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Test bank performance management 3rd edition by aguinis chapter 03

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Part I: Strategic and General Considerations _ Chapter 3—Performance Management and Strategic Planning True/False Questions 3.1 Strategic planning is a process that involves describing the organization’s destination, assessing barriers that stand in the way of that destination, and selecting approaches for moving forward (Suggested points: 2, [3.1]) 3.2 The only purpose of a strategic plan is to guide employees’ daily activities (Suggested points: 2, [3.2]) 3.3 The performance management criteria must be linked to the vision, mission, goals, and strategies of the organization and unit (Suggested points: 2, [3.3]) 3.4 Environmental analysis is an examination of the external environment where the organization operates (Suggested points: 2, [3.5]) 3.5 An analysis of the economic environment would be included in the external environment analysis (Suggested points: 2, [3.5]) 3.6 Leverage is a combination of an opportunity in the external environment and a matching strength in the organization (Suggested points: 2, [3.6]) 3.7 A problem is a situation where an external threat can be compensated by strengths in other areas (Suggested points: 2, [3.6]) 3.8 A gap analysis consists of pairing strengths/weaknesses with opportunities/threats and determining whether the situation is conducive to positive outcomes, negative outcomes, or a mixture of both (Suggested points: 2, [3.6]) 3.9 A mission statement is a description of what the organization would like to become in the future (Suggested points: 2, [3.7]) A vision statement provides more specific information on how the mission will be implemented (Suggested points: 2, [3.8]) 3.10 3.11 Job descriptions should focus only on an individual’s tasks and responsibilities (Suggested points: 2, [3.13]) 40 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Part I: Strategic and General Considerations _ 3.12 Well-designed performance management systems define a clear path from organizational mission, vision, and goals to individual and team performance (Suggested points: 2, [3.3]) 3.13 Performance management systems allow all employees to understand where the organization stands and where it needs to go and provide tools to employees so that their behaviors will help the organization meet its goals (Suggested points: 2, [3.3]) 3.14 HR support is sufficient for a successful performance management system; employee and top management buy-in is not necessary (Suggested points: 2, [3.16]) Multiple-Choice Questions 3.15 The main goal of the strategic planning process is to: A Write the mission statement to provide direction to the organization B Allocate resources to provide the organization with a competitive advantage C Form the foundation for the performance management process D None of the above (Suggested points: 2, [3.1]) 3.16 The strategic planning process consists of all of the following EXCEPT: A An environmental analysis B Development of the marketing plan C Creation of a mission statement D Setting organizational goals (Suggested points: 2, [3.4]) 3.17 Which of the following external factors should be considered in any environmental analysis? A Organizational culture B Organizational politics C Competitors D Organizational structure (Suggested points: 2, [3.5]) 3.18 Which of the following internal factors should be considered in an environmental analysis? A Organizational culture B Competitors C Organizational structure D A and C (Suggested points: 2, [3.5]) 41 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Chapter 3.19 If a company identifies an external opportunity that it cannot pursue due to an internal weakness, this is considered a: A Leverage B Constraint C Vulnerability D Problem (Suggested points: 2, [3.6]) 3.20 A good mission statement contains which of the following? A Statement of why the organization exists B Description of the organization’s customers C List of the organization’s products and services D All of the above (Suggested points: 2, [3.7]) 3.21 A good vision statement is all of the following EXCEPT: A Focused B Detailed C Inspiring D A statement of future aspirations (Suggested points: 2, [3.8]) 3.22 _ are the descriptions of game plans to reach the stated objectives A Mission statements B Strategies C Goals D Vision statements (Suggested points: 2, [3.11]) 3.23 Which of the following choices must be made when designing a performance management system? A Behavioral criteria versus results criteria B Low employee participation versus high employee participation C Short-term criteria versus long-term criteria D All of the above (Suggested points: 2, [3.15]) 3.24 The process of describing the organization’s destination, assessing barriers that stand in the way of that destination, and selecting approaches for moving forward is called A organizational planning B strategic planning C business planning D successful planning (Suggested points: 