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Applied data mining xu, zong yang 2013 06 17

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  • Front Cover

  • Preface

  • Contents

  • Part I: Fundamentals

    • Chapter 1: Introduction

    • Chapter 2: Mathematical Foundations

    • Chapter 3: Data Preparation

    • Chapter 4: Clustering Analysis

    • Chapter 5: Classification

    • Chapter 6: Frequent Pattern Mining

  • Part II: Advanced Data Mining

    • Chapter 7: Advanced Clustering Analysis

    • Chapter 8: Multi-Label Classification

    • Chapter 9: Privacy Preserving in Data Mining

  • Part III: Emerging Applications

    • Chapter 10: Data Stream

    • Chapter 11: Recommendation Systems

    • Chapter 12: Social Tagging Systems

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Applied Data Mining This page intentionally left blank Applied Data Mining Guandong Xu University of Technology Sydney Sydney, Australia Yu Zong West Anhui University Luan, China Zhenglu Yang The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan p, A SCIENCE PUBLISHERS BOOK CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742 © 2013 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business No claim to original U.S Government works Version Date: 20130604 International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4665-8584-3 (eBook - PDF) This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint Except as permitted under U.S Copyright Law, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publishers For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http://www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400 CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com Preface The data era is here It provides a wealth of opportunities, but also poses challenges for the effective and efficient utilization of the huge data Data mining research is necessary to derive useful information from large data The book reviews applied data mining from theoretical basis to practical applications The book consists of three main parts: Fundamentals, Advanced Data Mining, and Emerging Applications In the first part, the authors first introduce and review the fundamental concepts and mathematical models which are commonly used in data mining.There are five chapters in this section, which lay a solid base and prepare the necessary skills and approaches for further understanding the remaining parts of the book The second part comprises three chapters and addresses the topics of advanced clustering, multi-label classification, and privacy preserving, which are all hot topics in applied data mining In the final part, the authors present some recent emerging applications of applied data mining, i.e., data stream,recommender systems, and social tagging annotation systems.This part introduces the contents in a sequence of theoretical background, stateof-the-art techniques, application cases, and future research directions This book combines the fundamental concepts, models, and algorithms in the data mining domain together, to serve as a reference for researchers and practitioners from as diverse backgrounds as computer science, machine learning, information systems, artificial intelligence, statistics, operational science, business intelligence as well as social science disciplines Furthermore, this book provides a compilation and summarization for disseminating and reviewing the recent emerging advances in a variety of data mining application arenas, such as advanced data mining, analytics, internet computing, recommender systems as well as social computing and applied informatics from the perspective of developmental practice for emerging research and practical applications This book will also be useful as a textbook for postgraduate students and senior undergraduate students in related areas vi Applied Data Mining This book features the following topics: • Systematically presents and discusses the mathematical background and representative algorithms for data mining, information retrieval, and internet computing • Thoroughly reviews the related studies and outcomes conducted on the addressed topics • Substantially demonstrates various important applications in the areas of classical data mining, advanced data mining, and emerging research topics such as stream data mining, recommender systems, social computing • Heuristically outlines the open research issues of interdisciplinary research topics, and identifies several future research directions that readers may be interested in April 2013 Guandong Xu Yu Zong Zhenglu Yang Contents Preface v Part I: Fundamentals Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Data Mining—Definitions and Concepts 1.1.2 Data Mining Process 1.1.3 Data Mining Algorithms 1.2 Organization of the Book 1.2.1 Part 1: Fundamentals 1.2.2 Part 2: Advanced Data Mining 1.2.3 Part 3: Emerging Applications 1.3 The Audience of the Book 3 10 16 17 18 19 19 Mathematical Foundations 2.1 