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Intergrating the education of true values and life skills about home life and career orientation for students in grade 12 english lessons

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THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAININ LOI HIGH SCHOOL LE *** THANH HÓA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING LE LOI HIGH SCHOOL *** EXPERIENTIAL INITIATIVE INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE INTERGRATING THE EDUCATION OF TRUE VALUES AND ESSENTIAL LIFE SKILLS ABOUT HOME LIFE AND CAREER ORIENTATION FOR IN OF GRADE ENGLISH INTERGRATING THESTUDENTS EDUCATION TRUE12VALUES AND ESSENTIAL LIFE SKILLSLESSONS ABOUT HOME LIFE AND CAREER ORIENTATION FOR STUDENTS IN GRADE 12 ENGLISH LESSONS Author: Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo Author: Thị Phương Thảo Position:Nguyễn Teacher Subject: English Position: Teacher Subject: English THANH HOA, YEAR 2019 THANH HOA NĂM 2019 CONTENTS CONTENTS .2 A INTRODUCTION .3 I, THE REASON FOR CHOOSING THE TOPIC II THE PURPOSE OF STUDY III THE OBJECT OF STUDY IV THE METHODS OF STUDY B THE CONTENTS OF INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE I THE THEORETICAL BASIC OF THE TOPIC .5 II THE REAL STATE OF TOPIC .6 IV THE RESULTS OF TOPIC 16 C CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL 20 I CONCLUSION .20 II PROPOSAL 20 A INTRODUCTION I, THE REASON FOR CHOOSING THE TOPIC We are living in a globalization world with full of opportunities as well as challenges Everyone, especially the youth, has made great efforts to keep pace with the storming development in all aspects of social life Owning the advantages of activeness, health and confidence, the youth deeply aspire to affirm their ability and “ego” with their family and outside world.They have so many good conditions and chances to realise their dreams as well as their ambitions Besides, the opening of the market economy has brought a new flow of wind which penetrates deep into every family, every person, sweeping young people into a new lifestyle, busy and hurrying With curious and inquiring nature, the youth are also infected with negative aspects of the market economy and “ digital life” easily Many of them heighten the importance of the fame, money and power so much that they forget the core values in their life, such as family happiness, the love and compassion To prevent the possible passive influence, educating life skills for students becomes one of the special enterests all around the world In Viet Nam, with the purpose of educating the youth totally to achieve both standards of talent and morality in order to meet the international intergration’s requirements as well as learner’s developmental expectation, the educational system has been innovated strongly That requires every teacher not only to train professional competence for students but also to nurture their soul and personality through education of life skills in teaching process The school where I am teaching is located in Tho Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province Teachers there always believe that administration of school disciplines and education of life skills play an important part in comprehensive education for students Especially, in the condition of relatively rapid development of market economy there, people’s living standards are being improved everyday.The change of social and economic life has created both good and bad influences on the students More than ever, teachers need to prepare for them a solid foundation of knowledge and essential skills which help them to determine, respect and maintain indispensable values of the life, including two basic aspects: family and career From my heartself thought, I would like to present the initiative experience named “Intergrating the education of true values and life skills about home life and career orientation for students in grade 12 English lessons” II THE PURPOSE OF STUDY I sincely hope that this topic will contribute to raise the quality of total education for my students Moreover, in more and more complicated social context, I desire to share my experience of the educational intergration of the true values and neccessary skills in home life and career orientation for students in English teaching process with my colleagues III THE OBJECT OF STUDY In this topic, my main concerns are to reseach educational intergration of true values of home life and career orientation and necessary life skills in homelife and career orientation for students in teaching process From that, I would like to form the true consciousness for students about family’s values and the way to solve problems relating to home life as well as provide them with stable basics of skills to choose a suitable job when they leave high school I also would like to research to find out the most suitable methods of intergrational education in order to raise the quality of total education for students in High schools IV THE METHODS OF STUDY In the studying course of my own topic, I myself carry out investigation and analyse methods from the practical requirements with the learned knowledge to draw conclusions for the study, such as: - Theoretical and experimental experience in present environment to build up the subject - Read and