2, [3.1]) 42 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Part I: Strategic and General Considerations _ 3.25 Which of the following is a purpose served by strategic planning? A Allows an organization to increase profit B Allows an organization to reduce overhead cost C Allows an organization to find the best employees D Allows an organization to produce an organizational culture of cooperation (Suggested points: 2, [3.2]) 3.26 Which of the following is a purpose served by strategic planning? A Helps define the organization’s identity B Enhances ability to adapt to environmental changes C Allows for the consideration of new options and opportunities D All of the above (Suggested points: 2, [3.2]) 3.27 In order to ensure that strategy cascades down the organization and leads to concrete actions, which of the following must be done? A A conscious effort must be made to link the strategic plan with individual performance B Company executives must mandate that employees follow the plan C Employees must be involved in making the plan D Supervisors must be able to evaluate how well an employee is following the plan (Suggested points: 5, 3[3.3], 4[3.12], 3[3.13]) 3.28 Characteristics of the external environment that can help the organization succeed are known as A advantages B opportunities C good situations D expectant situations (Suggested points: 2, [3.5]) 3.29 Characteristics of the external environment that can prevent the organization from being successful are known as A disadvantages B weaknesses C global factors D threats (Suggested points: 2, [3.5]) 3.30 An examination of the internal environment includes a consideration of: A Employees and supervisors B Supply and demand C Strengths and weaknesses D Employees and customers (Suggested points: 2, [3.5]) 43 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Chapter 3.31 _ analyzes the external environment vis-à-vis the internal environment A Business analysis B Environmental analysis C Gap analysis D Opportunity analysis (Suggested points: 2, [3.6]) 3.32 The mission statement summarizes: A The organization’s most important reason for existing B The mission C The organization’s values D The organization’s needs (Suggested points: 2, [3.7]) 3.33 A description of what the organization would like to become in the future is called: A The mission statement B The organizational plan C The strategic plan D The vision statement (Suggested points: 2, [3.8]) 3.34 Which of the following is characteristic of a good vision statement? A Controversial B Free of a specific timeline to create flexibility C Long-lasting D Provides a stretch goal (Suggested points: 2, [3.8]) 3.35 are what the organization intends to in the short term, say, one to three years A Strategies B Strategic plans C Goals D Game plans (Suggested points: 2, [3.11]) 3.36 Strategic consensus occurs when agree on a common set of _ A workers; unit-level goals B organizational units; strategic priorities C firms; industry-wide practices D managers; organizational values (Suggested points: 2, [3.12]) 44 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Part I: Strategic and General Considerations _ 3.37 In the early development of strategic management as a field, what was the dominant approach to achieving strategic consensus? A Create strategic priorities and goals simultaneously B Establish strategic priorities before setting goals C Identify the strength and weaknesses of the firm, and then let firm-level strategic priorities emerge naturally D Focus on goals, and then create strategic priorities on how to compete (Suggested points: 2, [3.12]) 3.38 Influenced by industrial organization research, a subfield of economics, _ is a more recent way of thinking about strategic consensus than is the one promoted as the dominant approach in the early development of strategic management: A creating strategic priorities and goals simultaneously B establishing strategic priorities before setting goals C identifying the strength and weaknesses of the firm and then letting firm-level strategic priorities emerge naturally D focusing on goals, and then creating strategic priorities on how to compete (Suggested points: 2, [3.12]) 3.39 Which of the following has been shown to be the best predictor of firm performance? A Create strategic priorities and goals simultaneously B Establish strategic priorities before setting goals C Identify the strength and weaknesses of the firm, and then let firm-level strategic priorities emerge naturally D Focus on goals, and then create strategic priorities on how to compete (Suggested points: 2, [3.12]) 3.40 Which one of the following is an example of Strategic priorities  Goals? A Each salesperson will increase $10,000 in sales by the end of the quarter B Our company must double the number of our product lines to gain greater diversity and customer satisfaction C Our firm will reduce the price of our items by 20 percent to compete in the East Asian market within the next five years To so, each store must increase employee productivity by