Organization of Data 2.1.1 Boolean Model 2.1.2 Vector Space Model 2.1.3 Graph Model 2.1.4 Other Data Structures 2.2 Data Distribution 2.2.1 Univariate Distribution 2.2.2 Multivariate Distribution 2.3 Distance Measures 2.3.1 Jaccard distance 2.3.2 Euclidean Distance 2.3.3 Minkowski Distance 2.3.4 Chebyshev Distance 2.3.5 Mahalanobis Distance 2.4 Similarity Measures 2.4.1 Cosine Similarity 2.4.2 Adjusted Cosine Similarity 21 21 22 22 23 26 27 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 34 viii Applied Data Mining 2.4.3 Kullback-Leibler Divergence 2.4.4 Model-based Measures 2.5 Dimensionality Reduction 2.5.1 Principal Component Analysis 2.5.2 Independent Component Analysis 2.5.3 Non-negative Matrix Factorization 2.5.4 Singular Value Decomposition 2.6 Chapter Summary 35 37 38 38 40 41 42 43 Data Preparation 3.1 Attribute Selection 3.1.1 Feature Selection 3.1.2 Discretizing Numeric Attributes 3.2 Data Cleaning and Integrity 3.2.1 Missing Values 3.2.2 Detecting Anomalies 3.2.3 Applications 3.3 Multiple Model Integration 3.3.1 Data Federation 3.3.2 Bagging and Boosting 3.4 Chapter Summary 45 46 46 49 50 50 51 52 53 53 54 55 Clustering Analysis 4.1 Clustering Analysis 4.2 Types of Data in Clustering Analysis 4.2.1 Data Matrix 4.2.2 The Proximity Matrix 4.3 Traditional Clustering Algorithms 4.3.1 Partitional methods 4.3.2 Hierarchical Methods 4.3.3 Density-based methods 4.3.4 Grid-based Methods 4.3.5 Model-based Methods 4.4 High-dimensional clustering algorithm 4.4.1 Bottom-up Approaches 4.4.2 Top-down Approaches 4.4.3 Other Methods 4.5 Constraint-based Clustering Algorithm 4.5.1 COP K-means 4.5.2 MPCK-means 4.5.3 AFCC 4.6 Consensus Clustering Algorithm 4.6.1 Consensus Clustering Framework 4.6.2 Some Consensus Clustering Methods 4.7 Chapter Summary 57 57 59 59 61 63 63 68 74 77 80 83 84 86 88 89 90 90 91 92 93 95 96 Contents ix Classification 5.1 Classification Definition and Related Issues 5.2 Decision Tree and Classification 5.2.1 Decision Tree 5.2.2 Decision Tree Classification 5.2.3 Hunt’s Algorithm 5.3 Bayesian Network and Classification 5.3.1 Bayesian Network 5.3.2 Backpropagation and Classification 5.3.3 Association-based Classification 5.3.4 Support Vector Machines and Classification 5.4 Chapter Summary 100 101 103 103 105 106 107 107 109 110 112 115 Frequent Pattern Mining 6.1 Association Rule Mining 6.1.1 Association Rule Mining Problem 6.1.2 Basic Algorithms for Association Rule Mining 6.2 Sequential Pattern Mining 6.2.1 Sequential Pattern Mining Problem 6.2.2 Existing Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithms 6.3 Frequent Subtree Mining 6.3.1 Frequent Subtree Mining Problem 6.3.2 Data Structures for Storing Trees 6.3.3 Maximal and closed frequent subtrees 6.4 Frequent Subgraph Mining 6.4.1 Problem Definition 6.4.2 Graph Representation 6.4.3 Candidate Generation 6.4.4 Frequent Subgraph Mining Algorithms 6.5 Chapter Summary 117 117 118 120 124 125 126 137 137 138 141 142 142 143 144 145 146 Part II: Advanced Data Mining Advanced Clustering Analysis 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Space Smoothing Search Methods in Heuristic Clustering 7.2.1 Smoothing Search Space and Smoothing Operator 7.2.2 Clustering Algorithm based on Smoothed Search Space 7.3 Using Approximate Backbone for Initializations in Clustering 7.3.1 Definitions and Background of Approximate Backbone 7.3.2 Heuristic Clustering Algorithm based on Approximate Backbone 7.4 Improving Clustering Quality in High Dimensional Space 7.4.1 Overview of High Dimensional Clustering 153 153 155 156 161 163 164 167 169 169 Social Tagging Systems 255 The simple tagging system allows any web user to annotate the free words on their favorite web resources rather than the predefined vocabulary Users can communicate with each other implicitly by the tag suggestions to describe resources on the web Therefore, the tagging system provides a convenient way for users to organize their favorite web resources In addition, due to the development of the system, the user can find other people who are interested in similar projects Consensus around stable distributions and shared vocabularies emerge [21], even in the absence of a centrally controlled vocabulary Folksonomy When users want to annotate web documents for better organization and use the relevant information to retrieve their needed resources later, they often comment such information with free-text terms Tagging is a new way of defining characteristics of data in Web 2.0 services The tags help users to collectively classify and find information and they also represent the preference and interests of users Similarly, each tagged document also expresses the correlation and the attribute of the document A kind of data structure can be established based on the tagging annotation Hotho et al [26] combined users, tags and resources in a data model called folksonomy It is a system which classifies and interprets contents It is the derivative of the method of collaboratively creating and organizing tags