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Chapter 1 quantifying investment risk in pension funds

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CHAPTER Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds Shane Francis Whelan* CONTENTS 1.1 I ntroduction 1.2 Defining Investment Risk 1.3 Case Studies Estimating Investment Risk 1.3.1 Pension Saving, Person Aged 55 Years and Over 1.3.2 Case Study 1: Measurement of Investment Risk in Pension Funds—Termination Liability 1.3.3 Case Study 2: Measurement of Investment Risk in Pension Funds—Ongoing Liabilities 1.3.4 Summary of Findings 1.4 T ime Diversification of Risk Argument 1.5 C onclusion Appendix References 36 10 12 16 23 26 26 31 32 T he co nc ept o f i nv estm ent r isk i s g eneralized, wh ich a llows t he quantification of the investment risk associated with any given investment strategy to provide for a pens ion Case studies, using historic market data over the long term, estimate the investment risk associated with different investment strategies It is shown that a f ew decades ago, when * This chapter is based on my paper, “Defining and measuring risk in defined benefit pension funds,” Annals of Actuarial Science II(1): 54–66 I t hank the copyright holders, the Faculty and Institute of Actuaries, for permission to reproduce and extend that paper here © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling bond ma rkets only ex tended i n depth to year maturities, t he i nvestment risk of investing in equities was of the same order of magnitude as the investment risk introduced by the duration mismatch from investing in bonds for immature schemes It is shown that now, with the extension of the term of bond markets and the introduction of strippable bonds, the least-risk portfolio for the same pension liability is a bond portfolio of suitable duration It is argued that the investment risk voluntary undertaken in defined benefit pens ion plans s g rown ma rkedly i n recent dec ades at a t ime wh en t he ab ility t o be ar t he i nvestment r isk s d iminished Investment risk in pension f unds is quite d ifferent to i nvestment r isk of other investors, which leads to the possibility that current portfolios are not optimized—that i s, t here ex ist portfolios t hat i ncrease t he ex pected surplus without increasing risk The formalizing of our intuitive concept of investment risk in pension saving is a first step i n the identification of more efficient portfolios Keywords: Investment risk, defined benefit pension funds, investment strategies, actuarial investigations 1.1 INTRODUCTION If a q uantity i s not measured, it i s u nlikely to be o ptimized De spite its importance, the investment risk in pension funds is not routinely quantified Indeed, no consensus on how to measure the investment risk in pension funds has emerged yet, so pension savers to date have relied on more qualitative assessments of investment risks, often assessed against several competing objectives simultaneously Th is cha pter, ex tending W helan ( 2007), p roposes a defi nition o f investment risk that formalizes our intuitive concept We develop, in a more tech nical se tting, ideas fi rst presented i n A rthur a nd R andall (1989) and provide, using historic data on the United Kingdom, United States, and Irish capital markets, an empirical assessment of the magnitude of risk entailed by different investment strategies and relative to different objectives The analysis, through a series of case studies, leads to a rather simple conclusion: sovereign bond portfolios (of appropriate duration a nd i ndex-linked/nominal m ix) a re t he l east-risk po rtfolios for pens ion s avers, i rrespective o f t he a ge o f t he pens ion s aver, i rrespective of the currency of the pension and, within a reasonable range, irrespective of t he precise i nvestment objectives of t he pension s aver © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ The a nalysis a llows u s t o q uantify t he r isks i n a ll i nvestment st rategies, and we provide figures for the risks inherent in investing in equities, conventional long bonds, cash, and the closest matching bonds by duration Investment risk is defi ned i n Section 1.2 a nd some of its properties are co nsidered F rom t he defi nition, o ne c an q uantify t he i nvestment risk inherent in any given investment strategy and thereby identify the strategy with the lowest investment risk Section 1.3 reports the results of case studies that quantify the investment risk for pension savers from various different investment strategies This analysis shows that the relative risk inherent in different strategies appears to be very similar over different t ime per iods a nd d ifferent na tional ma rkets a nd r easonably robust when the objective is to provide pensions in deferment increasing in line with wages or increasing in line with inflation subject to a nominal c ap We get a n i mportant i nsight f rom t his a nalysis: even conventional long bonds are not long enough to match the liabilities of young scheme members, and investing in such bonds can be as risky as investing in equities but without the expected rewards We conclude that just as much care must be exercised in matching liabilities by duration as in matching l iabilities by a sset t ype Section 1.4 demonstrates t he fa llaciousness of the argument that the risk of equity investment dissipates with time so that, at some long investment horizon, equities are preferable o ver o ther a sset cla sses b y a ny r ational i nvestor This argument, generally k nown a s t he “t ime d iversification of risk,” does not hold in that strong a form True, the expected return from equities might well be higher than other asset classes but, on some measures, so t oo is the risk and this remains true over all time horizons We conclude that the most cl osely ma tching a sset f or pens ion f und l iabilities i s co mposed mainly of conventional