study the related documents to draw good experiences to apply for my own teaching - Observe and collect information about students’ learning as well as their feelings, thoughts and opinions about family and profession - Having statistics and compare the result of study of students through tests and surveys B THE CONTENTS OF INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE I THE THEORETICAL BASIC OF THE TOPIC - According to Circular No 14/2002/ TT - BGD&DT issued on April st, 2002 to direct and thoroughly grasp innovation policy in secondary school - According to Official document No 463 / BGD&DT - GDTX issued on January 28th, 2015 to direct the deployment and realisation of life skill education in indergaten schools, secondary schools and continuing education centers - According to Official document No 3131/CT-BGDĐT issued on August th 25 , 2015 to guide the realisation of the mission of school year 2015- 2016 - According to UNICEF, life skills are defined as psychological abilities for adaptive and possitive behaviour that enables individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of every day life They are loosely grouped into three broad catergories of skills: cognitive skills for analysing and using information, personal skills for developing personal agency and managing oneself and interpersonal skills for communicating and interacting effectively with others Life skill education is a structured programme of needs-and-outcomes- based participatory learning that aims to increase positive and adaptive behaviour by assisting individuals to develop and practise psycho-social skills that minimize risk factors and maximize protective factors Life skill education programmes are theory - and evidenced - based, learner - focused, delivered by competent facilitators and approciately evaluated to ensure continuous improvement of documented results Family definited by Merriam is a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head (household) It is the basic unit of society and the background for every person’s life Living happily in family and building family happiness is not only the truly desire but also the responsibility of each member in it Home life is a person’s family, personal relationships, and the domestic routine and interests Family happiness is built through wonderful values of home life such as love, parents’ sacrifice for their children, children’s respect to their older generations A healthy and stable home life is built through small but practical actions in the behaviour of family members in daily activities including listening, sharing routine work, the sympathy, forgiveness and caring eachother as well as the respect of family rules Career is the job or series of jobs that you during your work life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money To orient career well, students must know to self - evaluate themselves depending on what they are living and working with but what they want Education of necessary skills in home life and career orientation belongs to skill groups of giving decision, communication, co-living and resolving situations, skills to love and respect others These skills provide students with a good background of personality, help them to be confident and live better in the future From that, they determine the right motivation and attitude for studying II THE REAL STATE OF TOPIC Advantages - The rapid development of science, technology, mass media gives students opportunities to acquaint with and widen the social knowledge, including family and profession aspects - Students are active and creative people, so they find it easy to comprehend and apply basic knowledge relating to daily life into their real life Disadvantages - Because of the bad influence of market economy as well as globalising trend, especially the unserious attitude in learning and the self-indulgence in lifestyle, the thought of enjoyment, being addicted to game online, etc, many students neglect right motivation, nice dreams and ambitions - Rushing to Europeanizing way of living leads many students to disregard the good values of family and society - The educational content of the topic is a intergrating activity, so the time for discussing and understanding the values and the essences of life skills in home life and career orienting skills is short - There has not been any teacher in my school who is professionally trained about life skill education The results of the real state of topic In fact, Due to the defying good cultural, moral values, some groups of students are in state of moral depression, faint ideals, the shortage of ambition and striving awareness for future Some students are induced to social evils They no longer respect their parents, their teachers and friends In some families, parents are busy working and earning for life’s demands The care and management of children are not warm and strict enough.That is why many students don’t feel the deep meanings of family and precious values of fresh life From the last academic years, especially in the school year 2017 - 2018 I was distributed to teach students in grades 12A1, 12A10 Through teaching process I have realised that the lack of responsibility and necessary skills in home life and career orientation created for students so many difficult