Folksonomy is a three-dimensional data model of social tagging behaviors of users on various documents It reveals the mutual relationships between these three-fold entities, i.e user, document and tag A folksonomy F according to [26] is a tuple F = (U, T, D, A), where U is a set of users, T is a set of tags, D is a set of web documents, and A ¡ U×T×D is a set of annotations The activity in folksonomy is tijk ¡ {(ui, dj, tk) : ui ¢ U, dj ¢ D, tk ¢T}, where U = {U1, U2, · · · , UM} is the set of users, D = {D1, D2, · · · , DN} is the set of documents, and T = {T1, T2, · · · , TK} is the set of tags tijk = if there is an annotation (ui, dj, tk); otherwise tijk = Therefore a social tagging system can be viewed as a tripartite hypergraph [43] with users, tags and resources represented as nodes and the annotations represented as hyper-edges connecting users, resources and tags There are some social applications which are based on the folksonomy such as social bookmarking and movies annotation In this section, the preliminary approach for recommender system is based on the folksonomy model, which helps us to obtain the tagging information, and generate the user profile, document profile and group profiling 256 Applied Data Mining Figure 12.2.4: Relationship of Users, Tags, Resources in Folksonomy The advantage of the folksonomy is to combine the three-dimensional data into one data model; each two parts can represent the related information, furthermore it is much more convenient for analyzing the users’ behaviors and the documents’ attributes in the folksonomy model Standard Recommendation Model in Social Tagging System Standard social tagging systems may vary in the ways of their ability of handling recommendation In this subsection, we focus our discussion on the folksonomy model, which is derived from the information retrieval principle In folksonomy model, each user can be represented in the tag set vector Tag frequency represents the popularity of different tags We use the tag frequency as [25], TF = |a = µu, r, tÅ ¢ A : u ¢ U, r ¢ R, t ¢ T|, to calculate the weight of the vector, which means, if a user u, has an annotation A, and he assigns a tag t, on a resource r, such behavior will be assigned as “1” in the tagging matrix; otherwise “0”, so the user can be represented as u = µutf (t1), utf (t2) , · · · , utf (t|T|)Å, Likewise each resource, r, can be modelled as r = µrtf (t1), rtf (t2) , · · · , rtf (t|T|)Å There are various similarity measures such as the Jaccard Coefficient, Pearson Correlation or Cosine similarity to calculate the similarity scores, and there are different approaches based on the user vector or resource vector The system provides top-N items as the recommendation list according to the ranked similarity values There are several other recommendation algorithms proposed to generate the recommendation list, such as FolkRank algorithm, LocalRank algorithm, and so on The FolkRank is enlightened by the [67], the basic idea for FolkRank is that if an important user annotated a resource by an important tag, then, such resource would be important, the recommendation is based on calculating the importance weight [26] Kubatz et al [68] improved the FolkRank by utilizing a neighborhood-based tag recommendation algorithm called LocalRank, focuses on the relevant ones only, and the recommendation accuracy is on a par with or slightly better than FolkRank Social Tagging Systems 257 12.3 Clustering Algorithms in Recommendation The traditional recommendation algorithms such as collaborative filtering approach, content-based filtering approach, and so on, are too much reliant on users’ data and such data generally has the problem of sparseness When collecting the user profiles by the approaches above, the sparse data would exacerbate the computational complexity and reduce the precision of recommendation So we consider involving the clustering algorithms to reduce the dimensions of users and documents data With the help of clustering algorithms, both recommendation performance and results can be improved Clustering algorithms refer to algorithms which are trying to find hidden structures in unlabeled data The clustering algorithms are used to estimate, summarize and explain the main characteristic of the data There are many cluster methods which are based on data mining [30] We will introduce the K-means, hierarchical clustering and density based clustering in the following sections 12.3.1 K-means Algorithm The K-means clustering algorithm assigns the objects into k number of clusters based on the various factors; it is a top-down algorithm k is a positive integer number and specified apriority by users The processing is finished by minimizing the sum of squares of distances between data and the corresponding cluster centroid [52] The basic idea behind K-means is as follows: In the beginning the number of clusters k is determined Then the algorithm assumes the centroids or centers of these k clusters These centroids can be randomly