and index-linked bonds, which, if history is any guide, has a lower expected long-term return than a predominantly equity portfolio Our analysis does not allow us to suggest that one investment strategy is preferable to another Investors, including pension providers, routinely take risks if the reward is judged sufficiently tem pting H owever, pen sion providers should appreciate the risks involved in alternative strategies and, at a minimum, seek to ensure that the investment portfolio is efficient in the sense that risk cannot be diminished without diminishing reward © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling 1.2 DEFINING INVESTMENT RISK There would be n o concept of r isk i f a ll t he ex pectations were f ulfilled: risk arises from a clash between reality and expectations Accordingly, one first needs to formulate and make explicit future expectations before risk can be quantified Note that future expectations at any point in time are dependent to an extent on the experience up to that time, as past experiences influence future expectations Our intuitive notion of investment risk is that it measures the financial impact when the actual investment experience differs from that expected, holding a ll other t hings equal In t his section, we formalize t his notion Once the investment risk is properly defined, it is straightforward (in theory at least) to measure and attempt to minimize it The task of formally setting down future expectations when it comes to investing to generate a ser ies of f uture c ash flows i s o ften k nown a s a “valuation” ( e.g., t he ac tuarial va luation o f defined benefit schemes) We adopt t his ter minology a nd c all t he de sired ser ies of c ash flows the “liabilities.” Let t = represent the present time and t > be a future time Let At denote the forecast cash flow from the assets at time t and Lt be the forecast liability cash flow at time t We shall assume, for convenience, that the investment return expected over each unit time period in the future is constant; it is denoted as i and termed as the “valuation rate of interest.” It will be clear that allowing i to vary with the time period poses no theoretical issues The reported va luation result at t ime 0, ex pressing t he su rplus (if positive) or deficit (if negative) of assets relative to liabilities, is denoted as X0 Thus ∞ X = ∑ ( At − Lt )(1 + i)−t (1.1) t =0 Consider X0 We shall assume that this is a number.* So, under this simplifying assumption, X0 is a constant, representing the surplus at the present time identified by the specified (deterministic) valuation methodology * If this is allowed to be a nonconstant random variable, then we call the valuation methodology used stochastic otherwise the valuation approach is said to be deterministic Note that a stochastic valuation is representing some part of t he assets and/or liabilities as a nontrivial random v ariable at t ime We s hall d iscuss on ly d eterministic v aluation me thods i n t he sequel to si mplify the analysis but, as should be clear, the results carry through (with relatively straightforward extensions) when applied to stochastic valuation approaches © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ Let p be t he time that the next valuation falls due Let X 0p represent t he results of the next valuation at time p, using the same underlying assumptions as used in the valuation at time Then the relationship between X0 and X 0p is ∞ X = ∑ ( At − Lt )(1 + i)−t t =0 p ∞ = ∑ ( At − Lt )(1 + i)−t + ∑ ( At − Lt )(1 + i)−t t =0 t= p p = ∑ ( At − Lt )(1 + i)−t + (1 + i)− p t =0 p = ∑ ( At − Lt )(1 + i)−t + (1 + i)− p t =0 p ∞ ∑ (At − Lt )(1 + i)−t + p t=p ∞ ∑ (At − Lt )(1 + i)− s s =0 = ∑ ( At − Lt )(1 + i)−t + X 0p (1 + i)− p t =0 (1.2) If w e m ake th e fu rther a ssumption th at th e e xperience i n th e i ntervaluation period is exactly in line with that assumed at time 0, as well as the assumptions underlying the valuation at time p are also the same, then the valuation result at time p will be X0(1 + i) p, that is, Xp0 = X0 (1 + i) p This can be readily seen, as the cash flow in the inter-valuation period will be invested (or disinvested) at the valuation rate of interest, accumulating p p at time p to (1 + i) p ∑ t = ( At − Lt )(1 + i)−t = ∑ t = ( At − Lt )(1 + i) p −t an d th is amount i s to be added t o t he d iscounted va lue of a ll t he yet u nrealized asset and liability cash flows at time p, namely, X0p The total value at time p p is t hen ∑ t = ( At − Lt )(1 + i) p −t + X 0p , wh ich i s just t he r ight-hand side of Equation 1.2 multiplied by (1 + i)p, whence the result It is generally possible to form a reasonable apportionment of the difference of the valuation result at the next valuation date from that expected from the valuation at time (i.e., X0(1 + i)p) into that due to either The actual experience over the inter-valuation period differing from that assumed, or A changed valuation method or basis applied at time p In particular, it is possible to form a reasonable assessment of the financial impact of the actual investment experience relative to that expected, other things being held the same © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling Let X0i − p denote the result of the valuation at time 0, under the same methodology a nd assumptions as u nderlying t he va luation result, X0, at t ime b ut n ow r eflecting the actual investment experience in the inter-valuation period Then X0i − p − X0 measures the fi nancial impact at time of how the actual investment experience up to time p differed from that assumed in the original valuation at time Obviously, if it turns out that the actual investment experience bears out the assumed experience i n t he i nter-valuation pe riod t hen X0i − p = X0, so X0i − p − X0 takes the value zero We shall call X0i − p − X0 the “investment variation” up to time p The investment variation, so defined, is a