long term New Web Technology Information at your ingertips Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm, but not what thast lan for dramp Good investment news Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara and order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm Texture and Texture and lasp net exating to end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic 2.Fillabackground Opposite the power slice is when there’s not enough image If its background is solid or a regular pattern, just sample or clone it, and ill the space Webbanner 1.Sample Here’sacasewherean alreadycroppedimagehas nochanceofillingthe spaceandinasmallrectanglehasnopresence 2.Fill Byillingthebackground, theemptyexpansenow drawsalleyestothepumpkinlikethespotlighttoa stageactor 3.Addtype Salem Halloween Film Festival Welcome•Travel&Accommodations•Film&EventGuide•Sponsors•Contact 0601 Squeezeplay Before&After| 2 of Appropriatelyspookybut low-keytypecoexistsbeautifullywiththeboldglobe— thepumpkinhaspower;the typehasspace Squeezeplay 0601 3.Doubleup When one image isn’t enough, use two Two images can work separately or together Start by cropping the portion that will most clearly convey the message Bookmark Thetitleforourbookmarkdesignwillbe“Readabook:A pathwaytoimagination.”Toconveythatmessage,weneedto placethesetwoimagestogetheronanarrowverticalformat Whenwehaveacomplex imagewithoutanysolidareas toclone,wecandotwothings: Verticalpowerslice It’sremarkablehowmuchcanbe conveyedbyhowlittle.Thisslice isamereone-sixththeoriginal, yetit’sclearlyapathwayinthe woods.It’stoobig,though;there’s noroomforanythingelse,so.. Fillhalfway Fillingonlytheupperhalfofthe bookmarkallowsustoseemoreof thepathwaywhileprovidingplenty ofroomfortextbeneath Applying the second image (the stack of books) and text can create contrast of style, color and texture; it can hide a seam, and it can send a second message 1 Separate Dark-lightoppositesattract. Thedensewoodsareattractive,andthebookonthespare, whiteieldisattractive.Thisis themessageexpressedwith contrasts Overlapped Toreducethehighcontrast betweenhalves,thewhite backgroundhasbeenchanged topathcolor.Placingthebook ontheseamminimizesthe transitionandpullsthetwo imagestogether.It’sarichlook, somewhatbusyinthiscase Blended Fadingthepathwaytowhite isalovelywaytointegrate thewholebookmark.Thetwo imagesnowworkasone Apathway toimagination Apathway toimagination Readabook (owner) 0601 Squeezeplay Before&After| 3 of Readabook HeritageSchool (owner) Apathway toimagination Readabook HeritageSchool (owner) Squeezeplay 0601 Articleresources 10b 11 12 1CopperplateGothicBold|32/27pt 13 VOLUME | NUMBER | SPRING 2005 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Colors Typefaces RETIREMENT SERVICES Knowing all the risks Your inancial calculator 2Univers55Roman|9pt 14 Focus on the long term 3Univers75Black|9pt 4UtopiaBlack|27pt New Web Technology 5UtopiaBold|5/6.7pt Information at your ingertips Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm, but not what thast lan for dramp Good investment news Texture and lasp net exating end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic, leam restart that can’t prebast It’s tope, this luant chasible Silk, shast, lape and behast the thin chack “It has larch to say fan.” Why? Elesara and order is fay of alm A card whint not oogum or bont Pretty simple, glead and tarm Texture and Apathway toimagination Readabook Texture and lasp net exating to end mist of it snooling Spaff forl isn’t cubular but quastic (owner) 10d 6UtopiaRegular|5/6.7pt 7a 7b 7(a–c)HelveticaRounded BoldCondensed|a)10/12pt, b)13.5/16pt,c)7/8pt 7c 11 C5M5Y50K0 12 C50M55Y65K30 13 C17M30Y55K20 14 C10M85Y95K15 15 C0M35Y85K0 16 C0M50Y80K45 8TexasHeroRegular|23/28pt 9TradeGothicBold|8/9.5pt 15 16 Salem Halloween Film Festival Welcome•Travel&Accommodations•Film&EventGuide•Sponsors•Contact Images 10(a–e)|a b c d e SubscribetoBefore&After Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, conident designer for pennies per article To learn more, go to To pass along a free copy of this article to JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner others, click here Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther E-mailthisarticle Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone916-784-3880 Fax916-784-3995 www Joinoure-list To be notiied by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 1049-0035.Allrightsreserved Youmaypassthisarticlearound,butyoumaynotalter it,andyoumaynotchargeforit.Youmayquotebrief sectionsforreview.Ifyoudothis,pleasecreditBefore &Aftermagazine,andletusknow.Tofeaturefree Before&AfterarticlesonyourWebsite,pleasecontact us.Forpermissiontoincludeallorpartofthisarticlein anotherwork,pleasecontactus 0601 Squeezeplay Before&After| 4 of Squeezeplay 0601 ... 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone91 6-7 8 4-3 880 Fax91 6-7 8 4-3 995 www Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 104 9-0 035.Allrightsreserved... Editorialboard GwenAmos,CarlWinther E-mailthisarticle Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone91 6-7 8 4-3 880 Fax91 6-7 8 4-3 995 www Presentationformator Paper-saverformat Back | Paper-saver format How to it a photo into a very skinny space Squeeze play Skinny spaces are everywhere—Web banners, newsletter nameplates, single-column ads—