selected or designed deliberately One special case is when the number of objects is less than the number of clusters If such case exists, each object is set as the centroid of the individual cluster and assigned a cluster number If the number of objects is bigger than the number of clusters, the algorithm calculates the distance (i.e., Euclidean distance) between each object and all of the centroids to obtain the minimum distance When the process starts, the centroid location is unknown, so algorithm updates centroid location according to the processed information, such as the minimum distance between the objects and the new centroids When all of the objects are assigned to the k clusters, the centroids have finished updating Such above process repeats until there are no longer large changes for assigning the objects into the clusters, or centroids not change in successive iterations So the iteration convergence can be proved mathematically [19] 258 Applied Data Mining Start Number of Clusters: K Centroid – Distance Objects to Centroids No Object Move Group? + End Grouping Based on Minimum Distance Figure 12.3.1: Frame Structure of K-Means Algorithm Description: Given a set of observations (x1, x2, · · · , xn), where each observation is a d-dimensional real vector, k-means clustering aims to partition the n observations into k sets (k ≤ n), S = {S1, S2, · · · , Sk} so as to minimize the Within-Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS), where µi is the mean of points in Si k arg ∑ S ∑ || x i =1 x j ∈Si j − μui ||2 The advantages of the K-means algorithm are: The low time consumption and the fast processing speed on the condition of value k is small; the compacted clusters production performance is satisfactory; the clusters not overlap since they are in non-hierarchical structure There are some disadvantages of K-means algorithm: The algorithm is not able to calculate the applicable number of clusters automatically; the user has to assign the value k as an input to the algorithm in advance Simultaneously, the specific number of clusters restricts the prediction of what the real k should be Various initial partitions lead to different number of clusters, and the results for different composition of clusters can be distinct in some of the experiments Social Tagging Systems 259 There are extensive related research works on it The author in [27] theorized that K-means was a classical heuristic clustering algorithm Due to the sensitivity problem of K-means, some modified approaches have been proposed in the literature Fast Global K-means [51] (FGK means), for example, is an incremental approach of clustering that dynamically adds one cluster centre at a time through a deterministic global search procedure consisting of D executions of the K-means algorithm with different suitable initial positions Zhu et al presented a new clustering strategy, which can produce much lower Q(C) value than affinity propagation (AP) by initializing K-means clustering with cluster centre produced by AP [45] In [42], the authors were motivated theoretically and experimentally by a use of a deterministic divisive hierarchical method and use of PCA-part (Principal Component Analysis Partitioning) as the initialization of K-means In order to overcome the sensitivity problem of heuristic clustering algorithm, Han et al proposed CLARANS based on the random restart local search method [4] VSH [9] used the iteratively modifying cluster centre method to deal with initiation problem More modified methods addressing the initialization sensitivity problem of clustering algorithm are referred to [20, 36, 59] 12.3.2 Hierarchical Clustering The K-means algorithm has the limitation of choosing the specific number of clusters, and it has the problem of non-determinism It returns the clusters in an unstructured set As a result of such limitations, if we require hierarchy structure, we need to involve the hierarchical clustering Hierarchical clustering constructs a hierarchy of clusters that can be illustrated in a tree structure as a dendrogram Each node in the tree structure, including the root, represents the relationship between parents and children, so it is able to explore different levels of clustering granularity [19] Hierarchical clustering algorithms are either top-down or bottom-up, the bottom-up algorithms treat each file as a separate cluster in the beginning and then begin to merge, until all cluster clusters have been merged into a single cluster, such cluster contains all the files The bottom-up hierarchical clustering is called hierarchical agglomerative clustering The top-down clustering requires a method for dividing a cluster It splits clusters recursively until the individual documents are reached [69] The advantages of the hierarchical clustering are [5, 19]: It has a high flexibility with respect to the level of granularity; it is easy to deal with any 260 Applied Data Mining form of similarity metric or the distance; it does not require