nontrivial concept It measures t he financial i mpact at t ime c reated when t he ac tual i nvestment experience up to time p differs from the investment assumptions underlying the valuation at time This key concept deserves a definition Definition of investment variation (up to time p): The financial impact at time created when the actual investment experience up to time p differs from the investment assumptions underlying the valuation at time 0, a ll other t hings bei ng equal I n t he notation i ntroduced e arlier, t he i nvestment variation is denoted X0i − p − X0 The investment variation up to time p can generally only be measured at time p, before that it may be modeled as a random variable with an associated distribution Viewed in this way, the investment variation at time 0, up to time p, is a random variable The investment variation at time can be viewed as a stochastic process, X0i − p − X0, indexed by p X0i − p − X0, when viewed at time 0, is a random variable, so it has an associated distribution The mean of this distribution captures the bias in t he original investment assumptions—a positive mean implies t hat the original investment assumptions were conservative (as, on average, t he ex perienced co nditions t urn o ut be tter t han t hat o riginally forecast) Note that if t he valuation is t esting the adequacy of the existing portfolio, a nd f uture p rescribed co ntributions, t o g enerate f uture cash flows to meet t he targeted pension payments then other expectations (e.g., on future mo rtality) m ust als o b e em bedded in t he lia bility cash flows In the definition of the investment variation, these noninvestment expectations are held constant, so only the impact of the variation in t he investment experience is me asured The actual scale of the resultant figure for the obs erved in vestment va riation is, t hough, a f unction o f t hese o ther expectations © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ Some prefer to give a single number to capture the notion of riskiness in a distribution, often using some parameter that measures the spread of t he d istribution, such a s i ts st andard de viation, i ts sem i-variance, or its i nter-quartile spread Often t his su mmary measure is called t he “ investment r isk.” A lternatively, o ne c an a pply so me o ther m easures such as the value below in which there is a specified low probability of the outcome fa lling (the so -called va lue-at-risk).* The ke y point t o be made is that the distribution of X0i − p − X0 is a more foundational concept and maintains more information than any summary spread statistic We not enter into the wider discussion of the most appropriate measure t o a pply t o t he i nvestment va riation d istribution t o c apture our intuitive notion of risk but adopt the generally accepted measure of standard deviation So we identify, to a fi rst-order approximation, t he investment r isk a s t he st andard de viation of t he i nvestment va riation distribution Definition of investment risk (up t o time p): A m easure o f t he sp read of t he (ex a nte) i nvestment va riation d istribution F or co ncreteness, w e shall use the standard deviation as our measure of investment risk in the sequel If the valuer has p erfect foresight, then the investment assumptions would b e p erfectly in line wi th t he f uture investment exp erience, and so t he in vestment va riation distr ibution w ould b e a deg enerate co nstant, wi th a st andard de viation o f zer o M ore uncer tainty a bout t he investment variation implies a gr eater spread of the (ex ante) distribution, w hich co rresponds t o a gr eater investment r isk under t he a bove definition If we have a perfect matching of assets to liabilities,† t hen a ny va luation m ethod w ill a lways r eport t he i nvestment va riation t o be a degenerate d istribution ( i.e., a co nstant) a nd, acco rdingly, t he i nvestment risk to be zero This c an be se en a s, b y per fect ma tching, ∑ t ≥0 (At − Lt )(1 + i)−t = ∑ t ≥0 0(1 + i)−t = Thus, wh ile t he p resent va lue of the assets at time (i.e., ∑ t ≥0 At (1 + i)−t ) m ight v ary wi th th e * Of p articular i mportance i n t he pro bability d istribution i s it s e xtreme le ft tail behavior, which g ives t he probability of a re duction i n t he surplus of a ny g iven l arge a mount Such an event might cause a sudden and severe fi nancial strain that undermines the whole saving objective Measures for such extreme risks include, for symmetric distributions, the kurtosis or higher even moments if they exist † In the technical sense that A = L , for all t, independent of any investment assumptions t t © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 10 ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling investment assumptions, it must vary in a direction proportion to ∑ t ≥0 Lt (1 + i)−t Hence, in aggregate, a gain (loss) on the assets relative to t hat exp ected is exac tly offset by an increase (decrease, respectively) in the value of the liabilities relative to that expected In short, the perfect ma tching o f t he ass et a nd lia bility cash flows has zer o in vestment variation, ir respective o f t he exp erienced o r t he assumed in vestment conditions Let us assume t hat (1) ass ets a re t o b e val ued a t ma rket val ue a nd (2) t here exists a p ortfolio of ass ets t hat p erfectly matches t he liabilities Note, from earlier considerations, we know that if the matching asset portfolio was held at time then the investment variation would be (irrespective of what happened in t he inter-valuation period) Also, at time p, the present value of the future liabilities must be equal to the market value of the matching asset at that time (by the definition of matching asset) Hence the exp erienced valuation rate in t he inter-valuation p eriod can now b e seen as t he market return on the matching asset over the inter-valuation period We see immediately from this that the investment variation is positive only if the increase in the market value of the actual assets held exceeds the increase in the market value of the matching asset.