Connecting with Computer Science Chapter 13 Review: Chapter Summary: Software engineering involves many different steps to create an application that meets end user’s needs The process of building an application is accomplished by following a software development life cycle (SDLC) model Each SDLC model provides a different way of outlining the steps for creating a software product A design document is created as a blueprint for software development and outlines an application’s functionality Several steps should be followed when creating a design document: researching end users’ needs, communication, logical design of screens, reports and data structures; and all other steps that must take place before any source code is written Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a tool that enables developers and end users to illustrate an application’ functionality There are several types of UML diagrams, each serving a particular purpose or describing a part of the project being developed Using reports and a data dictionary can help a developer find any oversights in the project’s design Software development is often a team effort; building a team involves knowing the specific roles of each member Team members often include a project manager, database administrator, developers / programmers, clients/end users, testers and customer relations representatives After the application has been developed, installation media must be generated After the application is installed on the client’s system, spend some time training end users who can in turn train other end users Key Terms: Support Technician (456) Data Dictionary (443) DBA (454) Design Document (436) End User (434) Flowchart (446) Gold Plating (453) Project Manager (453) Prototype(435) Scope Creep Software Developer (455) SDLC (434) Software Engineering (434) Tester(455) UML(438) Waterfall Model (435) Person responsible for interacting with testers, developers and end users during the product’s creation and early release and on an ongoing basis with end users as long as the product is being used A document describing the type of data being used in the program, showing table definitions, indexes and other data relationships Person assigned the role of creating and maintaining the database structure A document that details all the design issues for an application Someone or something that needs the program to perform a function or meet a need and determines the program’s required functionality A combination of symbols and text that provides a visual description of a process Adding unnecessary features to the project design Leader of the software development team; responsible for choosing the right players for the right positions and making sure the project is on schedule A standard or typical example that gives end users a good idea of what they will see when their application is completed Occurs when new changes are added to a project constantly, thus changing the proposed deadline so that the project is never completed; instead it is in a constant improvement mode Person responsible for writing source code to meet the end user’s functional requirements A model that describes the life of the application, including all stages involved in: developing, testing, installing, and maintaining a program The process of producing software apps, involving not just the program’s source code but also associated documentation, including UML diagrams, screen prototypes, reports, software requirements, future development issues and data needed to make programs operate correctly Person responsible for making sure the program functions correctly and meets all the functional requirements specified ion the design document A software modeling process for creating a blueprint that shows the programs overall functionality and provides a way for the client and developer to communicate An SDLC approach involving sequential application development with processes organized into phases; after a phase is completed, a new one starts, and you cannot return to the previous phase Test Yourself: 1.) Describe what the process of software engineering includes Software engineering is the process of producing software applications It involves not just the program’s source code but also associated documentation, including: UNL, diagrams, screen prototypes, reports, software requirements, future development issues, and data needed to make programs operate correctly It is the heart of computer science and incorporates everything a software developer might encounter, including hardware components networking, databases, Web development, software applications and so forth 2.) What is a design document and how does it affect software engineering? A design document details all the application’s design issues and includes its functionality, appearance and distribution Without a well-defined design document, a project is doomed to failure Creating a design document is based on good communication with end users in determining the application’s and requirements 3.) Write the pseudo code steps for a program that processes a savings deposit in an ATM Prompt for card When card is entered, read card Ask for PIN Confirm that PIN matches card If there is a match, continue with transaction Otherwise display error message Ask for dollar amount to add to savings Add dollar amount to savings and update account Ask if they would like to make another transaction If so, continue by going back to Step Otherwise, display a thank you message and quit Eject card 4.) Write the pseudo code steps for a program that processes a savings withdrawal from an ATM Prompt for card When card is entered, read card Ask for PIN Confirm that PIN matches card If there is a match, continue with transaction Otherwise display an error message As for dollar amount to remove from account Subtract dollar amount from account and update the account Ask if they would like to make another transaction