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IT training 2 1 study guide personal skills questions pdf

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Study Guide Personal Skills Questions Section (See Other Sections For Their Study Guides) The Study Guide is intended to help you take notes and to recall the information in the questions section and develop your own personal answers as preparation for a job interview Very important that you watch each lessons video to get the complete information and a demonstration of how to respond to each specific question Use suggestions and then personalize to what fits your experience and background and how it relates to the specific job you are applying for The key is to be honest and put yourself in the best circumstance to give a great answer that helps you to get a job offer This material is copyrighted and should not be shared with others and is for the personal use of students in this course Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: What have you done that shows initiative? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: Do you have initiative? Used well or are you a loose cannon causing problems Want people who not have to be told everything they need to and also have ideas to help the company YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Pull from a great success you have prepared to talk about before the interview Show how company helped More about you helping others by your intuitive Greta opportunity for you to shine Be specific EXAMPLE I saw how our customer service areas were low in the area of I went to the manager pf that area and asked what may be causing it and he explained it was related to not following up with customers fast enough So working with him I devised a simple form where we logged complaints and when a call-back was made Helped us to be faster, recognized common issues where we could take steps to prevent them in the first place, and our customer service scores dramatically improved helping the company and our customers LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: When you expect to be promoted? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: Will you the job you are interviewing for or only looking ahead to the next step? Wanted to get promoted is good Just when appropriate YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Get promoted when you can add value to the company EXAMPLE Well…first I want to be a great and then after that and I have learned the skills I need to earn a promotion that would be great but first want to be super at LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: What process you use to solve work problems? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: Are you thoughtful? Do you have a process or thoughts around problem solving? YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Describe your personal process Give an example EXAMPLE When I see a problem I like to analyze and get to what may be the root cause of the problem and then develop solutions and engage others as needed to solve the problem For example, we had employees who were not recording their expense accurately Initially people though the employees were being lazy and needed coaching but when I looked into it the big issue was the expense report form was very confusing By re-doing the form the problem went away as opposed to if we reprimanded the employees they still would have had problems with the confusing for, LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: What skills you feel you need to most improve at this time? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: Is there a big skill that is core to the job and give them a reason not to hire you? YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Take a minor issue and describe how working on it EXAMPLE I used to be more disorganized in terms of filing and I have worked hard on that over the years Still a challenge at times but what I is when something comes across my desk I either file it immediately or I make sure I not leave until all my filing is done That way it does not build up and become a problem LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: What about the job most excites you and least excites you WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: How well you understand the job you are applying for? Your experience and fit in the organization in terms of job duties YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS What excites can be a couple of items but limit focus to or for the question and build on it Least excite pick one thing that is not as critical EXAMPLE As an Airline Pilot I just love to be in the air To me it’s why I what I plus I love to talk to the passengers and have fun with them Sometimes filling out the government reports each month can be a drag but I know it’s very important and I them very accurately LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: What is the hardest thing you ever had to at work? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: How you deal with adversity YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Prepare ahead of time Should be something that may happen in the job you are applying for infrequently, or maybe not at all, and something anyone would see as hard or difficult EXAMPLE As a manager terminating someone’s employment is always hard since you know you are really impacting their life I recently had to lay off three long term employees due to the companies struggles as part of a large general layoff and that was difficult but I made sure to everything I could to make it as easy as possible on them and to provide them with the company resources and severance package information so they could get a new job LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: How well you work under pressure? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: Can you withstand the rigors of the job? YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS You work well under pressure Give an example to back that up EXAMPLE Actually, many times I am at my best when under pressure For example, I was brought late to lead a project that was floundering and a key deadline was looming I was able to rally the team and we all committed to meeting the deadline together and through hard work and withstanding the pressure we did LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: How you manage multiple deadlines? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: How well you prioritize Process you use YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Talk about how everything can be important but it is about prioritization and communication EXAMPLE One thing I is work with my Boss on what are the priorities so we focus on what is the most important Then look at the deadlines and see how they compare to those priorities and if there is an opportunity to adjust deadlines as needed Then develop a plan to meet each of these priorities and their deadlines and focus on executing that plan LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: How you handle multiple projects? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: Can you work well with multiple projects and maybe multiple teams? YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Similar to deadlines question Think communication more with people EXAMPLE I work with my boss to make sure which projects have the highest priority Also when are deadline coming as an important project with a faraway deadline may not need as much immediate attention as a project that is coming due soon I then plan my day and week incorporating each of the projects and their timelines Also very important to be coordinating with other team members on each of the projects and that everyone has the same expectations LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: Tell me about your most difficult project WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: How you handle adversity YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Be specific Talk about a specific project Tell a story Use answer to highlight some of your strengths EXAMPLE I was working on a project where we were doing _ We had a deadline that looked like it as not going to be met What I did was and _ I was able to use my strengths of and _ plus leveraging the strengths of other team members It was hard but in the end were successful because of _ LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: If I hired you today what would you accomplish first? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: Initiative and understanding of the job Able to fit company and with the boss YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Ask what is the key priorities to help answer question Use your experience where you can to show you understand what is needed EXAMPLE What would you say is a big priority for your area? Oh, then I would further learning more about the current situation from you and the team members Then I would devise a quick plan on the steps we need to take to accomplish that goal and then begin taking those steps, based on my experience we may be looking at _ and first but important for me as a new employee to understand the specific of the situation for you company LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: Tell me about a time you were frustrated at work WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: How well you handle pressure Your Emotional Intelligence of understanding your own emotions and others emotions YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Frustrations are rare and minor Come from a good place like helping other such as customers EXAMPLE Hard for me to remember as rarely I get frustrated but there was a time when a customer was having trouble getting a problem resolved through our customer service department I reached out to the department on the customer’s behalf and initially they were not responsive to me, which was frustrating as I wanted to help the customer, but I was persistent and able to get the problem solved for the customer LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: Tell me about your leadership style WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: How you lead? Do you lead even if not the boss as anyone can lead at any time even in a small way? YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Plan ahead for this question and be able to describe your personally philosophy If you say I am not the Manager and not a leader that will hurt you as anyone can lead at any time and they may be looking at you for the future EXAMPLE I am a big believer in leading by example I would not ask anyone on the team to anything no matter how small or unpleasant that I would not myself and sometimes I look for opportunities where I can lead by example so they see me in action and emulate that LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: What you to continually improve in job and career? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: That you are not stagnant but want to get better and help the company even more in the future Are you a self-starter and have initiative YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Explain the value of continuous improvement to you Talk about company programs or external sources such as local classes or online training (Udemy) and what you have learned Try to connect directly to the job applying for EXAMPLE I am constantly trying to improve myself and one way I that is by taking online courses through platforms like Udemy I recently took a course called “Leading when you are not in charge” and that helped me to be a much better leader and contributor even if I am not the designated leader of a program or project LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use INTERVIEWER QUESTION: What has been your greatest accomplishment…and failure? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: What is your range of success? What can you bring to the company? Learn more about you and how you learn from success and failure YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Be ready for this with your prep Pull a success story that relates to the job Failure may be less linked to the job and learned from it EXAMPLE A great success I had was when I won a prestigious Chairman’s Award from ABC Company I was recognized for the success on the _project On That project we were able to… Real early in my career I was responsible for a project with XYZ Company and it was not a success In fact the reasons it failed was because of _ and _ I am so glad I had that experience early in my career and have never made a mistake like that again and really helped me to become a better _ today LIST YOUR IDEAS, TOPICS, AND EXPERIENCES THAT CAN HELP YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION HERE WRITE A SAMPLE REPSONSE SPECIFIC TO YOU HERE Copyright of Steve Ballinger And Skill Build Online and Steve Ballinger and cannot be reproduced for commercial use ... duties YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS What excites can be a couple of items but limit focus to or for the question and build on it Least excite pick one thing that is not as critical EXAMPLE As an Airline Pilot... well you prioritize Process you use YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Talk about how everything can be important but it is about prioritization and communication EXAMPLE One thing I is work with my Boss on... first? WHAT INTERVIEWER LOOKING FOR: Initiative and understanding of the job Able to fit company and with the boss YOU’RE RESPONSE KEYS Ask what is the key priorities to help answer question Use your

Ngày đăng: 05/11/2019, 13:17