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BKS IYENGAR FOREWORD BY YEHUDI MENUHIN The • a g on An Easy-to-follow Version of the Classic Introduction to Yoga 'Mr Iyengar's Light on Yoga has, since it was first published over 25 years ago, enabled many to follow his example This new concise edition wi ll brin g the basic art of yoga to a much w ider audience and w ill enable it to be practised at the very high est leveL' Yehudi Menuhin The JIIustrated Light on Yoga is a straightforward and comprehensive introduction for the beginner by the acknowledged expert on the subject Illustrated throughout with 15 photographs carefully positioned in the relevant part of the text for easy reference , it includes : An introduction to the philosophy and practice of yoga Detailed descriptions of 57 key postures • Techniques for stilling the mind through breathing exercises A 3S-week course progressing from beginner to intermediate level • A full glossary of yoga terms B K S Iyengar has been teaching and demon strating yoga for more than 50 years He has several million students and has established centres all over the world RS.250 _ For sale in the Ind ian subcontinent on ly The Illustrated Light on Yoga B K S Iyengar's classic book Lighton Yoga is a comprehensive introduction to yoga with detailed descriptions of over 200 postures (asanas) and 14 breathing exercises (pranayamas) This book, TheIllustrated Lighton Yoga, introduces 57 key asanas and provides a brief summary of pranayama The book is illustrated throughout with photographs positioned in the relevant part of the text The student can, therefore, practise a posture without the aid of a teacher An Appendix provides an asana course for the continuing student The Illustrated Lighton Yoga is a comprehensive yet straightforward introduction for the beginner by the acknowledged expert on the subject By the same author: LIGHT ON YOGA LIGHT ON PRAN A Y AM A LIGHT ON THE YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI THE TREE OF YOGA THE ILLUSTRATED Yoga Dipika B K S IYENGAR Foreword by Yehudi Menuhin - HarperCollins Publishers India a joint venture with II New Delhi lIarp "tColhns , "" has 1n.1t~ a IOU1! ventu re lt lth 111 lnd T y ( i f( up !'oy arr ang eme nt with l larpcrColbns Pu blr he t ' Luntted FIl10t pub lished !'oy George \lI en & I 'nwin 19 ,(, Jh is abridged edi tion Ii r~ll'll hl i ,h ed as Tlw ( 'ollclJ• • 197( ,1980 10 B K S Iy·,'tlg.u ~t> the moral n ghi he Ilknillied 'lhe aulh,'r of this wor], All n!!h~ reserved ~o tun flhl' puhhQli, I tn3~ be r","11 uced, I cd 111 retn ' \ ';11 sy 'Inn transauned IIIm y orm hy anv 11\':~ns el nromc, m•ch am ca phI " \ 1111;- rec nlmg therwtsc, \\ uh ou; til.: prior permu I n the ruh1i"' lIarl' r(' ullins Pub/u ll.m 1,\ Hamilton 1I0u", ' onna ughl Place, ~ \\ Delhi 110 OO\ India • Ful ham Palace Road, I ndon we lOB lnued Kingdom Hazelton J lll.:.s Avenue Roa d, SUI1 " ~ 900 " ronto, Ontar io M R JL2 undl ~N :-'Iarl.h am Road Scarbor ou gh, Ont.lI '" :-'11 B S:-'Ill Ca na da 2S Rvde Road 1')111bk • ydncy, ~ S W 207J •\ ustralia 1 VIe" Road Gl enfield, Auckl and 10 ~e\\ 1.:"I,,,,u 10 F."I 5.l,u Street, :'-i.:\\ York ·Y 10022, I i\ Printed and hound 11 r horns" n I',es,; ( lndi ) I ttl DEDI C A T ED T O MY R EV ERED G URuJi Samkya-yoga-Sikllllmm.li; Yeda-kesari; Vedlilltavagisa; Nyriyriclllirya ; Mimrimsa-rat/HI ; lvllmrimsa-tllirtlzn Pro fessor, Srlman , T Krishnarnacharya of Myso re (Sou th India), In d ia r PRAYER 'I bow before the noblest of sages, Patanjali, who brought serenity of mind by his work on yoga, clarity of speech by his work on grammar and purity of body by his work on medicine.' 'I salute Adisvara (the Primeval Lord Siva) who taught first the science of Hatha Yoga - a science that stands out as a ladder for those who wish to scale the heights of Raja Yoga.'