Course: COMP1648 Development Frameworks and Methods Contribution: 100% of course 48: Development Frameworks and Methods - Term - MAC PDF file required Greenwich Course Leader: Ms Christine Du Toit Due date: 29th November 2018 This coursework will be marked anonymously YOU MUST NOT PUT ANY INDICATION OF YOUR IDENTITY IN YOUR SUBMISSION This coursework should take an average student who is up-to-date with tutorial work approximately 50 hours Learning Outcomes: A Critically evaluate the significance of a methodology/framework within an IS development environment B Apply the principles, concepts and techniques of a RAD methodology to a given development environment C Appreciate the issues impacting upon the future development and use of methods in industry D Discuss professional and ethical issues relating to information systems development Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing or buying coursework from someone else and submitting it as your own work Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the University All material copied or amended from any source (e.g internet, books) must be referenced correctly according to the reference style you are using Your work will be submitted for electronic plagiarism checking Any attempt to bypass our plagiarism detection systems will be treated as a severe Assessment Offence Coursework Submission Requirements An electronic copy of your work for this coursework should be fully uploaded by midnight (local time) on the Deadline Date The last version you upload will be the one that is marked For this coursework you must submit a single Acrobat PDF document In general, any text in the document must not be an image (i.e must not be scanned) and would normally be generated from other documents (e.g MS Office using "Save As PDF") There are limits on the file size The current limits are displayed on the coursework submission page on the Intranet Make sure that any files you upload are virus-free and not protected by a password or corrupted otherwise they will be treated as null submissions Comments on your work will be available from the Coursework page on the Intranet The grade will be made available in the portal You must NOT submit a paper copy of this coursework All coursework must be submitted as above The University website has details of the current Coursework Regulations, including details of penalties for late submission, procedures for Extenuating Circumstances, and penalties for Assessment Offences See details Detailed Specification This coursework must be completed as an individual piece of work You must complete this assignment using the given case study (The Touch of Glass Case Study) Firstly, read the information given in the case study (which is attached to this coursework specification) Then produce all of the deliverables detailed below Note that the case study contains a lot of information about Walk2Live (W2L) - read it carefully Note that your work should NOT consist of general discussions on the theory with references to journals/book/websites – your discussions should relate to what you have found in the case study and/or what you have learnt as a result of undertaking the given activities If you refer to information given in the case study, make sure that you reference it appropriately to support your arguments – don’t just copy text from the case study There are three sections to this coursework Make sure that you complete all three sections Section A – Management Summary (30% of the marks) The case study tells us that you decided to recommend one of the approaches associated with Agile Methods for the development of the system for TOG The Agile Method that you are considering is DSDM Atern Produce a management summary for your team leader at System Works, arguing whether DSDM Atern would be an appropriate method to use within TOG Outline any advantages/drawbacks that you perceive Give examples from the Case Study to support your answer Your answer should be in the region of 750-1000 words Section B – High level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation (40% of the marks) Appendix A of the case study provides details (including minutes) of a Facilitated Workshop session you ran at TOG, which was attended by a number of the key staff in the organisation At the end of the session a list of ‘high level requirements’ was produced You were disappointed to see that some of the members of the workshop did not seem to understand the format of well-defined high level requirements It was clear from the requirements sheets that a couple of individuals did not put effort into the exercise and that some of the items listed were quite inappropriate Since the full set of requirements needs to emerge from this workshop you start looking at them in detail Only once the requirements are pinned down can your team at System Works start development The collection of requirements listed in Appendix A is an inappropriate set of requirements for developing a system, as a number of the requirements not meet our criteria for a ‘high level requirement’ Remember, a high level requirement should be a functional requirement that can be delivered to the user as part of an incremental approach using a timebox (or number of timeboxes) Using the information given throughout the case study to help you, complete the following: B1 Review the ‘high level requirements’ list given at the end of Appendix A B1.1 Identify any of the requirements that you feel are not appropriate high level requirements, giving your reasons for this B1.2 Rewrite, and add to, the list to end up with a total of 10-12 high level requirements that you feel are required for building the system Briefly justify the need for each of your high level requirements against information you have gathered from the case study Your answer to B1 should be in the region of 750-1000 words B2 Use the MoSCoW rules to prioritise the requirements in your updated ‘high level requirements list’ B2.1 Produce an updated ‘high level requirements list’ clearly showing the prioritisation you have given to each of your requirements There is no word limit for answer B2.1 B2.2 Explain how you set about prioritising the requirements and justify your reasons for the decisions that you made Your answer to B2.2 should be in the region of 500 words Section C – Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues (30% of the marks) C1 In using their own systems TOG needs to start considering Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional Issues (LSEPI) in relation to its day-to-day operations They also need to appoint a Data Controller Produce a management summary explaining (a) the role