problems that they felt difficult to face or deal with Instead, they rushed to “virtual lifestyle” and this interfered with learning results and ethnical training Table The learning result in grades 12A1, 12A10 in the school year 2017 – 2018 Grade Number Verygood Good average Weak of quantity % quantity % quantity % quantity % students 12A1 45 0 14 31,12 29 64,44 4,44 12A10 44 0 11 25,0 30 68,18 6,82 Table The result of ethnical training * ( Qty: Quantity) Grade Number Very good good of Qty % Qty % students 12A1 45 38 84,44 11,12 12A10 44 37 84,09 9,1 average Qty % 2 4,44 4,54 Weak Qty % 2,27 Table shows that students’ learning result is not good There isn’t any very good student The number of students who have average and weak result are high Few students get good result Table shows that the result of conduct training is not very high There are still students who have weak conduct That means many students break school discipline and not have right awareness in learning and moral training From the reality, I find that one of the main causes affecting on above result is the shortage of warm feelings in home life and professional aspiration Many students find it difficult to deal with situations happening in home life and feel confused in choosing a suitable job in future In the school year 2017 - 2018, I also had a research about students’attitude to their family and their future career orientation in two classes and followings are the result Table Students’attitude to their family Grade 12A1 12A10 Number of students 45 44 Feel happy Having some problems Having so many problems Quantity % quantity % quantity 20 44,44 14 31,12 11 18 40,91 11 25 15 % 24,44 34,09 Table Students’attitude to their future career orientation Grade 12A1 12A10 Number of students 45 44 Determine clearly Wondering Haven’t known Quantity % quantity % quantity 20 44,44 16 35,56 16 36,36 18 40,91 10 % 20 22,73 Table shows that the proportion of students who feel unhappy or having problems in their home is quite high When asked about their feelings in home They usually feel lonely, bored with daily routines They find it difficult to solve situations in home life and follow family rules Many of them don’t feel their parents’love for them From my study, I find that many students only think about their aspects but their parents’ones They trend to live for themselves but are not aware of their responsibility Table shows that the proportion of students who determine their future jobs clearly is also not very high Many of them orient jobs without basing on their ability as well as their character They have trends to choose according to what they want On the contrary, the number of students who are wondering or haven’t know how to choose a suitable job are relatively high One of the main reasons which students have to face in the professional orienting process is the lack of relating skills Therefore, in the academic year 2018 – 2019, since I was assigned to teach English in grades 12A3, 12A4 I have chosen the topic “Intergrating the education of true values and essential life skills about home life and career orientation for students in grade 12 English lessons” III THE SOLUTIONS OF IMPLEMENTATION The periods applied with intergrating knowledge and activities The activities to educate students about true values of home life and career orientation as well as necessary skills in home life are intergrated through peroid 4: After you read (Unit Home life – Part A Reading) and extra practice The activities to educate students about job-orienting skills are intergrated through peroid 36: After you speak (Unit Future jobs – Part B Speaking) From the oriented contents in text book and teacher’s book as well as basing in the reality about the thought, feeling, knowledge and experience of students in daily life, in the process of guiding students to tasks and practise, I intergrate contents relating to the influences and values of family and career on one’s life Simutaneously, I provide, analyse and encourage them to grasp thoroughly the necessary skills in home life and orienting a suitable job for their life Educating students the true values of home life and career orientation UNIT HOME LIFE Peroid 4: Part A Reading (con’t – end) * The aims of the lesson By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Get the ideas of a happy family + Understand more about home life and the role of each member in building family happiness + Catch and use vocabulary relating home life effectively + Love and respect the values of a happy family and be aware of their own responsibilities in home life + Form possitive behaviours and suitable attitudes in home life and social relationships * Contents and tasks in the peroid - Task Answer the questions How busy are the parents in the passage? How caring is the mother? How the father and the daughter share the household chores? What is the daughter attemping to after secondary school? Why the children feel they they are safe and secure in their family? - After you read Work in groups Compare the family described in the text with your own family * The content applied with intergrating activities After you read Work in groups Compare the family described in the text with your own family (Time allowed for this content is from 30 to 35 minutes) - Teacher will lead