percent and implement a one-year hiring freeze D Each team is required to propose a set of team goals that will help the organization achieve its organizational goals (Suggested points: 2, [3.12]) Essay-Type Questions 3.41 Conduct an environmental analysis of the United Nations (www.un.org) Make sure your analysis includes a consideration of both internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) trends See the Millennium 45 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Chapter Report of the Secretary-General of the United Nations as a source of information (available at http://www.un.org/millennium/sg/report/) (Suggested points: 10, [3.5]) [HJ: I inserted a space here.] 3.42 As with organizations, people can have mission statements Write a personal mission statement for yourself Be sure that it includes all of the characteristics of a good mission statement Use the following tool at the Franklin Covey Web site, and add to it as necessary: http://www.franklincovey.com/missionbuilder/index.html?c=Home_Center_Top Right_MissionBuilder [HJ: underline the link?] (Suggested points: 10, [3.10]) 3.43 Using the mission statement that you wrote in the previous question, write a vision statement, goals, and accompanying strategies for how to reach your goals Also, list how you will measure your performance (Suggested points: 10, [3.10]) 3.44 What are the steps in the creation of a successful strategic plan? (Suggested points: 2, [3.4]) 3.45 Define strengths in the context of strategic planning (Suggested points: 2, [3.5]) 3.46 Define weaknesses in the context of strategic planning (Suggested points: 2, [3.5]) 3.47 Define leverage in the context of strategic planning (Suggested points: 2, [3.6]) 3.48 Define constraint in the context of strategic planning (Suggested points: 2, [3.6]) 3.49 Define vulnerability in the context of strategic planning (Suggested points: 2, [3.6]) 3.50 Define problem in the context of strategic planning (Suggested points: 2, [3.6]) 3.51 A good mission statement answers four questions What are they? (Suggested points: 2, [3.7]) 3.52 List the characteristics of a good vision statement (Suggested points: 2, [3.9]) 3.53 What is strategic consensus? (Suggested points: 2, [3.12]) 46 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Part I: Strategic and General Considerations _ 3.54 What are the two main ways of achieving strategic consensus? (Suggested points: 2, [3.12]) 3.55 Provide an example of the first way of achieving strategic consensus (Suggested points: 2, [3.12]) 3.56 Provide an example of the second way of achieving strategic consensus (Suggested points: 2, [3.12]) 3.57 Which one of the two ways of achieving strategic consensus is better? Why you think so? (Suggested points: 3, [3.12]) 47 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Chapter Answers 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 T F: Strategic planning serves several purposes, including defining an organization’s identity, preparing for the future, providing focus, creating a culture of cooperation, and serving as a guide for the daily activities of all organizational members T F: Environmental analysis considers internal as well as external trends T T F: A vulnerability is a situation where an external threat can be compensated for by strengths in other areas T F: A vision statement is a description of what the organization would like to become in the future F: Goals provide more specific information on how the mission will be implemented F: Job descriptions should include activities that contribute to the mission and vision of the unit and organization T T F: HR, employee, and management buy-in are all necessary for successful performance management systems B B C D B D B B D B D D A B D C C A D D C 48 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Part I: Strategic and General Considerations _ 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 B D B B C Answers will vary Possible answers: A Opportunity + Strength = Leverage The best combination of external and internal factors occurs when there is an opportunity in the environment and a matching strength within the organization to take advantage of the opportunity “The UN’s influence derives not from power, but from the values it represents, its role in helping to set and sustain global norms, its ability to stimulate global concern and action, and the trust inspired by its practical work to improve people’s lives We must build on those strengths, especially by insisting on the importance of the rule of law.” Doing this will help bring about peace to the many people around the world facing health concerns, including HIV/AIDS, poor nutrition, and unfit living environments People in poorer countries also need the UN’s help in preventing civil war, enforcing civil rights, and reducing the prevalence of firearms around the world B Opportunity + Weakness = Constraint In a constraint situation, the external opportunity is present However, the internal situation is not conducive to taking advantage of