pre-assignment of the number of clusters, and therefore has high applicability The disadvantages of the hierarchical clustering are summarized as [70]: The termination judgment conditions and the interpretation of the hierarchy are complex; if an incorrect assignment exists, most hierarchical algorithms not rebuild intermediate clusters; the single pass of analysis and local decisions are the influencing factor of the clusters 12.3.3 Spectral Clustering The spectral clustering combines some of the benefits of the two aforementioned approaches It refers to a class of techniques which rely on the eigenvalues of the adjacency similarity matrix; it can partition all of the elements into disjoint clusters, the elements that have high similarity will end up in the same cluster Elements within one cluster have low similarity with other clusters’ elements The spectral clustering is based on the graph partition It maps the original inherent relationships onto a new spectral space The whole items are simultaneously partitioned into disjoint clusters with minimum cut optimization Spectral clustering techniques make use of the spectrum of the similarity matrix of the data to perform dimensionality reduction for clustering in fewer dimensions [71] The original formula for the spectral clustering is: L = I − D−1/2WD−1/2 where W is the corresponding similarity matrix, and D is the diagonal matrix, Dii = ∑ Sij j According to the spectral graph theory in [13], the k singular vectors of the reformed matrix RMUser = D−1/2 SMUserD−1/2 present a best approximation to the projection of user-tag vectors on the new spectral space Compared to those clustering algorithms above, spectral clustering algorithm has many fundamental advantages: It is very simple to implement; it performs well with no local minima, so it could be solved efficiently by standard linear algebra methods; it also can keep the shapes and densities in the cluster invariantly; the performance of obtained result is better The disadvantages of the spectral clustering are summarized as: The high time complexity and space complexity lead the processing inefficient In some cases, the clustering processing is unstable Social Tagging Systems 261 Figure 12.3.2: Example of the Spectral Clustering [37] Figure 12.3.3: Example of the Spectral Clustering [37] 12.3.4 Quality of Clusters and Modularity Method There are various categories of methods to measure the quality of clusters, such as ”Compactness”, a measure of similarity of objects within an individual cluster to the other objects outside the cluster; or the ”Isolation”, a measure of separation among the objects outside the cluster [54] In the 262 Applied Data Mining research, we combine such attributes together, so as to utilize the modularity method to evaluate the clustering algorithms It is one of the quantitative measures for the ”goodness” of the clusters discovered The modularity value is computed by the differences between the actual number of edges within a cluster and the expected number of such edges The high value of the modularity shows the good divisions; that means, the nodes within the same cluster have the concentrated connections but only sparse connections between different clusters It helps to evaluate the quality of the cluster; here ”quality of cluster” consists of two criteria, i.e., the number of clusters and the similarity of each cluster [32] Consider a particular division of a network into k clusters We can define a k×k symmetric matrix SM whose element smij is the fraction of all edges in the network that link vertices in cluster p to vertices in cluster q Take two clusters Cp and Cq randomly, the similarity smCpq between them can be defined as ∑ ∑c smC pq = c p ∈C p c p ∈Cq ∑ ∑c cq ∈C c p ∈C pq , p, q = 1, m pq where cpq is the element in the similarity matrix for the whole objects When p=q, the smCpq is the similarity between the elements inside the clusters, while p  q, the smCpq is the similarity between the cluster Cp and the cluster Cq So the condition of a high quality cluster is max(∑ smC pp ) and p min( smc pq), p  q, p, q = 1, 2, · · ·m ∑ p ,q Summing over all pairs of vertices in the same group, the modularity, denoted Q, is given by: m m q =1 q =1 Q = ∑ [ smc pp − (∑ smc pq ) ] = TrSM − || SM || where the value m is the amount of clusters The trace of this matrix TrSM m ∑ smC p =1 pp gives the fraction of edges in the network that connect vertices in the same cluster, and a good division into clusters should have a high value of it If we place all vertices in a single cluster, the value of TrSM would get the maximal value of because there is no information about cluster structure at all This quantity measures the fraction of the edges in the network that connect vertices of the same type minus the expected value of the same quantity in a network with the same cluster divisions Utilize the value Q to evaluate the clusters [4]: Values approaching Q=1, which is the maximum, Social Tagging Systems 263 indicate that