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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VIETNAMESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY |||||||||||| NGUYEN VAN TRUONG IMPROVING SOME ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE ALGORITHMS FOR NETWORK INTRUSION DETECTION THE THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MATHEMATICS Hanoi - 2019 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION VIETNAMESE ACADEMY AND TRAINING OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GRADUATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY |||||||||||| NGUYEN VAN TRUONG IMPROVING SOME ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE ALGORITHMS FOR NETWORK INTRUSION DETECTION THE THESIS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN MATHEMATICS Major: Mathematical foundations for Informatics Code: 62 46 01 10 Scienti c supervisor: Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Xuan Hoai Assoc Prof., Dr Luong Chi Mai Hanoi - 2019 Acknowledgments First of all I would like to thank is my principal supervisor, Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Xuan Hoai for introducing me to the eld of Arti cial Immune System He guides me step by step through research activities such as seminar presentations, paper writing, etc His genius has been a constant source of help I am intrigued by his constructive criticism throughout my PhD journey I wish also to thank my cosupervisor, Assoc Prof., Dr Luong Chi Mai She is always very enthusiastic in our discussion promising research questions It is a pleasure and luxury for me to work with her This thesis could not have been possible without my supervisors’ support I gratefully acknowledge the support from Institute of Information Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, and from Thai Nguyen University of Education I thank the nancial support from the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), ASEANEuropean Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) I thank M.Sc Vu Duc Quang, M.Sc Trinh Van Ha and M.Sc Pham Dinh Lam, my co-authors of published papers I thank Assoc Prof., Dr Tran Quang Anh and Dr Nguyen Quang Uy for many helpful insights for my research I thank colleagues, especially my cool labmate Mr Nguyen Tran Dinh Long, in IT Research & Development Center, HaNoi University Finally, I thank my family for their endless love and steady support Certi cate of Originality I hereby declare that this submission is my own work under my scienti c super-visors, Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Xuan Hoai, and Assoc Prof., Dr Luong Chi Mai I declare that, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis In addition, I certify that all my co-authors allow me to present our work in this thesis Hanoi, 2019 PhD student Nguyen Van Truong i Contents List of Figures List of Tables Notation and Abbreviation INTRODUCTION Motivation Objectives Problem statements Outline of thesis BACKGROUND 1.1 Detection of Network Anomalies 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.2 A brief overview of human immune sys 1.3 AIS for IDS 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 Selection algorithms 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 Basic terms and de nitions 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 1.6 Datasets 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.7 Summary COMBINATION OF NEGATIVE SELECTION AND POSITIVE SELECTION 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Related works 2.3 New Positive-Negative Selection Algo 2.4 Experiments 2.5 Summary GENERATION OF COMPACT DETECTOR SET 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Related works 3.3 New negative selection algorithm 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 Experiments 3.5 Summary FAST SELECTION ALGORITHMS 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Related works 4.3 A fast negative selection algorithm bas 4.4 A fast negative selection algorithm bas 4.5 Experiments 4.6 Summary APPLYING HYBRID ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE SYSTEM FOR NETWORK SECURITY 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Related works 5.3 Hybrid positive selection algorithm wit 5.4 Experiments 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.5 Summary CONCLUSIONS Contributions of this thesis Future works Published works iv BIBLIOGRAPHY v List of Figures 1.1 Classi cation of anomaly-based intrusion detection met 1.2 Multi-layered protection and elimination architecture 1.3 Multi-layer AIS model for IDS 1.4 Outline of a typical negative selection algorithm 1.5 Outline of a typical positive selection algorithm 1.6 Example of a pre x tree and a pre x DAG 1.7 Existence of holes 1.8 Negative selections with 3-chunk and 3-contiguous det 1.9 A simple ring-based representation (b) of a string (a) 1.10 Frequency trees for all 3-chunk detectors 2.1 Binary tree representation of the detectors set generate 2.2 Conversion of a positive tree to a negative one 2.3 Diagram of the Detector Generation Algorithm 2.4 Diagram of the Positive-Negative Selection Algorithm 2.5 One node is reduced in a tree: a compact positive tree h and its conversion (a negative tree) has node (b) 2.6 Detection time of NSA and PNSA 2.7 Nodes reduction on trees created by PNSA on Net ow 2.8 Comparison of nodes reduction on Spambase dataset 3.1 Diagram of a algorithm to generate perfect rcbvl detect 4.1 Diagram of the algorithm to generate positive r-chunk detectors set vi 55 4.2 A pre x DAG G and an automaton M 4.3 Diagram of the algorithm to generate negative r-contiguous d 4.4 An automaton represents 3-contiguous detectors set 4.5 Comparison of ratios of runtime of r-chunk detector-based time of Chunk-NSA 4.6 Comparison of ratios of runtime of r-contiguous detector-ba runtime of Cont-NSA 76 storage does not exceed 1% size of training dataset 2- Time to tune parameters is an expensive factor in PSA2 Depending on training data, it takes about 2-5 hours to choose optimal parameters in the experiments Another experiment is conducted for comparing PSA2’s performance in cases of ring-based and linear-based datasets In line of Table 5.4, performance metrics are of ring string-based PSA2 from Experiment (line in Table 