students to activities to learn about the main values of a happy family in one’s life and responsibilities of each member in home life From that, teacher helps them to form possitively behavioural skills and right attitudes in home life ACTIVITY Learning about the main values of a happy family - Teacher gives student handouts and ask them to fill in the missing information from the reading text by answering question (work in group of four): What is your father’s/ mother’s/ your responsibilities in your home life? Aspect of home life Father Mother You Sister/ Brother - working/ earning money - washing dishes - cooking - Cleaning the house - taking off the garbage ……………………… - From the suggestion in the passage, students will fill in the missing information, give comparision then report their ideas about the responsibilities of each member in their home life - After checking and correcting students’ mistake, teacher leads them to activity to find out about the values of a happy family in one’s life by the question: What are the values of a happy family to our life, especially in the modern society? (work in group of eight) - Students discuss then a representative reports their ideas - From students’ ideas, teacher slideshows and analyses the values of family + A family is to be a shelter in times of storm We all have storms in life because sometimes life get tough We experience the rain and the dark storms, such as failure, rejection, changes in life We didn’t plan these storms In the storm, we need a place of protection and security We need a place to call home and a family that love us and care us inspite of our short coming and failure Family are fans when we have losing seasons Therefore, a family is always a shelter in times of storm + A family is a learning center for life: We usually think of parents teaching the children If we are not learning from your family, we are missing great opportunities.In family, we can learn basic and vital skills for life; not only usual routine such as how to walk, eat but also the core life values such as how to love, how to live plainly and modestly and the awareness of responsibilities,etc Many children in their youth are like plants that grow up strongly in their family Why we not? + A family gives us a peaceful place to play after everything outside: The home should be a place for family fun, a haven for happiness and a place to have good time which no place on the world can give us a similar chance to have There, we can relax and what we want without worrying anything Then, we will have precious memories that always warm and cherish us in coming years + A family should be a launching pad for our good future: Our parents always the best things inspite of sacrificing their lives to make sure that their children can grow up and become kind-hearted and mature people + A family is a place to give and receive love without any condition: Family is the first community that all of us have a strong attachment to It is the unconditional love that is the key to build the close-knit relationship among members in the family The close-knit relationship becomes the foundation for many other core values It teaches us how to believe, how to respect yourself and others, how to forgive and forget, etc The love of family gives us strength and a gracious heart 10 * Teacher gives a lecture: From the above values, you can see that family is unvaluable possession for one’s life How can we live happily without family? It is not a easy question to answer That is also the reason why all of us must respect every moment beside our relatives and family so that we have right awareness of responsibilities in home life and with other members ACTIVITY Educational intergration of responsible awareness in home life for students - Teacher leads to the question: Having a happy family is one of our biggest expectations Being a member of your family, what you think are your responsibilities? ( work in group of eight) This question will help students revise systematically as well as learn from eachother about what they should for their family After students diccuss and give their answers, teacher completes and provides more information about the main responsibilities of students as a child in their home through the projector + The biggest responsibilities of children is to become a good child who obey the right and good advice of their parents You should learn well to create a happy future for yourself This is the way to acknowledge your parents’ merit Because only when you have a good jobs, good salary and living condition, you can properly take care of your parents in both physical and spirital sides as they are old or not able to work and earn + Respecting your parents and other members in your family Family are the ones who always wish the best things for you, so you should learn to listen and perceive their ideas as well as their feelings carefully Respectation is the foundation of good relations and help our family’s atmostphere become completely concordant and happy Try to listen, to think as well as to put yourself on their position before discussing anything Being tolerant and open-hearted helps you recognize the beauty inner everyone That is the way to help you receive the respect from other people in your home and the society + Sharing