* The upshot is that the in vestment va riation is t he p resent val ue o f t he ext ent t o w hich t he increase in the value of the assets exceeds the increase in the liabilities over the inter-valuation period, discounted at the rate of return on the matching asset over the period.† Appendix 1.A.1 draws attention to a major limitation of our definition of investment variation (and t he associated investment risk) for pension investors 1.3 CASE STUDIES ESTIMATING INVESTMENT RISK Estimating the investment risk has been identified in the last section with estimating t he st andard de viation o f t he (ex a nte) i nvestment va riation distribution L et u s a ssume t hat t he ex p ost investment variation is a reasonable proxy for t he ex ante investment variation, that is, make the * Or, a s e xpressed i n A rthur a nd R andall (1989), “ the M ain Gu iding P rinciple me rely re affirms an earlier fundamental principle, namely that if you are mismatched and you get your forecasts wrong then you have to pay the penalty” (Section 2.5) † Th is expresses, in more technical terms, the “Main Guiding Principle” of Arthur and Randall (1989) that states “that if there is a rectifiable mismatch, a relative change in market values of the matched and mismatched assets should be reflected in the valuation result” (Section 5.1) © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ 11 commonplace a ssumption t hat t he h istorical ex perience c an be u sed t o assess the realistic ex ante expectations This section presents two case studies designed to explore the relative investment risk of different investment strategies for those attempting to provide a pens ion However, before delv ing into t he case studies proper, we begin with by considering the case of a perso n aged 55 years or over attempting t o p rovide a pens ion—in r eal o r n ominal ter ms—from a ge 65 years This provides some insights to identifying the least-risk portfolio for pension savers at a ll ages wh ich, a s it t urns out, is confirmed by t he case studies The case st udies determine t he h istoric i nvestment r isk for a pens ion saver attempting to provide a pension by investing in, alternatively, a broad equity index, a 20 year conventional bond, a 30 year bullet bond, and shortterm cash instruments in (a) the U.K markets, (b) the U.S markets, and (c) the Irish markets We give several descriptors of the investment variation distribution from the historic data—including the key measures of its geometric mean and its standard deviation (or investment risk) The se two latter summary measures give an illustration of the relative rewards of the different strategies and, to a first approximation, the risks associated with the strategies The first case study takes a relatively low value of the targeted pension, by assuming that the pension before vesting escalates at inflation subject to a n ominal cap This corresponds to the liability that a defined benefit scheme i n I reland s o n ter mination t o co ntractual pens ion p romises under current regulations In t he second case study, we assume t hat t he pension prior to vesting will increase in line with wage increases, reflecting the pension liability for the final salary-defined benefit schemes on an ongoing basis We treat, in both cases, the position of a and a 30 y ear old with a pension due from their 65th birthday A picture of the ex post investment variation distribution associated with investing in the various asset classes are computed in the following manner At the valuation date, it is assumed that the market value of the assets equals the value of the liabilities on a market-consistent basis The investment over the year subsequent to the valuation is assumed t o be alternatively in e ach different asset class Each investment strategy for each of the two case studies at each age generates n data points where n is n umber of years in t he historic period studied Each data point gives the present value of the surplus or deficit arising over the year, expressed as a percentage of the market value of assets at time (termed the “standardized investment variation”) From these © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 12 ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling data, the key summary statistics of the empirical investment variation distribution (p = 1) for each investment strategy are tabulated, such as the mean, the median, the geometric mean, the standard deviation (which equates to the investment risk up to year), and the higher moments Annual returns and yields from the United Kingdom, United States, and Irish bond, equity, and cash markets were sourced from Barclays Capital (2003), Dimson et al (2004), Mitchell (1988), and Whelan (2004) Figures 1.1 a nd 1.2 d isplay, respectively, t he year sovereign bond y ield a nd a broad-based equity index, from each national market over the second half of the twentieth century Note that prior to 1978 the yield on Irish long bonds was almost identical to the United Kingdom long bonds because of the currency link 1.3.1 Pension Saving, Person Aged 55 Years and Over Consider a person aged 55 years targeting a pension from age 65 years, the pension subject to either inflation-linked or fixed rate increases both prior to retirement and while in payment For concreteness, we shall make the demographic assumption that the person will die on his 85th birthday Accordingly, the liability i n t his case is a ser ies of real or nominal a mounts fa lling i n a regular pattern, beginning in 10 years’ time and ending in 30 years’ time 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% Irish United Kingdom United States 2% 19 50 19 52 19 54 19 56 19 58 19 60 19 62 19 64 19 66 19 68 19 70 19 72 19 74 19 76 