5.3) The best performance metrics for linear string-based PSA2 conducted in the same conditions are in line of the table In this case, ‘ = 40 and optimal values for arguments r, t 1, t2, t3, and t4 are 9, 4, 8, 7, and 10, respectively The results show that ring string-based PSA2 is better than linear string-based PSA2 in terms of three metrics ACC, DR, and FAR Table 5.4: Comparison between ring string-based PSA2 and linear string-based PSA2 Algorithms Ring string-based PSA2 (from Experiment 1) Linear string-based PSA2 5.5 Summary In this chapter, we present a new PSA, called PSA2, for two-class classi cation through a series of works It has four important features that make it unique and alleviate some issues in NSAs Firstly, it uses ring representation instead of linear one for better performance in terms of both detection and accuracy rates Secondly, proposed algorithm used PSA with both type of data, normal samples and abnormal ones, in a uniform framework, while other PSAs use only one type of samples This results good coverage of both self space and nonself one Last but not least, the process of parameters optimization (r, t 1, t2, t3, t4,) as well as the method of using three frequency-related parameters d 1, d2 and d3, play an important role in improving overall performance The new method to map integer values into binary strings is the forth algorithm’s feature To verify the e ectiveness of the proposed approach, two di erent datasets are adopted to validate this approach The results from four experiments indicate that the proposed approach can produce competitive and consistent classifying performance on 77 real datasets Moreover, results form Experiment with only 10% of training dataset rm that PSA2 can detect anomalies in a small amount of labelled data In the future, we are planning to combine our algorithms with some machine learning methods to have better detection performance, as well as reduce training time Moreover, it would be interesting to further develop technique on how to chose optimal parameters as well as to integrate them in new objective functions The main contri-bution of this chapter is accepted to publish in proceedings of a National Conference on Fundamental and Applied IT Research 78 CONCLUSIONS Applying computational intelligence-based techniques is an inevitable trend to build smart IDSs This approach helps computer network more adaptable to continuously changing environment with more sophisticated attacks In this thesis, we show that AIS, a sub eld of computational intelligence, is relatively success in building NIDS at least in simulation stage A series of works is proposed and investigated to improve NSAs for two popular matching rules, r-chunk and r-contiguous Contributions of the thesis The major contributions of this research are: Propose a ring representation of data instead of linear one for better performance in terms of both detection rate and accuracy rate Propose an algorithm PNSA that combines two selection algorithms in a uni- form for compact representation of data Performance of the algorithm is highly guaranteed by the experiment results and theoretical proof Propose a NSA with variable length of detectors, VNSA, to generate a com- plete and non-redundant detector sets as well as reduce detectors storage and classi cation time Propose a r-chunk detector-based NSA, Chunk-NSA, and experimentally and theoretically prove that it is r times faster in data training compared with the most recently published algorithms Propose an algorithm PSA2 to apply a hybrid algorithm that combines PSA and some statistical approaches to achieve better performance of intrusion detection in compared with some recently published works 79 Propose a data conversion to convert data into a suitable binary format One minor contribution of this thesis is proposing an algorithm Cont-NSA on rcontiguous matching rule and proving that it is approximately r times faster in data training compared with that of a recently published algorithm Future works In the future, we would like to: Combine our algorithms with some machine learning methods to have better detection performance Further develop technique that can choose optimal parameters and integrate them in new objective functions for hybrid NIDS Improve proposed algorithms to apply them on other data types with di erent data representations, matching rule is also a future research direction Further optimize Cont-NSA for better detection time O(‘) and optimal training time O(jSj‘) In a nutshell, the thesis has overviewed important works relating to the research topic, has proposed some improvements of selection algorithms, and has veri ed the e ectiveness of proposed algorithms by experiments and proofs Obtained results has been satisfying given research objectives However, the results are also humble and should be improved more by the PhD student in the future The PhD student would like to receive any comments from scientists, and other readers concerned about the subject so that the result of the topic can be increasingly perfect 80 Published works A1 N V Truong and P D Lam, \Improving negative selection algorithm in arti cial immune systems for computer virus detection," Journal of Science and Technology, Thai Nguyen University, 72(06):53{58, 2010 A2 N V Truong, V D Quang and T V Ha, \A fast r-chunk detector-based negative selection algorithm," Journal of Science and Technology, Thai Nguyen University,90(02):55{ 58, 2012 A3 N V Truong and T V Ha, \Another look at r-chunk detector-based negative selection algorithm," Journal of Science and Technology, Thai Nguyen University, 102(02):45{50, 2013 A4 N V Truong, N X Hoai, and L C Mai, \A Novel Combination of Negative and Positive Selection in Arti cial Immune Systems," Vietnam National Univer-sity, Hanoi Journal of Science: Computer Science and Communication Engineering, 31(1):22{31, 2015 A5 N V Truong, P D Lam, and V D Quang, \Some Improvements of Selection Algorithms for Spam Email Filtering," Journal of Science and Technology, Thai Nguyen University, 151(06):85{91, 2016 A6 N V Truong, N X Hoai, \An improved positive selection algorithm for ow-based nd intrusion detection," Proceedings of the The National 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