housework with other members in your family Doing some chores, preparing meals, always being available for advice and help, giving gifts sometimes,being affectionate toward younger sister/ brother are the most simple but meaningful things you can to make people in your family feel happy and healing old wounds Give more than receive Your dad and mum who work hard will be very pleased to find the dishes done, table set and your room cleaned because from what you work they feel the love you present them Your gestures will give your family an incridible happiness and pride + Loving and well-behaving toward your family unconditionally Happiness does not come by chance, unexpectedly It’s only your family who will be there watching out for you through thick-and-thin Nothing and no one else will 11 give you that Not your games online Not your friend Not fame Not money That’s why you should stand by your family in the darkest moments, not because you want to stand in the dark but because you don’t want them to either Brave the shadows alongside them until they are able to find the light Timing is every thing You must set quality time to share your love openly and honestly with those you love Express your love in a simple way by saying caring words to realize that how much you appreciate and need them Stay in a close touch with your family as much as possible and have the honour of every moment together * Teacher gives a lecture: Family happiness is a choice that comes from all the family members including yourself Being happy doesn’t mean every thing is perfect There are choices you can make everyday to feel the effects of happiness Choose to something meaningfully Choose to take care of your body Choose to be around the right people Choose a good attitude Choose to express gratitude Choose to forgive Choose to focus on what you have, not on what you haven’t ACTIVITY Educational intergration of necessary skills in home life for students - Teacher leads to the content by asking some students: To enjoy every happy and meaningful moment in your home, beside your dearest people, what essential skills should you equip for yourself? - After students give their opinion, teacher summarizes and gives supplementary ideas through slide showing To solve problems happening in daily life in your home life and bring joy for yourself and other members in your family, you should equip for yourself some following essential skills: + Listening skill Because listening carefully and responsibly will create the effective communication and build mutual understanding between yourself and your family members + Conflict resolution skills In life, conflict is nomal, even healthy, part of a relationship It’s the same with your family Since it is unevitable, learning to deal with them in a healthy way is crucial Conflict provides opportunity for growth and help you to keep and develope personal and professional relationship + Communicative skills Being able to communicate effectively is the most important of all life skills Good interpersonal communication enables yourself and your family to understand eachother more and to live more happily + Co-living skills People often love ones who love them Show people that you love them, naturally, they will consider you as a relative To co-live well, firstly, you must find out other people’s strong points, encourage them sincerely in suitable times and places Secondly, you should share common points between you and others for them to have chances to understand and care for you Learn how to give and receive as well as how to persuade others in daily situations 12 * Teacher gives students a question to think at home: After studying about the values of family and your responsibilities in home life, What moral have you drawn for yourself? What advantages your necessary skills in home life bring for your future? How will you act to bring happiness to your parents and other family members? * Conclusion: The more society developes, the more our family relationship is interfered with Despite being in any ages, family is always the firmest and safest fulcrum in our life Each of us should learn how to harmonize and balance personal demands with our home life because “I sustain myself with the love of family” – Maya Angelou Educating students the responsible awareness and necessary skills in career orientation UNIT FUTURE JOBS Period 36 Part B Speaking * The aims of the lessons By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: + Get the ideas of future jobs + Understand more about future jobs and the neccessary skills in otienting career + Catch and use vocabulary relating jobs and skills of career orientation + Determine and respect the values of a suitable job and be aware of their own responsibilities in choosing a job + Form good skills of career orientation for their future + Determine right motivations in learning * Contents and tasks in the period - Task Work in pairs Match a job in A with at least two descriptions in B - Task Work in pairs Discuss which of the jobs in column A you would/ would not like to Explain why/ why not? You can use the cues in column B - Task Work in groups Talk about a jod you may after you finish school * The content applied with intergrating activities - Task Work in groups Talk about a jod you may after you