19 78 19 80 19 82 19 84 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 0% Long bond gross redemption yield, United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland, year ends, 1950–2000 (inclusive) See text for sources FIGURE 1.1 © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 24 ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling multiplies the liability factor on scheme termination We ignore this factor as it varies from scheme to scheme and can be estimated in advance The experience of the scheme is in line with that assumed in calculating the termination liabilities in all other matters Note the similarity between the approach mentioned above and the ongoing funding plan known as the “defined accrued benefit method” described and discussed in McLeish and Steward (1987) We can redo the previous analysis with these new assumptions, which we term case study 2, with the results summarized in Figure 1.6 and Table 1.3 The 30 year bullet bond is still found, of the strategies assessed, to entail the least-risk, a nd t he ranking of t he other asset classes in terms of risk remains the same as the first case study (in fact the figures for investment risk are of the same order of magnitude as those earlier) The mean and other measures of the central location of the distribution of the standardized investment variation are altered significantly (as could be ex pected) but, a gain, t he r elative r anking i s v ery s imilar t o t hat o f c ase st udy Accordingly, a bond-based strategy of appropriate duration appears to be of the least risk on an ongoing basis as well as on a termination basis Further investigations with Irish market data and an explicit Irish wage index over t he t wentieth century a re compatible w ith t he r un of figures 120% Equity 30 Bond Long bond return Cash return 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 19 19 0 19 08 19 119 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 94 19 19 52 19 19 6 19 19 19 19 19 19 84 19 19 92 19 20 00 0% –20% –40% –60% –80% FIGURE 1.6 Investment variation for 40 year old for each investment strategy, in e ach c alendar y ear, U K ma rket ( case s tudy ) ( From W helan, S F., Ann Actuar Sci., II, 54, 2007 With permission.) © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ 25 TABLE 1.3 40 Year Old: Summary Statistics of the Empirical Investment Variation Distribution, over the Twentieth Century, Second Half of the Twentieth Century, and since 1970, U.K Market (Case Study 2) Based on an Investment Strategy of 100% in… Twentieth century Mean Median Geometric mean Standard deviation (investment risk) Skew Excess kurtosis Since 1950 Mean Median Geometric mean Standard deviation (investment risk) Skew Excess kurtosis Since 1970 Mean Median Geometric mean Standard deviation (investment risk) Skew Excess kurtosis Equity Long Bond 30 Year Bullet Bond Cash 4.3% 4.1% 1.1% 24.7% −0.7% −0.8% −3.1% 23.0% −3.1% −2.5% −3.4% 7.0% 1.0% −0.5% −3.4% 32.9% 0.4 1.5 2.2 15.6 7.0% 5.0% 1.6% 32.1% −0.4% −1.8% −4.9% 31.5% 0.1 0.0 1.8 8.0 1.4% −5.4% −5.4% 36.0% −1.9% −9.0% −8.8% 40.0% 0.3 −0.4 1.6 4.7 0.5 7.7 3.2 21.1 −5.0% −4.2% −5.1% 4.4% 3.1% −0.5% −5.1% 45.2% −1.1 2.1 2.4 10.7 −6.7% −5.4% −6.8% 4.7% −0.7 1.6 2.2% −9.8% −10.3% 57.2% 2.0 6.6 Source: W helan, S.F., Ann Actuar Sci., II, 54, 2007 With permission above, t he ke y d ifference bei ng t hat t he r isk o f t he eq uity i nvestment is a bout one -fift h h igher t han t hat f or t he co nventional l ong bo nd The higher-risk figures on this alternative approach seem to be bec ause wage inflation lags price inflation in any one year (and sometimes across years due to, say, wage controls during the Second World War), with wage pressures sometimes released in a large aggregated increment In short, using 2% above inflation could be regarded as a reasonable proxy for wage pressures, but actual wage increases tend to be somewhat later © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 26 ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling 1.3.4 Summary of Findings The arguments and evidence in this section leads to a co nclusion that the most cl osely ma tching po rtfolio f or pens ion f und l iabilities i s co mposed mainly of conventional and index-linked bonds, irrespective of both the age of the pension saver and, within wide bounds, the precise pension cash flows targeted It also makes clear that there is generally no simple matching asset for pension fund liabilities and some judgment must be used in identifying the closest matching portfolio We note, in particular, that the above argument leads to a least-risk portfolio that, if history is any guide, has a lower expected long-term return than has a predominantly equity portfolio Perhaps t he su rprise i n t he r esults i s t hat eq uities d o n ot fa re be tter in the risk comparisons, as equities, if a good inflation hedge, could have been expected to match liabilities increasing in line with wage inflation (which is closely related to inflation) The hypothesis that there is a positive r elationship be tween t he i nflation r ate a nd t he n ominal r eturn o n stocks (so that they both move up and down together) is generally known as the Fisher hypothesis, after the mathematical economist, Irving Fisher Equities ve n ot dem onstrated t hemselves a n i nflation h edge i n t he United States and the major euro equity markets, although there is some evidence to support a weak link in the U.K economy Gultekin (1983) provides international evidence to this effect, covering 26 equity markets capturing more than 60% of the capitalization of all equities in the world over the period 1947–1979 In short, no consistent positive relationship is evident between equity returns and inflation in most economies 1.4 TIME DIVERSIFICATION OF RISK ARGUMENT The analysis in Section 1.3 compared the actual investment experience with that expected over periods of one year and, from