of the Data Controller within the organisation and (b) any legal, social, ethical and professional issues that TOG may be faced with As a part of your answer to (b) provide two practical examples from the case study that relate to each aspect of LSEPI Your answer to C1 should be in the region of 500-750 words C2 Produce a management summary outlining the purpose of the BCS Code of Conduct As a part of this, provide a practical example for each of the four BCS Code of Conduct sections to illustrate a professional issue that a System developer contracted to System Works may need to consider Your answer to C2 question should be in the region of 500-750 words Grading and Assessment Criteria A 70%100% B 60%69% C 50%59% D 40%49% o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation; o Apply the MoSCoW rules sensibly, demonstrating a clear understanding of the need for incremental delivery o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the DPA principles and the practical role of the Data controller o Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the role of the professional and, in particular, the BCS code of conduct o Bring original thought to the argument; o Demonstrate a good understanding of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment o Demonstrate a good understanding of high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation; o Apply the MoSCoW rules sensibly, demonstrating a good understanding of the need for incremental delivery o Demonstrate a good understanding of the DPA principles and the practical role of the Data controller o Demonstrate a good understanding of the role of the professional and, in particular, the BCS code of conduct o Bring some original thought to the argument; o Demonstrate understanding of some of the issues surrounding current development methodology approaches o Demonstrate understanding of some of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment o Demonstrate understanding of some the issues relating to high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation; o Apply the MoSCoW rules in a sensible way demonstrating some understanding of the need for incremental delivery o Demonstrate an understanding of the DPA principles and the practical role of the Data Controller o Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the professional and, in particular, the BCS code of conduct o Identify some practical examples relating to the above o Demonstrate a basic understanding of the issues surrounding the application of RAD/DSDM to a development environment o Demonstrate a basic understanding of high level requirements analysis and MoSCoW prioritisation; o Apply the MoSCoW rules in a basic way o Demonstrate a basic understanding of the DPA principles and the practical role of the Data controller o Demonstrate a basic understanding of the role of the professional and, in particular, the BCS code of conduct The Walk2Live (W2L) Case Study Company overview Walk2Live is a health and fitness franchise that has been steadily growing over the last 20 years The organisation was founded when Janet Moore and six of her friends started exercising together by walking 5km every day As word spread and more people joined, Janet decided to maintain a spreadsheet containing the members and their contact details She also started sending out a monthly newsletter when the group began to participate in charitable walkathons It was not long before Janet was contacted by individuals in other towns and cities who wanted to adopt the Walk2Live name and start similar initiatives By then she had registered the company name and hired a part time financial consultant, Ben Brode, to help her set up the franchising A year later Ben decided to become an active partner in the business and joined full time as the CFO The company has since evolved from being a walking club to being a wellness centre, offering classes, such as spinning, yoga and pilates, in addition to the walking and running clubs Furthermore, the brand has created their own health food and supplement range that is sold at the centres Some centres have also opened up juice bars where members can socialise after class Currently Walk2Live has a head office, employing 15 people, as well as 55 franchises in different towns and cities across the UK Each franchise is responsible for their region and this is managed locally, either manually, through spreadsheets, or a simple website connected to a database Each area needs to maintain a list of members, with the groups, classes and programmes that these members are assigned to, according to age and fitness level Many centres also need to liaise with charities to host walkathons, and are subject to the terms and practices of each respective charity Marketing materials and health products are distributed from the head office to each centre as needed A few years ago Janet and Ben decided that they need a principal system to manage the franchises centrally, and also to allow each franchise to manage their own operations in a more structured fashion Since neither Janet nor Ben has much experience with computers they hired Janet’s nephew, John Oldman, to look into this and build the system Unfortunately this resulted in only a basic website with none of the functionality Janet had envisioned However, since John was her nephew she did not see it fit to discontinue his services and decided to keep him on payroll in a consulting capacity while hiring someone else to finally build the new system The new system - Alive Janet decided that the new system should be called Alive, but in order to avoid any further conflict with her nephew John, she left the rest of the planning and decision-making up to Ben, who she wanted to get the new system developed and rolled out Ben decided to make use of a software development company, SudoSoftly, to design and develop the system He met with Scott Runner, a project manager at SudoSoftly, to discuss the details and subsequently called a meeting with the head of each Walk2Live franchise, together with some key people from the central office, to discuss the general plans for the Alive system Ben explained that the new system would allow a franchise to keep track of their own members, classes and programmes, and would also include an ordering system for marketing materials and the health food and supplement range In addition, the system would help those franchises that have links to charities to manage those relationships as well Throughout the meeting the general feeling was positive and people were eager to be involved and share their ideas However, one plan that the management team put forward – selling their health