the whole network has a strong cluster structure In practice, values for such networks typically fall in the range from about to The higher value of Q, the better quality for the cluster the Cp and Cq is, so that we can get the optimal number of clusters 12.3.5 K-Nearest-Neighboring In KNN algorithm, the object is classified by the neighbors who have been separated into several groups, and the object is assigned into the class which has the most common neighbors amongst its k nearest majority influence neighbors The KNN algorithm is sensitive to the local data structure The training data of the algorithm is the neighbors who are taken from a set of objects with the correct classification In order to identify neighbors, the objects are represented in the multidimensional feature space vectors [22] k is a positive integer, it is typically small Take an example in Fig 12.3.4, if k=1, then the object is simply assigned the class of its nearest neighbor In binary (two class) classification problems, it is helpful to choose k to be an odd number as this avoids difficulties with tied votes [12, 49] The test sample red triangles should be classified either to the first class of green circle or to the second class of blue star If k = it should be classified to the first class because there are green circles and only blue star inside the inner circle If k = it should be classified to second class since there are stars and only circles inside the outer circle Figure 12.3.4: Example of KNN Classification [1] The advantages of the KNN algorithm are: Such algorithm is easy to implement; it has a strong applicability, although the prediction accuracy can be quickly degraded when the number of attributes grows The disadvantages of the KNN algorithm are: It needs to compare the test item with all of the items in the training set, so the time complexity 264 Applied Data Mining is higher than the linear classifier when it makes the predictions; and its performance depends too much upon the similarity and the k value KNN algorithm adaptation methods have been widely used in the tag classification Cheng et al combine the KNN method and logistic regression to exploit the multiple dependence [11] Zhang et al propose ML-KNN, a lazy method that firstly finds k neighbors of the test instance, and then gives the predicted label set by maximizing each labels posterior [57] In this chapter, we aim on the major problem of most social tagging systems resulting from the severe difficulty of ambiguity, redundancy and less semantic nature of tags We employ the KNN algorithm to establish the structure for potential relationship information of the tags neighbors Then we combine the KNN graph with the clustering algorithm to filter the redundant tags neighbors for improving the recommendation performance 12.4 Clustering Algorithms in Tag-Based Recommender Systems As tags are of syntactic nature, in a free style and not reflect sufficient semantics, the problems of redundancy, ambiguity and less semantics of tags are often incurred in all kinds of social tagging systems [47] For example, for one resource, different users will use their own words to describe their feeling of likeness, such as “favourite, preference, like” or even the plural form of “favourites”; and another obstacle is that not all users are willing to annotate the tags, resulting in the severe problem of sparseness In order to deal with these difficulties, clustering methods have been introduced recently into social tagging systems to find meaningful information conveyed by tag aggregates In past years, many studies have been carried out on tags clustering Gemmell et al [16, 50] demonstrated how tag clusters serving as coherent topics can aid in the social recommendation of search and navigation The aim of tag clustering is to reveal the coherence of tags from the perspective of how resources are annotated and how users annotate in the tagging behaviors Undoubtedly, the tag cluster form is able to deliver user tagging interest or resource topic information in a more concise and semantic way It handles to some extent the problems of tag sparseness and redundancy, in turn, facilitating the tag-based recommender systems Thus this demand mainly motivates the research of tag clustering in social annotation systems In general, the tag clustering algorithm could be described as: (1) Define a similarity measure of tags and construct a tag similarity matrix; (2) Execute a traditional clustering algorithm such as K-Means [16, 50], or Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering on this similarity matrix to generate the clustering results; (3) abstract the meaningful information from each cluster and recommendation [59] Social Tagging Systems 265 Martin [38] et al propose to reduce tag space by exploiting clustering techniques so that the quality of the recommendations and execution time are improved and memory requirements are decreased The clustering is motivated by the fact that many tags in a tag