the external opportunity With the increase of globalization and technology, people around the world are more “connected” than ever before, and they are looking to their leaders to help them face the challenges associated with globalization Thus, the United Nations has a great opportunity to serve as a model of inclusion Furthermore, new technology can help developing countries to accelerate through early stages of development Providing developing countries with access to this information will help business and education networks The UN can use the new information technology to be more efficient and improve its interaction with the rest of the world However, the UN is currently change-resistant and will need the help of the information technology industry to help them utilize the vast amount of information available and enable change with this information C Threat + Strength = Vulnerability In this situation, an external threat can be contained because of the presence of internal strengths The presence of war around the globe is a major threat to the UN However, with the work of the Security Council, the threat can be deterred The Security Council needs “reforming so it can both work effectively and enjoy unquestioned legitimacy.” Furthermore, the UN must expand its “relationship with civil society organizations, as well as with the private sector and foundations.” Further strengthening the Security Council will ensure that the threat of war across the globe is contained “In the last decade internal wars have claimed more than million lives, and driven many times that number of people from their homes At the same time, weapons of mass destruction continue to cast their shadow of fear.” By working with the Security Council and finding 49 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Chapter strength in the shared values held by the nations in the UN, the UN resolves to lessen the threat of deadly conflict at every stage: • “Prevention Conflicts are most frequent in poor countries … and the best way to prevent them is to promote healthy and balanced economic development combined with human rights, minority rights, and political arrangements in which all groups are fairly represented …” • “Protecting the vulnerable We must find better ways to enforce international and human rights law, and ensure that gross violations not go unpunished.” • “Addressing the dilemma of intervention National sovereignty must not be used as a shield for those who wantonly violate the rights and lives of their fellow human beings …” • “Strengthening peace operations.” Operate more effective peace operations • “Targeting sanctions Recent research has explored ways to make sanctions ‘smarter’ by targeting them better The Security Council should draw on this research when designing and applying sanctions regimes in future.” • “Pursuing arms reductions The Secretary-General urges Member States to control small arms transfers more rigorously; and to recommit themselves to reducing the dangers both of existing nuclear weapons and of further proliferation.” D Threat + Weakness = Problem In the worst of the situations, there is an external threat and an accompanying internal weakness The global environment is suffering because the UN has not committed to helping keep the environment safe The security and viability of future generations is at stake “We have been plundering our children’s heritage to pay for unsustainable practices.” The UN must commit to helping the following areas: • “Coping with climate change Reducing the threat of global warming requires a 60 percent reduction in emissions of carbon and other ‘greenhouse gases.’ …” • “Confronting the water crisis The report urges endorsement of the World Water Forum Ministerial Conference’s target of cutting by half the proportion of people without access to safe and affordable water before 2015 …” • “Defending the soil The best hope of feeding a growing world population from shrinking agricultural land may lie in biotechnology, but its safety and environmental impact are hotly debated …” • “Preserving forests, fisheries, and biodiversity In all these areas, conservation is vital Governments and the private sector must work together to support it.” • “Building a new ethic of stewardship The Secretary-General recommends four priorities:” include more education for the public, “integrate the environment into economic policy,” implement “regulations and incentives,” and receive “more accurate scientific data.” 50 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Part I: Strategic and General Considerations _ 3.42 Personal Mission Statement: (Answers will vary, but here is one example.) Throughout each day in my life, I strive to be loyal to my friends and family, lead a successful career that I will enjoy, stay healthy, and take on any challenges that come my way I value my family members, friends, spiritual fulfillment, sense of accomplishment, and respect for others 3.43 (Answers will vary, but here is an example) Vision Statement: In five years, I