that analysis, reported descriptive statistics for the empirical distribution of the investment variation A natural question is whether the implications of our empirical investigation would significantly alter if the time period over which the distribution of the empirical variation was assessed increased from to or more years In particular, some have advanced the argument that the equity investment is preferable i n t he l ong ter m but n ot n ecessarily i n t he sh ort ter m, so i f our review period was p years, where p is a “large” number, then the equity investment strategy would have better risk and reward characteristics The p roblem i n te sting t his h ypothesis em pirically i s t hat w e ve a limited h istory o f c apital ma rkets so t hat a s p i ncreases t he n umber o f © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ 27 nonoverlapping intervals quickly decreases We have only 10 distinct nonoverlapping decades in t he t wentieth century, which would give just 10 data points in the empirical distribution However, we can resolve the problem w ith a s imple m odel o f t he i nvestment va riation d istribution We treat one model below but note that the insight it gives applies to a very wide category of models The empirical distribution given in the tables earlier was the standardized investment variation over year, or equivalently, the distribution of the percentage cha nge i n t he f unding level L et Y be a r andom va riable with this distribution Then the funding level at time (F1), given that it was 100% funded at time 0, is F1 = 100(1 + Y ) A simple model for the funding level at time p (Fp) is Fp = 100(1 + Y1 )(1 + Y2 )…(1 + Yp ) where each Yi is independent of the others and has the same distribution as Y Now ln Fp = ln100 + ln(1 + Y1 ) + … + ln(1 + Yp ) Let us further assume that ln(1 + Y) is normally distributed with mean µ and variance σ2 Then ln Fp is normally distributed and Fp is lognormally distributed Then, f rom t he well-known pa rameterization of t he lognormal, we can write E[Y ] = e µ+ σ2 −1 (1.3) and Var[Y ] = e µ+ 2σ − e 2µ+σ (1.4) We have a lready estimated E[Y] a nd Var[Y] i n t he previous sec tion a nd so c an so lve E quations 1.3 a nd 1.4 for µ and σ2 We m ight a ssume, for concreteness, that it has a mean of 8% and a standard deviation of 30% for equity i nvestment Solving E quations 1.3 a nd 1.4 w ith t hese pa rameters gives µ = 0.0 and σ = 27 The density function of the funding level at time p, where p = 1, p = 3, and p = 10, is graphed in Figure 1.7 © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Year Years 10 Years 1.4% 1.2% 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% FIGURE 1.7 Probability density function of funding level, when viewed at end of 1, 3, and 10 years, assuming lognormal distribution (see above) © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 28 ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling 1.6% Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ 29 We note that the distribution of possible outcomes is wider when the review term increases (“the expanding funnel of doubt”) and, in particular, that the probability of a very low funding level is higher the greater the period between reviews From the graph of the funding levels, a r ational investor n eed n ot n ecessarily fa vor t he o utcome wh en p = 10 (or, more generally, when p is large) over the outcome when p = When p = 10, the expected va lue is increased but so t oo is t he probability of an extremely poor outcome A particularly risk-averse investor could conceivably prefer the outcome when p = over when p = 10 We can investigate the above remarks in a more formal setting Given two distributions, the condition that F1 (x ) ≤ F2 (x ), ∀x is de scribed a s t he first-order st ochastic d ominance ( FSD) o f F1(x) o ver F2(x), where the Fi(x) are the distribution functions A return distribution that first-order dominates another is preferred by any wealth maximizer regardless of their utility function The distribution functions of the funding levels for each forecast period are graphed in Figure 1.8 So, clearly, no distribution for any p stochastically dominates any of the others A l ess-stringent condition i n comparing t wo d istributions i s secondorder st ochastic d ominance (SSD), w ith F1(x) s aid t o d ominate F3(x) b y SSD if and only if x x ∫ F ( y)dy ≤ ∫ F ( y)dy, −∞ ∀x −∞ It can be shown that investors who are both nonsatiated and risk averse can be shown to prefer the payoff of F1(x) over F3(x).* Again, under our model earlier, we can show that no distribution for any p stochastically dominates to second order a ny of t he others Figure 1.9, capturing t he area u nder t he d istribution f unctions u p t o t he 00% f unding l evel, demonstrates this * See, for instance, Eichberger and Harper (1997) © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Year Years 10 Years 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 FIGURE 1.8 Cumulative distribution function of funding level, when viewed at end of 1, 3, and 10 years, assuming lognormal distribution © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 30 ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ 31 1 Year Years 10 Years 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 FIGURE 1.9 Area u nder c umulative d istribution f unction of f unding le vel ⎛ ⎜⎝ ⎞ Fp ( y )dy ⎟ , when p = 1, 3, and 10 years, assuming lognormal distribution ⎠ −∞ ∫ x 1.5 CONCLUSION We d efined t he i nvestment r isk i n a g eneral co ntext a nd a pplied o ur definition to give an empirical measure of the investment risk of different investment strategies for pension providers Through a ser ies of case studies, we were lead to a conclusion that the most closely matching asset for the pension liabilities is composed mainly of conventional and indexlinked bonds The least-risk portfolio has, if history is any guide, a lower expected long-term return