finish school, using the following cues Where you will work Who you will work with The salary you may get paid The working conditions (Time allowed for this content is about 20 minutes) ACTIVITY Learning about the advantages of career orientation 13 - Teacher asks students to task in groups of eight After students discuss and give their reports, teacher checks and corrects for them - Teacher gives students some other questions: Question Why you choose the job? Question Do you think the job is suitable for you? Question What you base on to choose the job? - Students will give diferrent answers Many of them give following answers: Answer Because I like it./ Because my parents like it./ I don’t know why Answer Sorry, I don’t know Answer I see that the job is very “ hot” now/ or the job may bring me a high salary - Teacher leads to the activity to learn about the values of career orientation: To choose a job is to choose a future for yourself That’s why career orientation is essential Wrong job orientation will put you to an unsafe and unfirm future Now we will find the answer to the question: What advantages does the career orientation bring for you in the future life? - Teacher shows the advantages of career orientation through projector: + Help you to realise the purpose of your life and the target in the far future Having right orientation means having right purpose and motivation This will create a belief and effort for you to strive and live better It is also a criterion for people to affirm your ability and your virtue in the future + Help you to exactly determine the neccessary activities to cultivate professional knowledge as well as essential “soft” skills to obtain the success in your future job Every job has the characteristics of their own Career orientation gives you information relating to the job This is the important basis for you to decide aspects you need to care for and improve + Help you to save your strength, your family’s money, especially your time Timing is every thing To not feel regretful about wasting wonderful period of time of youth, start the orientation of your future career as early and serious as possible * Teacher gives a lecture: From the above advantages, you can see that career orientation is one of the decisive factors of your success in the future Why don’t you take care of it properly? No one can live two lives That is also the reason why today all of you need to equip the best professional foundations for yourself to enjoy the success and meaningful life in the future ACTIVITY Educational intergration of responsible awareness and necessary skills in career orientiation for students - Teacher gives students a question: How will you to choose a suitable job after graduating from high school? ( Work in groups) 14 - After students discuss and give their answer, teacher will provide them with necessary responsibilities and skills to orient a suitable job To answer this question is not easy for everyone The worry about if you are suitable for the job, if you indeed love the job, or if the job brings you a good future is the question that must be solved when you orient a suitable job + Firstly, you must overcome the impact of untrue opinion in orienting a suitable job, such as: Orient a job according to your parents’ choice Orient a job according to your friend’s standard Orient a job according to the game of luck Orient a job only in university Orient a famous job or a well-paid job Orient a job without paying attention to relating conditions Career is an intergral part of your life Listen advice from other people carefully but you must decide for yourself + Secondly, you should find out about the jobs in society as much as possible In each job, you must know the demand and the prospect of the job, the salary, working condition and invironment, the advantages and disadvantages of the job,etc You will find these important informations through the professional graphic boards on websites, such as: http:/huongnghiep.edu.net.vn + Thirdly, You must identity and self-discover yourself to orient a suitable job Answer the basic questions of yourself exactly and honestly, such as: “Who are you?”, “What you want/ need?”, “What make you happy?” Answering these questions seriously will help you to understand more about yourself as well as help you orient the first steps of your life You must evaluate your character, virtue and ability Nowadays, to self-evaluate and self-discover ourselves, many people use the models with three factors: “capacity – personality – temperament” Two models often used by human resource managers are MBTI and DISC You can find them on many websites + Lastly, you must prepare necessary knowledge for the job you orient You can’t love and follow a job for a long time when you can’t it well That is why you need learn and cultivate your ability and personality * Teacher gives students a question to think at home: After studying about the values of a suitable job and your responsibilities in career orientation, What lessons have you learned for yourself? What advantages your necessary skills in career orientation bring for your future? How will you act to prepare for your orientation? * Teacher concludes: To choose a suitable job, there are many different demands However, if you carry out the above steps