will still be happily married and in contact with friends and family I will be a manager in my firm and running on a daily basis Goals: Take the lead on a project within one year where I will gain visibility Plan one family vacation Run a 10K twice a year Strategies: Take a lead on one section of a project this month, and ask the project manager for feedback Save money and vacation days Continue to run daily with my friend Performance Measurement: I will seek feedback from my team members as to how my performance is progressing I will refer back to my mission statement at least every month to ensure that I am living my life accordingly I will check regularly with my wife to ensure that we are both happy and successful Finally, I will keep track of my 10K times to ensure that I am staying in shape 3.44 The steps for creation of a successful strategic plan are: • Environmental analysis • Creation of an organizational mission • Creation of an organizational vision • Setting goals 3.45 In the context of strategic planning, strengths are internal characteristics that the organization can use to its advantage 3.46 In the context of strategic planning, weaknesses are internal characteristics that are likely to hinder the success of the organization 3.47 In the context of strategic planning, leverage is an external opportunity paired with an internal strength 3.48 In the context of strategic planning, a constraint is an external opportunity paired with an internal weakness 3.49 In the context of strategic planning, a vulnerability is an external threat paired with an internal strength 3.50 In the context of strategic planning, a problem is an external threat paired with an internal weakness 51 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Chapter 3.51 A good mission statement answers these questions: • Why does the organization exist? • What is the scope of the organization? • Who are the customers served? • What are the products or services offered? 3.52 The characteristics of a good vision statement are that it is: • Brief • Verifiable • Bound by a timeline • Current • Focused • Understandable • Inspiring • A stretch 3.53 Strategic consensus is the state in which various organizational units agree on a common set of strategic priorities 3.54 1) Strategic priorities  Goals and 2) Goals  Strategic priorities 3.55 Sample answer of Strategic priorities  Goals: Within three years, our company will achieve a 20 percent increase in net revenue in the North American consumer electronic goods market To achieve this strategic priority, each creative design team will create a new product within one year, where the top three products will be chosen and launched into the targeted market Each of the members in the top three teams will be rewarded a 25 percent permanent salary increase, along with an additional two-week paid vacation 3.56 Sample answer of Goals  Strategic priorities: Given each department’s current capacity, we expect that each department will have decreased the amount of public complaints by 10 percent within the next two years Cumulatively, this 10 percent decrease from each department will amount to a 12 percent decrease in public complaints to the entire organization within the next two years 3.57 The Strategic priorities  Goals sequence is superior in terms of predicting firm performance Why? Sample answer: One possible reason is that setting the broader strategic priorities and then goals allows an organization to think more freely rather than being tied down to the details of “reality.” As a consequence, the organization makes more ambitious goals than usual These ambitious goals force an organization to challenge its perceived current capacities and perhaps, as a result, more readily allow the organization to extend its capacities In contrast, setting goals first and then strategic priorities may induce an organization to 52 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall Part I: Strategic and General Considerations _ accept the details of “reality” rather than think more freely As a consequence, the organization makes goals that are not very ambitious These not so ambitious goals not force an organization to challenge its perceived current capacities and perhaps, as a result, not readily allow the organization to extend its capacities 53 Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc publishing as Prentice Hall ... Well-designed performance management systems define a clear path from organizational mission, vision, and goals to individual and team performance (Suggested points: 2, [3.3]) 3.13 Performance management. .. (Suggested points: 2, [3.3]) 3.14 HR support is sufficient for a successful performance management system; employee and top management buy-in is not necessary (Suggested points: 2, [3.16]) Multiple-Choice... and vision of the unit and organization T T F: HR, employee, and management buy-in are all necessary for successful performance management systems B B C D B D B B D B D D A B D C C A D D C 48

Ngày đăng: 10/09/2019, 16:41