If so, continue by going back to Step Otherwise, display a thank you message and quit Eject card 5.) How can UML help a developer create a program that meets an end user’s needs? UML is a software modeling process that enables developers to create a blueprint showing the overall functionality of the program being engineered and provides a way for clients and developers to communicate Better communication results in a better project 6.) How is a data dictionary used in software development? A data dictionary is a document defining the structure of the database, and describing the type of data used in the program, and showing table definitions, indexes, and other data relationships Developers use it to clarify the data available for use in reports, screens, file transfers and other data operations Developers and end users can also use it during the report creation process The document acts as a master guide for making sure all data is consistent 7.) What is a prototype and how is it used in software engineering? A prototype is a typical example that gives end users a good idea of what they’ll see when their application is completed It is not the final product, ready to go A software engineer can design all the screens and reports before any lines of code are written and should get end users’ input on factors such as: color, position of fields and so forth The result should be a product agreed by both the user and the developer, thus promoting good communication throughout the process 8.) What are some mistakes you can make in designing and developing a software program? Not including the end user in the design process Writing your application without getting user approval for the prototype Not testing the application Using poor coding procedures Not creating a design document Thinking that end users not know what they want, so you tell them what they are going to get 9.) Describe the steps in the waterfall SDLC model 10.) The waterfall SDLC model represents the fundamental processes in creating a program as phases The output from each phase is used as the input for the next phase The first step is gathering all the requirements for the project The second step is designing the system and software After all the requirements have been defined and the project has been designed, it is time to build and implement the application After the application is finished, it must be tested and then finally put into operation and maintained to meet users’ needs If you encounter a problem in the design, you must return to the first step and continue repeating the process until the final product has met all the users’ functional requirements List each software development team role and describes the job function Project Manager: Leader of the team, responsible for choosing the right players for the right positions, determining the projects’ risks, cost and schedule of tasks, and keeping the project on schedule Database Administrator (DBA): Person assigned the role of creating and maintaining the database Software developer: Person responsible for writing source code to meet end users’ functional requirements Client: A person who has a need that can be met through the process of software engineering Clients are the ones who know what they really want and why Tester: Person responsible for making sure the program functions correctly and meets all the functional requirements specified in the design document Consumer relations representative: Person responsible for interacting with testers, developers and end users during the product’s creation and early release and on an ongoing basis with the end users as long as the product is being used 11.) Draw a flowchart for using a microwave to heat a TV dinner for minutes Start Press cook time button Open Door Place food inside microwave Enter Press start button Close door Press cook level button Select high level Open Door If remaining Yes Remove food Cook < Close Door No Sound Timer & reset display Stop 12.) Write the pseudo code for using a microwave a TV dinner for minutes Open microwave door Place food inside microwave Press the cook level button Select high Press the cook time button Enter minutes Press the start button When the timer goes off, open door Remove food Close door 13.) Draw a flow chart for making a purchase on the internet Start Go to Web URL Enter login name Click checkout Enter password Display error message Process all charges Click Login button Confirm order No Enter Search Stop Click search button If item is found Yes Add to cart 14.) Write the pseudo code for making a purchase on the internet Go to the web site URL Enter login name Enter password Click the login button Type item description in search area Click the Search button If found, enter quantity and click “Add item to shopping cart.” If not found, display error message and return to screen Click the Checkout button Confirm information and click the Confirm Order button Click the Logout button 15.) Draw a flow chart and write the pseudo code for an application that allows a professor to keep track of the following information for each student: 10 homework assignments, quiz scores and test scores The application should calculate the average grade for each type of information (homework, quizzes, and tests) and then calculate a final grade by averaging all three average scores Start Enter SS ID Enter SS ID Input test scores Calculate hw Avg score Calc test avg score Input quiz scores Calc quiz avg score Calc final Average Stop Enter Student ID Input 10 homework scores Calculate the homework average score Input quiz scores Calculate the quiz average score Input test scores Calculate the test average score Calculate the final average (HomeworkAvg + QuizAvg + TestAvg) / ... Enter minutes Press the start button When the timer goes off, open door Remove food Close door 13. ) Draw a flow chart for making a purchase on the internet Start Go to Web URL Enter login name