than a predominantly equity portfolio Our c ase st udies a lso sh ow t hat t he eq uity ex posure ma intained b y pension funds since the 1950s was justified when liabilities were relatively immature and bond markets offered limited duration In short, the investment risk of investing in equities was of the same order of magnitude of the investment risk introduced by the duration mismatch from investing in bonds, but the rewards of the former were materially higher With the extension of duration in bond markets in recent times and the innovation of st ripping, su itably l ong bo nds n ow p rovide t he l east-risk i nvestment strategy e ven f or i mmature sch emes A longside t he g rowing ab ility t o manage investment risk, the capacity to bear risk has been eroded over the last couple of decades as regulations have increased the guaranteed part © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 32 ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling of the pension promise (especially as it related to early leavers or benefits payable on scheme termination) and the surplus has reduced Note that our analysis does not allow us to suggest that one investment strategy is p referable to another Investors, including pension savers, are routinely tempted to take risks if the reward (i.e., the form of the investment va riation d istribution) i s j udged su fficiently tempting However, pension f unds should appreciate t he r isks i nvolved i n a lternative st rategies and, at a minimum seek to ensure that the investment portfolio is efficient in the sense that the risk cannot be diminished without diminishing the reward In particular, it is shown that the idiosyncratic nature of the investment risk of t he pension saver relative to other investors might be exploited to increase expected surplus without increasing the risk In the past, when bond markets offered only limited duration, immature pension schemes exploited this by investing in equities To appreciate the risks and ensure that all risks undertaken are reasonably rewarded requires knowledge explicit measuring and monitoring of investment risk It is hoped that a solid platform to build a consensus on suitable investment strategies for pension funds can be achieved through formalizing our intuitive notion of investment risk in actuarial valuations as outlined in this chapter APPENDIX 1.A.1 LIMITATIONS OF PROPOSED DEFINITION OF INVESTMENT VARIATION (AND THE ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT RISK) The definition of investment variation (and the associated investment risk) has some limitations Limitations arise from the fact that the definition ignores the important relationship between the wealth and incomegenerating po wer o f t he pens ion p rovider ( e.g., spo nsoring em ployer, individual) and the investment strategy pursued A full treatment of the problem would model, not just the distribution of the difference between the value of the assets and that of the liabilities at any point in time, but also t he co incidence o f r isk be tween a sh ortfall bei ng r evealed a t a ny future d ate a nd t he ab ility (and, i f pos sible t o m odel, t he w illingness) of the pension sponsor to fund the shortfall under the circumstances at that time We can make some general points on this limitation First, as a hypothetical case, consider a defi ned benefit pension fund with a high © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ 33 exposure to the business of the sponsoring employer Such an investment strategy increases significantly the twin risk of a shortfall in the value of the assets over the liabilities just when the sponsoring employer is unable to make up the shortfall.* In fact, in this case, members might lose t heir j obs a nd pa rt o f t heir pens ion entitlements i f t he em ployer fails Now, in a l ess extreme case, the performance of an equity-based portfolio could be correlated to some degree with the fortunes of the sponsoring em ployer C onsider, f or i nstance, t he d ifficulties faced by a small company i n t he high-technology sec tor, sponsoring a pens ion fund over the couple of years since March 2000 Here we have similar underlying factors creating fi nancial strain in the pension fund and to the profitability o f t he s ponsoring e mployer Th is is a n i nstance o f a significant fa ll i n t he va lue o f t he po rtfolio occ urring a t a n i nopportune time for the employer—once again adversely affecting the security of t he memb ers’ p ension en titlements j ust w hen t hose p ension a ssets could be called upon.† The extent to which these points are material to any particular scheme and sponsoring employer depend, inter alia, on the relative surplus of the value of scheme assets over the value of its liabilities (as, other things being equal, the greater the relative surplus the less likely a deficit will be revealed) and the volatility of the employer’s profits A sovereign bond portfolio of suitable maturity profi le ensures that t he t win r isks o f a deficit r evealed i n t he pens ion f unds a nd, a t the same time, the employer is particularly fi nancially constrained are largely i ndependent o r per haps e ven n egatively co rrelated w ith o ne another A case can perhaps be made t hat pension funds to date have not fully exploited ass et typ es o r in vestment stra tegies t hat a re unco rrelated o r negatively correlated with the financial health of the sponsoring employer Whelan (2001) tr eats the case of the National Pensions Reserve Fund in Ireland, outlining an argument that the fund should underweight its exposure to indigenous Irish industries and those sectors of the world equity * For t his re ason, t he re gulation t ypically i mpose l imits on t he le vel of “ self-investment” (as this practice is called) allowed by approved pension schemes † Indeed, w ith t he new d isclosures demanded of c ompanies u nder t he accounting standard