food and supplements range online to the general public – was not received with much enthusiasm, as the franchise owners felt this could impact their own sales After a lengthy discussion it was decided that the new system should still include this, regardless of objections At the end of the meeting Ben introduced Scott Runner and his team and told all participants that they were to work with Scott as needed in order to build the system After the meeting Ben decided to start advertising for new positions at the head office, as the new system would require them to fulfil product sales to the general public This would necessitate a significant increase in manpower for the shipping department that currently only ships to franchises He was eager to get the new system up and running, as he envisioned product sales skyrocketing if they could eliminate the need for customers to visit brick-and-mortar stores Although he was keen to have the full system developed before the end of the year he was hoping to get that part of the system up and running within months Scott decided that he needed more information on the system requirements and decided to schedule a facilitated workshop with selected members of the organisation The minutes of this meeting can be found in Appendix A Appendix A: Facilitated Workshop Data Facilitated Workshop Meeting for Alive Agenda Introduction and Terms of reference (10 minutes) Requirements exercise (20 minutes) Small group discussion exercise (30 minutes) Feedback and outline requirements plan (30-40 minutes) Minutes of Meeting held in Meeting Room A Present Scott Runner (Project Manager) (Chair) Ben Brode (CFO) Dave Davidson (Shipping and Logistics) Laine Conway (Marketing) John Oldman (Consultant) Paige McMan (Franchise owner) Sue Thompson (Franchise owner) Stew Rawlings (Management PA) Secretary Apologies None Introduction and Terms of Reference Scott Runner (SR) welcomed all to the meeting and outlined the purpose of the meeting – to identify the main requirements for the new system and set the priority and agenda for the future development SR confirmed that, following the recent meeting with the general staff at W2L, it was decided that the Alive system must be developed as soon as possible, as this is an important avenue for the company to pursue in order to centralise operations Once tested, the system should allow for the current ad hoc systems to be replaced by the centralised system The CFO has set a target of getting the ecommerce system up and running within months, and a beta version of the centralised system within the subsequent months SR outlined the activities for the rest of the meeting, involving the creation of a requirements list by each participant Requirements List Exercise Each person was asked to list their requirements for the new system on a form supplied by SR The following is a summary of those requirement sheets: Ben Brode (CFO) - Customers must be able to log in - Customers must be able to buy things - Customers must be able to search and browse products to buy, whether they are logged in or not - We also need the following: * The site should be easy to use and quick to load * We probably need to arrange for this site to actually “be” on the internet * We need to register the web URL - The system should replace the current systems at our franchise centres - I want to be able to see management reports of online product sales, and compare these to sales at the centres themselves - The look and feel of the website should resemble the healthy lifestyle we are selling Dave Davidson (Shipping and Logistics) - A way to select items - A way to pay for an item - A way for us to know what we should pack and ship - A way for people to return items they are unhappy with - A rating system for our products with a comments section Laine Conway (Marketing) - People should be able to ask us questions about products and services so we can link them to the correct merchandise or franchise - We must ensure that people who use the website can register with their e-mail address and and log in so we can have their details to send them marketing materials - The system should allow centres to order marketing materials - The system should allow centres to order products for their local stores John Oldman (Consultant) - For the most part we can use the system I have already written You just need to write the code to connect the database to the frontend – I’ve already created the database in MS Access - The only bit left is to add the part of the system that helps centres manage the charities Paige McMan (Franchise owner) - We need to ensure that a bookkeeping service is built into the new system, as this will make my job easier - My centre has links with lots of charities and it would be great if the new system could communicate with theirs in a way If not, I need to be able to at least keep track of charity events we are involved in (when, where, who the charity is, how proceeds are managed, etc) - My centre also has a juice bar and I would like to be able to manage my stock levels of fresh fruit and vegetables for smoothies and juices, so I can order items from the local supermarket before I run out - I need to be able to keep track of my clients, allow them to make bookings for classes online, and pay their membership fees - I need to be able to order items from the central office to sell in my store - Could I ship online orders in my area and get the money for those sales? Sue Thompson (Franchise owner) - Clients can register and log in on the website, and they can pay their membership fees, book classes at my centre, join clubs at my centre, etc - Clients can use the system like Facebook, to communicate with each other and build an online community They should be able to find out who are in their classes and contact those people - I can order marketing materials from the head office - I can order products from the head office - I can keep track of the charities we link with - I can keep track of my staff and what classes they teach - I can use the system to pay my staff ... You must complete this assignment using the given case study (The Touch of Glass Case Study) Firstly, read the information given in the case study (which is attached to this coursework specification)... to what you have found in the case study and/or what you have learnt as a result of undertaking the given activities If you refer to information given in the case study, make sure that you reference... copy text from the case study There are three sections to this coursework Make sure that you complete all three sections Section A – Management Summary (30% of the marks) The case study tells us