space are semantically similar thus the tags can be grouped Astrain et al firstly combines a syntactic similarity measure based in a fuzzy automaton with ε-moves and a cosine relatedness measure, and then design a clustering algorithm for tags to find out the short length tags [2] In general, tags lack organizational structure limiting their utility for navigation Simpson proposes a hierarchical divisive clustering algorithm to release these influence of the inherent drawback of tag data [4] In [6], an approach that monitors users’ activity in a tagging system and dynamically quantifies associations among tags is presented and the associations are then used to create tags clusters Zhou et al propose a novel method to compute the similarity between tag sets and use it as the distance measure to cluster web documents into groups [58] In [10], clusters of resources are shown to improve recommendation by categorizing the resources into topic domains A framework named Semantic Tag Clustering Search, which is able to cope with the syntactic and semantic tag variations, is proposed in [55] And in [39] topic relevant partitions are created by clustering resources rather than tags By clustering resources, it improves recommendations by distinguishing between alternative meanings of query While P Lehwark et al use Emergent-SelfOrganizing Maps (ESOM) and U-Map techniques to visualize and cluster tagged data and discover emergent structures in collections of music [35] State-of-the-art methods suffice for simple search, but they often fail to handle more complicated or noisy web page structures due to the key limitations Miao et al propose a new method for record extraction that captures a list of objects in a more robust way based on a holistic analysis of a web page [41] In [17], a co-clustering approach is employed, which exploits joint groups of related tags and social data resources, in which both social and semantic aspects of tags are considered simultaneously The common characteristic of aforementioned tagging clustering algorithm is that they use K-Means or hierarchical clustering algorithms on tag dataset to find out the similar tag groups In [46], however, the authors introduce Folks Engine, a parametric searching engine for folksonomies allowing specifying any tag clustering algorithm In a similar way, Jiang et al., make use of the concept of ensemble clustering to find out a consensus tag clustering results of a given topic and propose tag groups with better quality [29] The efficient way which improves tag clustering result is to use the common parts of several tag clustering results Approximate Backbone, the intersection of different solutions of a dataset, is often used to investigate the characteristic 266 Applied Data Mining of a dataset [61, 28] Zong et al use approximate backbone to deal with the initialization problem of heuristic clustering algorithm [60] Alexandros et al [31] focused on the complexity of social tagging data They developed a data-modeling scheme and a tag-aware spectral clustering procedure They used tensors to store the multi-graph structures and capture the personalized aspects of similarity They present the similarity-based clustering of tagged items, and capture and exploit the multiple values of similarity reflected in the tags assigned to the same item by different users Also they extend spectral clustering by capturing multiple values of similarity between any two items The authors above focus on calculating similarity approach to improve the spectral clustering, however, how to evaluate the quality of clusters is not mentioned In this section, we investigate the clustering algorithms used in social tagging systems With the help of clustering algorithms, we can obtain the potential relationship information among the different users and various resources, and clustering also reduces the dimensionality in calculation The clusters can reduce the time complexity in recommendation processing In a word, the clustering algorithms help to enhance the tag expression quality and improve the recommendation in social tagging systems 12.5 Chapter Summary In this chapter, we have reviewed the basic concept of data mining and information retrieval techniques used in recommender systems, such as 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April 2013 Guandong Xu Yu Zong Zhenglu Yang Contents Preface v Part I: Fundamentals Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Data Mining Definitions and Concepts 1.1.2 Data Mining Process 1.1.3 Data Mining. .. characteristic in data mining research This calls for evolutionary data mining algorithms to deal with the change of temporal and spatial data within the database The representative 10 Applied Data Mining. .. pay attention to applied data mining This book aims at creating a bridge between data mining algorithms and applications, especially the newly emerging topics of applied data mining In this chapter,

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