FRS 7, a d eficit re vealed i n t he p ension f und c ould pre cipitate a financial cr isis f or t he employer (say, by re ducing t heir c redit r ating) a nd, i f t he d eficit w as c aused by a s udden collapse of equity values, this is likely just at a time when equity capital is expensive and difficult to raise © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 34 ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling market in w hich the Irish economy has alr eady a hig h exposure (such as the pharmaceutical and technology sectors) The general point made in this appendix is that the very same portfolio could have quite different risk characteristics depending on the nature of the business of the sponsoring employer or the human capital of the individual pension saver Account should properly be taken of this relationship in a more comprehensive definition of investment risk 1.A.2 CASE STUDY WHEN PENSION LIABILITY DUE TO A 30 YEAR OLD We can apply the very same investigation in Section 1.3.2 to a 30 year old The results are as follows, in graphical and tabular form (Figure 1.10 and Table 1.4) Note the 30 year bullet bond—the longest available on the market—is not long enough to match the liability so we witness investment variation arising from the term mismatch The fluctuations in investment variation for the 30 year bullet bond tend, as is apparent from Table 1.4, to be lower than that of the other asset classes We note that equities appear preferrable to 20 year conventional bonds as t he risk is lower but t he reward is higher As one would have 400% Equity 30 Bond Long bond return Cash return 350% 300% 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 19 19 0 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 4 19 19 19 6 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 00 0% –50% –100% Investment variation for 30 year old for each investment strategy, in each calendar year (case study 1) FIGURE 1.10 © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ 35 TABLE 1.4 30 Year Old: Summary Statistics of the Empirical Investment Variation Distribution, over Twentieth Century, Second Half of the Twentieth Century, and 1970–2000 (Inclusive), Case 1, U.K Market Based on an Investment Strategy of 100% in… Equity Long Bond 30 Year Bullet Bond Twentieth century Mean Median Geometric mean Standard deviation Skew Excess kurtosis 10.8% 4.7% 4.8% 37.3% 1.4 4.1 6.2% 1.5% 0.4% 44.0% 4.9 36.8 0.9% 1.1% 0.1% 12.6% 1.1 6.8 9.3% 2.5% 0.1% 60.4% 5.6 43.2 Since 1950 Mean Median Geometric mean Standard deviation Skew Excess kurtosis 18.1% 9.8% 7.5% 49.0% 0.8 1.2 11.5% 2.9% 0.5% 60.8% 3.5 18.7 1.6% 1.3% 0.3% 16.2% 0.7 3.6 17.5% 3.8% 0.3% 83.2% 4.0 22.3 Since 1970 Mean Median Geometric mean Standard deviation Skew Excess kurtosis 15.0% −1.1% 0.0% 59.4% 0.8 0.4 13.6% −3.4% −3.6% 77.6% 2.8 11.2 0.4% −1.1% −1.5% 20.3% 0.8 1.9 21.4% −2.5% −5.2% 106.0% 3.2 13.6 Cash expected from the earlier discussion, the risk of all asset types studied in meeting the termination liability is increased when compared with that of the 40 year old 1.A.3 CASE STUDY WHEN PENSION LIABILITY DUE TO 30 YEAR OLD We can apply the very same investigation in Section 1.3.3 to a 30 year old The results are summarized in tabular form (Table 1.5) © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC 36 ◾ Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling TABLE 1.5 30 Year Old: Summary Statistics of the Empirical Investment Variation Distribution, over Twentieth Century, Second Half of Twentieth Century and from 1970–2000 (Inclusive), Case Study 2, U.K Market Based on an Investment Strategy of 100% in… Equity Long Bond 30 Year Bullet Bond Cash Twentieth century Mean Median Geometric mean Standard deviation Skew Excess kurtosis 7.1% 3.9% 0.8% 36.3% 1.1 3.4 2.6% 0.1% −3.8% 42.8% 4.6 34.8 −2.8% −1.0% −3.7% 13.0% −0.4 3.3 5.7% 0.3% −4.5% 58.9% 5.4 42.4 Since 1950 Mean Median Geometric mean Standard deviation Skew Excess kurtosis 12.5% 6.7% 1.0% 48.1% 0.7 0.8 5.9% −1.0% −6.1% 59.3% 3.4 17.7 −4.0% −2.7% −5.4% 15.8% −0.1 2.2 11.9% 0.5% −7.2% 81.6% 3.9 21.6 Since 1970 Mean Median Geometric mean Standard deviation Skew Excess kurtosis 7.9% −10.9% −7.9% 57.9% 0.8 0.2 6.5% −8.5% −12.1% 75.8% 2.7 10.7 −6.6% −8.3% −8.7% 19.5% 0.3 0.9 14.3% −10.5% −15.0% 104.1% 3.2 13.2 REFERENCES Arthur, T.G a nd R andall, P.A 1989 A ctuaries, p ension f unds a nd in vestment Journal of the Institute of Actuaries 117: 1–49 Barclays Capital 2003 Equity Gilt Study 2003, 48th edn Barclays Capital, London, U.K Dimson, E., Marsh, P., and Staunton, M 2004 Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2004 ABN-AMRO and the London Business School, London, U.K Eichberger, J and Harper, I.R 1997 Financial Economics Oxford University Press, New York Exley, J., Mehta, S., a nd S mith, A 1997 The financial t heory of defined benefit pension schemes British Actuarial Journal 3(IV): 835–939 © 2010 by Taylor and Francis Group, LLC Quantifying Investment Risk in Pension Funds ◾ 37 Gultekin, N.B 1983 S tock ma rket r eturns a nd inflation: E vidence f rom o ther countries Journal of Finance 38(1): 49–65 Loretan, M a nd Philli ps, P.C.B 1994 T esting co variance st ationarity o f he avytailed time series Journal of Empirical Finance 1: 211–248 McLeish, D 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19 19 19 19 96 20 00 0% –50% 10 0% (a) 10 0% Equity 30 Bond Long bond return Cash return 80% 60% 40% 20% 19 19 0 19 19 12 19 19 19 19 ... 1, 000,000 10 0,000 10 ,000 Irish United Kingdom United States 1, 000 19 19 52 19 54 19 19 19 60 19 19 64 19 19 6 19 70 19 19 19 76 19 19 8 19 82 19 19 86 19 19 19 92 19 19 96 19 98 20 00 10 0 Equity... un of figures 12 0% Equity 30 Bond Long bond return Cash return 10 0% 80% 60% 40% 20% 19 19 0 19 08 19 11 9 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 94 19 19 52 19 19 6 19 19 19 19 19 19 84 19 19 92 19 20 00 0% –20%

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