firstly, your orientation will decrease the sensibility and avoid the waste for youself as well as society The most 15 important thing is that you must trust in your choice The suitability is only theory if you don’t attempt to learn, act, and experience The success of your career in the future depends on your orientation and your triving will today IV THE RESULTS OF TOPIC After applying the educational intergration of true values and necessary skills in home life and career orientation for students in grades 12A3, 12A4 in our high school in school year 2018 – 2019, the study has achieved the following specific efficiencies: - In the learning periods, students have understood and been aware of the values of family and career in their life That contributes to form right lifestyles and attitudes in home life and in orienting their future career - The number of students who determine the purpose of learning and are keen on learning have increased relatively As a result, the number of students who play truant in school time and violate school rules have already decreased - When exchanging with teachers, students’ parents say that their children get much advanced in home life every day They stay at home more and often help parents to house work responsibly They spend much time learning at home The way they use to solve situations in family is also more gentle and suitable - In orienting future jobs after graduating from high school, students have known how to orient a job on their own They are confident to take part in careerorienting activities Besides, they often refer people’s ideas and advice and care for finding about necessary informations relating to the oriented jobs beside learning knowledge, students also concentrate on improving their soft skills - When I conduct the surveys about students’ thoughts to home life and career orientation in class 12A3, 12A4 our high school in the school year 2018 – 2019 before and after I realised the topic, I have achieved the following results: PART HOME LIFE ( period – After you read) Time allowed: 10 minutes – Students answer by choosing “Yes/ No” Question Do you often argue with your parents rudely? Question Do you often share house work with other members in your family? Question Do you often share your feeling and thought with them? Question Do you often have dinner with your family? Question Do you often play with your family in free time? Question Do you prefer staying at home to going out? Question Do you feel your parents’ love? Question Do you often solve problems with your family gently and patently? Question Do you think that family is one of the most important things for you? Question 10 Do you feel happy and comfortable in your family? 16 Table The statistics table of result of student’s answers for 10 questions in part 1: Home life – Before and after implementing the topic - Before implementing the topic The result of answer: YES Number Class of Question Question Question Question Question student No % No % No % No % No % 12A3 41 13 31,7 21 51,2 21 51,2 30 73,2 28 68,3 12A4 40 11 27,5 25 62,5 23 75,5 31 77,5 30 75 Question Question Question Question Question 10 No % No % No % No % No % 12A3 41 31 75,6 31 75,6 21 51,2 32 78,0 30 73,2 12A4 40 32 80,0 33 82,5 23 75,5 34 85,0 35 87,5 - After implementing the topic: The result of answer: YES Number Class of Question Question Question Question student No % No % No % No % 12A3 45 0 45 100 45 100 42 93,3 12A4 44 0 44 100 44 100 40 90,1 Question Question Question Question No % No % No % No % 12A3 45 42 93,3 45 100 39 86,7 45 100 12A4 44 43 97,7 44 100 39 88,6 43 97,7 Question No % 43 95,6 42 95,5 Question 10 No % 45 100 44 100 PART CAREER ORIENTATION ( period 36 – Task 2, Speaking) Time allowed: 10 minutes – Students answer by choosing “Yes/ No” Question Do you know the values of having a suitable job? Question Do you care for your career orientation properly? Question Do you know well about how to orient a suitable job? Question Have you determined a suitable job for yourself after graduating from high school? Question Do you know the reason of your orientation? Question Are your ability and character suitable to the job you would like to have? Question Do you determine the purpose and methods of learning to prepare for the job? Question Do you believe that a suitable job, not money, is the most important target in your career orientation? 17 Question Do you often share informations relating to career orientation with other friends? Question 10 Do you feel satisfied and confident with your choice? Table The statistics table of result of student’s answers for 10 questions in part 2: Career orientation – Before and after implementing the topic - Before implementing the topic: The result of answer: NO Number Class of Question Question Question Question student No % No % No % No % 12A3 45 29 64,4 30 66,7 29 64,4 29 64,4 12A4 44 29 65,9 31 70,5 31 70,5 30 68,2 Question Question Question Question No % No % No % No % 12A3 45 21 46,7 21 46,7 25 55,6 19 42,2 124A 44 22 50,0 21 47,7 26 59,1 20 45,5 - After implementing the topic Clas s 12A3 12A4 12A3 12A4 Question No % 32 71,1 31 70,5 Question 10 No % 30 66,7 31 70,5 The result of answer: NO Number of Question Question Question Question Question student No % No % No % No % No % 45 0 0 0 2,2 44 97,8 44 0 0 0 4,5 42 95,5 Question Question Question Question Question 10 No % No % No % No % No % 45 44 97,8 2,2 0 0 2.2 44 42 95,5 4,5 0 0 4,5 * Comments: Through the table and table 6, I have compared the statistical data before implementing the topic with those after implementing the topic and I have found that after learned through the intergral activities, students’ knowledge of home life and career orientation is much better They can understand the values of family and having a suitable job in the complex society today They are clearly aware of their responsibility in their home life as well as in career orientation Especially, they have known skills to adjust their behaviours and thoughts so as to deal with problems relating to daily life and the conflicts arose in the process of career orientation Moreover, they have already determined the right motivation and suitable methods to become not only a good child but also a good 18 student These results have created for me good conditions and encouragements to continue applying my topic on next school years * Conclusion: Educational intergration of true values and neccessary skills in home life and career orientation provides students with a overall view about two important aspects in their life From that, they have positive motivations to learn better and better That is also one of the necessary factors that helps to raise the results of comprehensive education for students 19 C CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL I CONCLUSION Through teaching process in my school and my experience of some intergral activities of life skill education, I see that in the society today, when the true values of family and career are dominated by many elements, the education of responsible awareness and necessary skills for students is essential because they are at the age interfered with both good ones and bad ones, the true and the false, the activeness, adaptability and the close tight of the soul and thought However, because of limited time, some contents haven’t been analysed thoroughly and the distribution of above contents are only relative If a teacher has cautious investments about the educational intergration, they surely can ferform their educational purpose of professional knowledge as well as life skills effectively From the analyse and the specific evidences, I have realized that my students have clearler understanding about the values of family and a suitable job They are aware of respecting, conserving, building and promoting the beautiful values as well as forming useful skills to better their lives In this topic, I myself have refered my colleagues’ ideas and tested through the reality I sincerely welcome the criticisms and suggestions of the scientific council in order to repair the shortcomings and make my initiative experience have higher applicability II PROPOSAL To better the educational intergration of true values and essential skills about home life and career orientation for students, I presume to give some following suggestions: About student’s family Parents and family should give much time and the appropriate care for their children so that they can discover the changes of their children and adjust them timely Parents need create a fresh and happy air in the home life as well as often exchange information with their teachers About school and management agency The equipment of career orienting skills in particular and life skills in general for students is absolutely important Therefore, there should be more 20 activities and forums of career orientation and life skill education for students to learn and exchange The activities of life skill education need implementing more scientifically and methodically Sincerely thank you for your reading and assessment! XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Thọ Xuân, ngày 25 tháng năm 2019 Tôi xin cam đoan sáng kiến kinh nghiệm viết, không chép nội dung người khác Người viết sáng kiến kinh nghiệm Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo 21 REFERENCE MATERIALS Grade 12 textbook , the Ministry of Education and training, the publisher of education Grade 12 teacher’s book, the Ministry of Education and training, the publisher of education The general issues about the innovation of education in English, the Ministry of Education and training, the publisher of education The consultative hand book of career vocation and selection (used for high school students), the Ministry of Education and training, the publisher of education Life skill education for students in secondary schools, the publisher of education 22 ... teach English in grades 12A3, 12A4 I have chosen the topic Intergrating the education of true values and essential life skills about home life and career orientation for students in grade 12 English. .. Education and training, the publisher of education The general issues about the innovation of education in English, the Ministry of Education and training, the publisher of education The consultative... thoroughly the necessary skills in home life and orienting a suitable job for their life Educating students the true values of home life and career orientation UNIT HOME LIFE Peroid 4: Part A Reading

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2019, 20:17

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